Re: bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-30 Thread Sam Hartman


I'm sorry it has taken a while to write back to you.  I asked how the TC
could help and was confused when I read your message.  I provided a
couple of options how we might be able to help and you neither selected
one of my options nor provided your own.  So, I wasn't sure what you
were looking for.  I've done my best and I hope that this helps you
understand what's going on.

I've decided to give my analysis of someone on the release team might
reject your unblock request.This may not be the actual reason the
release team (RT) acted as they did.  I've never been on the RT, but I
have taken on a similar role for other much smaller projects.
I got input from other members of the TC in preparing this response, but
these words are my own and this definitely doesn't represent a statement
From the TC as a whole.

In doing that I've read #771208 but not
the other bugs.  If I were on the RT and processing your unblock, I'd
read the full unblock bug, and read enough of the referenced bugs to
understand briefly the technical issue, but perhaps not enough to
understand why someone thought they were important.

This is an issue where I think reasonable people might disagree.  I
don't actually know which decision I would take were I on the RT; it
would depend on the tradeoffs I'll discuss below.

I appreciate that busybox-static is important to you.  It's something
you've worked on a lot, it's something you use and depend on.  However,
busybox-static is not as important to the project as a whole as busybox.
Busybox-static is one of several debugging/recovery tools.  We also have
live DVDs, bootable media, alternate chroots/volumes to boot from.
We could release with an entirely broken busybox-static.

we cannot release with a busybox that is broken in a manner that breaks
D-i, initramfs, etc.

You claim that the changes do not affect the resulting binaries.  Based
on your analysis, you claim that if the busybox source package builds at
all, your changes cannot affect whether the main busybox binaries

However, the RT is likely to care as much or more about whether
something builds as whether there is some bug introduced into the
binary.  Having core packages that build all the time, whenever you make
a change to them, whenever you make an NMU, whenever you make a security
fix is one of the highest priorities of doing release engineering for a
large project.

During the freeze, if I had to pick between a busybox that build all the
time but sometimes produced a broken busybox-static and a busybox that
sometimes failed to build because it could not produce a busybox-static
I'd pick the potentially broken busybox-static.  being unable to build a
package when you need to make some change blocks forward progress.  It
can also cascade and affect forward progress on other packages.
Changing the conditions under which a package will successfully build
frequently has unexpected consequences.  We might find people trying to
build d-i in their own build environments face breakage because their
libc is not up-to-date.
That again can break things for people doing various kind of automated
product builds and automated testing based on what's supposed to be a
frozen release.

I might be willing to accept the change if I were convinced that it
would not break things for Debian.  However, according to your mail you
were running into cases where the buildds were not up-to-date.

There is of course a counter argument, and it's the argument that I'd
use if I were to decide to accept the change.  It's frustrated to have a
build that sometimes produces valid output and sometimes doesn't.  Every
few times when we do a security upload we'd run into a case where
busybox-static is broken.  And so we'd have to do yet another bin-nmu to
fix it.
That's frustrating in its own way.

You claimed that the patch was easy to review, and that it obviously
didn't change the binaries for busybox.  I did a review of the unblock,
and i didn't find the patch particularly easy to review, nor was I able
to prove without doing a bit more work that it failed to affect  the
binaries for busybox.
The RT has a bunch of stuff on their plate.
If an unblock is not obvious and the decision is questionable it's more
likely to be rejected.

The mail you wrote to the TC, particularly the technical summary was
really well done.  If the unblock hedar looked a lot like that mail, I
would have been more likely to accept the change had I been making the

Here are areas that concerned me when reviewing the unblock:

* You talk about how multiple iterations were required and how this
  breaks hurd.  In general, I have found that these sort of build
  changes are very tricky to get right and do tend to have unexpected
  consequences.  You let me know that it took you a while to get this
  one to a point where you believe it is right, and even that has broken
  one thing that you know of.  You would be better off spending at least
  as much space exp

Re: bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-10 Thread Michael Tokarev
Hash: SHA1

06.03.2015 15:02, Sam Hartman wrote:
> So, you're involving the TC because you're hoping to better understand why 
> your unblock was not approved?
> How are you hoping the TC can help?  Here are some options I see:
> * Some folks on the TC are fairly good at release engineering and have been 
> involved in this either in Debian, for other projects or for other 
> distributions. We could look over the situation and try to help you 
> understand why someone might decide not to approve those unblocks.  Since we 
> weren't the one acting on the request we can give you an understanding of why 
> someone might think that way, but not why they did.
> * Alternatively you could be asking for help engaging with the release team 
> and Cyril to explain the actual reasoning involved.
> Or perhaps you're asking for something else.

I asked for understanding mostly.  But as I wrote at the very
beginning of my first email, I don't have much hope.

This email has been sent to 3 places: d-i team who rejected busybox,
d-release team and TC, so maybe at least one party can find something
to say or do.

What I see here are 3 possible solutions to this problem.  I guess I
ordered them right, starting with most unlikely but best, and ending
in most likely but worst.

a) allow current busybox to migrate from unstable to testing.
This is what I asked when filing an unblock-udeb request initially
in #771208, which was filed before jessie freeze.  This is what
will make everyone happy, I think, including current people involved
with the package because there wont be any reason anymore to do the
same work twice (including making another crippled release for
jessie with unneeded-for-debian security bugfix but without needed-
for-jessie other fixes), there wont be any need anymore to bastardize
the package.

Disadvantages are none, to my view anyway, except that in this case,
people who rejected the unblock request will have to agree it was
a mistake.  That, I think, is one of important points here, because
Cyril is one of them (if not the only one), and he's an important
person for the project, and no one want to make him unhappy.

But since this hasn't happened so far, and even my main questions went
unanswered this far in the release cycle, I've no hope for this.

b) someone -- be it TC, or D-I team, or the Release team, explain to
me why the changes hasn't been accepted.  I asked this several times,
but always got the same answer: the changes are fixing jessie-ignore
bug and introduce uneeded-for-jessie changes for things which are now
history already (glibc bug).  To which I answered initially in the
very first unblock request: the jessie-ignore thing was only because
that bug was _difficult_ to fix in time for jessie (but I did that
and I was in time), so not to introduce an RC bug which is unlikely
to be fixed, and that these changes are _needed_ for jessie, not
anything past jessie, exactly because it isn't yet history for jessie,
as buildd story demonstrates, and because fixed glibc hasn't even
been released upstream at the time -- if not for jessie users,
this helps derived distributions and in other situations, like
backporting and whatnot.

But even more: all this, which I voluntary explained, is hardly
relevant for the unblock-UDEB request, because none of the changes
in question EVER affect D-I in any way whatsoever.  So I don't
really understand why an unblock-UDEB request has been denied in
a background that the changes aren't needed for jessie, BEFORE
jessie has been frozen?

And another question which I asked several times is, even if the
changes aren't exactly necessary, does it HURT any?  Does the
new stuff break anything?  If not, again, why to work more when
it's that simple to do less and make everyone happy?

So, basically, it'd be good to understand why.  Maybe TC can help,
maybe the release team can, or maybe d-i team, I dunno.

c) lacking a) and b), I don't have any choice but to step down.
The reason is plain and simple.

I don't understand why, see b), why even such small, easy to review,
carefully selected, tested and needed changes can't be accepted,
and why my questions goes on unanswered while freeze progresses,
and why it is better to do more work _instead_ of the same work
which I already did.

Since I don't understand why my work isn't needed for debian,
and instead, debian prefers to do MORE work, I see this as I'm
not helping debian but instead disturbing its work.  So I can't
continue, I don't want to make life for others harder.  So I
_have_ to go.  I can't even change the way I do things to make
it easier for debian, because I don't understand what is
going on so don't know the direction to change myself.

So, if c) is the only choice I have, I request that my name
be removed from all packages which, at leaat, produces udebs
(these are busybox and mdadm so far) on the next upload, and
I'm stopping maintaining these packages, bec

Re: bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-06 Thread Sam Hartman

>However, I still really want to understand that unknown reason
>why all this happened, why it is so difficult to accept a
>working package than to do more bastardizing work, why it is
>smart to reject good stuff and to do absolutely unnecessary work
>(double work with maintaining 2 version and applying patches
>wchich aren't needed for debian as a whole, not only for jessie).
>This is the reason I'm Cc'ing ctte@, but without much hope really,
>due to already mentioned reason.

So, you're involving the TC because you're hoping to better understand
why your unblock was not approved?

How are you hoping the TC can help?  Here are some options I see:

* Some folks on the TC are fairly goodat release engineering and have
  been involved in this either in Debian, for other projects or for
  other distributions.
We could look over the situation and try to help you understand why
  someone might decide not to approve those unblocks.  Since we weren't
  the one acting on the request we can give you an understanding of why
  someone might think that way, but not why they did.

* Alternatively you could be asking for help engaging with the release
  team and Cyril to explain the actual reasoning involved.

Or perhaps you're asking for something else.

Thanks for helping me understand what you're hoping the TC can provide.

Sam, who is not currently on the TC, but seems headed in that direction
when paperwork clears.

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Re: bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-06 Thread Kurt Roeckx
On Thu, Mar 05, 2015 at 01:38:29PM +0300, Michael Tokarev wrote:
> But once I
> uploaded a next release of busybox to the archive, it was rebuilt
> using older, unfixed glibc, and the original problem reappeared.

I didn't see any request to make sure the chroots are updated.
Not having read the whole thing, would this solve your problem?


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Re: bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-05 Thread Michael Tokarev
Hash: SHA1

05.03.2015 15:08, Sam Hartman wrote:
>> "Adam" == Adam D Barratt  writes:
> Adam> Hi, Making no comment on the remainder of the mail:
> Adam> On 2015-03-05 10:38, Michael Tokarev wrote:
>>> And since I can't do my work, I'm stepping down from being busybox 
>>> maintainer, and am kindly asking the release team to remove my name from 
>>> debian/control file in busybox, so that people don't blame me for things I 
>>> can't do.
> Adam> I don't believe it would be appropriate for us to do so. We Adam> have 
> no control or say in who maintains packages (beyond that Adam> available to 
> any other DD or interested contributor).
> michael, I'd like to ask if I'm hearing you correctly.  So, what I'm hearing 
> is very strong frustration.  You had hoped that you would have the power to 
> produce a package that you'd be happy being responsible for.  However you 
> don't believe  that you have that power; you're saying that changes you 
> consider essential  to creating a busybox you're comfortable being 
> responsible for are rejected.  Am I hearing you correctly?

Well.  It is not about being happy or being powerful.  It is about at least
understanding the reasons why we should take bad and have more work instead
of taking good and have peace.  This is the main source of frustration, and
this is the main question which went unanswered so far.

The main changes I've made (this build-using thing plus a build-time glibc
check) are _only_ needed for jessie, since after jessie this whole single
issue will really be history, while for jessie it isn't history yet, like
a story with buildds demonstrating.

Another source of frustration is the fact that all the changes in question
does not break things, it does not hurt anyone, and especially does not affect
the D-I in any way whatsoever, but are being rejected on the D-I side.

Another frustration comes because much more intrusive but much less needed
changes are being happily accepted after the deadlines, even if here, I
missed the deadlines because of factors not under my control, but trying
my best.

So, the main point is that apparently it is better to do more work and make
everyone frustrated than to just accept already (hopefully well-) done work
and continue peacfully.  I don't see the reason WHY (hence I Cc'd ctte).
It is not about power.

> Adam, let's assume for the moment I've got that right.  I'm trying to connect 
> with the frustration I'd feel if I were told that I didn't even have the 
> power to distance myself from something I couldn't in good conscious claim to 
> support. I hope that there's some way that michael can approach stepping away 
> from the package in jessie if he wants to. If what you're saying is that his 
> proposed mechanism for doing that is the wrong one, would you be willing to 
> help him out and suggest a mechanism you believe to be more appropriate?  
> (Perhaps you'd approve an ublock for an upload that simply changed maintainer 
> to debian-qa?)

There's no need to change maintainer, it is debian-boot (d-i team) and
it remains like that, at least in busybox.  In busybox my name is in
Uploaders: field only.  For mdadm, on the other hand, even if it is set
as team-maintained, the sole maintainer is me, so that'd be appropriate
to change maintainer to debian-qa.

Both packages affects d-i, and for the reasons I already described, I
can't do that myself, since I'll face the same unblock request process
from the D-I team.  More, I don't really want to keep my name as the
author of last changelog entry in this case.

> If what you're saying is that you see no mechanism for him to step away from 
> a package he no longer feels he can maintain because he and the release team 
> disagree with the desired contents of that package in Jessie, then I 
> respectfully ask you to reconsider that position.  That sort of thing would 
> likely drive me away from the entire project, not just one package.

Actually this was my first reaction, but I thought I'd wait for a bit
and just point out a possible defect in debian, possible request for

> Micahel, one final question to you. Are you firmly committed to the path of 
> stepping away from busybox maintenance, or would you be willing to 
> re-evaluate that decision after we see what comes of your request for 
> understanding?

I don't believe there's any other alternative actually.  I dunno, it is
difficult to think.  I wanted to understand the WHY first, because clearly,
as I tried to describe, I don't see, at all, why this is done.  I don't
really feel "powerless", that's not the problem, after all no single person
should have absolute powers (including Cyril, no matter how respectful I
or anyone else is for him due to his work).  After all I always have absolute
power to continue maintaining the package locally, and that's what I definitely
will do, because I depend on it and I don't want it to become in that really

Re: bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-05 Thread Adam D. Barratt


Bah, so much for a quick response that I thought was simple and 
uncontroversial. :-)

On 2015-03-05 12:08, Sam Hartman wrote:

Adam, let's assume for the moment I've got that right.  I'm trying to
connect with the frustration I'd feel if I were told that I didn't even
have the power to distance myself from something I couldn't in good
conscious claim to support.
I hope that there's some way that michael can approach stepping away
from the package in jessie if he wants to.
If what you're saying is that his proposed mechanism for doing that is
the wrong one, would you be willing to help him out and suggest a
mechanism you believe to be more appropriate?

Yes, I'm specifically saying that I don't believe the Release Team has 
the authority to do what Michael is asking of us, nor do I believe we 
should do so. (Individual DDs who are part of the team can of course do 
so. Apologies if this seems like splitting hairs, but I think the 
distinction is important.)

The way I'd expect a voluntary change of maintainership to be made would 
be via an upload either by the existing maintainer, another member of 
the maintainer team (where appropriate) or the new maintainer (or I 
guess $RANDOMDD as a "QA upload with maintainer's consent" or similar).

I'm certainly not saying that Michael shouldn't be able to remove 
himself, simply that I'd feel uncomfortable with the Release Team as an 
entity doing so.

(Perhaps you'd approve an
ublock for an upload that simply changed maintainer to debian-qa?)

For the record, the Maintainer: listed in the package is debian-boot; 
Michael's in Uploaders. If it's really that much of an issue then I 
imagine they could be persuaded to remove his name from the package and 
in that case I can't see that getting it migrated under those 
circumstances would be a huge problem.

If what you're saying is that you see no mechanism for him to step away
from a package he no longer feels he can maintain because he and the
release team disagree with the desired contents of that package in

I'm not sure the Release Team has expressed any particular opinion on 
the desired contents of the package beyond deferring to the d-i RM. I 
admit that I haven't gone back and checked through the full history of 
the unblock requests though, so I may have missed something.



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Re: bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-05 Thread Sam Hartman
> "Adam" == Adam D Barratt  writes:

Adam> Hi, Making no comment on the remainder of the mail:

Adam> On 2015-03-05 10:38, Michael Tokarev wrote:
>> And since I can't do my work, I'm stepping down from being
>> busybox maintainer, and am kindly asking the release team to
>> remove my name from debian/control file in busybox, so that
>> people don't blame me for things I can't do.

Adam> I don't believe it would be appropriate for us to do so. We
Adam> have no control or say in who maintains packages (beyond that
Adam> available to any other DD or interested contributor).

michael, I'd like to ask if I'm hearing you correctly.  So, what I'm
hearing is very strong frustration.  You had hoped that you would have
the power to produce a package that you'd be happy being responsible
for.  However you don't believe  that you have that power; you're saying
that changes you consider essential  to creating a busybox you're
comfortable being responsible for are rejected.  Am I hearing you

Adam, let's assume for the moment I've got that right.  I'm trying to
connect with the frustration I'd feel if I were told that I didn't even
have the power to distance myself from something I couldn't in good
conscious claim to support.
I hope that there's some way that michael can approach stepping away
from the package in jessie if he wants to.
If what you're saying is that his proposed mechanism for doing that is
the wrong one, would you be willing to help him out and suggest a
mechanism you believe to be more appropriate?  (Perhaps you'd approve an
ublock for an upload that simply changed maintainer to debian-qa?)

If what you're saying is that you see no mechanism for him to step away
from a package he no longer feels he can maintain because he and the
release team disagree with the desired contents of that package in
Jessie, then I respectfully ask you to reconsider that position.  That
sort of thing would likely drive me away from the entire project, not
just one package.

Micahel, one final question to you.
Are you firmly committed to the path of stepping away from busybox
maintenance, or would you be willing to re-evaluate that decision after
we see what comes of your request for understanding?

thanks for your consideration,


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Re: bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-05 Thread Adam D. Barratt


Making no comment on the remainder of the mail:

On 2015-03-05 10:38, Michael Tokarev wrote:

And since I can't do my work, I'm stepping down from being
busybox maintainer, and am kindly asking the release team
to remove my name from debian/control file in busybox, so
that people don't blame me for things I can't do.

I don't believe it would be appropriate for us to do so. We have no 
control or say in who maintains packages (beyond that available to any 
other DD or interested contributor).



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bastardizing packages or stepping down

2015-03-05 Thread Michael Tokarev
Hash: SHA1


I didn't really want to write this email, but it looks I now have to,
even if, for reasons which whill be shown below, don't expect any
good news from this.

Trying to make the story short.

For quite some time we had a bug in glibc in jessie which resulted
in statically-linked applications malfunctioning when using any of
nsswitch-related functionality (eg gethostbyname() etc), #757941.

This glibc bug resulted in bugreport about busybox package -- #769190
(#757941 has been filed against busybox too, initially).  The problem
was that many busybox applets didn't work in static build.

That bug was rather fun, because even if it is fixed in glibc, your
package depends on the fixed version to be present on all buildds,
or else the resulting binary will be buggy again.  This is exactly
what happened with #769190 -- to work around initial #757941 in bb,
it has been bin-NMUed and rebuilt with a fixed glibc.  But once I
uploaded a next release of busybox to the archive, it was rebuilt
using older, unfixed glibc, and the original problem reappeared.

For added fun, since glibc package names are architecture-dependent,
it is rather difficult to express all necessary build-depends correctly.

Having all this, and having in mind that at least initially you don't
know if this particular build of your package is affected or not,
another bug has been filed against busybox -- #768876, requesting
that busybox-static have a Built-Using field to allow seeing which
glibc version it was built against, at least.

This bugreport (#768876, built-using) is of serious severity and is
tagged with jessie-ignore, not because it is irrelevant for jessie but
because it is _difficult_ to fix and the package already received
manual treatment to be rebuilt against a fixed glibc version.

Understanding the actual severity of this problem, I tried to fix this
before jessie, because I know it is important to do so (see below).
I had fever at that time, and fixing it turned out rather difficult
and required several iterations to finally get it right.  I especially
tried to fix that as fast as possible despite the fever, because it
was near jessie freeze so, even if I was absolutely sure it wont be a
problem to accept these changes to jessie, I didn't want to add more
work for already busy enough release team to review and accept the changes.

But at that time things didn't go right, because it turned out many
buildds are still having old version of glibc and the resulting binary
is buggy again.  So I tried to add a versioned build-dependency on
glibc, which too took several iterations because glibc package names
are arch-specific and because I wanted to keep ability of busybox to
be compiled against old version of glibc (eg for backports), both of
which finally worked.  Also I added a built-time test which builds a
tiny static program which does getpwnam("root"), to verify before build
that the build environment is able to produce static executables at all.
At least this should ensure we wont have known-broken binary after a
successful build.

All 3 changes -- the generation of Built-Using field, the build-time test
to ensure static linking works, and addition of extra build-depends field --
are small and self-contained in d/rules (or d/control) file, easy to review
or remove when it all really becomes history.

Meanwhile I fixed another, unrelated, buglet in the package which annoyed
me enough during these multiple uploads -- I changed d/rules so it does
not produce arch-all package (busybox-syslogd) when asked only to produce
arch-specific packages.  This was a bit larger change in d/rules but is a
well tested in other packages.

Neither of these changes, and this is important point, -- neither of these
changes affects the resulting binary packages on a system where glibc is
fixed.  The changes adds one extra field (Built-Using) to busybox-static
package, ensures the build environment is able to produce a static binary
and introduces a versioned build-depends on libc which allows us to build
the package either with fixed glibc version or with glibc which does not
have that bug yet.

After all this it turned out that several buildds were still having issues
with the new build-depends, so the package were attempted to build multiple
times - some buildds had unfixed glibc so build-depends were impossible to
satisfy.  More, it turned out hurd-i386 build env is not able to produce
a working statically-linked getpwnam("root") binary at all.  So I pinged
buildd maintainers asking to update glibc, I also contacted hurd people
asking what to do (hurd is not a release arch but it is in buildd and if
I can fix hurd before freeze so I wont need to add more work for the release
team that'd be nice).  But time was, ofcourse, ticking. (Btw, I received no
replies to my inquires about release-goal buildds, however after numerous
attempts buildd network finally was able to produce working busybox