[Help] A Quota Problem ... (Quota -v )

2002-07-30 Thread axacheng
Hello List :

i have a RAID-0 device that consists of four 80G HDs (File system Type is XFS)
i mounted this device to /dev/md0 and i use Quota over /dev/md0 which restrict 
size about 50G per user (only 5 users in my server)
when i type "setquota user1 11796480 13107200 0 0 /raid" (/raid was mounted by 
And, i am sure Quota is working to user1!
And, i type "repquota /raid" have some quota information as following:

*** Report for user quotas on device /dev/md0
Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days
Block limitsFile limits
Userusedsofthard  graceused  soft  hard  grace
root  --   0   0   0  3 0 0
user1 -- 10996808   11796480   13107200 646023 0 0
axa.cheng --  996548   11796480   13107200  3 0 0

Unfortunately, Our users told me, They CAN NOT see any quota information when 
they type "quota -v"   

that like this:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/raid$ quota -v
Disk quotas for user axa.cheng (uid 1001):
 Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit   grace
   /dev/md0   0   0   0   0   0   0

i dont know why??? Anyone got idea as to nature/solution of this problem???

Trust & Unique ... 
Axacheng's PGP Public Key   http://www.navigation.idv.tw/pgpkey

Re: Maildirs in Debian

2002-07-30 Thread Donovan Baarda
On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 10:17:13AM -0700, C. R. Oldham wrote:
> > Maildir delivery has lots of advantages over mbox spools, but 
> > the latter is the only standard.
> > 
> > Almost all M*A's support both standards.
> My understanding was that the Maildir patches for the c-client libraries
> (affecting the UW imapd and Pine) were not very stable.  Furthermore, as

People still use pine? Where do you get deb's for that, or at least
installer deb's. Last time I looked they apeared gone for good. I have one
user who want's his pine fix bad, and I've been fobbing him of with "it's
no-longer available, use mutt".

> a longtime subscriber to the c-client discussion list, Mark Crispin
> hates Maildir.  Mark's feelings may not have a bearing on the final
> decisions, I just include that as a datapoint.

I think that having a debconf option to pick which you want would be great.
Failing that, a migration to pure maildir would probably be good, provided
the migration could be handled transperantly.

ABO: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more info, including pgp key

Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-30 Thread Donovan Baarda
On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 03:49:35PM -0700, Angus Scott-Fleming wrote:
> Thanks to all for an interesting and informative discussion 
> (so far).  It has not degenerated into flamewars; I think 
> proponents of qmail and postfix have stated their cases well 
> without descending into wars over The One True Way.  

I've posted some stuff on this before;


These are in pretty extensive threads on the issue.

ABO: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED] for more info, including pgp key

tomcat in woody?

2002-07-30 Thread KevinL
Heya all,

I'm having some difficulty making tomcat run in debian woody.  I did the
usual "apt-get install", and it fires up ok, but then starts logging
many exceptions to stdout.log.  I've done this on pretty much completely
clean debian boxes, three of, and get the same result everywhere.

There's nothing running on port 8081.  Is there any extra work I have to
do to configure it or something?  I'm basically java-clueless,
unfortunately :(

Log basically looks like this - the exception repeats as quickly as it
can, until I kill the server:

dev:/var/log/tomcat# tail -f stdout.log
Jdk11Compat: Installing jar protocol handler 
EmbededTomcat: Init time 10555
Guessed home=/usr/share/tomcat
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main.execute(Main.java:313)
at org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main.main(Main.java:140)
2002-07-31 03:19:24 - SessionIdGenerator: Opening /dev/urandom
2002-07-31 03:19:25 - ServerXmlReader:
2002-07-31 03:19:25 - PathSetter: home=/usr/share/tomcat
2002-07-31 03:19:25 - ContextXmlReader: Context
2002-07-31 03:19:25 - AutoWebApp: Auto-Adding DEFAULT:/
2002-07-31 03:19:25 - AutoWebApp: Loaded from config: DEFAULT:/examples
2002-07-31 03:19:25 - ContextManager: Tomcat configured and in stable
2002-07-31 03:19:25 - ContextManager: Adding  DEFAULT:/examples
2002-07-31 03:19:25 - ContextManager: Adding  DEFAULT:/ROOT
2002-07-31 03:19:28 - Http10Interceptor: Starting on 8081
PoolTcpEndpoint: Endpoint
ServerSocket[addr=,port=0,localport=8081] ignored
exception: java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
java.net.SocketException: Socket closed
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.close(PlainSocketImpl.java:408)
at java.net.Socket.close(Socket.java:383)
at java.net.ServerSocket.implAccept(ServerSocket.java:206)
at java.net.ServerSocket.accept(ServerSocket.java:181)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java)

Votos de Boas Férias

2002-07-30 Thread informacao

][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][ BOAS FÉRIAS ][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][

Na praia ou no campo, este verão proteja o seu telemóvel das areias da praia , 
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Todas as semanas adiccionamos novos modelos à maior coleção de capas (carcaças) 
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#1 em telemoveis e acessorios

Re: my firewall

2002-07-30 Thread Alex Borges

> sorry for my english, never study
Not bad at all
U have a typo on the log_martians part 

Re: LDAP and ssl

2002-07-30 Thread David Wright

I download the source, but before building I
  dch -v 2.0.23-7.1
That way I am .1 ahead of the archived version.

I like this better than pinning, because apt-get will inform me when the
maintainer issues a new version (and not bother me before then).

my firewall

2002-07-30 Thread Peperino Pomuro
Hi people.. i just " finish " my firewall.. i don't test it, i never run
it... it may not work at all... but i spend so many hours.. that
i wan't to share it. I accept any suggestions and critics... it's not
finished and there is a lot of things that i need to add...
but for now, i will do something else, i hate iptables for the next two
o three days :)

any suggestions, welcome :)

see ya

sorry for my english, never study

Guido Lorenzutti (Peperino Pomuro)


linux user #206665 - http://counter.li.org


#version 1.0 (mayor release! uija!)
#	i lost it :)... deal with it.
#to do:
#see if i don't need to discriminate the ports below 1024
#check the need of a "catch all" rule at the end
#depending on the distro check were the script is and scream if it is not on /etc/init.d/

			#this is a comment, i like comments, read them for help

##initial config-##

#-system configuration--#

IPTABLES=/sbin/iptables	#path of the iptables
MODULES=no		#yes if your kernel support modules and you need them
			#to do, i have to add the modules that you need

#--network devices settings-#

NETNIC=ppp0		#if you change to ethernet you will start using SNAT
IPNETNIC=`ifconfig $NETNIC |grep inet |awk '{ print $2 }'|cut -d : -f 2`

LANNIC=eth1		#the interface connected to your lan
IPLANNIC=`ifconfig $LANNIC |grep inet |awk '{ print $2 }'|cut -d : -f 2`

#-/proc sysctl settings-#

IP_FORWARD=yes		#to enable ipforward, VERY important

ICMPALLIGNORE=no	#yes to block ALL the pings from everywhere
ICMPBROADCAST=yes	#yes to don't respond to broadcast pings (smurf)
ICMPERRORMESG=yes	#yes to protect against bogus error messages

LOGMARTIANS=yes		#yes to log packets with impossible addresses
IP_SPOOFING=yes		#yes to disable spoofing attacks on ALL interfaces

REDUCEDOS=yes		#reduces the timeouts and the posibility of a DOS

SYNCOOKIES=yes		#yes to enable tcp syn cookies protection
TIMESTAMPS=yes		#yes to enable tcp timestamps protection

SOURCEROUTED=yes	#yes to ignore source routed packets
SENDREDIRECTS=yes	#yes to ignore redirected packets

#adsl specific problems-#

PPPOE_PMTU=no		#if you have problems with your pppoe connection
PPTP_GRE=no		#if you have problems with your pptp connection

#--squid setup--#

TRANSPARENT=yes		#yes if you use the squid on transparent mode
SQUIDINSIDE=yes		#yes if you run squid on the device conected to the lan
SQUIDREMOTE=		#the ip of the remote squid box on you lan
SQUIDPORT=3128		#the port where squid listen

##--hosts and ports config---##

#--specific TOTALLY banned IPs--#

USEHATE=no			#to start using the next options

MICROSOFT=www.microsoft.com	#sample of a banned host

HATEHOSTS="$MICROSOFT"		#add the banned hosts here=09

#-specific trusted hosts#

USETRUST=yes			#to start using the next options

SICEAR=sicear.dyndns.org	#example of a host to trust

TRUSTED="$SICEAR"		#add the hosts to trust here

#---local MAC address friends---#

USEMAC=yes			#to start using the next options

AZRAEL=00:50:BA:86:9F:EC	#example of a mac address to trust

MACFRIENDS="$AZRAEL $CEREBRO"	#add the hosts to trust here

#---ssh administration--#

#still living my life

#-flood variables---#

TCPSYNLIMIT="5/s"		# Overall Limit for TCP-SYN-Flood detection
TCPSYNLIMITBURST="10" 		# Burst Limit for TCP-SYN-Flood detection
LOGLIMIT="2/s" 			# Overall Limit for Loggging in Logging-Chains
LOGLIMITBURST="10" 		# Burst Limit for Logging in Logging-Chains
PINGLIMIT="5/s" 		# Overall Limit for Ping-Flood-Detection
PINGLIMITBURST="10"		# Burst Limit for Ping-Flood-Detection

##---testing the config--##

if [ "$UID" !=  "0" ]; then
	echo " 	  (\___/)"
	echo " 	  (=':'=)"
	echo " 	 ('']_['')   "
	echo "	 "
	echo "	are you r00t?"
	exit 1

if [ -z $IPNETNIC ]; then
	echo "ABORTING: Unable to determine the IP-address of the $NETNIC"
	exit 1
	echo "the internet connection is thru the $NETNIC device"

if [ -z $IPLANNIC ]; then
	echo "ABORTING: Unable to determine the IP-address of the $LANNIC"
	exit 1
	echo "the lan connection is thru the $LANNIC device"

if [ -x $IPTABLES ]; then
	echo "the configuration seems to be OK"
	echo "ABORTING: $IPTABLES doesn't exist or isn't executable"
	exit 1

if [ "$?" != "0" ] ; then
	echo "you should stop the firewall before start it again"
	echo "/etc/init.d/firewall stop"

##modules to load

Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-30 Thread Angus Scott-Fleming
Thanks to all for an interesting and informative discussion 
(so far).  It has not degenerated into flamewars; I think 
proponents of qmail and postfix have stated their cases well 
without descending into wars over The One True Way.  

Angus Scott-Fleming  GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   1-520-290-5038 / fax 1-208-248-3124

Re: Some more port closing questions

2002-07-30 Thread thing
113 is controlled from inetd.conf, add a # in front of the relevent line.

afterwards do a killall -HUP inetd

111 is portmaper, its in /etc/init.d, you can stop the services with ./portmap
stop then remove the sym link to the run level or chmod the script to 0400 and 
wont run on boot in future.



Crawford Rainwater wrote:

> Thanks to all on the Portsentry issue I had
> a week ago.
> Along those same lines, I have two ports I cannot
> figure out (even looking through the LDP) on how
> to close or shut down their related services.
> They are as follows:
> 111/tcp sunrpc
> 111/udp sunrpc
> 113/tcp auth
> 1024/tcp kdm
> 1024/udp unknown (I am guessing this is with the kdm one)
> Advice appreciated, thanks in advance.
> --- Crawford
> The I.T.E.C. Company
> P.M.B. 146
> 368 South McCaslin Boulevard
> Louisville, CO 80027 USA
> (303) 604-2550 (voice)
> (866) 604-2550 (toll free)
> (303) 664-0036 (fax)
> http://www.itec-co.com
> --
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]


2002-07-30 Thread Craig Morehouse
Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional
 to how much we think we know.

   Set the controls for the heart of the sun.

RE: Maildirs in Debian [OFFTOPIC-JOKE]

2002-07-30 Thread Alex Borges
>Mark Crispin
> hates Maildir.  Mark's feelings may not have a bearing on the final
> decisions, I just include that as a datapoint.

LOL . 

I hate round robin and divide and conquer strategies, i loathe
chalenge-response authentication, the very thought of heap-sort
techniques make me shiver

Dear me, we need to get a life geeks

NOTE: And, when i woke up, the algorithm was still there.

P.S. I just woke up this way, i realize how offtopic this is 

Re: Some more port closing questions

2002-07-30 Thread Phillip Hofmeister
On Tue, 30 Jul 2002 at 11:09:49AM -0600, Crawford Rainwater wrote:
> Thanks to all on the Portsentry issue I had
> a week ago.
> Along those same lines, I have two ports I cannot
> figure out (even looking through the LDP) on how
> to close or shut down their related services.
> They are as follows:
> 111/tcp sunrpc
> 111/udp sunrpc
I believe there is something in /etc/init.d/mountnfs* that deals with this 
> 113/tcp auth
Check in /etc/identd.conf
> 1024/tcp kdm
check your KDM config under /etc/X11/...
> 1024/udp unknown (I am guessing this is with the kdm one)


wget -O - http://www.zionlth.org/~plhofmei/ | gpg --import

RE: Maildirs in Debian

2002-07-30 Thread C. R. Oldham
> Maildir delivery has lots of advantages over mbox spools, but 
> the latter is the only standard.
> Almost all M*A's support both standards.

My understanding was that the Maildir patches for the c-client libraries
(affecting the UW imapd and Pine) were not very stable.  Furthermore, as
a longtime subscriber to the c-client discussion list, Mark Crispin
hates Maildir.  Mark's feelings may not have a bearing on the final
decisions, I just include that as a datapoint.

C. R. Oldham, Director of Technology
Arizona State University
V:480-965-8703 F:480-965-9423 

Maildirs in Debian

2002-07-30 Thread Jorge . Lehner

I just want to sense the environment about a to be proposed Debian
policy change with respect to mail handling.

Maildir delivery has lots of advantages over mbox spools, but the
latter is the only standard.

Almost all M*A's support both standards.

It would be a big relieve, if one could chose either of them at some
moment, and this choice would be recorded, let's say in

The M*A packages could sense this file and configure them accordingly,
or refuse to install if they cannot work under the required delivery

Best Regards,


Some more port closing questions

2002-07-30 Thread Crawford Rainwater
Thanks to all on the Portsentry issue I had
a week ago.

Along those same lines, I have two ports I cannot
figure out (even looking through the LDP) on how
to close or shut down their related services.
They are as follows:

111/tcp sunrpc
111/udp sunrpc
113/tcp auth
1024/tcp kdm
1024/udp unknown (I am guessing this is with the kdm one)

Advice appreciated, thanks in advance.

--- Crawford

The I.T.E.C. Company
P.M.B. 146
368 South McCaslin Boulevard
Louisville, CO 80027 USA
(303) 604-2550 (voice)
(866) 604-2550 (toll free)
(303) 664-0036 (fax)

Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-30 Thread Jorge . Lehner

On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 01:48:57PM -0700, Angus Scott-Fleming wrote:
> What are your problems with qmail?  What do you like about the 
> Postfix comm. that QMail lacks?  Not trolling for flamewars 

My personal experiences:

Sendmail -  cryptic macro language

Exim - delightfull relieve from it

Qmail - I learned finally what Email is, because I did not have to
focus on implementation quirks and complexity.

Qmail is lightweight and secure and until now has scaled to *any*
machine I installed it.  From 486 "home"-computers with dialup links
to big mailservers.  I use it now on all machines I manage, to
simplify the configuration tasks.

My recomendation, Gerrit Pape's unofficial binary packages:


You can also download unix-ised versions of the documentation in .deb
form there.

> XX> A recurring comment in the mailing list moderators mailing 
>   > list is that djb ignores a number of standards.  Which
>   > aren't specified.  
> Anyone here have any insight into what djb's failure-to-hew-
> to-standards might be?

Same thing as with Qmail.  Learned it in one day (had never managed a
DNS before), installed it and since then it works.  My neighbourhood
DNS's,  (subdomains, secondaries) use Bind and it's pure trouble to

There is a lot of information about djb supposedly to be non
compliant, and what's the answers.  Look at "www.djbdns.org" first, and
then look at the "faqts" and Jonathan de Boyne Pollard's Frequently
Given Answers.

About License: Both programs are free to download and use.  The
redistribution in binary form is limited.  In case of Qmail restricted
to obey certain installation criteria.  You can however do anything on
your network with the software what you want.

The programms are very small and compile in just no time.  I spend
less time in patching and recompiling Qmail then in installing other
debian packages, and it can be done almost completly without shutting
down the services.

About having to DJB-anize the computer:

DJB's programs have their own infrustructure, which is very clean and
logical.  It does not waste lot's of space and costs you only thre new
top-level subdirectories: "service", "command" and "package", with
which, by the way you have almost nothing to do anyway.  I doubt that
somebody can't bare with this today.


Now about the initial question:

Qmail supports virtual hosting natively.
Qmail supports Maildir delivery natively.
User managment goes via /etc/passwd or via .cdb databases

LDAP user databases is a patch which can be found via www.qmail.org

POP3 servers for Maildir databases are standard, as are IMAP
(Courier).  I have used both of them without problems.

For mailing lists I use Mailman, although I do not have lots of users
or traffic.

Best Regards,


Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-30 Thread Shri Shrikumar
On Tue, 2002-07-30 at 03:35, Craig Sanders wrote:
> alternatively, just run postfix.  it does everything that qmail does and
> more, with a lot less hassle.

What about exim ? It is installed as standard by debian.

I use exim. Is it worth switching ?



Shri Shrikumar U R Byte Solutions
I.T. Consultant26/3 Annandale Street   Tel: (0131) 558 9990 
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Edinburgh EH7 4AN   Web: www.urbyte.com

with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-30 Thread Bulent Murtezaoglu
> "EvB" == Emile van Bergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
me> Sendmail is _very_ flexible but it is probably not good for the
me> inexperienced admin.  If you are willing to read documentation
me> and M4 doesn't scare you, it is a fairly safe bet.

EvB> Which bet being safe? That it can eventually do what you
EvB> want, given enough time and attention? Probably. [...]

Hmm, it takes the insertion of a couple of lines and the creation of 
the map file (which you would have to anyway) to get virtual mail
forwarding in sendmail.  Covered in detail in the FAQ.  It really
isn't that hard.  You don't even invoke M4 manually -- just run make or
sendmailconfig under Debian to update everything.  

me> In my most humble opinion one ought not be running an ISP of
me> any viable size if one has trouble getting sendmail to do
me> what's needed.

EvB> Ah, the old initiation-by-sendmail.cf idea. Well. I'd say
EvB> that an administrator who has been through it probably has
EvB> some stamina, and is able to grasp a certain level of
EvB> complexity, but other than that, I wouldn't consider "willing
EvB> and able to set up sendmail" a good criterium for knowing how
EvB> to run an ISP. 

Oh that is not what I said.  All I said was "if unable to get sendmail
to do what's needed then probably unfit for the job" NOT "fit for the
job if willing and able to deal with sendmail"   I _agree_ with that last
part of your paragraph, but it is not what I said!

EvB> Grasping BGP, *SMTP*, DNS, HTTP, Unix and
EvB> having some rudimentary knowledge about programming computers
EvB> in general seem so much more important. [...]

Yup, for the original question (virtual web + mail), I'd start by DNS,
then http, SMTP in that order.  



with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: webalizer stopped running

2002-07-30 Thread Gene Grimm
Currently, for woody at least, it seems that this is done by a cron job
located in /etc/cron.daily

- Original Message -
From: "Andrew P. Kaplan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian-Isp" ; "Jeremy C. Reed"
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 9:18 AM
Subject: RE: webalizer stopped running

> >>Tell us how and when webalizer is ran.
> That's the problem I can't figure out what makes webalizer run. I see a
> logrotate script at midnight. The webpages and .png files have current
> and are being updated daily. So webalizer *must* be running. But the stats
> displayed stop at july 23. If I display "daily_usage_200207.png" only data
> up until july 23 is displayed.
> http://stats.cshore.com/unix.cshore.com/usage_200207.html
> http://stats.cshore.com/unix.cshore.com/daily_usage_200207.png
> Andrew P. Kaplan
> Network Administrator
> CyberShore, Inc.
> http://www.cshore.com
> The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
> write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
> -- Alvin Toffler
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jeremy C. Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 9:34 PM
> > To: Andrew P. Kaplan
> > Cc: Debian-Isp
> > Subject: Re: webalizer stopped running
> >
> >
> > On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, Andrew P. Kaplan wrote:
> >
> > > I having problem with webalizer since the ip address of my
> > Apache server was
> > > changed last week. Apache is rotating the logs, the logs have
> > current dates.
> > > But the website stats only show activity up to the day of OLD
> > ip address. I
> > > don't care if the last few days of July are lost. But I want
> > August to start
> > > correctly.
> >
> > Tell us how and when webalizer is ran.
> >
> > What happens when you manually run it (using the appropriate options)?
> >
> > Have you double-checked the log format? (And the logging locations?)
> >
> > If you have the logs, then nothing will be lost.
> >
> >   Jeremy C. Reed
> > sed ss,s50EBsg | tr 0-M 'p.wBt SgiIlxmLhan:o,erDsduv/cyP'
> >
> >
> > --
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> >
> >
> > ---
> > Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> > Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> > Version: 6.0.374 / Virus Database: 209 - Release Date: 7/9/02
> >
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.374 / Virus Database: 209 - Release Date: 7/9/02
> --
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RE: webalizer stopped running

2002-07-30 Thread Andrew P. Kaplan
>>Tell us how and when webalizer is ran.

That's the problem I can't figure out what makes webalizer run. I see a
logrotate script at midnight. The webpages and .png files have current dates
and are being updated daily. So webalizer *must* be running. But the stats
displayed stop at july 23. If I display "daily_usage_200207.png" only data
up until july 23 is displayed.



Andrew P. Kaplan
Network Administrator
CyberShore, Inc.

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.
-- Alvin Toffler

> -Original Message-
> From: Jeremy C. Reed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 9:34 PM
> To: Andrew P. Kaplan
> Cc: Debian-Isp
> Subject: Re: webalizer stopped running
> On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, Andrew P. Kaplan wrote:
> > I having problem with webalizer since the ip address of my
> Apache server was
> > changed last week. Apache is rotating the logs, the logs have
> current dates.
> > But the website stats only show activity up to the day of OLD
> ip address. I
> > don't care if the last few days of July are lost. But I want
> August to start
> > correctly.
> Tell us how and when webalizer is ran.
> What happens when you manually run it (using the appropriate options)?
> Have you double-checked the log format? (And the logging locations?)
> If you have the logs, then nothing will be lost.
>   Jeremy C. Reed
> sed ss,s50EBsg | tr 0-M 'p.wBt SgiIlxmLhan:o,erDsduv/cyP'
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Re: Newbie: Is there a basic Debian-for-ISP HOWTO?

2002-07-30 Thread Emile van Bergen

On Mon, Jul 29, 2002 at 03:10:42PM -0400, Bulent Murtezaoglu wrote:

> [This is exactly the kind of exchange I was trying to avoid, oh well]

Yes, but it's fun once in a while, isn't it ;-)

> > "EvB" == Emile van Bergen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> EvB> In short, you can only compare qmail and sendmail. Not only
> EvB> does the latter have a bad reputation for complexity, but for
> EvB> its amount of bugs and lack of security as well. 
> What you say aboout sendmail was true in the late 80's to mid-90s.  Its
> recent track record is much better.  Do you know of any recent
> vulnerabilities other than the monor ones mentioned at
> http://www.sendmail.org/ ?

No, but I argue that even though a lot of its problems may have been
because of simple programming bugs, it has a design that's hard to get
secure anyway. Doing *everything* by employing a /macro/ language (the
.cf, I'm not talking about M4 here) to rewrite addresses, which may
occasionally also be interpreted as files or programs is asking for
trouble IMHO. As you say, it has taken a *lot* of time to bolt enough
checks on it to make it at least reasonably secure.

> Sendmail is _very_ flexible but it is probably not good for the
> inexperienced admin.  If you are willing to read documentation and M4
> doesn't scare you, it is a fairly safe bet.  

Which bet being safe? That it can eventually do what you want, given
enough time and attention? Probably. But that goes for most MTAs, and
sendmail probably doesn't even score best as far as the time required to
achieve a particular level of functionality goes.

Really, other than its flexibility in *really* weird cases, I can see
nothing that makes me even consider it above qmail. If qmail can't do
what's needed for whatever reason, I'd look at Postfix first, and then
perhaps at Exim, and then I'd think really hard if it's not a stupid
idea I'm trying to do anyway, and *then* I'd see if Sendmail can do it.

> In my most humble opinion one ought not be running an ISP of any
> viable size if one has trouble getting sendmail to do what's needed.  

Ah, the old initiation-by-sendmail.cf idea. Well. I'd say that an
administrator who has been through it probably has some stamina, and is
able to grasp a certain level of complexity, but other than that, I
wouldn't consider "willing and able to set up sendmail" a good criterium
for knowing how to run an ISP. Grasping BGP, *SMTP*, DNS, HTTP, Unix and
having some rudimentary knowledge about programming computers in general
seem so much more important. If you do, you'll also have less trouble
evaluating software on criteria other than "it's the standard", and "X
says it works fine for him"... If those were the ones that matter most,
we'd not be talking in a Debian forum but in windows-isps.msn.com.



E-Advies / Emile van Bergen   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tel. +31 (0)70 3906153|   http://www.e-advies.info

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