Re: Code name "Killer Rabbit": New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-23 Thread Tyler Durden

DWDM certainly makes it more complicated.  Of course, that same
technology allows them to send much more back. (Regarding the single
OC-3 mentioned previously.)
Well, DISTANCE makes it more complicated first of all. You need undersea 
repeaters and/or OFAs in order to get traffic from most parts of the ocean 
back to land, and the NSA will in many cases not want nor be able to use the 
"host" service providers' OFAs. This would mean they'd have to install their 
own, and I doubt they're going to just plop on their own regeneration site 
on the outside of a civilian cable.

Hum. In some parts of the ocean they must almost certainly have their own 
cable and then couple stolen traffic into it. I'd bet there also must exist 
some mini-Echelons on some Islands somewhere (like Majorca or the Azores) 
where they do some grooming and listening.


Re: Code name "Killer Rabbit": New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-23 Thread Tyler Durden
No! Undersea?
Do you take a copy of EVERYTHING and send it back? That might have been more 
feasible in the old days, but when a single fiber can run 64 wavelength 
optically amplified 10 Gig traffic, I really really doubt it. Or at least, 
this would require an undertaking large enough that I doubt they could hide 

If they select some traffic then we have to ask, how do they select the 
traffic? Even there the mind boggles thinking about the kinds of gear 

I suspect it's a combination of all sorts of stuff...remember too that all 
that traffic has to land somewhere, so theoretically they can access a good 
deal of it terrestrially. What you might see, therefore, is a sheath coming 
out of, say Iran, is tapped for fibers that proceed on to other unfriendly 
nations, and a copy of the traffic pulled back to some nearby land-based 
station in a friendly country (so that lots of amplifiers aren't needed).

I'd bet you do see the occasional Variola suitcase, though, requiring a sub 
visit once in a while. But I bet they avoid this kind of thing as much as 
possible, given the traffic volumes.


From: Matt Crawford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: crypto 
Subject: Re: Code name "Killer Rabbit":  New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables
Date: Tue, 22 Feb 2005 12:33:56 -0600
On Feb 18, 2005, at 19:47, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
"It does continue to be something of a puzzle as to how they get this 
back to home base," said John Pike, a military expert at
I should think that in many cases, they can simply lease a fiber in the 
same cable.  What could be simpler?

Re: Code name "Killer Rabbit": New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-23 Thread Martin Peck
On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 17:01:05 -0500, Tyler Durden
> ... Do you take a copy of EVERYTHING and send it back? That might have been 
> more
> feasible in the old days, but when a single fiber can run 64 wavelength
> optically amplified 10 Gig traffic, I really really doubt it. Or at least,
> this would require an undertaking large enough that I doubt they could hide
> it.

DWDM certainly makes it more complicated.  Of course, that same
technology allows them to send much more back. (Regarding the single
OC-3 mentioned previously.)

How they process and return the information is indeed the BIG SECRET. 
The old USSR taps used pods attached to the cables for recording and
were serviced periodically to pick up the collected data.

See also:
> ... I suspect it's a combination of all sorts of stuff...remember too that all
> that traffic has to land somewhere, so theoretically they can access a good
> deal of it terrestrially.

If you look at the landing sites for various oceanic fiber cables you
will see that a great many of them are on "friendly" territory.  You
can be sure that these lines are tapped.  (Which brings up the issue
someone else mentioned a while ago.  We make a big deal about ECHELON
monitoring satellites, yet no one really cares about the tapping of
landing sites that carry many times more information?  Silly humans)

I presume the fiber tapping submarine is interested mainly in those
cables which don't land on friendly territory or the sections landed
between unfriendly sites. (E.g. not all data goes through all sites)

> What you might see, therefore, is a sheath coming
> out of, say Iran, is tapped for fibers that proceed on to other unfriendly
> nations, and a copy of the traffic pulled back to some nearby land-based
> station in a friendly country (so that lots of amplifiers aren't needed).

This would be a reasonable assumption.  But so would a number of other
possible techniques.  The great mystery continues...

Best regards,

Re: Code name "Killer Rabbit": New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-22 Thread Matt Crawford
On Feb 18, 2005, at 19:47, R.A. Hettinga wrote:
"It does continue to be something of a puzzle as to how they get this 
back to home base," said John Pike, a military expert at
I should think that in many cases, they can simply lease a fiber in the 
same cable.  What could be simpler?

Code name "Killer Rabbit": New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-22 Thread R.A. Hettinga

WCBS 880 |

Experts: New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables
*   USS Jimmy Carter Will Be Based In Washington State
Feb 18, 2005 4:55 pm US/Eastern

 The USS Jimmy Carter, set to join the nation's submarine fleet on
Saturday, will have some special capabilities, intelligence experts say: It
will be able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on the communications
passing through them.

The Navy does not acknowledge the $3.2 billion submarine, the third and
last of the Seawolf class of attack subs, has this capability.

"That's going to be classified in nature," said Kevin Sykes, a Navy
spokesman. "You're not going to get anybody to talk to you about that."

But intelligence community watchdogs have little doubt: The previous
submarine that performed the mission, the USS Parche, was retired last
fall. That would only happen if a new one was on the way.

Like the Parche, the Carter was extensively modified from its basic design,
given a $923 million hull extension that allows it to house technicians and
gear to perform the cable-tapping and other secret missions, experts say.
The Carter's hull, at 453 feet, is 100 feet longer than the other two subs
in the Seawolf class.

"The submarine is basically going to have as its major function
intelligence gathering," said James Bamford, author of two books on the
National Security Agency.

Navy public information touts some of the Carter's special abilities: In
the extended hull section, the boat can provide berths for up to 50 special
operations troops, like Navy SEALs. It has an "ocean interface" that serves
as a sort of hangar bay for smaller vehicles and drones to launch and
return. It has the usual complement of torpedo tubes and Tomahawk cruise
missiles, and it will also serve as a platform for researching new
technologies useful on submarines.

The Carter, like other submarines, will also have the ability to eavesdrop
on communications-what the military calls signals intelligence-passed
through the airwaves, experts say. But its ability to tap undersea
fiber-optic cables may be unique in the fleet.

Communications worldwide are increasingly transmitted solely through
fiber-optic lines, rather than through satellites and radios.

"The capacity of fiber optics is so much greater than other communications
media or technologies, and it's also immune to the stick-up-an-attenna type
of eavesdropping," said Jeffrey Richelson, an expert on intelligence

To listen to fiber-optic transmissions, intelligence operatives must
physically place a tap somewhere along the route. If the stations that
receive and transmit the communications along the lines are on foreign soil
or otherwise inaccessible, tapping the line is the only way to eavesdrop on

The intelligence experts admit there is much that is open to speculation,
such as how the information recorded at a fiber-optic tap would get to
analysts at the National Security Agency for review.

During the 1970s, a U.S. submarine placed a tap on an undersea cable along
the Soviet Pacific coast, and subs had to return every few months to pick
up the tapes. The mission was ultimately betrayed by a spy, and the
recording device is now at the KGB museum in Moscow.

If U.S. subs still must return every so often to collect the
communications, the taps won't provide speedy warnings, particularly
against imminent terrorist attacks.

"It does continue to be something of a puzzle as to how they get this stuff
back to home base," said John Pike, a military expert at

Some experts suggest the taps may somehow transmit their information, using
an antenna or buoy-but those modifications are easier to discover and
disable than a tap attached to the cable on the ocean floor.

"Unless they have some new method of relaying the information, it doesn't
serve much use in terms of warning," Bamford said. He contended tapping
undersea communications cables violates a number of international
conventions the United States is party to.

Such communications could still be useful, although the task of sorting and
analyzing so many communications for ones relevant to U.S. national
security interests is so daunting that only computers can do it.

The nuclear-powered sub will be commissioned in a ceremony at 11 a.m.
Saturday at the submarine base at New London, Conn. The ceremony marks the
vessel's formal entry into the fleet. The former president, himself a
submariner during his time in the Navy, will attend.

After some sea trials, the ship will move to its home port in Bangor, Wash.

R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall 

RE: Code name "Killer Rabbit": New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables

2005-02-22 Thread Tyler Durden
When I was in Telecom we audited pieces of an undersea NSA network that was 
based on OC-3 ATM. It had some odd components, however, including 
reflective-mode LiNBO3 modulators and even acousto-optic modulators. 
(Actually, one of the components started dying which put them into a turned out we had someone who happened to know the designer 
of that very piece and so understood the failure mode completely.)

My theory is that they were multiplexing their OC-3-collected information 
back over the same set of fibers the intelligence came from, or else 
re-routed it to another "friendly" cable nearby.

These days, however, a la Variola I don't think that a single OC-3 will do 
even for specially-selected traffic, so they must do something different now 
(unless, of course, that OC-3 was just their OAM&P/control network, which is 
entirely possible).

From: "R.A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Code name "Killer Rabbit":  New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 20:47:02 -0500

WCBS 880 |
Experts: New Sub Can Tap Undersea Cables
*   USS Jimmy Carter Will Be Based In Washington State
Feb 18, 2005 4:55 pm US/Eastern
 The USS Jimmy Carter, set to join the nation's submarine fleet on
Saturday, will have some special capabilities, intelligence experts say: It
will be able to tap undersea cables and eavesdrop on the communications
passing through them.
The Navy does not acknowledge the $3.2 billion submarine, the third and
last of the Seawolf class of attack subs, has this capability.
"That's going to be classified in nature," said Kevin Sykes, a Navy
spokesman. "You're not going to get anybody to talk to you about that."
But intelligence community watchdogs have little doubt: The previous
submarine that performed the mission, the USS Parche, was retired last
fall. That would only happen if a new one was on the way.
Like the Parche, the Carter was extensively modified from its basic design,
given a $923 million hull extension that allows it to house technicians and
gear to perform the cable-tapping and other secret missions, experts say.
The Carter's hull, at 453 feet, is 100 feet longer than the other two subs
in the Seawolf class.
"The submarine is basically going to have as its major function
intelligence gathering," said James Bamford, author of two books on the
National Security Agency.
Navy public information touts some of the Carter's special abilities: In
the extended hull section, the boat can provide berths for up to 50 special
operations troops, like Navy SEALs. It has an "ocean interface" that serves
as a sort of hangar bay for smaller vehicles and drones to launch and
return. It has the usual complement of torpedo tubes and Tomahawk cruise
missiles, and it will also serve as a platform for researching new
technologies useful on submarines.
The Carter, like other submarines, will also have the ability to eavesdrop
on communications-what the military calls signals intelligence-passed
through the airwaves, experts say. But its ability to tap undersea
fiber-optic cables may be unique in the fleet.
Communications worldwide are increasingly transmitted solely through
fiber-optic lines, rather than through satellites and radios.
"The capacity of fiber optics is so much greater than other communications
media or technologies, and it's also immune to the stick-up-an-attenna type
of eavesdropping," said Jeffrey Richelson, an expert on intelligence
To listen to fiber-optic transmissions, intelligence operatives must
physically place a tap somewhere along the route. If the stations that
receive and transmit the communications along the lines are on foreign soil
or otherwise inaccessible, tapping the line is the only way to eavesdrop on
The intelligence experts admit there is much that is open to speculation,
such as how the information recorded at a fiber-optic tap would get to
analysts at the National Security Agency for review.
During the 1970s, a U.S. submarine placed a tap on an undersea cable along
the Soviet Pacific coast, and subs had to return every few months to pick
up the tapes. The mission was ultimately betrayed by a spy, and the
recording device is now at the KGB museum in Moscow.
If U.S. subs still must return every so often to collect the
communications, the taps won't provide speedy warnings, particularly
against imminent terrorist attacks.
"It does continue to be something of a puzzle as to how they get this stuff
back to home base," said John Pike, a military expert at

Some experts suggest the taps may somehow transmit their information, using
an antenna or buoy-but those modif