[CTRL] US journalist who exposed Shiite death squads murdered in Basra

2005-08-08 Thread Austin Kelley

US journalist who exposed Shiite death squads murdered in

By Patrick Martin
5 August 2005

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American journalist Steven Vincent was kidnapped and murdered
August 2 in Basra, the southern Iraqi city where he had been working
as a freelance writer and blogger. Suspicion for this killing,
the first of an American reporter in Iraq, focuses not on Al Qaeda
or Sunni-based insurgents, but on the police of the Shiite-based
administration installed in Basra with the support of US and British
occupation forces.

Vincent and his translator and assistant, Nour Weidi, were
seized Tuesday evening outside a currency exchange shop by five
men dressed in police uniforms and driving police cars. According
to a report in the Los Angeles Times, "One witness,
who refused to give his name, said he recognized one of the abductors
as an Interior Ministry employee"—that is, a functionary
of the US-backed puppet regime in Baghdad. "The man also
recognized me, after I saluted him," the eyewitness told
the Times. "He said to me: 'Do not interfere!
It is our duty.'"

A few hours later, the journalist's body was found dumped
by a road outside the city, with multiple bullet wounds to the
head. He suffered bruises to his face and shoulder, had been blindfolded
and his hands were tied in front with plastic wire. Weidi was
seriously wounded but survived. She was taken to a local hospital.

On Sunday, July 31, Vincent received his widest media exposure
with an op-ed column in the New York Times describing the
takeover of the Basra police by Shiite militants, some loyal to
radical cleric Moqtada Sadr, others to the two main Shiite parties
which run the US-backed government in Baghdad.

He wrote, "A police lieutenant confirmed for me the widespread
rumors that a few police officers are perpetrating many of the
hundreds of assassinations—mostly of former Baath Party members—that
take place in Basra each month He told me that there is even
a sort of 'death car,' a white Toyota Mark II that glides
through the city streets, carrying off-duty police officers in
the pay of extremist religious groups to their next assignment."
Two days after these words were published, a "death car"
came for Vincent himself.

Vincent was a freelance writer and professional art critic
living and working in New York City until the terrorist attacks
of September 11, 2001. After the US invasion and occupation of
Iraq, which he fervently supported, he decided to go to Iraq and
report on the conditions there and the progress of what he mistakenly
believed was an exercise in the establishment of democracy in
the Middle East. He wrote a book-length account of his experiences
in Iraq after the US invasion, In the Red Zone: A Journey Into
the Soul of Iraq, Spence Publishing, 2004, and was at work
on a contemporary history of Basra.

However misguided his faith in the democratizing mission of
American imperialism, Vincent was a man of some personal courage
and an honest observer of events, traveling without military escort
or bodyguards, his physical safety depending on using his wits
and his contacts among ordinary Iraqis. (He spoke no Arabic and
relied heavily on his unpaid translator, to whom he gave the pseudonym

His columns, mainly published in the right-wing National
Review Online, did not simply parrot Bush administration propaganda.
On December 15, 2004, for instance, under the headline, "The
Oppressive Occupier? This Wasn't How the Liberation was Supposed
to Go," he related discussions with Iraqi men on the streets
of Fallujah and Ramadi, two cities which have been the focal point
of opposition to the US occupation. (Vincent posed as a Yugoslav
journalist and was promptly deluged with complaints, whose gist
was "America bad, worse than Saddam.")

"It was painful to see America the object of so much hatred
and fear, the very image of an oppressive occupier," he wrote.
"It was worse when we found ourselves behind a trio of Humvees
... and I looked at the GI manning the roof-mounted m60 machine
gun (Where was he from? What city? Where did his parents live?),
reflecting on the isolation of these young men out here, how the
Iraqis shun and avoid them, even as they face the threat that
a roadside pile of debris will erupt into fire and shrapnel. This
was not how the liberation was supposed to go."

Vincent spent the bulk of his time in Iraq reporting from Basra,
supposedly a quieter and more secure location than Baghdad or
the Sunni Triangle, without the constant terrorist attacks and
gun battles between US troops and insurgents. He came to regard
the Shiite organizations, particularly that of Moqtada Sadr but
also the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (Sciri),
one of the two main parties in power in Baghdad, as reactionary
and violently antidemocratic.

Writing in the Christian Science Monitor July 13, he

[CTRL] correction:

2005-08-08 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

the correct url is

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] people to thank for $64.05/bbl crude ....

2005-08-08 Thread William A. Bacon
-Caveat Lector-

You can log on to my energy page
You will find links to major environmental groups and their lapdog
governmental agencies have delibertly stood in the way of significant
energy developments especially since the the arab oil embargo of 1973
(interesting coincidence... where are you conspiracy heads on this?)
with the outstanding exception  of purdhoe bay and the alaskan oil
pipeline, these radical left wing marxist lenninists environmental groups
being financed by opec have stood in the way of
expansion of the nuclear power industry, building of any additional oil
refining capacity, any exploration and development of known oil reserves
in Northern Alaska, off shore alaska, off shore west coast of the UNited
States, eastern Gulf  of mexico, the atlantic coast of the United states,
development of oil  shale reserves of the  U.S., developing the
titantic coal reserves of the united states, expansion  of oil
drilling in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico. Now who do you think has
benefited finaancially from all of this? Think about all of these
resources these allegedly "nobel environmental" groups the next time
you buy gasoline for your car..tes

Remember:More people have died in Ted Kennedy's car than have died in
United States Commercial Nuclear Power plant operations
 visit my web site at
Visit my energy page at  http://www.info-quest.org/Energy.html
Check out the latest on the anwr drilling project http://www.anwr.org
visit my blog at
 My ICQ# is 79071904
See the Pledge of alleginace to the flag that the 9th circuit court of
appeals doesn't want you to say.
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] ritual abuse and mind control conference tapes

2005-08-08 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-
Hi !

Tapes from the ritual abuse and mind control conference are now available. Please find info below on this.  Thanks.  

Tape Order Form for The Eighth Annual Ritual Abuse, Secretive Organizations and Mind Control Conference - 2005 

Some of the topics discussed on these tapes may be very triggering. These tapes are educational and not intended as therapy or treatment.  Statements made on these tapes are the speaker's own statements only and don't necessarily  represent the policies or views of conference sponsors, cosponsor, speakers, exhibitors or organizers.  Speaker descriptions will follow ordering information.

1. Neil Brick -  "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."  

2. Wanda Karriker, Ph.D. -"The World Will Know!  Words from a Hopeless Optimist." 

3.  Mary Keats RN BA"Breaking the Silence"

4.  Carol Rutz "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

5.  Hal Pepinsky - "Inferring Offender Motivation."

6.  Kathleen Sullivan - "Riding the Rocket : from Rage and Depression to Healthy Activism." 

7.  Jeanette Westbrook MSSW, CSW, "Law Enforcement and Survivors- Are they on our side"
Tapes are approximately 60 minutes long.  Tapes are $10 each. Shipping and Handling charges on tapes are $1.50 (US) for the first tape, .50 for each additional. Canada $2.00 first tape, .75 each additional, rest of world, $3.00 first tape, $1.00 each additional. 
With shipping and handling:  US Price -all tapes - $55, Canada price - all tapes - $60
Please mail form below and checks (US Banks only, please), money orders (US) to P. O Box 1295, Easthampton, MA 01027-1295 USA E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please list all tapes wanted by number. Thank you.




Street: __

City: State:

Zip:__E-mail:  (in case we have questions)


Speakers and Biographies

Please note: Listing of these speakers does not necessarily constitute our endorsement of them. They are  speaking at our conference for educational  value  only and some may be triggering. Listening to the speakers at the conference may or may not help your recovery process, so use caution when listening to any speaker or contacting any resource mentioned herein.  These descriptions may be triggering. Please use caution while reading. 

Neil Brick  is a survivor of alleged Masonic Ritual Abuse and MK-ULTRA. He is the editor of S.M.A.R.T. - A Ritual Abuse Newsletter..  His topic is: "How healing from ritual abuse and mind control works."

Wanda Karriker, Ph.D., a retired psychologist, wrote the novel Morning, Come Quickly to share what she has learned both personally and professionally about ritual abuse, secretive organizations, and mind control torture.  To try to assure that her message reaches the widest audience possible, she has adapted the story for film. Her topic is: "The World Will Know!  Words from a Hopeless Optimist."

Mary Keats RN BA wife, mother, grandmother, working in social services, is a survivor of Ritual Abuse Torture.. She is a spiritual person who enjoys life to the fullest. Her energy and enthusiasm are infectious .She refuses to be muzzled, decided early on in her recovery to break the silence, so others could be helped. Her topic is: "Breaking the Silence."

Carol Rutz is a survivor of SRA and Government Mind Control Experiments. Her book "A Nation Betrayed" http://my.dmci.net/~casey/ tells the chilling true story of secret Cold War experiments performed on innocent children and unsuspecting adults. She continues to work at endeavors which help to provide validation and healing for the survivor community. Her topic is : "Healing from Ritual Abuse Torture and Mind Control: Why Finding Your Voice Can Make a Difference to You and Others."

Hal Pepinsky - Since the fall of 1993, Hal Pepinsky has as far as he knows been the only university professor to bring more than one ra/mc survivor to his classes. Hal has taught criminal justice for 32 years. Surviving ritual abuse and mind control has become a foundation for his larger thinking on what he calls "peacemaking," establishing safe relations in the face of violence.  His topic is ""Inferring Offender Motivation."

Kathleen Sullivan lives in Tennessee with her husband, Bill. She began her recovery in 1989. In 1996, she founded the North American Freedom Foundation (formerly PARC-VRAMC). Her autobiography, Unshackled: A Survivor's Story of Mind Control, was published in 2004. She is now working towards a master's degree in Social Work.  Her topic is: "Riding the Rocket : from Rage and Depression to Healthy Activism."

Jeanette Westbrook, MSSW, CSW is a nationally known speaker and lecturer at Universities

[CTRL] Fwd: Greg Moses on Recent Protests in Crawford, TX

2005-08-08 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-
Begin forwarded message:From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: August 7, 2005 8:03:06 PM PDTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Greg Moses on Recent Protests in Crawford, TXReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] A Day in the Bar Ditch of Democracy USABy Greg Moseshttp://peacefile.org/wordpress/?p=217Submitted to Portside"I'm back here where I met you, in the tent!" says53-year-old Vietnam Veteran Michael Young, speaking bycell phone Saturday evening, with lots of commotion inthe background to back him up. Yes, he went toCrawford like he said, and here's what he reports:"Well, I got up around 7:30. Was already running alittle late, because I didn't get home until midnight.I put on a pot of coffee and then got in such a hurrythat I forgot it. Didn't take any of it with me. And Igot here (at the tent) just as people were organizingto go to Crawford."There was a little preliminary controversy before thecaravan left, says Young, as Veterans for Peacenegotiated some turf issues with Cindy Sheehan, themother of Iraq war casualty Casey Sheehan and moralleader of the trip to confront the President about hiswar in Iraq. In the end, it was decided that theCrawford trip would be a mutual action, since VFP hadalready planned a trip to the Western White House aspart of its annual convention being held under andnear the big tent.With preliminary issues settled, 70 people hit thesouthbound highway out of Dallas, some riding in theVeterans for Peace Impeachment Bus, the rest in about15 cars following behind. Young caught a ride in aPrius driven by VietNam Veteran Ken Ashe of NorthCarolina."No, we hadn't met before the trip, this was the firsttime, but we're brothers now," Young assures me. Ashemade two tours to the VietNam war as a medic. "He'sgot my information, I've got his information, and weplan on meeting up again."When they finally pulled off the highway intoCrawford, the caravan stopped at the Crawford PeaceHouse to freshen up with water and watermelon. Theydid a little protesting near the street there."One old hillibilly with two goats in the back of histruck told us to go home," says Young with a chuckle,"but that was the only negative thing." So the posseremounted and took off on the five-to-six-mile journeyto Crawford Ranch, where the President of the USA--inan eerie replay of 2001-- is on extended summervacation."The cops made us stop the vehicles about a half mileor quarter mile from the gate. It was about 100degrees out there. But they made us walk the rest ofthe way. And they wouldn't let us walk on the road.""You have to see that road," says Young. "There is notraffic on that road at all, yet they made us walk inthe bar ditch beside the road, which was full ofweeds. Real hard ground." After a while the copsstopped them. "They were looking for an excuse to stopus," says Young. "They said we were walking in theroad against orders.""We protested loud and proud," recalls Young. "And wemeant everything we said. That went on for about 30-45minutes. We even told the police to get out theirhistory books and read about Hitler so they couldunderstand their role in history, standing hereprotecting a war criminal. We were being brutallyhonest from our point of view. And there was lots ofpress there at the time.""Cindy got right in their face, too," says Young. "Shesaid look, this is a public roadway. How can youprevent me from walking on a public roadway?""At that point I got right behind her," says Young."If she was going to jail, I was going to jail. Ifthey wanted confrontation, I was going to back her up.I had made my mind up about that." But there was noconfrontation, no arrest."Far as you could see there were armed Secret Service,armed Sheriff's deputies, armed cops up and down theroad eyeing us," says Young. "We didn't carry anybackpacks or anything so they could see we wereunarmed. They made us stand there, off the pavement inthat heat. All the time we were there, I think I sawone car pass." Then the press left the scene."Once the press left, there was not much pointstanding there," says Young, so the protesters peeledaway. I tell Young about internet information thatSheehan plans to return until she sees the President,and caravans are reported to be coming from San Diegoand Louisiana. "A lot of people just showed up out ofnowhere," says Young. "I yelled 'til I was hoarse.""I gave Cindy a big hug and told her I loved her. Evenif Cindy had found the President, she wouldn't havefound what she wants," says Young. "Cindy wants herson back. That's just the plain truth. I feel for her.And I was there to back her up.""Here we were on this little road that nobody wasusing but we couldn't walk on it," says Young. It'slike you can hear him shaking his head. Send a man offto war to defend his country's freedoms, and 35 yearslater this is what he sees."But I'll tell you we did ourselves proud out there.We didn't take no guff and we talked to the cops. Theysaid they were just acting professionally, just doingtheir job. And we told them