Confirm your interest !!

2003-11-25 Thread Hon.Larabas Habeeb
  Dear friend,
  English & French

It is my pleasure and honour to contact you. Permit me to introduce myself to you: I 
am Mr. Larabas JOUMANI the Minister of Transport in the Democratic Republic of Sahara 
(A tiny Island in the Desert).  
Being a government official in my country I allotted a contract of irrigation to a 
Portuguese company worth several million of dollars. In the implementation of this 
project the Portuguese company discovered a gold layer on one of the sites. Having 
collaborated with the Portuguese company I received as a compensation of the sum of 
US$45.000.000 (forty five million dollars). 
As a minister I cannot transfer this sum by using the traditional banking circuit from 
my country because of its obsolete system . Moreover my monthly salary is not more 
than US$800.
Thus, the above situation warrant my decision to request your assistance in order to 
entrust the afore mentioned sum to y our care. Your compensation will be 10% of the 
total sum which is US$4.500.000. 

Contact me once you receive this mail via my e-mail, in order to know if you are 
available to carry out this business operation. Upon your interest to collaborate with 
me do send me your detailed contact information to enable us open contact and give you 
further details. It is necessary that this business keeps a confidential character. 
Sincere greetings.
Mr. Larabas JOUMANI
Western Sahara


Cher Frère,

C’est pour moi un plaisir et honneur de vous contacter. Permettez moi de me présenter: 
Je suis le ministre de transport M. Larabas JOUMANI de la République Démocratique 
Saharienne. Etant un officiel  du Gouvernement de mon  pays j’ai attribué un contrat 
d’irrigation à une société Portugaise de plusieurs millions de dollars.
Dans l’exécution de ce projet la société Portugaise a découvert un gisement d’or sur 
un des sites. Ayant collaboré avec la société Portugaise j’ai reçu en guise de 
compensation la somme de 45.000.000us$ (Quarante cinq millions de dollars). En tant 
que ministre je ne peut transférer cette somme en utilisant le circuit bancaire 
traditionnel de mon pays. De plus mon traitement mensuel n’excède pas 800us$.
J’ai donc pris la décision de solliciter votre aide afin de vous confier ladite somme. 
Votre gain s’élèvera à 10% de la somme totale soit 4.500.000us$ . Prenez contact avec 
moi dès la réception de ce courrier via mon e-mail, afin de savoir si vous êtes 
disponibles pour réaliser cette affaire. Si oui je vous pris de me transmettre votre 
coordonnées de contact pour qu’on entre en contact et vous donnée plus des détailles. 
Il est nécessaire que cette affaire garde un caractère confidentiel.
Sincères salutations.
M. Larabas JOUMANI
Western Sahara

Please CONFIRM your interest re: info for you.

2003-01-08 Thread Rupesh

THANK YOU for taking a minute to open my mail. My name is Rupesh and I live in London. 

You are receiving this letter because you have expressed an interest in receiving 
information about online business opportunities. If this is erroneous then please 
accept my most sincere apology.  This is a one-time mailing, so removal is NOT 
necessary. (See FULL Disclaimer at bottom). Your email address will NOT be sold or 
passed on. 

This ingenious plan teaches you to build 15 monthly streams of income from 15 
Companies but by ONLY promoting ONE website address!

This opportunity is suitable for ABSOLUTE beginners and also experienced marketeers. 
It is available Worldwide to anyone!

The Company is stable, reputable, successful and known by everyone in the Internet 
world. They are known by many as the 'Microsoft' of Internet businesses.



* Promote 15 Different Traffic Generation Programs With  One URL (One Site)

* Develop Residual Income From These 15 Different  Programs

* Get 100,000 Targeted Leads Daily From These Programs

* Use These 100,000 Leads For Your Favorite Business  Opportunity (MLM Or Other)

* Ingenious Coordinated Program Maximizes Your Income

* Slash Your Daily Online Time To One Hour Or Less

* STOP Wasting Your Time & Money 

* START Marketing The Right Way & Enjoying Life Again


Hello, my name is Rupesh Dutta, and I am a full-time  internet marketer. You can reach 
me anytime at: 

44-207-732-7367 (London : GMT) or at:

If you want to discover the REAL truth about internet  marketing, go to:

Read that entire page thoroughly, click on the link at  the bottom of that page, and 
buy the eBook which WILL  change your life and the way you market on the internet. 

It comes with a money back guarantee! With very few exceptions, virtually  everything 
we are told to do about internet marketing is  a LIE. 

I finally got fed up with getting either NO results or  POOR results from following 
all the "advice". I finally  got fed up spending all day and all night on the  
internet getting NOWHERE. I finally got fed up spending  money on marketing which does 
not work. And I bet YOU  are fed up as well if you are already involved with something.

In fact, we ALL have been wasting hundreds of hours and  thousands of dollars because 
the so-called internet  "gurus" have not been giving us the whole story.

.Up until now, that is.

I now am marketing much more efficiently AND effectively  because I found someone who 
has dared to tell the TRUTH  about the internet and internet marketing. He has dared  
to expose how the big boys of internet marketing do it.


The eBook, "Secrets Of The Big Dogs!", blows the lid off  all the LIES we are told 
about online marketing. It  tells you exactly what you MUST do IF you want to  develop 
a steady and consistent, income with your  computer from the comfort of your own home. 

It tells you exactly what you MUST do to get real,  qualified internet leads and real, 
qualified internet  traffic.

"Secrets Of The Big Dogs!" has an ingenious way to  promote only ONE site (ONE URL) 
that will steadily grow  15 different income streams for you ALL at the SAME time  AND 
that will drive traffic to your web site. 

Think about that. No more posting different ads for  different programs. No more 
emailing different ads for  different programs. No more spending hours and hours on  
the internet trying to find "the holy grail" that  finally works.


"Secrets Of The Big Dogs!" has done all the research and  testing to find the best 
residual income programs out  there AND to put them together in a way to maximize the  
income benefits to YOU. You promote one URL to get 15  different income streams AND 
100,000 targeted leads  EVERYDAY to use for your business or favorite program. 

You spend  one hour OR LESS each day on the internet  with this coordinated 
program.Think about THAT. You  spend one hour or less everyday on the internet, you 
get  residual income from 15 coordinated programs, AND you  get 100,000 targeted leads 
everyday to use for your  favorite business program. 

Finally, you get PAID for generating traffic instead of paying for worthless ads, 
emails, search engine "help",  etc. 


So stop wasting your time and money on things that do  not work and will never work. 
Do what the internet Big  Dogs do. Check this out right now at: 


If you are tired of the false promises and hype, if you  are tired of wasting your 
time and money just to get  lousy res

Please CONFIRM your interest re: info for you.

2003-01-01 Thread Rupesh
Dear Friend

THANK YOU for taking a minute to open my mail. My name is Rupesh and I live in London. 
A Very Happy New Year to you!

You are receiving this letter because you have expressed an interest in receiving 
information about online business opportunities. If this is erroneous then please 
accept my most sincere apology. This is a one-time mailing, so removal is NOT 
necessary. (See FULL Disclaimer at bottom). Your email address will NOT be sold or 
passed on. 

This ingenious plan teaches you to build 15 
monthly streams of income from 15 Companies
but by ONLY promoting ONE website address!

This opportunity is suitable for ABSOLUTE
beginners and also experienced marketeers.
It is available Worldwide to anyone!

The Company is stable, reputable, successful 
and known by everyone in the Internet world.
They are known by many as the 'Microsoft'
of Internet businesses.


* Promote 15 Different Traffic Generation Programs With  One URL (One Site)

* Develop Residual Income From These 15 Different  Programs

* Get 100,000 Targeted Leads Daily From These Programs

* Use These 100,000 Leads For Your Favorite Business  Opportunity (MLM Or Other)

* Ingenious Coordinated Program Maximizes Your Income

* Slash Your Daily Online Time To One Hour Or Less

* STOP Wasting Your Time & Money 

* START Marketing The Right Way & Enjoying Life Again


Hello, my name is Rupesh Dutta, and I am a full-time  internet marketer. You can reach 
me anytime at: 

44-207-732-7367 (London : GMT) or at:

If you want to discover the REAL truth about internet  marketing, go to:

Read that entire page thoroughly, click on the link at  the bottom of that page, and 
buy the eBook which WILL  change your life and the way you market on the internet. 

It comes with a money back guarantee! With very few exceptions, virtually  everything 
we are told to do about internet marketing is  a LIE. 

I finally got fed up with getting either NO results or  POOR results from following 
all the "advice". I finally  got fed up spending all day and all night on the  
internet getting NOWHERE. I finally got fed up spending  money on marketing which does 
not work. And I bet YOU  are fed up as well if you are already involved with something.

In fact, we ALL have been wasting hundreds of hours and  thousands of dollars because 
the so-called internet  "gurus" have not been giving us the whole story.

.Up until now, that is.

I now am marketing much more efficiently AND effectively  because I found someone who 
has dared to tell the TRUTH  about the internet and internet marketing. He has dared  
to expose how the big boys of internet marketing do it.


The eBook, "Secrets Of The Big Dogs!", blows the lid off  all the LIES we are told 
about online marketing. It  tells you exactly what you MUST do IF you want to  develop 
a steady and consistent, income with your  computer from the comfort of your own home. 

It tells you exactly what you MUST do to get real,  qualified internet leads and real, 
qualified internet  traffic.

"Secrets Of The Big Dogs!" has an ingenious way to  promote only ONE site (ONE URL) 
that will steadily grow  15 different income streams for you ALL at the SAME time  AND 
that will drive traffic to your web site. 

Think about that. No more posting different ads for  different programs. No more 
emailing different ads for  different programs. No more spending hours and hours on  
the internet trying to find "the holy grail" that  finally works.


"Secrets Of The Big Dogs!" has done all the research and  testing to find the best 
residual income programs out  there AND to put them together in a way to maximize the  
income benefits to YOU. You promote one URL to get 15  different income streams AND 
100,000 targeted leads  EVERYDAY to use for your business or favorite program. 

You spend  one hour OR LESS each day on the internet  with this coordinated 
program.Think about THAT. You  spend one hour or less everyday on the internet, you 
get  residual income from 15 coordinated programs, AND you  get 100,000 targeted leads 
everyday to use for your  favorite business program. 

Finally, you get PAID for generating traffic instead of paying for worthless ads, 
emails, search engine "help",  etc. 


So stop wasting your time and money on things that do  not work and will never work. 
Do what the internet Big  Dogs do. Check this out right now at: 


If you are tired of the false promises and hype, if you  are tired of wasting your 