Bug#1068823: (No Subject)

2024-04-13 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Thanks guys, these are very useful methods and I'll mention these as 
alternatives to disk cleanups recommended at 
https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/774199/233262 (this would probably very useful 
to have at places about upgrades failing due to disk space issues even though 
people only look these up once the problems already occurred).

However, the problem of the upgrade requiring more disk space than displayed at 
first remains and the command by Zeimetz can't be used with a built-in 
rememberable well-known command like sudo apt-get upgrade --stepwise

I don't think peripheral devices would be the common case for personal 
computers, rather one would simply specify a directory on a partition that is 
larger than the root partition.

Upgrading individual packages is not what this is about in case that wasn't 
clear. It's one upgrade but it's separated into several steps where one batch 
of packages are download and installed, the cache deleted, and then the next 
If the upgrade breaks in between due to disk space, because the user aborted 
it, a crash, or an error, then only some packages are upgraded...a stepwise 
upgrade could if anything be a way to *avoid* that (or at least interruptions 
due to disk space problems) and to make them less problematic.
The key thing is that it would be usable with a simple command (such as by 
adding --stepwise)...if that command only executes a few already existing 
commands with no apt changes required for the basic functionality of this, 
that's all the better.

Bug#1068823: Stepwise Debian upgrade to enable systems with little free storage space to upgrade without breaks due to "No space left on device"

2024-04-11 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: general

A distro upgrade of Debian needs a lot of disk space on the root partition.
That partition often doesn't have a large size. That could for example be 
because it's on a mobile device, on a SSD drive, has lots of installed 
software, or because the user simply followed the advice of guides that usually 
recommend the root partition to be relatively small.
I had this problem when upgrading to Debian12 and also had it during the last 
distro upgrade.

A problem is that the storage requirements displayed when running sudo apt-get 
upgrade --without-new-pkgs or sudo apt-get full-upgrade are lower than what is 
actually needed. Obviously, that shouldn't be the case. Solving this problem 
could be redundant if there was a way to make it upgrade incrementally in 
several steps.

Could you please make stepwise distribution upgrades possible?

With the two commands above one can already split it up into two steps but 
especially the second command still requires a lot of disk space. That it 
displays less storage requirements than actually needed makes it more difficult 
to avoid the problem. Avoiding and solving potential issues resulting from the 
upgrade breaking or from what the user tries to do to free up disk space 
requires skill and time, and makes the upgrade userunfriendly and far less 
smooth than it could be.

Here's what I do to free up disk space and I had to do some of the things while 
the upgrade was ongoing as I noticed that it takes up more disk space than I 
previously freed up: https://unix.stackexchange.com/q/774199/233262 (such as 
deleting the cached packages after an unrelated fatal error breaking the 
upgrade so that it downloaded half of them again when I ran the full-upgrade 
command again after solving that).

This could also be an issue for apt but it could probably also be done 
independently from that package which is why I filed it under general for now.

One could also make it so that it dynamically adjusts depending on how much 
disk space is available throughout the upgrade. It could and probably should 
still only be one command.

For example, I think a good approach to this would be something like this (if 
the user is low on root partition disk space):
1. asking for *at least* 400MB to be available
2. if a parameter for stepwise is set or it detected low free disk space:
3. downloading the first 300 MB or so of packages
4. installing these
5. deleting the cached packages from /var/cache/apt/archives/
6. downloading the next batch up to the storage limit set at start
7. and so on (without exiting in-between)

Bug#1068778: geoclue and gpsd are running by default (they aren't needed and could be used for location tracking)

2024-04-10 Thread mYnDstrEAm
Package: general

I wondered why Debian comes with geoclue-2.0 and gpsd running by default (which 
could be used for location tracking). Please do not install them by default or 
if you really must, please do not make them autostart.

At most it could be useful for a few users if it was installed but not enabled 
and not running by default (so just an option one could enable in the configs 
or which could be enabled by the user through a prompt). If it's running by 
default this also means that after upgrades it could be running again. This is 
a privacy issue, an undesired bloat service that requires to spend time to 
remove it, and a larger attack surface even if there was a proper and 
vulnerability-free permissions-management for GPS-location-access.