2003-11-18 Thread JOHN KOMALO

With warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope
This letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you to
Receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally.

However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction,
which I propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity.

My name is John komalo, the son of stephen komalo,One of the most popular farmers from 
Zimbabwe, who was murdered in the Land dispute in my country.

As led by my instinct, I decided to contact you through email, after
searching for Contacts via the internet, as it is the only means I can
contact anybody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for now. I
apologize if this is not acceptable to you.

The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance in a
Business venture. Due to the land and political problems in Zimbabwe,
and President Robert Mugabe's introduction of new Land Act Reform
wholly affecting the rich white farmers and the few rich black farmers, all white 
farmers were asked to surrender their farms to the Government for re-distribution and 
infact to his political party members and my Father though black was the treasury of 
the farmers association and a strong Member of an opposition party that did not 
support the president's idea.

He then ordered his party members and the police under his pay row to
invade my father's farm and burn down everything in the farm. They
killed my father and took away a lot of items from his farm.

After the death of my father, our local pastor and a close friend of my
father handed us over will documents with instructions from my father
That we should leave Zimbabwe incase anything happen to him.

The will documents have a certificate of deposit, Airway bill confirming cash Deposit 
totalling Twelve million five hundred thousand united state
dollars. [$12.5m] kept in custody for us in a security company deposited as personal 

This money was deposited with this Private Security Company for Safety and security 
reasons, and was to be used for the purchase Of land, new machines and chemicals 
establishment of new farms in Botswana.

This violent and barbaric act by Mugabe has since led to the death of
my beloved mother and kid sister and other innocent lives.

I was continually threatened to abandon my inheritance from my father
after he was murdered. I resisted for a while, but when the danger
became unbearable, and I survived two murder attempts, I fled Zimbabwe
with the help of my father's close friend Mr. John Casannas from
Australia also a farmer who was leaving in Zimbabwe with us but left
with his family following this ugly development I have tried to reach
him but all to no avail.

I am currently staying in the Netherlands where I am seeking political
asylum. In fact my decision to come here to seek asylum, is because
the security company from South Africa, has a branch here, I have
contacted them to move the safe deposit from their office in
Johannesburg to The affiliate office here in Amsterdam The Netherlands
which they are waiting further directives from me before they effect
the movement.

I need to transfer this money to an account and invest part of the
Money. Since the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (Asylum
Seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any financial
Transaction, this is why I am seeking a genuine and reliable Partner, whose account 
this money can be transferred after the consignment must have been duely transferred 
from South Africa, hence your involvement in this venture.

You have to understand that this decision taken by me is a very big
And brave one, and it entrusts my future in your hands, as a result of
the safe keeping of this money.

If you accept to assist me, all I want you to do for me, is to assist
with arrangements to claim the deposit from the security company from
their office here in The Netherlands, as it has now been transferred
from Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch here. The company will
be legally informed of you representing me.

For your assistance, I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose
to have 20% of the money for your assistance, and helping me open an
account for the money to be deposited here, or you can go into partnership with me for 
the proper profitable investment of the money
in your country.

Whichever the option you want, please to notify me in your reply.
I have also set aside 1 % of the total sum $12.5M for all kinds of
Expenses that come our way in the process of this transaction, and 4%
For Charity donation. If you prefer to accept the 20% for your moral
and financial assistance then the balance will be left in the account
here for me.

Please note that this 1% is not with me at the moment but shall be
deducted from the total sum as soon as the money finally  hits your
nominated account.

Finally  I want you to maintain absolute secrecy for the purpose of
this transaction.

I look f


2003-11-03 Thread willy 001

I am DR UGO WILLIAMS , Deputy secretary to the Nigerian Football 
Association, parent body of the World Youths Championship, Nigeria 99'Local 
Organizing Committee, an affiliate of Federation of International 
Football Association (FIFA).

In the course of our preparation to host the World Youth Soccer 
Championship Tagged (Nig99) early last four years, huge sum of money running 
into millions of United States Dollars was budgeted by the then Military 
Government for the successful organization of this competition.

In the same vein, FIFA via its President, Mr. Joseph (SEPP) Blatter, 
made millions of dollars available for the same project, not to talk of 
Corporate Organizations and Football loving individuals who made huge 

However, in my capacity as the deputy secretary, to both the Local 
Organizing Committee (LOC), and the Nigerian Football Association(NFA), 
I,along with two of my colleagues in sensitive positions were able to 
over-invoice most contracts, which were awarded for the construction and 
the refurbishing of the 8 stadia used for the competition. The 
contractors who handled these projects have been paid-off.

It is pertinent to note that a total sum of thirty-two million United 
States Dollars(US$32,000,000.00) was realized as over-invoice after the 
successful completion of the project. This over-invoiced sum is lying 
in my organization's (NFA) suspense account with the Central Bank of 
Nigeria (CBN), ready for transfer into the beneficiarys account oversea, 
waiting for the appropriate opportunity to do so. In this years (2003) 
budget speech, the new Civilian President has ordered that all foreign 
contractors debts should be paid in order to boost more Foreign 
investors into Nigeria. On this note, I have been unanimously mandated by my 
two colleagues to seek an honest and trustworthy Foreigner who will 
assist in ensuring the successful transfer of the above sum into a 
personal/company account since the Nigerian code of conduct does not allow us 
(Civil servants) to operate foreign accounts.

It is pertinent also to let you know that 30% of the total fund will be 
for you, while 10% will be used to settle any expenses that might be 
incurred by both parties and the remaining 60% will be for us (my 
colleagues and I) to be invested in your country. We have chosen you /your 
company to benefit with us in this transaction due to the respect your 
country commands here.

These are the necessary requirements we needed from you to complete 
this transaction:
1. Your bank Name, contact address and your account number where the 
money will be remitted.
2.Your bank telex, fax and telephone numbers.
3.Your personal phone/fax numbers for easy communication.
The above-mentioned particulars will be used to write LETTER OF CLAIM
on behalf of your company from my ministry as the beneficiary of the 
You might be surprised and curious of an offer like this, be rest 
assured that the modalities and logistics towards the successful transfer of 
this fund has been worked out. All we require from you is your 
co-operation. This transaction is risk free.
We kindly request that you accord it the highest level of secrecy it 
Your swift response will be highly appreciated.
Best regards,


Charle con sus amigos online usando CHAT 123


2003-09-27 Thread MR PETER KUMARZ ZHIRI

Good Day,

with warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope
this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you to
receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally. However, I
am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I
propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity.

My name is PETER KUMARZ, the son of ZHIRI , a farmer
from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by
my instinct, I decided to contact you through email, after searching for contacts via 
the internet, as it is the only means I can contact
anybody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for now. I
apologize if this is not acceptable to you.

The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance in a
business venture. Due to the land and political problems in
Zimbabwe, as a result of President Robert Mugabe's introduction of new
Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and the few
rich black farmers, all white farmers were asked to
surrender their farms to the government for re-distribution and infact to his 
political party members and my father though black was the treasury of the farmers 
association and a strong member of an opposition party that did not support the 
president's idea.

He then ordered his party members and the police under his pay row to invade my 
father's farm and burn down everything in the farm. They killed my
father and took away a lot of items from his farm.

After the death of my father, our local pastor and a close friend of my father handed 
us over will documents with instructions from my father that we should leave Zimbabwe 
incase anything happen to him. The will documents has a certificate of deposit, 
confirming a cash deposit totaling Fifteen million five hundred thousand united state 
dollars. [15.5m] Kept in custody for us in a security company unknown
to the company that the content is money hence it was deposited as personal 
belongings. This money was deposited with this Private Security Company for safety and 
security reasons, and was to be used for the purchase of land, new machines and 
chemicals establishment of new farms in Botswana.

This violent and barbaric act by Mugabe has since led to the death of
my beloved mother and kid sister and other innocent lives.

I was continually threatened to abandon my inheritance from my father
after he was murdered. I resisted for a while, but when the danger
became unbearable, and I survived two murder attempts, I fled Zimbabwe
with the help of my father's close friend Mr. John Casahans from
Australia also a farmer who was leaving in Zimbabwe with us but left
with his family following this ugly development I have tried to reach him but all to 
no avail.

I am currently staying in the Netherlands where I am seeking political
asylum. In fact my decision to come here to seek asylum, is because
the security company from South Africa, has a branch here, I have
contacted them to move the safe deposit from their office in Johannesburg here, which 
they have since done.

I need to transfer this money to an account and invest part of the
money. Since the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum
seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any financial
transaction, this is why I am seeking a genuine and reliable
partner, whose account this money can be transferred, hence this proposal to you.

You have to understand that this decision taken by me is a very big
and brave one, and it entrusts my future in your hands, as a result of
the safe keeping of this money.

If you accept to assist me, all I want you to do for me, is to assist
with arrangements to claim the deposit from the security company from
their office here in The Netherlands, as it has now been transferred
from Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch here. The company will
be legally informed of you representing me.

For your assistance, I have two options for you. Firstly you can
choose to have 20% of the money for your assistance, and helping me open an account 
for the money to be deposited here, or you can go into
partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money
in your country. Whichever the option you want, please to notify me in
your reply.

I have also set aside 1 % of this money for all kinds of
expenses that come our way in the process of this transaction, and 4%
for Charity donation. If you prefer to accept the 20% for
your moral and financial assistance then the balance will be left
in the account here for me.

Please, I want you to maintain absolute secrecy for the purpose of
this transaction.

Your reply should be sent to my private email address only


I look forward to your reply and co-operation, and I thank you in
advance as I anticipate your co-operation.





2003-08-28 Thread benjamin nwafor

I am DR BENJAMIN NWAFOR , Deputy secretary to the Nigerian Football Association, 
parent body of the World Youths Championship, Nigeria 99'Local Organizing Committee, 
an affiliate of Federation of International Football Association (FIFA).
In the course of our preparation to host the World Youth Soccer Championship Tagged 
(Nig99) early last four years, huge sum of money running into millions of United 
States Dollars was budgeted by the then Military Government for the successful 
organization of this competition.
 In the same vein, FIFA via its President, Mr. Joseph (SEPP) Blatter, made millions of 
dollars available for the same project, not to talk of Corporate Organizations and 
Football loving individuals who made huge donations.

 However, in my capacity as the deputy secretary, to both the Local Organizing 
Committee (LOC), and the Nigerian Football Association(NFA), I,along with two of my 
colleagues in sensitive positions were able to over-invoice most contracts, which were 
awarded for the construction and the refurbishing of the 8 stadia used for the 
competition. The contractors who handled these projects have been paid-off.
 It is pertinent to note that a total sum of thirty-two million United States 
Dollars(US$32,000,000.00) was realized as over-invoice after the successful completion 
of the project. This over-invoiced sum is lying in my organization's (NFA) suspense 
account with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), ready for transfer into the 
beneficiarys account oversea, waiting for the appropriate opportunity to do so. In 
this years (2003) budget speech, the new Civilian President has ordered that all 
foreign contractors debts should be paid in order to boost more Foreign investors into 
Nigeria. On this note, I have been unanimously mandated by my two colleagues to seek 
an honest and trustworthy Foreigner who will assist in ensuring the successful 
transfer of the above sum into a personal/company account since the Nigerian code of 
conduct does not allow us (Civil servants) to operate foreign accounts.
 It is pertinent also to let you know that 30% of the total fund will be for you, 
while 10% will be used to settle any expenses that might be incurred by both parties 
and the remaining 60% will be for us (my colleagues and I) to be invested in your 
country. We have chosen you /your company to benefit with us in this transaction due 
to the respect your country commands here.
 You might be surprised and curious of an offer like this, be rest assured that the 
modalities andlogistics towards the successful transfer of this fund has been worked 
out. All we require from you is your co-operation. This transaction is risk free.
 We kindly request that you accord it the highest level of secrecy it deserves. 
Your swift response will be highly appreciated.

 Best regards,


GO get your free GO E-Mail account with expanded storage of 6 MB!


2003-08-09 Thread MR PETER KUMARZ ZHIRI

Good Day,

with warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope
this letter meets you in good time. It will be surprising to you to
receive this proposal from me since you do not know me personally. However, I
am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I
propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity.

My name is PETER KUMARZ, the son of ZHIRI , a farmer
from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country. As led by
my instinct, I decided to contact you through email, after searching for contacts via 
the internet, as it is the only means I can contact
anybody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for now. I
apologize if this is not acceptable to you.

The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance in a
business venture. Due to the land and political problems in
Zimbabwe, as a result of President Robert Mugabe's introduction of new
Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers and the few
rich black farmers, all white farmers were asked to
surrender their farms to the government for re-distribution and infact to his 
political party members and my father though black was the treasury of the farmers 
association and a strong member of an opposition party that did not support the 
president's idea.

He then ordered his party members and the police under his pay row to invade my 
father's farm and burn down everything in the farm. They killed my
father and took away a lot of items from his farm.

After the death of my father, our local pastor and a close friend of my father handed 
us over will documents with instructions from my father that we should leave Zimbabwe 
incase anything happen to him. The will documents has a certificate of deposit, 
confirming a cash deposit totaling Fifteen million five hundred thousand united state 
dollars. [15.5m] Kept in custody for us in a security company unknown
to the company that the content is money hence it was deposited as personal 
belongings. This money was deposited with this Private Security Company for safety and 
security reasons, and was to be used for the purchase of land, new machines and 
chemicals establishment of new farms in Botswana.

This violent and barbaric act by Mugabe has since led to the death of
my beloved mother and kid sister and other innocent lives.

I was continually threatened to abandon my inheritance from my father
after he was murdered. I resisted for a while, but when the danger
became unbearable, and I survived two murder attempts, I fled Zimbabwe
with the help of my father's close friend Mr. John Casahans from
Australia also a farmer who was leaving in Zimbabwe with us but left
with his family following this ugly development I have tried to reach him but all to 
no avail.

I am currently staying in the Netherlands where I am seeking political
asylum. In fact my decision to come here to seek asylum, is because
the security company from South Africa, has a branch here, I have
contacted them to move the safe deposit from their office in Johannesburg here, which 
they have since done.

I need to transfer this money to an account and invest part of the
money. Since the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum
seeker) to open any bank account or to be involved in any financial
transaction, this is why I am seeking a genuine and reliable
partner, whose account this money can be transferred, hence this proposal to you.

You have to understand that this decision taken by me is a very big
and brave one, and it entrusts my future in your hands, as a result of
the safe keeping of this money.

If you accept to assist me, all I want you to do for me, is to assist
with arrangements to claim the deposit from the security company from
their office here in The Netherlands, as it has now been transferred
from Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch here. The company will
be legally informed of you representing me.

For your assistance, I have two options for you. Firstly you can
choose to have 20% of the money for your assistance, and helping me open an account 
for the money to be deposited here, or you can go into
partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money
in your country. Whichever the option you want, please to notify me in
your reply.

I have also set aside 1 % of this money for all kinds of
expenses that come our way in the process of this transaction, and 4%
for Charity donation. If you prefer to accept the 20% for
your moral and financial assistance then the balance will be left
in the account here for me.

Please, I want you to maintain absolute secrecy for the purpose of
this transaction.

Your reply should be sent to my private email address only


I look forward to your reply and co-operation, and I thank you in
advance as I anticipate your co-operation.





2003-07-29 Thread Mr Basher.
Dear Sir/Madam,

I wish to start by way of introducing myself. I am the
son of the late president of The Federal Republic Of
Zaire,President Mobutu Sese Seko,( now The Republic Of
Congo, under the leadership of the son of Mr. Laurent
Kabila ). I presume you are aware there is a financial
dispute between my family (The Mobutu's) and the
present civilian Government. This is based on what
they believe as bad and corrupt governance on my late
father part. May his gentle soul rest in perfect

Presently, we can not do business in Belgium and some
other Western countries because of the new
friendly relationship between the present government
and the Western World.  You might have heard of how
some of my father's bank accounts in Switzerland and
North America have been frozen.
Following the above named reasons, I am soliciting for
your humble and confidential assistance to take custody
of Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States
Dollars(US$10,500,000.00)and to front for me in the areas of
business you desire profitable.

These funds have secretly been deposited into a
confidential Security Company, where it can easily be
withdrawn or paid to a recommended beneficiary after
meeting the company requirement.
The funds will be released to you by the Security
Company base on my recommendation. On that note, you
will be presented as my partner who will be fronting
for me and my family in any subsequent business

To show my preparedness and appreciation to conduct
this business with you, 20% of this fund shall be
given to you and a pleasant renumeration as commission
on any profit realizeable in the process of investment
of the funds, For your role in this business.
I am willing to make available 5% for any eventual cost
that may occur in the process of this transaction.
Please, I need your entire support and co-operation
for the success of this business ventures, your utmost
confidentiality and secrecy is highly required, due to
my family's present predicament.
If you are interested in the business and are willing
to help please let me know as soon as possible.
Your tel/fax number is needed in your reply for easy

Response should be sent to my private email box:

Yours Sincerely,



plea for assistance

2003-07-22 Thread DR MARK COLLINS

I am DR mark collins , Deputy secretary to the Nigerian Football
Association, parent body of the World Youths Championship, Nigeria 99'Local
Organizing Committee, an affiliate of Federation of International Football
Association (FIFA).

In the course of our preparation to host the World Youth Soccer Championship
Tagged (Nig99) early last four years, huge sum of money running into
millions of United States Dollars was budgeted by the then Military
Government for the successful organization of this competition.
In the same vein, FIFA via its President, Mr. Joseph (SEPP) Blatter, made
millions of dollars available for the same project, not to talk of Corporate
Organizations and Football loving individuals who made huge donations.

However, in my capacity as the deputy secretary, to both the Local
Organizing Committee (LOC), and the Nigerian Football Association(NFA),
I,along with two of my colleagues in sensitive positions were able to
over-invoice most contracts, which were awarded for the construction and the
refurbishing of the 8 stadia used for the competition. The contractors who
handled these projects have been paid-off.
It is pertinent to note that a total sum of thirty-two million United States
Dollars(US$32,000,000.00) was realized as over-invoice after the successful
completion of the project. This over-invoiced sum is lying in my
organization's (NFA) suspense account with the Central Bank of Nigeria
(CBN), ready for transfer into the beneficiarys account oversea, waiting for
the appropriate opportunity to do so. In this years (2003) budget speech,
the new Civilian President has ordered that all foreign contractors debts
should be paid in order to boost more Foreign investors into Nigeria. On
this note, I have been unanimously mandated by my two colleagues to seek an
honest and trustworthy Foreigner who will assist in ensuring the successful
transfer of the above sum into a personal/company account since the Nigerian
code of conduct does not allow us (Civil servants) to operate foreign
It is pertinent also to let you know that 30% of the total fund will be for
you, while 10% will be used to settle any expenses that might be incurred by
both parties and the remaining 60% will be for us (my colleagues and I) to
be invested in your country. We have chosen you /your company to benefit
with us in this transaction due to the respect your country commands here.
You might be surprised and curious of an offer like this, be rest assured
that the modalities andlogistics towards the successful transfer of this
fund has been worked out. All we require from you is your co-operation. This
transaction is risk free.
We kindly request that you accord it the highest level of secrecy it
deserves. Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Your swift response will be highly appreciated.

Best regards,


Plea for assistance

2003-07-22 Thread alloy ernest
Dear Sir

I am  DR  ALLOY  ERNEST, Deputy secretary to the Nigerian Football Association,  
parent body of the World Youths Championship, Nigeria  99'Local Organizing Committee, 
an affiliate of Federation of International Football Association  (FIFA). 

In the course of our preparation to host the World Youth Soccer Championship  Tagged 
(Nig99) early last two years, huge sum of  money running into  millions of  United 
States Dollars was budgeted by the  then Military  Government for the successful 
organization of this  competition. In the same  vein, FIFA via its President, Mr. 
Joseph (SEPP) Blatter, made millions of dollars available for the same project, not to 
talk of  Corporate  Organizations and Football loving individuals who made  huge 

However, in my capacity as the deputy secretary, to both the Local  Organizing 
Committee (LOC), and the Nigerian Footba ll  Association(NFA), I,along with two of my 
colleagues in sensitive  positions were able to  over-invoice most contracts, which 
were awarded for  the construction and the  refurbishing of the 8 stadia used for the 
competition.  The contractors who handled these projects have been paid-off. 

It is pertinent to note that a total sum of thirty-two million United States  
Dollars(US$32,000,000.00) was realized as over-invoice  after the successful 
completion of the project. 

This over-invoiced sum is lying in my organization's (NFA) suspense account  with the 
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), ready for  transfer into the beneficiarys account 
oversea, waiting for the appropriate opportunity to do so. 

In this year¦s (2003) budget speech, the new Civilian President has ordered  that all 
foreign contractors debts should be paid in  order to boost more Foreign investors 
into Nigeria. 

On this note, I have been unanimously mandated by my two colleagues to seek  an honest 
and trustworthy Foreigner who will assist in  ensuring the  successful transfer of the 
above sum into a  personal/company account since  the Nigerian code of conduct does 
not allow us (Civil  servants) to operate  foreign accounts. 

It is pertinent also to let you know that 30% of the total fund will be for  you, 
while 10% will be used to settle any expenses  that might be incurred by  both  
parties and the remaining 60% will be for us (my 
colleagues and I) to be invested in your country. 

We have chosen you /your company to benefit with us in this transaction due  to the 
respect your country commands here. 

You might be surprised and curious of an offer like this, be rest assured  that the 
modalities andlogistics towards the  successful transfer of this  fund has been worked 
out. All we require from you is  your co -operation. This transaction is risk free. 

We kindly request that you accord it the highest level of secrecy it deserves. Email. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Your swift response will be highly appreciated. 

Best regards, 


___ Mail
Get Your Free, Private E-mail at


2003-03-28 Thread mohammed2t
From: Mohammed Abacha
I wish to introduce myself to you and the reason for my reaching out
to you. I am Muhammad Abacha the son of the late military head of
state General Sani Abacha who died mysteriously on the 8th of June
Following the death of my father Gen. Sani Abacha, elections were
successfully held in the country and a civilian administration was
sworn into power with the assistance of the American Government
under the leadership of President Clinton. With the advent of the new
democratic administration, a decision was taken by the new president
of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo to probe and ultimately prosecute all
past military officers and their cohorts that served in very
strategic capacities in the last military regime of my father. I was
among those singled out to to be punished after a makeshift trial,
for the supposed deeds of my dad, ever since I have been in detention
(the past 3 years).

On Monday the 24 September 2002,I was released, on the condition that
I will release the rest of my fathers money in my care, to the tune
of $I.5b, which I agreed. Now I have been released but kept under
severe house arrest, I had amassed monies running into hundreds of
millions of dollars stashed in various private foreign accounts
around the world, most of wish have been frozen. Presently, I am
confined under house arrest after my recent release from detention
and I am now constrained into seeking for this assistance today
because I cannot afford to let this government know that I still have
funds stashed away.

Shortly, before my detention I hurriedly deposited the sum of USD35.5
million with a security deposit firm for safekeeping, hence my
seeking your assistance to receive this fund. I have since had this
amount stashed away in a private security company in Spain. I cannot
send this money to any of my Bank Account abroad for reasons
mentioned earlier. I hereby seek your assistance in moving and
securing this money in your account abroad. I will adequately
compensate y
with 15% of the total sum for your assistance and
co-operation with me to move this fund to your account for
safekeeping where I can easily utilise it. The present administration
has beamed their search light on any body remotely related to me and
my family and you strongly know for certain that I am under
surveillance and I cannot operate any of my bank accounts any more,
due to their being frozen.

I intend to safe guard and invest this amount of money abroad, but
with a reliable foreign business partner so that we can invest the
funds in doing business in your country. That is why I am soliciting
your assistance and cooperation as regards this business.
Arrangements are being concluded with the Security Company, which has
branches in Europe to receive the money in cash. I cannot tell the
full story of my predicament on this letter.

However you can get more information by checking the following web

Please note that I have a relocation plans for me and my family
immediately you have cleared and received this funds in your account.
Please indicate your willingness to assist me by sending to me the
following information, your company name and address, your private
phone and fax numbers so that I can contact you and commence the
transaction in earnest. I am waiting to hear from you very soon.
Please for confidentiality reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards,
Mohammed Abacha


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! 


2003-03-28 Thread cpunks_anon
From: Mohammed Abacha
I wish to introduce myself to you and the reason for my reaching out
to you. I am Muhammad Abacha the son of the late military head of
state General Sani Abacha who died mysteriously on the 8th of June
Following the death of my father Gen. Sani Abacha, elections were
successfully held in the country and a civilian administration was
sworn into power with the assistance of the American Government
under the leadership of President Clinton. With the advent of the new
democratic administration, a decision was taken by the new president
of Nigeria, Olusegun Obasanjo to probe and ultimately prosecute all
past military officers and their cohorts that served in very
strategic capacities in the last military regime of my father. I was
among those singled out to to be punished after a makeshift trial,
for the supposed deeds of my dad, ever since I have been in detention
(the past 3 years).

On Monday the 24 September 2002,I was released, on the condition that
I will release the rest of my fathers money in my care, to the tune
of $I.5b, which I agreed. Now I have been released but kept under
severe house arrest, I had amassed monies running into hundreds of
millions of dollars stashed in various private foreign accounts
around the world, most of wish have been frozen. Presently, I am
confined under house arrest after my recent release from detention
and I am now constrained into seeking for this assistance today
because I cannot afford to let this government know that I still have
funds stashed away.

Shortly, before my detention I hurriedly deposited the sum of USD35.5
million with a security deposit firm for safekeeping, hence my
seeking your assistance to receive this fund. I have since had this
amount stashed away in a private security company in Spain. I cannot
send this money to any of my Bank Account abroad for reasons
mentioned earlier. I hereby seek your assistance in moving and
securing this money in your account abroad. I will adequately
compensate y
with 15% of the total sum for your assistance and
co-operation with me to move this fund to your account for
safekeeping where I can easily utilise it. The present administration
has beamed their search light on any body remotely related to me and
my family and you strongly know for certain that I am under
surveillance and I cannot operate any of my bank accounts any more,
due to their being frozen.

I intend to safe guard and invest this amount of money abroad, but
with a reliable foreign business partner so that we can invest the
funds in doing business in your country. That is why I am soliciting
your assistance and cooperation as regards this business.
Arrangements are being concluded with the Security Company, which has
branches in Europe to receive the money in cash. I cannot tell the
full story of my predicament on this letter.

However you can get more information by checking the following web

Please note that I have a relocation plans for me and my family
immediately you have cleared and received this funds in your account.
Please indicate your willingness to assist me by sending to me the
following information, your company name and address, your private
phone and fax numbers so that I can contact you and commence the
transaction in earnest. I am waiting to hear from you very soon.
Please for confidentiality reply to the above e-mail address
Best regards,
Mohammed Abacha


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