> ------Original Message------
> Educators Under Armed Attack in Phoenix
> On Wednesday morning the 10th of May 2000, in a
> suburb north
> of Phoenix, Arizona, Mr. JW Zidar, and his partner,
> Dr.
> Lorraine were backing out of their driveway on their
> way to
> the airport.  They were setting off on a trip to
> Europe for
> a few days.  When, from all around them, began an
> action
> known as a "drawing down".  Men in full assault
> gear, with
> automatic weapons drawn and pointed directly at Mr.
> Zidar
> and Dr. Lorraine surrounded their automobile from
> all sides.
> Screaming for them to raise their hands, to freeze,
> to stop
> the car.  Dr. Lorraine, being in a mild state of
> shock at
> this unprecedented assault, did not immediately
> raise her
> hands, and so, two of the attackers pointed their
> gun
> directly at her head as one screamed for her to "get
> her
> hands up in the air".  At this point, Dr. Lorraine
> slowly
> raised her hands, as it dawned on her that the
> screaming she
> was hearing was directed at her.  She was later to
> remark
> that "all you see is guns.. all you remember is guns
> pointing at you."
> The attackers then removed Mr. Zidar and Dr.
> Lorraine from
> the car.  Taking one to the rear and one to the
> front of the
> automobile, their hands were cuffed behind their
> backs, and
> they were taken back into their home, where they
> were put in
> separate rooms under armed guard and interrogated,
> still
> handcuffed, for over an hour.
> No documents, no search warrants, no phone calls, no
> legal
> representation.  The assault team then held Mr.
> Zidar and
> Dr. Lorraine for eight hours under armed guard while
> they
> searched the premises.  In the exercise of any
> search
> warrant, by law, the owners of the property being
> searched
> have the right to accompany the search team as they
> conduct
> their search.  Mr. Zidar and Dr. Lorraine were held
> in their
> dining room as the searchers went through and
> removed their
> belongings from throughout their house. In all, 32
> boxes of
> their personal belongings were removed from the
> premises.
> At the end of the day, one of the federal agents
> asked Mr.
> Zidar if he had the documents which authorized the
> search.
> He replied that he had seen no such documents.  At
> which
> point, the agent, apologizing profusely, offered
> over a set
> of documents purported to be the authorization for
> this
> amazing set of events.
> Who are these enemies of the State?  Were these
> hardened
> criminals, drug dealers, or members of some Mafia we
> have
> not heard of?  Hardly.  These two, who are such an
> apparent
> threat to our government that they were drawn down
> at
> gunpoint, are teachers.
> Teachers?  That can't be.  This is America.  We
> don't send
> assault teams to raid the homes of teachers in this
> country.
> They must be criminals.  They must be conspirators.
> They
> must be inciting some sort of cult ritual, or
> encouraging
> people to riot or commit mass suicides or something,
> or this
> could not have happened.  They are stealing people's
> money,
> or perhaps they are stealing government secrets and
> selling
> them to the Chinese.  There must be some "logical"
> explanation for the events of this past Wednesday
> morning
> that we aren't being told.  Well, that is a fact.
> There
> are.
> These two people, along with another couple, a Mr.
> And Mrs.
> John Matthews, were raided Wednesday morning by
> armed agents
> of the federal government for teaching people the
> truth.
> Mrs. Matthews was on her telephone, making some
> arrangements
> to do with an upcoming graduation when the assault
> team
> knocked on her door.  She didn't hear the knock, but
> her
> son, who was getting himself ready for school, did.
> He
> answered the door just as the agents were preparing
> to use
> the "door bar" and break it down.  As he opened the
> door, an
> agent grabbed him and threw him up against the wall,
> pinning
> him there.  The agent barked out a demand for his
> name, and
> his birth date.  At that moment, Mrs. Matthews,
> hearing the
> commotion, rounded the corner to the front hall and,
> seeing
> the agents, said to her son "You do not have to
> answer any
> questions."  Apparently, that was the wrong thing to
> say at
> that moment, for in the next instant another armed
> agent had
> ripped the telephone out of her hand and pinned her
> arm up
> behind her back.  And so it was that two families in
> Arizona
> received a brand new education into the politics of
> fear and
> intimidation.
> What are the facts and findings here?  What events
> occurred
> which led up to this bizarre tale?  Mr. Zidar and
> Dr.
> Lorraine are the educators and founders of an
> educational
> organization named the World Community Educational
> Society
> (WCES).  Mr. and Mrs. Matthews are long standing
> members of
> that society. WCES has been conducting adult distant
> learning classes and live telephone classes through
> their
> college for some time, a little over three years.
> The
> college also has a web site, http://www.wces.org,
> which
> hosts the classes by real audio so those students,
> who
> cannot attend the live classes, can listen to them
> on the
> web site.  They have had a variety of instructors,
> teaching
> subjects ranging from the founding and operation of
> the
> Federal Reserve System, to alternative health
> education.
> There are currently thousands of students of the
> college,
> all over the world, who come to the classes and the
> web site
> regularly to receive truthful information about the
> banking
> and government systems which run the modern economic
> world.
> The membership of this society is now growing at a
> rate that
> surpasses even the largest private organizations
> around the
> world.  Membership is growing faster than the AARP.
> (American Association of Retired People). On May
> 5th, 2000,
> many hundreds of members of this society arrived in
> Las
> Vegas to share community, to meet each other and
> share ideas
> and learn from educators from all over the world.
> The Securities and Exchange Commission, (SEC),
> recently
> called Mr. Zidar and Mr. Matthews into an inquiry in
> a
> courtroom in Denver, Colorado.  In a series of court
> appearances, they were accused by the SEC of no
> criminal
> acts, nor were they presented with any evidence of
> wrongdoing.  They were not detained, and were due to
> appear
> for yet another hearing in the Denver courtroom
> before the
> judge in June.  In point of fact, the judge had made
> it
> clear in the most recent court appearance that he
> failed to
> see any evidence which would warrant a return to his
> courtroom by any of the parties involved, and had
> suggested
> that the agents of the government were wasting his
> time.  He
> further admonished the parties to settle their
> differences
> as gentlemen. Mr. Zidar and Mr. Matthews had
> returned to
> their homes in Arizona and, shortly there after,
> attended
> the membership meeting of their private society in
> Las
> Vegas; a society of which this writer is a member.
> There is only speculation as to what prompted the
> events of
> this past Wednesday morning.  Was this outright
> assault the
> gentlemanly response the judge was looking for?
> Perhaps
> someone should interview the judge and ask him.  The
> agent bringing the matter to the courtroom is the
> very same
> authorizing agent named in the "search warrant"
> documents.
> And exactly how is it that a "search warrant"
> becomes
> implemented in this form of open assault?  In point
> of fact,
> simultaneous to the assault, a media spin campaign
> was
> engaged.  Articles in newspapers claiming SEC
> "allegations"
> appeared in some parts of the country.  Careful
> reading of
> these articles reveals that there are no "facts"
> presented
> in them.  Only  "allegations" and hearsay.  How is
> it that
> these articles came to be written?  What is the
> mechanism by
> which this information is disseminated to the press?
>  Do the
> agents of the government call the reporters and read
> them a
> set of "allegations" and call it "news"?  How is it
> that the
> physical assaults on these innocent and not proven
> guilty of
> anything citizens is come to be called a "raid"? And
> what
> sort of system are we living in that has a language
> for the
> armed assault of it's people by it's civil servants,
> and no
> language to define the rights of it's people in
> common
> usage?
> Yes, it was teachers, and some dedicated students,
> whose
> homes were raided this past Wednesday in Phoenix.
> Part of
> an educational society that is not going to bow to
> the
> pressures of gun toting "federal" agents.  A society
> whose
> members will not stop learning,  either.  The
> government has
> become the armed militia for the banks and Americans
> are
> dumbfounded as they watch the value of their money
> erode and
> their stock markets go into a lunatic whirlwind of
> insane
> proportions.  There is a great and illegal and
> unlawful
> collusion going on here, and there are many, many
> people
> finally, beginning to understand that it is by
> virtue of
> this collusion that their rights have become
> privileges and
> their money has become worthless.
> By virtue of our ignorance, our signatures upon
> their
> documents allow the bankers to create vast sums of
> wealth
> which they in turn loan back to us, at interest,
> using these
> same instruments,.  And we wonder why, the harder we
> work
> the less we have.  Our families are divided up into
> working
> adults and children/dependents who are  financial
> liabilities and tax shelters to the point that no
> one is
> left at home to raise them as children, and we
> wonder why
> our culture is disintegrating around us.
> We turn over our responsibilities en masse to a
> system of
> governance and "order" which has wrought nothing but
> destruction upon our livelihoods and lifestyles and
> wonder
> why nothing changes for the better. We do not trust
> our own
> neighbors or ourselves to do the right thing, but
> rather
> entrust the authority of enforcement into the hands
> of
> bureaucrats and strangers and marvel at the
> deterioration of
> our nation.
> And so it is, that a man named JW Zidar, along with
> other
> pioneers around the globe, find themselves turning
> over
> their life work, their personal lives, their selfish
> pursuits, to a cause of education.  They rise up out
> of the
> common mass of humanity and make a choice to forgo
> the easy
> path, to align themselves and their lives to finding
> and
> sharing the truth.
> We will not be deterred from our mission of peaceful
> change
> and education.  Education that teaches people the
> laws of
> this land and encourages personal responsibility and
> honor
> in all matters.  Education that is based on the
> fundamental
> principles of a free Republic and the documents and
> legal
> structures which support those fundamental
> principles.  Not
> a "free democracy" but a free individual in a free
> Republic,
> where government is a servant of the people and not
> the
> tyrant reigning over them. It seems that as a
> people, we are
> choosing to awaken, and to take personal
> responsibility for
> our own minds.
> As members of  a private society, dedicated to
> education and
> truth, we give thanks and honor to our teachers, and
> we hold
> them up in admiration and love for standing the test
> of
> assault and battery.  We are not radicals or
> conspirators.
> We are educators and we are armed with the true
> history of a
> nation that has been deceived and lied to for a
> hundred
> years.  It is time to stop the lie. It is time to
> tell the
> truth. ###
> Bob Chapman
> Arizona
> Amen to that Bob !!!  Excellent letter.
> iWon.com       http://www.iwon.com     why wouldn't
> you?

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