[CTRL] Your Bloglet Update from "LibertyThink"

2003-01-07 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

LibertyThink - http://www.libertythink.com/index.html

Mohamed Atta sent polemical emails, including one containing a gruesome photo of a dead Palestinian child, to a regular email list of some 40 individuals, all of whom became the focus of intense scrutiny from the FBI after the lists existence became known last September, the MadCowMorningNews has learned. Alarmingly, the email addresses of several of the names on Attas terrorist e-list appear to have been, or still are, employees of US defense contractors. One name on Atta's email list, for example, apparently worked at a Canadian company called Virtual Prototypes, whose website touts the fact that the firm helped prototype the avionics instruments in the F-15 jet fighter, the F-22 Raptor, the B2 bomber and the Apache Longbow, among others.

Virtual Prototypes Engenuity Technologies The Efficient Aerodynamic Model Builders Conceive and deploy a complete and sophisticated aero model for real-time simulation of any aircraft or helicopter without writing a single line of code. Used On: * Avionics integration test bench * Aerodynamics studies and aircraft design * Part task trainer * Operational flight trainer * Pilot evaluation of cockpit layout and multi-function display design

(1/6/2003 9:35:00 PM)
DEBKA-Net-Weeklys intelligence sources report mounting fears within US and Israeli counter-terrorism agencies that al Qaedas three command centers are preparing mega-terror attacks for US and Israeli targets. 
(1/6/2003 9:25:00 PM)
 Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni says governnment forces have broken the spirit of the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) in the country's conflict-torn north. .. The LRA has battled since 1988 to overthrow Museveni's secular government, ostensibly to replace it with one based on the biblical Ten Commandments. Their campaign has been marked by atrocities and extremes of violence against civilians.Perhaps they aren't saying their war prayers loudly enough for God to hear them? (1/6/2003 9:09:00 PM)Was it swept under the rug because of the CIA - - or Hillary?
Kenneth R. Timmerman, The American Spectator November, 1996 "It wasn't just a Republican scandal," says Marianne Gasior, a lawyer who worked for Kennametal Inc., a machine-tools manufacturer located in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. "Hillary Rodham Clinton was directly linked to the network that was involved in a clandestine CIA arms export ring." Sound incredible? Certainly, the White House thinks so. When we suggested that it sounded a bit odd for an Arkansas governor's wife to be invited in 1990 to join the board of a company that had ties to an alleged arms export network, spokesman Neel Lattimore retorted: "Everything The American Spectator says about Mrs. Clinton is a bit odd, but I'll see if I can get an answer for you." He never did. (1/6/2003 8:58:00 PM)from The Washington Times The head of a computer firm wants the independent commission named to investigate September 11 intelligence failures to review accusations that his software-tracking program, which he says the Justice Department stole, was diverted to Osama bin Laden. William H. Hamilton, president of Inslaw Inc., said the commission headed by former New Jersey Gov. David H. Kean should focus on the validity of published reports saying bin Laden penetrated classified computer files before the attacks to evade detection and monitor the activities of U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Also see: The EFF's files on the Inslaw/Promis affair http://www.inslawinc.com Or is he? (1/6/2003 6:58:00 PM)Gestapo-like tactics prompt outrage, complaints among owners, citizenry
In the ongoing effort to keep public places clear of intoxicated citizens and drunk drivers, some police agencies are using a controversial tactic going directly into bars and restaurants in order to make arrests. Such is the situation in northern Virginia, where Fairfax County Police are targeting patrons suspected of having one too many. "[Officers] were talking to one of the guests, then physically pulled him off the barstool," Richie Prisco, general manager at Champps bar told the Reston Times. "They were really aggressive and nasty." (1/6/2003 4:42:00 PM)by Francis Boyle, Dissident Voice, January 5, 2002
 During the Fall of 2001, we witnessed anthrax attacks on the United States government that were obviously designed to shut down the government at a very critical time immediately after September 11. It was during this time that Congress should have been in session, making decisions regarding oversight of the Executive Branch of government. This note will discuss some historical background for the law, policy and science of biological weapons here in the United States. Why are we supposed to forget about the Anthrax attacks?
What do we really know about the anthrax attacks of October 2001, beside the apparent precedence for framing Arabs for terrorist attacks involving weapons of mass destruction? When looking for a source 

[CTRL] Selling Chem trails to the public: Boeing talks of spraying chemicals in the sky

2003-01-07 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Paul Marston, Boeing, and the Telegraph all seem to think that global warming is real.
New plane may plug hole in the ozone layer By Paul Marston, Transport Correspondent(Filed: 08/03/2002) 
A NEW breed of airliners could help reduce the hole in the Earth's ozone layer.


Boeing's Sonic Cruiser
Boeing is designing the Sonic Cruiser to operate at 42,000-50,000ft, within the lower levels of the ozonosphere. It will be fitted with sensors to monitor the ozone layer and could eventually be used to release replacement ozone.
Boeing hopes it will be flying within six years at just under the speed of sound, saving an hour per 3,000 miles flown on current airliners.
Environmentalists are sceptical about Boeing's plans.
Friends of the Earth said: "Trying to tinker with this huge problem by adding yet more chemicals into the Earth's environment could make matters worse."

7 December 2001: Boeing unveils new Concorde
Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetwarehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?W291259F2 
WTC, Buffet, China, Offut AFB, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and the CIAhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2 
 FAS Files FOIA Lawsuit for 1947 Intelligence Budgethttp://www.fas.org/sgp/foia/1947intb.htmlDo you Yahoo!?
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Rumsfeld, 1977 head of Searle Corp., got aspartame FDA approval

2003-01-07 Thread Jay Lowry
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http://groups.yahoo.com/group/aspartameNM/message/927Rumsfeld, 1977 head of Searle Corp., got aspartame FDA approval:Turner: Murray 12.23.2 rmforallRich Murray, MA    Room For All    [EMAIL PROTECTED]1943 Otowi Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505 USA   505-986-9103http://www.swankin-turner.com/Swankin & Turner is a law firm specializing in the areas of regulation(food and drug, health care, standard setting, antitrust and trade) andpolicy (agricultural, insurance, corporate, tax, administrative andconsumer). Established in Washington, D.C. in 1973, it has served abroad variety of individual and organizational clients, includingnational and local business corporations and nonprofit associations. All attorneys with the firm are members of the District of Columbia bar.In addition, James Turner is admitted to the Ohio and U.S. Supreme Courtbars; Betsy Lehrfeld is admitted to the California and U.S. SupremeCourt bars; Charles Brown is admitted to the bars of Ohio, West Virginiaand the U.S. Supreme Court; and Chris Turner is admitted to thePennsylvania bar.http://www.swankin-turner.com/aspartame.htmlhttp://www.swankin-turner.com/hist.htmlAspartame/NutraSweet: The History of the Aspartame Controversyby James Turner, ESQ.  Director of the National Institute of Science,Law, and Public Policy (NISLAPP)National Institute of Science, Law, and Public Policy 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 330, Washington, DC 20036 (202) 462-8800 Fax: (202) 265-6564    [EMAIL PROTECTED]Timeline:December 1965-- While working on an ulcer drug, James Schlatter, achemist at G.D. Searle, accidentally discovers aspartame, a substancethat is 180 times sweeter than sugar yet has no calories.Spring 1967-- Searle begins the safety tests on aspartame that arenecessary for applying for FDA approval of food additives. Fall 1967-- Dr. Harold Waisman, a biochemist at the University ofWisconsin, conducts aspartame safety tests on infant monkeys on behalfof the Searle Company. Of the seven monkeys that were being fedaspartame mixed with milk, one dies and five others have grand malseizures. November 1970-- Cyclamate, the reigning low-calorie artificial sweetener-- is pulled off the market after some scientists associate it withcancer. Questions are also raised about safety of saccharin, the onlyother artificial sweetener on the market, leaving the field wide openfor aspartame. December 18, 1970-- Searle Company executives lay out a "Food and DrugSweetener Strategy' that they feel will put the FDA into a positiveframe of mind about aspartame. An internal policy memo describespsychological tactics the company should use to bring the FDA into asubconscious spirit of participation" with them on aspartame and get FDAregulators into the "habit of saying, "Yes"." Spring 1971-- Neuroscientist Dr. John Olney (whose pioneering work withmonosodium glutamate was responsible for having it removed from babyfoods) informs Searle that his studies show that aspartic acid (one ofthe ingredients of aspartame) caused holes in the brains of infantmice. One of Searle's own researchers confirmed Dr. Olney's findings ina similar study. February 1973-- After spending tens of millions of dollars conductingsafety tests, the G.D. Searle Company applies for FDA approval andsubmits over 100 studies they claim support aspartame's safety. March 5, 1973-- One of the first FDA scientists to review the aspartamesafety data states that "the information provided (by Searle) isinadequate to permit an evaluation of the potential toxicity ofaspartame". She says in her report that in order to be certain thataspartame is safe, further clinical tests are needed. May 1974-- Attorney, Jim Turner (consumer advocate who was instrumentalin getting cyclamate taken off the market) meets with Searlerepresentatives to discuss Dr. Olney's 1971 study which showed thataspartic acid caused holes in the brains of infant mice.July 26, 1974-- The FDA grants aspartame its first approval forrestricted use in dry foods. August 1974-- Jim Turner and Dr. John Olney file the first objectionsagainst aspartame's approval. March 24, 1976-- Turner and Olney's petition triggers an FDAinvestigation of the laboratory practices of aspartame's manufacturer,G.D. Searle. The investigation finds Searle's testing procedures shoddy,full of inaccuracies and "manipulated" test data. The investigatorsreport they "had never seen anything as bad as Searle's testing." January 10, 1977-- The FDA formally requests the U.S. Attorney's officeto begin grand jury proceedings to investigate whether indictmentsshould be filed against Searle for knowingly misrepresenting findingsand "concealing material facts and making false statements" in aspartamesafety tests. This is the first time in the FDA's history that theyrequest a criminal investigation of a manufacturer. January 26, 1977-- While the grand jury probe is underway, Sidley &Austin, the law firm representing Searle, begins job negotiations withthe U.S. Attorney in charge of the i

[CTRL] Revelations at Memes.org!

2003-01-07 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
We at memes.org have attained to a certain level of harrassment online, for all of us, and in person, for at least myself.  This is a chemical reaction between political dissidents in the United States on the grassroots level and a fascist entity that wishes to shut us up and is naked in its way.  I sicken of the glorification of bullies and spit at it.
BTW, my Psy-Op mailing list was killed last week as I covered DARPA and it's Total Information Awareness program of spying on US citizens.  The head of the agency is the guy that called the shots in Iran-Contra, Mr. Amiral John Poindexter.
Total Information Oppression: Now my mailing list has been killed! http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1428
Total Information Awareness Relies on Private Sector to Track Americans http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1458
Here is the meat of my email to you.  };-)~
"In a nutshell: Zacarias Moussaoui offered to Congress to testify about Bush's prior knowledge regarding September 11. Instead, he was slapped with another charge as a punishment. Was he going to talk about Andreas Strassmeir, a man with close connections to Helmut Kohl? Strassmeir is said to be behind OKC and has strong connections to Iraq, like Moussaoui. And what about those eighty German corporations excluded from the list of those that supplied Iraq's Bioweapons program?"
more at
Oklahoma City Revisited - or HOLY OCTOPOID REDUX BATMAN! http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1583
According to the Petroleum Economist of February 11, 2002, it was the Taliban which tried to get a trans-Afghan pipeline, and it was the U.S. and Unocal which jinxed the project.
more at
It's NOT the oil, Stupid, it's the power http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1578
Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970: "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm."
Weather Modification http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1566
You don't think Danny Pearl's trip to Pakistan and subsequent death had anything to do with his father being an expert on AI, do you?
China and the World Trade Center: A Strategic Defense Initiaitive http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1606&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
"This kind of operation is aimed at starting conflicts in Indonesia and creating the image that Indonesia is a land of terrorists. " 
Ex-Indonesian State Intelligence Coordinating Board chief: Bali Bomber is CIA http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1601&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Even as President Bush reiterated on Friday that it is not too late to avert war if Saddam Hussein fully complies with the weapons inspections by the United Nations, military analysts say that the bombing, almost daily, by US jets over the mandated no-fly zone, coupled with Special Forces and CIA officers operating inside Iraq, means that a quiet, barely noticed fight has been unfolding.
Undercover war begins as US forces enter Iraq http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1596&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Meet Warren Buffet, the second richest man in the United States, who was holding a 'conference' in Omaha Nebraska on September 11, 2001. This man is part of Mitre Corp. and Mitre is heavily into UAV's (unmanned aerial vehicles). In fact, this little get-together was being held at the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) at Offut AFB. A number (it hasn't been reported exactly how many but it was called 'a small group of business leaders') of CEO's from New York, including at least one from the WTC, were there. 
Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetware http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1594&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
"The company was working on the developement of remote control aircraft and on Sept 6th I recieved word that some of my people may have been released from China to work on a change over of ATC Radar. I was told they had been contacted to be in a work detail in the WTC which was being renovated."
Can you hear the whistle blowing? http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1593&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
The Pentagon has launched a series of remarkable medical experiments to find a way to keep its soldiers and pilots awake and alert for up to five days at a time. The mission to create an "Extended Performance War Fighter", as the project is known, took on added urgency last week as the military use of amphetamine stimula

[CTRL] The Drug War According to Dr. Mengele

2003-01-07 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
The Drug War According to Dr. MengeleAgent Green Over the Andesby Jeffrey St. ClairDissident VoiceDecember 27, 2002Hostile intentions toward the people of another country. Deployment ofchemical weapons and biological agents. Pursuit of a scorched earth policy.Sound like Saddam's Iraq? Think again. This neatly capsulizes the Bushadministration's ongoing depredations in Colombia, all under the shadybanner of the war on drugs.The big difference is that Saddam's hideous use of poison gas against theKurds and, most likely, against Iran occurred more than 15 years ago. Sincethe Gulf War, Saddam's mad pursuits have been more on the order of chemistryexperiments in bombed out basements. But the Bush administration's toxic waron Colombian peasants is happening now, day after day, in flippant violationof international law.Indeed, as Bush offers pious homilies on Iraq's possible hoarding ofso-called Weapons of Mass Destruction, his administration and its backersfrom both parties in congress are poised to unleash a new wave toxins in themountains of Colombia, including a dangerous brew of biological weapons itsproponents rather quaintly call mycoherbicides. Let us call it: Agent Green.The leading germ war hawk in the congress these days is Rep. Bob Mica, aRepublican from Florida. In mid-December, Mica called on his pals in theBush administration to uncork a currently banned batch of killer fungi andbegin a campaign of saturation spraying. "We have to restore ourmycoherbicide," Mica fumed. "Things that have been studied for too long needto be put into action. We found that we can not only spray this stuff, butwe found that we can also deactivate it for some period of time-it will do alot of damage-it will eradicate some of these crops for a substantial periodof time."Of course, Agent Green also kills everything else it touches. There's noteven a pretense to call these germ bomblets "smart fungi." This is the drugwar as it might be waged by Dr. Mengele. Mica's bracing call for anunfettered germ war on Colombia should jotted down by junior legal eagleswith dreams of becoming future prosecutors of war crimes.But Mica is far from a lone crazed voice. Even the perpetually conflictedColin Powell is on record supporting the use of biological agents as a keypart of Plan Colombia. Indeed, Anne Peterson, the US ambassador to Bogota,testified recently that she believed bio-weapons had already been deployedin Colombia. Bizarrely, she later retracted this chilling observation,saying that it had been made under duress. Ms. Peterson didn't say who hadapplied the thumbscrews.Then there's Rand Beers, one of the few holdovers at the State Departmentfrom Clinton time. It's easy to see why this biowar zealot appealed to theBush crowd. Back in the late 90s, Beers was all for using germ weapons oncrops in drug-producing countries. Now, as Assistant Secretary of State fornarcotics, Beers trots across the globe to various international conferenceswhere he invariably is forced to defend this toxic footnote to Plan Colombiaagainst critics who charge that it violates, among other treaties, theBiological Weapons Convention. Beers often says that the toxic weapons areneeded to fight international crime syndicates. This heady bit of sophistryis hardly an exemption from the prohibitions, which, it must be pointed out,the Bush administration doesn't believe in anyway, even though they aretrigger-happy to invoke its provisions against enemy states, such as Iraq.So, as in Macbeth, sin plucks on sin.Agent Green is a genetically engineered pathogenic fungi, conjured up by theUS Department of Agriculture's experiment station in Beltsville, Maryland.It is now being produced with US funds by Ag/Bio Company, a private lab inBozeman, Montana and at a former Soviet bioweapons factory in Tashkent,Uzbekistan. The labs are brewing up two types of killer fungi, Fusariumoxysporum (slated for use against marijuana and coca plants) and Pleospora papveracea (engineered to destroy opium poppies).The problem is that both fungi are indiscriminate killers, posing threats tohuman health and to non-target species. Add to this the fact that whensprayed from airplanes and helicopters, Agent Green will be carried by windsand inevitably drift over coffee plantations, fields, farms, villages, andwater supplies.Agent Green also threatens the ecology of the Colombian rainforest, one ofthe most biologically diverse on the planet. These forests harbor a greatervariety of species per acre than any country's. But the Colombian forestsare already under frightful siege from gold mining, oil companies, loggingoutfits and cattle ranching. By one count, Colombia has already lost morethan a third of its primary forest and continues to lose forest at a rate of3000 square miles (or nearly 2 million acres) a year. It's possible that theAgent Green operation may saturate more than a million acres of Colombianrainforest, with potentially devastating ecological consequences for 

[CTRL] The Space (ARMS) Race Goes On

2003-01-06 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
- Russia Launches Proton Rocket With Canadian Satellitehttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/021229234251.qpp7esei.html- Russia Launches Military Satellitehttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/021224180309.rthyvbt0.html- India To Launch Satellite With Europeans In Februaryhttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/021224111320.bmfabdcp.html
- Germans Get Ready To Go To Marshttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/030104161509.ipessjdb.html- Israel To Send First Man To Spacehttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/030103234242.49pt9gtu.html
- European Space Agency Confirms Plans For GPS Rival Stalled By Spathttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/021224093531.69ow90pb.html- Japan Plans To Develop Unmanned Spy Plane: Reporthttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/030103041214.pazl6snm.html- US Set To Deliver Advanced Air-To-Air Missiles To Taiwan: Reporthttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/030105050156.2e7f479i.html- Israel To Run Fresh Tests On Arrow Missileshttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/030103104241.l6jrw17m.html
- Pentagon Moves Pieces For Iraq Invasion Forcehttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/030104173030.hvwd6xr2.html- Hi-tech US Weaponry Could Be Used In Conflict With Iraqhttp://www.spacedaily.com/2002/030101083218.linjm1nu.html
 Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetwarehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?W291259F2 
WTC, Buffet, China, Offut AFB, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and the CIAhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2 Do you Yahoo!?
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Scientists seek 'super-soldiers' formula

2003-01-06 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Mind: Scientists seek 'super-soldiers' formulaPosted by: valis on Jan 05, 2003 - 11:41 PM
The Pentagon has launched a series of remarkable medical experiments to find a way to keep its soldiers and pilots awake and alert for up to five days at a time. The mission to create an "Extended Performance War Fighter", as the project is known, took on added urgency last week as the military use of amphetamine stimulants - "go pills" as they are called - was plunged into deep controversy.
 Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetwarehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?W291259F2 
WTC, Buffet, China, Offut AFB, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and the CIAhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2 Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SkyNet

2003-01-06 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
The following is snipped from http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1566&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Soviet Woodpecker System
The Soviet weather modification project is referred to as the Woodpecker system. It involves the transmissions of extreme low frequency (ELF) waves at about 10 hertz using Tesla transmitters in Angarsk and Khabarovsk in Siberia, Gomel, Sakhalin Island, Nikolayev in the Ukraine, Riga in Latvia and also a site 60 miles south of Havana in Cuba. To give you an idea of the magnitude of this system, the facility near Havana, Cuba, is said to be maintained and operated by a staff of 2,500 Soviet personnel. These transmitters generate electromagnetic transmissions that produce an ELF scalar grid over the United States. This is done by transmitting these low frequency scalar waves in pairs so that they converge at a predetermined point on the earth’s surface and cause a disruption of the atmosphere. This technology can be used to alter the course of the jet stream and set up long- term weather blocks.
The New Woodpecker GridA very interesting little audio file (for those of you interested in OTH 'radar') that I stumbled across after revisting the Russian Woodpecker topic. I am Skynet. Hear me peck!
Posted by Chem 113.31.200222:56 http://www.cheniere.org/misc/woodpeckersound.htm
New plane may plug hole in the ozone layer Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetwarehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?W291259F2 
WTC, Buffet, China, Offut AFB, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and the CIAhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2 Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2003-01-06 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

04.01.2003 13:10

RIA Novosti





One of the Chechen terrorist leaders, Sabiyev, was killed in the Shalinsky district in Chechnya. 
Yesterday, an unknown individual opened fire against federal servicemen who were carrying out address checks in the Germenchuk settlement. The offender was shot dead in retaliatory fire, the Russian Interior Ministry reported on Saturday. 
The militant turned out to be an active member of separatists' gang, the so-called emir of the local jamaat, Sabiyev. 
Two servicemen wounded in the skirmish received medical treatment. The police found two Kalashnikov guns, a Kenwood radio station and a Makarov gun at the incident site. 
 Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetwarehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?W291259F2 
WTC, Buffet, China, Offut AFB, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and the CIAhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2 Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Cleveland Smoking Gun Proves "Arab Hijacker" Calls From United Airlines Flight 93 Were Faked

2003-01-06 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
9-11: Cleveland Smoking Gun Proves "Arab Hijacker" Calls From United Airlines Flight 93 Were FakedPosted by: valis on Jan 04, 2003 - 09:45 PM
 Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetwarehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?W291259F2 
WTC, Buffet, China, Offut AFB, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and the CIAhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2 Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Conversation with Robert Anton Wilson

2003-01-05 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Freud had racial memory, Jung had the collective unconscious, Leary has the neurogenetic circuit, but there's no way any of it can work mechanically, and that's why biologists reject it. The only way it can work is with Sheldrake's non-local morpho-genetic field, which, if it exists, would let me send signals that will be able to effect the genes of future generations, and not just those directly descended from me. I can control the direction of evolution through thought forms I'm putting out, and so can everybody else.
 Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetwarehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?W291259F2 
WTC, Buffet, China, Offut AFB, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and the CIAhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2 Do you Yahoo!?
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Undercover war begins as US forces enter Iraq

2003-01-05 Thread Jay Lowry
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Even as President Bush reiterated on Friday that it is not too late to avert war if Saddam Hussein fully complies with the weapons inspections by the United Nations, military analysts say that the bombing, almost daily, by US jets over the mandated no-fly zone, coupled with Special Forces and CIA officers operating inside Iraq, means that a quiet, barely noticed fight has been unfolding.
 Mitre Corp., Offutt AFB, September 11, DARPA, Global Hawk, and Wetwarehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?W291259F2 
WTC, Buffet, China, Offut AFB, L-3 , MONTAUK, BMI and the CIAhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2 Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Airborne Holographic Projector

2003-01-05 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

5.6 Airborne Holographic Projector 
Brief Description
The holographic projector displays a three-dimensional visual image in a desired location, removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological operations and strategic perception management. It is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary.


Precision projection of 3-D visual images into a selected area
Supports PSYOP and strategic deception management
Provides deception and cloaking against optical sensors 
Enabling Technologies (MCTL)

4.1.4, Image Processing (holographic displays)
10.1, Lasers
10.2, Optics
10.3, Power Systems ~~"The company was working on the developement of remote control aircraftand on Sept 6th I recieved word that some of my people may have beenreleased from China to work on a change over of ATC Radar. I was told theyhad been contacted to be in a work detail in the WTC which was beingrenovated." http://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bahrain committee investigates 'planned' riots

2003-01-05 Thread Jay Lowry
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http://www.worldtribune.com/worldtribune/breaking_7.htmlBahrain committee investigates 'planned' riotsSPECIAL TO WORLD TRIBUNE.COMFriday, January 3, 2003ABU DHABI — Bahrain's newly-elected parliament has appointeda committee to investigate New Year riots in Manama in which upto 2,000 young men attacked foreigners in the entertainmentdistrict of the capital.Officials said the riots were planned and those accused of helpingorganize them include Saudi nationals. Officials said 45 people werearrested and four of them have been released."What happened was deliberately aimed at causing chaos and harmto the security and stability which the country enjoys," BahrainiInterior Minister Mohammed Bin Khalifa Al Khalifa said on Thursday."They were aiming to corrupt and distort the historic achievementsof the kingdom."The panel will also oversee the kingdom's military and defenseestablishment, Middle East Newsline reported.Parliamentarians elected Ahmed Bahzad as chairman of the newForeign Affairs, Defense and National Economy Committee. Thepanel is meant to oversee such bodies as the military, DefenseMinistry and Foreign Ministry.The committee will also have a vice chairman. He was identified asMohammed Al Abbas.Arab diplomatic sources said they do not expect the newparliamentary committee to have much influence on Bahrain'sdefense policy, including the significant U.S. military presence. Thesources said defense and military issues will remain the exclusivedomain of King Hamad Bin Jassem Bin Jabber Al Thani.Members of the Foreign Affairs, Defense and National EconomyCommittee were not elected. Instead, they were appointed by apanel that consisted of the speaker of parliament, his two deputiesand the general secretary.Members of five other committees were also appointed by thepanel.Last year, Bahrain elected its first parliament in nearly 30 years.Many of the deputies have appeared uncertain over the powers andprocedures of the institution.The 40-member parliament is composed entirely of males. Islamicfundamentalist movements dominate the body.--~~"The company was working on the developement of remote control aircraftand on Sept 6th I recieved word that some of my people may have beenreleased from China to work on a change over of ATC Radar. I was told theyhad been contacted to be in a work detail in the WTC which was beingrenovated." http://makeashorterlink.com/?P271149F2Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Pope to meet with Templar descendants in Spain

2003-01-05 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
 ~~Captain Sir Basil H. Liddell Hart, 1944: "The real target in war is the mind of the enemy command, not the bodies of his troops. If we operate against his troops it is fundamentally for the effect that action will produce on the mind and will of the commander; indeed, the trend of warfare and the development of new weapons – aircraft and tanks – promise to give us increased and more direct opportunities of striking at this psychological target."Psy-Op Quoteshttp://makeashorterlink.com/?L110227F2Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Report on urban warfare points to US plans to destroy Iraqi cities

2003-01-04 Thread Jay Lowry
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http://www.infoshop.org/pipermail/infoshop-news/2002-October/001925.html This was initially posted to a group at Yahoogroups called energyresources. It was in response to a post about the Bush administration's plan to "protect" Iraqi cities and the link was rejected. What does THIS tell you about the list energyresources. There is no oil shortage. False scarcity keeps up the prices and produces mandates for war. Hussein is witness to all of Bush daddy's BCCI dirt.see this piece on the Cleanu Wars:http://www.fiu.edu/~mizrachs/octopus.html ~~Is Pakistan Next? Consider: As thousands of Pakistanis prepared todemonstrate Friday against the possibility of a U.S.-led war against Iraq,American troops based in Afghanistan threatened to complicate U.S.-Pakistanirelations by asserting they have the right to cross the border into Pakistan inhot pursuit of enemy fighters.http://makeashorterlink.com/?I30D125F2Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] No case for Iraq war, says UN chief

2003-01-04 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
From: Dave Muller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: undisclosed-recipients:;Subject: [southnews] No case for Iraq war, says UN chiefDate: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 11:29:05 -0600 (CST)--No case for Iraq war, says UN chiefBlair warns Britain: Be ready for conflict in GulfBy David Usborne and Marie WoolfIndependent (UK) 01 January 2003Kofi Annan, the United Nations secretary general, said last night that hesaw no justification for a military onslaught against Iraq - at least untilthe UN inspections chief, Hans Blix, submits a first full report to theSecurity Council at the end of January.His remarks were a blunt warning to Britain and the United States that theywill need clear evidence of clandestine weapons programmes in Iraq to winsupport from other nations for any military campaign against Saddam Husseinthis winter. Mr Annan also said weapons inspectors in Iraq were workingwithout interference.His comments stood in contrast to a bellicose end-of-year statement fromTony Blair that Britain should be ready for possible conflict in the Gulf.He said he was ready to take "tough decisions" on dealing with PresidentSaddam "regardless of short-term popularity".Adding that it might become necessary to disarm him "by force", Mr Blairadded: "We must confront the issue of Iraq and weapons of mass destructionbecause to fail to do so would make the world a very dangerous place in thefuture, with countries free to flout the will of the United Nations."America also continues to give the impression of preparing for near-certainwar.Mr Blix has until 27 January to give the UN Security Council a firstcomprehensive report on the progress of inspections in Iraq. In the nextfour weeks, inspections in Iraq are likely to increase with additionalmanpower as well as eight newly delivered helicopters to give inspectorsmore mobility.But alarm is growing in London and Washington because the work already doneby inspectors has failed to pick up any prohibited weapons activity, makingimmeasurably harder the political task of justifying an armed invasion tothe UN The changing membership of the Security Council is also a stumblingblock to military action. Germany is among five countries takingnon-permanent seats on the Security Council today for a two-year term andit has made clear its misgivings about war, vowing that its troops wouldnot participate.The absence of incriminating evidence of clandestine weapons programmes inIraq was made clear yesterday by one of the inspectors. "We haven't foundone iota of concealed material yet," he told the Los Angeles Times. He saidthere was "zilch" to report to the Security Council at the end of January,but conceded that the failure to find anything might signify the Iraqis'concealment skills.Inspectors were frustrated by the failure of Britain and America to provideintelligence. He said: "We need information. We need help. We needintelligence reports - if they exist."London and Washington face an uphill task in convincing other UN members tosupport a war if Mr Blix returns to the Security Council with nothing toshow from the inspections and Iraq has given the impression of fullyco-operating. Mr Annan stressed that nothing had emerged to justifylaunching a war before the 27 January report. Speaking to Israel's ArmyRadio, he said: "I really do not see any basis for an action until then,particularly as [the inspectors] are able to carry out their work in anunimpeded manner."If Mr Blix fails to find hard evidence of prohibited weapons activity, hewill almost certainly be pressed by America to identify Iraqi scientistswho know of concealed weapons. He may also be asked to take them out ofIraq for questioning.--31/12/2002UN Press ReleaseSC/7624PRESIDENT OF UNITED NATIONS SECURITY COUNCIL AND CHAIRMANOF MILITARY STAFF COMMITTEE IN JANUARYIn accordance with the principle of alphabetical rotation, thefollowing are the President of the United Nations SecurityCouncil and the Chairman of the Military Staff Committee forJanuary:Security CouncilJean-Marc de La Sablihre, Permanent Representative of France,succeeds Alfonso Valdivieso, Permanent Representative ofColombia, as President of the Security Council.Military Staff CommitteeMajor General Daniel Bastien (France) succeeds Major General ChenFeng (China) as Chairman of the Military Staff Committee.* *** *[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Meet America's New Big Brother http://www.hereinreality.com/bigbrother.html The John Poindexter Awareness Office http://www.breakyourchains.org/jpao.htm ~~Is Pakistan Next? Consider: As thousands of Pakistanis prepared todemonstrate Friday against the possibility of a U.S.-led war against Iraq,American troops based in Afghanistan threatened to complicate U.S.-Pakistanirelations b

[CTRL] Pilots on Crank

2003-01-04 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
A lawyer for one of two U.S. pilots who released a bomb over southern Afghanistan in April, accidentally killing four Canadian soldiers, says the Air Force had pressured the pilots to take amphetamines that may have impaired their judgment during the mission.http://www.msnbc.com/news/854017.asp?0dm=N28LN
Canada AM 07:43:30 Eastern Time August 1, 2002 US Pilots Stay Up Taking "Uppers" http://www.globalsecurity.org/org/news/2002/020801-speed2.htm
Japan, Speed, and the Kamikaze pilots http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=kamikaze%2Camphetamines%2Cjapan
The Nazis and Methamphetamineshttp://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=nazis%2Cmethamphetamines
Is GW a Nazi?http://www.google.com/search?q=%22George+W.+Bush%22%2CNazi&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8
I have been calling GW the methamphetamine president for some time now.  There are more people in America addicted to crank than there ever were crackheads on the streets, by far.  Yet not a peep in the media about this historic epidemic.
hmmm...~~Is Pakistan Next? Consider: As thousands of Pakistanis prepared todemonstrate Friday against the possibility of a U.S.-led war against Iraq,American troops based in Afghanistan threatened to complicate U.S.-Pakistanirelations by asserting they have the right to cross the border into Pakistan inhot pursuit of enemy fighters.http://makeashorterlink.com/?I30D125F2Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Is Pakistan Next?

2003-01-04 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

As thousands of Pakistanis prepared to demonstrate Friday against the possibility of a U.S.-led war against Iraq, American troops based in Afghanistan threatened to complicate U.S.-Pakistani relations by asserting they have the right to cross the border into Pakistan in hot pursuit of enemy fighters.
 ~~Is Pakistan Next? Consider: As thousands of Pakistanis prepared todemonstrate Friday against the possibility of a U.S.-led war against Iraq,American troops based in Afghanistan threatened to complicate U.S.-Pakistanirelations by asserting they have the right to cross the border into Pakistan inhot pursuit of enemy fighters.http://makeashorterlink.com/?I30D125F2Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] It's not the oil, stupid, it's the power

2003-01-04 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
why don't you smoke a joint already
if oil didn't lead to power no one would seek it so strongly
that means, by definition, it is the POWER STUPID
 Nurev Ind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-Caveat Lector- At 10:31 AM 1/3/03 -0800, you wrote:
-Caveat Lector- Statecraft: It's NOT the oil, Stupid, it's the powerPosted by: souljah on Jan 03, 2003 - 10:08 AMIt IS the oil STUPID! It's all about oil because control of oil IS POWER! STUPID!~~Is Pakistan Next? Consider: As thousands of Pakistanis prepared todemonstrate Friday against the possibility of a U.S.-led war against Iraq,American troops based in Afghanistan threatened to complicate U.S.-Pakistanirelations by asserting they have the right to cross the border into Pakistan inhot pursuit of enemy fighters.http://makeashorterlink.com/?I30D125F2Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Realm of the Ring Lords

2003-01-03 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Conspiracy: The Realm of the Ring LordsPosted by: souljah on Dec 30, 2002 - 01:44 AM
In all the Grail romances, and in the tales of the Ring, the message is relentlessly clear: in the wrong hands, both the Ring and the Grail can bring disaster.The Realm of the Ring Lordsby Sir Laurence GardnerJ.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings is one of the most enchanting and successful tales of all time. First issued in the 1950s, this famous trilogy could just as well have emanated from the Dark Ages or medieval times, for it has all the qualities and attributes of the most ancient Grail and Ring traditions. This was made possible by the fact that Tolkien (an Oxford professor of Anglo-Saxon and English language) had the legendary wealth of ages at his fingertips and moulded his story accordingly.In considering the history of the Ring Quest, its parallel association with the Quest for the Holy Grail becomes increasingly apparent, as do the origins of fairies, elves, pixies, sprites, gnomes and goblins. Ring lore is also deeply rooted in many of the best loved nursery tales, and provides the essential facts behind numerous time-honoured characters of popular legend.Grail stories are generally associated with Arthurian knights roaming the Wasteland in search of the sacred relic. But the genre also embodies many other questing tales, incorporating such characters as Cinderella, Robin Hood, Sleeping Beauty and Count Dracula. Each account holds its own separate mystery and fascination, but it is not generally understood that they all stem from a common historical base which is rooted in the ancient culture of the Ring Lords.Even though some of the themes have their origins in very old lore, the majority of these tales were newly slanted from the Dark Ages onwards, when the Church set its sights against the Ring tradition. This was especially the case from medieval times when the persecution of heretics was in full swing, leading to the brutal Inquisitions which began in the 13th century.From around 4000 BC, the Ring was a primary device of the Anunnaki overlords, who were recorded as having been responsible for the establishment of municipal government and kingly practice in ancient Mesopotamia. In view of this, it is of particular relevance that, in 1967, when Professor Tolkien was asked about the Middle-earth environment of The Lord of the Rings, he wrote that he perceived its setting to be about 4000 BC.In this respect, the root of Tolkien's popular tale was extracted directly from Saxon folklore and was not actually new in concept. Indeed, the early Saxon god Wotan (the equivalent of the Sumerian Lord, Anu) was said to have ruled the Nine Worlds of the Rings – having the ninth Ring (the One Ring) to govern eight others.The contested ownership of the One Ring, as related in The Lord of the Rings, is little different to the enduring quest for the Holy Grail; they are both quests for the maintenance of sovereignty. But, in both fact and fiction, the Ring and the Grail are each seen to be misappropriated by those who perceive them as weapons of power.As the generations passed from ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian times, the ideal of dynastic kingship spread through the Mediterranean lands into the Balkans, the Black Sea regions and Europe. But, in the course of this, the crucial essence of the old wisdom was lost and this gave rise to dynasties that were not of the original kingly race. Instead, many were unrelated warrior chiefs who gained their thrones by might of the sword.The sacred culture of the ancients was, nevertheless, retained in the Messianic line of King David of Judah (around 1008 BC), whose significance was in his pharaonic heritage, not in his generally portrayed descent from Abraham and the Shemite strain. It was because of this particular inheritance that David's son, Solomon the Wise, was enabled to create his Egyptian-style Temple project in Jerusalem.This led to a Holy Land revival of the pharaonic and one-time Mesopotamian Rosi-crucis movement at a time when Egypt was beset by foreign influences, first from Libya, Nubia and Kush, and then from further afield. Resultantly, the traditional marriage arrangements of the pharaohs and princesses gave way to diplomatic alliances.The Rosi-crucis (whose supporters were called Rosicrucians) is often misidentified as if it referred to a Rosy (or Red) Cross - but in fact the term has a rather different origin. It stems from the old Greek 'rosi', meaning 'dew', and from 'crucis' meaning 'fire-cup' (as in the word 'crucible'). Hence, the Rosi-crucis was the dew-cup of fire – or fiery cup of the waters. In symbolic form, the Rosi-crucis was the original and longest standing mark of sovereignty – and this is where the secondary Rosy Cross definition comes into play, for this insignia was indeed a red cross within a ring. The early Bible writers condemned this royal device as being the Mark of Cain.This same emb

[CTRL] Fwd: Your Bloglet Update from "LibertyThink"

2003-01-03 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Here are your daily Bloglet subscriptions:

LibertyThink - http://www.libertythink.com/index.html

(1/2/2003 10:31:00 PM)Comment by Sidney Jones in The Observer
In the aftermath of the 12 October bombing in Bali, Indonesians are convinced they have terrorists in their midst. They're just not sure who they are. Absurd, as it may seem, if talk shows and media commentaries are any indication, the most likely candidates in most Indonesians' minds are the U.S. government and the Indonesian army. Al-Qaeda is a distant third. Only these three, the thinking goes, have the expertise, the contacts, and the motivation to carry out an attack on the scale of the Bali attack. The first theory, which has gained wide currency and not just among conservative Muslims, goes like this: The U.S. embassy issued a warning to its citizens to avoid public places in Indonesia twelve hours before the explosion. The C.I.A. picked a place that few Americans frequented. It supplied the materials for the bomb. It then tried to blame al-Qaeda and radical Islam in an effort to win support for a war against Iraq, and offered to help with the investigation as a way of infiltrating American troops into Indonesia so they can eventually establish a new foothold in Southeast Asia. Also see: Bali Disco Bombing Analysis by vox (1/2/2003 8:30:00 PM)
WASHINGTON (AP) The Office of Homeland Security lost the first round in a legal fight to keep its activities secret as a federal judge ruled it will have to answer questions about its power over other federal agencies. U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly ordered the office to prove it has no authority other than helping and advising President Bush if it wants to dismiss a lawsuit seeking access to its records. 
(1/2/2003 3:19:00 PM)

 ~~Weather Modificationhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?Z201661F2Transhumanism: The New Master Race?http://makeashorterlink.com/?R3E0231F2Rocket Fuel Toxic Found in Lettucehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?V195213F2Do you Yahoo!?
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[CTRL] Weather Modification

2003-01-03 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Conspiracy: Weather ModificationPosted by: souljah on Jan 02, 2003 - 08:10 PM
Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1970: "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm."
 ~~Weather Modificationhttp://makeashorterlink.com/?Z201661F2Transhumanism: The New Master Race?http://makeashorterlink.com/?R3E0231F2Rocket Fuel Toxic Found in Lettucehttp://makeashorterlink.com/?V195213F2Do you Yahoo!?
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] It's not the oil, stupid, it's the power

2003-01-03 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Statecraft: It's NOT the oil, Stupid, it's the powerPosted by: souljah on Jan 03, 2003 - 10:08 AM
According to the Petroleum Economist of February 11, 2002, it was the Taliban which tried to get a trans-Afghan pipeline, and it was the U.S. and Unocal which jinxed the project.
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[CTRL] Privatizing Latin America

2003-01-03 Thread Jay Lowry
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Spycraft: Privatizing Latin AmericaPosted by: souljah on Jan 03, 2003 - 10:30 AM
Although many people think that the CIA’s primary mission during the Cold War was to 'deter communism,' Noam Chomksy correctly points out that its real mission was 'deterring democracy.' From corrupting elections to overthrowing democratic governments, from assassinating elected leaders to installing murderous dictators, the CIA has virtually always replaced democracy with dictatorship.
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[CTRL] 11 really good reasons to switch to bicycles and mass transit

2003-01-02 Thread Jay Lowry
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Corruption - Wealth: New Chairman of 9/11 Commission had business ties with Osama's Brother in Law - Monday, December 30, 2002
White House - Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich on Iraq - Saturday, December 28, 2002
Oil - Axis of Oil? - Saturday, December 28, 2002
Media - 9-11: The Propaganda Preparation for 9/11 - Saturday, December 21, 2002
TV - Mind: The War and the Spectacle - Saturday, December 21, 2002
White House - Terror: THE PHILIPPINES AND THE U.S. HEGEMONIC THRUST - Friday, December 20, 2002
Warfare - Terror: THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQ - Thursday, December 19, 2002
White House - 9-11: A New Pearl Harbor - Wednesday, December 18, 2002
Ecology - Gaia: Weaning Off Fossil Fuels - Saturday, December 07, 2002
Oil - Gaia: Turning Nature into Oil Fields - Saturday, December 07, 2002
News - Terror: U.S. Formula: Inspect and Bomb at the Same Time! - Thursday, December 05, 2002
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[CTRL] Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution by Howard Rheingold

2003-01-02 Thread Jay Lowry
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[CTRL] Ahh...the arms race...~sigh~

2003-01-02 Thread Jay Lowry
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Tab A... of massed formations and rigid hierarchy are obsolete ... evaluation of the basic premisesof the RMA. ... materials from the intelligence community, DARPA, or advanced ... hqinet001.hqmc.usmc.mil/PP&O/ SIG/TopSight/Topsight%203-00.htm - 26k - Cached - Similar pages
DoD Enterprise Document and Records Management IPT Workshop... is placed too low in the organizational hierarchy to be ... Establish one RMA and DocumentManagement solution: The technology presented by NARA ... damick@darpa.mil. ... call.army.mil/edrm/docs/18may/report.htm - 75k - Cached - Similar pages
[PDF]Training Superiority & Training SurpriseFile Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML... performance of complex tasks and a hierarchy of part ... Without it the RMA can notbe sustained. ... An advanced training research program element DARPA office to ... www.dtic.mil/ndia/2001testing/chatham.pdf - Similar pages

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[CTRL] The Perpetual War Portfolio

2003-01-02 Thread Jay Lowry
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The article and relevant hyperlinks can be found at http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1498&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
Wealth: The Perpetual War PortfolioPosted by: souljah on Dec 27, 2002 - 11:28 AM
"The Perpetual War Portfolio is an evenly weighted basket of five stocks poised to succeed in the age of perpetual war. The stocks were selected on the basis of popular product lines, strong political connections and lobbying efforts, and paid-for access to key Congressional decision makers."BoeingBoeing is probably best known for making commercial jet airplanes, but 40% its annual revenue is generated from the sale of military aircraft, missiles, lasers, guidance systems, and the like. The company's Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) was such a big hit in Afghanistan that it can hardly keep up with orders from the Air Force and Navy.
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[CTRL] Conspiracy Redux Redux

2002-12-31 Thread Jay Lowry
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This is hilarious.  If you are not getting this email in HTML format, click on the link at the end.  They're good. ~
Conspiracy: Conspiracy Redux ReduxPosted by: chris on Dec 30, 2002 - 11:34 PM
Okay, according to what everything says, this is one whopper of a conspiracy! The conspiracy goes as follows: 
This is a battle between Jesus the Christ and God's former favourite fallen angel, Lucifer (seen in a picture of the WTC Bombing -- the Devil is in the smoke, with the horns and looking a lot like his goatish cliché self). So they are duking it out, but who is on what side, since Alahu Akbar and we are God's country! So, since we are all God's chosen, it must be a war between the NWO (New World Order) and the Gaia Earth Wicca Mother of Father of Sun .
The Illuminati Bilderberg consiracy which is of course based on the Zionist Rockefeller Syndicate.
The CIA Black Ops are running all of the Credit Cards, using the 1/1000th of a penny and funding the Northern Alliance and the Columbians so as to again gain control over Afghan Opium and Columbian Cocaine because taxes and siezures of property cannot keep up with the demand for technology and development.
The Reptilians and the Greys (Grays) are holding their underground lairs and keeping quiet right now as the Universal Galactic Star Federation is considering the Earth as a member based on the the recommendation of the humanoid Aliens, the Aryans.
So, although there has been many more channelings from Ra and the sightings have increased, this is no indication as to the current state of the Indian and Pakistani fight over Kashmir.
18k foot small arms fighting with Oxygen tanks. Fighting and fighting, hoping that the tunnel systems in Languadoc and Malta are not discovered by the NWO. Templar Ninjas and the Jesuit Special forces have been put at full alert and it seems that after many hundreds of years, the Knights Templar might finally be reinstated, although covertly, back into their rightful place as protectors of the obvious first Crusade of the 21st century.
Look out for the red cross, the Rosy Cross, the Rosicrucian -- the images of the Warrior Priests -- the Order of men who vowed to chastity, to poverty, yet built one of the most powerful collectives on the globe!
Two men on one horse. Yes, of course there is an undercurrent of Homoerotic Knights Templar. Not unlike the Spartans and all the Gays in the Military anyway. 
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[CTRL] Diamonds, 9-11, Fish Farms, and the Cult of Surveillance

2002-12-31 Thread Jay Lowry
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New Chairman of 9/11 Commission had business ties with Osama's Brother in Law http://makeashorterlink.com/?S6DC149E2
Blood diamonds redux By Douglas Farah Washington Post Staff Writer http://makeashorterlink.com/?A2C114AE2
Cult of Surveillance http://makeashorterlink.com/?D6D114AE2
Fish Farms Become Feedlots of the Sea http://makeashorterlink.com/?K50362AE2
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[CTRL] Are Slutty Little Girls Empowered?

2002-12-31 Thread Jay Lowry
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Sexuality: Are Slutty Little Girls Empowered?Posted by: Anonymous on Dec 30, 2002 - 06:03 PM
Has the tendency of pop culture to be fetishing the hypersexualization of young teen girls a post feminist self-empowerment or is it merely a recipie for disaster? Have the men of the world done enough post-doc work to allow themselves to be awed that their daughters, their schoolmates, their dating pool, and their neighbors are taking their very oppressed and male-dominated sexuality and taking it back and owning it? Or, will this result in even more rape, date rape, and the lifetime of suffering for Survivors of Sexual and Physical Abuse? And their future partners? I would like to start a discussion to please post any comments and I will come back to discuss.
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Re: [CTRL] Air Defense Is Key

2002-12-31 Thread Jay Lowry
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The perpetrators of 9-11 know that air is the key, at least to waging a war that maintains a mandate, i.e. one that involves few American deaths.  Air 'defense' is the key to getting Afghanistan first too, in the war on the world.  Khyber pass provides access to HIGH GROUND.  Launch a cruise missile from the Himalayas and you increase its range.
 William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-Caveat Lector- http://reese.king-online.com/Reese_20021230/index.phpAir Defense Is Keyby Charley ReeseI don't know if Iraq has chemical or biological weapons. It is certain that Iraq has no nuclear weapons. If Iraq is smart, it will have gotten rid of its chemical and biological weapons so it can concentrate on getting the sanctions lifted. Then, once Iraq's economy is repaired, it can resume the weapons programs if it wants to.We have to face the fact that how to make a nuclear weapon is, for all practical purposes, common knowledge these days. The United States did not want India and Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons, but they did, and they did it entirely with local talent. The Israelis also did it, though the United States was too chicken to even protest. Knowledge is very difficult to ban or to banish.There are a lot of lies floating around in this buildup to war. I have no doubt that the president intends to go to war at the end of January regardless of what the inspectors find or don't find. That's a mistake, but as our elected president, Mr. Bush has two more years in which to make mistakes.At any rate, one of the dumbest lies floated out of Washington is that Saddam Hussein needs weapons of mass destruction to stay in power. This is put out as a weak argument for the claim that he must have them. In fact, it's a stupid statement. No dictator in human history has ever relied on weapons of mass destruction to stay in power. Saddam controls the Iraqis the old-fashioned way — with a secret police, a network of informers and conventional torture and execution. That works just fine.The Iraqis used chemical weapons against the Kurds when the Kurds had sided with Iran, which was also using chemical weapons against the Iraqis. There is even some question, according to an Army War College study, whether the Kurds in that well-publicized attack were killed by the Iraqis or the Iranians. Both armies were in the vicinity, and both were using chemical weapons — as, by the way, we, the British and the French used them in World War I. I don't recall anyone calling Woodrow Wilson or Gen. John Pershing a war criminal.Nevertheless, what Iraq really needs is an air-defense system. In that part of the world, the outcome of the war depends on control of the skies. No tank — not even our Abrams, which is the finest in the world — has any defenses at all against an aircraft. Therefore, to move troops and tanks, you have to control the skies. The technological superiority of the United States and Israel in aircraft and supporting systems is what makes them the 800-pound gorillas in conventional war.Offensive air capability has far outrun conventional air-defense systems, and you can bet your family car that in Russia, China, India and Pakistan, to name just a few, scientists and engineers are working to achieve a breakthrough in air defenses. If such a breakthrough is ever achieved, then the balance of power will readjust itself, and the outcomes of wars will become more iffy. The history of war science is that as soon as one advantage is achieved, work begins on how to counter it. But until air defense catches up with air offensive systems, the United States will enjoy the dubious privilege of whacking any small country it wishes to whack.I personally would take great pleasure in that, except that the existence of the power seems to tempt political leaders to use it in ways that in the long run are not in our national interest. Too often it seems we are more bully than protector, more arrogant than wise. We can destroy Iraq, but we cannot avoid the consequences of destroying Iraq. But that decision rests with George Bush, not with us.www.ctrl.org DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER == CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
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[CTRL] Dow sues penniless Bhopal survivors

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
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Christmas Grinch: Dow sues penniless Bhopal survivors

posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday December 24 2002 @ 04:14PM PST

How low can Dow go?
Dow sues penniless Bhopal survivors
Mon 23 December 2002
In a stunning example of corporate insensibility, Dow Chemical, the worlds largest chemical company, and new owners of Union Carbide is to sue survivors of the 1984 Union Carbide gas disaster in Bhopal, India. While the site of the disaster lies covered in toxic waste and survivors struggle with continuing ill health and deadly pollution from the site, Dow has decided to add to their woes with a Indian lawsuit.
Yes that's right - the very people Dow should be helping are now facing a lawsuit from one of the world most powerful corporations. Why are they acting in such an amazingly perverse manner? On December 2nd a peaceful march of 200 women survivors from Bhopal delivered toxic waste from the abandoned Carbide factory back to Dow's Indian headquarters in Bombay with the demand that Dow take responsibility for the disaster and clean up the site. Dow obviously has other ideas because they are suing survivors for about US$10,000 for "loss of work". That's US$10,000 compensation demanded for a two hour peaceful protest where only one Dow employee briefly ventured out of the Mumbai corporate business park to meet the women protestors.
Satyu, a Bhopal activist and one of the protestors charged by Dow highlighted how ridiculous this "loss of work" claim is: "Thousands of us lost their lives, many more have not been able to do our jobs for the last 18 years and 150,000 people in Bhopal are still suffering ill health because of the Union Carbide gas tragedy in 1984. Even today people die and children are born with gas related diseases. It is outrageous that Dow is charging us US$10,000 and tries to shut us down from seeking justice from them".
The damages demanded by Dow will amount to about 10 years income for the survivors charged but is less than one days sales revenue for Dow. Also Dow is seeking to silence protest by demanding that survivors be banned from holding protests within 100m of Dow offices in India.
Dow has just appointed a new CEO, William Stravopoulos, who engineered the Dow merger with Union Carbide in 2001. If this lawsuit is how he intends to deal with the ongoing Bhopal disaster then it will be a huge public relations own goal. Dow proudly proclaims it slogan as "living improved daily". How does that fit with the suing of poor protestors who have a real grievance with the company? 
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[CTRL] A Microchip Makes Its Mark: VeriChip & the Beast

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
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Science: A Microchip Makes Its Mark: VeriChip & the BeastPosted by: valis on Dec 27, 2002 - 07:08 PM
CBN.com - PALM BEACH, FL — Imagine having a microchip inside your body that would store your identity and important medical information, and might even tell people where you are. Is it a sign of the end times or simply a sign of progress?
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[CTRL] North Korea and The Axis of Oil

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
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"the real WWII Axis powers - Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan - had a major strategic problem in common. Unlike GW's Axis of Evil, none had oil reserves, a prerequisite for world domination. Getting access to oil was part of their reason for invading other countries. Bush is doing exactly what they were doing in WWII, creating a justification for war, threatening war and then invading..."
Axis of Oil?Posted by: souljah on Dec 28, 2002 - 06:28 PM
Axis of Oil?by Robert Lederman[EMAIL PROTECTED] February 11, 2002[Detailed notes substantiating this article are at the end]States like these [Iran, Iraq and North Korea], and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world.GW Bush, State of the Union address 1/29/2002The leaders of many nations are scoffing at GW Bush's Axis of Evil comment in his State of the Union speech. Among their complaints is that Iraq, Iran and North Korea have little in common, share no agreement on joining an axis of anything and in the case of Iran and Iraq are each other's worst enemies.But was GW actually correct in lumping them together? Have the uninitiated missed the profound geopolitical wisdom of the man CNN's talking heads have begun to call, "the greatest American President''?There is one very important issue tying North Korea, Iran and Iraq together.Oil!The slippery black gold is very dear to GW Bush's heart and to the corporate sponsors of his administration like David Rockefeller and Enron, which Rockefeller's Chase Bank disastrously financed. The three nations Bush elevated to the status of "evil" just happen to be competitors of the Saudi Arabian oil fields that the Bush and Rockefeller families have been aligned with for the past 70 years.Outside of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and the offshore oil fields of North Korea, the other main source of oil for the future is in the former Soviet Republics. For those oil and gas deposits to become an economically viable source for the West a huge pipeline has to be built through Afghanistan - exactly what Enron and the Bush administration were negotiating with the Taliban before 9/11.If the U.S. can't gain peaceful control over these nations' oil wealth, an invasion or overthrow of their governments will do the trick. To justify such an invasion Bush just needs the right excuse, such as an unending, "war on terrorism".Within each of these countries are factions and individuals -many of them with CIA training and/or funding - who will gladly stir up a little revolution when ordered to do so - or launch a terrorist attack. Then we can send in the bombers to "defend democracy".Contrary to the impression Bush has conveyed to the American public Afghanistan as a nation did not attack the U.S. and was actually peacefully negotiating an oil deal with U.S. corporations before 9/11. Although none of the alleged 9/11 hijackers were from Afghanistan, 15 of the 19 and bin Laden himself are from our great ally in the war against terrorism, Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia massively funds terrorists and is as anti-American as a nation can get yet it's not part of Bush's Axis of Evil. Maybe that's because the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family are long-time business partners with the Bush family.If as Bush claims we are focusing on Iran, Iraq and north Korea because they sell weapons and fund terrorists then why aren't we threatening England, France, Germany, Russia...and ourselves? The U.S. is the world's largest seller of weapons, has by far the largest biological and chemical weapons program and is the only nation that has ever used nuclear weapons. The U.S. finances terrorists like bin Laden all over the world and like Sadamn Hussein, we've used biological and chemical weapons against our own population.We also lead all other nations in funding terrorists. It was William Casey, founder of the eugenics-centered Manhattan Institute, who as CIA director in the Reagan/Bush administration built up Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan by supplying bin Laden and friends with billions of dollars in weapons, training and aid. If Al Qaida actually was behind the 9/11 attacks, we can thank Bill Casey for giving them the know-how to bring it off.Calling Iran, Iraq and North Korea, "uncivilized"as GW did in his address is somewhat ironic since they each existed as high cultures thousands of years before the U.S. became a nation. According to historians, six thousand years ago the area of the world we know as Iran and Iraq was the birthplace of what we euphemistically call Western civilization.It's also considered the homeland of the so-called Aryan race. Perhaps GW just wants to reclaim der fatherland.Korean culture is likewise thousands of years old and was highly developed when Europe was in the Dark Ages. It might come as quite a shock to Koreans to find that our semi-literate pretzel-munchin

[CTRL] Participatory Democracy in Venezuela

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Chaos and Constitution
 With his country teetering on the brink of disaster, Venezuela's Hugo Chávez clings to power -- thanks primarily to the passionate support of the nation's poor. By Barry C. Lynn January/February 2003 Issue 
The populist former paratrooper has mobilized Venezuela's poor to participate in their own government 

 Venezuela, strike, strikes, Chavez, Chávez, unrest, Caracas 
You can buy a plastic-bound copy of the Venezuelan Constitution for 60 cents, a leather-clad copy for $3, a coffee-table edition for $5. Not that you really need a copy of your own, since someone standing near you on the subway in Caracas will have one in his pocket. Or you can always listen to one of the ongoing debates at a downtown park. "Look at this article," someone will shout, and a half dozen people will flip through the constitution's 35,000 words and 350 articles to find the pertinent passage. "Yes," someone else will cry out. "But this one here is more to the point." 

E-mail articlePrint article 
· Whose Coup?· A Well Armed Chaos
· The Bolivarian Fund· Caracas Chronicles Web Log· Venezuelan Constitution (in Spanish)· E-mail the editor 

Leila Escobar, a lab technician in her early 30s, carries a pocket-size copy of the new constitution, bound in blue plastic. I meet her late one morning in Nueva Grenada, a grimy, run-down neighborhood in the Venezuelan capital, and the mid-October day is unseasonably hot. As a passing cloud offers relief, Escobar pauses to wipe the sweat from her face with a red handkerchief. She has walked seven miles already, near the head of a march by hundreds of thousands who have come out in support of President Hugo Chávez. It has been six months since Chávez was ousted briefly in a coup, and now his opponents -- business leaders, a handful of military officers, almost all of the nation's media -- are once again trying to orchestrate his removal. So Escobar and other chavistas have taken to the streets, vowing to protect the president -- with their bodies, if necessary.
The reason for their support has everything to do with the little blue book Escobar carries. In one of his first acts as president, Chávez held a nationwide referendum on the constitution that effectively redrew the political boundaries of Venezuela from the ground up. Over the past four years, through a series of new laws and programs, he has mobilized the poor to participate in what had always been a top-down, two-party political system dominated by the country's upper and middle classes. "The president has brought us hope, and he has brought us democracy," says Escobar. "They will not take him from us."
Like most Venezuelans, Escobar has plenty of reason to be dissatisfied. Since Chávez won election in 1998, even many of his staunchest supporters believe he has mismanaged the economy and picked needless fights with the opposition. Under his leadership, Venezuela has fallen into severe recession: Factories are shuttered, inflation is soaring, and credit has disappeared. The government sits atop the largest reserve of oil in the hemisphere, yet upwards of 40 percent of Venezuelans still live in poverty. But despite the widespread economic misery, what upsets Escobar most is that Venezuela's rich want Chávez out of power, now. Chávez, she says, is the only leader who has ever cared for Venezuela's poor. "The rich have always had so much, and we, nothing," she explains as thousands of marchers -- mostly of mestizo or African descent -- surge past, blowing whistles, singing, waving flags. "Now Chávez wants the rich still to have, but us too, a little."
Since the demonstration in October, tensions in Venezuela have escalated to the brink of civil war. A nationwide general strike, called by Chàvez opponents, has stretched into its third week. Almost every day, it seems, some sort of protest disrupts life in Caracas -- mass demonstrations, street riots, clashes between government supporters and Chàvez critics. In recent weeks, Chàvez has ordered the military to take over oil tankers whose crews refused to deliver their cargo, and the Bush administration has weighed in, calling for early elections. For the United States, the stakes in this struggle are high. Venezuela is America's fourth-largest supplier of oil, providing nearly 15 percent of all U.S. imports. With the Bush administration authorized to wage a war in Iraq that could destabilize oil supplies in the Middle East, Venezuela's importance to the U.S. economy can scarcely be overstated. "We are married to Venezuela, for better or worse," says Stephen Johnson, a Latin America analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
Yet Venezuela's government remains in the hands of a man who has become one of the most vocal -- and effective -- opponents of U.S. interests abroad. Chávez, with his red berets and revolutionary rhetoric, does far more than talk and dress the role of a second Castro. In 1999, he banned U

[CTRL] Americas First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea Party

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
"Resistance was organizing and growing and the Tea Act was the final straw. The citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations that for almost two hundred years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power. They were planning to destroy the goods of the world’s largest multinational corporation, intimidate its employees, and face down the guns of the government that supported it." 
Government: America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea PartyPosted by: souljah on Dec 23, 2002 - 12:31 PM
America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest The Boston Tea Party
By Thom Hartmann
I shall therefore conclude with a proposal that your watchmen be instructed, as they go on their rounds, to call out every night, half-past twelve, “Beware of the East India Company.”
-Pamphlet signed by “Rusticus,” 1773
Now that Bush administration Treasury Secretary and former Alcoa CEO Paul O’Neill has publicly called for the complete elimination of all corporate income taxes (and the elimination of Social Security), many people are wondering if history is repeating itself in a way that may be particularly dangerous for democracy.
Conventional wisdom has it that the 1773 Tea Act - a tax law passed in London that led to the Boston Tea Party - was simply an increase in the taxes on tea paid by American colonists. In reality, however, the Tea Act gave the world’s largest transnational corporation - The East India Company - full and unlimited access to the American tea trade, and exempted the Company from having to pay taxes to Britain on tea exported to the American colonies. It even gave the Company a tax refund on millions of pounds of tea they were unable to sell and holding in inventory.
The primary purpose of the Tea Act was to increase the profitability of the East India Company to its stockholders (which included the King and the wealthy elite that kept him secure in power), and to help the Company drive its colonial small-business competitors out of business. Because the Company no longer had to pay high taxes to England and held a monopoly on the tea it sold in the American colonies, it was able to lower its tea prices to undercut the prices of the local importers and the mom-and-pop tea merchants and tea houses in every town in America.
This infuriated the independence-minded American colonists, who were wholly unappreciative of their colonies being used as a profit center for the world’s largest multinational corporation, The East India Company. They resented their small businesses still having to pay the higher, pre-Tea Act taxes without having any say or vote in the matter. (Thus, the cry of “no taxation without representation!”) Even in the official British version of the history, the 1773 Tea Act was a “legislative maneuver by the British ministry of Lord North to make English tea marketable in America” with a goal of helping the East India Company quickly “sell 17 million pounds of tea stored in England…”
America’s first entrepreneurs’ protest
This economics-driven view of American History piqued my curiosity when I first discovered it. So when I came upon an original first edition of one of this nation’s earliest history books, I made a sizeable investment to buy it to read the thoughts of somebody who had actually been alive and participated in the Boston Tea Party and subsequent American Revolution. I purchased from an antiquarian book seller an original copy of Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party with a Memoir of George R.T. Hewes, a Survivor of the Little Band of Patriots Who Drowned the Tea in Boston Harbor in 1773, published in New York by S. S. Bliss in 1834.
Because the identities of the Boston Tea Party participants were hidden (other than Samuel Adams) and all were sworn to secrecy for the next fifty years, this account (published 61 years later) is singularly rare and important, as it’s the only actual first-person account of the event by a participant that exists, so far as I can find. And turning its brittle, age-colored pages and looking at printing on unevenly-sized sheets, typeset by hand and printed on a small hand press almost two hundred years ago, was both fascinating and exciting. Even more interesting was the perspective of the anonymous (“by a citizen of New York”) author and of Hewes, whom the author extensively interviewed for the book.
Although Hewes’ name is today largely lost in history, he was apparently well known in colonial times and during the 19th century. Esther Forbes’ classic 1942 biography of Paul Revere, which depended heavily on Paul Revere’s “many volumes of papers” and numerous late 18th and early 19th century sources, mentions Hewes repeatedly throughout her book. For example, when young Paul Revere went off to join the British army in the spring of 1756, he took along with him H

[CTRL] smell them, target them, kill them. The future way to eliminate

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

   The U.S. Army Research Office (ARO) is soliciting proposals to determine
whether genetically-determined odortypes may be used to identify specific
individuals. The proposal also calls for development of the science and
enabling technology to detect and identify specific individuals by such
odortypes.  The Odortype Detection Program will leverage research that has
demonstrated that the same set of genes that code for internal immune system
self/non-self recognition in mice -- the Major Histocompatibility Complex
(MHC) -- also code for individual odortype. Total funding for the research
and development effort may be up to $3.2 million in 2003.http://www.biometritech.com/enews/121602c.htm

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[CTRL] The Seeds of Terrorism

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
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Terror: The Seeds of TerrorismPosted by: souljah on Dec 27, 2002 - 11:26 AM
Wulf Zendik in 1985: "A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but their emotional and physical pain and their suffering—and maybe their starving."The Seeds of TerrorismExcerpt from the talk We Are All Intimately Related by Wulf Zendik 1985"If there is pain and dissension and hungerin the world and you try to ignore it or just cavalierly, philosophically permit it, it’s going to come and get you. It’s going to come and destroy you. I don’t care how many followers you have, how small or big your empire is, how many canoes or battleships or whatever you have, how many arrows or nuclear weapons, whatever you have, that pain and privation and suffering from your fellow human beings will smash your defenses and get to you.A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but their emotional and physical pain and their suffering—and maybe their starving. Now that sounds like it’s on a very pragmatic political have-and-have-not level. But on any level, like in the Ecolibrium sense, in the Zendikian sense, philosophically, metaphysically, you cannot get away with it.The Infinite Psychic Field, the whole psychic realm, is a great vibrational web of communication. It permeates the Universe and every thought, every feeling, every pain, every lust is recorded there. And it’s felt by everything, by all life, simultaneously.It’s instant. And nobody gets away with anything.We’re all really intimately related, all parents and children, brothers and sisters, not only to each other but to everything. OK, but to keep this simple and comprehensible, I’m just talking about the human animal now.I’m saying you can’t get away with defrauding the human animal with airhead religious philosophies and with international corporate manipulations of food supplies until the people are all just left stupid and starving.You can’t get away with not caring about the other human animal’s destiny. I’m talking about defrauding in any sense. You cannot figure, I’m going to get mine, and * them! If you do, you’re going to be that way in your relationships, with your man, your woman, your children. You have to be a loving, caring person. But to become that, to do that from out of that world of hate, chaos and destruction, that Old Society, that Old disOrder we were all formed by, well, you can only do it philosophically. You can only do it by adopting a loving, caring philosophy—that’s what you throw out to others, your philosophy, it’s part of your aura. It’s the sociologic aspect of your aura, and others Feel it, See it, and respond to its Truth and that, in turn, changes you and your emanations, changes you on every plane. That’s what Arol and I have thrown out to you guys, our philosophy, our Truth, and you’ve responded."Zendik Farm
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[CTRL] The Seeds of Terrorism

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Terror: The Seeds of TerrorismPosted by: souljah on Dec 27, 2002 - 11:26 AM
Wulf Zendik in 1985: "A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but their emotional and physical pain and their suffering—and maybe their starving."The Seeds of TerrorismExcerpt from the talk We Are All Intimately Related by Wulf Zendik 1985"If there is pain and dissension and hungerin the world and you try to ignore it or just cavalierly, philosophically permit it, it’s going to come and get you. It’s going to come and destroy you. I don’t care how many followers you have, how small or big your empire is, how many canoes or battleships or whatever you have, how many arrows or nuclear weapons, whatever you have, that pain and privation and suffering from your fellow human beings will smash your defenses and get to you.A Genghis Khan will come riding out of the north night and mow you down—because they have nothing to lose but their emotional and physical pain and their suffering—and maybe their starving. Now that sounds like it’s on a very pragmatic political have-and-have-not level. But on any level, like in the Ecolibrium sense, in the Zendikian sense, philosophically, metaphysically, you cannot get away with it.The Infinite Psychic Field, the whole psychic realm, is a great vibrational web of communication. It permeates the Universe and every thought, every feeling, every pain, every lust is recorded there. And it’s felt by everything, by all life, simultaneously.It’s instant. And nobody gets away with anything.We’re all really intimately related, all parents and children, brothers and sisters, not only to each other but to everything. OK, but to keep this simple and comprehensible, I’m just talking about the human animal now.I’m saying you can’t get away with defrauding the human animal with airhead religious philosophies and with international corporate manipulations of food supplies until the people are all just left stupid and starving.You can’t get away with not caring about the other human animal’s destiny. I’m talking about defrauding in any sense. You cannot figure, I’m going to get mine, and * them! If you do, you’re going to be that way in your relationships, with your man, your woman, your children. You have to be a loving, caring person. But to become that, to do that from out of that world of hate, chaos and destruction, that Old Society, that Old disOrder we were all formed by, well, you can only do it philosophically. You can only do it by adopting a loving, caring philosophy—that’s what you throw out to others, your philosophy, it’s part of your aura. It’s the sociologic aspect of your aura, and others Feel it, See it, and respond to its Truth and that, in turn, changes you and your emanations, changes you on every plane. That’s what Arol and I have thrown out to you guys, our philosophy, our Truth, and you’ve responded."Zendik Farm
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[CTRL] Octavia Butler

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
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Spirit: Is Octavia Butler an author or a prophet? 
Posted by: souljah on Dec 27, 2002 - 11:24 AM

"Multiple award winner Octavia E. Butler's astonishing novels have made her a powerful, acclaimed voice in women's fiction, African-American literature, and modern science fiction. Parable of the Sower is her stunning portrait of an all-too-believable near future, a twenty-first century of horror -- and hope."GOD IS CHANGE Lauren Olamina is an empath, crippled by the pain of others. Cloistered inside a neighborhood enclave in a U.S. where the distance between the haves and the have-nots has widened to a gaping chasm, she lives a protected life. But one night, violence explodes, and the walls of her neighborhood are smashed, annihilating Lauren's family and friends -- all she loves and knows. Now the empath must face the world outside. Leading a tiny band of desperate followers through a thousand miles of Hell, she is a prophet bearing nothing but the promises of new life and a new faith...Earthseed. America, 2025...From the ruins will arise a new prophet, a new path, a new day... Parable of the Sower A 1994 New York Times Recommended Book Praise for Octavia E. Butler: "Butler is among the best of contemporary SF writers, blessed with a mind capable of conceiving complicated futuristic situations that shed considerable light on our current affairs. Her prose is lean and literate, her ideas expansive and elegant."-Houston Post "Butler's literary craftsmanship is superb."-Washington Post Book World "Butler's books are exceptional...Butler is a realist, writing the most detailed social criticism and creating some of the most fascinating female characters in the genre...real women caught in impossible situations."-Village Voice "Butler's spare, vivid prose style invites comparison with the likes of Kate Wilhelm and Ursula Le Guin."-Kirkus Reviews "What 'cyberpunk' author William Gibson does for (white readers), Octavia Butler does for people of color. She gives us a future."-Vibe "A lively futurescape...A literature of survival."-Ms. Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler~Octavia Estelle ButlerMore
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[CTRL] The Homeland Security Cultural Bureau SLAMS memetic warfare

2002-12-29 Thread Jay Lowry
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Memes: The Homeland Security Cultural Bureau SLAMS memetic warfarePosted by: valis on Dec 29, 2002 - 06:58 AM
from The Homeland Security Cultural BureauWhat is Cultural Sabotage? By Kim HayCultural sabotage strives to be perfectly exemplary but at the same time retain an element of opacity - not propaganda but æsthetic shock - apallingly direct yet also subtly angled - action-as-metaphor. Cultural Sabotage is the dark side of Poetic Terrorism - creation through destruction - but it cannot serve any Part, nor any nihilism, nor even Culture itself. Just as the banishment of illusion enhances awareness, so the demolition of æsthetic blight sweetens the air of the world of discourse, of the Other. Cultural Sabotage serves only consciousness, attentiveness, awakeness. C-S goes beyond paranoia, beyond deconstruction - the ultimate criticism - physical attack on offensive Culture - æsthetic jihad. The slightest taint of petty ego-icity or even of personal taste spoils its purity & vitiates its force. C-S can never seek power - only release it. Individual Culturalworks (even the worst) are largely irrelevant - C-S seeks to damage institutions which use Art to diminish consciousness & profit by delusion. This or that poet or painter cannot be condemned for lack of vision - but malign Ideas can be assaulted through the Artifacts they generate. MUZAK is designed to hypnotize & control - its machinery can be smashed. Public book burnings - why should rednecks & Customs officials monopolize this weapon? Novels about children possessed by demons; the New York Times bestseller list; feminist tracts against pornography; schoolbooks (especially Social Studies, Civics, Health); piles of New York Post, Village Voice & other supermarket papers; choice gleanings of Xtian publishers; a few Harlequin Romances - a festive atmosphere, wine-bottles & joints passed around on a clear autumn afternoon. To throw money away at the Stock Exchange was pretty decent Poetic Terrorism - but to destroy the money would have been good Cultural Sabotage. To seize TV transmission & broadcast a few pirated minutes of incendiary Chaote Art would constitute a feat of PT - but simply to blow up the transmission tower would be perfectly adequate Cultural Sabotage. If certain galleries & museums deserve an occasional brick through their windows - not destruction, but a jolt to complacency - then what about BANKS? Galleries turn beauty into a commodity but banks transmute Imagination into feces and debt. Wouldn't the world gain a degree of beauty with each bank that could be made to tremble... or fall? But how? Cultural Sabotage should probably stay away from politics (it's so boring) - but not from banks. Don't picket - vandalize. Don't protest - deface. When ugliness, poor design & stupid waste are forced upon you, turn Luddite, throw your shoe in the works, retaliate. Smash the symbols of the Empire in the name of nothing but the heart's longing for grace. Note: A meme within a hoax within a meme... 
 ~~Lockheed-Martin wins $3.5 billion orderhttp://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1513&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0How we lost our freedomhttp://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1514&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: [CTRL] Haig's (CFR) pub 'debunks' global warming

2002-12-28 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Tuesday, June 5, 2001 3:14 p.m. EDT
General Haig Joins NewsMax Advisory Board
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. - General Alexander M. Haig Jr. (USA Ret.), former U.S. Secretary of State, NATO Commander and White House Chief of Staff, has joined the international advisory board of NewsMax.com, the company announced today.
"We are pleased that such a distinguished American statesman and business leader has joined us," Lord Rees-Mogg, Chairman of NewsMax.com, said.
General Haig has been at the forefront of the new economy. He was one of the founding board members of America Online and played a key role in making AOL the giant it has become. He remains as a director of Compuserve Interactive Services Inc., an AOL-Time Warner subsidiary. In addition, he is a member of the Board of Directors of MGM Mirage Inc., Metro Goldwyn Mayer Inc. and Interneuron Pharmaceuticals Inc.
NewsMax.com is a media publishing company best known for its major news portal on the World Wide Web. In February, Yahoo magazine said the company's site is among the "hottest" on the Web and Wired News says NewsMax's "popularity has skyrocketed." Founded in September 1998, the company has seen a tremendous growth in its viewership, and its offline magazine has more than 150,000 paid readers each month.
"I am impressed with the growth and development of NewsMax.com. It has broken from the pack of dotcom start-ups to develop a highly successful business model while providing the American people with a fresh perspective on the news," General Haig said. "I believe this company has the potential of becoming a major player."
General Haig has had a remarkable military, diplomatic, political and business career.
A graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Haig's military career included service in Japan as an aide to General Douglas MacArthur and combat service during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He served as Deputy National Security Adviser to President Richard M. Nixon, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, and then as President Nixon's White House Chief of Staff. In 1974, President Gerald R. Ford named him Commander of the U.S. European Command. Subsequently, he was appointed NATO's Supreme Allied Commander in Europe. In 1981, General Haig became our nation's 59th Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan.
As a business leader, General Haig served as President and Chief Operating Officer of United Technologies Corporation and as Senior Adviser to several other multinational corporations. He is host of his own weekly television program, "World Business Review," with a focus on innovative uses of new technologies. He is chairman of his privately owned international advisory and venture capital firm, Worldwide Associates Inc., based in Washington, D.C.
"We very much appreciate that General Haig views NewsMax.com as an important enterprise and one he can identify with and advise," Christopher Ruddy, CEO and president of NewsMax.com, said.
General Haig will join NewsMax's distinguished advisory board, which includes Robert Lohman, a former IBM executive; Nigel Evans, vice-chair of Britain's Conservative Party; Yonghao Pu, former chief economist of the Bank of China, now Senior Economist at Nomura Securities; former U.S. congressmen John LeBoutillier and Dan Frisa, and several others. The company's Board of Directors, in addition to Mr. Ruddy and Lord Rees-Mogg, includes journalist Arnaud deBorchgrave, Dallas businessman Michael Ruff, publisher James Dale Davidson and Adm. Thomas Moorer.

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[CTRL] Singlaub, Haig, and the World Anti-Communist League

2002-12-28 Thread Jay Lowry
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Newsmax is run by Haig.

 Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-Caveat Lector Start of forwarded message ---From: "NewsMax.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: "NewsMax.com News Alert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Reply-To: "NewsMax.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Subject: Fwd: Gen. Singlaub: Strike North Korea FirstDate: 12/26/02 12:56:41 PMGen. Singlaub: Plan for Strikes Against North KoreaIn the latest edition of NewsMax Magazine, Major Gen. John K. Singlaub, U.S. Army(retired), warns that World War III may boil out of the an peninsular unless the U.S. takesswift and decisive action.In an exclusive interview with NewsMax Magazine, Singlaub, the former chief of staff forU.S. forces in South Korea, says that North Korea's nuclear program must be stopped at allcosts -- even if it means the U.S. takes pre-emptive strikes against North Korea's nuclearsites and risks a major war.Singlaub also blames the Clinton administration for disastrous policies that not only allowedcommunist North Korea to develop such weapons, but aided them financially -- and perhapstechnically to do so.Singlaub notes that if the U.S. is indifferent, N. Korea will soon have the capability to hit theU.S. mainland, specifically the West Coast, with nuclear devices.You can get a FREE copy of the January edition of NewsMax magazine with Gen. Singlaub'sinterview - PLUS extra bonus items. Just click here:https://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag/bitterlegacybook.cfmAOL users clickhereSinglaub Gave First WarningSoon after 9/11, Gen Singlaub went on the record to say a global war could well betriggered -- especially if the U.S. military got bogged down in a Mid-East cauldron.Singlaub has argued that if U.S. forces become "stretched," North Korea may use theopportunity to strike South Korea with a full-blown invasion.Singlaub's warnings are made in NewsMax's latest best-selling book: "Catastrophe:Clinton's Role in America's Worst Disaster."The book, published earlier this year, warned of the grave threat posed by North Korea.You can get this book "Catastrophe" FREE ... Click here:https://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag/bitterlegacybook.cfmAOL users clickhereNewsMax Predicted 9/11 StrikesNewsMax's "Catastrophe" follows NewsMax's blockbuster book "Bitter Legacy: The UntoldStories of the Clinton-Gore Years," edited by Christopher Ruddy and Carl Limbacher.In "Bitter Legacy" - published in January 2001 - Ruddy and Limbacher claimed that Clinton-era policies had made the U.S. vulnerable to attack. They also predicted that terroristswould make major terrorist strikes in the U.S. homeland."Bitter Legacy" also warned of the growing menace of North Korea, which has been aidedby the U.S., as well as China and Russia.Check out our offer to get "Bitter Legacy" FREE. Click Here:https://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag/bitterlegacybook.cfmAOL users clickhereFind out the Bush "Mandate"What will happen next, with the Republicans in control of Washington for the first time in ahalf century?In the January edition of NewsMax magazine, we answer that question and reveal:* Where Bush will strike after Iraq* Why partial birth abortion may soon be banned* Why a limited deployment of a missile defense shield could spark a collision with China* Why an economic boom will likely be sparked by new tax cuts and an oil price drop* The dangers posed to civil liberties by Homeland Security...and much, much moreYou can get the "Mandate" edition of NewsMax magazine FREE with our special offer ... justclick here:https://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag/bitterlegacybook.cfmAOL users clickhereAlso FREE: Charlton Heston edition of NewsMax magazineNewsMax's recent cover story, "Heston's Battle," is one of our most requested editions ever.We'll send you this edition -- with intimate details of Charlton Heston's battle withAlzheimer's, as well as new revelations about why he broke with the Hollywood Left tochallenge the PC establishment.Check out our FREE offer on the Heston edition ... click here:https://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag/bitterlegacybook.cfmAOL users clickhereTOADVERTISE**For information on advertising at NewsMax.com please contact Corrine McNurlin at[EMAIL PROTECTED] or 888-766-7542.TOSUBSCRIBE**If this News Alert has been forwarded to you and you would like a subscription, please visithttp://NewsMax.com/email.shtmlAOL users click hereSign up for free e-mail alerts today!For a NewsMax magazine subscription, visit:http://www.newsmaxstore.com/nm_mag_subscribe/AOL users click here**
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2002-12-28 Thread Jay Lowry
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[CTRL] Disinformation about Venezuela

2002-12-28 Thread Jay Lowry
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Since the media has renewed efforts to portray populist leader of Venezuela Hugo Chavez as being at odds with the people of Venezuela, thereby attempting to generate approval for his removal (by ANOTHER CIA-backed coup in Venezuela - 1 already happened this year), I have taken it upon myself to send out the following information. 
Noticiero Highlights for April 2002... Price of crude oil shoots up ... supporting Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and condemning ... Congressionalcommittee to investigate Bush administration involvement ... www.radiobilingue.org/noticierotoday-prevapril2002.htm - 23k - Cached - Similar pages
The Sagebrush Saloon - Chevron's War?... Chavez was jacking oil royalties from 16% to 30 ... Bush has made the establishment ofthe FTAA (Free ... and political proposal for the region, which Chavez has openly ... www.sierratimes.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/ topic.cgi?forum=25&topic=3 - 55k - Cached - Similar pages
NY Transfer Caribbean News... Venezuela Want Cut in OPEC Production; Chavez pays Libya ... minister sees slightly improvedcrop; Bush's Terror Laws ... Cuba Due to Grounding of Oil Tanker; Louisiana ... www.blythe.org/nytransfer-subs/2001-Caribbean-Vol-4/ - 49k - Cached - Similar pages
SHAFT "Rogue's Gallery"... took to the streets of Venezuela, and Chavez was back ... forces, and Hussein had setscores of oil wells on ... worth of firefighting equipment that Jeb Bush sold to ... www.shaftagents.com/rogues.htm - 101k - Cached - Similar pages
CUBA AWAITS DEMOCRACY AND CAMCO IS READY TO ASSIST... time,” said Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's national security ... She said Chavez“needs to respect constitutional processes ... 3 supplier of oil to the United ... www.camcocuba.org/news/APR-EN.html - 101k - Cached - Similar pages
the keyword file... 11 9:11 September 11 CIA Bush Mossad ISI ... twin towers enduring freedom coup big oilzionism psychological ... cuba Noriega Venezuela Atta Castro Chavez Iran-Contra ... www.transbay.net/~nessie/Pages/keywords.html - 19k - Cached - Similar pages
Drug War: Viva Zapata... Chavez Weakened Democracy (May 2, 2002) "'Just because Chavez was elected ... some inthe Bush administration and those oil and defense ... The Real Dope on GW.Bush. ... www.drugwar.com/vivazapata.htm - 74k - Cached - Similar pages

Drugwar.com Sitemap... Bush Lies, Media Swallows (Nov. ... Remember that GW Bush also engaged in what forall the world appears to have been insider trading while at Harken Energy. ... www.drugwar.com/sitemap.shtm - 101k - Cached - Similar pages[ More results from www.drugwar.com ] 
Radio Active Archive 0602... on the news of the WorldCom fraud, President Bush promised his ... Bu$h's backyard toreveal how big oil got in ... April's two-day coup of Venezuela's Chavez, did get ... falloutshelternews.com/RadioActive_Archive0602.html - 101k - Cached - Similar pages
ANTIFA INFO-BULLETIN, No. 353... Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark, Salvador Allende, Fidel Castro, Cesar Chavez--and the ... Orhave Zapata Petroleum (George W. Bush's failed oil exploration venture ... tierra.ucsd.edu/archives/ats-l/2002.06/msg9.html - 68k - Cached - Similar pages 

Result Page: 

NY Transfer South America News... money for subversion; OAS Envoy Arrives in Caracas; Venezuela: Oil Opponents Surfacing;Interview with Chavez, during coup d'etat; Venezuela: Bush's Betrayal of ... www.blythe.org/nytransfer-subs/South_America/ - 21k - Dec. 22, 2002 - Cached - Similar pages

NY Transfer Caribbean News... Chavez Sagely Asks Jimmy for Help with Talks; Bush ... Cuba: Renegades, Radicals & Revolutionaries;Bush Assaults on ... Revolution; Cuba-Venezuela: Big Oil Poisoning the ... www.blythe.org/nytransfer-subs/Caribbean/ - 39k - Dec. 22, 2002 - Cached - Similar pages[ More results from www.blythe.org ] 
www.radiohc.org/Distributions/Radio_Havana_English/RHC_Weekend-25-26_May_2002... belonging to an "Axis of Evil." Bush has for ... radio reported that Jatami congratulatedHugo Chavez on the ... The Organization of Oil Exporting Nations and other ... 19k - Cached - Similar pages

www.radiohc.org/Distributions/Radio_Havana_English/.2002/2002_apr/Radio_Havana_Cuba-16_April_2002... VOX POPULI, VOX DEI, MR BUSH As we ... Thomas Dawson, making the statement immediatelyafter Chavez' detention that ... who controlled a third of the oil entering the ... 26k - Cached - Similar pages[ More results from www.radiohc.org ] 
Search Results for Lino Gutierrez... been characterized by mistrust over Chavez's sympathies for ... resurrection has alarmedthe Bush administration, which dispatched ... he has sent Cuba oil on bargain ... perso.club-internet.fr/vdedaj/ cuba/lazy_lino_gutierrez.html - 32k - Cached - Similar pages

Search Results for Elliot Abrams... Chavez turns up in some of the strangest countries ... with Castro and supplying Cubawith oil

[CTRL] Let the inspectors do their job

2002-12-28 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Iraq: Let inspectors do their job 
Adviser says U.S., British criticisms based on old reports
By Nadia Abou El-Magd, Associated PressDecember 23, 2002
BAGHDAD, Iraq — American and British officials are rushing to judgment about Iraq's weapons report and should wait for U.N. arms inspectors to do their job, Saddam Hussein's chief scientific adviser said Sunday.
Amir al-Saadi said that Secretary of State Colin Powell and British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw based their criticisms on "old, rehashed reports" from the previous "discredited" arms inspection program in the 1990s.
Al-Saadi said Iraq had answered many of the leftover questions in its report or in personal interviews with arms inspection teams that returned last month.
He listed two examples concerning nuclear weapons and production of nerve gas, saying Iraq proved it had answered questions being raised anew by the United States or Britain.
In one case, he said, tests were performed in the United States that showed spent Iraqi missiles contained traces of the gas but that later independent tests by French and Swiss labs found no such results.
He accused Powell and Straw of ignoring Iraq's replies and making judgments before the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission could fully examine the Iraqi report.
"Why don't they let the specialized organs of the United Nations get on with their task?" he asked at a televised news conference. "Why interfere in this rude fashion?"
The Iraqi president on Sunday also accused the international community of doing too little to stop America's continued aggression toward Iraq, the country's official news agency reported.
"We have told the world we are not producing these kind of weapons, but it seems that the world is drugged, absent or in a weak position," Saddam said during talks Sunday with visiting Belarus envoy Nikolai Ivanchenko.
Iraq's state-run newspapers expressed skepticism Sunday that America and Britain have information that could lead U.N. experts to caches of illegal arms.
"Everybody knows that if they had concrete information, they would have put it on television all around the world before giving it to the inspection teams," Babil, the newspaper run by Saddam's son, Odai, said in a front-page editorial.
Iraq maintains it has no banned nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. The United States and Britain say Iraq is lying and have threatened war to force it to comply with U.N. arms control resolutions.
Babil accused America and Britain of making "criminal plans against Iraq" aimed at "dividing and destroying Iraq and seizing its oil."
In Washington, a senior Bush administration official said on condition of anonymity Sunday that the United States is in "watch and wait" mode this week.
"Iraq's actions to date suggest they have not made the strategic choice to disarm," the official said. "While we have not given up on disarming Iraq through the United Nations, we are now entering a final phase in how we compel Saddam Hussein to disarm."
Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix told the British Broadcasting Corp. the United States and Britain briefed inspectors on what they think the Iraqis have, but what inspectors really want is information leading to stores of weapons-related material.
Blix said inspectors need intelligence because an Iraqi weapons declaration earlier this month leaves so many unanswered questions that it is impossible to confirm the accuracy of Iraq's claim to have no weapons of mass destruction.
President Bush, pointing to what U.S. officials call fabrications and omissions in the declaration, already has declared Iraq in "material breach" of U.N. demands but has decided to hold off any military response for at least a month as the Americans seek to build U.N. support for attacking Saddam.
U.N. experts have made almost daily inspections since resuming work in Iraq last month, working there for the first time since teams left in 1998 ahead of U.S. and British airstrikes launched to punish Baghdad for alleged failure to cooperate. 
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2002-12-27 Thread Jay Lowry
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ACTIVIST NETWORK IN NY EVICTED FROM INTERNET BY DOW, VERIO (Score: 0) by Anonymeme on Dec 23, 2002 - 10:52 AM 

December 23, 2002FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEThing.net assistance page: https://secure.thing.net/backbone/
Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]ACTIVIST NETWORK IN NY EVICTED FROM INTERNET BY DOW, VERIOBowing to pressure from the Dow Chemical Corporation, the internet company Verio has booted the activist-oriented Thing.net from the Web.Internet service provider Thing.net has been the primary service provider for activist and artist organizations in the New York area for 10 years.On December 3, activists used a server housed by Thing.net to post a parody Dow press release on the eighteenth anniversary of the disaster in which 20,000 people died as a result of an accident at a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India. (Union Carbide is now owned by Dow.) The deadpan statement, which many people took as real, explained that Dow could not accept responsibility for the disaster due to its primary allegiance to its shareholders and to its bottom line.Dow was not amused, and sent a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) complaint to Verio, which immediately cut Thing.net off the internet for fifteen hours. A few days later, Verio announced that Thing.net had 60 days to move to another provider before being shut down permanently, unilaterally terminating Thing.net's 7-year-old contract.Affected organizations include PS1/MOMA, Artforum, Nettime, Tenant.net (which assists renters facing eviction), and hundreds more."Verio's actions are nothing short of outrageous," said Wolfgang Staehle, Thing.net Executive Director. "They could have resolved the matter with the Dow parodists directly; instead they chose to shut down our entire network. This self-appointed enforcement of the DMCA could have a serious chilling effect on free speech, and has already damaged our business."RTMark, which publicizes corporate abuses of democracy, is housed on Thing.net. Please visit https://secure.thing.net/backbone/ to help Thing.net survive Dow's and Verio's actions, and to develop a plan to avoid such problems in the future.# 30 #See also:http://memes.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1437&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
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[CTRL] Americas First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea Party

2002-12-27 Thread Jay Lowry
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"Resistance was organizing and growing and the Tea Act was the final straw. The citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations that for almost two hundred years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power. They were planning to destroy the goods of the world’s largest multinational corporation, intimidate its employees, and face down the guns of the government that supported it." 
Government: America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea PartyPosted by: souljah on Dec 23, 2002 - 12:31 PM
America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest The Boston Tea Party
By Thom Hartmann
I shall therefore conclude with a proposal that your watchmen be instructed, as they go on their rounds, to call out every night, half-past twelve, “Beware of the East India Company.”
-Pamphlet signed by “Rusticus,” 1773
Now that Bush administration Treasury Secretary and former Alcoa CEO Paul O’Neill has publicly called for the complete elimination of all corporate income taxes (and the elimination of Social Security), many people are wondering if history is repeating itself in a way that may be particularly dangerous for democracy.
Conventional wisdom has it that the 1773 Tea Act - a tax law passed in London that led to the Boston Tea Party - was simply an increase in the taxes on tea paid by American colonists. In reality, however, the Tea Act gave the world’s largest transnational corporation - The East India Company - full and unlimited access to the American tea trade, and exempted the Company from having to pay taxes to Britain on tea exported to the American colonies. It even gave the Company a tax refund on millions of pounds of tea they were unable to sell and holding in inventory.
The primary purpose of the Tea Act was to increase the profitability of the East India Company to its stockholders (which included the King and the wealthy elite that kept him secure in power), and to help the Company drive its colonial small-business competitors out of business. Because the Company no longer had to pay high taxes to England and held a monopoly on the tea it sold in the American colonies, it was able to lower its tea prices to undercut the prices of the local importers and the mom-and-pop tea merchants and tea houses in every town in America.
This infuriated the independence-minded American colonists, who were wholly unappreciative of their colonies being used as a profit center for the world’s largest multinational corporation, The East India Company. They resented their small businesses still having to pay the higher, pre-Tea Act taxes without having any say or vote in the matter. (Thus, the cry of “no taxation without representation!”) Even in the official British version of the history, the 1773 Tea Act was a “legislative maneuver by the British ministry of Lord North to make English tea marketable in America” with a goal of helping the East India Company quickly “sell 17 million pounds of tea stored in England…”
America’s first entrepreneurs’ protest
This economics-driven view of American History piqued my curiosity when I first discovered it. So when I came upon an original first edition of one of this nation’s earliest history books, I made a sizeable investment to buy it to read the thoughts of somebody who had actually been alive and participated in the Boston Tea Party and subsequent American Revolution. I purchased from an antiquarian book seller an original copy of Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party with a Memoir of George R.T. Hewes, a Survivor of the Little Band of Patriots Who Drowned the Tea in Boston Harbor in 1773, published in New York by S. S. Bliss in 1834.
Because the identities of the Boston Tea Party participants were hidden (other than Samuel Adams) and all were sworn to secrecy for the next fifty years, this account (published 61 years later) is singularly rare and important, as it’s the only actual first-person account of the event by a participant that exists, so far as I can find. And turning its brittle, age-colored pages and looking at printing on unevenly-sized sheets, typeset by hand and printed on a small hand press almost two hundred years ago, was both fascinating and exciting. Even more interesting was the perspective of the anonymous (“by a citizen of New York”) author and of Hewes, whom the author extensively interviewed for the book.
Although Hewes’ name is today largely lost in history, he was apparently well known in colonial times and during the 19th century. Esther Forbes’ classic 1942 biography of Paul Revere, which depended heavily on Paul Revere’s “many volumes of papers” and numerous late 18th and early 19th century sources, mentions Hewes repeatedly throughout her book. For example, when young Paul Revere went off to join the British army in the spring of 1756, he took along with him H

[CTRL] Drones will keep watch on waters off Florida

2002-12-27 Thread Jay Lowry
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Drones will keep watch on waters off FloridaBy Matthew Hay Brown | Sentinel Staff Writer Posted December 13, 2002 

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The Air Force has deployed them to monitor military movements in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Philippines. The CIA dispatched one recently to kill a suspected al-Qaeda leader in Yemen.Now the Coast Guard is planning to bring the latest in battlefield technology to the waters off Florida.The maritime service, set to join the new Department of Homeland Security, is planning to deploy flying drones, remote-controlled aircraft similar to those now used for wartime surveillance, to patrol the nation's coastal regions for security threats. Officials say the unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, will enable them to extend their reach into offshore waters by monitoring larger areas less expensively and more efficiently.The rapidly emerging technology gained prominence last month when the CIA used a Predator drone outfitted with a Hellfire missile to blow up suspected al-Qaeda operative Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi as he traveled along a desert highway in northwest Yemen. Al-Harethi and five others were killed in the attack.Coast Guard officials say they have no plans to arm their drones, which also may be used to spot drug runners, locate undocumented migrants and assist in search-and-rescue missions on the high seas."They're going to serve the same purpose our existing aircraft serve," said Lt. Tony Russell of Coast Guard District Seven in Miami, which covers the Southeast and the Caribbean. "They're going to increase our maritime domain awareness."The acquisition of up to 76 drones nationwide, set to begin within four years, is one part of Deepwater, the Coast Guard's $17 billion program to replace aging equipment and respond to new security challenges. The program also includes the purchase of up to 91 ships, 35 planes and 34 helicopters and upgrades of up to 49 cutters and 93 helicopters currently in use."Deepwater will enable the Coast Guard to continue to perform its mission and improve on it," program spokesman Seth Winnick said. "The UAVs will provide a technological capability that will allow us to be even more efficient."More than patrolsOffshore patrols are just one domestic use for which drones are being considered. The Department of Transportation is investigating their use in watching over oil and gas pipelines and monitoring the shipment of hazardous cargo. Early next year, the Department of Defense is planning to gauge their suitability for tracking drug-smuggling aircraft on a test run up South and Central America.The Coast Guard is planning to purchase two designs. Bell Helicopter's vertical-launch Eagle Eye tilt-rotor aircraft, set to enter into service in 2006, may fly for about five hours at a time at altitudes of up to 14,500 feet. Northrop Grumman's Global Hawk fixed-wing aircraft, to follow a decade later, can stay aloft for about 30 hours and reach a height of up to 65,000 feet.The Eagle Eye and Global Hawk both may be outfitted with cameras, radar or other sensors to search or spy on faraway stretches of ocean, loitering for extended periods if desired. Both are less expensive to purchase, maintain and operate than traditional manned aircraft.The Eagle Eye, which the Coast Guard estimates will cost $2.5 million to $3 million each, may be launched from the 425-foot National Security Cutter or the 341-foot Offshore Patrol Cutter. It may be controlled by a pilot stationed aboard ship or on the ground.Details unavailableOfficials say details of where and how the drones would be deployed have yet to be finalized. Likely assignments include monitoring offshore waters for the smuggling of narcotics, individuals and weapons."UAVs will be the over-the-horizon eyes for the cutters," said Chief Petty Officer Phyllis Gamache-Jensen of Coast Guard District One in Boston, which covers the Northeast. "Homeland security is really about situational awareness. The more technology we have, the more capability we have."Mixed reviewsDrones earned mixed reviews during the war in Afghanistan, where the first two Global Hawks pressed into service ultimately crashed. Vulnerable to difficult terrain and extreme weather conditions, unmanned aircraft also have gone down over the no-fly zones in Iraq."They're less flexible, and you will take higher attrition rates than with manned aircraft," said Colin Robinson, an analyst at the independent Center for Defense Information in Washington. "They can serve a purpose, as long as you're willing to spend the money and work within the limitations."Robinson said those limitations include the inability of cameras and sensors to monitor an area as well as a trained pil

[CTRL] Drones will keep watch on waters off Florida

2002-12-27 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Drones will keep watch on waters off FloridaBy Matthew Hay Brown | Sentinel Staff Writer Posted December 13, 2002 

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The Air Force has deployed them to monitor military movements in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Philippines. The CIA dispatched one recently to kill a suspected al-Qaeda leader in Yemen.Now the Coast Guard is planning to bring the latest in battlefield technology to the waters off Florida.The maritime service, set to join the new Department of Homeland Security, is planning to deploy flying drones, remote-controlled aircraft similar to those now used for wartime surveillance, to patrol the nation's coastal regions for security threats. Officials say the unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, will enable them to extend their reach into offshore waters by monitoring larger areas less expensively and more efficiently.The rapidly emerging technology gained prominence last month when the CIA used a Predator drone outfitted with a Hellfire missile to blow up suspected al-Qaeda operative Qaed Salim Sinan al-Harethi as he traveled along a desert highway in northwest Yemen. Al-Harethi and five others were killed in the attack.Coast Guard officials say they have no plans to arm their drones, which also may be used to spot drug runners, locate undocumented migrants and assist in search-and-rescue missions on the high seas."They're going to serve the same purpose our existing aircraft serve," said Lt. Tony Russell of Coast Guard District Seven in Miami, which covers the Southeast and the Caribbean. "They're going to increase our maritime domain awareness."The acquisition of up to 76 drones nationwide, set to begin within four years, is one part of Deepwater, the Coast Guard's $17 billion program to replace aging equipment and respond to new security challenges. The program also includes the purchase of up to 91 ships, 35 planes and 34 helicopters and upgrades of up to 49 cutters and 93 helicopters currently in use."Deepwater will enable the Coast Guard to continue to perform its mission and improve on it," program spokesman Seth Winnick said. "The UAVs will provide a technological capability that will allow us to be even more efficient."More than patrolsOffshore patrols are just one domestic use for which drones are being considered. The Department of Transportation is investigating their use in watching over oil and gas pipelines and monitoring the shipment of hazardous cargo. Early next year, the Department of Defense is planning to gauge their suitability for tracking drug-smuggling aircraft on a test run up South and Central America.The Coast Guard is planning to purchase two designs. Bell Helicopter's vertical-launch Eagle Eye tilt-rotor aircraft, set to enter into service in 2006, may fly for about five hours at a time at altitudes of up to 14,500 feet. Northrop Grumman's Global Hawk fixed-wing aircraft, to follow a decade later, can stay aloft for about 30 hours and reach a height of up to 65,000 feet.The Eagle Eye and Global Hawk both may be outfitted with cameras, radar or other sensors to search or spy on faraway stretches of ocean, loitering for extended periods if desired. Both are less expensive to purchase, maintain and operate than traditional manned aircraft.The Eagle Eye, which the Coast Guard estimates will cost $2.5 million to $3 million each, may be launched from the 425-foot National Security Cutter or the 341-foot Offshore Patrol Cutter. It may be controlled by a pilot stationed aboard ship or on the ground.Details unavailableOfficials say details of where and how the drones would be deployed have yet to be finalized. Likely assignments include monitoring offshore waters for the smuggling of narcotics, individuals and weapons."UAVs will be the over-the-horizon eyes for the cutters," said Chief Petty Officer Phyllis Gamache-Jensen of Coast Guard District One in Boston, which covers the Northeast. "Homeland security is really about situational awareness. The more technology we have, the more capability we have."Mixed reviewsDrones earned mixed reviews during the war in Afghanistan, where the first two Global Hawks pressed into service ultimately crashed. Vulnerable to difficult terrain and extreme weather conditions, unmanned aircraft also have gone down over the no-fly zones in Iraq."They're less flexible, and you will take higher attrition rates than with manned aircraft," said Colin Robinson, an analyst at the independent Center for Defense Information in Washington. "They can serve a purpose, as long as you're willing to spend the money and work within the limitations."Robinson said those limitations include the inability of cameras and sensors to monitor an area as well as a trained pil

[CTRL] Office of Total Information Awareness Relies on Private Sector to Track Americans

2002-12-27 Thread Jay Lowry
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Re: [CTRL] Outsourcing Big Brother

2002-12-26 Thread Jay Lowry
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[CTRL] Americas First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea Party

2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
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Government: America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea PartyPosted by: souljah on Monday, December 23, 2002 - 12:31 PM IDLW

 "Resistance was organizing and growing and the Tea Act was the final straw. The citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations that for almost two hundred years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power. They were planning to destroy the goods of the world’s largest multinational corporation, intimidate its employees, and face down the guns of the government that supported it."
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[CTRL] The mail that I get!

2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
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Memes: The mail that I get!Posted by: souljah on Dec 21, 2002 - 08:19 PM

 Since the American identity is so intimately woven with militarism, it is imperative that disarmament must begin within our self. Each of us can find the way that these weapons have lodged themselves into our minds, our values, and our projections. By exposing our own prejudices and privileges to the world, we begin a process of cultural healing, and trust which can transcend borders and battle lines.From: "Imaginal Diffusion Agency" In the Shadow of the Bomb: Growing Up in the War MachineYou raised that same hand Which made the genocide. Are you blind to the blood Of the holocaust That circulates through your hand! Yoko Hamada Outcry from the Inferno Having been born in a military hospital in the United States, my childhood is one of intimate relationship with the weaponry of war. My earliest memories are filled with large ships, submarines, jets and missiles. My identity is integrally tied to tools of annihilation, and my destiny is inseparable from their use. The men who launch the bombs, who order the killing, who design the destruction, are not twisted demons, but friendly family. Those who feel the wrath of the military cannot see the intimate affection and concern that causes their murder. This is the enduring irony of warfare: for an empire to maintain its security, others must suffer and die. For all of the goodness and lofty ideals an empire professes, those beyond its borders must endure the opposite end of the sword. Throughout my life I have awestruck and horrified at the unspeakable immensity of the U.S. military machine. As a small boy, of course every machine seems immense and powerful, but how many Americans have walked around an aircraft carrier, lined with jet fighters? Stood next to a Trident submarine, filled with the most deadly weapons ever devised? How many of people who vote for, and pay for these weapons systems know the overwhelming and colossal forces they are unleashing on the world? Sadly, I must report, very few. As a child, I moved around the “Pacific Theater of Operations,” from military base to military base, and everywhere I went I explored the nooks and crannies behind the machinery. These bases, and the weapons they harbor, are in constant flux, a never-ending deployment of policing and preparation. People have been given impressive titles and badges, and intimidating uniforms, and they have no choice but to keep busy arming themselves against an enemy. Think about it for a minute: every hour of every day, at thousands of bases across the globe, in tens of thousands of aircraft, ships and submarines, a civilization ofwarfare is moving, burning fuel, drinking coffee, polishing weapons, aiming themselves toward domination. It literally boggles the mind to calculate the amount of human resources that are being expended on this Orwellian enterprise, and the environmental and social consequences are beyond calculation. While attending grade-school in Japan, at the height of the Vietnam War, I was confronted with the ghosts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This nefarious event haunts the American culture, as surely as slavery and the JFK assassination. As a child, I could see the wickedness of empire and its effects on the psychology of a nation, both the perpetrator and abused. The deep trauma due to lack of admission and apology is like a cancer eating at the heart of our culture. A useful tool for those who find themselves so intimately involved with the machinery of war is to step back in history. Leap back a century or a millennium, and then analyze the activity around you. What would the Greek philosophers have to say, or the “Founding Fathers” of the United States? This is also a very effective tool for generating meaningful dialogue, and editorials such as this one. In the eyes of humankind, what constitutes a “Crime Against Humanity?” It is obvious that every military empire, from the Romans to the Nazis, did not believe their actions to be criminal, but deeply patriotic. They justified the slaughter and repression of their chosen “enemies” with their own cultural biases, and often ideals of beauty and truth. Is America any different? Where is our “liberty and justice for all,” in the poverty-stricken outlands, the bomb-riddled landscapes, the victims of land-mines, the mourning villages? It is time to put the proper labels on U.S. military activity, in the grand perspective of history. Hiroshima was a holocaust. The deployment of weapons of annihilation is genocide. There is nothing noble about incinerating people wholesale, and history will judge us just as harshly as we do the Nazis. We are evolving as a society toward telling the truth, no matter how brutally difficult it may be. Privilege can only insulate us from consequences for a limited time, and this is the lesson history provides. My mind was

[CTRL] The War and the Spectacle

2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
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Mind: The War and the SpectaclePosted by: souljah on Dec 21, 2002 - 08:18 PM

 "Socially and psychologically repressed, people are drawn to spectacles of violent conflict that allow their accumulated frustrations to explode in socially condoned orgasms of collective pride and hate. Deprived of significant accomplishments in their own work and leisure, they participate vicariously in military enterprises that have real and undeniable effects."BUREAU OF PUBLIC SECRETS3 April 1991--The War and the SpectacleThe orchestration of the Gulf war was a glaring expression of what the situationists call the spectacle — the development of modern society to the point where images dominate life. The PR campaign was as important as the military one. How this or that tactic would play in the media became a major strategical consideration. It didn’t matter much whether the bombing was actually “surgical” as long as the coverage was; if the victims didn’t appear it was as if they didn’t exist. The “Nintendo effect” worked so well that the euphoric generals had to caution against too much public euphoria for fear that it might backfire. Interviews with soldiers in the desert revealed that they, like everyone else, depended almost totally on the media to tell them what was supposedly happening. The domination of image over reality was sensed by everyone. A large portion of the coverage consisted of coverage of the coverage. The spectacle itself presented superficial debates on the new level of instant global spectacularization and its effects on the spectator. Nineteenth-century capitalism alienated people from themselves and from each other by alienating them from the products of their own activity. This alienation has been intensified as those products have increasingly become “productions” that we passively contemplate. The power of the mass media is only the most obvious manifestation of this development; in the larger sense the spectacle is everything from arts to politicians that have become autonomous representations of life. “The spectacle is not a collection of images; it is a social relation among people, mediated by images” (Debord, The Society of the Spectacle. Along with arms profits, oil control, international power struggles and other factors which have been so widely discussed as to need no comment here, the war involved contradictions between the two basic forms of spectacle society. In the diffuse spectacle people are lost amid the variety of competing spectacles, commodities, styles and ideologies that are presented for their consumption. The diffuse spectacle arises within societies of pseudoabundance (America is the prototype and still the unchallenged world leader of spectacle production, despite its decline in other regards); but it is also broadcast to less developed regions — being one of the main means by which the latter are dominated. Saddam’s regime is an example of the rival concentrated spectacle, in which people are conditioned to identify with the omnipresent image of the totalitarian leader as compensation for being deprived of virtually everything else. This image concentration is normally associated with a corresponding concentration of economic power, state capitalism, in which the state itself has become the sole, all-owning capitalist enterprise (classic examples are Stalin’s Russia and Mao’s China); but it may also be imported into Third World mixed economies (such as Saddam’s Iraq) or even, in times of crisis, into highly developed economies (such as Hitler’s Germany). But for the most part the concentrated spectacle is a crude stopgap for regions as yet incapable of sustaining the variety of illusions of the diffuse spectacle, and in the long run it tends to succumb to the latter, more flexible form (as recently in eastern Europe and the USSR). At the same time, the diffuse form is tending to incorporate certain features of the concentrated one. The Gulf war reflected this convergence. The closed world of Saddam’s concentrated spectacle dissipated under the global floodlights of the diffuse spectacle; while the latter used the war as a pretext and a testing ground for implementing typically “concentrated” methods of control — censorship, orchestration of patriotism, suppression of dissent. But the mass media are so monopolized, so pervasive and (despite token grumbling) so subservient to establishment policies that overtly repressive methods were hardly needed. The spectators, under the impression that they were expressing their own considered views, parroted the catch phrases and debated the pseudoissues that the media had instilled in them day after day, and as in any other spectator sport loyally “supported” the home team in the desert by rooting for it. This media control was reinforced by the spectators’ own internalized cond


2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
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Mind Virus: DOW, BURSON-MARSTELLER CLAMP DOWN ON FAKE WEBSITESPosted by: souljah on Dec 20, 2002 - 11:42 PM

 Fake websites have been used by activists before, but Dow-Chemical.com and BursonMarsteller.com represent the first time that such websites have successfully been used to publicize abuses by specific corporations.December 13, 2002FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Paul Hardwin: [EMAIL PROTECTED]DowEthics.com: info@dowethics DOW, BURSON-MARSTELLER CLAMP DOWN ON FAKE WEBSITESBut companies find it harder to stifle criticism Two giant companies are struggling to shut down parody websites that portray them unfavorably, interrupting internet use for thousands in the process, and filing a lawsuit that pits the formidable legal department of PR giant Burson-Marsteller against a freshman at Hampshire College. The activists behind the fake corporate websites have fought back, and obtained substantial publicity in the process. Fake websites have been used by activists before, but Dow-Chemical.com and BursonMarsteller.com represent the first time that such websites have successfully been used to publicize abuses by specific corporations. A December 3 press release originating from one of the fake sites, Dow-Chemical.com, explained the "real" reasons that Dow could not take responsibility for the Bhopal catastrophe, which has resulted in an estimated 20,000 deaths over the years (www.theyesmen.org/dow/#release). "Our prime responsibilities are to the people who own Dow shares, and to the industry as a whole," the release stated. "We cannot do anything for the people of Bhopal." The fake site immediately received thousands of outraged e-mails (www.dowethics.com/r/about/corp/email.htm). Within hours, the real Dow sent a legal threat to Dow-Chemical.com's upstream provider, Verio, prompting Verio to shut down the fake Dow's ISP for nearly a day, closing down hundreds of unrelated websites and bulletin boards in the process. The fake Dow website quickly resurfaced at an ISP in Australia. (www.theyesmen.org/dow/#threat) In a comical anticlimax, Dow then used a little-known domain-name rule to take possession of Dow-Chemical.com (www.theyesmen.org/dow/#story), another move which backfired when amused journalists wrote articles in newspapers from The New York Times to The Hindu in India (www.theyesmen.org/dow/#links), and sympathetic activists responded by cloning and mirroring the site at many locations, including www.dowethics.com, www.dowindia.com and, with a twist, www.mad-dow-disease.com. Dow continues to play whack-a-mole with these sites (at least one ISP has received veiled threats). Burson-Marsteller, the public relations company that helped to "spin" Bhopal, has meanwhile sued college student Paul Hardwin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for putting up a fake Burson-Marsteller site, www.bursonmarsteller.com, which recounted how the PR giant helped to downplay the Bhopal disaster. Burson-Marsteller's suit against Hardwin will be heard next week by the World Intellectual Property Organization (www.reamweaver.com/bmwipo/wipo.html). Hardwin, unable to afford a lawyer, has composed a dryly humorous 57-page rebuttal to the PR giant's lawsuit (www.reamweaver.com/bmwipo/response.htm#reality). On page 7, for instance, the student notes that Burson-Marsteller's "stated goal is 'to ensure that the perceptions which surround our clients and influence their stakeholders are consistent with reality.'" Hardwin goes on to assert that his satirical domain is doing precisely that, by publicizing "academic and journalistic materials about Burson-Marsteller's involvement with and relationship to, for example, Philip Morris and the National Smoker's Alliance, a consumer front group designed to create the appearance of public support for big-tobacco policies; Union Carbide and the deaths of 20,000 people following the 1984 disaster in Bhopal; and political regimes such as that of Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and more recently Saudi Arabia following the events of September 11; and to properly associate them with the relevant Trademark so that they may be understood accordingly by Internet users." In response to the suit's claim that "a substantial degree of goodwill is associated with [the Burson-Marstellar Trademark]" Hardwin offers much "evidence to the contrary" including "a newspaper headline in which the Complainant is characterized as 'the Devil.'" The primary goal of RTMark (rtmark.com) is to publicize corporate subversion of the democratic process. Just like other corporations, it achieves its aims by any and all means at its disposal. RTMark has previously helped to publicize websites against political parties (rtmark.com/othersites.html#fpo), political figures (rtmark.com/bush.html), and entities like the World Trade Organization (www.gatt.org) and the World Economic Forum (www.world-economic-forum.com). Dow press 



2002-12-23 Thread Jay Lowry
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Terror: THE PHILIPPINES AND THE U.S. HEGEMONIC THRUSTPosted by: souljah on Dec 20, 2002 - 06:18 PM

 "With the full backing and support by the US, President Arroyo as the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines has unleashed a most brutal war against progressive and militant forces. Even the unarmed, legal democratic movement is not spared. More than 20 members from my party, Bayan Muna, have been murdered in the past 18 months since Arroyo became President. One-hundred forty-eight (148) activists have been killed in this short period."THE PHILIPPINES AND THE U.S. HEGEMONIC THRUST AND WARS OF INTERVENTION AND AGGRESSIONCongressman Crispin BeltanBayan Muna Party List Represenative Chairman,Kilusang Mayo Uno Chairperson, International League for People's Struggles (ILPS)Keynote address before the Founding Assembly and Launching of ILPS-PhilippinesAugust 1, 2002 Miriam College, Quezon CityIn the wake of the end of the Cold War, U.S. imperialism has come out clearly as the sole superpower with an overweening arrogance. But the world capitalist system is reeling from a grave economic crisis, the worst since the end of the second inter-imperialist war. Even before the Sept. 11 attack, the Bush regimewas already agitating for an increase in military production as a way to revive the U.S. economy. In this connection, he has been warmongering and threatening and launching attacks of aggression against countries labeled by the U.S. as "rogue" states. Since the Sept. 11 attacks, the U.S. has used these as pretext for launching a war of aggression against Afghanistan, threatening other countries(the 'axis of evil' and 12 countries 'harboring terrorists') and undertaking massive war preparations. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11 events in the U.S., the imperialists and their reactionary lackeys in client countries have launched a new offensive against the people's democratic rights under the pretext of waging a 'war against terrorism.' The U.S. has seized on the Sept. 11 events to wage aggressive wars and thereby accomplish their geopolitical objectives to establish control of strategic areas in the Middle East, Central Asia and Southeast Asia. It has also taken the lead in imposing draconian measures that further infringe on the democratic rights of the people and to suppress any opposition to their anti-people policies.We have seen U.S. military intervention and aggression in the Balkans, Middle East, Africa, and Central Asia. We have seen the state terrorism of the U.S. violating International Humanitarian Law, disregarding and misappropriating UN resolutions. It even launched aggression under various pretexts, such as "human rights", "humanitarian mission", and "peacemaking." This war is a continuation of the economic terrorism of IMF-World Bank and WTO by military means. It is aimed at suppressing the peoples that wage revolution, the nations that fight for liberation and the countries or governments that assert national independence. The US is overconfident that it can carry out acts of aggression unilaterally or with the aid of its imperialist allies. But these allies are becoming wary of the propensity of the U.S. to undertake unilateral actions, its hysterical bellicosity and its extreme voracity in grabbing most of the spoils. The U.S. is sowing the ground for violent contradictions among the imperialist powers themselves."Free market" globalization has victimized most grievously the oppressed peoples and nations. But it has also weakened the puppet rulers. The loot to share among the competing reactionaries has diminished. Thus, they tend to become more violent in their political rivalry. They have become more corrupt and repressive than ever before.The U.S. Hegemonic Drive in the RegionLet me cite a recently formulated strategy of U.S. imperialism to further expand its hegemonic drive in the world, particularly in Central Asia and the Asia-Pacific Region. Called the Quadrennial Defense Review 2001, this study states that America's overseas presence, concentrated in Western Europe and Northeast Asia "is inadequate for the new strategic environment, in which U.S. economic and security interests are global and potential threats in other areas of the world are emerging." The new strategic environment of course refers to one that is favorable to the global trade and investments of U.S. monopoly capitalism. Based on this strategic environment, QDR 2001 calls for a more aggressive U.S. global security posture, a "political-military" offensive different from what Bush officials call the Clinton administration's purely "defensive" stance. Accordingly, the U.S. global military posture will be reoriented to : " (a) develop a basing system that provides greater flexibility for U.S. forces in critical areas of the world, placing emphasis on additional bases and stations beyond Western Europe and Northeast 

[CTRL] Is taking a psychadelic an act of sedition?

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
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In a subtle sense, September 11 has had the effect of a virtual psychedelic experience, breaking up the world and reorganizing it. In this respect, says Krassner, the event was "an instant 'trip' for many who are now face to face with what to do with their lives, what their concept of God is.
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[CTRL] The Secret War on Iraq

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
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Terror: THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQPosted by: souljah on Dec 19, 2002 - 08:03 PM

 "From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable."THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQJohn PilgerTHE American and British attack on Iraq has already begun. While the Blair government continues to claim in Parliament that "no final decision has been taken", Royal Air Force and US fighter bombers have secretly changed tactics and escalated their "patrols" over Iraq to an all-out assault on both military and civilian targets.American and British bombing of Iraq has increased by 300 per cent. Between March and November, according to Ministry of Defence replies to MPs, the RAF dropped more than 124 tonnes of bombs.From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable.Under the United Nations Charter and the conventions of war and international law, the attacks amount to acts of piracy: no different, in principle, from the German Luftwaffe's bombing in Spain in the 1930s as precursor to its invasion of Europe.The bombing is a "secret war" that has seldom been news. Since 1991, and especially in the last four years, it has been unrelenting and is now deemed the longest Anglo-American campaign of aerial bombardment since World War Two.The US and British governments justify it by claiming they have a UN mandate to police so-called "no-fly zones" which they declared following the Gulf War. They say these "zones", which give them control of most of Iraq's airspace, are legal and supported by UN Security Council Resolution 688.This is false. There are no references to no fly zones in any Security Council resolution. To be sure about this, I asked Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who was Secretary General of the United Nations in 1992 when Resolution 688 was passed. "The issue of no fly zones was not raised and therefore not debated: not a word," he said. "They offer no legitimacy to countries sending their aircraft to attack Iraq."In 1999, Tony Blair claimed the no fly zones allowed the US and Britain to perform "a vital humanitarian task" in protecting the Kurds in the north of Iraq and the ethnic Marsh Arabs in the south. In fact, British and American aircraft have actually provided cover for neighbouring Turkey's repeated invasions of northern, Kurdish Iraq.TURKEY is critical to the American "world order". Overseeing the oilfields of the Middle East and Central Asia, it is a member of Nato and the recipient of billion of dollars' worth of American weapons and military equipment. It is also where British and American bombers are based.A long-running insurrection by Turkey's Kurdish population is regarded by Washington as a threat to the "stability" of Turkey's "democracy" that is a front for its military which is among the world's worst violators of human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Turkish Kurds have been displaced and an estimated 30,000 killed. Turkey, unlike Iraq, is "our friend".In 1995 and 1997, as many as 50,000 Turkish troops, backed by tanks and fighter aircraft, occupied what the West called "Kurdish safe havens".They terrorised Kurdish villages and murdered civilians. In December 2000, they were back, committing the atrocities that the Turkish military commits with immunity against its own Kurdish population.For joining the US "coalition" against Iraq, the Turkish regime is to be rewarded with a bribe worth $6billion. Turkey's invasions are rarely reported in Britain. So great is the collusion of the Blair government that, virtually unknown to Parliament and the British public, the RAF and the Americans have, from time to time, deliberately suspended their "humanitarian" patrols to allow the Turks to get on with killing Kurds in Iraq.In March last year, RAF pilots patrolling the "no fly zone" in Kurdish Iraq publicly protested for the first time about their enforced complicity in the Turkish campaign. The pilots complained that they were frequently ordered to return to their base in Turkey to allow the Turkish air force to bomb the very people they were meant to be "protecting".Speaking on a non-attributable basis to Dr Eric Herring, a senior lecturer in politics at Bristol University and a specialist on Iraqi sanctions, the pilots said whenever the Turks wanted to attack the Kurds in Iraq, RAF patrols were recalled to base and ground crews were told to switch off their radar - so that the Turks' targets would not be visible. One British pilot reported seeing the devastation in Kurdish vil

[CTRL] The Secret War on Iraq

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Terror: THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQPosted by: souljah on Dec 19, 2002 - 08:03 PM

 "From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable."THE SECRET WAR ON IRAQJohn PilgerTHE American and British attack on Iraq has already begun. While the Blair government continues to claim in Parliament that "no final decision has been taken", Royal Air Force and US fighter bombers have secretly changed tactics and escalated their "patrols" over Iraq to an all-out assault on both military and civilian targets.American and British bombing of Iraq has increased by 300 per cent. Between March and November, according to Ministry of Defence replies to MPs, the RAF dropped more than 124 tonnes of bombs.From August to December, there were 62 attacks by American F-16 aircraft and RAF Tornadoes - an average of one bombing raid every two days. These are said to have been aimed at Iraqi "air defences", but many have fallen on mostly populated areas, where civilian deaths are unavoidable.Under the United Nations Charter and the conventions of war and international law, the attacks amount to acts of piracy: no different, in principle, from the German Luftwaffe's bombing in Spain in the 1930s as precursor to its invasion of Europe.The bombing is a "secret war" that has seldom been news. Since 1991, and especially in the last four years, it has been unrelenting and is now deemed the longest Anglo-American campaign of aerial bombardment since World War Two.The US and British governments justify it by claiming they have a UN mandate to police so-called "no-fly zones" which they declared following the Gulf War. They say these "zones", which give them control of most of Iraq's airspace, are legal and supported by UN Security Council Resolution 688.This is false. There are no references to no fly zones in any Security Council resolution. To be sure about this, I asked Dr Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who was Secretary General of the United Nations in 1992 when Resolution 688 was passed. "The issue of no fly zones was not raised and therefore not debated: not a word," he said. "They offer no legitimacy to countries sending their aircraft to attack Iraq."In 1999, Tony Blair claimed the no fly zones allowed the US and Britain to perform "a vital humanitarian task" in protecting the Kurds in the north of Iraq and the ethnic Marsh Arabs in the south. In fact, British and American aircraft have actually provided cover for neighbouring Turkey's repeated invasions of northern, Kurdish Iraq.TURKEY is critical to the American "world order". Overseeing the oilfields of the Middle East and Central Asia, it is a member of Nato and the recipient of billion of dollars' worth of American weapons and military equipment. It is also where British and American bombers are based.A long-running insurrection by Turkey's Kurdish population is regarded by Washington as a threat to the "stability" of Turkey's "democracy" that is a front for its military which is among the world's worst violators of human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Turkish Kurds have been displaced and an estimated 30,000 killed. Turkey, unlike Iraq, is "our friend".In 1995 and 1997, as many as 50,000 Turkish troops, backed by tanks and fighter aircraft, occupied what the West called "Kurdish safe havens".They terrorised Kurdish villages and murdered civilians. In December 2000, they were back, committing the atrocities that the Turkish military commits with immunity against its own Kurdish population.For joining the US "coalition" against Iraq, the Turkish regime is to be rewarded with a bribe worth $6billion. Turkey's invasions are rarely reported in Britain. So great is the collusion of the Blair government that, virtually unknown to Parliament and the British public, the RAF and the Americans have, from time to time, deliberately suspended their "humanitarian" patrols to allow the Turks to get on with killing Kurds in Iraq.In March last year, RAF pilots patrolling the "no fly zone" in Kurdish Iraq publicly protested for the first time about their enforced complicity in the Turkish campaign. The pilots complained that they were frequently ordered to return to their base in Turkey to allow the Turkish air force to bomb the very people they were meant to be "protecting".Speaking on a non-attributable basis to Dr Eric Herring, a senior lecturer in politics at Bristol University and a specialist on Iraqi sanctions, the pilots said whenever the Turks wanted to attack the Kurds in Iraq, RAF patrols were recalled to base and ground crews were told to switch off their radar - so that the Turks' targets would not be visible. One British pilot reported seeing the devastation in Kurdish vil

[CTRL] Total Information Oppression - Psy-Op list killed by Yahoo

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Mind Virus: Total Information Oppression: Now my mailing list has been killed!Posted by: souljah on Dec 19, 2002 - 07:52 PM

 Attacking DARPA's Total Information Awareness effort and publicizing satellite photographs of John Poindexter's (head of TIA) house is probably what got me this. I guess that when it comes to surveillance, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.Imagine my consternation at reading the following:This Yahoo! Account Has Been DeactivatedPlease remember that the Yahoo! Terms of Service provides that Yahoo! may terminate a User's password, account or use of the Service if Yahoo! believes (a) that a User has violated or acted inconsistently with the letter or spirit of the Yahoo! Terms of Service, or (b) that a User has violated the rights of Yahoo! or other Users or parties.~~~This means the Psy-Op list at Yahoogroups is no longer functional as only the account [EMAIL PROTECTED] that is able to approve messages and subscriptions is gone. There even seems to be some attempt to prevent people from accessing the public archives at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/psy-op/messages but when you get to the blank page that results by clicking on the url, you can refresh for the archives (but if you want to archive any of the info therein, I would hurry: my under_the_gun list, just last year, suddenly found itself missing some three thousand messages). Attacking DARPA's Total Information Awareness effort and publicizing satellite photographs of John Poindexter's (head of TIA) house is probably what got me this. I guess that when it comes to surveillance, what is good for the goose is not good for the gander. I consider myself to have been hit by a known Iran-Contra felon. Included in this post (scroll down) is a synopsis of why I have been targeted recently, including all the dangerous links themselves, but first a look at what got me targetted initially in 1999, the year of Jam Echelon Day and of the Battle in Seattle:I garnered governmental attention by fathering a stunt commonly known as Jam Echelon Day. Cooked up in the fall of 1999, it was a largely publicity oriented campaign designed to shed some light on a system of electronic surveillance that had gone on unchecked, indeed even unrecognized for too long. Since it is harder for someone to get information from you that you wish kept secret if you know that they are there, we dove headlong into it and by "we" I mean myself and Grant Bayley - HTML designer for the original JED website at wiretapped.net. Of course, after its launch, the world took over spreading the word. Six months or so later, Echelon was detailed on Sixty Minutes having gone from being a nutty conspiracy theory to knowledge in the public domain. It is the kind of thing that will get you on the shit list of the powerful.~ The original campaign The village voice on the event: an article based on a by-phone interview i conducted with Sarah Ferguson under the name of robert kemp~This accomplished another thing that I consider important: the spreading of some revolutionary memes or paradigms. Firstly, some people became acquainted, for the first time, with the notion that two people who were not among the "powerful" could spark a global movement. Secondly, that the campaign was taken up globally in several languages said to the world, "We can be one." Needless to say, these paradigms are the enemy of social control. We made the National Security Agency look bad and in the ensuing three years I would be subject to an insidious variety of psychological operations designed to destabilize and discredit. Various manner of confusing techniques would be used after a few months of having operatives "befriend" me in order to discover what made me tick. By getting an idea of my belief system it would become easier to undo my "uppitiness." I would be targeted for "re-education." A program designed to track down corporate critics called Cybersleuth would enable such entities to track me for such purposes. The ability to pin-point the geographical precision your detractors was used as one of the selling points in the marketing of this program. I would later read that the CIA used the term "re-education" to mean, quite literally, brainwashing.~ Cybersleuth is where the following paragraph is quoted from:Tracking so-called "perpetrators" is also part of the service, says eWatch National Product Manager Ted Skinner. That´s done by "using a variety of methods, such as following leads found in postings and Web sites, working with ISPs, involving law enforcement, conducting virtual stings and other tactics," he says. ~There is a man named James Glave that writes for Wired magazine and it was wired that first picked up our campaign. James Glave was on the Hacktivism list during all discussions of the planned event so he was in on a

[CTRL] A "New Pearl Harbor"

2002-12-22 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

9-11: A New Pearl HarborPosted by: souljah on Dec 18, 2002 - 08:40 PM

 Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was "a new Pearl Harbor". Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true. : John Pilger :12 Dec 2002The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in a document written more than two years ago and disclosed only recently. What was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world's resources, it said, was "some catastrophic and catalysing event - like a new Pearl Harbor". The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the "new Pearl Harbor", described as "the opportunity of ages". The extremists who have since exploited 11 September come from the era of Ronald Reagan, when far-right groups and "think-tanks" were established to avenge the American "defeat" in Vietnam. In the 1990s, there was an added agenda: to justify the denial of a "peace dividend" following the cold war. The Project for the New American Century was formed, along with the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute and others that have since merged the ambitions of the Reagan administration with those of the current Bush regime.One of George W Bush's "thinkers" is Richard Perle. I interviewed Perle when he was advising Reagan; and when he spoke about "total war", I mistakenly dismissed him as mad. He recently used the term again in describing America's "war on terror". "No stages," he said. "This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq... this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and we don't try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war... our children will sing great songs about us years from now."Perle is one of the founders of the Project for the New American Century, the PNAC. Other founders include Dick Cheney, now vice-president, Donald Rumsfeld, defence secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, deputy defence secretary, I Lewis Libby, Cheney's chief of staff, William J Bennett, Reagan's education secretary, and Zalmay Khalilzad, Bush's ambassador to Afghanistan. These are the modern chartists of American terrorism. The PNAC's seminal report, Rebuilding America's Defences: strategy, forces and resources for a new century, was a blueprint of American aims in all but name. Two years ago it recommended an increase in arms-spending by $48bn so that Washington could "fight and win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars". This has happened. It said the United States should develop "bunker-buster" nuclear weapons and make "star wars" a national priority. This is happening. It said that, in the event of Bush taking power, Iraq should be a target. And so it is.As for Iraq's alleged "weapons of mass destruction", these were dismissed, in so many words, as a convenient excuse, which it is. "While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification," it says, "the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein." How has this grand strategy been implemented? A series of articles in the Washington Post, co-authored by Bob Woodward of Watergate fame and based on long interviews with senior members of the Bush administration, reveals how 11 September was manipulated.On the morning of 12 September 2001, without any evidence of who the hijackers were, Rumsfeld demanded that the US attack Iraq. According to Woodward, Rumsfeld told a cabinet meeting that Iraq should be "a principal target of the first round in the war against terrorism". Iraq was temporarily spared only because Colin Powell, the secretary of state, persuaded Bush that "public opinion has to be prepared before a move against Iraq is possible". Afghanistan was chosen as the softer option. If Jonathan Steele's estimate in the Guardian is correct, some 20,000 people in Afghanistan paid the price of this debate with their lives.Time and again, 11 September is described as an "opportunity". In last April's New Yorker, the investigative reporter Nicholas Lemann wrote that Bush's most senior adviser, Condoleezza Rice, told him she had called together senior members of the National Security Council and asked them "to think about 'how do you capitalise on these opportunities'", which she compared with those of "1945 to 1947": the start of the cold war. Since 11 September, America has established bases at the gateways to all the major sources of fossil fuels, especially central Asia. The Unocal oil company is to build a pipeline across Afghanistan. Bush has scrapped the Kyoto Protocol on greenhouse gas emissions, the war crimes provisions of the International Crim