Re: Constitution, and SPI section s.9

1998-06-22 Thread Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader
Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader writes ("Re: Constitution, and SPI section 
> I've asked Tim et al for an electronic copy, but they don't have one.
> I've now asked if it would be OK for me to scan in my paper copy.

... and he has said he does not object.  So, given that two of the
board agree I shall do this tomorrow.  (I don't have them here with


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Re: Constitution, and SPI section s.9

1998-06-22 Thread Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader
Dale Scheetz writes ("Re: Constitution, and SPI section s.9"):
> We have yet to see, or even hear about the charter for SPI. Those who have
> attempted to get such information from the State of New York, have been
> told this document is not available. It is my understanding that such
> charters of incorporation are public knowledge and should be freely
> available.
> Other hearsay indicates that you (Ian) have a copy of this document, and
> may even have read it ;-)

I have a paper copy, and have skimread it.

> I am deeply concerned about making statements in the Debian Constitution
> with respect to an "undefined" SPI corporate entity.

I can quite understand this concern.

> SPI, through its appointed spokesperson (also undeclared), has made no
> attempt to clear up this lack of information, and so far neither have you,
> Ian, in either your position as leader, or that of an SPI boardmember.

I've asked Tim et al for an electronic copy, but they don't have one.
I've now asked if it would be OK for me to scan in my paper copy.

> I am not in favor of voting on the Constitution until I have heard quite a
> bit more about what SPI thinks it is supposed to be about.

I think the articles of incorporation should answer that question for


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Constitution, and SPI section s.9

1998-06-22 Thread Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader
I've mailed the SPI Board proposing that they agree to the following:

   1. SPI will hold money, trademarks and other tangible and
  intangible property and manage other affairs for purposes
  related to Debian.

   2. Such property will be accounted for separately and held in trust
  for those purposes, decided on by Debian and SPI according to
  this section.

   3. SPI will not dispose of or use property held in trust for
  purposes related to Debian without approval from Debian, which
  may be granted by the Project Leader or by General Resolution of
  the Developers.

   4. SPI will consider using or disposing of property held in trust
  for purposes related to Debian when asked to do so by the
  Project Leader.

   5. SPI will use or dispose of property held in trust for purposes
  related to Debian when asked to do so by a General Resolution of
  the Developers, provided that this is compatible with SPI's
  legal authority.

   6. SPI will notify the Developers by electronic mail to a Debian
  Project mailing list when it uses or disposes of property held
  in trust for purposes related to Debian.

NB that this has a couple of extra occurrences of `purposes related
to' which I seem to have missed out from the most recent posted
version of the constitution.

Unless anyone objects I plan to have the corrected version voted on
without going through the formal amendment process (which would
involve waiting two weeks, or having voters choose which version they
wanted to accept), as I consider this change not to be substantive.


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Release management - politics

1998-06-09 Thread Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader
Just briefly: we will _not_ be voting on release process/
architecture.  This is a technical decision, and is therefore up to
the developers concerned (Brian, mainly), and the Technical Committee.
Technical design and decisions must not be left to a vote.

I'll be making another posting about technical matters.

I think that it would be generally a good idea to step back from the
details proposals that people (myself included) have been making and
try to identify some of the key issues and overall options.


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Constitution - formal proposal (v0.7)

1998-04-27 Thread Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader
Please see
for the latest draft constitution.

If there are no more significant comments and amendents I shall call
for a vote in two weeks [4.2(4), A.2].

I call on Manoj to formally withdraw [A.4, 4.2(5)] his proposed
amendment, as I believe based on public and private email I've
answered all of the concerns it addressed.

I hereby propose and accept an amendment to my motion, for the changes
from 0.6, at ...-0.6.html, to this version.

Changes since 0.6, most significant first:

* "Debian's property" in s.9 (SPI) changed to "Property held in trust
for purposes related to Debian", to avoid possible tax liability and
other legal problems.  This is a significant substantive change !

* Person who calls for a vote must collate motions, amendments, etc.,
though Secretary doesn't have to use their collation.

* Proposer of a resolution can suggest wording changes to amendments,
to take effect if amender agrees as well and no seconders (of the
amendment) object.

* Technical Committee member can't vote on motions to overrule
themselves as a developer, unless they're the Chairman (who only gets
a casting vote anyway).

* Technical Committee has a quorum, of two _including_ the chairman
(who can not otherwise vote, usually, having only a casting vote).

* Section on withdrawing (A.4) is now clearer and (probably) has more
sensible effect.

* `Decision body of last recourse' sentence about SPI clarified.

* Decisionmakers listed in rough order of precedence.  (No substantive
change, though.)

* Typo and numbering fixes.

(Please honour the `Reply-To: debian-devel' header.)

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Re: *** The Upcoming Release of Hamm ***

1998-04-15 Thread Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader
Brian White writes ("*** The Upcoming Release of Hamm ***"):
> There seems to be a lot of speculation about the upcoming release of Hamm.
> The date "April 20th" seems to be the favorite date that is getting passed
> around.
> I can guarantee everyone right now that no release will be made at that
> time.

Good.  As you say, we are not ready.

> I'm feeling sick and am very busy, so I'm going to be blunt here...  Lively
> discussions about whether this is good or bad and the things that can be done
> about it are largely pointless.  More discussion is not going to get it out
> the door sooner.  The only thing that is _really_ going to help is to roll
> up your seleves and get down & dirty.  We need backbones -- not jawbones
> or wishbones.

Brian is absolutely right.

> So, when will Hamm be released?  You decide.  It's up to the devolpers
> to set the date by fixing the problems that are currently holding up
> the release.  As soon as the last release-necessary bug gets closed or
> downgraded, we'll probably be ready to ship.

Can I propose the following ?  When we get into this state we announce
an `early beta' and delay the release for at least a further two weeks
to see if any more release-necessary bugs arise, or if there is
discussion about the status of a bug.


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Call for recommendations for the Technical Committee

1998-04-08 Thread Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader
As I said, I want to appoint the Technical Committee.  However, I
would like to gather some input from the developers before I decide on
my preferred committee.

So: if you feel someone is technically excellent and likely otherwise
to be overlooked (for example, because they've not been active very
much during the times when I have, or in different threads/lists)
please mail me at the address above.

In support of such recommendations I'd be particularly interested in
reports of instances where the person was in dispute about some
technical matter with someone else.  A reference to the discussion
would be especially good.

Please do not discuss this on the list; I think that would be likely
to reopen old discussions and/or generate more heat than light.


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Constitution - formal proposal (v0.6.1)

1998-04-07 Thread Ian Jackson - Debian Project Leader
Please see
for the latest draft constitution.  These changes are not yet formal.

Changes (numbering as in new):

s.1: List of decisionmakers rearranged and sentence added to help
convey partial authority graph.

s.6.3(2): Tech ctte members can't vote on whether to overrule
themselves as a developer (unless they're the chairman, in which case
they get only a casting vote as usual).

s.9: Changes mainly suggested by Oliver Elphick to avoid perception of
tax liability, &c.

s.A.1(5): Proposer of resolution may suggest changes to wordings of
amendments, which the proposer of the amendment must accept and the
seconders of the amendment may reject.

s.A.4: Section on withdrawing clarified.

s.A.4,5,6: renumbered (there were two s.A.3's).

(Please honour the `Reply-To: debian-devel' header.)

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