cpunks It's 60% Cheaper

2002-10-13 Thread Craig Borza
Title: Generic Viagra - Privacy







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Create a PAYCHECK with your computer!

2002-10-13 Thread Chris4874846

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2002-10-13 Thread Öйú·þÎñ

 = ´ËÐÅÈô¶ÔÄú²»Æð×÷Óã¬Õæ¶Ô²»£¡ÎÒÃÇÒ»¶¨´òÈÅÄúÁË£¬ÇëÄú°ÑËûDEL =



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Welcome ! sagm 3555FZYY8-711Ire-15

2002-10-13 Thread black97gsr6857r15
Title: We can make thousands $$$ TOGETHER!
Hello !

We can make thousands $$$ 

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excluded in the future from our mailing list,just click below and 
send us an opt-out request email.


Re: Echelon-like resources...

2002-10-13 Thread R. A. Hettinga

At 10:52 AM -0700 on 10/13/02, Bill Stewart wrote:

> (You may not remember, but there was a program from fortify.net
> that "fixed" 40-bit implementations of Netscape,
> and there was even a one-liner Javascript signature-line program
> that let you set Netscape to use 128 bits...

Not to mention the plaintext settings imbedded in the Netscape *executable*.

"...it took you long enough", said a Netscape cypherpunk at the time of its

Who saw them making the t-shirts, with pasted text from the file itself at
FC97, complete with "cypherpunks policy" on it...

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Search Engine Traffic

2002-10-13 Thread Search Engine Traffic




  Do you need more Traffic to 
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  Are you 
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  you?Our program works so well, that we will install this program 
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   100% No Nonsense Money Back Guarantee. 
  If our Search Engine Magic robot fails to bring you at 
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  15 listings from 
  major search engines in the first 3 weeks 
  we refund all of your money, 
   (Note Package B 
  customers are guaranteed 
  10 top 
  15 listings)Our program 
  will work for just about any web site, and generates traffic from the major search engines. So 
  if you sell candy, car parts or 
  anything else for that matter, this program can help you drive more targeted 
  traffic to your web site from the major  
  engines.We have marketed web businesses 
  for well over 5 years and we have 
  tried it all, from top 100 programs, partner 
  programs, ezine, banners, pic 
  posts, linking and so on. The one 
  thing we have found out, is that  the best paying 
  traffic comes from the major search engines.  These are the people that are looking for what you are selling.Three 
  or 4 years ago you could create a doorway page, load that page with just keywords, then copy that 
  page a couple of hundred times and 
  submit them all to the major engines. In a matter of days you would have top listings on all 
  of the major search engines.If you not aware of it, those days are gone forever. Gaining top positions on the major search engines is 
  getting harder and harder. Besides 
  the fierce competition from millions of new 
  sites, the search engines themselves have set a gauntlet of hurdles to jump through.Each 
  engine has it's own rules and trying to develop your site to their rules is a nightmare. For example 
  you have a nice graphical looking 
  site do you really want to add 500 hundred 
  words to the front page of the site to meet an engines requirements?
  If your site has frames, 
  Flash, a splash page, or developed 
  in ASP are you willing to totally redo your 
  site? Are you ready to make 
  significant changes to your site and wait 3 
  months or more to see if they work?. Then make additional changes and wait another 3 months? 
  Sorry to say, but that is frustration you are looking at to get 
  good search engine positioning.However, their is a better 
  way!You have heard the phrase " I liked it so much I bought 
  the company", well that is what 
  happened. My company has developed 
  hundreds of web sites, from simple sites to complex sites for Fortune 500 companies. Over the last 
  couple of years our clients and 
  ourselves tired of the search engine game. Instead of just quitting we decided to do something about 
  it.What we discovered was a group of brilliant out of the box 
  thinking engineers that 
  developed a totally new way to get top positions in the search engines. This team 
  developed a product called "Stealth Position"The absolute 
  brilliant part is that once Stealth Position is 
  installed you will never make doorway pages, or submit to the engines 
  again!And yes, you will get 
  at least 5 top 
  15 listings in the first 
  3 weeks or you do not 
  (10 top 15 listings 
  in the first 3 weeks for package B 
  This is 
  how it works.. (If your a non 
  techie don't worry you don't have to understand this)1. 
  Template Directory. Stealth Position will read who is calling for a page. If this page request is from 
  a surfer, they will get only your 
  main home page, or what ever page you want served up to the public. This also helps protect your 
  doorway pages from theft by other 
  web masters. If a search engine spider requests a page, Stealth Position will pull a page 
  from a template area on your server 
  designed just for that engine's spider.So, search engines like: 
  Excite, Go, Yahoo, Google, Northern 
  Light, Fast Search 
  (Alltheweb), AltaVista, 
  WebCrawler, Netscape, Hotbot, 
  Ask Jeeves, Lycos, Aolnetfind, Hotbot/Lycos, Goto, Search MSN, Direct Hit, MSN UK, MSN 
  Australia, Canada.com, Answers.au, 
  Sprinks, Open Directory, Dogpile, FindWhat, and About.com get special pages served up 
  just for them.2. Page Creation On The Fly. Once Stealth 
  Position determines which spider is 
  calling, the script will pull a random page from a template area on your server. Then, it 
  create a page on the fly, changing 
  the title, top keywords, lesser important keyw


2002-10-13 Thread littleant


Keep off the rolls

2002-10-13 Thread Matthew X

Experian threatens to sue in electoral roll row
'In a growing battle over privacy rights, Experian, Britain's biggest 
credit reference agency, is threatening legal action against local 
authorities refusing to release information held on the electoral roll. An 
Experian spokesman said: "A number of local authorities have taken it upon 
themselves to resist new government regulations which give us the right to 
buy electoral roll data for permitted purposes."' ( Guardian )
See also this Guardian profile of Experian from last month, and this blog 
entry from May
In 1999 Privacy International declared Experian the UK's 'most invasive 
company' - see this Big Brother Awards webpage
Experian has also been contracted to build and maintain the new Europe-wide 
Motor Insurance Database scheduled to begin operation early next year - see 
this MIIC document (Word doc)
(Download page: free Word Viewer)LINKS?

Ebay Secrets Revealed

2002-10-13 Thread EbaySecrets


over 1.5 billion page views per month, Ebay is the ULTIMATE venue for 
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  will make you 1000's on Ebay. Although this book was based on eBay auctions, 
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Ebay Marketing 
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2002-10-13 Thread Å·ÃÀÎÄ»¯½»Á÷Э»áÉϺ£´ú±í´¦









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Public subscription assassination.

2002-10-13 Thread Matthew X
Old cPunk ideas never die...
you could create a lottery. A lottery whose payoff was a reward to the 
person who came closest to predicting the time of death of a given 
government official.

"First they came for the hackers. But I never did anything illegal with my 
computer, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for the pornographers. But I 
thought there was too much smut on the Internet anyway, so I didn't speak 
up. Then they came for the anonymous remailers. But a lot of nasty stuff 
gets sent from anon.penet.fi, so I didn't speak up. Then they came for the 
encryption users. But I could never figure out how to work pgp5 anyway, so 
I didn't speak up. Then they came for me. And by that time there was no one 
left to speak up." ~Alara Rogers (Aleph Press) n

¦ÑªB¤Í cypherpunks §K¶O°e±z¨k¤h°ª¯Å¥Ö®M

2002-10-13 Thread p2661010cypherpunks
Title: °¨¤W¶ñ¼g¯Á¨úªí


  °¨¤W¶ñ¼g¯Á¨úªí   §Ú­Ì±N®Ú¾Ú¥H¤U¸ê®Æ»P±zÁpµ¸¨Ã°e³fµ¹±z¡I
  ©m¡@¡@¦W¡G ¡@¯Á¨úªÌ¥u¶·­t¾á¬¡°ÊÃØ«~³B²z¶O199¤¸ (¨ì¥I) 
  ¦í¦v¹q¸Ü¡G ¡@¤½¥q¹q¸Ü¡G 
  ¤â¡@¡@¾÷¡G   ¹q¤l¶l¥ó¡G 


Re: was: Echelon-like resources..

2002-10-13 Thread Sunder
> Yes: The factory was bombed, but actual  
> deaths were one night watchman, "not tens 
> of thousands", and he asserted that the  
> Sudanese government are the good guys in 
> the civil war, and their opponents  
> terrorists. 

And how many of their citizens have or will die due to lack of those very
same pharamceuticals that the bombed factory can no longer produce? Or
suffer from disease due to the same?

Perhaps not tens of thousands, but more than just the single night
watchman, I'd say.

The point isn't how many deaths, but what collateral damage was done.  Not
just in the sense of civilian casualties, but also the damage inflicted on
those by the effect of not having said facility around.

Of course, for all you and I really know that could have been an Anthrax
factory cleverly disguised as as a pharmaceuticals factory, but we can put
up rethorical questions and answers such as these for the next millenia
and not get anywhere either.

Re: Echelon-like resources...

2002-10-13 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Fri, 11 Oct 2002, Tyler Durden wrote:

> And indeed, in a world where most messages are fairly weakly encrypted, 
> bursts of strongly-encrypted messages will stand out all the more and 
> possibly flag the need for other methods of investigation.

Doesn't figure: while it's easy to screen for high information entropy
(archives have a signature), telling weak encryption from strong is
nontrivial, unless it's conveniently labeled, and you're limiting the
attack to a tiny fraction of the entire traffic, not realtime.

And of course you can package 'strong' encryption into a 'weak' encryption 
envelope, so you will only know that 'strong' encryption has been used 
after you've broken the 'weak' envelope.

¦ÑªB¤Í cpunks §K¶O°e±z¨k¤h°ª¯Å¥Ö®M

2002-10-13 Thread p2661010cpunks
Title: °¨¤W¶ñ¼g¯Á¨úªí


  °¨¤W¶ñ¼g¯Á¨úªí   §Ú­Ì±N®Ú¾Ú¥H¤U¸ê®Æ»P±zÁpµ¸¨Ã°e³fµ¹±z¡I
  ©m¡@¡@¦W¡G ¡@¯Á¨úªÌ¥u¶·­t¾á¬¡°ÊÃØ«~³B²z¶O199¤¸ (¨ì¥I) 
  ¦í¦v¹q¸Ü¡G ¡@¤½¥q¹q¸Ü¡G 
  ¤â¡@¡@¾÷¡G   ¹q¤l¶l¥ó¡G 


Low Mortgage rates get in on it NOW!

2002-10-13 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: kraf

2002-10-13 Thread Atilla Kuzu
Title:  wwohfsm 

En Ýyi En Büyük Arþiv


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Mp3sa etfl

2002-10-13 Thread Yilmaz Nurhan
Title:  nmnytxnhbeglcytgeyajmvlroutdsixgwlhqlwaobjdeiwmpvmb 

En Ýyi En Büyük Arþiv


  Türkçe MP3
  Yabancý MP3
  Türkçe Albümler
  Yabancý Albümler
  Pop Müzik
  Arabesk Müzik

  Rock Müzik
  Latin Müzik
  Hip-Hop Müzik
  Türk Sanat Müziði
  Türkü Arþivi
  Film Müzikleri


  Müzik konusunda aradýðýz her çeþidi bulabileceðiniz bir site artýk var. Her gün güncellenen ve istekleriniz doðrultusunda yeni eklemeler yapýlan sitemizde kaliteyi fark edeceðinize eminiz.

Re: why bother signing? (was Re: What email encryption is actually in use?)

2002-10-13 Thread Julian Assange
> There have been episodes of spoofing on this list.  If client
> side encryption "just worked", and if what is considerably more
> difficult, checking the signatures "just worked", there would
> be no bother, hence it would be rational to sign

Not "just work" but "opt out" is what you are looking for. If there
are n posters to the list and m people signing, then their are only
n-m spoof targets. As m approaches n, the number of forgeries
rapidly approaches zero as there is no one left worth spoofing who
can be spoofed. But as each individuals chance of being spoofed
approaches zero, the benefit gained by signing also approaches
zero. Consequently unless there are additional costs to non-signing
above and beyond spoof protection there will always be a substantial
number of unsigned messages.

 Julian Assange|If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people
   |together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |work, but rather teach them to long for the endless
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |immensity of the sea. -- Antoine de Saint Exupery

On topic!

2002-10-13 Thread Ryan Sorensen
Talking to someone who was at the legendary cypherpunks anniversary bbq.
He brought up the fact that someone there was talking about "private
hedonistic cells" (any errors are mine, not his, and whoever talked
about this, if they have any more thoughts on the matter, please feel
free to email me.)

Brought this to mind.

Identity Based Encryption schemes. Fairly unworkable on the global scale
for a number of reasons. Shrink the space. Say a small group. Split the
secret for the key issuer, probably using a k-of-n scheme, where any new
member needs k people to give k pieces of the new secret key to the new
member. Transparent encryption to group members.

Use broadcast encryption things for mail to group members, or subsets

Open problems: Can you have an easily extensible k-of-n scheme? Or even
an n-of-n? Key problem here being the fact that the former scheme is
still valid, just ignore the fact that there's a new member.

k would obviously be configurable based on group policies, number needed
to instantiate a new member, and all that good stuff.

What else can you do with a formulation like this? What else would be
-useful- given a formulation like this? Proofs of membership to the
outside? To other group members? Anonymity inside the group? Conditional
anonymity subject to open by k (not necessarily the same k as before)

Homogoneous front to the outside world? Internal cash? Group-generated
random schemes? Mental poker put to some purpose?

All that is not strictly forbidden is now mandatory.