Re: [Cryptography] Broken RNG renders gov't-issued smartcards easily hackable.

2013-10-11 Thread Wouter Slegers
Dear Ray,

On 2013-10-11, at 19:38 , Ray Dillinger  wrote:
> This is despite meeting (for some inscrutable definition of "meeting")
> FIPS 140-2 Level 2 and Common Criteria standards.  These standards
> require steps that were clearly not done here.  Yet, validation
> certificates were issued.
This is a misunderstanding of the CC certification and FIPS validation 
the certificates were issued *under the condition* that the software/system 
built on it uses/implements the RNG tests mandated. The software didn't, 
invalidating the results of the certifications.

At best the mandatory guidance is there because it was too difficult to prove 
that the smart card meets the criteria without it (typical example in the OS 
world: the administrator is assumed to be trusted, the typical example in smart 
card hardware: do the RNG tests!).
At worst the mandatory guidance is there because without it, the smart card 
would not have met the criteria (i.e. without following the guidance there is a 
This is an example of the latter case. Most likely the software also hasn't 
implement the other requirements, leaving it somewhat to very vulnerable to the 
standard smart card attack such as side channel analysis and perturbation.

If the total (the smart card + software) would have been CC certified, this 
would have been checked as part of the composite certification.

(I've been in the smart card CC world for more than a decade. This kind of 
misunderstanding/misapplication is rare for the financial world thanks to 
EMVco, i.e. the credit card companies. It is also rare for European government 
organisations, as they know to contact the Dutch/French/German/UK agencies 
involved in these things. European ePassports for example are generally 
certified for the whole thing and a mistake in those of this order would be ... 
surprising and cause for some intense discussion in the smart card 
certification community. Newer parties into the smart card world tend to have 
to relearn the lessons again and again it seems.)

With kind regards,
Wouter Slegers
The cryptography mailing list

Re: Who cares about side-channel attacks?

2008-11-02 Thread Wouter Slegers
nt resources to
  implement the countermeasures well. To do the whole protection, not
  just the blinding, well is a real engineering effort. It also requires
  a specific type of expertise that is not so easy to get or develop
  (although it is great fun to do for the developer as a person), i.e.
  it is expensive in your development personel costs.
- Testing and production might suffer from the security measures. This
  can be surprisingly expensive in terms of production speed.
- Reliability in the field of the product is potentially going to
  suffer, because of the risk of the countermeasures tripping in the
  field. Out there the power is bad (looking just like a voltage glitch
  attack), the sun is on the device (looking just like a temperature
  attack), the device falls of the counter (causing a short disconnect
  in the tamper sensors connectors, looking just like a tamper event).
  Because it is hard to get good information on these events in the
  field (attacks and accidents alike), the reliability takes an unknown
  but potentially high hit. This is the big cost in the eyes of
  management (and in mine).

- No compromittation of the resources. But in many cases, it is not the
  product's resources that are compromised...
- Warm fuzzy feeling.

If you look at it this way, it makes no sense to implement
countermeasures. Unless the costs are reduced by doing exactly what
Peter had already excluded: using a ready made crypto library /
smartcard /... that is already tested and shown to work.

Or, which is my experience, because regulations in the product domain
force the developer to have these countermeasures and show them to be
effective to third parties (evaluation labs). This is the domain of
financial organisations with their accreditations, and government(-like)
organisations requiring Common Criteria evaluations.
(Which also is excluded by Peter: the group that does this because they
have no choice).

> Does SCA protection enter the picture? Marginally at best.
For real threats out there, I agree that it is not as high a priority
as perturbation or API attacks are.
It is however relatively easy to implement only the blinding of the SCA
protection (just take a crypto library that does this). Implementing the
real anti-perturbation and side channel analysis protection, that is
where it becomes a serious amount of work.

So in short, I would see the group that Peter was looking for, as an
economic anomaly ;-) Although I would be fascinated to hear why it is
interesting for them to do anyway.

With kind regards,
Wouter Slegers

The Cryptography Mailing List
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Re: combining entropy

2008-10-24 Thread Wouter Slegers

> If I have N pools of entropy (all same size X) and I pool them
> together with XOR, is that as good as it gets?
> My assumptions are:
>  * I trust no single source of Random Numbers.
>  * I trust at least one source of all the sources.
>  * no particular difficulty with lossy combination.
I take the last item to mean that you do not mind wasting entropy but
want to be sure the resulting random number is unpredictable.

If you add one additional assumption:
* The sources are independent of each other
then the XOR of the random sources will be at least as unpredictable as
the most unpredictable individual random source (to keep away from the
entropy discussion). As far as I can se, this the "if at least one
source is unpredictable for a workload of x, the resulting random is
also at least that unpredictable" property that you seem to be looking

If the sources are not independent, in the most extreme case: the sources
are the same, the result is not so good. XORing in the same RNG stream
twice, however good the RNG, is not so useful ;-)

Without the threatmodel, I am not sure if this is a problem for you, but 
if the attacker has control or knowledge of some of the sources, he 
also knows the XOR of the remaining ones. In the case he knows all but
one sources, and the remaining source is not so unpredictable (LFSR,
poorly biased noise source), the result can be quite predictable (and in
weak RNG designs, the remaining source might be compromised).
Note that this could also be used to force the combined RNG to more
likely generate a chosen output.

Using hashfunctions to combine the randoms makes it computationally
harder for such chosen results to be generated, it quickly becomes
effectively a search problem for hash-collisions where you have only
limited choice on the input. Also temporary lulls in the quality of the
random sources are much better handled. Peter Gutmann's dissertation
has a very good description of what he did for hardening his cryptolib's
the random generation from many such attacks/mistakes.

With kind regards,
Wouter Slegers

The Cryptography Mailing List
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