Reply: Old Aged Mmos Bacokodr 0wnage

2004-09-29 Thread Madge H. Sunscreen

Pleased to meet you!

Xu lapi knewel

Status update for account 37PA066AF

2004-09-29 Thread Desiree Moreno


Drug developers figure they can charge a small fortune.

Buy overseas and stop getting ripped off.
to recieve your discount

Physician Consultation: F.R.E.E   and   F.r.e.e discreet shipping

Catch ya later,
Desiree Moreno

To say so long go to:  

Instant coffee takes too long. Also included are a number of unusual statement made by candidates during You don't even wait for the water to boil anymore. Even when driving down a straight road, it is necessary to turn the steering wheel from time to time. The only time you're standing still is during an earthquake.
You chew on other people's fingernails. "I know this is off the subject, but will you marry me?" You've worn out your third pair of tennis shoes this week. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
People get dizzy just watching you. Should you decide to defuse a bomb, don't worry about which wire to cut. You will always choose the right one. If you decide to start dancing in the street. Honest and hard-working policemen are usually gunned down a day or two before retirement. After a number of injections my jaw got number.

Re: [anonymity] Chapeer Flash MX 2004 rewinds ping

2004-09-29 Thread Natalee Lacey
Windows XP Pro /w Office XP Professional ...$80 :

Adobe - Photoshop 7 + Premiere 7, Illustrator 10 ...$120
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+ more sowtrafe telits!

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broaches clincher blowers snuggled
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teeens harrdccore p.

2004-09-29 Thread Ruth Htpeidoy

More then 30.000 exclusive teen hardcore photos and about 50 hours 
of HQ videos

Your Invoice # 9235 triad

2004-09-29 Thread arnulfo cuddeback
mcfeast  khataman

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Let us help you to sa\ve-thousands on your expensive M`eds & costly DR
visits. We ship worldwide & have a full selection of M_eds that fall into
many different health catergories

trash which they have not read, and the praise of excellence which they
cannot understand. 

A great personage on an American train is the newsboy. He sells books (such
books!), papers, fruit,
lollipops, and cigars; and on emigrant journeys, soap, towels, tin washing
dishes, tin coffee pitchers,

Re: More Convenient Use of Electronic Gold Payments

2004-09-29 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Bill,
First, let me thank you for your excellent message.  I've copied
a few people on bcc and I've included [EMAIL PROTECTED] since
your endorsement of their excellent services is one I'm sure they
would appreciate.
I've used E-Gold in the past, and found that the hardest part
of the process is buying the stuff to put in your account -
setting up an account and paying people with it are both easy,
but to buy the gold, you need to find some way to give somebody
some other kind of money so they'll give you electronic gold.
There are a number of decent exchange providers both foreign
and domestic.  You mention one that is very good,
Others that I like to work with are and
In this latter case, qualified individuals simply write a check
or send a money order to EzEz's parent company and get e-gold
within hours after the mail arrives.  Cambist has a service
called MerchantGold which allows merchants to have payments sent
in and receive their funds in e-gold or other online gold.
If you want $1 worth, or want to transfer physical gold,
it's not hard, but if you just want small quantities it was annoying.
Everyone's experiences differ.  I certainly have had no difficulty
getting small quantities of gold, buying or selling.
Jim Davidson's article talked about E-Gold and other currencies,
and almost all of them operate under a model in which
the gold service transfers gold credits between accounts,
but buying the gold credits with other types of money
is handled by third-party retailers, and almost none of the retailers
will accept credit cards or Paypal without long delays,
though they'll happily accept other gold currencies.
There are retailers who accept credit cards. works
with these quite often, though their rates are pretty high and I
don't have much else good to say about them.  Nobody wants to
accept PayPal, even from known customers, because PayPal has had
a policy of shutting down exchanger accounts.  It has happened so
many times that I've lost track.  There is an interesting essay
on the subject, actually a set of essays, about the "May Scale
of Monetary Hardness" which helps to explain why it is so hard
to buy gold or silver with credit cards or PayPal.
PayPal happens to have survived whereas beenz and flooz and other
experiments in online payments have failed.  I think the relationship
between PayPal and eBay has much to do with that survival.  I do
sometimes wonder if the persistent difficulties of merchants and
consumers with PayPal may ultimately threaten its existence.  The
typical "out" which I'm anticipating is for PayPal to demand that
online payment systems be regulated.  PayPal would then likely
dominate the regulatory agency through the typical revolving door
and campaign contribution forms of corruption, in my estimation.
There's now a much more convenient way to buy online gold -
Yes, that's certainly true.  They are very convenient.
They seem to be a small operation, so they're very responsive to email. was founded by my great friend Parker Bradley who has
gone off to New Mexico to run Heron Aerospace.  It is now managed
by a small and very competent team of friends in New York.  One of
them, Ragnar, is also responsible for which is a
great little newsletter on liberty topics.
I didn't want to use E-Gold itself, because there are too many
spammers phishing for people's e-gold account information
True.  E-gold also keeps its servers in the USA, so you have to
expect that all transaction records are in the hands of government
agencies now, or will be as soon as a subpoena is issued.  (Great
news: the "National Security Letter" has been effectively challenged
in the courts.)
Pecunix was one of the gold currencies that my merchant's
online payment system Goldcart accepted, and they were easy to use.
Pecunix is truly excellent, I feel.  You can set up the Pecunix
log-in to require a PGP message test/response.  You can also set
it so that all your communications from Pecunix about your account
activities are received in PGP encrypted form.  Their log-in system
is a very tough hack, and I've never heard of anyone losing their
log-in details or account balance.  Also, the automation interface
for Pecunix is outstanding.  GoldCart, by the way, is from the
same programming team that handles Pecunix,, and
So I did the online form at Goldage, deposited the cash at the bank,
checked Pecunix a couple of days later, and paid the merchant.
I think the total fees were about $6-7 between the different
service providers, mostly the $5 minimum fee at Goldage,
and I may have a buck or two of round-off-error money sitting in 
but the percentage costs would be lower if I were using it more 
rather than a one-shot transaction.
Sure.  I think the network of exchangers, of which is
certainly a leader, is making it

2004-09-29 Thread Jerald Waddell

Fwd: fantastic

2004-09-29 Thread Omero Altomari

He was quiet by nature, regular from principle, zealous from habit, evincing little disturbance at the different surprises of life, very quick with his hands, and apt at any service required of him; and, despite his name, never giving advice -- even when asked for it

no msg

He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same term, be elected, as follows: !!! I FORM MY RESOLUTION!! 

Exploding Finishes cpunks (squirters!)

2004-09-29 Thread Emily Ejacs
Title: Amazing


  Joke Of The Day

Oh, Those Darn Lawyers  
Two lawyers, Jon and Amanpreet, 
  head out for their usual 9 holes of golf. Jon offers Amanpreet a $50 
  bet. Amanpreet agrees and they're off. They shoot a great game. After 
  the 8th hole, Amanpreet is ahead by one stroke, but cuts his ball into 
  the rough on the 9th. 
  ''Help me find my ball. Look over there,'' he says to Jon. After a few 
  minutes, neither has any luck. Since a lost ball carries a four point 
  penalty, Amanpreet secretly pulls a ball from his pocket and tosses 
  it to the ground. ''I've found my ball!'' he announces. 
''After all of the years we've been 
  partners and playing together," Jon says, "you'd cheat me 
  out of a lousy 50 bucks?'' 
''What do you mean, cheat? I found 
  my ball sitting right there!'' 
''And you're a liar, too!'' Jon 
  says. ''I'll have you know I've been STANDING on your ball for the last 
  five minutes!'' 


All your pr*escription needs right here!

2004-09-29 Thread Hattie Sadler

You will not find Presc)ription D]rugs cheaper anywhere else

2004-09-29 Thread Rodolfo Cote

Cpunks, Why go to the doctor when you can do it online?

2004-09-29 Thread Pat Sheridan

Immediate Delivery of Ci%alis

2004-09-29 Thread Sheena D. Moses

We Give You More of What you Want!

2004-09-29 Thread Santiago Tompkins


2004-09-29 Thread elbobmailer
Prueba de envio y recepción, por favor sea paciente, nuestras ofertas llegaran pronto

More Convenient Use of Electronic Gold Payments

2004-09-29 Thread Bill Stewart

I've used E-Gold in the past, and found that the hardest part
of the process is buying the stuff to put in your account -
setting up an account and paying people with it are both easy,
but to buy the gold, you need to find some way to give somebody
some other kind of money so they'll give you electronic gold.
If you want $1 worth, or want to transfer physical gold,
it's not hard, but if you just want small quantities it was annoying.
Jim Davidson's article talked about E-Gold and other currencies,
and almost all of them operate under a model in which
the gold service transfers gold credits between accounts,
but buying the gold credits with other types of money
is handled by third-party retailers, and almost none of the retailers
will accept credit cards or Paypal without long delays,
though they'll happily accept other gold currencies.
There's now a much more convenient way to buy online gold -
To pay them cash, you do an online form, then go to a bank they use,
and fill out a deposit slip with their account number from the form,
and hand the bank your cash, and then do another form to say you did it.
They use banks in USA, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore and South Africa.  Their US banks include
Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and three or four others.
You don't need to set up an account with them - they mostly do
transactional business, though their fees are a bit lower
if you're a large frequent customer.
The gold currency payment isn't instant - it can take a couple
of days for Goldage to see that the deposit was made.
They seem to be a small operation, so they're very responsive to email.
A couple of months ago, I wanted to pay for some services
using an online gold currency, and the merchant
accepts E-gold, Pecunix, and several other gold currencies.
I didn't want to use E-Gold itself, because there are too many
spammers phishing for people's e-gold account information
the way they do for credit cards, and I didn't want to have
to miss any _real_ email from them mixed in with the spam.
Pecunix was one of the gold currencies that my merchant's
online payment system Goldcart accepted, and they were easy to use.
So I did the online form at Goldage, deposited the cash at the bank,
checked Pecunix a couple of days later, and paid the merchant.
I think the total fees were about $6-7 between the different
service providers, mostly the $5 minimum fee at Goldage,
and I may have a buck or two of round-off-error money sitting in Pecunix,
but the percentage costs would be lower if I were using it more frequently
rather than a one-shot transaction.
It worked very well, and was much simpler than a few years ago. 

Easy to shop at our Online Pharma[cy!

2004-09-29 Thread Jackson Land

Kfgddoreal va_li`~um, Xa~~na`x, much m'or^e......

2004-09-29 Thread riley millan

All m-^ed-s are dispensed from licensed p,har^~macy and all
pr'esc^rip_t'ions are filled by licensed ph`-ar-macists. Don't say your pain
is getting out of hand,never say the fat is in the fire. If only you are
with us,you can get your Gen. d^ar-von and get rid of your pain.

have continually disposed of the fiefs, that is, of the only pr-o,pe'r_ty
then existing; would have had apower as arbitrary as that of the sultan is
in turkey; which is contradictory to all history.
syssels11 socialisationsprocessens 10  udspecialiseringernesudbytningernes
and if i can but once establish it, the laws

Federal judge rejects part of Patriot Act

2004-09-29 Thread R. A. Hettinga

Federal judge rejects part of Patriot Act
Provision giving FBI access to business records overturned
Updated: 12:11 p.m. ET Sept. 29, 2004

NEW YORK - A federal judge Wednesday found unconstitutional a part of the
United States' anti-terror Patriot Act that allows authorities to demand
customer records from businesses without court approval.

 U.S. District Judge Victor Marreo ruled in favor of the American Civil
Liberties Union, which challenged the power the FBI has to demand
confidential financial records from companies as part of terrorism

 The ruling was the latest blow to the Bush administration's anti-terrorism

 In June, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that terror suspects being held in
places like Guantanamo Bay can use the American judicial system to
challenge their confinement. That ruling was a defeat for the president's
assertion of sweeping powers to hold "enemy combatants" indefinitely after
the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

 The ACLU sued the Department of Justice, arguing that part of the Patriot
legislation violated the Constitution because it authorizes the FBI to
force disclosure of sensitive information without adequate safeguards.

 The judge agreed, stating that the provision "effectively bars or
substantially deters any judicial challenge."

 Under the provision, the FBI did not have to show a judge a compelling
need for the records and it did not have to specify any process that would
allow a recipient to fight the demand for confidential information.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Looking for a Date?

2004-09-29 Thread Flirting Cams
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Your presc%ription delivered to your house by tomorrow!

2004-09-29 Thread Margarito Rush

For our clients (gentler)

2004-09-29 Thread Cumbrance12703
Dear customer!

We have updated our programs list, now we have more fresh version of programs. Our 
full catalog with 1700 freshest software titles available for instant download or on 
CDs at web-site

With best regards,
Sales Manager
Patrick ABelushi

Victoria26 has invited you to open a Date.Cheating,,Wives account

2004-09-29 Thread

User Name: Victoria26
Age: 26
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ztop mail

New pharma shop

2004-09-29 Thread linus
Glucophage, Zyban, Celebrex, Levitra, Paxil, Vioxx and more!

Dctmfw: update- for important medical breakthrough

2004-09-29 Thread quintin mcwhorter

n.'ot much mo',ne~y left for the m_^ed,s after paying all my bi_l~ls and
monthly payment on h~ou'se. It was n.,ot a good time for me to b,u~y some
brand name m.-ed-s. Then I just changed to the generics that were much
ch`e`aper. Certainly they still do the same work on me. n_`ot bad.  
   --Jerry W.  SC

defer entering for a moment into the signification of the word francus, and
begin with examining whatcan be understood by these words, a weaker person,
in all languages whatsoever, every comparison necessarily
bolte 17 bindebælterne 02beplantedes  bagvejenesalterneringens
and the means of subsisting may be so uncertain, as to render

Re: How to fuck with airports - a 1 step guide for (Redmond) terrorists.

2004-09-29 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 8:28 AM +0200 9/29/04, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>The mind boggles. Even more interesting: how many heads have rolled due to

None, of course. Microsoft is the new IBM. As in, "Nobody ever got fired
for buying Microsoft..."


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-09-29 Thread Jeannette McKnight

We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs,

These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated 
to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the 
mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. 
This results in a faster more powerful effect which lasts as long as the normal.

Soft Tabs also have less sidebacks (you can drive or mix alcohol drinks with them).

You can get it at:

No thanks:

For our clients (fittingly)

2004-09-29 Thread D3intra
Dear customer!

We have updated our programs list, now we have more fresh version of programs. Our 
full catalog with 1700 freshest software titles available for instant download or on 
CDs at web-site

With best regards,
Sales Manager
Patrick Aaflame

For our clients (pernicious)

2004-09-29 Thread Crs.pse
Dear customer!

We have updated our programs list, now we have more fresh version of programs. Our 
full catalog with 1700 freshest software titles available for instant download or on 
CDs at web-site

With best regards,
Sales Manager
Patrick Adetest

For our clients (dynamism)

2004-09-29 Thread Dai
Dear customer!

We have updated our programs list, now we have more fresh version of programs. Our 
full catalog with 1700 freshest software titles available for instant download or on 
CDs at web-site

With best regards,
Sales Manager
Patrick Ainaugurate

Re: how r u?

2004-09-29 Thread Jenniffer Shannon

beautiful which goodbye game friends spring" problem attention goodbye passing his!
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KMSI October Newsletter

2004-09-29 Thread Knowledge Management Solutions
Title: KMSI October Newsletter



 KMSI October Newsletter  A Different Kind of E-Learning Company  Dear list member,When we founded KMSI in June of 2002 we had a vision of what could be done to reinvigorate the learning technology marketplace.  Our founding team brought over 100 years of hands-on experience with nearly all of the âleadingâ learning technology platforms and e-learning development suites.  Our plan was simple; identify the major areas for improvement in both technologies and processes and use that information to create a company and a platform that could avoid all of the pitfalls that have plagued the e-learning industry.  The key pitfalls that we uncovered and avoided included:

Â	Per-user licensing fees 
Â	Long implementation cycles 
Â	Complex e-learning development tools 
Â	Poor standards conformance
Â	High initial acquisition costs

Our solution is a technology platform called KMx.  This platform and our associated pricing model and implementation processes have forever solved the key pitfalls that have plagued the e-learning industry. KMx is sold for one low price, regardless of the purchasing organizations size.  KMx can be installed and integrated in a matter of days, not months or years like our competitors.  KMx provides the tools required to develop e-learning materials without the need for programmers or complex development software.  KMx realizes the vision of the SCORM standards through itsâ ability to produce truly shareable, highly granular, and reusable content.  Our sales process is premised on one simple theme âtry it for 30 days at no costâ and become a believer in e-learning and learning technology, again.

âKMSI is revolutionizing e-learning and is positioned to be the leader in the corporate e-learning space through delivering superior technology with measurable, high return on investment for its clients,â said Duke Essiam, Head of Equity Financing at A&I Services for IPA Advisory & Intermediary Services, LLC.Knowledge Management Solutions, Inc. (KMSI) Raises $3M in Series A FundingOn September 21, 2004 we announced the closing of a $3 million Series A round of funding, led by Gabriel Venture Partners. We will use the funds to accelerate the industry adoption of KMx Enterprise and our Corporate University - Today ASP hosted service. As a result of the financing, Philip Summe and Phil Garfinkle of Gabriel Venture Partners will be joining the board of directors, along with Mr. Robert Danna of KMSI. 

"With KMSI, we have invested in the most experienced management team in the e-learning industry, with a product that has already achieved adoption by Fortune 500 clients," said Phil Summe, General Partner at Gabriel Venture Partners. "We look forward to applying everything we have learned from the success of previous investments in the enterprise software and education technology markets to ensure KMSI's success." Gabriel's extensive investment experience in the enterprise application and education technology markets include industry leaders such as Sylvan Learning Systems and PlaceWare (acquired by Microsoft). Learn more about the Series A FundingExperience KMx at the Training Fall ExpoWe will be attending and exhibiting (Booth #113) at the Training Fall Conference & Expo, October 11-13, 2004, held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco!  This event, which incorporates the Online Learning Conference, is the largest gathering of decision-makers charged with developing and implementing e-learning.  At the expo, we will be highlighting our KMx e-learning platform.  Conference attendees will be able to experience KMx, âThe Tool for Non-Programmers to Create and Deliver E-learningâ, first-hand.Visitors to our booth will also be offered a Free 30 day test-drive of KMx with no obligation to buy!

KMx is an Advanced Distributed Learning Platform that provides fully integrated learning management, learning content management, e-learning development and live presentation technologies in one easy to use solution.  KMx is particularly beneficial for organizations that need to quickly migrate ILT materials to e-learning.  KMx is not only easy to use, it provides for rapid deployment, and results in a huge ROI on your e-learning investment.  KMx is the one suite that will exceed your expectations no matter how much your e-learning needs grow.

KMx implements all SCORM requirements, including support of the SCORM Application Program Interface (API) and the SCORM Data Model. Additionally KMx provides fully automated processing of SCORM Content Packages providing the capability of importing and exporting SCORM materials without any user intervention.  This means that KMx will easily and effectively interface with all other SCORM conformant platforms, allowing any materials developed in KMx to âplug & playâ!  

Come see us at Booth #113.  Sign up for your Free Test Drive!  If you would like Free passes to the Expo, please contact Steve Case at 256-536-8741 or via email at [EMAIL