Re: If Your Vibrator Is Hacked, Is It a Sex Crime?

2017-11-23 Thread Georgi Guninski
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 06:16:38PM -0200, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> If Your Vibrator Is Hacked, Is It a Sex Crime?
Don't know if it is a sex crime. If you catch physical virus from your
vibrator you will need bad medicine as songs put it.

Thanks For Giving

2017-11-23 Thread grarpamp

Thank you Jacob, en movement et al, for giving.

A list, appendable by all...

The New Radical - A Film By Adam Lough

2017-11-23 Thread grarpamp

Making a printable gun landed Cody Wilson on the U.S. government's
watch list. Together with British programmer Amir Taaki, they founded
a Bitcoin app that allows its users to "go dark" – because for this
pair of crypto-anarchists, ensuring freedom of information and
challenging economic structures they view as corrupt is mandatory.

Adam Lough glimpses a rarified world, where these new radicals revel
in questioning everything from gun control to encryption, even if it
means incarceration. Yet the question remains: Are they freedom
fighters or criminals? This captivating encounter examines how their
distinct group came about and what their existence says about the
economic, cultural, and technological landscape.

In select theatres soon.


Decipher You - Mining Gems Hidden In Plain Sight

2017-11-23 Thread grarpamp

[OMELETTE] Germany on track to minimize crime stats since immigration influx

2017-11-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
... or something
Once peaceful Germany descends into migrant-fueled violence

Statistics that are reliable on knife violence in Germany – where
police been accused
of failing to report many crimes, apparently in
an effort “not to unsettle” the public – do not exist.

A search of German police blotters, however, indicates that 2017 is
on track to become a record year for stabbings and knife crimes:
Police reported
more than 3,500 knife-related crimes between January
and October 2017, compared to around 4,000 reported crimes during all
of 2016 – and only 300 in 2007. Overall, during the past ten years,
knife-related crimes in Germany have increased by more than 1,200%.

[SEX] The anti-male ‘sexquisition’ is ripping western society apart

2017-11-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
The anti-male ‘sexquisition’ is ripping western society apart
(The Unz Review) – A burly unattractive woman in her late fifties or
sixties, dyed hair, pearl laces around wrinkled neck, tearfully
relating a story of unwanted sexual attention that maybe occurred
many years ago, presents a most embarrassing sight. Perhaps once
Beverly Young Nelson was young and pretty, and could awake passion in
a man’s loins, but that was long time ago. And still this awkward
creature effectively had stopped the suspect, Roy Moore from Alabama,
from winning an election.

If this old crow were to claim she loaned Moore a hundred dollars
thirty years ago and demanded it back with accrued interest, she
would be laughed out of court. Where was she until now, where is the
proof, people would say. Why nobody asks this question now, when the
political career of the man is at stake? How could it be that a few
unsubstantiated claims can ruin a man?

Moreover, this person has a name and a face, if an ugly one, but in
many cases, the accuser remains anonymous, hidden by a letter, while
the accused has a name, and a face, and often he had a job until this
accusation. Only the Inquisition had similar features, with anonymous
sources and obscure charges. Now we have sexquisition.

Is it a purely American phenomenon? A payback for Salem, where a
similar spasm of mass paranoia caused a small New England town to
hang some twenty women accused of witchcraft?

In Salem, men hunted witches; just three hundred years passed, and
now witches hunt men.

Alas, no, it is a world-wide epidemic.

[RUS] [COMEDY] [POL] - Putin crucifies Theresa May

2017-11-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
Figuratively, of course, just figuratively.

And it's not Putin, actually Russia's #1 news anchor, Kiselyov, but
as we know Russia is Putin and Putin is Russia.

This is a true lesson in practicing how to not chuckle under your
breath at the Russkie way, and the Russian "public discourse" ...
manners and all yo :)

Theresa May's 'Tired Old White Flesh' Ridiculed by
Russia's #1 Anchor (Kiselyov)

Re: Untouchables

2017-11-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
On Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 12:20:01AM -0500, "Odd:IOstreams" wrote:
> :P haha cheers for the welcome. I felt like a fag - reading the shit i wrote. 
> I had to get that gunk out of my system though - needed a point of reference 
> and reflection.
> Can only go uphill from here.
> What's a good email service to use?

The one you install and run yourself...

> I'll be back as a better version of myself.
>  -Viz

relative risk reduction vs actual risk reduction - Medical Doctor Exposes Deceptive Statistics in flu vaccination studies

2017-11-23 Thread Zenaan Harkness
- Forwarded message from Gil May  -

From: Gil May 
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2017 06:53:09 +1000
Subject: Medical Doctor Exposes Deceptive Statistics

Retired Medical Doctor Exposes Deceptive Statistics Used to Justify Billion
Dollar Flu Vaccine and Drug Market

Flu Shots, Fosamax and Pharmaceutical Fakery: The Common Use of Deceptive
Statistics in the Vaccine and Pharmaceutical Literature

by Gary G. Kohls, MD

Duty to Warn

A few years ago, there was a temporary media buzz generated by an article
in *The Lancet Infectious Disease* journal. That highly respected medical
journal is, as is true of most such journals, a pro-vaccine,
pro-pharmaceutical medical industry publication that is published in London.

The article showed that flu vaccinations were far less effective than had
been previously believed. In fact, that particular study suggested that the
trivalent flu vaccine currently being pushed at that time approached

The article’s principle author was Michael Osterholm, PhD, MPH, a widely
published infectious disease researcher who, prior to his current faculty
position at the University of Minnesota, had served in various capacities
with the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), including a
high-profile role as the MDH’s Chief of the Acute Disease Epidemiology
Section. For 15 years of that association with the MDH he served as
Minnesota state epidemiologist. Dr Osterholm, who is not a physician, has
published over 300 articles and is highly respected in his field.

The Disconnect Between Real, Unbiased Science and Profit-focused Corporate

The *Lancet* study, in the reports that I listened to on NPR and then did
additional research on, was deceptively reported by NPR as “being 60%
effective” thus implying that that season’s trivalent flu vaccine should
still be regarded as “moderately effective” for flu prevention (rather than
being brought into question as the nearly worthless vaccine that it was).
What could explain the disconnect between the real hard science and the
media propaganda?

Seeing no sign of a public retraction from Osterholm or his co-authors
about the glaring disconnect, I began to wonder if the researchers were
even aware of the depths that so many other medical, psychiatric and
pharmaceutical industry researchers have stooped to when their research is
reported in the mainstream media or even in medical journals. Misleading
statistics that have appeared in medical journals are also used in drug
commercials or by drug sales representatives when they try to convince us
physicians to prescribe their company’s often toxic and often worthless or
dependency-inducing synthetic drugs.

The Fraudulent, Deceptive Use of the Relative Risk Reduction Statistic

What I am talking about is the common statistical trick of the
pharmaceutical trade called the Relative Risk Reduction (RRR), a statistic
that intentionally inflates embarrassingly low or even statistically
insignificant results that had been obtained from corporate-controlled –
and therefore very dubious – research studies.

What the public deserves to be informed about, but usually doesn’t receive,
is the far more meaningful Absolute/Actual Risk Reduction (ARR) numbers,
which, compared to the RRR, are often so small and unconvincing that any
rational thinker would regard the study as a failed one. Hence, the cunning
invention of the misleading RRR. I will deal with the important
mathematical differences further below.

A lot of medical research these days is done by mercenary academic
scientists – often with PhDs – that often are not clinicians. The vast
majority of such dubious research, estimated to represent over 80% of the
medical research that is currently being done in America, are in the employ
of the for-profit drug and medical device industries. The journal articles
that list them as authors are commonly written by mercenary ghost-writers
who are paid by the corporations that designed and funded the study. And
what should worry everybody is the fact that the self-interested
corporations have exclusive control over how the research is utilized.
Whoever pays the piper, calls the tune.

The mercenary researchers involved in such studies are naturally highly
motivated to obtain positive results so that their Big Pharma paymasters
will be able to get FDA approval and thus generate an increase in the value
of any stock holdings that may be part of their compensation package – not
to mention additional contracts with the drug or vaccine company if
negative results are not found or reported. I hasten to add that there is
nothing wrong with making money in an ethical and honest manner, but a lot
of medical research intentionally overstates the positives and minimizes,
or even hides, the negatives of their new d

Cryptocurrency $10k

2017-11-23 Thread grarpamp
Price sum of all BTC forks now over $1.

Re: Namaste Community

2017-11-23 Thread ilsa
Where ever we each are... I miss Anthony, who brought me into the effort in
the way I can serve our path with so much to get through:
I honor you all, ilsa

Ilsa Bartlett
Institute for Rewiring the System 

"Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to
every other person."
-John Coltrane

On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 9:03 AM, juan  wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 02:20:03 -0500
> "\"Odd:IOstreams\""  wrote:
> > Great source of quality information.
> "We ban accounts that use Hacker News primarily for political
> or ideological battle, regardless of which politics they favor.
> "
> sounds like they are a bunch of fascist pieces of shit

Re: Namaste Community

2017-11-23 Thread juan
On Thu, 23 Nov 2017 02:20:03 -0500
"\"Odd:IOstreams\""  wrote:

> Great source of quality information.

"We ban accounts that use Hacker News primarily for political
or ideological battle, regardless of which politics they favor.

sounds like they are a bunch of fascist pieces of shit