Triple-DES in the Schlumberger java card

1999-05-01 Thread J. Orlin Grabbe

A javacard created by Schlumberger (the "Cyberflex
Access Card") both implements cryptographic functions
(RSA, triple-DES) and allows you to download your
own programs to the card.  Moreover, you can reuse
the EEPROM space by deleting a program and
downloading a different one into the same space.

Here I will comment on Schlumberger's implementation
of the javacard specification with respect to triple-DES
(3DES). Schlumberger has a sample java program showing
how to do 3DES on the card posted at their Austin web site
for anyone to download (
(This program will not run without the encryption engine
on the Access Card.  Schlumberger will only send
encryption-enabled smart cards to U.S. addresses.)

There are some problems with the 3DES implementation.

I will begin by explaining some of the differences
between ordinary java and javacard java, as this will
also highlight some features that are specific to
Schlumberger's  implementation of the javacard

Programs for the javacard are simply written in java.
But because of the resource constraints on a smart card
(memory and processing power), some of the features
of java cannot be used, however.  These include
32 and 64-bit integers, floats and doubles, unicode
characters, threads.  There is no dynamic class loading
and no garbage collection.

Since there is no dynamic class loading, the java virtual
machine can be (and is) split up into two parts.  The
first of these is used as a preprocessor to further process
the java byte code before downloading onto the card.

Schlumberger's preprocessor is call "mksolo32.exe".
So suppose you write a java program  You
then compile this with the java compiler in the ordinary
fashion to des3.class.  Next, you compile des3.class with
mksolo32.exe to create a file called des3.bin.

Note that in the javacard documentation the extention of
compiled class programs is ".cap" (for compiled applet)
not ".bin".  But Schlumberger calls its compiled class
programs "cardlets" instead of "applets", and the
change in name seems justified, because in the
Access Card you can write java programs that use the
main() method, as well as those that extend the
Applet class.

After compiling des3.class to des3.bin, you are ready
to download des3.bin onto the card.  Schlumberger
provides a software development kit for downloading
and managing cardlets.  The kit also comes with a
cardreader-the Lintronic 210, which does not need
a separate power supply, because it draws power
from the keyboard port. (The kit also contains an
APDU manager, for sending byte instructions to
the card, and receiving and displaying byte output.
Alternatively, you can use your own card terminal

To download the des3.bin cardlet, you only need to
assign it a filename and sign it with a verification
key corresponding to the cardlet verification key
which is already stored on the Access Card.
The Access Card will authenticate the cardlet before
allowing it to be download into EEPROM. (This is
in addition to the requirement to authenticate yourself
to the card through one of the card's authentication
keys, which shows you have permission to perform
this type of activity.)

Once the program (des3.bin) has been downloaded
on the smart card, you create an "instance" of the
program, which includes an allotment of memory
space for the data container needed by the program.
You can create multiple instances of the same

The program is accessed by sending it bytes (APDUs)
in five-byte instruction sets, along with any data.
These are usually labeled {CLA, INS, P1, P2, P3,
data}.  P3 is the length of the data.  CLA is the
"class" byte, while INS is the "instruction" byte.
P1 and P2 are there to be used as switches (much
like CLA and INS, except that CLA and INS must be
specifically declared).

The 3DES program listed at Schlumberger's site is
called  The following group of
APDUs does a triple-DES ECB encryption on the hex
string "0102030405060708": {03,50,00,00,08,
0102030405060708}.  The output from the card should
be "01B45F3A1C9C703E".  Cross-checking with other
3DES programs shows this is the correct sequence
of encrypted bytes.

However, the CryptoTest program simply locks on
the card that came with my development kit.

Inspection of the code shows that the following
line under the RunTest5() class must the changed

des3key.setKey(key3, (short)0);


des3key.setKey(key3, (short)0, (short)0, (short)16);

This part of the program then runs fine.  Similar
changes must be made in RunTest1 (a DES encryption),
RunTest2 (another DES ECB encryption-decryption),
RunTest6 (a MAC with 3DES), RunTest7 (a MAC with
DES), and RunTest8 (3DES on a 24-byte message to
illustrate cipher-block chaining).

With this change, Tests 1-5 will run correctly.
However, Tests 6-8 still will not work.  These
three latter tests use cipher-block chaining, so
as you might expect, there is a problem with
the ini

NY Times article on Shamir's public key breaking machine

1999-05-01 Thread Martin Minow

gives a very superficial overview of a paper to be presented Tuesday
that describes a hardware attack on public key cryptography.

"Researchers said that if his machine worked it would mean that
cryptographic systems with keys of 512 bits or less -- that is, keys less
than about 150 digits long -- would be vulnerable in the future, an
exposure that would have seemed unthinkable only five years ago. The longer
1,024-bit keys that are available today would not be vulnerable at present."

Martin Minow

Testing RNG devices

1999-05-01 Thread Nick Szabo

Brad Martin:
>Doing the tests one's self - Doctor's advice
>even with a "fancy" RNG - this is NOT MEANT as
>a catty remark, but I REALLY THINK this is
>important. (you didn't trust us, did you? :-)

Statistical tests don't solve this problem.  It's
easy to design an alleged RNG which passes all common 
or even all publically known and efficient statistical tests, 
but contains regularities known only to those who have observed
and understood the device design and circuitry.
Such regularities would make cryptanalysis of
PRNGs and ciphers depending on this RNG easy.

Statistical tests can detect, with high probability,
when an RNG device of trustworthy design deviates, due 
to some natural damage, from its specifications.

The best way to establish trust in an RNG device
may be to

(1) publish the design specification.

(2) design and distribute both software and hardware which 
verifies whether a particular device is operating according 
to that specification. This involves testing the physical 
characteristics and circuit design of the device, _not_ 
the statistical characteristics of the data it generates.

PGP D4B9 8A17 9B90 BDFF 9699  500F 1068 E27F 6E49 C4A2

Re: forwarded message from Steven M. Bellovin

1999-05-01 Thread Brad Martin


I'm Brad. We did the "Atom-Age RNG" box. Jim
Thompson forwarded your mail regarding his
comment about us:

>>Here in my hands, I have an "Atom-Age" HW RNG device.
> Sounds interesting -- do you have a URL or other contact info?

Regarding self-test, no, it's really a simple
box. I just wanted to get the numbers right.

No whitening, just straight bits. I'm a big
fan of raw numbers. I'm completely wigged-out
about the concept of performing whitening
before a user sees numbers.

I understand the desire for self-validation in
the box, I just wasn't headed there myself.
I've always believed that this sort of thing
is best done explicitly by the user.

Doing the tests one's self - Doctor's advice
even with a "fancy" RNG - this is NOT MEANT as
a catty remark, but I REALLY THINK this is
important. (you didn't trust us, did you? :-)

Rhetorically, what's the point of testing your
RNG at power-up? Either the circuit is good or
it's bad. Who's to say that a circuit that can't
be trusted to start-up and spit-out good random
numbers won't start spitting-out bad numbers
during normal operation?

I'd much prefer to have the host checking the
numbers as a matter of normal operation. I'm
not too thrilled about expecting the RNG to
check itself, in any situation.

About the only thing that hoses up the numbers
in my box is low batteries. For that reason, I
put hardware in the box to constantly monitor
the three separate & isolated power supplies.
The uP shuts things down if any of the power
supplies go too low.

Personally, I've gotten so used to the way it
works (I've been using it for more than three
years) that I just don't worry about the
numbers on my own box much any more. I've run
this thing through muck and mire, finding that
if the micro hasn't shut things down because of
a power supply problem, the numbers are going
to be good.

If someone can put together a streaming test
for up on the host computer (*nix and/or 9X/NT)
and would be kind enough to provide source code,
I'd be highly gratified, and thankful. I would
of course gladly send it along with the boxes
as a way of helping out those who don't want to
worry about or think too much about this issue.

All our uP does is collect the bits and run an
RS-232 port. Plus a little bit of housekeeping.
You get the uP source code & it's documented
(imagine that). Worried? Careful? Buy the $99.00
microprocessor development kit from Motorola,
scan in the text, audit it, reassemble it & burn
a new uP. We chose the uP and even socketed the
uP for that exact reason (the kit includes an
assembler, a programmer and a blank uP!).

The board comes with schematics. There's even
a breadboarding area for experimentation. Want
to play with high-dollar noise diodes? Change
the amplifiers? It couldn't be easier, get out
a soldering iron.

A few other nice features. Big steel box. Thick
steel. Dangerous in flight.

This is a labor of love and you're welcomed
to join in. I do keep a few dozen or so in
stock and they're easy to build: custom steel
CNC box fabrication, volume manufacturing on
line, etc. If I needed to, I could and gladly
would make them in the thousands.

Thank goodness, though, it's been fun to do.
Especially since the odds of making back even
the development costs are 10e6-to-1.

Essentially, I wanted to answer the question:
"If it's so easy to do this with just a diode,
why doesn't anybody make a cheap box that does

Unfortunately, it took me about two solid months
of engineering work to provide the answer, being
that it takes a lot of focused effort to get
a reproduceable circuit with numbers that are
really good and to get that circuit into a form
ready for volume production. Add to that the
distinct possibility that I'll only sell a few!

What the heck, it's only a $200 box. Big deal.
But, I've found that it's really a fine little
box for what it is.

I do sincerely appreciate your interest.

Best regards,

Brad Martin

P.S. Atom-Age is a small company we run on the
side. You can get more information on who we are
by going to our REAL company's web site, at:

P.S.S. Of course, I'm sure that a lot of the
people using the Intel stuff will check their
numbers, too - no matter how good they say they
are - but that's the kind of guys we are :-).
If they're good numbers, I think that (in
general term) the work by Intel is a very good
thing to have happened. - b.

P.S.S.S. I hope the Intel RNG isn't a pseudo
RNG hash of the PID ;-) - b.

n:Martin P.E.;Brad
org:North Shore Circuit Design L.L.P.
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Managing Partner
tel;fax:(512) 448-1415
tel;work:(512) 448-1114 x111
adr;quoted-printable:;;3910 South IH-35=0D=0ASuite 255;Austin;TX;78704;USA
fn:Brad Martin P.E.

Re: idea, cast as used in PGP

1999-05-01 Thread Jon Callas

At 11:10 AM -0700 4/30/99, Mike Stay said:

   I think CAST-256 is the default symmetric encryption used in PGP 5.x,
   6.x freeware; the openPGP draft supports a bunch of other algs including
   IDEA, which is patented.  Could we charge for a product that simply uses
   those algorithms to get the secret key from the keyring (we're not
   encrypting anything with symmetric keys) without paying royalties?

Assuming that you really mean, would you run afoul of a patent if you
charged for such a thing, yes, you would. You would even if you didn't

However, CAST-128 (a.k.a. CAST5) is the one used in PGP 5.x and PGP 6.x. It
is patented, but there's a world-wide free-use license. See Entrust's web
site for details. CAST-256 (one of the AES candidates) is presently not
specified. OpenPGP only madates the use of Triple-DES. Others are optional.


Re: Intel & Symantec v. ZKS?

1999-05-01 Thread William H. Geiger III

In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 04/29/99 
   at 03:40 PM, Anonymous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>William H. Geiger III writes:

>> One has to wonder if this is the actions of a company that is trustworthy
>> enough to supply RNG's to the community. IMHO it is not and I sincerely
>> hope support for the PIII is *not* included in /dev/random and/or IPSEC. I
>> will not be adding any support code in my software.

>He quotes John Markoff's story in the New York Times:

>> Earlier this month, an Intel executive called executives at the Symantec
>> Corporation, maker of the popular Norton Antivirus software, and told them
>> that the demonstration program was "hostile code."
>> Symantec agreed that the program fit its definition of a type of malicious
>> program known as a Trojan horse, so it included the software in its
>> continually updated list of dangerous programs, which include viruses,
>> that cause warnings to pop up on its customers' computers.

>In fact, this is perfectly reasonable on the part of Symantec, and if I
>had a PIII I would absolutely want my virus detection software to catch
>code which enables the serial number.  Any such action on the part of
>downloaded code is malicious and not in my interests, and anything the
>software can do to prevent it is good.

>This sets a precedent that code which reads the serial number contrary to
>the user's wishes is hostile.  This should help dissuade over-eager
>software registration programs from using the serial number in their
>registration process.  No antivirus software can detect all programs
>which try to read the serial number, but by making clear that such
>actions are antisocial it will help restrict its use.

>Granted, it would be better if the serial number didn't exist at all (but
>of course we know that network interface cards have always had serial
>numbers, don't we?).  And it would be better if Intel's method of turning
>off the serial number worked right.  But given that it does exist in a
>family of processors which will probably be widely used (ineffectual
>boycotts to the contrary), users do benefit by having unauthorized serial
>number programs be detected and identified as dangerous.

No, all this does is set the precedent of a major corporation flexing it's
muscle in an attempt to silence those who would expose their lies. This is
a typical case of corporate CYA and I am appalled by it. Do you honestly
think that Symantec is going to list any Microsoft products as a virus
when they covertly turn on this feature?

As far as ineffectual boycotts, I am not asking for the software not to
run on a P-III, I am asking that specific support for the P-III RNG not be
added. I don't think requiring Intel to shape up if they want to be
players in the crypto community is a Badthing(TM).

>> [Personally, given how bad the random number sources are in most
>> software, I'd say you are not doing your users a service. --Perry]

>Of course Perry is absolutely right.  The Intel RNG can provide a badly
>needed source of randomness.  The real problems are first, as was pointed
>out here yesterday, Intel has not documented how to read the RNG (and is
>apparently only supplying that information to partners like RSA and
>Microsoft).  And second, how should we count the entropy added by the
>RNG. Here is where the trust issue comes into play.  If it is really a
>good RNG we can count every bit as a bit of entropy.  If we don't trust
>it, we can use the RNG data but not count entropy from it at all.  Or we
>could split the difference and "semi" trust Intel, counting only some
>fraction of the nominal entropy provided by the RNG source.

So we should just blindly use a RNG of unknown properties from an
untrustworthy company? What will happen next when the P-IV has built in
crypto module (it is the next logical step)? Yes many programs have bad
random sources, many programs have bad crypto period. I don't use them and
I don't support them, plain and simple. I have to reiterate my original
statement from the /dev/random thread that I started:

"I have specific concerns, the #1 of which is that no analysis of this
program has been done!! If this was a crypto algorithm and one was to use
it without any analysis of it but only because "it came with the OS" one
would be severely chastised by the community. Unfortunately I am seeing
too many programmers blindly using /dev/(u)random on this very basis. I am
not saying it is a bad program, I am not saying it is a good program, I am
saying it is an unknown, and with something as important as one's random
number pool IMNSHO an unknown is not acceptable."

Here we have a RNG on unknown properties and yet there is already those
who wish to blindly rush out and uses it. You really should know better.

William H. Geiger III
Geiger ConsultingCooking With Warp 4.0

Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice
PGP & MR/2 the on