[CTRL] GOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's decline

2005-11-11 Thread RoadsEnd
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http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7639.shtmlFUBARGOP memo touts new terror attack as way to reverse party's declineBy DOUG THOMPSONPublisher, Capitol Hill BlueNov 10, 2005, 06:19Email this article Printer friendly pageA confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and "restore his image as a leader of the American people."The closely-guarded memo lays out a list of scenarios to bring the Republican party back from the political brink, including a devastating attack by terrorists that could “validate” the President’s war on terror and allow Bush to “unite the country” in a “time of national shock and sorrow.” The memo says such a reversal in the President's fortunes could keep the party from losing control of Congress in the 2006 midterm elections.GOP insiders who have seen the memo admit it’s a risky strategy and point out that such scenarios are “blue sky thinking” that often occurs in political planning sessions.“The President’s popularity was at an all-time high following the 9/11 attacks,” admits one aide. “Americans band together at a time of crisis.”Other Republicans, however, worry that such a scenario carries high risk, pointing out that an attack might suggest the President has not done enough to protect the country.“We also have to face the fact that many Americans no longer trust the President,” says a longtime GOP strategist. “That makes it harder for him to become a rallying point.”The memo outlines other scenarios, including:--Capture of Osama bin Laden (or proof that he is dead);--A drastic turnaround in the economy;--A "successful resolution" of the Iraq war.GOP memos no longer talk of “victory” in Iraq but use the term “successful resolution.”“A successful resolution would be us getting out intact and civil war not breaking out until after the midterm elections,” says one insider.The memo circulates as Tuesday’s disastrous election defeats have left an already dysfunctional White House in chaos, West Wing insiders say, with shouting matches commonplace and the blame game escalating into open warfare.“This place is like a high-school football locker room after the team lost the big game,” grumbles one Bush administration aide. “Everybody’s pissed and pointing the finger at blame at everybody else.”Republican gubernatorial losses in Virginia and New Jersey deepened rifts between the Bush administration and Republicans who find the President radioactive. Arguments over whether or not the President should make a last-minute appearance in Virginia to try and help the sagging campaign fortunes of GOP candidate Jerry Kilgore raged until the minute Bush arrived at the rally in Richmond Monday night.“Cooler heads tried to prevail,” one aide says. “Most knew an appearance by the President would hurt Kilgore rather than help him but (Karl) Rove rammed it through, convincing Bush that he had enough popularity left to make a difference.”Bush didn’t have any popularity left. Overnight tracking polls showed Kilgore dropped three percentage points after the President’s appearance and Democrat Tim Kaine won on Tuesday. Conservative Pennsylvania Republican Senator Rick Santorum told radio talk show host Don Imus Wednesday that he does not want the President's help and will stay away from a Bush rally in his state on Friday.The losses in Virginia and New Jersey, coupled with a resounding defeat of ballot initiatives backed by GOP governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in California have set off alarm klaxons throughout the demoralized Republican party.  Pollsters privately tell GOP leaders that unless they stop the slide they could easily lose control of the House in the 2006 midterm elections and may lose the Senate as well.“In 30 years of sampling public opinion, I’ve never seen such a freefall in public support,” admits one GOP pollster. Democratic pollster Geoffrey Garin says the usual tricks tried by Republicans no longer work."None of their old tricks worked," he says. Rep. Thomas M. Davis III (R-Va.) admits the GOP is a party mired in its rural base in a country that's becoming less and less rural."You play to your rural base, you pay a price," he says. "Our issues blew up in our face."As Republican political strategists scramble to find a message – any message – that will ring true with voters, GOP leaders in Congress admit privately that control of their party by right-wing extremists makes their recovery all but impossible.“We’ve made our bed with these people,” admits an aide to House Speaker Denny Hastert. “Now it’s the morning after and the hangover hurts like hell.”© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue  
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[CTRL] Avoiding detection at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

2005-11-11 Thread RoadsEnd
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http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7640.shtmlAvoiding detection at 1600 Pennsylvania AvenueBy DOUG THOMPSONNov 11, 2005, 02:28Email this article Printer friendly pageWary White House aides, under constant scrutiny from a paranoid Bush administration hell bent on stopping leaks, have turned to a technique used by drug dealers and criminals to avoid detection – prepaid, disposable cell phones.The phones, which can be purchased for as little as $30 each from discount stores, offer prepaid minutes and can be discarded when the time is used up. They require no contract or sign-up and are difficult to trace.“It’s about the only way we can ensure any privacy,” one bitter White House staffer told me this week. “Our office and home calls are monitored along with our normal cell phones.”Enterprising White House staffers have pooled their resources and use third parties to purchase the phones in bulk from retailers like WalMart in small towns outside the National Capital Region. When one phone’s minutes are used up, they toss the handset and activate a new one.Drug dealers and organized gangs use such phones to avoid wiretaps and call monitoring by law enforcement agencies. That White House aides have turned to the same techniques indicates just how tense life in the West Wing has become.“Every time a new story emerges in the press, everyone here comes under suspicion,” says one aide. “We spend most of our time covering our asses instead of tending to the nation’s business.”White House sources tell us that even senior aides like embattled Presidential advisor Karl Rove uses the prepaid phones to avoid having certain calls show up on call logs or other records that might be subpoenaed.“You do what you can to avoid leaving a paper trail,” says one aide.Other techniques employed by administration officials to avoid detection include:--Free email accounts through services like Hotmail, Lycos, Yahoo and Gmail.  Staff members create multiple accounts and create new ones often.--Increased use of cash instead of credit or debit cards. “Gas receipts can show where you’ve been. When you pay cash there’s less of a trail to follow,” says one staff member.--Use of cars belonging to friends or increased use of public transportation like the Washington metro system because “it’s easier to get lost in a crowd.”“I know this all sounds like a dime store novel but that’s the depth we’ve all sunk to around here,” says an aide who has worked in previous administrations as well as on the current White House staff.One female staffer says working at the White House has gone from “the most exciting time of my life to a daily hell.  You’re always being watched, always under suspicion, always second-guessed. I hate it now. I just want it to be over.”© Copyright 2005 by Capitol Hill Blue http://www.capitolhillblue.com/artman/publish/article_7640.shtml 
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[CTRL] Fwd: '9/11 Revealed' Reviewed by Jim Hoffman

2005-11-11 Thread RoadsEnd

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Begin forwarded message:

Begin forwarded message:

From: jim hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: November 8, 2005 10:41:41 PM PST
Subject: '9/11 Revealed' Reviewed

Dear Activists,

Yet another Trojan Horse gallops into our midst.
It's called '9/11 Revealed' and it gives the appearance of
a broad and balanced summary of the work of 'nine/eleven skeptics'.

This review by Victoria and I shows what's beneath appearances:


* Blatent plagairism of 911Research, which the book doesn't
   mention except to insinuate that it's part of the cover-up

* Numerous poison pills such as deceptive quotations of people,
   obvious straw man arguments, and tired hoaxes

* Avoiding, distorting, and explaining away the strongest evidence
   of official complicity

Links are very much appreciated.


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[CTRL] Fwd: [ctrl] Spooky action-at-a-distance is the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics

2005-11-11 Thread RoadsEnd
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Begin forwarded message:From: elvis oner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Date: November 10, 2005 9:46:40 PM PSTTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], ctrl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], etea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], o <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [ctrl] Spooky action-at-a-distance is the characteristic trait of quantum mechanicsReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Spooky action-at-a-distance is the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics  The concept of nonlocality is well known through Bell’s famous mathematical theorem in which he addresses the problem of the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox. In a system exhibiting nonlocality, the consequences of events at one place propagate to other places instantaneously. Although Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen were attempting to demonstrate a different conclusion (the incompleteness of the quantum theory), their analysis served to point out the conditions under which (as would become evident after Bell’s work) nonlocality arises.   The existence of such conditions in quantum mechanics was regarded by Erwin Schrödinger as being of great significance, and in a work in which he generalized the EPR argument, he called these conditions “the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that forces its entire departure from classical lines.” Bell’s work essentially completed the proof that the quantum phenomenon discovered by EPR and elaborated by Schrödinger truly does entail nonlocality. Although the EPR paradox and Bell’s theorem are quite well known, there exists a misperception regarding the relationship these arguments bear to nonlocality. Some authors (mistakenly) conclude that the EPR paradox and Bell’s theorem imply that a conflict exists only between local theories of hidden variables and quantum mechanics, when a more general conclusion than this follows. When taken together, the EPR paradox and Bell’s theorem imply that any local theoretical explanation whatsoever must disagree with quantum mechanics. In Bell’s words: “It now seems that the non-locality is deeply rooted in quantum mechanics itself and will persist in any completion.” We can conclude from the EPR paradox and Bell’s theorem that the quantum theory is irreducibly nonlocal.  As we have mentioned, Erwin Schrödinger regarded the situation brought out in the Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen paper as a very important problem. His own work published just after the EPR paper provided a generalization of this analysis. This work contains Schrödinger’s presentation of the well known paradox of ‘Schrödinger’s cat’. However, a close look at the paper reveals much more. Schrödinger’s work contains a very extensive and thought provoking analysis of quantum theory. He begins with a statement of the nature of theoretical modeling and a comparison of this to the framework of quantum theory. He continues with the cat paradox, the measurement problem, and finally his generalization of the EPR paradox and its implications. In addition, he derives a result quite similar to that of von Neumann’s theorem.  Subsequent to our discussion of the issues of the EPR paradox, Bell’s theorem, and nonlocality, we will discuss a new form of quantum nonlocality proof based on Schrödinger’s generalization of the EPR paradox. The type of argument we shall present falls into the category of a “nonlocality without inequalities” proof. Such analyses—of which the first to be developed was that of Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger—differ from the nonlocality proof derived from the EPR paradox and Bell’s theorem in that they do not possess the statistical character of the latter. —Douglas L. Hemmick, Hidden Variables and Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics (dissertation, .pdf)__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.comwww.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == ctrl is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, ctrl gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. ctrl gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.  There are two list running, [EMAIL PROTECTED] and CTRL@listserv.aol.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] has unlimited posting and is more for discussion. CTRL@listserv.aol.com is more for informational exchange and has limited posting abilities.   Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.  Omimited posting abilities.   Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lect

[CTRL] Toledo ritual abuse case, abuse and eating disorders, CIA deadly interrogations

2005-11-11 Thread Smart News
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this one fwd from Lynne Moss Sharman  - Prosecutor might quiz nun during priest's trial - Sister could be called to refute good image By Robin Erb "A Toledo nun who has accused a former priest of abusing her when she was a girl may appear as a witness in a homicide trial involving another priest, the Rev. Gerald Robinson. Father Robinson, 67, is accused of killing a nun, Sister Margaret Ann Pahl, in the chapel at Mercy Hospital near downtown in 1980. The case went unsolved until last year when investigators said they took a new look at evidence and arrested Father Robinson. He has been charged with aggravated murder in the case, which has attracted international attention. Twice, the trial has been delayed and is now scheduled for April 17, nearly two years after his arrest. In court documents, prosecutors say they may call Sister Ann-Marie Borgess, a Notre Dame nun, to challenge any defense evidence about Father Gerald Robinson's "good character."" http://www.toledoblade.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20051110/NEWS02/511100410/-1/NEWS

Abuse 'triggers eating disorders'   Eating disorders often developed after childhood sex abuse "Childhood sex abuse increases the risk of women developing eating disorders - and can even impact on their children, a study says. Researchers found girls abused before the age of 16 were twice as likely to develop eating disorders later in life.  The University of Bristol team also said these women were likely to have weight concerns while pregnant and that had a knock-on effect on the child.  The findings were published in the British Journal of Psychiatry.  The team studied 10,000 women - one in five of whom had being abused." http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/health/4417938.stm

describes crimes
A DEADLY INTERROGATION by JANE MAYER Can the C.I.A. legally kill a prisoner?
Issue of 2005-11-14 http://www.newyorker.com/printables/fact/051114fa_fact
"Two years ago, at Abu Ghraib prison, outside Baghdad, an Iraqi prisoner in Swanner''s custody, Manadel al-Jamadi, died during an interrogation."

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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