Re: problema con debconf

2003-06-09 Por tema Jesus Climent
On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 10:50:52AM +0100, Sergio Rua wrote:
> Hola,
>   Cuando instalas el paquete te pregunta por el modulo de
> autenticacion que quieres usar. En funcion del modulo, si necesita mas
> configuracion, hace otras preguntas.
> # 
> # Config file for

Lo siento. Yo los mios me los hago en POSIX shell. No perl here.

mooch aka data aka sueño

Jesus Climent | Unix SysAdm | Helsinki, Finland |
GPG: 1024D/86946D69 BB64 2339 1CAA 7064 E429  7E18 66FC 1D7F 8694 6D69
 Registered Linux user #66350 proudly using Debian Sid & Linux 2.4.20

Look at my fingers: four stones, four crates. Zero stones? ZERO CRATES!
--Zorg (The Fifth Element)

Reconstruyendo paquetes...

2003-06-09 Por tema Jaime Robles
Hash: SHA1

Buenas noches a todos.
He reconstruido los paquetes de los que os hablaba la semana pasada.
Los he reconstruido usando "pbuilder" y he ajustado las dependencias todo lo 
que he podido.
Os agradecería que los probarais y me comentarais como eliminar los warnings y 
errores que aun quedan (con linda y lintian) porque no se cómo eliminarlos.

Los paquetes están en:

y son kwifimanager and klog.


- -- 
Un saludo,
Jaime Robles
Coordinador KDE-es - KDE Spanish Translation Team  -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: (forw) debian tshirt

2003-06-09 Por tema Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña

On Sun, Jun 08, 2003 at 10:03:31AM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> * Jesus Climent ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [030605 13:31]:
> > On Thu, Jun 05, 2003 at 12:52:49PM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> > > I forward this here since Sergio might not respond as soon as
> > > someone else could be able.
> > Contacted Ricardo Cardenes ([EMAIL PROTECTED] aka Heimy) to request the
> > same thing to be sent to the guys in Oslo.
> i would very much like to send the email to the person who will
> put together and PAY the debconf debian tshirt today.
> i still dont have that eps file. could someone PLEASE look for it
> and send it to me, preferably today?

Just talked to the guy that printed the t-shirts last year (Sergio). There 
are no eps, it seems, because he just gave the design to the people at the 
shop who did the printing and they produced the t-shirts themselves.

If you take a look at the design is quite simple, it uses the swirl logo 
and the phrase "debian/rules" with the same font that it is show in the 
different logos for the word "debian". Could the person who will make the 
t-shirts ask if it will be feasible to ask whomever is going to print it to 
produce a similar result given both the logo and the "debian" word (all the 
files are available at the website [1])

In any case, Sergio told me that he has some t-shirts that people who asked 
for them didn't pay and were returned to him in the mail. I can ask him to 
forward me the t-shirts, pay them and bring them along with me to the 
debconf (if I finally manage to get airplane tickets to go, that is).
I do not know how many spare t-shirts there are, though.

Best regards



Description: PGP signature

problema con debconf

2003-06-09 Por tema Sergio Rua

Estoy revisando el postinst del openwebmail para cerrar un par
de bugs y resulta que con la ultima version de debconf ya no me funciona

Cuando instalas el paquete te pregunta por el modulo de
autenticacion que quieres usar. En funcion del modulo, si necesita mas
configuracion, hace otras preguntas.

Esto me funcionaba bien pero ahora me encuentro con este mensaje
en lugar de las respuestas en lugar de las que he introducido:

# Config file for
use vars qw($SQLHost $sqlusr $sqlpwd $auth_db $auth_table $field_username 
$field_password $field_realname $field_uid $field_gid $field_home $pass_type );

$SQLHost = "question will be asked";
$sqlusr = "question will be asked";   
$sqlpwd = "question will be asked";

# [ mas de lo mismo...]


Alguna idea? No soy ningun experto en Debconf asi que ni idea de
como solucinar esto.

Kind regards,

Sergio Rua