[CTRL] Wellstone Updates: FAA, FBI, Local

2002-11-30 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
  From: Michael C. Ruppert
  To: From The Wilderness
  Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:15 PM

The complete story with graphics and a map is available to FTW subscribers at

Wellstone Updates: FAA, FBI, Local

Officials Evasive on Key Details

New Data Confirms Weather Not a Factor in Crash

by Joe Taglieri and Michael C. Ruppert

[© Copyright 2002, From The Wilderness Publications,
www.fromthewilderness.com. All rights reserved. THIS IS A SUBSCRIBER-ONLY
Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] This story may be redistributed, circulated or
copied for non-profit purposes only.]

Nov. 27, 2002, 20:00 PST (FTW) -- The National Transportation Safety Board
has said the investigation into the Oct. 25 air disaster that killed Sen.
Paul Wellstone, his wife, daughter, three campaign staffers and two pilots
could take six months. In the meantime as icy weather is trumpeted throughout
the news media as the leading suspected cause, the following is a list of
information about the crash that is known at this time. This report is an
update of known information developed through FTW's investigation in advance
of the NTSB's report on the crash.

Flight's Final Moments

Citing NTSB chief Carol Carmody who referred to "air traffic control
records," an Oct. 27 New York Times story recounted the plane's final flight:
"It took off at 9:37 a.m. from Minneapolis-St. Paul and at 9:48 was issued
instructions to climb to 13,000 feet. At 10:01, air traffic control issued a
clearance to land at Eveleth, and the pilot was given permission to descend
to 4,000 feet. The pilot was also told that there was icing from 9,000 to
11,000 feet. At 10:10, the pilot began his descent. At 10:18, he was cleared
for an east-west approach to the runway, and, according to radar, the plane
was lined up with the runway.

"'That was the last transmission conversation with the pilot,'" Ms. Carmody,
a former CIA employee, said.

"'Everything had been completely normal up until that time, and there was no
evidence on the controller's part or from the pilot's voice that there was
any difficulty, no reported problems, no expressed concern.'

"At 10:19, according to radar, the plane was descending through 3,500 feet
and began to drift southward, away from the runway. Two minutes later, radar
recorded the last sighting of the plane at 1,800 feet and a speed of 85 knots
just northeast of the accident site.

"'We don't know why the turn was occurring,' Ms. Carmody said.'That's what we
hope to find out.'"

A pilot who works at the airport discovered the crash site from the air at
approximately 11 a.m., when he saw a cloud of "bluish gray" smoke rising from
the ground. At that point he notified the control tower at the Duluth airport
60 miles away. The Duluth tower covers Eveleth, and it gave the Wellstone
aircraft clearance to begin a landing approach at 10:18. This was the pilots'
last radio communication.

Local fire and rescue personnel arrived at the scene shortly thereafter, said
Steve Shykes, the nearby town of Fayal's volunteer fire chief who was in
charge of fire and ambulance personnel at the scene.

Shykes said he arrived at 11:45 that morning to set up his command post on
the road about a half-mile from the crash site.

Crash Site

(click picture to enlarge)

The wreckage was found 2.1 miles southeast of the east end of Eveleth-
Virginia Municipal Airport's (EVM) Runway 27, which is 3 miles southeast of
Eveleth, Minn.  The site's swampy, wooded terrain is 30 yards north of Bodas
Road, according to a police and fire dispatcher who was at the site. Rescue
workers had to use all-terrain vehicles equipped with tracks to access the
downed aircraft. In some areas of the site, the mud was waist-deep.

According to investigators and photographs, the wings and tail section broke
off as the plane descended into the trees at a steep 25-degree angle and a
slow airspeed of 85 knots, compared to the normal 115-knot approach speed.
Damage to the propellers indicated to investigators that the engines were
running at the time of impact.

Press accounts reported that after impact, a massive fire consumed the rest
of the plane, which was facing south, away from the east-west runway. This
resulted in the near total disintegration of the fuselage and severe damage
to the victims' bodies.

FTW has obtained two Associated Press photos of the crash site. No evidence
of fire, charring, or smoke damage was visible on the wreckage shown in those


According to Frank Hilldrup and Paul Schlamm of the NTSB, the investigation
is in the analytical phase. No conclusions will be drawn and a report will
not be issued for several months.

Dr. Thomas Uncini, St. Louis County medical examiner, determined

[CTRL] (Fwd) Terrorism Headlines 11/30/2002 # 1

2002-11-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
[SALT LAKE TRIBUNE] SALT LAKE CITY UTAH - Norwalk Virus Caused Illness
in Diners
[WMTV] WISCONSIN - Flu-like Virus Hits Wisconsin
[ABC] FLORIDA - Virus Forces Disney Cruise to Return to Port
[Naples Daily News] Disney, Holland-America ships hit by flu-like illness
[Houston Chronicle] TEXAS - Waves of sick kids shut school districts
[CANADA.COM] TORONTO CANADA - Toronto hospital's emergency ward
reopens in wake of outbreak of Norwalk virus
[WFTV] LAS VEGA$ NEVADA - ER Workers Ready for Smallpox Vaccine
[NATIONAL POST] CANADA - US experts question Canadas smallpox strategy
smallpox plans
[Deepika] USA - US importing Indian anthrax 'kits'
[Straits Times] WASHINGTON - FBI shifts even more agents to fighting terror
[KVBC] LAS VEGA$ NEVADA - Man Discovers Pipe Bomb Under Car
[WLS] ILLINOIS - Pipe bomb stirs things up at police station
[Long Beach Press-Telegram] CALIFORNIA - Long Beach Airport emptied after
bomb scare
[The Tennessean] TENNESSEE - Specialists recommend government stock up
on two 'dirty bomb' drugs
[HERALD SUN] USA - US airports on alert
[AP WIRE] OHIO - Operations normal after airport concourses evacuated
[WNBC] NEW YORK - United Airlines jet evacuated After Bomb Threat
[WBBM] ILLINOIS - Hotel Evacuation
[NEWS OBSERVER] NORTH CAROLINA - Terror potential prompts evaluation
of hazmat identification ...
[AP] FLORIDA - Number of Ill People Aboard Disney Cruise Ship Rises to 160
[AP] NORAD - Scrambled Fighter Jets to Attempt to Intercept Reported Contrail
[Economist.com] Biological terrorism
[XINHUANET] USA - US president deplores attacks on Israeli hotel in Kenya
[ITV] UNITED KINGDOM - Britons warned to be alert
[ALLAFRICA.COM] KENYA - Kenya On High Alert After Attack
[ABC] NAIROBI - Britain, US issue warnings of Nairobi terrorist threat
[EXPRESS STAR] UNITED KINGDOM - 500 flee in mystery chemical leak scare
[ARABIC NEWS] KUWAIT - Yemen, Kuwait exchange information over al-Qaida
[UPI] YEMEN - Blast rips through govt. offices in Yemen
[Indian Express] BANGLADESH - List of 99 terrorist camps given to
[AP] PAKISTAN - Scientist's Son: bin Laden Wanted to Make Nuclear Weapons
[REUTERS] SAUDI ARABIA - German Sept 11 probe finds new Saudi link-report
[Austin American Statesman] Djibouti - US Warns of Possible Djibouti Terror
[The Western Mail] WALES - Doctors warn of possible measles outbreak
[AP] CHECHNYA - 6 Russian Officials Killed in Chechnya

[CTRL] Military Smokescreen: Who Commanded our Air Force to 'Stand Down' on 9-11?

2002-11-30 Thread William Shannon

Military Smokescreen: Who Commanded our Air Force to 'Stand Down' on 9-11? 
by Victor Thorn 
Of all the peculiarities, unanswered questions, and things that simply don’t add up about the 9-11 terrorist attacks, the one aspect that keeps nagging at me revolves around our military’s incredible lack of response to the hijacking of four airliners. Anyone who investigates this matter will soon find that the United States Air Force and the FAA both have established procedures that have been in place for at least 25 years regarding planes that veer abnormally off course. Specifically, federal law MANDATES that the Air Force must dispatch a plane to investigate why a certain craft has strayed from its predestined route. These interceptors are only allowed to shoot an airliner from the sky under orders from the President, but that doesn’t negate that they are still required to investigate the situation in a timely manner. Yet, on 9-11, NO ONE FOLLOWED ORDERS! Why? Who gave these orders? Plus, Washington, D.C. has the most restricted air space in the country, yet from 9:03 a.m., when the second tower was hit, to 9:47 a.m. when the Pentagon came under attack … when the Air Force KNEW that a jet was headed toward the Capitol, no planes were dispatched to intercept it. Who gave the orders for these planes to ‘stand down,’ and, God forbid, were some even called back after they had taken off? 

To begin understanding how appalling this situation is, we first need to know that there are at least twelve or more National Guard and Air Force installations in close proximity to the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Plus, Andrews Air Force Base is only ten miles from the heart of Washington, D.C. Why wasn’t something done to avert this catastrophe, and why isn’t the mainstream media asking some very hard questions regarding this deliberately ordered “crime”? 

Yes, I said crime, and once you get a load of the following timeline, you’ll concur with this strong terminology. Between 7:59 a.m. – 8:10 a.m., the airliners that would ultimately crash into the WTC and Pentagon were hijacked. By 8:15 a.m., air traffic controllers knew that these planes were in trouble. At this point, the Air Force should have dispatched, per standard operating procedures, fighters that would determine why these jets veered from their normal route. By 8:15 a.m.! 

At 8:45 a.m. – a half-hour later – American Airlines flight 11 struck the WTC’s North Tower. (This flight took off at exactly 7:59 a.m., thus controllers knew it was in trouble for at least 35 minutes, if not more.) 

At 9:03 a.m., United Airlines flight 175 crashed into the South Tower. (It took off at exactly 8:10 a.m.) 

At 9:05 a.m. (supposedly), Andrew Card told President Bush of the unfolding catastrophe. At the same time, American Airlines Flight 77 veered off course near Chicago and headed toward D.C. for an impending attack. 

At 9:06 a.m., the New York Daily News reported that on the morning of the attack, the NYPD dispatched a message declaring, “This was a terrorist attack – notify the Pentagon.” 

Still, NO Air Force jets had yet been scrambled! None! Why? 

At 9:35 a.m., American Airlines flight 77, which had been tracked by radar all the way from Chicago, circled the Pentagon, yet this military installation was not evacuated! Plus, the Air Force had still not sent out any jets! How completely incredible is this scenario? 

A few minutes later, with the utmost precision, American Airlines flight 77 drops 7,000 feet in 2 ½ minutes. Do you realize what a truly difficult maneuver this is? It is flying so low at this point that the plane is taking out utility poles and clipping trees en route to its target. The jumbo jet finally zeroes in EXACTLY on the Pentagon while traveling at 460 knots (approx 529 mph). Are we really to believe that this precision “Top Gun” style flying was executed by a group of desert-trained Afghani’s who had only flown Cessna and Piper prop-planes at a flight school in Florida for six months, many of them reportedly unable to even take off or land them adequately? Come on! This is the most inept cock-n-bull story since the ‘surprise attack’ on Pearl Harbor. 

Finally, at 9:40 a.m., a full hour and 31 minutes after the FAA knew that the first airliner had been hijacked … guess what happened. The Air Force dispatched their jets! 

The Pentagon was aware of these hijackings since at least 8:45 a.m. when the first tower was struck (and more likely before then), yet it took them 55 minutes to take action. 55 minutes! By 8:15 a.m., when the FAA learned of the hijackings, federal law required that the military dispatch planes to either divert the plane’s course, or determine the need to shoot them down. This is normal procedure! But the Pentagon waited until 9:40 a.m. after all the damage was already done. 

Who commanded the Air Force to stand down, and why is the media still feeding us the “incompetence” line? The Wright B

[CTRL] 9/11 Lawyers Seek Black-Box Data on Saudi Hijackers

2002-11-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

9/11 Lawyers Seek Black-Box Data on Saudi Hijackers 
by Tom Flocco 

November 27, 2002 


While recent reports reveal that Administration officials are considering whether to place Saudi Arabian interests above 9/11 victim families by filing a federal court motion to dismiss or delay the families’ private lawsuit accusing members of the Saudi royal family of ties to Al Qaeda, other lawyers will seek to unearth information about Saudi hijacker cockpit conversations and actions just prior to the crash disasters on September 11.  

  In a letter written to Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein from Douglas A. Latto, attorney at New York’s Baumeister & Samuels firm, Latto told Hellerstein that “we have been led to believe that the United States of America, through the Department of Justice (DOJ), will attempt to prevent discovery of the [9/11] black boxes.”  A copy of the letter was obtained from a reliable source close to the investigation. 

Latto’s July 10 letter to Hellerstein also shed more light on the fact that possible Justice Department attempts to prevent inspection of the actual contents of the recovered and original cockpit-voice and flight-data recorders “would undoubtedly lead to motion practice not present in any of the other cases.”  Moreover, analysis of news reports over time indicates troubling contradictions regarding the “usefulness” of the recovered data and the true condition of the recovered black boxes currently impounded by the FBI. 

Baumeister and Samuels represents in excess of 60 families who lost loved ones on September 11, including families of passengers on board all four aircraft as well as tower victims.  Lead attorney Michel F. Baumeister is a 30-year aviation accident trial lawyer; and his past experience as a Manhattan Assistant District Attorney and Assistant U.S. Attorney will undoubtedly serve the victim-family lawyer team well in the face of government promulgations of “ongoing criminal investigation” strategies.  

A source close to the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) who asked to remain anonymous when asked about the ‘ongoing [black box] investigation,’ told us that “the NTSB never closely examined the cockpit voice recorders (CVRs) and flight data recorders (FDRs) recovered from American Flight 77 which hit the Pentagon, and United flight 93 which crashed in Pennsylvania.  This, while the FBI has continued to quietly dodge vexing questions related to its prior knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and how the Bureau’s widely-reported inept and mishandled information protocol cost so many lives. 

The source added that “the [CVR and FDR] tapes were sequestered by the FBI and quickly taken to its Quantico, Virginia labs where analysis was conducted solely under the Bureau’s influence in order to maintain complete control.”  However, according to the individual with knowledge of the investigation, “there were a few NTSB officials allowed to observe, but their influence on the probe and tape inspection was minimal at best.” 

We also talked to Michael Thompson, chief engineer in the CVR/FDR division of Allied Signal-Honeywell Corporation in Redmond, Washington -- according to his counsel, Mark Larson.  

We asked Thompson if he was the person in charge of flight data recovery in the 9/11 investigation, since Honeywell manufactured the data recorders in operation on all four Boeing jets involved in the September 11 crashes.  “I cannot answer that under advice from legal counsel,” he said.    

Since his legal counsel, Mark Larson of Tempe, Arizona, was unavailable for a conference call, Thompson told us, “On advice of my legal counsel, I cannot answer any legal questions pertaining to that incident.”  [On November 19, 2002 at 12:16 pm, Honeywell  transferred our initial call to Mark Larson, corporate in-house counsel for Honeywell, who in turn told us to contact Michael Thompson regarding any questions we might have about the 9/11 CVRs and FDRs.]   

When we asked Thompson if he had ever seen or been involved in any recovery analysis of the 9/11 CVRs or FDRs, he stated, “That’s a legal question, and on advice of counsel, I cannot answer any of those questions.  You need to talk to Mark Larson about this.”  [This surprised us, because we are aware that the memory chips from which the NTSB and/or FBI tapes are derived is raw data and cannot be manipulated.  Thus, the “ongoing criminal investigation” excuse could result in either obstruction or suppression of fact.] 

As a matter of fact, ABC news reported on 9-13-2001 that “Although investigators look for an entire black box, sometimes the only parts of the device that survive are the recorder’s crash-survivable memory units (CSMU). The CSMU is almost indestructible.[A former NTSB source told us that only a direct hit from a nuclear blast can destroy it]   ABC als

[CTRL] The Apocalyptic Agenda Of The Neo-Conservatives

2002-11-30 Thread William Shannon

A Triumphant Call To Arms  
The Apocalyptic Agenda Of The Neo-Conservatives

Ahmad Faruqui is an economist and a fellow at the American Institute of International Studies in California. He is author of Rethinking the National Security of Pakistan, to be published later this year by Ashgate Publishing in the UK.  

Neo-conservative writers have become increasingly vocal about an apocalyptic conflict involving the United States and Muslim world. 

Start with Norman Podhoretz, the former longtime editor of Commentary and now a Hudson Institute fellow. Podhoretz calls for en masse regime change in the Middle East, beginning with Iraq and Iran from the original "axis of evil" list, and extending it to Egypt, Lebanon, Libya, the Palestinian National Authority, Saudi Arabia and Syria. He wants the United States to unilaterally overthrow these regimes and replace them with democracies cast in the Jeffersonian mold. 

What neo-cons seek is not just a political transformation of the Muslim Middle East. Their end game, as Podhoretz says in Commentary, is to bring about "the long-overdue internal reform and modernization of Islam." 

Rather than being dismissed as fringe thinking, these pronouncements frame the hard-right boundary for debates in conservative political circles. 

In the call for wider U.S. military intervention in the Middle East, the ideologues recognize that such action will likely provoke terrorist attacks on Americans, both at home and abroad. But, in their view, the terrorists will unwittingly provide the pretext for even stronger U.S. military intervention. Neo-cons believe the United States will emerge triumphant in the end, provided it shows the will to fight the war against militant Islam to a successful conclusion, and, as Podhoretz says, "the stomach to impose a new political culture on the defeated parties." 

Meanwhile, consider these policy prescriptions for today's Middle East: 

Rich Lowry, editor of National Review, notes on the magazine’s Web site that if terrorists from Muslim countries detonate a "dirty bomb" in the United States, the United States should consider launching a nuclear attack on Islam’s holiest city, Mecca, in Saudi Arabia. 

Elliot Cohen is the most influential neo-con in academe. From his perch as a professor of national security studies at John Hopkins University, Cohen refers to the war against terrorism by a chilling name: World War IV (citing the Cold War as WWIII). He claims America is on the good side in this war, just like it has been in all prior world wars; and the enemy is militant Islam, not some abstract concept of "terrorism." 

In Cohen's view, Afghanistan was merely the first campaign in WWIV, and several more are likely to follow. Cohen argues that the United States should throw its weight behind pro-Western and anticlerical forces in the Muslim world, beginning with the overthrow of the theocratic state in Iran. 

Daniel Pipes of the Middle East Forum opines that U.S. academics are trying to sugar coat the true meaning of jihad, and thereby hide its violent and political character. In the November issue of Commentary, he cites numerous Islamic scholars -- most of them non-Muslim -- who state that jihad is confined to militarily defensive engagements, and its primary meaning is the attainment of moral self-improvement. 

Pipes contends that Osama bin Laden and his followers understand the meaning of jihad better than the academics. He alleges that 14 centuries of Islamic history confirm the bin Laden view, since jihad has been used as an offensive weapon for expanding Muslim political power. When groups such as the Council of American-Islamic Relations contend that jihad is not a holy war, Pipes argues that they are engaged in spreading misinformation. 

In mid-November, the neo-cons quietly launched a bipartisan Committee for the Liberation of Iraq. One prominent members is George Schulz, now a fellow at the Hoover Institution. In a recent interview, Schulz said he would be surprised if the United States does not initiate military action against Iraq by the end of January. His words seem to confirm the hypothesis that the Bush administration will merely use U.N. Resolution 1441 as a cover to wage war against Iraq. 

The neo-cons are determined to bring their apocalyptic vision to reality -- even if their critics dismiss their call to arms and American triumphalism. 

Critiquing their worldview, columnist Philip Stephens writes in the Financial Times that, "in the long term, even a nation as uniquely powerful as the United States cannot remake the political systems at the heart of the Islamic world: not in 30 years and probably not in 100." 

The Muslim world will view a string of U.S. military attacks on Muslim countries as the aggression of an oil-thirsty superpower on the Muslim world, not a march to liberate people from tyranny.


2002-11-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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--- Begin Message ---
-Caveat Lector-


Posted By: Patriotlad 
Date: Saturday, 30 November 2002, 8:34 a.m.



There are those, who for thousands of years, have called themselves
THE CONTROL GROUP. This group enters into 99 year agreements.
Tracking of events, dates, years can become pretty easy once you
know about the "99" year agreements.

Also you must look at the "events" within 10-20 years "prior" to the
99 year term. Example:

(CORPORATIONS OF THE CROWN). The colonist could not produce or
manufacture their own goods. Firearms were imported un-assembled.
The Colonist were forced "to own slaves" imported by the Crown (E.B.
O'Callaghan, ed. Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the
State of New York, Vol. II, p. 553 ff.)

1688, February 18. THE EARLIEST PROTEST AGAINST SLAVERY. Resolutions
of Germantown Mennonites. (P.G. Mode, ed. Source Book and
Bibliographical Guide for American Church History, p. 552-553)

1763, October 7. THE PROCLAMATION OF 1763. (Annual Register, 1763,
p. 208 ff.) The immediate background of this famous proclamation was
Pontiac's Rebellion, and its provisions were designed to be of
temporary character. The reservation of the lands west of the
Appalachians appeared to deprive the Colonies of their western lands
and to put an end to the widespread private speculation in these
lands. (See, C.W. Alvord, The Mississippi Valley in British
Politics, 2 Vol's.; C.E. Carter, Great Britain and the Illinois
Country; V. Coffin, Quebec and the American Revolution, ch. v.)

1765. Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress.

1766. Petitions of London Merchants Against the Stamp Act.

1776. THE DECLARATION ACT (Pickering, Statutes at Large, Vol. XXVII,
p. 19-20) The obvious inability of royal officials in the colonies
to enforce the Stamp Act, together with injury to the English trade
resulting from the non-importation agreements, persuaded the
Rockingham ministry of the expediency of a repeal of the Act.) Note:
Corrupt, Oppressive, Despotic Government CORPORATE practices were
laying the foundation for the following:

1774, June 22. THE QUEBEC ACT. (D. Pickering, Statutes at Large,
Vol. XXX, p. 549) The Quebec Act was not, properly speaking, one of
the Coercive acts. It was not designed with reference to conditions
in Massachusetts or the other seaboard colonies. Nevertheless
Americans regarded its provisions for religious toleration to the
Catholics, and for the extension of the territory of Quebec
westward, as "intolerable."

CONGRESS. (Journals of the Continental Congress, ed. by W.C. Ford,
Vol. I, p. 63 ff.) The passage of the Intolerable Acts brought
widespread demands for a congress of all the American colonies. 12
Acts of Congress were affirmed, becoming Law.

WITH AMERICA. (The Parliamentary History of England, Vol. XVIII,
1774-1777, p. 168 ff.) Exports from England to the American colonies
dropped from some two and one half million pounds in 1774 to about
one-tenth that sum in 1775.

1775, April 19. THE BATTLE OF LEXINGTON. English troops attacked
American Colonials.

ARMS. (Journals of the Continental Congress, ed. by W.C. Ford, Vol.
II, p. 140 ff.) --

*** If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason t

Re: [CTRL] [Fwd: American History X]

2002-11-30 Thread David Sutherland
-Caveat Lector-

Isn't that what "Homeland" means, ie 
> >> > The CIA set up a fascist 
organization called Fatherland and Liberty, headed by a> > former 
public relations man for Ford Motor Company, Federico Willoughby> > 
McDonald, who became Pinochet's press secretary after the coup.> 
>> > Interesting how "Fatherland" and "Homeland" have a nice ring 
to them about now.> >
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] What will be the trigger for war?

2002-11-30 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "goldi316" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 30, 2002 8:17 PM
Subject: [CTRL] What will be the trigger for war?

> -Caveat Lector-
> What will be the trigger for war?

No trigger needed so to speak.

Just don't be in Baghdad on February 1st 2003, although the bad vibrations
may mean another September 11th 2001 on February 1st 2003. But, I prefer to
keep out of Baghdad than Los Angeles so to speak.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] What will be the trigger for war?

2002-11-30 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

What will be the trigger for war?

As inspectors begin checking Iraqi sites, peace hinges on the
interpretation of one phrase: 'material breach'

Julian Borger in Washington and Ewen MacAskill
Wednesday November 27, 2002
The Guardian

UN weapons inspectors begin their work in Iraq today, launching a
tense new chapter in the confrontation with Saddam Hussein in which
war and peace are likely to hinge on the legal interpretation of two
words: "material breach".

The UN teams refused to disclose the target of their first
inspection, but observers predicted it would be a suspected weapons
site visited by earlier inspections in the 1990s.

The White House put Baghdad on notice that it would be closely
scrutinised for its behaviour towards the inspectors, and that Mr
Bush would have "zero tolerance" for infractions.

One of the two chief weapons inspectors, Hans Blix, has warned that
the burden of proof will be on Iraq, saying he would demand
"convincing evidence" in the form of documents or testimony from
officials, that weapons material that has not yet been accounted
for, has been destroyed.

A material breach, or substantial violation, of UN resolution 1441 -
which established the rules for inspections earlier this month -
would, according to the resolution, trigger "serious consequences"
for Saddam Hussein's regime. At a time when the US is massing its
forces in the Gulf, there is little doubt what those consequences
are likely to be.

Much will depend, then, on what the UN security council deems to be
a sufficiently serious violation to constitute such a breach. For
example, would a simple incident of deception be enough, or would it
require a pattern of behaviour?

US hawks want the concept of material breach to serve as a "hair
trigger" for action. The French and Russians want it as a safety
catch; but if they refuse to acknowledge any violation, no matter
how egregious, as a material breach, the US and Britain say they
will go to war without UN blessing.

But there are conflicting views not only among Washington, London,
Paris, Moscow and Beijing, but also within the British and US
governments. The threshold for launching a war put forward by Tony
Blair on Monday was radically different from the one proposed by the
foreign secretary, Jack Straw. The differences within the Bush
administration are at least as serious.

There has already been a row over the issue, days before the
inspectors set foot in Iraq. The US claimed that Iraqi anti-aircraft
fire against American and British planes patrolling the no-fly zones
over the country constituted a "hostile act" against personnel from
a UN member state, under paragraph 8 of the resolution.

However, every other security council member, including Britain,
insisted that this clause was intended to refer only to Iraqi
behaviour towards the inspection teams. Washington opted not to take
its complaint to the council, knowing it would be voted down, but it
may well bring the incident up later if it seeks to prove a pattern
of non-compliance.

The high-stakes debate is likely to get progressively more heated as
the consensus behind Resolution 1441 is tested by events in Iraq,
starting with Baghdad's declaration of its biological, chemical and
nuclear weapons, due on December 8.

Here are six possible scenarios and an analysis of whether they
could lead to war:

· On December 8, Iraq admits it has weapons of mass destruction and
gives full details to the inspectors

This would not constitute a material breach, but rather the
best-case scenario for inspections, paving the way for full
disarmament. It is generally seen as over-optimistic.

· On December 8, Iraq denies that it has weapons of mass destruction

In such a case, Baghdad could simply send in a short note of denial
- or, more likely, a long list of non-military factories and
laboratories, and invite inspections of the sites.

In that case, the US and Britain will denounce the declaration as a
lie, because both countries claim to have intelligence that Iraq has
substantial weapons programmes.

However, it is far from clear that the declaration would represent a
material breach.

Paragraph 4 of resolution 1441 states that "false statements or
omissions" in the declaration and failure to cooperate with the
inspectors would constitute a material breach.

The use of "and" rather than "or" was intensively debated by the
security council, and was a condition for its unanimous support for
the resolution.

Despite hints to the contrary from Tony Blair, British government
officials say the declaration alone will not provide a justification
for military action. The US state department privately agrees.
However, the White House is keeping its options open. A spokesman,
Sean McCormack, said yesterday that "any omission or deception in
the declaration would be a material breach".

Hawks in the Pentagon and US vice president's office have warned the
president that the December 8 declaration may be the best

[CTRL] Propaganda Machine in full swing - Allies strive for Arab hearts and minds

2002-11-30 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

"The British government is adamant that President Saddam is hiding
such weapons and that if he insists in the declaration that he is
not, it will provoke a crisis."

Of course, the above sentiment is not held by British talking heads
alone, but it certainly spotlights the fact that this whole "weapons
inspection" is strictly a manipulative propaganda ploy to put a spin
of credibility on the Allied plans to bomb the hell out of Iraq.  No
matter what Iraq does, it loses in this matter.  It's not a matter
of "if" but "when" the bombs start dropping.  The clock is

Allies strive for Arab hearts and minds

· Britain issues new dossier on Iraq's human rights record
· US cranks up propaganda machine

Ewen MacAskill and Brian Whitaker in Cairo
Saturday November 30, 2002
The Guardian

Britain is to step up its propaganda battle in the Arab and wider
Muslim world next week as part of preparations for the potentially
decisive Iraqi declaration on weapons of mass destruction.

The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, is to publish a Foreign Office
dossier on Monday setting out the brutal human rights record of the
Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein.

"In the Arab and Muslim world, we have just got to keep reminding
people about the nature of the person we are dealing with," a
Foreign Office source said.

Various other initiatives are planned for next week, including a new
station, Radio Sawa ("together"), set up by Washington, which has
begun to try to woo the Arab world.

Combined with this, the US is dropping leaflets across southern Iraq
in an effort to demoralise the population.

Planes dropped 360,000 leaflets over the southern no-fly zone on
Thursday following US-led attacks on unmanned communication
facilities between al-Kut and Basra.

Iraq is required by a United Nations resolution to declare by
December 8 all biological, chemical or nuclear-related weapons or
components in its possession, if any. The British government is
adamant that President Saddam is hiding such weapons and that if he
insists in the declaration that he is not, it will provoke a crisis.

Mr Straw, who will visit Turkey on Tuesday, is planning an interview
with Muslim media outlets in the Arab world and in Britain next week
to put across a message that war is not inevitable and that a route
to peace is open to Iraq if it chooses to follow it.

A similar message will be conveyed in a signed article by the prime
minister, Tony Blair, today in Jang, an Urdu daily widely read in
Britain as well as Pakistan and south-east Asia.

The British government has been more energetic than the US since
September 11 in the pursuit of hearts and minds in the Muslim world.

Mr Blair, in the immediate aftermath of the Twin Towers attacks,
succeeded in persuading the US president, George Bush, and the state
department to stress that the "war on terrorism" was not a war
against Islam.

The dossier, a follow-up to one published in September that was
supposed to make a case that Iraq was developing weapons of mass
destruction, pulls together human rights abuses in Iraq over the
last two decades and focuses on the treatment of women and of

For legal reasons, Britain, unlike the US, cannot justify an attack
on Iraq on the grounds of regime change. The Foreign Office source
denied that the dossier was designed to make such a case.

The source said President Saddam's behaviour towards his own people
explained why he could not be trusted with weapons of mass
destruction. "His disregard for human life is why we can't let him
have these weapons," he said.

The Foreign Office is also making longer-term plans to try to
encourage changes in the Middle East through educational and
cultural programmes, dealing especially with democracy, human rights
and freedom of women.

More generally throughout the Middle East, the US is attempting to
win hearts, if not minds, with Radio Sawa.

At a cost of $35m (£22.5m), it broadcasts almost non-stop music - a
sugary mixture of Arab and western pop, carefully researched to
appeal to the under-30s. There are also brief news bulletins in
Arabic every half hour.

Radio Sawa is intended to replace Voice of America's Arabic service,
which has proved unpopular in the region.

The Public Broadcasting System of the US is planning to broadcast a
two-hour documentary on the life of Mohammed, the prophet of Islam,
on December 18 and a day later rebroadcast a two-hour documentary on
the diverse interpretations of Islam around the world.

The documentaries are mainly for internal consumption within the US.

The American leaflet drop on Iraq on Thursday is the fifth such in
the last two months. It is designed to demoralise air defence forces
and to discourage workers from repairing equipment damaged in air

One leaflet warned Iraqis in Arabic not to attempt to repair
fibre-optic cables.

"You are risking your life," it said. "The cables are tools used to
suppress the Iraqi people by Saddam and his regime, they ar

[CTRL] Weapons of mass distraction

2002-11-30 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

Weapons of mass distraction

John O'Farrell
Saturday November 30, 2002
The Guardian

After four long years the UN weapons inspectors this week resumed
their search for those hidden Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.
With their hands still over their eyes they breathlessly counted:
"Nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred
and ninety-nine. TEN MILLION! Coming!"

How Saddam giggled as he watched them peeking in the cupboard under
the stairs and behind the curtains. "Cold. Cold. Ooh, getting
warmer; no, cold again. Freezing!" But after a while it got a bit
embarrassing for the Iraqi president having them snoop all over the
place. "What's in this drawer?" "Ooh no, don't look in there!" And
they pulled it open only to find a pair of old pants from Millets
with "Sex Machine" emblazoned across the front. "Look, they were a
joke birthday present from my brother. I never wear them, honest."

The work of the weapons inspectors is supposed to be top secret,
giving the Iraqis absolutely no warning about which sites are to be
visited. So there was a mild suspicion that they might possibly be
being bugged when the first location they visited displayed a big
banner saying: "Baghdad Fertiliser Plant welcomes the UN weapons
inspectors!" and a choir of local schoolchildren sang a specially
composed anthem as the delegates were directed towards the buffet
lunch. Would that explain the wires trailing from the large bunch of
flowers that was placed in the middle of their conference table? Is
that why they were given a free mobile phone with their car rental?

First they had to decide where they were going to look. They tried
driving around a bit, but despite all the helpful brown tourist
signs on the motorway, not one said "Nuclear Bomb Factory" next to a
little picture of a mushroom cloud. They tried photocopying a
picture of a missile and attaching it to a few lamp-posts with the
caption "Lost! Huge chemical warhead, answers to the name of Scud."
Of course when you're looking for something you may never find it,
but at least you come across a few other things that you thought
you'd lost for good. So far the UN team have uncovered three Polly
Pocket figures, a marble, the instructions to the tumble drier, and
a plastic clip which they think probably came with the
micro-scooter. "Oh look, a 10 franc coin; is that still legal
tender?" "Um, I don't think so, but put it back in the kitchen
drawer just in case."

But George Bush needs no further evidence. Imagine if these items
fell into the hands of Iraq's elite republican guard! "You could
have someone's eye out with that!" said Colin Powell, examining the
sharp plastic edge off the charger from an old mobile phone.

The reporting of the inspectors' discoveries leaves us in no doubt
as to Saddam's guilt. They have found paper cups of a type that
would be used to refresh workers making weapons of mass destruction.
Also uncovered was an atlas which included detailed maps of the US
and Britain, and a keyboard which could be used to type the letters

Whatever they find, the verdict is already decided. Even if they
unearth no glowing vats of kryptonite it will prove that Saddam has
hidden them all away in his cousin's lock-up garage. The inspectors
are there for appearances' sake, to give the impression of a
legitimate process, like the "review" of a pit closure or a black
American's defence counsel.

Since the UN team are completely wasting their time, would it not be
more worthwhile to get them searching for something a little more
useful? "After two weeks hunting in British shopping centres, the
United Nations weapons inspectors have finally located some
Beyblades at Toys R Us, Merry Hill, Birmingham. Oh no, apparently
they've just been sold." Perhaps they could find us an unbreakable
CD case, or the Marmite in Sainsbury's, or a programme on the
History Channel that wasn't about the Nazis.

Or maybe they could find that international law that says that one
nation has the right to decide there will be a "regime change" in
another country thousands of miles away. The whole world would like
to see Saddam Hussein overthrown by his own people, but Bush needs
this easy battle to help him win the really big fight the following
year. Dubya's only interest in foreign policy is what it can do for
him at home now they're more than halfway through the presidential
electoral cycle.

So if I was a UN weapons inspector I'd go back to the hotel, empty
the mini-bar and hope there were enough miniature Johnny Walker
bottles to drown the realisation that I was a diplomatic patsy for
the US Republican party. Only I wouldn't stay there too long because
there'll definitely be plenty of weapons of mass destruction all
over Iraq pretty soon. They'll be dropping from US bombers to mark
the start of the American presidential campaign, to make sure
there's certainly no "regime change" at the White House. If the
inspectors can't see that, then frankly they

[CTRL] UN Inspection Team Faces Smear Campaign

2002-11-30 Thread goldi316
-Caveat Lector-

UN Inspection Team Faces Smear Campaign
by Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington

Published on Friday, November 29, 2002 by the Guardian/UK

A campaign to discredit the UN weapons inspections mission to Iraq
flared into action yesterday with the publication of bizarre
personal details about one of the experts waiting to go to Baghdad.

About 100 weapons experts have been selected so far to join the
mission's chief, Hans Blix, in Iraq. The team is expected to grow to
300 experts over the coming weeks.

However, a report in the Washington Post yesterday suggested that
the relatively small world of weapons experts was fraught with

A number of former inspectors - who apparently were not selected by
Mr Blix - say the new teams lack experience, and accuse him of
deliberately overlooking old hands for fear of antagonizing Iraq.

The newspaper went on to detail the sexual practices of one of the
current inspectors.

Harvey "Jack" McGeorge, 53, from Virginia, is a co-founder of an S &
M group in the Washington DC area, and a former chairman of the
board for the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom.

The former marine was recommended for the mission by the US state
department, and is now in New York.

He heads his own security consultancy, selling counter-bioterrorism
products and conducting seminars on chemical and biological weapons,
but he does not hold a scientific degree.

A trawl of the internet by the Post found that Mr McGeorge was also
a member of the Leather Leadership Conference Inc, which "produces
training sessions for current and potential leaders of the
sadomasochism/leather/fetish community".

In an interview with the newspaper, Mr McGeorge said he would resign
rather than damage the UN mission.

"I have been very upfront with people in the past about what I do,
and it has never prevented me from getting a job or doing service,"
he said. "I am who I am. I am not ashamed of who I am - not one bit.
But I cannot allow my actions, as they may be perceived by others,
to damage an organization which has done nothing to deserve that

A spokesman for the UN said that Mr McGeorge's private life had
nothing to do with his qualifications as an inspector.

However, he provides a convenient target for critics of Mr Blix,
particularly aggrieved former inspectors.

They say he has overlooked potentially qualified experts by
requiring applicants to quit their government jobs before applying.
There are also fears that some members of the teams are from private
industry, and will use the mission to garner media attention and
sell their products.

© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002

The Post article:
(sorry, couldn't access the url - maybe someone else will have
better luck?)

11/29/02 2:13:04 PM Pacific Standard Time

The Washington Post
Weapons Inspectors' Experience Questioned
Va. Man Is Cited As Example; Hiring Process Criticized
By James V. Grimaldi
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, November 28, 2002; Page 1

The United Nations launched perhaps its most important weapons
ever yesterday with a team that includes a 53-year-old Virginia man
no specialized scientific degree and a leadership role in
sadomasochistic sex

The United Nations acknowledged yesterday that it did not conduct a
background check on Harvey John "Jack" McGeorge of Woodbridge, who
was in
New York waiting to be sent to Iraq as a munitions analyst. McGeorge
picked for the diplomatically sensitive mission over some of the
experienced disarmament sleuths in the world. A U.N. spokesman said
McGeorge was part of a group recommended by the State Department,
which in turn
said it was merely forwarding names for consideration.

The disclosures about McGeorge's qualifications come as concerns are
raised among some former U.N. weapons inspectors that the current
lacks experience. The former inspectors, who worked for the United
Special Commission created after the Persian Gulf War, say the new
inspectors have
been selected in part to avoid offending Iraq. These critics say
that Hans
Blix, the executive chairman of the U.N. Monitoring, Verification
Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC), is bypassing some experienced
because they were opposed by Iraq as too aggressive in the earlier

Former inspectors also say that rules requiring applicants to quit
government jobs meant that some of the best-qualified experts did
apply, leaving many positions to be filled by applicants, such as
McGeorge, from
the private sector. The former inspectors also say the current
team lacks the size, mobility and equipment to do its job
adequately, and
that the new U.N. policy of not sharing information with
agencies could further handicap the team's ability to find weapons

U.N. officials defended their team of inspectors, saying that they
highly qualified and among the 

[CTRL] mood altering/psychotronic weapons, cia experiments, bernadin/clergy

2002-11-30 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
also has German RA, satellites and Kissinger

this may be heavy for survivors

US tried to develop mood-altering weapons, science panel admits by Maxim Kniazkov, Washington, Agence France Presse - 11/5/02 "The United States has made an attempt to develop mood-altering weapons similar to the gas used in a recent hostage crisis in Moscow but abandoned the program because it could not be reconciled with international law, a US government-sponsored scientific panel acknowledged. The disclosure is contained in a 250-page report issued Monday by the National Research Council, which urged the Pentagon to take another look at non-lethal weapons now that US forces face a greater chance of getting involved in urban combat. Research into fentanyl-based chemicals known as "calmatives" was sponsored by the Edgewood Chemical and Biological Command and conducted at the Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground in Maryland 10 to 15 years ago, according to the document. The council described the program as "significant" but stopped short of revealing details because they remain classified. However, possible use of calmatives was discussed on a number of occasions at the office of the secretary of defense and by the Joint Staff, which has eventually concluded that in their current form, these agents would be illegal under the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)." 

"...U.S. Government researchers intentionally exposed Americans to potentially dangerous substances without their knowledge or consentwhich I have been privileged to chair from 1993-94, has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the extent to which veterans participated in such research while they were serving in the U.S. military. This resulted in two hearings, on May 6, 1994, and August 5, 1994john D. Rockefeller Iv, Chairman. Committee on Veterans' Affairs." "4,5 These servicemembers often unwittingly participated as human subjects in tests for drugs intended for mind-control or behavior modification, often without their knowledge or consent. Although the ultimate goal of those experiments was to provide information that would help U.S. military and intelligence efforts, most Americans would agree that the use of soldiers as unwitting guinea pigs in experiments that were designed to harm them, at least temporarily, is not ethical. Whether the goals of these experiments and exposures were worthy or not, these experiences put hundred of thousands of U.S. service members at risk, and may have caused lasting harm to many individuals." http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/lillithsrealm/myhomepage/Humanity/HumanExperiment/HELessons.htm graphics may be heavy for survivors

Code Name: Artichoke - The CIA's Secret Experiments on Humans A film by Egmont R. Koch and Michael Wech "Frederick/Maryland. More than 40 years after his death, the body of former CIA scientist Dr. Frank Olson has been exhumed. Olson's son Eric is convinced his father was murdered by agents of the American government because he wanted to leave the CIA. Dr. Frank Olson was an expert for anthrax and other biological weapons and had top security clearance. Forensic pathologists at George Washington University performed an autopsy and concluded that Olson probably was the victim of a violent crime." http://www.frankolsonproject.org/Articulations/Script-CodeNameArtichoke.html

"The Mind Has No Firewall" Army article on psychotronic weapons The following article is from the US military publication Parameters, subtitled "US Army War College Quarterly." It describes itself as "The United States Army's Senior Professional Journal." "The Mind Has No Firewall" by Timothy L. Thomas. Parameters, Spring 1998, pp. 84-92. "An entirely new arsenal of weapons, based on devices designed to introduce subliminal messages or to alter the body's psychological and data-processing capabilities, might be used to incapacitate individuals. These weapons aim to control or alter the psyche, or to attack the various sensory and data-processing systems of the human organism. In both cases, the goal is to confuse or destroy the signals that normally keep the body in equilibrium."  http://www.thememoryhole.org/mil/mind-firewall2.htm

FBI exec to monitor church's abuse Cases... Washington - The U.S. Roman Catholic bishops Thursday named the FBI's No. 3 official to monitor the church's new policy on clerical sex abuse and help prevent future scandals. Kathleen McChesney, 51, will be the first executive director of the church's Office for Child and Youth Protection...after a year in which at least 300 of the country's 46,000 priests have been removed under allegations of molestation. http://www.grandforks.com/mld/miamiherald/news/front/4470488.htm   

The Beginning of The End  of The Bernardin Legacy - Introduction by Stephen Brady All accusations are alleged "Over the past 12 years, in sworn deposition, in accounts to investigators, in affidavits submitted in support of others' cases, in direct statements to Bernardi

Re: [CTRL] For the record - that "famous" Bush quote

2002-11-30 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
You should have asked.  I was watching television and heard the words drop from his own sweet lips.  There was no doubt he was sincere.  Prudy
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Re: [CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: When Parents Say No to Child Vaccinations

2002-11-30 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/29/2002 11:45:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Clusters of unvaccinated children are not only in potential
danger themselves, health officials say, but are also a
threat to the "herd immunity" that walls out epidemics,
sheltering fetuses, infants too young to be immunized, old
people with weakened immune systems and even vaccinated
classmates who remain at risk because no vaccine is 100
percent effective.

Yes, and now that our president's Homeland Security Bill with selected riders has been enacted into law, it is no longer possible to sue the manufacturers of the vaccines the Government is forcing on you.  A little mercury is good for the soul--well maybe not the soul, but it's really good for the Republican Party.  Prudy
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] If the Media Were Liberal - Questions ... ???

2002-11-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-
In a message dated 11/30/2002 10:20:38 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Anyone who can think for themselves, who has read your posts for a single day, knows you are not a neutral source and can be ignored.  Only those who compile lists of anti-Semitic sources can take the time to check on all of your sources and their supposed facts.  

And you are so obviously a ADL SHILL that you are a joke.
Go back to the drum corps...your incessant pounding of the Zionazi war march is a little monotonous.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] If the Media Were Liberal - Questions ... ???

2002-11-30 Thread Zuukie
-Caveat Lector-

-Caveat Lector-

one of Shannon’s opinion comments.  Want to support the comment
with some facts?  If you do try, please
use current information and not some old article from the 30’s.   Anyone
who can think for themselves, who has read your posts for a single day, knows
you are not a neutral source and can be ignored.  Only those who compile lists of anti-Semitic sources
can take the time to check on all of your sources and their supposed


Same here!
Too bad the Zionazis OWN the press!


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Reefer Madness

2002-11-30 Thread thew
Title: Reefer Madness
-Caveat Lector-

Reefer Madness

We interrupt our coverage of the war on terrorism to check in with that other permanent conflict against a stateless enemy, the war on drugs. To judge by the glee at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the drug warriors have just accomplished the moral equivalent of routing the Taliban — helping to halt a relentless jihad against the nation's drug laws.

Ballot initiatives in Ohio (treatment rather than prison for nonviolent drug offenders), Arizona (the same, plus making marijuana possession the equivalent of a traffic ticket, and providing free pot for medical use) and Nevada (full legalization of marijuana) lost decisively this month. Liberalization measures in Florida and Michigan never even made it to the ballot. 

Some of this was due to the Republican election tide. Some was generational — boomer parents like me, fearful of seeing our teenagers become drug-addled slackers. (John Walters, the White House drug czar, shrewdly played on this anxiety by hyping the higher potency of today's pot with the line, "This is not your father's marijuana.") Some may have been a reluctance to loosen any social safety belts when the nation is under threat. Certainly a major factor was that proponents of change, who had been winning carefully poll-tested ballot measures, state by state, since California in 1996, found themselves facing a serious and well-financed opposition, cheered on by Mr. Walters.

The truly amazing thing is that 30 years into the modern war on drugs, the discourse is still focused disproportionately on marijuana rather than more important and excruciatingly hard problems like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines.

The drug liberalizers — an alliance of legal reformers, liberals, libertarians and potheads — dwell on marijuana in part because a lot of the energy and money in their campaign comes from people who like to smoke pot and want the government off their backs. Also, marijuana has provided them with their most marketable wedge issue, the use of pot to relieve the suffering of AIDS and cancer patients. Never mind that the medical benefits of smoking marijuana are still mostly unproven (in part because the F.D.A. almost never approves the research and the pharmaceuticals industry sees no money in it). The issue may be peripheral, but it appeals to our compassion, especially when the administration plays the heartless heavy by sending SWAT teams to arrest people in wheelchairs. Thus a movement that started, at least in the minds of reform sponsors like the billionaire George Soros, as an effort to reduce the ravages of both drugs and the war on drugs, has become mostly about pot smoking.

The more interesting question is why the White House is so obsessed with marijuana. The memorable achievements of Mr. Walters's brief tenure have been things like cutting off student loans for kids with pot convictions, threatening doctors who recommend pot to cancer patients and introducing TV commercials that have the tone and credibility of wartime propaganda. One commercial tells pot smokers that they are subsidizing terrorists. Another shows a stoned teenager discovering a handgun in Dad's desk drawer and dreamily shooting a friend. (You'll find it at www.mediacampaign.org. Watch it with the sound off and you'd swear it was an ad for gun control.)

Drug czars used to draw a distinction between casual-use drugs like marijuana and the hard drugs whose craving breeds crime and community desolation. But this is not your father's drug czar. Mr. Walters insists marijuana is inseparable from heroin or cocaine. He offers two arguments, both of which sound as if they came from the same people who manufacture the Bush administration's flimsy economic logic.

One is that marijuana is a "gateway" to hard-drug use. Actually Mr. Walters, who is a political scientist but likes to sound like an epidemiologist, prefers to say that pot use is an "increased risk factor" for other drugs. The point in our conversation when my nonsense-alarm went off was when he likened the relationship between pot and hard drugs to that between cholesterol and heart disease. In fact, the claim that marijuana leads to the use of other drugs appears to be unfounded. On the contrary, an interesting new study by Andrew Morral of RAND, out in the December issue of the British journal Addiction, shows that the correlation between pot and hard drugs can be fully explained by the fact that some people, by virtue of genetics or circumstances, have a predisposition to use drugs.

Mr. Walters's other justification for turning his office into the War on Pot is the dramatic increase in the number of marijuana smokers seeking professional help. This, he claims, reflects an alarming rise in the number of people hooked on cannabis. But common sense and the government's own statistics suggest an alternative explanation: if you're caught with pot, enrolling in a tr

[CTRL] OT - A Wanderer at Home in Grass and Stardust

2002-11-30 Thread thew
Title: OT - A Wanderer at Home in Grass and Stardust
-Caveat Lector-

>From the NY Times

November 26, 2002

A Wanderer at Home in Grass and Stardust

Where's home, cowboy?"

That's what you get for wearing your brand-new cowboy boots into a bar in a big Eastern city. Although I grew up in the West, I've never been a cowboy. I don't remember how I deflected that friendly bartender's question — it was long ago when I went in for such affectations as boots that would never meet a stirrup — but the question has bothered me ever since, mainly because, like many men of a certain age who have moved around too much, I don't know the answer anymore.

That question came back to me very late one night last week as I was lying in the grass in the darkest part of Riverside Park I could find, staring at a tree-fringed swath of sky looking for shooting stars.

It was the final hour of the earth's yearly passage through a band of dust and rocks that marks the orbit of Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle. As the earth plows into that cloud, crumbs of matter left behind by the comet scream into the atmosphere and die a breathtaking death that we call the Leonid meteor shower.

Every 30 years or so that shower produces fireworks to rival the end of the world, with thousands of meteors blazing evanescent streaks across the sky, and this was the last year of one of those peaks, the last chance in my lifetime to experience celestial fury. Astronomers say it won't be this good again for decades.

At least a storm of flashing fireballs is what I imagined was going on over my head as I looked up at the light-besotted Manhattan sky. There were just enough stars visible to reassure me that I wasn't wasting my time staring at a cloudbank. I chalked up the first brief, almost subliminal streaks of light I saw to reflections in my glasses or head movements, but after a few more I decided they were real meteors, flakes of cosmic dandruff falling. None lasted longer than an eye blink.

For some people, including my mother, the idea of lying in a New York park in the middle of the night might seem reckless at best. But as I lay there, I realized I was actually quite comfortable. In fact, even though the grass was wet and lumpy and I had to hold my head up with my hands while shielding my eyes from the street lamps in the distance, and in fact I was freezing, I had never felt more natural and comfortable in New York, where I have now lived this time around for five years.

I felt, well, at home.

Where is home, cowboy? My mind buzzed. Was it the apartment a few yards away where my wife and our cats were still sleeping in a warm heap? Was it the Northwest where my family still lives and where the mountains and the salmon call to me every summer? Or the farmhouse in Woodstock where I spent a decade writing books and learning to use a chain saw?

Maybe my concept of home was too small. With a swell of purple-mountained pride and a nostalgia for Fenway Park hot dogs, I wondered if America was my home. But my people all came from Norway 100 years ago. My blondish, fair-skinned and blue-eyed genes were adapted for the midnight sun and the gloomy winters above some fjord, so maybe that's home. Except that I've never been there. And everybody, anthropologists say, eventually came from Africa. I've never been there either.

So perhaps I should think even bigger, that the earth itself is the only sensible home. Surely it is the only place we know of that harbors life. But life's origin might transcend any one particular planet, astronomers say. Some of them have speculated that the water that fills the earth's oceans, and the organic molecules from which life eventually evolved, were delivered here by comets, which are half water ice, during a hellish bombardment soon after the earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago and the nascent solar system was full of debris careering dangerously between the planets.

The cosmologist and astrophysicist Fred Hoyle, author of the so-called steady state theory of an eternal unchanging universe, may have talked himself out of a Nobel Prize by arguing that viruses come from comets.

But the trail didn't stop there. Astronomers tell me that the atoms of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and iron in my bones as well as in comets were forged by thermonuclear reactions in stars that came before us and were blown here on the winds of supernova explosions.

The solar system's home, in short, is the Milky Way galaxy. We circle the galaxy once about every 250 million years, which sounds like a long time, but the sun has had time to make 18 trips around the Milky Way since it was formed — more times than I have been to Europe. That's a lot of opportunity for cosmic enrichment. Astronomers estimate that about 40,000 tons of dust from comets and asteroids fall into the atmosphere every year.

But the Milky Way, like all galaxies, and the process by whi

[CTRL] Book "Saddam's Bombmaker" Full Of Lies

2002-11-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

'Saddam's Bombmaker' Full Of Lies
By Imad Khadduri
YellowTimes.org Guest Columnist (Canada)

The book "Saddam's Bombmaker," recently published by Khidhir Hamza, recounted the author's 22 years of experience with the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC). Hamza exaggerated to a great extent his own role in the nuclear weapon program. As I personally know the author and have worked with him during these two decades, I wish to clarify the following untruths and misinformation that has been postulated by him in his book.   

There is a huge difference between those who worked with the government for scientific and professional reasons despite being under the sharp sword of government security agencies, and those who try to hide their fear with a fig leaf. A few scientists who believed in their work realized the slippery road they were treading and tried to leave before and after the 1991 Gulf War. While some were able to flee Iraq, others, such as Dr. Al Shahrastsani (who was also charged with other offenses), ceased his work despite the penalty of death given to such rebellious actions.   

But when the bells of fear first started to ring in Hamza's mind in 1974, when he prepared the first nuclear weapons project report at the request of the government, he decided to stay in Iraq until it was convenient for him to go abroad. In the '70s and '80s, it would have been much easier and less risky to leave, yet he wallowed in Iraq in nice Mercedes cars while attending scientific conventions with lavish stipends. He kept deluding himself, as he naively mentions in his book, that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IEAE) or the CIA would contact him and magically whisk him out of Iraq as if on a flying carpet.   

Even though he was the head of the physics department in the nuclear research center for ten years during the seventies, his deep inner fear of radiation prevented him from ever entering the reactor hall or touching any scientific gadgets, probably due to his continual fear of an electric jolt that he experienced as a child, as his book mentions.   

Hamza's aversion to scientific experimentation drove him to insist on working solely on the highly theoretical three-body-problem during the seventies, far removed from any of the initial work on fission that was carried on during that period at the Iraqi Nuclear Research Center. He did not, even remotely, get involved in any scientific research, except for journalistic articles, dealing with the fission bomb, its components or its effects. The testimony to this is the recorded archive of the IAEC for the seventies that point to the efforts of others in this field, and none to the self-proclaimed "bombmaker."   

At the end of the seventies, he completely refused to take any responsibility in the Iraqi purchased French research reactor, and left that task to the great Egyptian scientist, Dr. Yehya El Meshad, who was assassinated by the Israeli Mossad in Paris in 1980.   

After he again withdrew from any leadership responsibility for the nuclear weapon project which started in earnest in 1980 in direct response to the Israeli attack on the OSIRAK reactor, leaving it to one of Iraq's great physicists, Hamza was merely assigned the gaseous diffusion project. He did, in fact, spend some effort in buying the fine filters needed for that project, but his fear of entering the project hall was a cause of many hilarious puns.   

In the mid eighties, Hamza was asked by Hussain Kamil to write a report on the progress of the weapon program to present to the government. In response to this report, the whole program was put under the control and guidance of Hussain Kamil himself in 1987. The pace of work accelerated immensely until 1991. However, during that time, the "bombmaker" was kicked out of the program at the end of 1987 for stealing a few air conditioning units from the building assigned to his project. This he conveniently omitted to mention in his book, but cited frequent travels abroad to garner assistance and equipment, while in fact he was an outcast to the project and did not attend any seminar or brainstorming sessions during that intense period.   

The "bombmaker" did make a great deal in his book of his role in building the Al Atheer weapon manufacturing center during the late eighties, while in fact he was going in circles doing nothing at the Tuwaitha Research Center, as a mere has-been, and did not even have an office space in Al Atheer. He was, in fact, assigned the peripheral job of writing a report on the American Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) project and spent his time collecting whatever information was available in the library from newspapers and scientific journals. He spent all his time during these critical years in the library and, in 1989, was made a sort of consultant, still loosely attached to the IAEA, but also taught at a university two days a week, far removed

[CTRL] Inside An Israeli Tent Prison

2002-11-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Inside An Israeli Tent Prison
From Reportersnotebook.com

Chilling Human Rights Violations at Negev Tent Prison.   

Please do not publish my name in order to protect my friends from more torture.   

I have just been made aware of the conditions at the Negev Prison. And they are horrific.   

1) Medical treatment is being denied to all prisoners. Only those on deaths door are taken for treatment. Many men have severe burns (I'll describe the fire later), infected bullet wounds, broken bones, pneumonia, and malnutrition. Aspirin (the only med dispensed) is the catchall cure for all the men's maladies. Organizations must act quickly to save and care for the sick and wounded patients in the Negev detention camp. No surgeries or proper medication are given to them. They are facing a slow death as a result of this blatant neglect.   

2) There are presently about 1,280 prisoners at the Negev Tent Prison. The men are help in barbwire cages, 60 per sector, and 20 per 6x6 meter non-waterproof tent. They sleep on wooden planks with one blanket per man. The temperature plummets to zero or just above at night. The men are suffering because of the cold, especially as some have little or no clothing and let be noted that they are in the same clothes they were arrested in. In terms of sanitation there is a hole in the ground and this dug up only once every 2 months so the stench is horrific. The cages as I said before are open to the elements and snakes and scorpions often crawl into the common areas. During the heat of the day, flies swarm all over the men. They have to keep moving to avoid the flies and at night mosquitoes torture the men. There is also no electricity.   

3) The prisoners live on inhuman food rations they get peas and rice, rice and peas and peas and rice. They are given moldy, many times frozen bread and every 4th day lukewarm tea.   

4) There are no basic supplies or items for personal hygiene. There is a spout for a shower but it only has ice-cold water. There are no paper or pens. The men are not allowed to receive clothes or gifts from family.   

5) If they are seen to move out of the tents, the soldiers have been ordered to point their rifles, with their fingers on the trigger, ready to shoot. In addition, the guards inside are all armed, which is in direct contravention of the law.   

6) All the men in the Negev desert prison are held for indefinite periods of time without charges or trial. Many times the men are told they are to be released but then at the hearing they renew the sentence for 6 more months, on grounds ?that are a threat to the nation. Now remember there are no charges and no evidence to make such a charge. The prisoners' lawyers are often barred from seeing them and since the prison is on a military base all Human Rights Groups, Family and Media are barred from the prison.   

7) Many men have been tortured. All are systematically beaten.   

8) On October 24th at 8:30 am 3 men were told they must come with the IDF guards because they were accused of trying to escape. The other prisons knew this was false and all that the guards were going to do was torture the prisoners, so they refused to leave the cage. A scuffle ensued and the guards lobbed tear gas and percussion grenades into all the prison sectors. In several sectors the percussion grenades started fires and in one sector the winds whipped up the fire so furiously the men were in danger of being engulfed. The 60 men desperately used wooden planks to break their way into the next sector to escape the fire. They succeeded but it took quite a while and many men were badly burned. The guards also shot rubber bullets into the men-s cages and several men took deep hits because the shots were taken at close range. In all 33 people were wounded and no one got care. Even more disgusting was that the men housed in the badly burned section were left to sleep on the remains of the charred tent with no blankets and no tent covering for 15 days.   

There must be immediate action. These men are suffering terribly and many are in danger of dying. International laws are being broken. Someone must have the power to at least give these men humane conditions. I have contacted Amnesty and Human Rights Watch hopefully someone can help.  

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[CTRL] Anything Goes for Spoiling Saddam’s Life

2002-11-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

13:29 2002-11-30

Anything Goes for Spoiling Saddam’s Life 

An anonymous Iraqi official allegedly stated that Iraq was rich with mass destruction weapons 

Hardly a UN committee started working in Iraq, the USA and Great Britain experienced another outbreak of the anti-Iraqi campaign. The point of the new campaign is not conspicuous for being original: Saddam deceives the world, he has the mass destruction weapons anyway. 

The commotion was raised by the British newspaper the Times. At first, this respectable newspaper cited a London-based Arab newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi. The paper published an interview, which was allegedly given by a high-ranking Iraqi official. That official affirmed the following: 
- Saddam has chemical and biological weapons; 
- Iraq continues its secret work on its nuclear program; 
- The Iraqi dictator has 20 ballistic missiles. 

Rather impressive. Yet, there is an impression that the mentioned high-ranking official works not in the Iraqi, but in the American government (or in the British government). At least, the leaders of those two countries have been obsessed with Saddam’s mass destruction weapons for several months in a row already. That “official” and his confession came in handy indeed. 

However, the Times believed that it was not enough. The newspaper published another article yesterday, which said that the Iraqis hid the part of mass destruction weapons in their homes. This information was allegedly received by Western special services as a result of radio interception. 

Saddam Hussein is sly as devil. UN inspectors do their best now to check everything in Iraq. If Saddam really cheats, he will have to pay a lot for that. Yet, he just keeps doing his thing. As a matter of fact, there is no reason to believe that the information, that was published in those newspapers is not connected with the start of the inspection in Iraq. It all came up after inspectors’ first trips to suspicious objects in the country. There is nothing surprising about that. 

Speaking about being objective and unbiased, they should have waited for the first stage of the inspections to complete. As it is supposed, it is to happen in January. This is the time, when the UN committee will expose its conclusions regarding either the presence or absence of the mass destruction weapons in Iraq. On the ground of that conclusion, the international community (not only the USA and Great Britain) will think upon its further actions. 

There is an impression that London and Washington decided to get a guarantee, in case if nothing criminal is found. UN inspectors will not go to every house or dig in every dunghill, after all. There is one thing clear about the whole issue. Washington and London are longing to get rid of Saddam. Anything goes for that, any kind of means, even ridiculous ones. 

Vasily Bubnov 

Translated by Dmitry Sudakov

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[CTRL] Terrorists lifting military base IDs?

2002-11-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
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Saturday, November 30, 2002
Terrorists lifting
military base IDs?
Group ponders rash of missing vehicle decals
Posted: November 30, 2002
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Jon Dougherty
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

A noted military analysis and research organization says a rash of
Department of Defense vehicle window decals have gone missing
from vehicles at bases all over the country, raising concerns that at
least some may have been stolen by terrorists.

"It's come to our attention that [the decals] have gone missing from
a multitude of personally owned vehicles," says an advisory
published Monday by Paul Purcell, board member for Soldiers For
The Truth, a group founded by decorated veteran, author and
defense columnist Col. David Hackworth, USA (Ret.).
"This has not been happening in one particular location, either,"
Purcell wrote. "Theft reports of these base-entry stickers have
filtered in from a number of areas across the country."

Purcell said his organization did not know to what extent the thefts
have been reported or dealt with, "but we felt it was important
enough to put the word out as a warning, a brainstorm topic and a
request for action."

The advisory mentioned a couple reasons for the phenomenon –
"simple anti-military and/or anti-impending war vandalism," or a
"second and more urgent theory" involving "al-Qaida or other terror
groups [which] are collecting these decals in order to gain admission
to military facilities."

Going on the assumption that the thefts could be terror-related,
Purcell offered three points of consideration.

"First, we have to consider the fact that not all installations have
been hit as hard as others," he said. "Therefore, reports are not
filtering up as they should, and consequently the reactions of the
powers that be … will be slow to take place."

"Next," he continued, "we have to assume that whoever is doing this
may be smart enough to collect only one or two decals from any
particular jurisdiction, in order to stay below their radar" and avoid
detection. This tactic, he said, "would still provide enough ID for a
vehicle or two to gain access to a number of restricted military

Third, Purcell wrote, "we have to wonder what their reason is for
wanting base access." He went on to say that "recently intercepted
al-Qaida Internet traffic and other indicators" hint that "something is
being planned for some time in December." While SFTT has no
confirmation of that, he asked, "What better way to disrupt any sort
of reaction than to create a distraction in the very midst of our
seemingly secure military installations?"

A Pentagon spokesman told WorldNetDaily that the Defense
Department was not aware of a widespread problem.

Nevertheless, Purcell – in his advisory – recommended that state,
federal and military officials be made aware of the possibility that
base ID stickers could be targeted by terrorist operatives.
"Awareness is key," he said.

Also, the advisory recommended notifying "anyone involved in any
form of base security … that they should keep an extra eye on those
coming and going from their posts."

Finally, "we should all remain vigilant," Purcell said. "We should take
this as a warning and should not wait for [secretary of the
Department of Homeland Security nominee] Tom Ridge to make an
official adjustment to his color-coded threat board."

In terms of making the decals harder to get, SFTT recommends
placing a clear laminated sheet over them at bases – "one that
extends an inch or two beyond the edges of the decal" – which
would make them much more difficult to remove or "sweat" off
vehicles. The organization also suggests developing stickers that
contain some sort of hologram or other item that is hard to

Until changes can be made to enhance the security of the ID
stickers, "all military installations should at least require a picture ID"
from personnel attempting to gain access to installations.

"We should remember that the decal and ID theft are not limited to
military installations," Purcell said. "In fact, the largest number of ID
thefts are coming from airports and seaports."

U.S. military officials are said to be focusing more on base security,
in no small part due to the continued war on terror, but also because
of an escalation of attacks directed at American military forces,
especially in Asia.

Last week, explosions occurred outside Camp Zama, the U.S.
Army's Japan headquarters, 25 miles southeast of Tokyo. Police
said a rocket launcher was found near the compound, which is also
home to the 9th Theater Support Command.

On Thursday, protestors in eastern South Korea threw firebombs at
Camp Page, a U.S. military base in the city of Chunchon, following
the acquittal of two American soldiers accused of killing two Korean
schoolgirls in a

Re: [CTRL] BNN: Arabs thankful as tornado hits Iowa

2002-11-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

From the same source:

Peruvian Teddy Bears Convert to Judaism,
Move to Settlement

Avraham Avinunu, BNN, 15 October 2002
KIRYAT DOV--This dusty cluster of

Above: Peruvian convert Paddington
Bear prays at the Western
Wall in Jerusalem. Human rights groups warn that the flood of
Jewish omnivores has barely begun (BNN).
trailers atop a West Bank hill may
seem like an unlikely place to find
Paddington Bear and his teddy bear friends. But in a stunning new
development in its efforts to bolster the flagging settlement drive, the
Israeli government recently assisted Paddington and seventy eight
other cuddly toys to convert to Orthodox Judaism and move here to
Kiryat Dov.
"Operation Honey Pot" began
almost two years ago when a
delegation of rabbis from the Yesha Council (the body representing
Israeli settlers in the Occupied Territories) traveled to Darkest Peru
to look for potential converts who could come and populate the
dozens of settlements, many of which are only partly empty. They
happened upon the tribe of teddy bears whose origins are lost in the
mists of time.
Paddington, who still wears his signature
blue Duffel coat, but now
adorned with a traditional prayer shawl, and a knitted blue kippa
under his well-worn bowler hat says that he is very happy to be in
the West Bank. Sitting on a plastic chair outside the trailer, with an
Uzi lying at his feet, Paddington reflects on the decision to make
aliyah. "Things had become very difficult for us in Darkest Peru,"
said the bear. "It was not easy to find honey, due to clear cutting of
the forest where we live." Also, we teddy bears very much like to
have tea parties and picnics, and this is not possible where we lived.
This is when we decided to seek an alternative."
But the move to Kiryat Dov (which
is Hebrew for "Bear Village," was
not Paddington's first attempt to leave Darkest Peru. "A few years
ago," said the stuffed toy, as he licked honey from his paws, "I
traveled to London, with nothing but this Duffel coat and a beaten
suitcase. I was found in Paddington station with a sign hanging
round my neck which said 'please look after this bear.' This is where
I got my name. Unfortunately my experience with the English was
not very satisfactory and I decided not to bring my people to London,
even though the tea is very good."
After a spell living with a kindly
lady, Paddington soon found himself
jobless and destitute, drifting through London's seemier underbelly.
He managed to save enough money by appearing in children's
books and cartoons, and returned to Darkest Peru.
Asked how he feels about the Palestinian-Israeli
conflict raging all
around him, though seemingly far away from this deceptively quiet
hilltop, Paddington is philosophical: "We teddy bears, we have
nothing against the Arabs. We came here to fulfill a promise to our
children that they will always have honey. If the Arabs will leave us
alone, we will not have trouble. If they want to bother us, they will
see we are not so cuddly."
Challenged that the land on which
Kiryat Dov is built was
confiscated by the Israeli army from Palestinian farmers whose
trees were plowed by bulldozers, Paddington throws his paws up: "I
am just a teddy bear, not a politician. If they shall make a state for
the teddy bears, maybe we will go there. But now we are Jews and
we belong here in Samaria district."
How did the settler rabbis convince
the bears to convert to Orthodox
"They told us that we were a
lost tribe of Jewish bears," says
Paddington, "and that our place was in the Moledet, the homeland.
At first we did not believe them, but then the chief rabbi asked us,
'do you bears not live by honey?' Of course we answered 'yes.' Then
he said, 'so your place is in the land of Milk and Honey.' We said,
'okay for the honey, but what about the milk?' The rabbi, said 'the
honey is for you. After we finish here we are going to Wonderland to
convert the Cheshire Cat. For him is the milk."


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[CTRL] Child-killers Aquitted by US Military Court - Awarding Impunity to Child Murderers - Americans Free to Kill Lesser Races

2002-11-30 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Korean Activists Hurl Firebombs Into U.S. Military Base in Seoul

The Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea Nov. 24 - Dozens of activists hurled firebombs into a
U.S. military base early Monday, protesting last week's acquittals of two
American soldiers involved in the deaths of two Korean teenagers.

The attack on Camp Gray in Seoul, a small warehouse management facility
manned mostly by South Korean employees, caused no property damage or
injuries, the U.S. military said.

South Korean police said one activist was arrested. "It's understandable
for people to express their views and opinions, but we will not condone
violent demonstrations which could cause injuries and damage to
facilities," said Lt. Col. Steven Boylan, a military spokesman.

Last week, Sgt. Fernando Nino and Sgt. Mark Walker were acquitted of
negligent homicide charges in the deaths of two 13-year-old school girls,
who were hit June 13 by an armored vehicle.

The acquittals prompted an outcry from South Korean activists, who called
the trials a sham. Walker and Nino, who belong to the 2nd U.S. Infantry
Division, were on a training mission when their vehicle struck the girls
on a narrow rural road. The girls were on their way to a birthday party.

Since the soldiers' acquittals, South Korean political parties have called
for revising a U.S.-South Korean military accord to give South Korean
enough jurisdiction in cases involving U.S. soldiers.

Currently, the U.S. military has jurisdictional rights over American
soldiers accused of crimes while on duty, though it can allow South Korea
to try them on a case-by-case basis.

About 37,000 American soldiers are based in South Korea as a deterrent
against communist North Korea. Both the U.S. and South Korean governments
favor an American military presence as a deterrent against the communist
North. The 1950-1953 Korean War ended without a peace treaty.

2nd GI cleared in deaths of two girls By T.D. Flack, Stars and Stripes
Pacific edition, Sunday, November 24, 2002 Greg L. Davis / Stars &

Stripes / Mr. Mun Chong-Hyon holds a sign reading USFK! All of you are
guilty!! immediately after having his head shaved to protest Thursday's
verdict of Sgt. Fernando Nino. Mr. Mun has the South Korean flag draped
around him as if it were a barber's bib as a symbolic gesture during an
anti-American protest at the main gate of Camp Casey.

CAMP CASEY, South Korea -- After four hours of deliberations Friday, a
court-martial panel found Army Sgt. Mark Walker innocent of two negligent
homicide charges for his role in the deaths of two South Korean girls who
were crushed by an armored vehicle in June.

Walker's trial began Thursday, the day after Army Sgt. Fernando Nino
was acquitted of the same charges.

Walker, 36, was driving an M60 Armored Vehicle Launched Mine Clearing Line
Charge (AVLM) June 13 that was commanded by Nino. It struck and killed
Shim Mi-sun and Shin Hyo-soon, both 13, while traveling uphill and around
a curve on a civilian highway near the Twin Bridges training area.

"I feel really numb," Walker after the verdict was read.

When asked if he thought it was unfair to be placed on trial for the
incident, Walker responded, "No, I'm sure there was a reason," adding he
felt the Army wanted to show that due process was served.

Appearing poised and sincere, Walker wanted the Korean public to know he
was "terribly sorry" about the incident.

"I'm very proud of being in Korea, and I'm proud of the job we do," said
Walker, adding that he's traveled around the world. "The Korean people are
probably some of the friendliest."

He said he certainly was worried during the four-hour panel deliberations.

Still, Walker said the ordeal strengthened his relationship with Nino.
"Actually, this brought us closer together as friends," he said.

Guy Womack, lead defense counsel, said Walker is being transferred back to
the United States but declined to specify a departure date.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Child-Run-Over Killers Now Safe at Home in America

2002-11-30 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


Thursday, 28 November, 2002, 11:59 GMT
Seoul restaurants bar US diners

This is the latest in a string of anti-US protests

Some restaurants and pubs in the South Korean capital are refusing to serve
Americans amid anger over the acquittal of two US soldiers for the road
deaths of two teenage girls.

"The incident has seriously hurt our national pride."
Lee Chang-yong, restaurant owner

"Americans are not welcome here," read a sign on the door and a window of
Zeno, a restaurant in Seoul.

On Wednesday US President George Bush sent a message of regret for the
deaths of the girls, who were crushed by a US military vehicle in June.

But critics said the apology was not enough to stem the anger in South
Korea, which hosts 37,000 US soldiers.

Last week a US military court cleared Sergeant Fernando Nino and Sergeant
Mark Walker of negligent homicide, but anti-US protesters said the verdict
was a sham.

"I don't want to give a drop of water to Americans," said Lee Chang-yong,
the owner of Zeno restaurant which serves spaghetti and barbecued ribs.

"The incident has seriously hurt our national pride."

A few anti-US signs have also appeared near Seoul's Hongik University, an
entertainment district, but the signs are not widespread.

Tighter security

Most South Koreans support or tolerate the presence of US troops, who are
there as a deterrent against North Korea.

But there was public anger that the US refused to allow the two soldiers to
be tried in a Korean court.

Some protests have turned violent, with Molotov cocktails being thrown into
military bases.

On Thursday two firebombs were thrown over the wall of Camp Page in the
eastern city of Chuncheon.

On Tuesday about 50 people were arrested following an attack at a major
military base north of Seoul.

Security has been stepped up around the US embassy and other US buildings
around the country, and 14,000 soldiers in the 2nd Infantry Division - which
was home to the acquitted men - are observing a 2200 curfew.

General Leon LaPorte, commander of the US troops in South Korea, said he
would do what was necessary to ensure the safety of soldiers and their

"If required, I will have to initiate some actions so we can ensure that our
service members and family members are not exposed to violence," he said on

Mr Bush's apology was conveyed though US Ambassador Thomas Hubbard, who said
the president wanted to express "sadness and regret" over the deaths of the
two girls.

The two acquitted sergeants have now left South Korea.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] [infowars] A Disinformer squeals, when debunked by a previous post- A Case History Study in Disinformation

2002-11-30 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

A lot of the people claiming that the plane falling on Pentagon
didn't exist, probably fall into the same caste of US Government
disinformation agents. Promoting braindead conspiracies and
discrediting people, taking us farther away from truth.

There is one thing commong with all the disinformation agents;
The ideas they promote sound ludicrous and braindead to normal
people, yet they are promoted vigorously and with "all horns
blowing the same tune", thus eliminating totally some line of
inquiry or denying "the group they associate themselves with"
the legal access they would otherwise have had.

See the list histories as to who they are. Facts always speak
for themselves.

On Sat, 30 Nov 2002, John P wrote:

> It is an old axiom that:
> When you throw a rock into a pen full of pigs,
> the one that squeals is the one that you hit.
> It is interesting to note that even THIS VERY MESSAGE ALSO conforms completely to 
>the tactics of FBI COINTELPRO, as described previously:
> Look for the key words:
> "promote strife between groups"
> "disseminating ... ...derogatory information"
> in the article below.
> Visit:
> http://occs.cs.oberlin.edu/~pjaques/etext/ifanagentknocks.html
> Take note of the following paragraph:
> "The FBI COINTELPRO program was initiated in 1956. Its purpose, as
> described later by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, was "to expose, disrupt,
> misdirect, discredit, or otherwise neutralize activities" of those
> individuals and organizations whose ideas or goals he opposed. Tactics
> included: falsely labeling individuals as informants; infiltrating groups
> with persons instructed to disrupt the group; sending anonymous or forged
> letters designed to promote strife between groups; initiating politically
> motivated IRS investigations; carrying out burglaries of offices and
> unlawful wiretaps; and disseminating to other government agencies and to
> the media unlawfully obtained derogatory information on individuals and
> groups."
> If you understand the meaning of the tactic
> "infiltrating groups with persons instructed to disrupt the group;
> sending anonymous or forged letters designed to promote strife between groups"
> OR OF:
> "disseminating to other government agencies and to
> the media unlawfully obtained derogatory information on individuals and
> groups."
> THEN you will know that a campaign of personal attacks
> on the real patriots is a part of the FBI COINTELPRO program.
> Larry,
> It is now clear, that your superiors will not allow you to deviate from the 
> The best thing that you can do now is to request special permission to behave 
>like a legitimate patriot, for a short time, and HOPE that this blows over. Then you 
>could go back to attacking patriots, and promoting hoaxes later.
> On the other hand, If the FEDS have not ALREADY brought out one of their 
>"sleeper agents", to come to your aid, I would say that they may have decided that 
>you are expendable.
>   - Original Message -
>   From: Larry Lawson
>   Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 6:41 PM
>   Subject: A Case History Study in Disinformation
>   Perna, people on these lists KNOW Chemtrails, Tacamarks and other topics we've 
>reported on to be REAL.
>   So it is YOU that they'd view as a dis-informer here.
>   And again, I highly recomend you to pin Perna down here on Biblical Scripture if 
>such a thing is important to you.
>   Character is DEFINED by these standards, NOT MAN'S LAWS that Perna respects!
>   Again, you're not fooling anybody Perna.  I've spent hours each DAY researching 
>information to pass on and
>   made clear RETRACTIONS when we've found something to be false.
>   YOU, post a few safe re-hashed messages then this line of phony SPEW!
>   You are an abomination to God and to me and others.
>   I have approximately 2 YEARS worth of posts and documented information piled up at 
>   You?  HA!  A few safe posts and THIS CRAP!
>   Go play with your buddies in your purple palace PAL!!!
>   Because Shannon didn't take long to discern your nature you think you have any 
>weight to slam her also?
>   YECH!
>   - Original Message -
> From: John P
> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 4:55 PM
> Subject: A Case History Study in Disinformation
> It is interesting to note that even THIS VERY MESSAGE conforms completely to the 
>tactics of FBI COINTELPRO, as described previously:
> Look for the key words:
> "promote strife between groups"
> "disseminating ... ...derogatory information"
> in the article below.
> Visit:
> http://occs.cs.oberlin.edu/~pjaques/etext/ifanagentknocks.html
> Take note of the following paragraph:
> "The FBI COINTELPRO program was initiated in 1956. Its purpose, as
> described later by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, was "

[CTRL] Washington Seeks to Train 5,000 New Terrorists In Hungary

2002-11-30 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-

a.k.a. "Freedom Fighters"...


Washington seeks to train 5,000 Iraqi opposition in Hungary
Iraq-Hungary, Politics, 11/28/2002

The spokesman for the Hungarian government said yesterday that Washington
asked permission to use a military base to the south of Budapest to train
American soldiers and employees in preparation for war against Iraq. The
spokesman refused to comment on a report published by the ABC news
concerning an American plan to train 5,000 Iraqi opposition members so as
to be able to work as simultaneous translators in case a war takes place
against Iraq.

He said that the Hungarian government is currently studying the American
request and that the parliament will have the final say to this effect.
The said TV station said that the Pentagon will start training in Hungary
or another European state on the ground the trainees will be considered a
staff for the US department of State.

Meantime, an official at the US embassy in Budapest refused to comment on
this matter and described it as "sensitive." But the Hungarian expert in
the political security, Sebstein Gorka, said that the "American request is
not applicable politically," because the Hungarian government fears that
such training will cause terrorist attacks against the country.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: Administration Begins to Rewrite Decades-Old Spying Restrictions

2002-11-30 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Administration Begins to Rewrite Decades-Old Spying Restrictions

November 30, 2002

This article was reported by David Johnston, James Risen,
Neil A. Lewis and written by Mr. Johnston.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 - The Bush administration, in its fight
against terrorism, is slowly chipping away at the wall that
has existed for nearly three decades between domestic law
enforcement and international intelligence gathering in an
effort that senior officials said was vital to waging war
against Al Qaeda and other terror networks.

The barrier between domestic and overseas intelligence
gathering was erected when the Central Intelligence Agency
was created in 1947. It was significantly hardened in the
1970's in response to Congressional investigations that
produced revelations of widespread abuses by the Federal
Bureau of Investigation and the intelligence agency.

But since the attacks on New York and the Pentagon, the
Bush administration has waged a different kind of war,
mostly under the existing rules. Now, senior government
officials have concluded that the changes made so far have
not addressed the fundamental flaws of the old rules,
leaving the United State still vulnerable to terrorists.

The changes are coming about in part because of
Congressional criticism of the performances of the F.B.I.
and C.I.A. before the terrorist attacks on New York and
Washington. The two agencies will also be under the
scrutiny of an independent commission created this week to
examine their activities before the attacks.

The administration and Congress had already been reviewing
ideas to overhaul intelligence and law enforcement that
have been considered untouchable for a generation.

One is the creation of a domestic espionage agency; another
is the use of the military in United States law
enforcement. There is no agreement yet on new structures or
whether the basic mandates and core operations of the
central agencies will be changed.

The biggest change to date came on Monday when President
Bush signed a law creating a Department of Homeland
Security with its own intelligence unit. The unit is
designed to start operations as a small, analytical office,
but it has the potential to grow in significance,
especially if the Homeland Security Department evolves into
a powerful agency.

Another sign of change came earlier this month, when a
federal appeals court issued a ruling that erased
restrictions on the Justice Department's authority to spy
on terrorism suspects in the United States.

More quietly, officials say the administration is in the
midst of revising broad intelligence priorities laid out in
a directive issued by President Bill Clinton, a document
known as PDD 35. That process could eventually bring more

For now, proposals to create a new domestic intelligence
agency are on the back burner, senior government officials
say. And Pentagon officials emphasize that they are not yet
ready to abandon the longstanding legal doctrine barring
the military's involvement in law enforcement activities in
the United States.

But less radical changes that have already been made or are
now under consideration by the administration, Congress and
the judiciary seem very likely to blur the once bright
lines separating intelligence gathering, law enforcement
and the military.

"The old structure worked pretty well through the cold
war," one senior government official said. "But with 9/11
there was a sense that this is a new game and there is a
new threat and there must be a new approach."

Although there is broad agreement that change is
inevitable, the possibility that the new rules could erode
civil liberties has already prompted critics to complain
that some suggestions, like a domestic security agency with
sweeping powers to spy on people in the United States,
could bring about the same abuses that the old rules were
devised to eliminate.

The old restrictions placed the F.B.I. in charge of
domestic intelligence and barred other agencies - including
the C.I.A. and the National Security Agency, which
eavesdrops on communications overseas - from operating in
the United States. The F.B.I.'s powers were restricted. It
could not spy on political or religious groups without
evidence that the group was involved in a crime. It could
not monitor terror or espionage suspects without a warrant
from a special court based on evidence that "primary
purpose" of the surveillance was intelligence gathering,
not criminal investigation.

The C.I.A. was authorized to operate only overseas under
rules that were not as strict as the F.B.I. limits, but
that still curtailed the agency's involvement in covert
operations and banned outright the assassination of foreign

Tom Ridge, named by President Bush this week as the
secretary of homeland security, has been outspoken in
opposing an additional domestic intelligence agency. Mr.

[CTRL] NYTimes.com Article: 'The Conquerors': Deciding Germany's Fate

2002-11-30 Thread Tenor Love
-Caveat Lector-

This article from NYTimes.com
has been sent to you by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

'The Conquerors': Deciding Germany's Fate

December 1, 2002

When the battered German armies trapped in Stalingrad
finally surrendered in January 1943, it became clear that
the Allies -- Russia, Britain and America -- were certain
to win World War II. But then what? How would the victors
root out fascism, end the cycle of German wars and secure
the peace? To these questions President Franklin D.
Roosevelt had no ready answers, and it was not in his
character to gnaw at problems in a methodical way; rather
he would wait until inspiration came to him from wherever
it is that ideas hatch. In the meantime his policy was
evasion. So, rather than confront America's allies over
''war aims'' immediately, Roosevelt instead persuaded his
friend Winston Churchill to join him in a pledge to fight
on until Germany's ''unconditional surrender.''

These words were the principal fruit of the 10-day meeting
of Churchill and Roosevelt at Casablanca in January 1943,
and they predictably failed to satisfy Stalin, who wanted
the democracies to open a second front on the mainland of
occupied Europe. Stalin's objection was echoed everywhere:
wouldn't the demand only make the Germans fight harder? But
once uttered, ''unconditional surrender'' was carved in
granite, and behind its bulk Roosevelt took shelter for the
next two years: time enough to decide what to do with
Germany when the war had been won.

Roosevelt was never more himself than at Casablanca. His
inspiration caught Churchill by surprise, but he went
along, and the two men never wavered thereafter: no deals
would be made with Nazi Germany. It is Roosevelt --
brilliant, charming, unpredictable and dying -- who
dominates Michael Beschloss's vigorously written history of
postwar planning. Beschloss says he began ''The
Conquerors'' a decade ago, set it aside and returned to it
when new archives opened up. The delay gives the book
additional impact: it arrives at a moment when Americans
are again confronting a tangled question of war and peace
-- how to remove a dangerous enemy from Iraq and build in
its place what never existed there before, a stable
democracy posing no threat to its neighbors. The problem
strikes many observers as insoluble, but it is no more
daunting than the one facing Roosevelt 60 years ago: only
half the challenge was Germany's history of militarism;
just as difficult were his quarreling advisers.

Ordinary Americans thought of Roosevelt as a rock, serene
and confident, but he was a cipher to the men who worked
with him. None ever knew his deepest plans, or what he told
anybody else or when the presidential back would turn and
they would be asked to step down. Beschloss is the author
of half a dozen works of history with a special focus on
how American presidents run the government and make
decisions, and along the way he has learned to write with
ease, confidence and a lively sense of character and scene.
''The Conquerors'' is built almost entirely around the
conversations of high American officials trying to decide
what to do with Germany. Two broad general ideas were on
the table -- a plan by Roosevelt's old friend and secretary
of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, to break Germany up into
several small, pastoral states of yeoman farmers; and a
more conventional proposal to get Germany quickly back onto
its feet as a bulwark against the territorial appetite of a
victorious Soviet Union.

The son of a rich businessman, Morgenthau fled the world of
commerce for life as a gentleman farmer in upstate New
York, where one of his neighbors was the future president.
They became friends, Morgenthau worked hard in Roosevelt's
political campaigns, and in 1933 Roosevelt surprised the
world by naming him to run the Treasury Department.
Morgenthau was the only Jew in Roosevelt's cabinet, or
among the president's friends, and his tenure was
unremarkable until the man who had celebrated his marriage,
Rabbi Stephen Wise, brought him vivid reports, freshly
arrived from Switzerland in the summer of 1942, of the Nazi
campaign that would come to be known as the Holocaust.

The killing of Jews was no secret to governments or
international organizations, but despite widespread
knowledge of the basic facts few officials or religious
leaders or even private citizens grasped that a radical new
form of evil had entered the world. Morgenthau had little
success in pressing the government to do something about
it. Even a proposal to bomb the rail lines carrying
trainloads of Jews to Auschwitz was rejected as a
distraction from the war effort. Failing to halt or even
slow the horror, he determined to ensure it would never
happen again, and that, in his view, meant ending Germany's
power to make war once and for all. To aides he described a
Germany stripped of its industry as something like the
used-up areas of Nevada deserts where only ghost towns,
rusting machinery a

[CTRL] Richard Milhouse W. Bush

2002-11-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-



Richard Milhous W. Bush

By Nat Parry
November 30, 2002

George W. Bush is fast building a political system of secrecy and snooping  that 
Milhous Nixon would have died for. Since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, Bush has asserted
broad powers to wiretap, spy on and imprison indefinitely people he deems a threat to
national security – authority far beyond what was available to the famously paranoid 

Bush’s executive powers are already so sweeping they may be unprecedented in U.S.
history. While some of Bush’s supporters cite prior suspensions of constitutional 
during the Civil War and World War II, those eras lacked today’s technology to pry 
into the
most personal details of the lives of Americans.

Even in the late 1960s and early 1970s, President Nixon and his allies were forced to 
relatively crude means for invading the privacy of Americans. Bugs were placed on 
agents were infiltrated into political organizations; and burglars were sent into 
homes and
offices searching for embarrassing or incriminating information.

By contrast, today’s modern technology can let Bush’s team collect and analyze 
trillions of
bytes of data on transactions and communications, the electronic footprints left in the
course of everyday life: books borrowed from a library, fertilizer bought at a 
outlet, X-rated movies rented at a video store, prescriptions filled at a pharmacy, 
visited on the Internet, tickets reserved for a plane, borders crossed while 
traveling, rooms
rented at a motel, and hundreds of other examples.

Bush’s aides argue that their unrestricted access to this electronic data may help 
terrorists, but the data could prove even more useful in building dossiers on anti-war
activists or blackmailing political opponents. Despite assurances that such abuses 
happen again, the capability will be a huge temptation for Bush, who has made clear his
view that anyone not supporting his war on terror is siding with the terrorists.

The technological blueprint for an Orwellian-style “thought police” is already on the 
board at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Pentagon’s top research and
development arm. DARPA has commissioned a comprehensive plan for electronic spying
that would track everyone in the world who is part of the modern economy.

“Transactional data” will be gleaned from electronic data on every kind of activity –
“financial, education, travel, medical, veterinary, country entry, place/event entry,
transportation, housing, critical resources, government, communications,” according to 
Web site for DARPA’s Information Awareness Office. The program will then 
this data with the “biometric signatures of humans,” data collected on individuals’ 
fingerprints, gaits and irises. The project seeks what it calls “total information 

Masonic Eye

The Information Awareness Office even boasts a logo that looks like some kind of clip 
from George Orwell’s 1984. The logo shows the Masonic symbol of an all-seeing eye atop 
pyramid peering over the globe, with the slogan, “scientia est potentia,” Latin for
“knowledge is power.”

Though apparently unintentional, DARPA's choice of a giant white pyramid eerily recalls
Orwell's Ministry of Truth, "an enormous pyramidal structure of glittering white 
soaring up, terrace after terrace, 300 metres into the air." The all-seeing Masonic 
eye could
be read as "Big Brother Is Watching."

Former Vice President Al Gore and others have noted these strange similarities both in 
and substance with Orwell's totalitarian world. "We have always held out the 
shibboleth of
Big Brother as a nightmare vision of the future that we're going to avoid at all 
costs," Gore
said. "They have now taken the most fateful step in the direction of that Big Brother
nightmare that any president has ever allowed to occur." [Times/UK, Nov. 22, 2002]

Besides the parallels to 1984, the assurances about respecting constitutional 
have been undercut by the administration's provocative choice of director for the
Information Awareness Office.

The project is headed by President Reagan's former national security adviser John
Poindexter, who was caught flouting other constitutional safeguards in the Iran-contra
scandal of the mid-1980s. Poindexter approved the sale of missiles to the Islamic
fundamentalist government of Iran and the transfer of profits to Nicaraguan contra 
for the purchase of weapons, thus circumventing the Constitution's grant of war-making
power to Congress. Under U.S. law at the time, military aid was banned to both Iran and
the contras.

Noteworthy, too, the Iranian government - then as now - was listed by the U.S. 
as a sponsor of international terrorism, and the contras were widely regarded by human
rights monitors as a terrori

[CTRL] BNN: Arabs thankful as tornado hits Iowa

2002-11-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Arabs thankful as tornado hits Iowa
Najeeb Al-Anbarri, BNN, 28 November 2002

As a massive tornado devastated central Iowa

Tornado hits Iowa. No Arabs are believed to be involved. (AP)
today, causing an estimated $300 million in damage, Arabs in the state expressed relief
that an Arab was not determined to be behind the events.

"Al-Hamdullilah! Praise be to God!" sighed Ahmed Al-Reyah, a native of Ames, Iowa. 
Allah that an Arab did not cause this tornado!"

"Life for Arabs is hard in the US after 9/11. We are blamed for every incident in 
Our neighbours look on us with suspicion. The FBI are investigating us. It is a relief 
that the
authorities have found no Arab was responsible for the tragedy. I will be celebrating 
Thanksgiving." Al-Reyah said, whose home, business, car, and entire extended family 
wiped off the face of the earth by the so far seemingly natural event.

"Nushkur Allah," said Saidah Makluba, a student at Iowa State University. "Even though 
is a tragedy we are all so relieved that we're not having to bend over and get anally 
like Thanksgiving turkeys today. Imagine if the police had found a link to Al-Qaida in 
weather pattern!"

Local residents were less than convinced. "They looked funny the day before the tornado
hit," commented area resident John Fergusson, "like they knew something. Them Ayrabs
are always up to something, jist like the teevee says. I've loaded my gun and I'm 
ready for
any jihad-inspired inclement weather."

Middle East experts note that it has not been ruled out 100 percent that an Arab 
caused the
tumultuous events, which left 350 families homeless and saw over 50 cows snatched from
pastures and rotated up into the sky, just like that cool scene in Twister (1996) that 
-- but not quite -- made the $7 admission price worthwhile for those that went because
they had incorrectly figured that the movie would suck less on a big screen.

"It is clear that Arabs hate us and that this tornado was an act of hate," said 
Middle East expert Daniel Pipes, "therefore this tornado was an Arab tornado. I don't 
how they did it but they're involved somehow. Mark my words. At some point in the 
some Arabs will do something that will be not good and then you will see I am right 
every single one of them and their evil ways. Then, in those days of milk and honey,
networks will once again invite me back on television -- following a gap after my
unfortunate claims after the Oklahoma bombing - - to confirm the blind predjudices of 
audiences and once again return demagogery to its rightful place on college campuses
across our nation."

In related news, Israel released documents seized from Palestinian Authority offices in
Ramallah that allegedly link Yasser Arafat to scattered showers last Wednesday.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] UK opens its own 'X-file'

2002-11-30 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


UK opens its own 'X-file'

LONDON, England -- It could have been an "X-Files" episode: More than 20
years ago, U.S. airmen reported seeing a "strange glowing object" near a
British air base.

The bizarre sighting, which occurred near RAF Woodbridge in eastern England
in the early hours of December 27, 1980, is detailed in the government's
restricted "Rendlesham File."

The report, dozens of pages long, is only now being released as part of an
opening-up of the inner workings of the UK government.

In the report, entitled "Unexplained Lights," a U.S. Air Force lieutenant
colonel told how he witnessed an object emitting a "red sun-like light"
moving through the trees of Rendlesham forest.

Two U.S. security patrolmen first spotted "unusual lights" outside the back
gate of RAF Woodbridge, according to Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt's report.

After gaining permission, the two men and a third patrolman investigated the

"The individuals reported seeing a strange glowing object in the forest,"
wrote Halt, who was deputy base commander at RAF Bentwaters, adjacent to

"The object was described as being metallic in appearance and triangular in
shape, approximately two to three metres across the base and approximately
two metres high.

"It illuminated the entire forest with a white light. The object itself had a
pulsing red light on top and a bank(s) of blue lights underneath. The object
was hovering or on legs.

"As the patrolmen approached the object, it manoeuvred through the trees and
disappeared. At this time the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy."

An hour later, the UFO was spotted near the back gate to the base.

Halt's report continued: "Later in the night a red sun-like light was seen
through the trees. It moved about and pulsed. At one point it appeared to
throw off glowing particles and then broke into five separate white objects
and then disappeared.

"Immediately thereafter, three star-like objects were noticed in the sky, two
objects to the north and one to the south, all of which were about 10 degrees
off the horizon.

"The objects moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and displayed red,
green and blue lights. The objects to the north appeared to be elliptical
through an 8-12 power lens. They then turned to full circles.

"The objects to the north remained in the sky for an hour or more. The object
to the south was visible for two or three hours and beamed down a stream of
light from time to time."

The next morning, Halt and his men discovered three circular depressions,
seven inches in diameter, in the ground.

Radiation measuring 0.1 milliroentgens was recorded in the depressions -- a
level 10 times higher than normal, according to the file.

The airmen tried unsuccessfuly to capture the sightings on camera, according
to another document that said the film was at fault. Also, nothing showed up
on RAF radar.

A Ministry of Defence memo included in the file shows some scepticism about
the sightings, although it said the department was "open-minded" about them.

"No evidence was found of any threat to the defence of the United Kingdom,
and no further investigations were carried out," the memo said.

"No further information has come to light which alters our view that the
sightings of these lights was of no defence significance.

"No unidentified object was seen on radar during the period in question, and
there was no evidence of anything having intruded into UK airspace, and
landed near RAF Woodbridge."

The airmen could have seen the beam of the Orford Ness lighthouse, the MoD
theorised, "with distortions being caused by the beam having been seen
through the trees."

"There were also suggestions that fireball activity might explain some of the
lights. In the absence of any hard evidence, the MoD remains open-minded
about these sightings."

Before this week, the document has only been seen by about 20 people who
requested access to it through the U.S. Freedom of Information Act.

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] Reefer Madness

2002-11-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


November 30, 2002

Reefer Madness


e interrupt our coverage of the war on terrorism to check in with that other permanent
conflict against a stateless enemy, the war on drugs. To judge by the glee at the White
House Office of National Drug Control Policy, the drug warriors have just accomplished 
moral equivalent of routing the Taliban — helping to halt a relentless jihad against 
nation's drug laws.

Ballot initiatives in Ohio (treatment rather than prison for nonviolent drug 
Arizona (the same, plus making marijuana possession the equivalent of a traffic 
ticket, and
providing free pot for medical use) and Nevada (full legalization of marijuana) lost
decisively this month. Liberalization measures in Florida and Michigan never even made 
it to
the ballot.

Some of this was due to the Republican election tide. Some was generational — boomer
parents like me, fearful of seeing our teenagers become drug-addled slackers. (John
Walters, the White House drug czar, shrewdly played on this anxiety by hyping the 
potency of today's pot with the line, "This is not your father's marijuana.") Some may 
been a reluctance to loosen any social safety belts when the nation is under threat.
Certainly a major factor was that proponents of change, who had been winning carefully
poll-tested ballot measures, state by state, since California in 1996, found themselves
facing a serious and well-financed opposition, cheered on by Mr. Walters.

The truly amazing thing is that 30 years into the modern war on drugs, the discourse 
is still
focused disproportionately on marijuana rather than more important and excruciatingly
hard problems like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines.

The drug liberalizers — an alliance of legal reformers, liberals, libertarians and 
potheads —
dwell on marijuana in part because a lot of the energy and money in their campaign 
from people who like to smoke pot and want the government off their backs. Also,
marijuana has provided them with their most marketable wedge issue, the use of pot to
relieve the suffering of AIDS and cancer patients. Never mind that the medical 
benefits of
smoking marijuana are still mostly unproven (in part because the F.D.A. almost never
approves the research and the pharmaceuticals industry sees no money in it). The issue
may be peripheral, but it appeals to our compassion, especially when the administration
plays the heartless heavy by sending SWAT teams to arrest people in wheelchairs. Thus a
movement that started, at least in the minds of reform sponsors like the billionaire 
Soros, as an effort to reduce the ravages of both drugs and the war on drugs, has 
mostly about pot smoking.

The more interesting question is why the White House is so obsessed with marijuana. The
memorable achievements of Mr. Walters's brief tenure have been things like cutting off
student loans for kids with pot convictions, threatening doctors who recommend pot to
cancer patients and introducing TV commercials that have the tone and credibility of
wartime propaganda. One commercial tells pot smokers that they are subsidizing 
Another shows a stoned teenager discovering a handgun in Dad's desk drawer and
dreamily shooting a friend. (You'll find it at www.mediacampaign.org. Watch it with the
sound off and you'd swear it was an ad for gun control.)

Drug czars used to draw a distinction between casual-use drugs like marijuana and the
hard drugs whose craving breeds crime and community desolation. But this is not your
father's drug czar. Mr. Walters insists marijuana is inseparable from heroin or 
cocaine. He
offers two arguments, both of which sound as if they came from the same people who
manufacture the Bush administration's flimsy economic logic.

One is that marijuana is a "gateway" to hard-drug use. Actually Mr. Walters, who is a
political scientist but likes to sound like an epidemiologist, prefers to say that pot 
use is an
"increased risk factor" for other drugs. The point in our conversation when my 
alarm went off was when he likened the relationship between pot and hard drugs to that
between cholesterol and heart disease. In fact, the claim that marijuana leads to the 
use of
other drugs appears to be unfounded. On the contrary, an interesting new study by 
Morral of RAND, out in the December issue of the British journal Addiction, shows that 
correlation between pot and hard drugs can be fully explained by the fact that some 
by virtue of genetics or circumstances, have a predisposition to use drugs.

Mr. Walters's other justification for turning his office into the War on Pot is the 
increase in the number of marijuana smokers seeking professional help. This, he claims,
reflects an alarming rise in the number of people hooked on cannabis. But common sense
and the government's own statistics suggest

[CTRL] Golden Gate bridge begs

2002-11-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,851044,00.html

Golden Gate bridge begs visitors for their spare change

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
Saturday November 30, 2002
The Guardian

Anyone visiting San Francisco is used to being asked for "spare change, please", but 
request usually comes from the homeless. Now the city's most famous monument is getting
in on the act: the Golden Gate bridge is so strapped for cash that it is to ask 
visitors for

The most photographed bridge in the world already charges motorists $5 to cross it but 
local transit authority still cannot make ends meet. From this spring, the board will 
hold out
the municipal equivalent of a begging bowl.

Everyone taking the air on the bridge or strolling across from Marin County will be 
asked for
their spare change. The bridge will accept every currency from yen to euros.

The reason is "a serious financial crisis", according to Celia Kupersmith, the bridge's
general manager. It is is the first time since the bridge was built in 1937 that it 
has resorted
to such a measure.

Regular travellers were not impressed. "What unmitigated gall," said Paul Richardson, a
construction worker who regularly commutes across the bridge. "I have several things I
would like to drop in there but none of them are money."

If the bridge finds that the collecting box does not bring in the shortfall, they can 
always ask
the experts in downtown San Francisco. There the signs asking for money seldom say
anything as mundane as "homeless, please help". Instead they read "residentially
challenged, all change welcome" or even "why lie - it's for beer".

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002
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--- Ernest Hemingway

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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