Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-31 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

I think I've just identified a bug with select on /dev/windows.  According 
to the select code for the windows device it does a if (peekmessage()) then 
in xwinclip it does the flushwindows upon select returning.

I've found a wierd circumstance were select returns but when the 
flushwindows function returns there is no message on the queue.  As the 
select believes there is but windows doesn't it causes an infinite loop.  
Don't know how to reproduce yet but it has been after reconnecting (longjmp 
and setjmp) that I've noticed.

I will investigate more later.  I've got a log from the xwinclip output and 
I'll try to find a reproducable case.

Has anyone noticed anything similar before with /dev/windows?


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Using KDE as default desktop under Windows

2002-08-31 Thread David Fraser

  Hi there
I posted this to the kde-cygwin mailing list and someone suggested 
reposting it here.
Basically an explanation of my kde setup under Windows...

I am now using KDE as my default shell under Windows.
Thanks to everyone for the effort - it's so much nicer than explorer :-)
I thought it would be nice to have a page on the web site explaining how 
to do it,
and indicating status as more integration gets done...
basically this is what I did (this is for Windows 2000 but should be 
portable to others):

make XFree86 server run full screen without window decoration
  change ~/.xserverrc to include -fullscreen in the parameters:
exec X - screen 0 1024 879 -engine 4 -fullscreen -depth 32 -ac 
-nowinkill -noreset -emulate3buttons 100
  you can say -nodecoration (which -fullscreen implies) instead if you 
want a non-fullscreen window without border etc.

replace the default shell, explorer.exe with X-windows
  change the following reg entry under from explorer.exe to 
c:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -c startx
Once this is done, logging in starts up the X server but no Windows 
desktop, Start bar etc.
Note: if you want to run windows programs from here, on Windows 2000 you 
can press Ctrl-Shift-Esc
which brings up the Task Manager, then go File/Run.
Logging out from KDE doesn't actually log out, you need to close KDE in 
another way and then press Ctrl-Alt-Del
and choose logout. Depending on your .xserverrc parameters, 
Ctrl-Alt-Backspace or Alt-F4 can be made to close
the X server. Otherwise, you can close it from the Task manager (select 
the Cygwin task and say End Task).
This also brings up a bash shell window which is behind the X server. I 
tried to get rid of it by running
cmd /c start /b bash ... but this was unsuccessfull.
If you switch to any windows applications, the X server will be minimised.
I seem to remember some discussion on slashdot or somewhere about how 
Cygwin XFree86 cannot run in rootless
mode (as the actual background window like Windows exlporer does for the 
desktop). Does anyone have any info
on why this is, or on how we could patch it so that it will? That way 
windows apps will run in front...

Next step: get KDE to run windows applications from short cuts.
I created a simple script called "win32start":

if [[ -L "$startpath" ]]
  # this is a symbolic link. find the actual file, start that
  startpath=`find "$startpath" -printf %l`
startdir=`dirname "$startpath"`
startfile=`basename "$startpath"`
cd "$startdir"
cmd /c start \"starting application\" "$startfile"

This is put in /usr/bin
It handles cygwin unix-style symbolic links to Windows shortcut files as 
well (both are given
the extension .lnk, but have different stuff inside ... if you create a 
link to a shortcut it is thus
called .lnk.lnk).
Basically it gets whatever parameters are given (it needs to use them 
all so you can pass spaces
without it separating them out; escaping the spaces with backslash 
confuses cmd, although they
could be unescaped) and works out what directory the file to start is in.
It's easiest to get into this directory as we then don't have to convert 
the path from unix to windows
style. Then it runs cmd and tells it to start the application. The first 
parameter to start is the window
title which has to be given if we quote the start file. But this window 
title only applies to cmd, which
just starts the application and quits.
$ win32start /c/Documents\ And Settings/All\ Users/Start\ 
Menu/Programs/Acrobat\ Reader\ 5.0.lnk
on my system this starts up Acrobat.

Now we want to make KDE associate these files with win32start so we can 
click on them from konqueror
and put them in menus.

First we need a mime type for the Windows shortcut files...
Add the following to a new file 
(on most systems, it could be ~/.kde/... - I've had KDE 1 installed ...)
This users the link icon which just looks like a shortcut. It would be 
nice to get KDE to read
the windows Icon out of the shortcut file but probably lots of work

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Win32 shortcut file

Then create the association. To do this, create a desktop file under 
and place the following into it:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Start Win32 applications or files
Name=Win32 Starter

This can also be done through control panel if you want to make life 
easier ... but on my system it
gave some trouble ...

Now you should be able to for example browse to your Start Menu on your 
windows drive and start

I then added a nice second st

Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-31 Thread Chris Twiner

Hi All,

Ok, Harold the jmp is in place (i'm closing the hook and freeing the library 
first of course) and it works.  I needed to change the dll though as it was 
still using the old HWND for the old cygwin/XFree86 window.

If a restart is done off the server menu nothing different seems to happen.  
It all seems to work fine.  Close XWin and it restarts xwinclip (after the 
freeing of resources), then restart XWin and it reconnects (if it's not out 
of retries) then all is well in the world.

Laters and have a good weekend, Mine is full of a street party outside my 
door, thankfully they stop playing music at 2am.


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Re: xwinclip re selection polling

2002-08-31 Thread Chris Twiner


>Excellent detective work. It looks like longjmp setjmp is the way to go.
I will give it a try someday, unless you want to do it first.

Thanks, I'll give it a bash.  Best place is right at the beginning I think, 
all the resources will be useless anyway, as they are tied to the old 
display connection.  I've not used setjmp and longjmp before (c++ guy, love 
those exceptions) so it will be a good thing anyway for me to do them (at 
least for me:-).

>The reason that catching a server reset is so important is that we
should not be killed when the server resets and we should try to connect
to the server again if it resets. Part of this makes it easy to stay
connected when a user is using XDMCP to connect to a remote machine.
Also, we can never integrate clipboard support into XWin.exe until we
can be assured that the server will not be killed when it resets.

That's what I thought the reason was, I'm still not sure that integrating 
makes that much sense, the jmp solution would seem to solve that but the 
problem with it is it rewinds the stack right back to the setjmp, that means 
that whatever else that process has been doing it's screwed.  Hence it would 
have to be forked or spawned anyway.

I'll get it restarting anyway, shouldn't take too long.



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