Re: Historical PKI resources

2001-01-09 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

as an aside  ... note X9.59 which can be implemented with public/private key
digital signature ... but doesn't dictate certificates (it is possible to
implement with or without certificates; x.509 or not). W/o certificates, do
public key management using existing business processes in place for passwords
and PINs ... i.e. in conjunction with the database/file that is also referenced
for authorization (either logging-on or financial transactions).

random refs:

 from x9a10 mailing list

The X9.59 DSTU period starts Feb. 1, 2001 and runs through Jan. 31, 2003

The X9.59 DSTU standards document should appear in the next standards
publication catalogue:

DSTU X9.59-2001, Electronic Commerce For the Financial Services Industry:
Account-Based Secure Payment Objects

X9.59 defines a secure payment object for use in authenticated financial
transactions. It relies on existing X9F security standards for payment object
authentication. It supports secure payments involving virtual (e.g. Internet) or
face-to-face transactions. It applies to card-based (e.g. smart card) financial
transactions as well as other forms of electronic financial transactions (e.g.

Rich Salz [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/08/2001 05:39:22 PM

cc:(bcc: Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC)
Subject:  Re: Historical PKI resources

 Here's the BibTeX entry for the paper that apparently "started it all"..

The D-H paper is the public start of public-key crypto.  The scientific
American article by Gardner explained, pre-patent-issuance, RSA to the
world. The start of PKI is an MIT Master's Thesis that created

Sorry, no references to any of the above.  Should not be hard to find.

The adoption by X.509 for use as authentication in X.500 got us common
technology, and is probably the only reason anyone will ever have to
ASN.1 and DER. :)

The old IETF PEM project gave us "---BEGIN" lines :) and showed
that global X.500 deployment is a non-starter.  RSA's version, which
the IETF's S/MIME showed how to do it practically.

I'll stop now before I get too cynical. :)

Re: Historical PKI resources

2001-01-09 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

the x9.59 standard is authentication as well as certificate neurtral.

aads is pki no certificate ... i.e. it has a public key infrastructure with
respect to public key management ... it just that its public key management
attempts to take advantage of extensive existing "binding" business processes
rather than inventing new ones. Now it may not be PKI, for  PKI==X.509, but it
is not "no infrastructure" (although they have been some claims that no "new"
infrastructure is equated to "no infrastructure", aka existing password, PIN,
mother-maiden-name, SSN, etc infrastructures don't actually exist).

Rich Salz [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/09/2001 04:20:44 PM

To:   Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC@FDC
Subject:  Re: Historical PKI resources

Well gee, thanks I guess, but since your baby is explicitly PK no I,
pretty irrelevant, no?

(Anyone else reminded of the old turk/armenian 'bot on Usenet? :)

Re: A proposal for secure videoconferencing and video messaging over the Internet

2000-07-29 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

we've had some of this discussion related to X9.59, namely that SSL verifies
that the URL used and the certificate DNS info somewhat correspond. one problem
is that many people don't necessarily arrive at a web site by actually typing
the URL ... so provided URLs are one method of attack. The other is that
certificate DNS information is typically verified by the certification authority
contacting the DNS authority. Issues with DNS hijacking (i do dns hijack of and then apply for certificate for and other exploits can be
addressed with DNS public-key (aka reliable DNS infrastructure) which could make
SSL certificates superfulous and redundant (i.e. one explaination is that SSL
certificates exist because DNS is unreliable ... but since the certification is
dependent on reliable DNS ... and a reliable DNS can be achieved with addition
of public keys to the DNS information ... then it becames possible ot obtain
public keys directly from the reliable DNS authority at the same time the other
DNS information is obtained).

the other part, is X9.59 requires that electronic payments transactions are
electronically signed  so only a specific payment might be subverted
(supplying the wrong "pay-to" value) ... but additional payments could not be
done with the information.  Note however, the wrong "pay-to" value still needs
to be a valid merchant identifiier in the payment infrastructure.

The issue then becomes that the URL was supplied to the browser by a trusted
method  a reliable DNS is available with some sort of public key authentication
(whether with public key directly from reliable DNS  or circuitous route via
a certificate which came from a certification authority which verified with a
reliable DNS).

misc. URLs:

there are still some misc.; issues where the wrong "pay-to" field is supplied
for a signed payment transaction (say a hacked web site).

pieces for this opportunity include are at the international/iso level for a
global merchant identifier (effectively a "pay-to" value). A trade-group could
be setup that provided a merchant-id/publickey binding.

Even simpler yet, since a reliable DNS is already a requirement, it would be
possible to register both a public key (to address issues like DNS hijacking)
and a merchant-id. The DNS information, merchant public key, and optional
merchant-id (i.e. "pay-to" in a payment transaction) could then be provided as
part of a standard DNS operation (further illustrating certificates as being
superfulous and redundant in AADS-like public key environments).

There are still some open issues regarding trusted path for supplying URL
information and trusted browsers. Obviously trusted browswer can include things
like does the transaction the user "sees" being the same as the transaction the
user authorizes/signs  but then even simple aspects of existing SSL are also
dependent on trusted browser (i.e. the browser actually checks for valid
binding, sets up a private SSL session, etc).

To be fair, the sort of attack I described could work against SSL too.
Certificates can confirm that is who you are
contacting, but certificates can't stop them from making their web site
look just like's and duping people into giving payment
information to the wrong people. I think it would work especially well
against a videoconferencing system though, because there is a certain
trust inherent in face-to-face communications.

Re: Financial Standards Work group?

2000-05-14 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

 of course there is an ANSI Financial Standards body (X9) which is also chair
of the ISO Financial Standards group.

The electronic commerce payments working group (X9A10) has a draft standard for
all electronic retail payments (debit, credit, pre-paid, electronic cash, etc)
.. X9.59.

misc. ref

 of course my rfc index is also at:

as well as ietf, payments, security, X9F, and financial glossaries

Re: Smartcard anonymity patents

2000-02-25 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

current magstripe cards in US have names ... whether they are used or not ...
allow relying party to cross-check name on card with  forms of identification
hopefully containing the same name.

One economic model has chipcards in europe for offline transactions as being
more cost effective  ... versus magstripe in US doing online transactions ...
i.e. telco cost difference in europe vis-a-vis US offset the cost difference
between chipcards and magstripe cards. However, much of the world is
transitioning to cost-effective online infrastructure ... changing some of the
chip/telco cost tradeoffs that had been made in the past.

The play that chipcards do have (even in the face of declining online costs) is
1) chip costs decreasing and 2) migration to more  more non-face-to-face.
electronic transactions.  chipcards can provide a higher level of integrity and
lower risk  fraud compared to magstripe (even in online transactions ... and
especially in non-face-to-face online). The cost/benefit play for chips in such
an environment is the increased cost of chips vis-a-vis any reduced fraud  risk
from using chipcards (compared to existing magstripe fraud  risk).

It is possible in X9.59 digitally signed financial transactions ... to enhance
privacy by removing the requirement for name/address/etc in authenticating the
transaction ... but neutral from the standpoint of anonymity; i.e. the rest of
the infrastructure business process determines whether the overall transaction
is anonymous (body of the transaction doesn't contain identification information
... but the business processes could associate identity as part of processing
the transaction). In a payment card scenario ... X9.59 would provide a tight
authenticating binding between the payment transaction and the account; whether
or not the bank provides a binding between the account and a person becomes a
business process outside of authenticating the transaction.

The identical transaction protocol works also in the Business-Employee
scenario ... there can be a tight binding between a transaction something like
an employee serial number. Then it is up to the business what processes are used
for doing a tight between the employee serial number and the employee.

Re: Killer PKI Applications

2000-01-12 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

your comments don't appear to be inconsistent with Jane Winn's writings on PKIs

for instance her paper:: Hedgehog and Fox: PKI and Plublic  Private Sector Risk

The Hedgehog and the Fox: Distinguishing Public and Private Sector Approaches to
 Managing Risk for Internet Transactions, 51 ABA Administrative Law Review

 This article argues that much recent and proposed electronic commerce
 is based on flawed assumptions regarding risk management and the practical
utility of
 current electronic commerce technologies. Such flawed legislation would
produce a
 loss allocation system that would undermine incentives that currently exist
 to improve
 the technological infrastructure of Internet commerce.  This paper was
presented at a
 conference at American University in March 1999.

or other papers at her site:

Greg Broiles [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/12/2000 01:47:04 AM

To:   Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC@FDC, "Bill la Forge" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc:   "bram" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Peter Cassidy" [EMAIL PROTECTED],
Subject:  Re: Killer PKI Applications


While this would certainly be an interesting goal to achieve, I think it's worth
remembering that current software industry practice is for the software
publishers themselves to disclaim all or almost all warranties regarding the
performance of their software or its lack of errors .. so you're asking CA's to
guarantee something that publishers themselves don't, at present.

Re: Killer PKI Applications

2000-01-11 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

digital signature enhanced radius (for ISP access authentication, i.e. replacing
the password with public key in the authentication database and replacing the
password with digital signature on authentication transactions) and in-coming
address spoof filtering at ISPs (similar to intranet address spoof filtering for
packets coming in from the internet, the ISPs would do address spoof filtering
on packets coming into the internet from their customers) would go a long way
for addressing a lot  attacks (w/o requiring PKI).

then for things like denial-of-service attacks (w/o address spoofing) ...
account-based infrastructures would still use account-based public key
transactions. In the case of boundary pre-filtering for things like
denial-of-service attacks ... there is still trade-off with ASN.1 decoding 
public key ops that are still computationally intensive ...  can be greater
than TPC-C (for most of the current e-commerce transactions there would still
have  account-based authentication processing ... boundary pre-filtering
represents duplication of effort  could lead to faster resource exhaustion).

It is likely then that a lot of the non-addresses-spoofed attacks would be from
compromised machines (given ISP authentication  incoming packet address spoof
filtering by ISPs).

Part of the issue is that almost all current e-commerce is transactional
account-based paradigm (because of requirements for information timeleness
and/or information aggregation). Part of the PKI design point/advantage is
targeted to peer-to-peer, anarchy, offline, lacking any account infrastructures.

 Work on compromised machine exploits still has quite of bit of work to do and
PKI might play in program execution authentication ... say next generation of
virus checkers also check for valid program/executable digital signatures. Even
then there is a design trade-off between having the visus checker include a
(account) table of acceptable public-keys vis-a-vis each program having an
appended  certificate in addition to the digital signature ... and the virus
checker only having a table of CA public keys. Does the user want to pass
approval on only the list of trusted CAs or does the user want to pass approval
on each individual developer's public key?
Once the user decides not to trust the CA as to whether programs from individual
vendors are to be accepted ... then the user creates their own table of
acceptable public keys (not relying on the CA/PKI trust infrastructure).

bram [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/11/2000 10:41:32 AM

To:   Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC@FDC
Subject:  Re: Killer PKI Applications

The first thing something needs to be a killer application is to be an
application. The problem with PKI is that it isn't an application, it's a
system. A killer app needs to have a very specific purpose, and needs a
very immediate motivating factor for it's use. Think web browser.

I'm more than a little bit skeptical that the world has much use for PKI
just yet. PKI is useful for stopping active attacks, but right now almost
everything on the internet is subject to passive attacks. Fix the first
problem first, only then will it become clear how to solve the second


Re: Killer PKI Applications

2000-01-11 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

Claim is that the draft X9.59 financial industry standard (for all retail
payments) could provide the level of integrity that would justify better than
card/consumer present rates; i.e. the level of the integrity of the transaction
is at least card present ... and the characteristic of X9.59 makes the account
number pretty much worthless in non-signed transactions (i.e. even if every
account number from X9.59 transactions were kept at a merchant server database
... and that database was compromised, the information could not be used for
fraudulant transactions).

One of the charters to the X9A10 working group for X9.59 was to preserve the
integrity of the financial infrastructure with only a digital signature and be
applicable to all retail based payments. The X9.59 mapping to existing payment
card infrastructures, while relying on digital signatures does not rely on
certificates and/or associated PKI/CA infrastructures.

For more information see various references at:

Randy Witlicki [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/11/2000 04:15:07 PM

Please respond to Randy Witlicki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC)
Subject:  Re: Killer PKI Applications

  The killer app should make somebody very rich.
  Perhaps where the consumer can make an online purchase,
same as now with an SSL browser link, but they are using
a credit card from "Hettinga National Bank" where the consumer
gets a 1/2 percent rebate and the merchant gets charged 1/2 percent
less than other credit cards (to encourage the merchant to
recommend Hettinga National Bank to their customers).
  This would likely require disintermediation of of various
finanacial processing links, maybe PKI, and perhaps even Digital
Bearer Certificates.
  In this case, PKI is probably a Business-to-Business backend tool.

  Or have I been mis-reading Bob's cogitating and rants ?

  - Randy

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Re: Killer PKI Applications

2000-01-11 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

the other problem with the CA approach is what is the CA certifying. Are they
purely certifying the name of the company producing software applications ... or
are they certifying every application that each software company produces. If I
have to decide every company that I'm willing to accept software from ... then
I've gone to a per company process that can be done with online authority and
I'm maintaining a list of per company-based accpetable software sources. I don't
need  am not using a hiearchical CA-based trust infrastructure (possibly other
than in a purely contrived manner).

For the CA-based trust infrastructure to work for this scenerio ... the CA needs
to be asserting the trust/quality/integrity of applications produced by each
software company (so that I only need to record CA-level trust decisions) ...
once I need to record vendor-level trust decisions then I've truncated any trust
hierachy (embodied by a CA which then becomes superfulous/redundant).

"Bill la Forge" [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 01/11/2000 01:19:34 PM

To:   Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC@FDC, "bram" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:  Re: Killer PKI Applications

 Once the user decides not to trust the CA as to whether programs from
 vendors are to be accepted ... then the user creates their own table of
 acceptable public keys (not relying on the CA/PKI trust infrastructure).

Part of the problem with taking the CA approach is in dealing with multiple
We've drilled down on this problem a few times and having a signed list of
keys is a solution that keeps coming back up.

Frankly, I think this is an area where XML is going to play quite well. And I'm
with the latest draft on XML-based digital signatures:

Bill la Forge, CTO
JXML, Inc.

Re: Debit card fraud in Canada

1999-12-13 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

The NACHA pilot announced about a month ago  specifies an AADS based

The combined press release last week at BAI (something like cebit for the world
retail banking industry) ... specifies AADS/X9.59 digital signing.

The AADS strawman proposes an online paramerterized risk management
infrastructure that can be software, hardware, bin-activated hardware,
bio-sensor activated hardware, etc (i.e. integrity level of the compartment
doing the digital signing). The issue isn't that the chip enables offline ...
but that a chip with various characteristics can improve the integrity of online
(non-face-to-face) transactions.

misc. references.

and specific ...

David Honig [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 12/13/99 12:12:42 PM

To:   "Steven M. Bellovin" [EMAIL PROTECTED], Steve Reid
cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Lynn Wheeler/CA/FDMS/FDC)
Subject:  Re: Debit card fraud in Canada

At 10:49 AM 12/13/99 -0500, Steven M. Bellovin wrote:
true for credit cards?  If so, a simple visual recorder -- already used by
other thieves -- might suffice, and all the tamper-resistance in the world
won't help.  Crypto, in other words, doesn't protect you if the attack is on
the crypto endpoint or on the cleartext.

Wouldn't a thumbprint reader on the card (to authenticate the meat to the
smartcard)  be a tougher thing to shoulder surf?
Does raise the cost over a PIN.

Aren't there protocols where the exchange can't be replayed,
but proof-of-knowledge is demonstrated?

Or would these exchanges require on-line connectivity, thereby defeating
the utility of smartcards some?

online debit ... nacha thing short excerpt from tomorrow's american banker

1999-11-11 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

a private key to use in generating digital signatures with participating
nternet merchants. The bank would attach a corresponding public key to the
person's checking account and store it in a data base. When buying from an
Internet site, the cardholder would use his ATM card number. Instead of
entering a PIN, he would use the encryption key to digitally sign an
electronic authorization form. The form, in turn, would be sent to the

misc. related AADS information at:

Re: Ecash without a mint, or - making anonymous paymentspractical

1999-09-27 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

One of the things provided by X9.59 is that it is privacy/anonymous neutral at
point-of-sale /or merchant webserver ... and in fact, with AADS accounts for
hardgood shipments ... an X9.59-like protocol for address-authorization
transaction... similar to X9.59 for payment-authorization ... not only
eliminates name/address from the payment transactions at a webserver ... but can
also eliminate the name/address at merchant webservers.

merchant webservers get accounts ... for payments by financial institutions ...
and accounts for name/address by shippers (i.e. policing name/address privacy at
a couple dozen shippers is much simpler than policing name/address privacy at 20
million merchant webservers).

Re: DCSB: Risk Management is Where the Money Is; Trust in Digital Comm

1998-11-12 Thread Lynn . Wheeler

slightly different take on risk management in financial transactions. X9.59
is financial industry draft standard for all retail payments ... and is
on an AADS-model.

   Account Authority Digital Signature

AADS is the application of digital signatures to electronic business
processes. At the simplest, AADS extends message integrity by
encrypting the MAC with the sender's private key (i.e. the definition
of a digital signature). The digital signature is used to perform two
operations: 1) authenticate the sender and 2) verify the integrity of
the message.

The current prevailing digital signature infrastructure, Certificate
Authority Digital Signatures, originated as a method of creating a
totally self-contained, atomic message environment for offline
operations (both sender authentication and message verification).
There has been efforts to extend the CADS infrastructure to an online,
anarchy model involving self-contained, authenticatable and verifiable
message (message contains all information for both authentication and
verification) exchange between random, unrelated parties.

The extension of the CADS to online business messages between parties
with existing business relationships has prooved more problematical. A
large stumbling block has been the CADS self-authenticated methodology
involves status (implemented in 'certifictes') information that is
easily out-of-date and/or stale compared to what is expected by many
business (including financial) practices.

The Certificate Authority infrastructure combines a message and its
digital signature (similar to the account authority method) with a
certificate containing the necessary additional information to perform
all necessary authentication and verification. A certificate is a
defined format, digital signed message containing the public key
necessary to verify the digital signature on the body of the main
message and whatever additional attributes necessary to authenticate
the message. This, in theory, creates a self-contained,
authenticatable, and verifiable message. Frequently a digitally signed
certificate message is referred to "binding" the public key to some
set of characteristics or attributes.

The original objective of the Certificate Authority infrastructure was
to allow two parties, who otherwise have no knowledge of each other,
to exchange messages, authenticate and verify the messages, and
appropriately act on the contents of the messages.

Extending the Certificate Authority infrastructure to the business
relm has prooved problamatical because accepted business practices
frequently rely on more timely attribute information than is easily
available in pre-distributed "certificates" (business transactions
commonly rely on account-records to provide timely attribute
information as part of acting on the contents of a message).

A basic assumption of the Certificate Authority infrastructure is
frequently invalid in the business scenerio. First off, for most
business messages, there tends to be pre-existing business
relationship (i.e. the two parties aren't anonymous and unknown to
each other). The business relationship between the two parties tend to
also be established with account-records which contain timely status
and attribute information specific acceptable for common business
practices (i.e. bank account balance).

Attempts have been made to modify the original premise of Certificate
Authority infrastructure to provide simple forms of timely status. In
one case, CRLs (certificate revokation list) have been created,
basically providing a mechanism to negate a whole certificate (because
one or more characteristics of the certificate is no longer
valid). CRLs and/or other certificate negation mechanisms require
something like an online account operation (and/or a highly structured
operations tailored to keeping up-to-date on revokation information).

For some time, accepted business practices have used account records
to "bind" business attributes. There are examples of where account
records include authentication information like signature cards,
mother's maiden name, social security number and PINs. From a business
process standpoint that currently supports account-record binding of
authentication information, it is a simple extension to include
public-key binding as an additional authentication methodology
(i.e. basically registering a public-key in the account record in
manner similar to the registration of other authentication

Compared to an AADS implementation, for a business operation that
would implemenat certifcate-based authentication and which also requires
access to an account record in order to complete the business
operation ... then it is fairly easy to show that the certificate is
either superfulous (if the certificate is ignored) or represents
increased risk (if it is not ignored). If a business operation is
already dependent on the integrity of the account record,