2005-05-09 Thread Lacey
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The former general known as Chemical Ali, notorious for allegedly gassing 
thousands of Kurds, looked haggard and leaned on a cane in a court Saturday as 
Iraq (news - web sites)'s U.S.-backed government speeded the pace of legal 
proceedings against Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s henchmen before next 
month's critical elections.
The appearance of both Ali Hassan al-Majid and Saddam's last defense minister 
Gen. Sultan Hashim Ahmad before a tribunal of judges were the first in a series 
of interrogatory hearings that were made public, in preparation for eventual 
full trials of Iraq's one-time leaders. The session was closed to the press.
Al-Majid appeared haggard in a video released after the interrogation. The 
gray-haired first cousin of Saddam leaned on a walking stick before sitting in 
front of a judge behind a desk.
Ahmad stared blankly at the ground as police officers stood on either side of 
him holding his arms. Ahmad, a thickly set man with black mustache, later 
smiled broadly to others in the hearing room.
A defense lawyer who attended the hearings said Ahmad spent four hours at the 
tribunal, with the questions focused on charges regarding attacks on Kurds and 
the Anfal campaign, a depopulation scheme that killed and expelled hundreds of 
thousands of Kurds from northern Iraq during the 1980s. Ahmad is said to have 
led the Iraqi Army's 1st Corps into the Anfal campaign.
I have been a military officer for 40 years and have never been punished. It's 
unfortunate that I have to sit like this before the court with the Americans 
sitting behind me, Ahmad told the judge, according to the lawyer, who declined 
to be identified.
U.S. Embassy spokesman Bob Callahan declined to say if American officials were 
Interim Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said Tuesday that detained Saddam 
regime figures would start appearing before court in the coming week pressing 
ahead with the trials ahead of crucial national elections set for Jan. 30.
The timing was apparently to remind voters of the brutality they endured before 
the Americans ousted the dictatorship. The Iraqis will vote for a transitional 
assembly that will write a permanent constitution.
Insurgents renewed attacks across northern Iraq, targeting election offices, 
executing two civilians and wounding four American security contractors in a 
roadside bomb attack. An Iraqi militant group also claimed responsibility in a 
video posted on an Islamic Internet site for the Dec. 8 killing of two U.S. 
The Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned insurgents who on Friday ambushed a 
Turkish diplomatic convoy and killed five Turkish security guards attached to 
Ankara's embassy in Baghdad and two of their Iraqi drivers in Mosul, 225 miles 
northwest of Baghdad.
Three other Turks escaped the ambush to safety, including the embassy's defense 
attache who was wounded and taken to a U.S. military hospital, according to a 
Foreign Ministry statement issued Saturday. The statement said U.S. forces 
reportedly killed at least one militant.
In Mosul, insurgents detonated a roadside bomb near a U.S. military patrol, 
injuring no soldiers but hitting a school bus. One eighth grade student was 
killed and six were wounded, the military said in a statement.
Iraq's insurgency appears to be consolidating in the country's north following 
intensive U.S.-led military operations in central and western Iraq aimed at 
uprooting militants, comprising mainly Islamic extremists and Saddam loyalists.
The latest violence coincided with the commencement of judicial proceedings of 
al-Majid and Ahmad for their alleged roles in an array of crimes committed 
during Saddam's 1968-2003 reign.
The videos were the first images of the men since their arraignment in July 
along with Saddam and the other detainees. Both wore gray-colored suits and 
white shirts without ties and arrived at the tribunal handcuffed and flanked by 
blue uniformed police.
They are the first known to have gone before an investigative hearing from 
among the 12 jailed top figures who, including Saddam, are facing trial for 
crimes during the regime's three decades in power.
Both were questioned by a panel of investigative judges in a hearing attended 
by their lawyers, said Raad al-Juhyi, the head of the panel.
The role of the judges during these hearings is to interrogate the detainees 
and gather evidence for possible charges to be laid against them, including 
Saddam, followed by eventual criminal trials.
Al-Juhyi said the defendants will face questioning over Saddam's Anfal 
campaign, a depopulation scheme that killed and expelled hundreds of thousands 
of Kurds from northern Iraq during the 

Re: [anonymity] Chapeer Flash MX 2004 rewinds ping

2004-09-29 Thread Natalee Lacey
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2004-06-05 Thread Lacey Downing

Some suspect it is a stray exotic 
pet because it seems to like being around people. But the feeling is generally 
not mutual



Fulton is looking at eight 
fires in the past two weeks over a broad area, Smith said. We're not sure if 
it's even arson.


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They appear to have been set 
by the same person or people, Anderson said.

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Forsyth's fires have been in vacant buildings, large 
commercial Dumpsters and vehicles, he said

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 a look 


A string of 20 or more suspicious fires across north 
Fulton and Forsyth counties in the past two weeks may be the work of the same 
person or people

No Thanks

This one appears tame, Smith said, 
but could be dangerous because wild animals are unpredictable. People should not 
approach it, nor should they run away from the animal since that could provoke a 
chase. The best thing to do is ignore it, keep away from it and call the 
authorities, he g to tales circulating the wooded neighborhood off, the animal 
walked up to a man as he was swinging his toddler in the back yard. The cat is 
said to have lunged at the child. As the story goes, the man fended it off with 
a chair, his wife grabbed their child, and they ran into the house. The cat sat 
on their back deck for a while looking in, just like at the In another tale on a 
different street, a teenage baby sitter was at the backyard pool with an 
8-year-old boy and his cousin. The cat sneaked up on them from behind, and she 
jumped into the pool with the boy. They swam to the other side, but it followed 
them. They all ran into the house, and the cat sat looking in the door.


2003-11-24 Thread Lacey Green
Title: P01

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Does this headline look familiar? Of course
it does. You most likely have just seen this story recently featured on
a major nightly news program (USA). And reported elsewhere in the world.
His mother was cleaning and putting laundry away when she came across a
large brown paper bag that was suspiciously buried beneath some clothes
and a skateboard in the back of her 15-year-old sons closet. Nothing could
have prepared her for the shock she got when she opened the bag and found
it was full of cash. Five-Dollar Bills, Twenties, Fifties and Hundreds
- all neatly rubber-banded in labelled piles.
"My first thought was that he had robbed a bank",
says the 41-year-old woman, "There was over $71,000 Dollars in that bag
-- that's more than my husband earns in a year".
The woman immediately called her husband at the car-dealership
where he worked to tell him what she had discovered. He came home right
away, and they drove together to the boys school, and picked him up. Little
did they suspect that where the money came from, was more shocking than
actually finding it in the closet.
As it turns out, the boy had been sending out, via
E-mail, a type of "Report" to E-mail addresses that he obtained off the
Internet. Everyday after school for the past 2 months, he had been doing
this right on his computer in his bedroom.
"I just got the E-mail one day and I figured what
the heck, I put my name on it like the instructions said and I started
sending it out", says the clever 15-year-old.
The E-mail letter listed 5 addresses and contained
instructions to send one $5 dollar bill to each person on the list, then
delete the address at the bottom and move the others addresses Down , and
finally to add your name to the top of the list.
The letter goes on to state that you would receive
Several Thousand Dollars in Five-Dollar Bills within 2 weeks if you sent
out the letter with your name at the top of the 5-address list. "I get
junk E-mail all the time, and really did not think it was going to work",
the boy continues.
Within the first few days of sending out the E-mail,
the Post Office Box that his parents had gotten him for his video-game
magazine subscriptions began to fill up with not with magazines, but envelopes
containing $5 Bills.
"About a week later I rode [my bike] down to the
post office and my box had 1 magazine and about 300 envelops stuffed in
it. There was also a yellow slip that said I had to go up to the [post
office] counter. I thought I was in trouble or something (laughs)". He
goes on, "I went up to the counter and they had a whole box of more mail
for me. I had to ride back home and empty out my backpack because I could
not carry it all". Over the next few weeks, the boy continued sending out
the E-mail."The money just kept coming in and I just kept sorting it and
stashing it in the closet, barely had time for my homework".He had also
been riding his bike to several of the banks in his area and exchanging
the $5 bills for twenties, fifties and hundreds.
"I didn't want the banks to get suspicious so I kept
riding to different banks with like five thousand at a time in my backpack.
I would usually tell the lady at the bank counter that my dad had sent
me in to exchange the money and he was outside waiting for me.One time
the lady gave me a really strange look and told me that she would not be
able to do it for me and my dad would have to come in and do it, but I
just rode to the next bank down the street (laughs)." Surprisingly, the
boy did not have any reason to be afraid.The reporting news team examined
and investigated the so-called "chain-letter" the boy was sending out and
found that it was not a chain-letter at all.In fact, it was completely
legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18, Section 1302 and
1341, or Title 18, Section 3005 in the US code, also in the code of federal
regulations, Volume 16, Sections 255 and 436, which state a product or
service must be exchanged for money received.
Every five-dollar bill that he received contained
a little note 

Re: XUSYV, her arms around

2003-11-18 Thread Lacey

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2003-10-16 Thread Lacey Manuel






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