Okay… let’s try this again. I restored my Pinebook 1080p to its original
condition. I am including some maybe, helpful data below. I just want to make
sure I understand the process so I do not end up in the same place I just came
out of.
1. I created a NetBSD bootable microSD card using the image from invisible.ca
2. I boot the Pinebook and ftp that same image to the microSD card.
3. I dd if=NetBSD-evbarm-aarch64-201905120950Z-pinebook.img of=/dev/rld2c bs=1m
4. Power off Pinebook and remove microSD card.
5. Power on. Should boot NetBSD.
Is that correct?
What about the message “ld2: mbr partition exceeds disk size?” Is that a
arm64$ ll -h
total 1.6G
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxx users 1.6G May 14 17:10
arm64$ sudo disklabel ld2
# /dev/rld2:
type: ld
disk: ld2
label: default label
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 32
sectors/cylinder: 2016
cylinders: 1040
total sectors: 2097152
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0 # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0 # microseconds
drivedata: 0
3 partitions:
#sizeoffset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
a: 2097152 0 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 1040*)
c: 2097152 0 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 - 1040*)
disklabel: boot block size 0
disklabel: super block size 0
disklabel: partitions a and c overlap
arm64$ dmesg | grep -i ld2
[ 2.830954] ld2 at sdmmc2: <0x45:0x0100:DF4016:0x00:0xfe875b0b:0x000>
[ 2.849514] ld2: 1024 MB, 1040 cyl, 32 head, 63 sec, 512 bytes/sect x
2097152 sectors
[ 2.879516] ld2: mbr partition exceeds disk size
[ 2.879516] ld2: 8-bit width, 200.000 MHz
[ 7.895029] ld2: mbr partition exceeds disk size
[75.708145] ld2: mbr partition exceeds disk size
[ 398.482117] ld2: mbr partition exceeds disk size
arm64$ sudo fdisk ld2
fdisk: Cannot determine the number of heads
Disk: /dev/rld2
NetBSD disklabel disk geometry:
cylinders: 1040, heads: 32, sectors/track: 63 (2016 sectors/cylinder)
total sectors: 2097152, bytes/sector: 512
BIOS disk geometry:
cylinders: 130, heads: 255, sectors/track: 63 (16065 sectors/cylinder)
total sectors: 2097152
Partitions aligned to 2048 sector boundaries, offset 63
Partition table:
0: Linux native (sysid 131)
start 40960, size 30736384 (15008 MB, Cyls 2/140/11-1915/204/17)
PBR is not bootable: All bytes are identical (0x00)
No active partition.
Drive serial number: 1687624172 (0x649719ec)
On 5/14/19, 3:38 PM, "Jared McNeill" wrote:
You have to write the image to the “entire disk” partition (rld2c), which
will overwrite the disk label anyway.
> On May 14, 2019, at 4:27 PM, Ron Georgia wrote:
> Question: if I disklabel -eI ld2 and remove partition e, then dd the
image again to /dev/rld2e, will that work or will I have a Pinebrick?
> On 5/14/19, 1:54 PM, "Ron Georgia" wrote:
>Well... I did both
>arm64# dd if=arm64.img of=/dev/rld2c bs=1m conv=sync
>dd: /dev/rld2c: Input/output error
>30+0 records in
>29+0 records out
>30408704 bytes transferred in 9.927 secs (3063231 bytes/sec)
>arm64# dd if=NetBSD-evbarm-aarch64-201905120950Z-pinebook.img
of=/dev/rld2c bs=1m conv=sync
>dd: /dev/rld2c: Input/output error
>30+0 records in
>29+0 records out
>30408704 bytes transferred in 11.143 secs (2728951 bytes/sec)
>Both commands generated a ton of "ld2c: error writing fsbn..." errors.
When I reboot I get a blank screen. ( Any thoughts on what I can do?
>Disklabel looks like this:
>arm64# disklabel ld2
># /dev/rld2:
>type: ld
>disk: ld2
>label: default label
>bytes/sector: 512
>sectors/track: 63
>tracks/cylinder: 32
>sectors/cylinder: 2016
>cylinders: 1040
>total sectors: 2097152
>rpm: 3600
>interleave: 1
>trackskew: 0
>cylinderskew: 0
>headswitch: 0 # microseconds
>track-to-track seek: 0 # microseconds
>drivedata: 0
>5 partitions:
>#sizeoffset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
> c: 2097152 0 4.2BSD 0 0 0 # (Cyl. 0
- 1040*)
> e:163840