Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread Tyler Durden

I've been thinking about this post, and though I agreed with the general 
gist of it, there were some points I thought worth mentioning...

May thousands of AmeriKKKan troops die painfully, along with their
handlers on the East Coast, as a deterrent to future illegal wars of
This was the part I had to think about the most. Right now, my feeling is 
that it would be a tragedy for a large mass of nearly-lumpen soldiers, 
"educated" by the US school system, to have to take the brunt of 
responsibility for this. And, if Iraq used some "Weapons of Mass 
Destruction" (read cheap-n-easy playing field levelers), Bush and the 
Republican Agit-prop machine would basically say, "See? They had all this 
stuff all along and that's why we launched this war. And now, that's why 
everyone needs to support it." And I bet this would work.

May the world recognize that the UN can perform no other function than to
crawl on its hands and knees to kiss AmeriKKKa's ass, and cease to take it
Hey--I thought the UN did OK this time around. In the end, the UN is 
starting to look like a very fancy and expensive debating society, and 
that's of some kind of value somewhere, I think.

May the anti-war movement paralyze AmeriKKKa with demonstrations and work
stoppages, and cause consequences of significance to the economy and
standard of living of the world's war-monger.
This would be the most effective means possible right now, as far as I'm 
concerned. And the only thing to possibly cause the bloated leach of the 
military industrial complex to drop off its host for a little while ("Man, 
some wierd taste in this blood...I'm full anyway...")

May the AmeriKKKan people cease to send their tax dollars to the Racist
Apartheid Zionist Entity, where they are spent to kill Palestinian
children with AmeriKKKan weapons, and run over peace activists multiple
times with AmeriKKKan bulldozers, and then attack and teargas the memorial
After looking at US foreign policy, particularly since WWII, I have slowly 
been drawn to the conclusion that racism is a consistent and underlying 
theme. "These muslims don't want peace and freedom, and they'll choke us to 
death with their oil supplies if we let them. That's just their nature." 
Something like thatI like to simplify things for effect.

May Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush be forced to face their victims in an
international court of law, and be tried and sentenced appropriately.

They'd be at the end of a long line, with Henry Kissinger in the front.

STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread Harmon Seaver
On Fri, Mar 21, 2003 at 12:40:52PM +, Ken Brown wrote:
> Harmon Seaver wrote:
> >What sort of dictatorship is this where the people own automatic weapons
> > freely? Shades of Switzerland!
> Soviet Armenia?
> When they fell out with the Azeris they got their scratch army together
> in /days/
> According to the Russian news they used "hunting rifles".
> I'd been reading enough of the gun-wanking propaganda from the US on
> lists like this to think that people in places like Armenia didn't have
> guns.   Turns out that in some rural parts of USSR quite a lot of people
> had them and of course it all made  no difference to anything political
> whatever as long as the Soviets were willing to control the place. As
> soon as it became obvious that no Russians intended to die to keep
> Armenia in the Union, things changed.

   Well, yes, of course people most places have hunting weapons, even in
oppressive states like Nazi Germany and the USSR -- even in England, I believe
-- but everything I've read so far about Iraq is talking about AK-47s.
Supposedly hundreds of thousands of civilians at the very least own them, and,
according to varied news items, they are either issued by the gov't or people
just buy them on the open market.
   The open weapons markets of Pakistan and Afgahnistan have been world
reknowned for ages, but I was very surprised to learn this about Iraq. Lebanon
had no control over weapons, of course, but I wonder if the whole Middle East
isn't just flowing with Kalashnikovs with little real restrictions. Perhaps most
of the world is -- only the fascist police states of the 1st World being
   BTW, here's a neat little accessory for your Kalashnikov:

Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-21 Thread Ken Brown
Harmon Seaver wrote:

>What sort of dictatorship is this where the people own automatic weapons
> freely? Shades of Switzerland!

Soviet Armenia?

When they fell out with the Azeris they got their scratch army together
in /days/

According to the Russian news they used "hunting rifles".

I'd been reading enough of the gun-wanking propaganda from the US on
lists like this to think that people in places like Armenia didn't have
guns.   Turns out that in some rural parts of USSR quite a lot of people
had them and of course it all made  no difference to anything political
whatever as long as the Soviets were willing to control the place. As
soon as it became obvious that no Russians intended to die to keep
Armenia in the Union, things changed.

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-20 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 02:36 PM 3/20/03 +, Ken Brown wrote:
>Despite what Eric Cordian and others have said here, I think it
>that there will be a big body-bag outcome for the US. The force balance

>is so overwhelmingly one-way, and most Iraqis really don't want the
>current Ba'athist government. A lot of them will give up quickly. Could

>be wrong of  course.
>Large-scale House-to-house fighting unlikely.

Iraqis don't have that Bill of Rights bullet item that bars troops in
Picture a few tens of K of lone (or paired) well armed RK loyalists
holed up in spare
rooms with families.   Whose job is to impede progress into the city.
Who know they are eventual toast if the locals are no longer held by

>And in a 1-party plutocracy like Iraq, that means with the Ba'ath party

>still intact, maybe even including Saddam's Tikriti friends &
>They run most military & large business  organisations & huge parts of
>civil government & media.

After the city is ours, we let natural tendancies operate for a few
Ie, payback time.  The citizens know who needs to hang better than we
The blind eye lets the eye-for-an-eye cleanse society.

We'll of course save a few of the bigger trophies for wartrial

RE: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-20 Thread Mike Rosing
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Trei, Peter wrote:

> There are other factors that the Turks have on their minds, aside from
> the US and NATO. Turkey is anxious to join the European Union, and
> has been cleaning up its human rights act to gain acceptance.
> Turkey recently lifted martial law in the Kurdish areas (do they still call
> them "mountain Turks"?).
> Turkish aggression against the Kurds in northern Iraq would scuttle their
> chances for many years.

Yeah, I forgot about that.  That's part of the reason they voted to not
let the US use their turf - they want to keep the French and Germans
happy.  That's a damn good reason for them to leave the Kurds alone,
pure economics!

And if the EU can get a foothold into Turkey to kick the US out, that
helps them a lot militarily as well.  I don't think the US is looking
too far into the future on this one at all!

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

RE: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-20 Thread Trei, Peter
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Ken Brown wrote:
> > 3) what about the Kurds? What about the Kurds?   Does the US force them
> > to rejoin Iraq?  Does the US continue to deny them Kirkuk and other
> > cities of their homeland? Does the US allow Turkish troops to invade
> > northern Iraq (i.e. remain in there- there are probably some already)
> > Is this the end for US support for Turkish domination over the area?  If
> > the Turks refuse to play ball, is it the end for US support for Turkish
> > membership of NATO?
> Who knows anything about the Kurds?  Who remembers Armenia?  Who cares?
> Nobody in the US.  The Kurds will be fucked from all sides and will have
> to fight a bit harder than before because there won't be anything to
> balance the Turkish attacks.
> The US is definitly pissed at Turkey, but it's still too important
> militarily to ignore.  The US needs Turkey in a big way.  They were
> just too stupid in how they went about selling a war.
There are other factors that the Turks have on their minds, aside from
the US and NATO. Turkey is anxious to join the European Union, and
has been cleaning up its human rights act to gain acceptance.
Turkey recently lifted martial law in the Kurdish areas (do they still call
them "mountain Turks"?). 

Turkish aggression against the Kurds in northern Iraq would scuttle their 
chances for many years.

Peter Trei

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-20 Thread Ken Brown
Despite what Eric Cordian and others have said here, I think it unlikely
that there will be a big body-bag outcome for the US. The force balance
is so overwhelmingly one-way, and most Iraqis really don't want the
current Ba'athist government. A lot of them will give up quickly. Could
be wrong of  course.

I've half a suspicion that the US will skip the long airwar phase (after
all the Iraqi airforce mostly defected to Iran in 1991 & we've been
bombing the shit out of their fixed air defences every second Saturday
for 10 years) and move straight into a land advance, perhaps with the
Brits in front (see if that Chobham armour really does work), with the
smart bombs et.c used to knock out the enemy just in front of the
advance, in a sort of computerised version of the old moving barrages of

Large-scale House-to-house fighting unlikely.

But some ponderables:

1) if they really only want to rule Iraq directly for 6 weeks or 2
months that means EITHER they hand  over to an international
peacekeeping force (bloody unlikely given current PNAC drumbeating in
Bushite circles) OR else the new Iraqi government is essentially the
successor to the old, with the civil administration and most of the
military still intact. 

And in a 1-party plutocracy like Iraq, that means with the Ba'ath party
still intact, maybe even including Saddam's Tikriti friends & relations.
They run most military & large business  organisations & huge parts of
civil government & media.

So no real change then - the dog barks too loud so we shoot him and
replace him with another dog from the same kennel.

Only alternative to that that can preserve an Iraqi state is US (or just
possibly UK - after all we've had a lot of practice) direct rule for
/years/   We don't just dfeat Iraq, we conquer it.  Bush still claims
the USA is not an imperialist power.

2) What happens if the US forces liberate somewhere (Basra would be
first) and they locals say "thanks very much for liberating us, now we
are free we are going to declare a Republic and hold elections and have
our own constitution modelled on yours..."

Do the Americans have to say "thanks very much for the flattery, but
don't you move a muscle until we can get you ragheads back under Baghdad
where you belong"?

3) what about the Kurds? What about the Kurds?   Does the US force them
to rejoin Iraq?  Does the US continue to deny them Kirkuk and other
cities of their homeland? Does the US allow Turkish troops to invade
northern Iraq (i.e. remain in there- there are probably some already) 
Is this the end for US support for Turkish domination over the area?  If
the Turks refuse to play ball, is it the end for US support for Turkish
membership of NATO?

4) And what about those Iranian "People's Mujahideen" who supported the
wrong side in the first Gulf war and have been camping out in eastern
Iraq for 20 years?  Their strength is often exaggerated, but they do
have tanks and they have no-where else to go. Their backs are really
against the wall (OK, the river, but its the same thing). Once upon a
time they were better soldiers than any units of the native Iraqi army.
Do they fight to the death? Or just surrender? What does the US want
with a whole load of heavily armed neo-communist militant Iranian
Muslims?  Send them back to Iran to face the music? I don't think so.

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-20 Thread Mike Rosing
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, Ken Brown wrote:

> Despite what Eric Cordian and others have said here, I think it unlikely
> that there will be a big body-bag outcome for the US. The force balance
> is so overwhelmingly one-way, and most Iraqis really don't want the
> current Ba'athist government. A lot of them will give up quickly. Could
> be wrong of  course.

I agree, I think once the tanks roll it'll be over in 3 days.  Just
like Afghanistan, there'll always be somebody shooting, but it won't
be any militarily organized large scale operation.

> Large-scale House-to-house fighting unlikely.

At least not for any but the head family palaces.  Most cities
will simply not want to fight.

> 1) if they really only want to rule Iraq directly for 6 weeks or 2
> months that means EITHER they hand  over to an international
> peacekeeping force (bloody unlikely given current PNAC drumbeating in
> Bushite circles) OR else the new Iraqi government is essentially the
> successor to the old, with the civil administration and most of the
> military still intact.

Neither, we've already picked out the new dogs from a different kennel.
Trained in the US of course :-)

> Only alternative to that that can preserve an Iraqi state is US (or just
> possibly UK - after all we've had a lot of practice) direct rule for
> /years/   We don't just dfeat Iraq, we conquer it.  Bush still claims
> the USA is not an imperialist power.

We'll conquer for a few days, then set up a military dictatorship
to be replaced by a new dictatorship "elected" by the people.  Then
we'll steal all the oil :-)

> 2) What happens if the US forces liberate somewhere (Basra would be
> first) and they locals say "thanks very much for liberating us, now we
> are free we are going to declare a Republic and hold elections and have
> our own constitution modelled on yours..."
> Do the Americans have to say "thanks very much for the flattery, but
> don't you move a muscle until we can get you ragheads back under Baghdad
> where you belong"?

No, we'll help put on the show of "liberation".  We'll tell them who
they can elect, and all the choices will be US backed.  It'll be
great theater, and the US will control everything indirectly.

> 3) what about the Kurds? What about the Kurds?   Does the US force them
> to rejoin Iraq?  Does the US continue to deny them Kirkuk and other
> cities of their homeland? Does the US allow Turkish troops to invade
> northern Iraq (i.e. remain in there- there are probably some already)
> Is this the end for US support for Turkish domination over the area?  If
> the Turks refuse to play ball, is it the end for US support for Turkish
> membership of NATO?

Who knows anything about the Kurds?  Who remembers Armenia?  Who cares?
Nobody in the US.  The Kurds will be fucked from all sides and will have
to fight a bit harder than before because there won't be anything to
balance the Turkish attacks.

The US is definitly pissed at Turkey, but it's still too important
militarily to ignore.  The US needs Turkey in a big way.  They were
just too stupid in how they went about selling a war.

> 4) And what about those Iranian "People's Mujahideen" who supported the
> wrong side in the first Gulf war and have been camping out in eastern
> Iraq for 20 years?  Their strength is often exaggerated, but they do
> have tanks and they have no-where else to go. Their backs are really
> against the wall (OK, the river, but its the same thing). Once upon a
> time they were better soldiers than any units of the native Iraqi army.
> Do they fight to the death? Or just surrender? What does the US want
> with a whole load of heavily armed neo-communist militant Iranian
> Muslims?  Send them back to Iran to face the music? I don't think so.

We'll leave them alone.  They don't really want to get Daisy Cutter's
or MOAB's dropped on them.  By staying out of it they'll be effectively
neutralized.  The next government dictatorship will have to deal with
it.  But they are far away from the oil, so they don't matter much.

Bush would like this to last a long time.  He needs the votes in
2004.  But that's way to far away, and if the economy stays stagnant
because we can't really pay for this mess, all his "heroics" now
won't be too useful a year from now.  Fortunatly, he really is an idiot.
Unfortunatly too I guess.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

Re: Fwd: Informer alert: War begins in Iraq

2003-03-20 Thread Eric Cordian
Stuart writes:

> War has been declared against Iraq by the US President George Bush.
> Initial air strikes have been launched on Baghdad, which the US said
> were targeted at senior Iraqi leaders. British forces have not yet
> been involved and the order to begin a ground war has not been given.

May thousands of AmeriKKKan troops die painfully, along with their
handlers on the East Coast, as a deterrent to future illegal wars of

May the world recognize that the UN can perform no other function than to
crawl on its hands and knees to kiss AmeriKKKa's ass, and cease to take it

May the anti-war movement paralyze AmeriKKKa with demonstrations and work
stoppages, and cause consequences of significance to the economy and
standard of living of the world's war-monger.

May the AmeriKKKan people cease to send their tax dollars to the Racist
Apartheid Zionist Entity, where they are spent to kill Palestinian
children with AmeriKKKan weapons, and run over peace activists multiple
times with AmeriKKKan bulldozers, and then attack and teargas the memorial

May Ariel Sharon and George W. Bush be forced to face their victims in an
international court of law, and be tried and sentenced appropriately.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"