[CTRL] Fwd: Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com

2001-03-14 Thread Aleisha Saba

So how much will be pay for a pound of ground hound?

Cui Bono?   This is massive sabotage.now who would be causing this?

And now they say we can expect this in America?   Is that fat pig
Kissinger now trying to corner market on meat?Bet that big pig eats
a good meals everyday, like the pig Sharon whom Arabs call the Fat Slob
- 9 million children still go to bed hungry at night?

But the pigs at the trough with Hill and Bill and Denise and Marc Rich
will no doubt find a way to profit?

I can live without meat - but I like cheese and ice cream - cream cheese
on occasion?

Tell me how much a six pack of that awful slop they call BRAVO and
ENSURE - how much does this cost?

See the fine hand of Kissinger, the pig who would corner market on food?  


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March 14, 2001
Meat From Europe Is Banned by U.S. as Illness Spreads

 The Associated Press The foot-and-mouth disease ravaging British
livestock has spread to France, and cattle were burned on Tuesday on a
farm near Laval.
• Foot-and-Mouth's Harsh Approach (Mar. 14, 2001)
• Brazil Postpones Its Beef Dreams (Mar. 14, 2001)
• Chronology of Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak (Mar. 13, 2001)
• U.S. Free of Foot-and-Mouth Disease for 70 Years, but Some Call Its
Return Inevitable (Mar. 3, 2001)
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• The European Commission for the Control of Foot-and-Mouth Disease
 The Associated Press The first case of foot-and-mouth disease in
continental Western Europe in recent times has been found near Laval,
France, where slaughtered cattle awaited a pyre on Tuesday. The tires at
left anchor a supply of hay.
ASHINGTON, March 13 — The United States banned imports of animals and
animal products from the European Union today after learning that
foot-and-mouth disease had spread to France from Britain.
The Agriculture Department said it was taking the precaution to protect
the domestic industry from a possible outbreak of the virus, which could
cost the American industry billions of dollars in just one year.
The virus poses little danger to people, even if they eat the meat of
infected animals. But it is virulently contagious and is devastating for
cattle, swine, sheep, deer and other cloven-hoofed animals, which it
generally debilitates and often leaves unable to grow or produce milk.
The ban, which applies to exports from all 15 countries of the European
Union, prompted some European officials to complain that the Bush
administration was overreacting.
But three members of the European Union — Belgium, Portugal and Spain
— are closing their borders to French meat, as is Switzerland. Norway
banned imports of French farm products, and Germany and Italy took
protective measures. Canada also banned meat imports from the European
Union, as well as from Argentina, which has found foot-and-mouth disease
in the northwest. Argentina said it would voluntarily restrict beef
Kimberley Smith, a spokeswoman for the Agriculture Department, said many
items, including most cheeses and cured or cooked meats, are not
affected because they are heated in a way that kills the virus.
The ban is expected to hit pork producers the most. European beef is
already banned by the United States because of mad cow disease, which
can cause fatal Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans.
The Agriculture Department is "taking this time to assess our exclusion
activities as a precaution to ensure that we don't get foot-and-mouth
disease in the United States," Ms. Smith said. She said the department
could not say how long the ban would last.
Department officials did not detail which European products would be
subject to the ban. But they said it would prohibit the importation of
live swine, pork and meat from sheep and goats, regardless of whether it
is fresh or frozen. Yogurt and most cheeses would be permitted, they
said, because those sold in the United States are made from pasteurized
Canned ham or any other food products that have been heated above 175
degrees Fahrenheit are permitted because such processing inactivates the
virus, the officials said.
The production of such favored items as French brie and Italian
prosciutto is c

[CTRL] Fwd: Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Wednesday, July 25, 2001

2001-07-25 Thread Aleisha Saba

Love this remark made how Buddists want return to respectable dignity?

Respectable Dignity - what they going to do operate like Oral Roberts or
Jimmy Swaggart.  Oral Roberts at least built a University, old ORU and
Jesse Jackson contributed what

Now these Golden Buddahs - like Golden Dragons have an axe to grind -
and oh so much moneytell me in this day and age so quick to have so
much, and is this going to be another laundering tub for more drug

Tell me have they paid any taxes to this country; is this this same
bunch Gore knew whereby he took a lot of questionable money?  Is tthis
the school of the future - Americans to be turned into "respectable
Buddist types".   Or what is it - you would think they would buld their
temple in Japan or elsewhere in the world?

What is behind all this stuff is it the selling of America?   Oh these
poor Japanese Buddists see to live pretty high on the hog when oh so
many people over here seem to be going busto.

Over 20,000 jobs Lucent will drop - qui bono, for they want to make a
profit this year.   Wonderful, let their workers eat cake.

George Bush - where are you - who the hell cares about that god damned
EU or that bunch ou met with as of late where people were shot down in
the streets while "bilderbergers" ate in fine style at public expense?

Screw them all and let us take our country back.

Or do we have a Buddist President in the making at some university who
will buy his way into office - and then we all eat rice like pigs while
Buddists learn to eat steak?

Regardless while some knock the Pope continually in an ttempt to destroy
the Catholic Church these buddists have the right idea for it is obvious
they have been forced to "buy respectability and dignity" from the likes
of say a Gary Condit?

So Remember Pearl Harbor and this one Japanese who said Americans so
stpid they cannot find Japan on the map - to which I say tough crap
bucko - after world war II you are luckey to still be on the map?
Still have a friend of the family residing at the bottom of Pear Harbor
aboard the USS Arizona.


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July 25, 2001
New West Coast College, Born of the Far East

Yoshi Nagaoka/Seikyo Shimbun

The Buddhist-inspired Soka University of America, in Aliso Viejo,
Calif., has 125 students in its first class.

Misha Erwitt for The New York Times
Norman Pfeiffer was a principal architect for the Soka campus.

LISO VIEJO, Calif., July 20 — On a lavender-covered hilltop halfway
between Los Angeles and San Diego, in the midst of miles of look-alike
red-roofed tract houses, an architectural and educational marvel reaches
skyward above the Pacific, waiting to spring to life next month as the
first new private liberal arts college to be built in California in 25
Soka University of America has a grand dream: to join the ranks of
venerable institutions like Pomona, Haverford, Hamilton and other small
but respected colleges. And it is starting out with a grandeur that
older, more established institutions would envy: a $220 million campus
in the style of a Tuscan hill town, designed by the architectural firm
that restored Radio City Music Hall and rebuilt the Los Angeles Central

The college has enrolled 125 students from 17
states and 19 foreign countries. Some students turned down admission to
the likes of Bryn Mawr and Brown to be pioneers in a Buddhist-inspired
experiment where everyone from the president to a janitor has the
same-size office. Here in the newest incorporated city in Orange County,
a place once better known as home of the John Birch Society and John
Wayne, humanistic, egalitarian values are to be put to work in the cause
of world peace.

Soka is financed by Soka Gakkai International, a Japanese sect that is
one of the world's largest lay Buddhist organizations, with tens of
billions in assets. Founded more than 70 years ago by Tsunesaburo
Makiguchi, a pacifist and education reformer who died in prison in 1944
for his opposition to Japan's militarism, the sect has sparked
controversy for its influence over Japanese politics.

The Soka sect founded the Komeito reform political party in the 1960's,
and some former members have compared it to a cult, an accusation the
organization dismisses.

Many of the university's administrators and some faculty members are
also Soka members.
But the appeal is broader for others, like Anne M. Houtman, who gave up
a position in the six-member biology department at Knox College in
Galesburg, Ill., to become the sole initial member of Soka's biology
(Ah soAmerican teachers with big bucks in their futre???)

"I was the first-generation college student in my family," said
Professor Houtman, the daughter of a blue- collar airline worker in
Hawaii, "and Pomona College literally changed my life; I've seen the
difference it can make."

Professor Houtman, drawn to Soka by a national recruiting adver

[CTRL] Fwd: Today's Headlines from NYTimes.com Saturday, July 28, 2001

2001-07-28 Thread Aleisha Saba

Now if this teacher had been armed, maybe the State could have been
saved a lot of money.
Note he shot his teacher he loved so much right between the
eyes.maybe we need more vigilante's patrolling the streets and
schools - volunteers, to protect our teachers and children?Maybe the
KKK Needs to get a Flag like Gay Pride has as a friendly warning - for
this is the beginning of civil wars once again in our streets, only
whites are not to defend themselves against this vicious barbarian
element in our schools and streets?

NEA's solution - big bucks - insurance policy for dead teachers BUT what
about the kids left at the mercy of these animals in our schools
..simple solution, the next time someone says "bussing"  - join the
club and getta gun and protect your children instead of forcing them to
go to schools with barbarians already in the gate, waiting for them.


July 27, 2001

Teenager to Serve 28 Years in Prison for Killing Teacher


Nathaniel Brazill, 14, with his lawyer, Robert Udell, was sentenced
today to 28 years in prison for the murder of his teacher. Video |

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. -- A 14-year-old boy who shot to death his
favorite teacher in a rage on the last day of school was sentenced
Friday to 28 years in prison. The sentence, just three years more than
the legal minimum, shocked some relatives of the victim.

Nathaniel Brazill, who was tried as an adult, had faced at least a
25-year minimum sentence and up to life in prison for killing Barry
Grunow at Lake Worth Middle School on May 26, 2000.
Brazill, wearing a bright red jumpsuit and shackles, showed little
emotion as Circuit Judge Richard Wennet rendered his decision.

The 28-year sentence is without the possibility of parole or time off
for good behavior.
In issuing the sentence, Wennet had to decide whether the teen would be
a danger to society or could be rehabilitated. But he made no public
comment on his reasoning for imposing the 28-year sentence.

The judge ordered the teen to earn his high school diploma, take an
anger management course and spend two years in a form of house arrest
after completing his sentence. He also will serve five years' probation.

Defense lawyer Robert Udell said the family will appeal and will not
seek clemency until the appeals process was completed.

"I can tell you he's pleased. Nathaniel just wanted to know if there is
a light at the end of the tunnel," Udell said. The defense had sought
the minimum 25-year term. Brazill's family rejected a plea deal of 25
years offered by prosecutors before the trial.

Kay Grunow, the victim's sister, said she was "extremely disappointed"
with the sentence, calling it "an insult to Barry's memory."

Brazill was tried as an adult and convicted in May of second-degree
murder for killing the 35-year-old English teacher he called a "great
man and a great teacher."

Brazill had returned to school after being suspended by a counselor
earlier that day for throwing water balloons. He shot Grunow after the
teacher refused to let the seventh-grader talk to two girls in his

At a daylong sentencing hearing Thursday, Brazill apologized for the
first time, telling the judge: "Words cannot really explain how sorry I
am, but they're all I have."

Brazill insisted, however, as he did during his trial, that he didn't
mean to hurt his teacher.
In urging a life sentence, Grunow's mother and two brothers said Brazill
was a danger to society and must be punished for the murder.

"This was not an accident. I think Nathaniel should be punished to the
fullest extent of the law," Phyllis Grunow, the victim's mother, said at
Thursday's hearing. "I don't think any family should have to go through

Brazill's mother, Polly Powell, also testified Thursday, sobbing and
wiping away tears as she asked the Grunow family for forgiveness and
begged the judge to be lenient.

"Nathaniel is my first born and I love him like nobody else can. I just
ask you that you please have mercy on him," Powell said.

A defense witness testified that Brazill was a "pot boiling over"
following his suspension and after years of silence about physical abuse
of his mother by boyfriends.

"All this other stuff was exploding inside of him," said Jacqueline
Patterson, deputy superintendent of Milwaukee schools.

Asked why Grunow was targeted, child psychologist James Gabarino, a
Cornell University professor, testified that Brazill was in such a
frenzy over his love life and the suspension that who the victim was
"may not have mattered."  [no he picked a white teacher, and a handsome
man rather than a reflection of himself.SABA NOTE]

Prosecutor Marc Shiner asked for a life sentence, but made a second
recommendation of 40 years in prison and probation should the judge not
sentence Brazill to life.

"This young man deserves to spend the rest of his life in jail without
parole," Shiner said.

"That's the only way we can be sure he won't hurt someone again."
