nvidia drivers not working in linux-2.6.14

2005-10-30 Thread trango
Hi friends,
I've just installed the new kernel as I heard (I think) it solved the
problems with smp in amd64 with the clock and everything went
completely normal  until i recompiled the nvidia module for this new
kernel to startx. it doesn't load the module saying telling me about
an inexpected symbol.
I followed the usual instructions:
- make-kpkg modules_image
- dpkg -i nvidia_blabla.deb
- (i even tried uninstalling the previous module although i was sure
it wasnt going to do any better)
- (i also tried reinstalling nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-dev)

and i didn't make it. does anyone know a solution?

thank you


upgrading libc6

2005-10-17 Thread trango
Hi everybody,

During my last upgrade  libc6 package was supposed to bee upgraded but
it didn't as an error saying it didn't find /usr/bin/ldd showed.
Digging a bit I saw that it is actually libc6 (and ia32-libs) who
provides /usr/bin/ldd so I can't figure out how to solve this. I made
a crappy ln -s from /usr/bin/lddlibc4 to /usr/bin/ldd but it didn't
work either, and also I tried commenting the ia32 libs in the
/etc/ld.so.conf and running ldconfig afterwards.

Any ideas

Thanks in advance


Re: upgrading libc6

2005-10-17 Thread trango
if anyone is  inteerested i solved it simlinking /usr/bin/ldd-ia32 to
/usr/bin/ldd . and it  worked. i suppose it isnt a pretty good idea to
do it but... it worked :)


On 10/17/05, trango [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 During my last upgrade  libc6 package was supposed to bee upgraded but
 it didn't as an error saying it didn't find /usr/bin/ldd showed.
 Digging a bit I saw that it is actually libc6 (and ia32-libs) who
 provides /usr/bin/ldd so I can't figure out how to solve this. I made
 a crappy ln -s from /usr/bin/lddlibc4 to /usr/bin/ldd but it didn't
 work either, and also I tried commenting the ia32 libs in the
 /etc/ld.so.conf and running ldconfig afterwards.

 Any ideas

 Thanks in advance


java for firefox?

2005-10-13 Thread trango
Hi everybody.
I was just wondering why can I simply say to konqueror the path for
the java binary and make it work (not as nice as i would like, but
definately works) and I can't find a way to do the same for firefox,
which I would prefer to use as I'm used to it. Does anyone know any
way to make it work just as konqueror?



nvidia in 32bits chroot

2005-10-03 Thread trango
Hi everybody,

I've tried playing Enemy Territory using the ia32libs but for some
weird reason it doesnt work any well. As I'm sure it does work in
pure32bits (i've tried) I tried to install it in the chroot and run it
in another X (run from the chroot) but I found I'm not able to make it
see the nvidia kernel module. As the system is working with a 64bits
kernel I'm not able to compile the module or even to make it work in
the chroot. Have any of you been able to? thanks


qmail grrrrrrrrrrr

2005-09-23 Thread trango
Hi everybody,
I've had plenty of problems while installing my qmail+vpopmail server
in athlon64, mostly because the only way i manage to install nice is
via apt-get install qmail-src (not available in amd64). It was
important to me to get it working so yesterday when i got my athlon64
it was the first thing i got into just right after installation. After
trying installing it djb-way i surrendered when i couldnt get vpopmail
to compile and made the install in a 32bit chroot. Then I spent a long
time to see how i could make a init script that started my
qmail+vpopmail in the chroot. i made it. after that i started reading
doc about amd64 and debian, so i found that stuff about the chroot,
dchroot, the do_chroot script and so. And trying it I fucked up the
/home partition in the chroot, so my vpopmail crashed and everything
got bad.
Has any of you managed to install qmail+vpopmail in 64bits? If someone
has and can please tell me how you compiled vpopmail.

thanks in advance
