Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long)

2003-05-24 Thread Nathanael Nerode
J?r?me Marant said:
>En r?ponse ? Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> On Fri, May 16, 2003 at 09:37:31AM +0200, J?r?me Marant wrote:
>> > What is the best way to convince GNU people to change their
>> licenses?
>> > (without being pissed of, that is).
>> I'm not sure "GNU people" need to be convinced.  The only person I
>> know
>> of who has come out in vigorous defense of the GNU FDL is Richard
>> Stallman.
>  (Georg Greve does also agree)
>  It seems to be. But if so, why do they seem not to try to
>  convince him?

Well.  There are several categories of "GNU People".  If you mean 
contributors to FSF-copyrighted projects, then these are the views I've 

1. The FDL is repugnantly non-free.  We tried to convince RMS, who runs 
the FSF as his personal fiefdom, and he wouldn't listen.  What can 
we do now?  (There are a fair number of us in this category.)

2. I don't care about documentation licensing.

3. I don't care about documentation at all.

4. I don't care about "freedom" of software or documentation, as 
long as I can use it.  (This is a surprising collection of people, who
simply use GCC or Autoconf, for example, and want to "help out", but would
probably do the same for Microsoft Windows if they could.  Linus 
Torvalds would belong in this category...)

5. If RMS says it, it must be right. (Mostly the uninformed.  A few 

6. Having a legal guarantee that RMS's screeds are attached to the 
corresponding manuals is more important than the downside.  A little 
tiny bit more important.  (This doesn't seem to be many people, and they 
don't seem to feel too strongly about it.)

7. Invariant sections aren't free, but RMS is so insistent that we 
shouldn't bother to complain, because it isn't that important.

8. No comment.  (I have no idea what these people think.)

If you mean FSF employees, there aren't very many and they generally 
defer to RMS, as far as I can tell.

If you mean people who operate GNU projects *not* under FSF copyright, I 
don't know any of their opinions.  Sorry. :-)


Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long)

2003-05-24 Thread Jeremy Hankins
Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A political essay is (typically) written by certain persons to
> persuade the public of a certain position.  If it is modified, it does
> not do its job.  So it makes sense, socially, to say that these cannot
> be modified.

This may be true of some political speech; I'm not sure enough in my
own mind to give a definitive answer one way or the other.  (For
example, how much of this is due to conflating the role of the text
for the author with the role of the text for the reader?  The job of
the text for society and the job of the text for the author are not
necessarily the same.)

But changing political speech is only part of the issue.  That
political speech is also, in the form of invariant sections, being
irrevocably attached to technical, more obviously functional speech.
Thus we're also concerned with the ability to modify the documentation

One example that was raised in discussions here that you may not have
heard, is that of taking documentation for one purpose and combining
it into a greater work with a new purpose, such that the invariant
texts are no longer secondary.

> The essay does not really "do a job" for the reader.  You read it, you
> think, and then you formulate your own views.  If you want to think
> differently from the authors, you can just do it--a modified essay
> isn't necessary.

On an individual level, what you say may be true.  But there is still
a benefit for society if the work can be modified and redistributed.

> I have spent many years fighting for freedom, and I continue to stand
> up for my views.  I have stated the above views in speeches many
> times, though here I have gone further into the reasoning behind them.
> My views are not the most extreme possible (though my detractors often
> call them extreme), and it appears you have views that are more
> radical than mine.  I have always tried to be a pragmatic idealist.

Certainly, and I didn't mean to give the impression that I doubt
that you continue to stand up for your views.  But nonetheless I think
that invariant sections are a compromise with freedom, and that when
more people than just the FSF are adding invariant sections to
documents the interests of Free Software will be damaged.

Jeremy Hankins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP fingerprint: 748F 4D16 538E 75D6 8333  9E10 D212 B5ED 37D0 0A03

Re: Bug#189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used by GPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-24 Thread Brian T. Sniffen
Anthony DeRobertis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Friday, May 23, 2003, at 01:45 PM, Stephen Ryan wrote:
>> On Fri, 2003-05-23 at 09:52, Brian T. Sniffen wrote:
>> The other option, of course, is that the kernel exec() function *is* a
>> barrier, Debian *can* be used for real work and not just an exercise in
>> ivory-tower masturbation.

Whoa!  Those are not my words.  I'm not quite sure whose they are.

> Well, I don't believe exec is a magic copyright barrier; instead, I
> think we need to generalize _why_ we generally consider it be one.

But this leads me to believe that we may well be on common ground;
what generalization do you see there?


Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long)

2003-05-24 Thread Adam Warner
Hi Richard Stallman,

> The idea of "merging the documentation into the software" is in general
> a purely academic issue--a hoop that there is no reason to jump through.
>  It is always better to keep the manual separate and have the program
> display it, as in fact Emacs already does in sophisticated ways.

Would you mind stating for the record that the creation of
context-sensitive help and other "sophisticated ways" of presenting GNU
GFDL documentation does not lead to issues with GPL compatibility because
it creates no situation of a derived work through dynamic linking with
software. A lot of us would be very happy to learn that we can present GNU
GFDL documentation in "sophisticated ways" without any concerns about
software licence compatibility with the GFDL.

[And this also goes the other way. Please also state for the record that
one may annotate vast screeds of GNU GPL code in GNU GFDL documentation
and the mere fact the licences are incompatible is no more than a purely
academic issue because it is always better to keep a manual separate from

Frankly this claim that it is "always better to keep the manual
separate"--as if it is always better to keep data separate from code--is a
shocking and nonsensical claim from someone with such a distinguished Lisp
background as yourself. I suppose for your next trick you'll claim
ignorance of what Knuth achieved with literate programming.

Don't think you can treat us all like fools by glossing over sound
methodologies of documentation and software engineering in order to push
the mandatory inclusion of your political texts.

Adam Warner

Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long)

2003-05-24 Thread Walter Landry
Richard Stallman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When people think that invariant sections cause a practical problem,
> they tend to be overlooking something--either the scenario is
> unrealistic anyway, or the problem can be solved.
> > When we make decisions in the GNU Project about what counts as free
> > software, or free documentation, they are based looking at freedom as
> > a practical question, not as an abstract mathematical one. 
> As a practical consequence, I can't make a reference card from the Emacs
> manual, 
> The invariant sections make no practical difference to this scenario,
> because the license itself is 6 pages, which already would not fit on
> a reference card.

The GFDL is broken in so many ways.  That is just one more way.  The
GPL (and all of the other free licenses that I can think of) allows
you to _accompany_ the license with the covered material.  The GFDL
requires the license to be _included_ in the material.  I (and others,
I think) raised this point during the comment period for GFDL 1.2, but
the license was not fixed.

> But that the issue is a moot point, because a reference card would use
> so little of the text of the manual that it would be fair use.  In
> fact, the very idea that a reference card is derived from the manual
> in copyright terms seems like an unrealistic idea.

You obviously haven't looked at reference cards recently.  They can be
quite dense, with lots of little type, far more than is allowed by
fair use.

>   nor can I extract bits for online help in Emacs itself.
> If they were small bits, that too would be fair use.  You can use the
> manual in its entirety, and have Emacs display parts of the manual.
> That is the best approach technically if you are using a substantial
> part.  Either way, there is no problem.
> The idea of "merging the documentation into the software" is in
> general a purely academic issue--a hoop that there is no reason to
> jump through.  It is always better to keep the manual separate and
> have the program display it, as in fact Emacs already does in
> sophisticated ways.

  I work on a piece of GPL'd software that has significant amounts of
hard-coded online documentation [1].  It also has a GFDL'd manual
inherited from the original implementor.  I can't improve the manual
by including the online documentation, and I can't improve the online
documentation by using the manual.  Are you saying that I just have to
rewrite the manual or online documentation?  I thought I was working
on free software, where I don't have to jump through these kinds of

This is a real problem for me personally, and I really wish that you
would stop encouraging people to use non-free licenses on
documentation.  I don't understand why you've been so good about
ensuring freedom for software and so terrible about ensuring freedom
for documentation.  It it hadn't been the _GNU_ FDL, this obviously
unfree license would have been ignored.

Walter Landry


Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used byGPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-24 Thread Stephen
On Sat, May 24, 2003 at 03:51:21PM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 05:15, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > I am uncomfortable with some of the ramifications but I am also
> > uncomfortable with totally declawing the GNU GPL by adopting and
> > interpretation of it that would let people wrapper and language-bind
> > their way out of the copyleft commons.
> Anthony DeRobertis then said:
> >At some point, we've got to draw a line where it's de-clawed. After 
> >all, I think we all agree that if a shell script calls GNU grep[0], it 
> >isn't required to be under the GPL.
> This is the way I usually see it. :-)  Beware that this is not the FSF's 
> position, or anyone else's as far as I know.  The rest of this message 
> is simply *my* position.
> Programming to a public, totally open interface puts no license 
> requirements on the programmer.  By this, I mean an interface which is 
> fully documented so that many programs could implement it, and so that 
> there are no legal impediments to implementing it.  This is because the 
> subsequent use of the program (via execve, shell script, or dynamic 
> linking) constitutes normal, expected use of the program, rather than 
> creation of a derived work.

[ rest of analysis snipped ]

Bravo!  FWIW, I agree completely; my main objection to some of the other
viewpoints is that there is no place left for "normal, expected *use* of 
the program", and that any analysis which omits that is likely to be 
struck down in court, on the grounds that no matter what else is true, 
the author of the program certainly did expect that the program would
be *used* in some fashion (hence the nonsense with PHP-Nuke would be
avoided, because the author's peculiar interpretation means that there
is no way to freely *use* the software).  Also FWIW, even the abomination 
known as the DMCA permits reverse engineering for the purpose of 
interoperability, thus recognizing *use* as something to be protected even
when everything else is given to the copyright holder.

As usual, IANADD and IANAL.  This just makes sense to me *and* doesn't
leave me with the uneasy feeling that Microsoft is offering more freedom.

Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long)

2003-05-24 Thread Richard Stallman
But in more practical terms even, political speech is very functional
-- it's meant to persuade and educate.  By the same token it can have
bugs (typos or poor phraseology), malware (screeds advocating racism,
or encouraging people to kill themselves), and can be improved and/or
adapted to new purposes.  The difference, if there is one, is that it
is "executed" by our minds rather than our computers.

Programmers often approach issues by looking for the similarities
between a large number of cases, and trying to generalize as far as
possible.  That is a useful approach for thinking about software, but
when applied to ethical questions, it is very likely to miss the
point.  The differences are often more important than the
similarities.  Analogies are often irrelevant.

A political essay is (typically) written by certain persons to
persuade the public of a certain position.  If it is modified, it does
not do its job.  So it makes sense, socially, to say that these cannot
be modified.

We could imagine an analogous situation for a program: certain persons
writing a program to do a job on other people's computers in one
particular way and only that way.  They could say that "if it can be
modified, it does not do the job."  These situations are analogous,
but the ethics of the two situations are different.

The essay does not really "do a job" for the reader.  You read it, you
think, and then you formulate your own views.  If you want to think
differently from the authors, you can just do it--a modified essay
isn't necessary.  No version of that essay is necessary.  The
situation with the program is different.  It runs on your computer,
rather than communicating to your mind.  If you want your computer to
do a somewhat different job, you need to change the program (or else
write a new one from zero).

I have spent many years fighting for freedom, and I continue to stand
up for my views.  I have stated the above views in speeches many
times, though here I have gone further into the reasoning behind them.
My views are not the most extreme possible (though my detractors often
call them extreme), and it appears you have views that are more
radical than mine.  I have always tried to be a pragmatic idealist.

Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long)

2003-05-24 Thread Richard Stallman
When people think that invariant sections cause a practical problem,
they tend to be overlooking something--either the scenario is
unrealistic anyway, or the problem can be solved.

> When we make decisions in the GNU Project about what counts as free
> software, or free documentation, they are based looking at freedom as
> a practical question, not as an abstract mathematical one. 

As a practical consequence, I can't make a reference card from the Emacs

The invariant sections make no practical difference to this scenario,
because the license itself is 6 pages, which already would not fit on
a reference card.

But that the issue is a moot point, because a reference card would use
so little of the text of the manual that it would be fair use.  In
fact, the very idea that a reference card is derived from the manual
in copyright terms seems like an unrealistic idea.

nor can I extract bits for online help in Emacs itself.

If they were small bits, that too would be fair use.  You can use the
manual in its entirety, and have Emacs display parts of the manual.
That is the best approach technically if you are using a substantial
part.  Either way, there is no problem.

The idea of "merging the documentation into the software" is in
general a purely academic issue--a hoop that there is no reason to
jump through.  It is always better to keep the manual separate and
have the program display it, as in fact Emacs already does in
sophisticated ways.

More fundamentally, the argument that "I can't merge A with B so A is
non-free" is generally invalid.  That criterion is simply wrong,
because there are many cases when you can't merge a free program A
with a free program B.  For instance, you can't merge Emacs with TeX,
or TeX with Emacs, because their licenses are incompatible.  This is
despite the fact that they are both free licenses.

Incompatibility of licenses is a significant practical inconvenience,
and we have sometimes made changes for the sake of compatibility, but
mere inconvenience doesn't make a license non-free.

Re: GDB manual

2003-05-24 Thread Richard Stallman
> I investigated the situation with the GDB manual.  It has two
> invariant sections, entitled Free Software and Free Software Needs
> Free Documentation.  Both sections are secondary.

That doesn't make the issue go away.

It addresses the issue that was raised here before.
Someone said that the GDB manual had marked a section invariant
which was not secondary.

 An invariant section is invariant,
and it is not free (even according to your own definition), 

With all due respect, this is not for you to say.  You are entitled to
your opinion, and Debian is entitled to choose its own standards, but
you do not interpret the GNU Project's standards any more than I
interpret Debian's standards.

Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long)

2003-05-24 Thread Nathanael Nerode
Barak Pearlmutter said:

>Simply make the GFDL be GPL compatible, the same way the LGPL was.
>Add a clause saying that the covered materials can be construed as
>source code and used under the GPL; and that the invariant sections
>should, under such circumstances, be regarded as materials simply
>accompanying the GPLed technical materials but not themselves covered
>by the GPL, like the essays that accompany the GNU Emacs source code.

At the risk of saying "Me too",

Me too.

This solution would deal with the primary, most troublesome problem with 
the GFDL.

(As another example of how it would deal with the problems brought up: 
the proposed GNU Emacs reference card wouldn't have to include 
monster invariant sections on the back of the card; it would simply be 
licensed under the GPL, and distributed only along with a copy of the GPL.
The only added text on the card would be the copyright notice and the 
usual "This reference card is free.  You can use it under the terms 
of the GNU General Public license...")

Re: Bug #189164: libdbd-mysql-perl uses GPL lib, may be used byGPL-incompatible apps

2003-05-24 Thread Nathanael Nerode
On Tue, 2003-05-20 at 05:15, Branden Robinson wrote:

> I am uncomfortable with some of the ramifications but I am also
> uncomfortable with totally declawing the GNU GPL by adopting and
> interpretation of it that would let people wrapper and language-bind
> their way out of the copyleft commons.

Anthony DeRobertis then said:

>At some point, we've got to draw a line where it's de-clawed. After 
>all, I think we all agree that if a shell script calls GNU grep[0], it 
>isn't required to be under the GPL.

This is the way I usually see it. :-)  Beware that this is not the FSF's 
position, or anyone else's as far as I know.  The rest of this message 
is simply *my* position.

Programming to a public, totally open interface puts no license 
requirements on the programmer.  By this, I mean an interface which is 
fully documented so that many programs could implement it, and so that 
there are no legal impediments to implementing it.  This is because the 
subsequent use of the program (via execve, shell script, or dynamic 
linking) constitutes normal, expected use of the program, rather than 
creation of a derived work.

This does not affect legal issue beyond programming to the interface.
If, for example, including header files is required to program to the 
interface, the header files must be public domain or X11/BSD-style 
licensed (since they're included in the program code when compiled) to 
allow inclusion in proprietary software.

Writing scripts for a publicly documented, freely implementable 
language like "Bourne shell script" is fine, and imposes no 
requirements.  ("Bash" is for running shell scripts, so running one 
with bash is normal everyday use.)  Writing a script specifically for 
undocumented features of "bash" would impose bash's GPL requirements, 
at least on the  distribution of the combination of the script and bash.  
(It can't be considered a mere aggregation or collection because the 
script absolutely *depends* on bash, so the combination is a derived 

Calling POSIX grep is therefore fine.  Calling GNU grep with 
GNU-grep-specific options (supposing there were any; I suspect there 
aren't) is fine only if the options are publicly documented so that they
could be implemented in other versions of 'grep'.  Preferably documented 
by the creator of the new program.  So for instance, if someone creates 
a program which uses a special GNU grep option, and says "This program
requires GNU grep to work", the program should go under the GPL.  If 
instead they say "This program requires a version of grep supporting the 
-xxx option, meaning precisely blah blah blah.  For example, GNU grep", then 
the program can be under any license.

(If there are grep-specific options, they may not be freely 
implementable.  If the only descriptions of them are under GPL or more
restrictive copyrights, they probably aren't, until someone 
reverse-engineers them using a Chinese Wall process.)

No doubt this isn't the interpretation of most people who look at this, 
but I believe it is the closest to the concept intended by the GPL.  
Using a published interface is ordinary and expected use of the original 
program, which is unrestricted.  Using a secret interface is effectively
making use of the original program's source code to make a derived work,
since the new program is intrinsicly tied up with the original program and 
useless without it.

So in regards to "declawing", this makes a *non-arbitrary* distinction, 
unlike the distinction between dynamic linking and execve() calls.  
Certain execve() calls create a combined, derived work.  Certain dynamic 
links don't.  It's a matter of whether the linkage is integral to the 
program, or not.  Admittedly the distinction must be applied carefully 
on a case-by-case basis, but that's often what makes good law.

So there's my two cents; make of it what you will.


Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long)

2003-05-24 Thread Nathanael Nerode
John Holroyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>FWIW I think RMS is right to insist that others cannot modify his
>political comments, but I think you are right to say that unmodifiable
>comments and texts (UTs) have no place being mandatorily included in 
>the functional world of Free Software.  
>Personally, I found a lot of the GNU philosophical texts included in
>emacs to be very interesting and educational, they led me to the GNU 
>and Debian projects, it would be a shame to remove them simply to prove 
>a point when they are fundamental in helping new users to understand 
>the basis of the Free Software movement.
>Would a possible answer be that distribution of the UTs is not
>mandatory, so purely functional versions of the package can be
>distributed, but if the UTs are distributed then they remain
>unmodifiable? It looks like a sensible compromise to me.

A fair number of people (like me) think that this would be a reasonable 
answer and a sensible compromise.  (Although, to be fair, a fair number 
of others think that philosophical texts demand modifiability to be free.)

Unfortunately, RMS has said "NO" by means of the GNU FDL.  
So-called "invariant sections" simply cannot be removed, which is what 
got our attention in the first place.

This is the point on which Debian has consensus and cannot compromise.  
Unremovable material tied to functional manuals is pernicious.

RMS said:
>These sections are consistent with freedom because practically speaking 
>they don't stop people from making the software do what they want it to 
>do, or the making the manual the manual teach what they want it to 

Many examples have been given for why this is *false*, and they're 
pretty much all tied to the *non-removability* rather than the 
non-modifiability.  Should we repeat them again?



2003-05-24 Thread Bill Moseley
I'm an upstream developer for swish-e.  I'm trying to get some help in 
understanding GPL vs. 
LGPL, and in plain language.

Swish-e is currently under GPL.  I've been asking around and there seems to be 
debate about
if using swish-e (a GPL program) in a proprietary product would force the 
proprietary code
into GPL, or if not force into GPL, at least force their code into Open Source.

I think it's hard to define when something is a "a work based on the Program" 
vs. "mere
aggregation", which seems like an important, yet hard to define point.

Here's where I'm coming from:

Swish-e is a search engine.  A common use would be for someone to use swish-e 
to index and
search their documentation.  Most people write a CGI front-end script to use 
with Swish-e,
or use the provided example Perl CGI script that's included in the Swish-e 

Therefore, in such a use I do not see it as a separate entity so that use would 
be fine for 
me even if the main program was proprietary.

In a nutshell, I don't mind anyone using swish-e as long as they:

a) say they are using it (and where they got it) and include the license

b) don't claim it as their own work

c) make any bug fixes and feature additions available back to the swish-e 
project an users

LGPL bugs me for a number of reasons.  Perhaps that's my lack of understanding 
of it, 

First, even though it's the "lesser" GPL, it still talks a lot about 
"libraries".  The
swish-e source code builds a library and a binary.  The binary is basically a 
wrapper around
the library.  So I see NO difference in someone using the libswish-e library 
vs. using the
swish-e binary program.  So all the discussion of "libraries" in LGPL is just 
confusing in
this case.

Second, (although very unlikely for swish-e) I wouldn't want someone to take 
swish-e (or the 
swish-e library) and add a thin wrapper and then make feature improvements and 
end up with a 
proprietary product such that current users of Swish-e have only the 
proprietary version as 
an upgrade choice.  In other words, I don't want a situation where users would 
be forced to 
use the proprietary version if they wanted to continue using swish-e.

So, I'm leaning toward keeping it GPL, with the understanding that use of 
swish-e is 
typically used as an "aggregation" and therefore doesn't force other bundled 
code into GPL.
But it prevents someone from taking swish-e, rename it and see it as their own 

Is that a reasonable use of GPL?  My guess that's more liberal than RMS has in 
mind, but 
more restrictive than LGPL.  Or am I way off?

Finally, would any of this effect the inclusion of swish-e in Debian?

Thanks very much,

Bill Moseley

Re: Removal of non-free

2003-05-24 Thread Bernhard R. Link
* MJ Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [030524 13:08]:
> Maybe, but giving a supported distribution system for it removes some
> of the desire, doesn't it?

I think a distribution system with an emphasis on free software, also
helping with non-free bits one can not get rid from is something useful 
to many people.  Wihtout non-free parts, people needing them will have 
two possibilities:

They might use another system, which might force them to even use 
non-free parts for installation or configuration. (They might not
like it, but not everyone can value long term goods as freedom over 
short term things like manpower needed).

Or they might use some non-free parts from another source. As this
source has no more emphasis on free software, it is less likely to
drop things when a replacement arises and the non-free parts might
recommend other non-free parts more than the free parts. (additonally
such a source would need resources, our project would no longer have).

> >  [...] Do you really think even the thread of 
> >  removing would be realistic? ) [...]
> Yes.

I think this is one of the most important difference. I just can not
even imagine how much I had to narrow my mind to believe this. I daily
struggel to get free software anywhere near me.  If I just cannot close 
my eyes and pretend nothing non-free exists or is needed. If I did,
this might even cause non-free operating systems to return to places
I banished them from.

> If non-free things are uploaded to main, surely that's a bug?

It is. And anyone will see it this way, as long as there is non-free.

> >> is fairly minimal (set up a BTS, apt repository - what else?).
> > webpages, autobuilders, account managment, keyrings, 
> Web?  When did an apt source have a web page?

Now, consider there was a Wouldn't it need webpages
to describe what it is, how to participate, what guidelines to follow.
Websites searching the package description and looking at package

> Autobuilders?  Are pbuilder et al so hard?

There are no autobuilders for non-free stuff within Debian. Do you
really want autobuilders for non-free created somewhere else?

> Account management?  wtf?
> Keyrings?  Can't we use the same one.

As long as non-free is handled by Debian infrastructure, nothing has 
to be done for this. I hope the developer database will not be
exported anywhere. (If it was, I and hopefully man others would insist 
in Debian having control over the place it is exported to. But then
it would be just time-consuming change of nomenclature.

  Bernhard R. Link

Sendmail is like emacs: A nice operating system, but missing
an editor and a MTA.

Re: Removal of non-free

2003-05-24 Thread MJ Ray
Joel Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...] *this* is something that belongs in non-free as
> a useful service.

People could provide an RFC apt source as a useful service.

[...policy vs users?...]
> Isn't that more or less exactly what some folks have been accusing the FSF
> of recently?

I don't think so.

> Things shouldn't stay in non-free, no. [...]

Would you support a "maximum length of stay" proposal for non-free?

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.   jabber://[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Creative copyleft computing services via
   Thought: "Changeset algebra is really difficult."

Re: Removal of non-free (was Re: The debate on Invariant sections (long))

2003-05-24 Thread MJ Ray
Anthony DeRobertis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-05-22 at 00:04, Simon Law wrote:
>>  Is it an appropriate time to reconsider its mention in Section 4
>> of our Social Contract?
> No. Wait until the voting GR is over. Then propose the get rid of
> non-free GR.

Is proposing a GR your only version of "reconsider"?

Re: Removal of non-free

2003-05-24 Thread MJ Ray
Bernhard R. Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...] Free software sadly
> needs some time to fit in al the niches, as much too few institutions
> have adopted it, and good code just needs time.

Maybe, but giving a supported distribution system for it removes some
of the desire, doesn't it?

>  [...] Do you really think even the thread of 
>  removing would be realistic? ) [...]


> And the point about things in main before is really important. With
> enough exceptions made for things that had nicer licences earlier or
> which badness was not prior found, it'd get much harder to avoid
> non-free things slipping in in main directly.

I do not advocate making exceptions for main, so please do not raise
that.  If non-free things are uploaded to main, surely that's a bug?

>> is fairly minimal (set up a BTS, apt repository - what else?).
> webpages, autobuilders, account managment, keyrings, 

Web?  When did an apt source have a web page?
Autobuilders?  Are pbuilder et al so hard?
Account management?  wtf?
Keyrings?  Can't we use the same one.

> I'm quite sure that situation for non-free stuff will get better, if
> non-free is thrown out of debian

I don't see why.

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.   jabber://[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Creative copyleft computing services via
   Thought: "Changeset algebra is really difficult."

Re: Removal of non-free

2003-05-24 Thread MJ Ray
Joey Hess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, there are many cases of this apparently happening.

Such as?  And was uploading to non-free a temporary measure to prepare
a package while the copyright holder deliberated?

MJR/slef   My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.   jabber://[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Creative copyleft computing services via
   Thought: "Changeset algebra is really difficult."

RE: OpenLDAP Licenseing issues

2003-05-24 Thread Howard Chu
> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Langasek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Hi Howard,

Hello there

> As I understand it, the "must" requirement of your license is entirely
> GPL-compatible, as the GPL also stipulates that one may not
> misrepresent
> the origin of the work.  The problem arises if we understand your
> license to require a specific interpretation of "misrepresentation by
> omission".  If your "should" can be understood as a recommendation
> rather than a binding requirement, and you are willing to leave the
> final determination of "misrepresentation by omission" to the
> courts, I
> see no reason why this license couldn't be regarded as GPL-compatible.

Since I'm not a lawyer I seem to be missing where the conflict arises. Having
just read thru the text of the GPL at I
see nothing in that license that conflicts with these terms. The GPL's
distribution terms require you to distribute source code or make source code
available when you distribute a Program. It's primary concern is ensuring
free access to source code. There is nothing in my license statement that
restricts anyone's ability to distribute source code. Nor is there anything
in the GPL that talks about the documentation that accompanies a Program; as
such I see these issues as completely orthogonal.

> Please note that Debian is more than happy to respect your wishes
> regarding acknowledgement so long as we're distributing your code; the
> issue only comes up because the GPL imposes contradictory requirements
> that could prevent us from shipping LDAP-enabled binaries of many GPL
> applications.

I thank you for your conscientious attention to these matters, but I believe
in this case there is no reason for concern.

  -- Howard Chu
  Chief Architect, Symas Corp.   Director, Highland Sun
  Symas: Premier OpenSource Development and Support