Re: Bug: 111609 RFP for cathedral-book; license question

2003-04-08 Thread Rob Weir
On Mon, Apr 07, 2003 at 09:26:52PM -0400, Jay Bonci wrote:
> When looking at the RFP for cathedral-book at #111609, the license is
> mentioned as the Open Publication License 2.0.  The only specific
> mention I see of that is at:
> and
> doesn't mention anything about this
> either
> These are listed as 1.0 versions.  Is there a version 2 that I am not
> aware of, or are these (somewhat old) DRAFTs considered to be a version
> two of that license?  Or is this just something that I'd have to break
> down and ask ESR for a copy of.
> Please reply-to-all, as I am not on the debian-legal list.
> Thank you,

Heh, I just contacted the original ITP'er (Stephen Stafford) last week
about taking over the ITP, and he said he'd never been able to clarify
the license either.  I emailed Eric Raymond about this directly, but I'm
yet to receive a response.  

Sorry for not keeping the BTS informed, I'll forward Eric's reponse
if/when I get one.

GPG keys: 1024D/1E73B7CD, 4096R/3ABDE5EC |  Do I look like I want a CC?
Words of the day:   AUTODIN sniper attack clones BLU-97 A/B analyzer CIDA spies

Description: PGP signature

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Walter Landry
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Walter Landry writes:
>  > So if the LaTeX
>  > people become evil and later decide to change the format so that you
>  > get different behavior with non-validating files, then there has been
>  > a retroactive change in the licensing terms.  What exactly the format
>  > is needs to be nailed down.
> good point. not in the license terms but in the result -- bad
> but again something along the lines of 
>  1. You must make your modified package output to the screen a message
> that it isn't the original package
>  2. If the environment where your modified package is intended to be
> used provides a documented standard way of emitting such messages
> without making any other processing changes, you must use that.
> would take care of that, or not? (2) would apply only if not evil and if we
> turn evil you only have to do (1)

I think I understand what you're trying to say, but I'm not sure.
You're saying you must either

  1) notify the user


  2) use the standard method if it doesn't change anything

That would mostly cover it, but I don't think that you're actually
happy with it.  Consider this: I make a fork of LaTeX called FubarTeX.
The main feature of this reimplentation is that it aborts if it sees
any attempts to notify by individual files.  Now I can (indeed must)
modify all of my LaTeX files to not do any notification.  Since
they're all "intended" to be run with FubarTeX, I'm free to distribute
these modified LaTeX files.

Actually, since LaTeX can be manipulated from the inside, it seems
like it wouldn't even be hard to modify standard LaTeX to do this.
All that you really need to do is redefine the notification macros to
abort or do nothing.  I could then distribute this redefinition along
with my modifications, with the note that they should be used

The basic problem is that the individual files are not the whole
program.  Trying to specify what is the "intended" interpreter leads
to non-free conditions.

Walter Landry

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Walter Landry
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian T. Sniffen writes:
>  > > Would it be possible to use GPL wording for this?  The ability NOT to do 
>  > > this when written for non-interactive use is important.
>  > 
>  > I seem to recall a line of argument that this is OK when only a small
>  > number of things do it, but non-free in cases where hundreds of
>  > components must do so (say, system boot time, or LaTeX).  Thousands of
>  > lines of "this is non-Standard LateX" flying by would prevent use in
>  > many circumstances; would a single, collected "This is non-Standard
>  > Latex; see logfile for which components are non-Standard" meet the
>  > LaTeX group's requirements?
> this is precisely one of the reasons why we want (2) ie to require that the
> standard facility is used. that enables the base format to provide only that
> single message and refer to the log for details.

Actually, this is a good reason for someone to use the standard
facility, not for the license to require the standard facility.  All
that you really care about is that the information gets to the user,
not how it gets to them.

Walter Landry

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Jeremy Hankins
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Jeremy Hankins writes:

>  > I'm not all that knowledgeable about latex, but I do use it and I have
>  > read the discussions here.  So correct me if I'm wrong, but my
>  > understanding is that a package file has a very intimate level of
>  > contact with LaTeX-Format (and, in fact, other package files that are
>  > currently loaded).  It may rewrite other bits of code loaded by the
>  > TeX binary, and even if that's not happening it has virtually
>  > (completely?) unrestricted access (i.e., not restricted to an API) to
>  > the other code.
> all statements correct, it is virtually completely unrestricted access
>  > Either of those seems to raise the possibility of creating a derived
>  > work.  Whether anything's compiled and whether anything resembling
>  > linking is happening isn't really the issue.
> well that i don't believe at least not as long a as such packages are really
> separate entities that are only put together for a moment during use.

To be honest, I don't really know for sure.  But the tricky part is
that I don't know that anyone else does either.  The fundamental
question (which isn't technical at all) is when two works, used in
conjunction, become a derived work.  I'm sure lots of other folks can
give you a more knowledgeable answer, but in the end it boils down to
a big question mark with lots of theories.  At some point they clearly
do (static linking is pretty well accepted as such a point).  Other
points (dynamic linking, which the FSF supports as creating a derived
work) may be less clear, but my impression is that most people, even
if they disagree, aren't certain enough to want to argue against it in

Once they become a derived work the copyright of both works "infects"
that of the other -- the GPL didn't invent it, it just uses this fact.

But one of the ideas (I think RMS supports this view, but I can't find
a reference) is that the degree of conectedness -- i.e., how intimate
the connection is, is a good indicator of whether a derived work is
created.  If that's the case, LaTeX files would clearly create a
derived work, since they're if anything more intimately connected than
even static linking.

Another argument for LaTeX files creating a derived work is the simple
fact that, in at least some cases, they literally rewrite some of the
code.  This is a modification, which seems pretty clearly to make it a
derived work.

> if that would be legally true then by the same argument then EvilDoer could
> dream up EvilLicense put it on on evil.el use it together with emacs and then
> claim that EvilLicense has an effect on emacs

What would happen in that you wouldn't be able to distribute evil.el.
It and emacs (or perhaps not emacs, since it's an interpreter which is
a bit of a special case, but some other GPL'd elisp files maybe)
together would be a derived work and thus to distribute you'd have to
be able to meet the terms of the GPL for evil.el.

In the end I (as an ignorant, non-lawyer) suspect that there is no
clear answer to this question.  But precisely because it's not clear
anyone writing GPL'd LaTeX files ought to be aware of the possible
consequences.  Naturally, this problem would disappear if the LPPL
were GPL compatible, which is a reason to shoot for that if possible.
But it seems pretty clear that that's not compatible with your goals,
so that's not possible.

Jeremy Hankins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP fingerprint: 748F 4D16 538E 75D6 8333  9E10 D212 B5ED 37D0 0A03

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Thomas Bushnell, BSG
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thomas Bushnell, BSG writes:
>  > Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  > 
>  > > for the sake of an argument, what about 
>  > > 
>  > >  1. You must make your modified package output to the screen a message
>  > > that it isn't the original package
>  > >  
>  > >  2. If the environment where your modified package is intended to be
>  > > used provides a documented standard way of emitting such messages
>  > > without making any other processing changes, you must use that.
>  > > 
>  > > i don't think the wording is good, but that aside, would that lift your
>  > > concern?
>  > 
>  > I'd prefer just saying that the documentation must make clear what the
>  > provenance is.

The problem is still one of context.

If there is some other program which reads what is "output to the
screen" and its behavior changes, then it must be possible and legal
to fake that output to the screen to fake out that other program.

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Thomas Bushnell, BSG
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  > I'd prefer just saying that the documentation must make clear what the
>  > provenance is.
> I take this as a yes, though you do not like it, correct?


Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Frank Mittelbach
Jeremy Hankins writes:
 > Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > Jeremy Hankins writes:
 > >  > Hrm.  So using a package file with LaTeX-Format is not analogous
 > >  > to linking (i.e., doesn't result in a combined, derived work)?
 > >
 > > it is not at all like linking in my understanding.  I take it that
 > > you are not familar with the TeX world. The best analogy that i can
 > > think of right now is this (there might be better ones):
 > I'm not all that knowledgeable about latex, but I do use it and I have
 > read the discussions here.  So correct me if I'm wrong, but my
 > understanding is that a package file has a very intimate level of
 > contact with LaTeX-Format (and, in fact, other package files that are
 > currently loaded).  It may rewrite other bits of code loaded by the
 > TeX binary, and even if that's not happening it has virtually
 > (completely?) unrestricted access (i.e., not restricted to an API) to
 > the other code.

all statements correct, it is virtually completely unrestricted access

 > Either of those seems to raise the possibility of creating a derived
 > work.  Whether anything's compiled and whether anything resembling
 > linking is happening isn't really the issue.

well that i don't believe at least not as long a as such packages are really
separate entities that are only put together for a moment during use.

if that would be legally true then by the same argument then EvilDoer could
dream up EvilLicense put it on on evil.el use it together with emacs and then
claim that EvilLicense has an effect on emacs

 > Chances are this wouldn't be all that serious of a problem in any
 > case, though.  As I said, GPL packages would need an exception to be
 > used with LaTeX-Format, but since they're clearly intended for use
 > with LaTeX-Format it can probably be assumed implicitly (IANAL, of
 > course).  The only serious problem would be if any of them
 > incorporated GPL code from some other non-LaTeX project, where the
 > author of that code didn't clearly expect their code to be used with
 > LPPL'd code.  I have a feeling this isn't terribly likely, but you
 > know better than I.

right now it is not very likely but not impossible, ie all base formats that
are sufficient similar to allow full or partial package exchange are either
LPPL based or using a similar license (eg ConTeXt, plain TeX by Knuth, etc)

however even if not, I can't really believe that a viral effect is possible
just by the possibility to use something with something else. if that would be
true then why has nobody wrote some MS-Word .dot put in under GPL and forced
MS to open their code? :-)

or do i miss something?

I mean I can understand that there could be a problem if you give me some GPL
code and I integrate it into LaTeX-format and distribute the thing as a whole.

 > In other words, I'm just pointing out an issue to be aware of (or at
 > least, for GPL-licensed package authors to be aware of), not something
 > I think is a show-stopper.

well, it is an interesting and important point (if there really is an issue),
as i said, I can't believe there is, but most of you have more experience with
licenses than I do, so further opinions are welcome. perhaps my way of
thinking is flaky at some point


Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Frank Mittelbach
Thomas Bushnell, BSG writes:
 > Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > > for the sake of an argument, what about 
 > > 
 > >  1. You must make your modified package output to the screen a message
 > > that it isn't the original package
 > >  
 > >  2. If the environment where your modified package is intended to be
 > > used provides a documented standard way of emitting such messages
 > > without making any other processing changes, you must use that.
 > > 
 > > i don't think the wording is good, but that aside, would that lift your
 > > concern?
 > I'd prefer just saying that the documentation must make clear what the
 > provenance is.

I take this as a yes, though you do not like it, correct?

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Thomas Bushnell, BSG
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> for the sake of an argument, what about 
>  1. You must make your modified package output to the screen a message
> that it isn't the original package
>  2. If the environment where your modified package is intended to be
> used provides a documented standard way of emitting such messages
> without making any other processing changes, you must use that.
> i don't think the wording is good, but that aside, would that lift your
> concern?

I'd prefer just saying that the documentation must make clear what the
provenance is.

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Jeremy Hankins
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Jeremy Hankins writes:

>  > Hrm.  So using a package file with LaTeX-Format is not analogous
>  > to linking (i.e., doesn't result in a combined, derived work)?
> it is not at all like linking in my understanding.  I take it that
> you are not familar with the TeX world. The best analogy that i can
> think of right now is this (there might be better ones):

I'm not all that knowledgeable about latex, but I do use it and I have
read the discussions here.  So correct me if I'm wrong, but my
understanding is that a package file has a very intimate level of
contact with LaTeX-Format (and, in fact, other package files that are
currently loaded).  It may rewrite other bits of code loaded by the
TeX binary, and even if that's not happening it has virtually
(completely?) unrestricted access (i.e., not restricted to an API) to
the other code.

Either of those seems to raise the possibility of creating a derived
work.  Whether anything's compiled and whether anything resembling
linking is happening isn't really the issue.

Chances are this wouldn't be all that serious of a problem in any
case, though.  As I said, GPL packages would need an exception to be
used with LaTeX-Format, but since they're clearly intended for use
with LaTeX-Format it can probably be assumed implicitly (IANAL, of
course).  The only serious problem would be if any of them
incorporated GPL code from some other non-LaTeX project, where the
author of that code didn't clearly expect their code to be used with
LPPL'd code.  I have a feeling this isn't terribly likely, but you
know better than I.

In other words, I'm just pointing out an issue to be aware of (or at
least, for GPL-licensed package authors to be aware of), not something
I think is a show-stopper.

Jeremy Hankins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP fingerprint: 748F 4D16 538E 75D6 8333  9E10 D212 B5ED 37D0 0A03

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Frank Mittelbach
Jeremy Hankins writes:
 > Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > >  you can, of course, combine/run GPL packages with the base format
 > >  LaTeX-Format, there are a packages of packages licenced in this way
 > Hrm.  So using a package file with LaTeX-Format is not analogous to
 > linking (i.e., doesn't result in a combined, derived work)? 

it is not at all like linking in my understanding.  I take it that you are not
familar with the TeX world. The best analogy that i can think of right now is
this (there might be better ones):

 emacs binary  TeX binary
 emacs core elc files  LaTeX-Format
 vmsome package

now emacs bin, the core elc files, and vm may all be under GPL but even if not
would one influence the other? i seriously doubt it even if vm would rewrite
several functions of the core elc files. it is using something together, eg my
emacs lisp package might as well work with some other lisp if i'm careful or
vice versa

 >  Have you
 > confirmed this in any way, or is this your opinion?  Because if there
 > are GPL'd package files this may be an important issue.  Especially if
 > any of them incorporate GPL code from other sources.

i must confess it is only my opinion, but i think it stands to reason. nobody
ever suggested otherwise. i guess you would have a certain point on the level
of the base format as that could be byte compiled (for speed reasons), ie the
files making up the LaTeX format are usually precompiled into a single file
but even that is not a requirement, you can load them directly. However, there
is no GPL code involved and (will not be ever if that is a danger)

 > > i don't think it is a problem. you can not relicense an LPPL file simply as
 > > GPL that is true, but you can relicense it as GPL plus a restriction given 
 > > by
 > > 7a->5a.
 > Ok.  As you say, something can still be free and yet not GPL
 > compatible.  The only reason this would be a problem is if the GPL's
 > "viral" properties come into play when used with LaTeX-Format.  To me
 > (IANAL) this seems likely since a package file is actually rewriting
 > the base format, as I understand it.  If so it's fairly important that
 > the LPPL be GPL compatible, or that the GPL'd packages include an
 > exception allowing "linking" with LPPL stuff.

i understand about the "viral" properties of GPL but i don't think they would
apply to packages which are inidividual things that can be used seperately
with several "base formats" are distributed separately etc. please tell us if
you think otherwise.


Re: Bug#188158: ITP: libjta-java -- JTA is the JavaTM Transaction API from SunTM

2003-04-08 Thread Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis
On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 01:13:58PM -0400, Joe Drew wrote:
> Regardless of whether it's necessary, it seems we don't do it. (Linux is
> Linus' trademark.)

Shouldn't we include a file in our distribution in wich we state that Linux is
a trademark of Linus, "this" is a trademark of "that" and so on (or perheps we
already do, and i simply do not know).

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis  | Elegant or ugly code as well
aliases: Luca ^De [A-Z][-A-Za-z]*[iy]'?s$   | as fine or rude sentences have
Infinite loop: see `Loop, infinite'.| something in common: they
Loop, infinite: see `Infinite loop'.| don't depend on the language.

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Jeremy Hankins
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  you can, of course, combine/run GPL packages with the base format
>  LaTeX-Format, there are a packages of packages licenced in this way

Hrm.  So using a package file with LaTeX-Format is not analogous to
linking (i.e., doesn't result in a combined, derived work)?  Have you
confirmed this in any way, or is this your opinion?  Because if there
are GPL'd package files this may be an important issue.  Especially if
any of them incorporate GPL code from other sources.

> i don't think it is a problem. you can not relicense an LPPL file simply as
> GPL that is true, but you can relicense it as GPL plus a restriction given by
> 7a->5a.

Ok.  As you say, something can still be free and yet not GPL
compatible.  The only reason this would be a problem is if the GPL's
"viral" properties come into play when used with LaTeX-Format.  To me
(IANAL) this seems likely since a package file is actually rewriting
the base format, as I understand it.  If so it's fairly important that
the LPPL be GPL compatible, or that the GPL'd packages include an
exception allowing "linking" with LPPL stuff.

Jeremy Hankins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP fingerprint: 748F 4D16 538E 75D6 8333  9E10 D212 B5ED 37D0 0A03

Re: Bug#188158: ITP: libjta-java -- JTA is the JavaTM Transaction API from SunTM

2003-04-08 Thread Joe Drew
On Tue, 2003-04-08 at 11:57, Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 11:36:30AM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
> >   Description : JTA is the JavaTM Transaction API from SunTM
> I'm not sure you need to place `TM' after Java or Sun, so i'm Cc-ing -legal.

pisces:~$ apt-cache search linux | wc -l
pisces:~$ apt-cache search linuxtm | wc -l

Regardless of whether it's necessary, it seems we don't do it. (Linux is
Linus' trademark.)


"This particular group of cats is mostly self-herding." -- Bdale Garbee

Re: Bug#188158: ITP: libjta-java -- JTA is the JavaTM Transaction API from SunTM

2003-04-08 Thread Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis
On Tue, Apr 08, 2003 at 11:36:30AM +0200, Arnaud Vandyck wrote:
>   Description : JTA is the JavaTM Transaction API from SunTM

I think that

"Java Transaction API"

should be enough for the short description: `from SunTM' will be clear in the
copyright file, and JTA is redundant (and not so self explanatory).

I'm not sure you need to place `TM' after Java or Sun, so i'm Cc-ing -legal.

Luca - De Whiskey's - De Vitis  | Elegant or ugly code as well
aliases: Luca ^De [A-Z][-A-Za-z]*[iy]'?s$   | as fine or rude sentences have
Infinite loop: see `Loop, infinite'.| something in common: they
Loop, infinite: see `Infinite loop'.| don't depend on the language.

Description: PGP signature

Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Frank Mittelbach
Jeremy Hankins writes:
 > Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > >> Jeff Licquia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 > >>> Except that you can't make GPL code validate with the LPPL
 > >>> validator, since the GPL and LPPL are not compatible.  So, since
 > >>> there's no danger that the code will be run through the validator
 > >>> and identify itself as "standard", the GPL satisfies 7a.  So the
 > >>> GPL is a valid license to relicense LPPL code under.
 > >>>
 > >>> (At least, that's my understanding.)
 > >
 > > I'm not sure that i understand Jeff here. the intention of 7a is
 > > that if FOO is under LPPL, then a derived work made from FOO honors
 > > 5a, ie, it does not claim to the user that it is the original FOO
 > > either via 5a1 or 5a2 (5a3 is irrelevant as this is "a general do
 > > what you like" for certain files, so for the discussion we can
 > > assume that FOO is not of this type)
 > He's saying (assuming I'm understanding properly) that since you can't
 > incorporate GPL files into latex (since the LPPL isn't GPL compatible)
 > making a file GPL is enough to ensure that the file will never
 > misrepresent itself to latex -- since it can never be used with latex
 > at all.

it is probably pointless to speculate what he meant, the above interpretation
is in any case wrong as far as I can tell.

not sure what "latex" in your sentence refer to but

 you can, of course, combine/run GPL packages with the base format
 LaTeX-Format, there are a packages of packages licenced in this way

 you can also produce a base format that is licensed under GPL und combine/run
 packages licensed under LPPL with it. That base format could, for example,
 omit the "validation" so that the user is not informed if a modified LPPL
 package is being used.


 > But I pointed out that one could imagine someone writing a GPL version
 > of the latex base, in which case files intended to be used with the
 > gpl latex (which are gpl'd, and perhaps based years ago on an LPPL'd
 > file) could be put together with the LPPL latex.

yes you could write a NonStandard-LaTeX-format (under GPL) which would treat,


as an absolute noop. If \ProvidesPackage is the facility from LaTeX-format
referred to in the LPPL for the package FOO then a fork of FOO or a relicense
under 7a would mean that you would need to say, for example

\ProvidesPackage{FOO gpl version}

or whatever you like as long as you don't keep


unchanged. For your GPL base format this would be a comment and disregarded
while if this gets used together with the base format LaTeX-format the user
would get the proper information.

 > If that remote possibility is a problem, and from your comment it is,
 > then there's no way I could relicense an LPPL'd file as GPL, even for
 > use in my terminal emulation program (for example).

i don't think it is a problem. you can not relicense an LPPL file simply as
GPL that is true, but you can relicense it as GPL plus a restriction given by

so yes, this cannot be simply GPL without some strings attached, but i don't
think you should make that a point against the license; after all 7a is an
extra, other licenses often do not allow you to relicense derived works under
anything than the exact conditions of the original license, e.g., I can't take
your GPL code and use it and distribute the result under LPPL or under some
other license, can I (GPL 2b)?


Re: Revised LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)

2003-04-08 Thread Jeremy Hankins
Frank Mittelbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Jeff Licquia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> Except that you can't make GPL code validate with the LPPL
>>> validator, since the GPL and LPPL are not compatible.  So, since
>>> there's no danger that the code will be run through the validator
>>> and identify itself as "standard", the GPL satisfies 7a.  So the
>>> GPL is a valid license to relicense LPPL code under.
>>> (At least, that's my understanding.)
> I'm not sure that i understand Jeff here. the intention of 7a is
> that if FOO is under LPPL, then a derived work made from FOO honors
> 5a, ie, it does not claim to the user that it is the original FOO
> either via 5a1 or 5a2 (5a3 is irrelevant as this is "a general do
> what you like" for certain files, so for the discussion we can
> assume that FOO is not of this type)

He's saying (assuming I'm understanding properly) that since you can't
incorporate GPL files into latex (since the LPPL isn't GPL compatible)
making a file GPL is enough to ensure that the file will never
misrepresent itself to latex -- since it can never be used with latex
at all.

But I pointed out that one could imagine someone writing a GPL version
of the latex base, in which case files intended to be used with the
gpl latex (which are gpl'd, and perhaps based years ago on an LPPL'd
file) could be put together with the LPPL latex.

If that remote possibility is a problem, and from your comment it is,
then there's no way I could relicense an LPPL'd file as GPL, even for
use in my terminal emulation program (for example).

Jeremy Hankins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP fingerprint: 748F 4D16 538E 75D6 8333  9E10 D212 B5ED 37D0 0A03

Re: Non-free source package with downloadable parts

2003-04-08 Thread Xavier Roche

> Ouch. Debian can't do this, and your installer doesn't.

Hmm, bundled product means binaries, do they?

This license definitely sucks. And this is really stupid, as I don't
see how sensitive those 2000 lines of code can be ; not to mention that
the SDK is supposed to ease the use of the flash format by providing to
developpers the necessary tools.

Oh, I tried to convince them to change this license, with no luck. No
luck either when trying to report bugs in the SDK (crash on many online
flash files). I suppose they just don't care. Unfortunately, many sites
have embedded flash content, and many users want to grab them :(

> BTW: Will libflash0 do the job?

No, unfortunetaly (no links extraction or embedded objects parser ; I can 
only simulate "play", but I won't get all links anyway) :(
I will have to find another workaround

One positive point: this license is stup^Wrestrictive enough to be 
eligible as "bad license example" in Debian :)

Thanks for the comments.

Re: Non-free source package with downloadable parts

2003-04-08 Thread Anthony DeRobertis
3(d) Any direct or indirect distribution of any Bundled
 Products by you shall be under the terms of a license
 agreement containing terms that: (i) prohibit any
 modifications to the Derivative Works or any part

Ouch. Depending on what constitutes a derivative work, this wouldn't
allow linking to _anything_ in main.

(ii) prohibit any reverse engineering, disassembly or
 recompilation of the Derivative Works or any part

Ouch. Same as above.

(v) require the user to comply fully with all relevant export
laws and regulations of the United States to assure that the
Bundled Products or any part thereof is not exported, directly
or indirectly, in violation of United States law,

Ouch. Debian can't do this, and your installer doesn't.

BTW: Will libflash0 do the job?

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