Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-12-03 Thread Tollef Fog Heen
* Guillem Jover 

| On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 12:32:18 -0800, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:

| > They are just strings.  But, as I wrote, they are just one example; we
| > would probably want to associate uploads and bzr branches as well.  The
| > LP syntax could be LP: #123 for closing bugs, LP: spec $specname for
| > associating with a spec, and LP: bzr $product/$branchname (or something
| > similar) for associating bzr branches with an upload.
| Are those the only ones you'd need for now? Could the recently "proposed"
| Vcs field help with the bzr branches or does this refer to upstream
| branches only?

Given that we (Canonical and Ubuntu) is firmly committed to bzr, our
interest in other RCS-es is not likely to be a concern.

Note that being able to associate an upload and a branch is not the
same as saying they come from the same place.  As an example, we might
have a changelog entry reading:

 * Integrate 8d branch for better support of 8D graphics cards..  LP:
   bzr xorg/8d-graphics-support

The upload would then come from an integration branch, but we want to
create the association automatically.

| > > What about "Implements: foo" (or similar), a proper regex would have
| > > to be defined, but you get the idea.
| > 
| > Specs generally aren't implemented by a single upload, so it would be
| > Spec-related or something like that.
| Could you explain how would you use that information to associate
| things? And is there some way you would mark that spec is fully
| implemented?

The association would be done in launchpad, so it would not be of
concern for dpkg itself.  (We would probably have the upload processor
associate the relevant meta-data with the upload based on the .changes
file and then make sure the meta-data was kept together with the other
meta-data we keep for an upload.)

I don't think we would ever want to mark spec progress in a changelog;
we discussed it, but it was rejected since progress often isn't the
result of a single upload, but rather a series of uploads of multiple
packages.  I'll be happy to have this discussion further, but I think
a discussion on how Ubuntu's procedures work is getting sufficiently
off-topic for debian-project. :-)

(Another reason for wanting bug closure but not spec progress tracking
in a changelog is bugs are closed frequently; often multiple per
uploads.  A person probably has somewhere in the range of 5-10 specs
for a six month release cycle; changing the status of those by way of
a web UI isn't a big overhead.)

| > I would rather just have a namespace allocation and derivatives can do
| > whatever they want within their namespace, but to a certain degree I see
| > why this is problematic and it seems you are unhappy with that?
| I'd prefer if we came up with something that is general and does not
| need everyone around to implement their own solution. Granted some of
| the work will still be specific per distribution, for example the
| launchpad or bugzilla hooks into dak, but such solution would minimize
| them, and most of the changes could be merged upstream w/o problem.

A problem I see with trying to make this general is we end up with a
lot of typing.  The Closes syntax in changelogs is wonderful because
it's so simple.  If people had to write Closes: debian/#1234 (as an
example), it'd be less readable, more writing and I think less liked
as a whole.  Inside a project, bug numbers are going to be unique;
there's only one bug #1234, there's just one Debian
bug #1234 and there's just one Launchpad bug #1234, so for me it makes
a lot more sense to have a way to refer to bug #1234 in the context of
a project and then treat that as a bug closing there.  It's not like
reopening bugs is that common anyway, so using a web/email UI for that
is perfectly reasonable.

If the syntax ended up being Closes: debian/#1234, Closes:
Launchpad/#1234, Closes:, the «closes» bit is
redundant and we could just as easily use Debian: #1234, LP: #1234 and
fd.o: #1234

(We can argue over whether abbreviations should be allowed or not.  I
think they should, overlaps should be uncommon enough that we don't
really need to care deeply.)

Tollef Fog Heen,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are  : :' :
  `. `' 

Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-19 Thread Guillem Jover
On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 12:32:18 -0800, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> Guillem Jover skrev:
> > For "specs" I would add a new syntax, which could be used by everyone
> > equally, even Debian could start using it if desired. Do launchpad specs
> > have a numeric value or are just strings?
> They are just strings.  But, as I wrote, they are just one example; we
> would probably want to associate uploads and bzr branches as well.  The
> LP syntax could be LP: #123 for closing bugs, LP: spec $specname for
> associating with a spec, and LP: bzr $product/$branchname (or something
> similar) for associating bzr branches with an upload.

Are those the only ones you'd need for now? Could the recently "proposed"
Vcs field help with the bzr branches or does this refer to upstream
branches only?

> > What about "Implements: foo" (or similar), a proper regex would have
> > to be defined, but you get the idea.
> Specs generally aren't implemented by a single upload, so it would be
> Spec-related or something like that.

Could you explain how would you use that information to associate
things? And is there some way you would mark that spec is fully

> I would rather just have a namespace allocation and derivatives can do
> whatever they want within their namespace, but to a certain degree I see
> why this is problematic and it seems you are unhappy with that?

I'd prefer if we came up with something that is general and does not
need everyone around to implement their own solution. Granted some of
the work will still be specific per distribution, for example the
launchpad or bugzilla hooks into dak, but such solution would minimize
them, and most of the changes could be merged upstream w/o problem.

I suppose there would not be much of a problem with allocating a
namespace, but I'd like to go this route only as a last resort, in
case we find out that we cannot get a general solution that satisfies


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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-17 Thread Tollef Fog Heen

Guillem Jover skrev:

For "specs" I would add a new syntax, which could be used by everyone
equally, even Debian could start using it if desired. Do launchpad specs
have a numeric value or are just strings?

They are just strings.  But, as I wrote, they are just one example; we 
would probably want to associate uploads and bzr branches as well.  The 
LP syntax could be LP: #123 for closing bugs, LP: spec $specname for 
associating with a spec, and LP: bzr $product/$branchname (or something 
similar) for associating bzr branches with an upload.

What about "Implements: foo" (or similar), a proper regex would have
to be defined, but you get the idea.

Specs generally aren't implemented by a single upload, so it would be 
Spec-related or something like that.

I would rather just have a namespace allocation and derivatives can do 
whatever they want within their namespace, but to a certain degree I see 
why this is problematic and it seems you are unhappy with that?

- tfheen

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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-16 Thread Guillem Jover
On Wed, 2006-11-15 at 01:59:52 +1000, Anthony Towns wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 08:11:01AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> > foo (1.0-2naibed2) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed
> > foo (1.0-2naibed1) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed
> > foo (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=high
> Neat.

Thanks. ;)

> Presumably Debian should REJECT uploads with an Origin: field other than
> "debian", no?

I think there's an item on dak's TODO list about rejecting .deb:s with
an Origin != debian. For the .changes files, if dpkg-dev started putting
such field by default, then that could be considered, but as Joey said
this could not be enforced until a stable system supported this, even
with uploads putting that option in the changelog  manually,
dpkg-genchanges nor dpkg-gencontrol will export it (because the optional
field ends up being XS-Origin).

> Would it be more pleasant to have something like:
> > foo (1.0-2naibed1) naibed/quux; urgency=low
> instead?
> Would it be worth requiring:
> > foo (1.0-2) debian/unstable; urgency=high

Maybe, but the problem with those is that it makes the changelog
format incompatible, the origin stuff is optional and old tools should
not barf, at most complain that they do not understand that option.

> or
> > foo (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=high, origin=debian
> for Debian uploads?

I'd say not for now, and would tend for a smooth introduction of this
into Debian. So that this would benefit the derivatives and they could
start using it and Debian could switch to that in the future.


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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-16 Thread Guillem Jover
On Thu, 2006-11-16 at 16:43:19 -0800, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> Guillem Jover skrev:
> > which are wrong, ugly or may need a central registration place to avoid
> > collisions either in the mnemonic or the "alternative" closure syntax.
> > Probably the cleanest one is the "Closes Ubuntu:" approach.
> While closing bugs will the by far most usual action, we do also want to 
> have the ability to relate an upload to a specification or similar in 
> Launchpad, which is why we don't think a "Closes:" syntax alone is enough.

> What are your thoughts on this matter?

Yes, I'm aware of that problem, it affects maemo as well. Initially,
just wanted to discuss one issue at a time, but I suppose we can go
for the whole thing.

For "specs" I would add a new syntax, which could be used by everyone
equally, even Debian could start using it if desired. Do launchpad specs
have a numeric value or are just strings? I suppose it does not matter
much anyway, the value could be just concatenated to the output field
in the .changes file, and the final knowledge about what to do with
that field is in dak or whatever archive software which is processing
the uploaded .changes files.

What about "Implements: foo" (or similar), a proper regex would have
to be defined, but you get the idea.


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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-16 Thread Guillem Jover
On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 13:35:00 -0800, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 08:11:01AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> >  * Using a different "Closes:" name, which just sidetracks the issue
> >if every derivative have to use a different name, this does not
> >scale. (Example: Maemo uses "Fixes:" instead of "Closes:" [1],
> >and there's a proposal in Ubuntu to do something similar with
> >a different name[3]).
> FTR, the syntax agreed upon for Launchpad (and thus Ubuntu) is:
> LP: #xxx
> which is not arbitrary or ambiguous like fixes vs. closes.

The main problem with this form of abbreviation is that it needs some
kind of centralized place to define the meaning, it could mean
LinsPire, for example. ;)

> > [...]
> > which are wrong, ugly or may need a central registration place to avoid
> > collisions either in the mnemonic or the "alternative" closure syntax.
> > Probably the cleanest one is the "Closes Ubuntu:" approach.
> I don't see a problem with the approach we've chosen for Launchpad (which
> will also cover several Ubuntu derivatives).

Even in expanded form "Launchpad: #12345" I think it's a bad choice,
because it forces dpkg to be aware of which bug tracking system the
distribution is using. It also locks that distribution to a specific

I don't want to add support for every BTS out there to dpkg-dev, that's
why we have the Bugs field and the /etc/dpkg/origins/ files. And with
the origin option, that's taken care in a generic way.

> Likewise, I think that qualifying it with the distribution name is perfectly
> OK; that's already unique enough.

If by "qualifying it" you mean something like "Closes Ubuntu:" then I
think that'd be an improvement over the other one and I stated that in
my original proposal, but then you have to duplicate that information
into each closure line.

> > So I'd propose to extend the changelog format to add an optional origin
> > field in the header, then that information will be preserved after the
> > upload. Something like this:
> > 
> > foo (1.0-2naibed2) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed
> > [...]
> I think this is a fine idea, though orthogonal to what we're doing with
> Launchpad references in changelogs.

I don't see how they are orthogonal.

> > That origin could be matched against /etc/dpkg/origins. I'm attaching a
> > PoC patch with those change to dpkg. Probably we'd not want to output the
> > Origin field in the default mode (assuming Debian or local), instead of
> > the current implementation which outputs "Origin: debian".  So comments
> > and other proposals welcome!
> I didn't see the patch,

Sorry, forgot to attach it in my first mail, but replied to myself


> but bear in mind that it's not unusual to upload a
> package to Debian from an Ubuntu system or vice versa.

That's taken into account by the current patch already. The Closes
field in the .changes file, will include, only the closures for all
entries matching the same origin as the topmost entry in the changelog
file, given the range from the -v option, if specified. To allow this
kind of mixed changelogs in Debian, debbugs changelog parsing would
need patching, though.


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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-16 Thread Tollef Fog Heen

Guillem Jover skrev:


which are wrong, ugly or may need a central registration place to avoid
collisions either in the mnemonic or the "alternative" closure syntax.
Probably the cleanest one is the "Closes Ubuntu:" approach.

(With my Ubuntu, not my Debian hat on)

While closing bugs will the by far most usual action, we do also want to 
have the ability to relate an upload to a specification or similar in 
Launchpad, which is why we don't think a "Closes:" syntax alone is enough.

What are your thoughts on this matter?

- tfheen

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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-14 Thread Matt Zimmerman
On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 08:11:01AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
>  * Using a different "Closes:" name, which just sidetracks the issue
>if every derivative have to use a different name, this does not
>scale. (Example: Maemo uses "Fixes:" instead of "Closes:" [1],
>and there's a proposal in Ubuntu to do something similar with
>a different name[3]).

FTR, the syntax agreed upon for Launchpad (and thus Ubuntu) is:

LP: #xxx

which is not arbitrary or ambiguous like fixes vs. closes.

> [...]
> which are wrong, ugly or may need a central registration place to avoid
> collisions either in the mnemonic or the "alternative" closure syntax.
> Probably the cleanest one is the "Closes Ubuntu:" approach.

I don't see a problem with the approach we've chosen for Launchpad (which
will also cover several Ubuntu derivatives).

Likewise, I think that qualifying it with the distribution name is perfectly
OK; that's already unique enough.

> So I'd propose to extend the changelog format to add an optional origin
> field in the header, then that information will be preserved after the
> upload. Something like this:
> foo (1.0-2naibed2) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed
> [...]

I think this is a fine idea, though orthogonal to what we're doing with
Launchpad references in changelogs.

> That origin could be matched against /etc/dpkg/origins. I'm attaching a
> PoC patch with those change to dpkg. Probably we'd not want to output the
> Origin field in the default mode (assuming Debian or local), instead of
> the current implementation which outputs "Origin: debian".  So comments
> and other proposals welcome!

I didn't see the patch, but bear in mind that it's not unusual to upload a
package to Debian from an Ubuntu system or vice versa.

 - mdz

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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-14 Thread Martin Schulze
Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> No, please don't/ It is one thing to patch dpkg to make things
>  easier for the derivatives (on the other hand, they can patch their
>  own version of dpkg), it is another to change how uplaods work in
>  Debian, or to reject uploads to Debian because one forgot add the
>  debian origin.

Another thing: Whatever you do, don't do it on stable or security builds
will end up in the void.



Still can't talk about what I can't talk about.  Sorry.  -- Bruce Schneier

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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-14 Thread Manoj Srivastava
On Wed, 15 Nov 2006 01:59:52 +1000, Anthony Towns

> On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 08:11:01AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
>> foo (1.0-2naibed2) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed foo
>> (1.0-2naibed1) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed foo (1.0-2)
>> unstable; urgency=high

> Neat.

> Presumably Debian should REJECT uploads with an Origin: field other
> than "debian", no?

> Would it be more pleasant to have something like:

>> foo (1.0-2naibed1) naibed/quux; urgency=low

> instead?

> Would it be worth requiring:

>> foo (1.0-2) debian/unstable; urgency=high
> or
>> foo (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=high, origin=debian
> for Debian uploads?

No, please don't/ It is one thing to patch dpkg to make things
 easier for the derivatives (on the other hand, they can patch their
 own version of dpkg), it is another to change how uplaods work in
 Debian, or to reject uploads to Debian because one forgot add the
 debian origin.

The trouble with opportunity is that it always comes disguised as hard
work. Herbert V. Prochnow
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-14 Thread Thomas Viehmann
Anthony Towns wrote:
> Presumably Debian should REJECT uploads with an Origin: field other than
> "debian", no?
Might be nice, on the other hand...

> Would it be more pleasant to have something like:
>> foo (1.0-2naibed1) naibed/quux; urgency=low
> instead?

...wouldn't something like this amount to having
> Distribution: naibed/quux
in .changes. This might actually be desirable and would be already
implemented in dak?

> Would it be worth requiring:
>> foo (1.0-2) debian/unstable; urgency=high
> or
>> foo (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=high, origin=debian
> for Debian uploads?

Wouldn't the benefit be deminished by dch et al. producing changelog
entries suited for upload to Debian by default?
If derivatives change this, their packages woudln't go into Debian anyways.


Thomas Viehmann,

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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-14 Thread Henrique de Moraes Holschuh
On Tue, 14 Nov 2006, Bart Martens wrote:
> I don't think that the Debian project should lead this discussion.

We are the origin of the tools, and we are the "upstream" for them, so
*yes*, we are to be part of, and maybe even lead this discussion.

> No, I don't think that Debian is responsible for helping derivatives to
> automate the updating of the derivatives' bug tracking systems.
> Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with cooperating with Ubuntu
> or other derivatives.  But I think that joint efforts should make Debian
> better.  If not then I wonder if Debian should do the efforts.

It will make my life as a DD easier when maintaining my Debian packages
where I want to merge from other debian-based distros, or if we have a
cross-distro co-maintenance of a package...

This is, as usual, something we better join in so that a good-for-everyone
solution is found and implemented before it results in too many work for all

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-14 Thread Anthony Towns
On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 08:11:01AM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> foo (1.0-2naibed2) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed
> foo (1.0-2naibed1) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed
> foo (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=high


Presumably Debian should REJECT uploads with an Origin: field other than
"debian", no?

Would it be more pleasant to have something like:

> foo (1.0-2naibed1) naibed/quux; urgency=low


Would it be worth requiring:

> foo (1.0-2) debian/unstable; urgency=high


> foo (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=high, origin=debian

for Debian uploads?


Description: Digital signature

Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-14 Thread Bart Martens
Hi Guillem,

On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 08:11 +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Right now there's no clean way for a Debian derivative to close bugs
> specific to their distro in a changelog entry and then distinguish
> those from Debian bugs.

Yes, "for a Debian derivative".

> I'd like that developers from derivatives would get involved in this
> discussion 

Absolutely.  It's in the interest of the derivatives.

I don't think that the Debian project should lead this discussion.

How many derivatives currently automatically parse the changelogs to
update their bug tracking systems? Maybe only Ubuntu, I'm not sure.

> so that we can get a general solution for everyone, 

A solution for the derivative.  Or for multiple derivatives if they
agree on using the same solution.  I don't think it's a solution for

> as I
> think Debian should be responsible for providing the infrastructure
> to do that.

No, I don't think that Debian is responsible for helping derivatives to
automate the updating of the derivatives' bug tracking systems.

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with cooperating with Ubuntu
or other derivatives.  But I think that joint efforts should make Debian
better.  If not then I wonder if Debian should do the efforts.

> So I'd propose to extend the changelog format

I have not yet studied your proposal, because I want to get some bugs
fixed before etch releases. :)


Bart Martens

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-13 Thread Guillem Jover
On Tue, 2006-11-14 at 08:11:01 +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> [...]. I'm attaching
> a PoC patch with those change to dpkg. Probably we'd not want to
> output the Origin field in the default mode (assuming Debian or local),
> instead of the current implementation which outputs "Origin: debian".

Hmm, and of course forgot the attachment...

Index: scripts/changelog/
--- scripts/changelog/ (revision 596)
+++ scripts/changelog/ (working copy)
@@ -62,13 +62,19 @@
 %mapkv=(); # for future use
-  qw(Source Version Distribution Urgency Maintainer Date Closes
+  qw(Source Version Origin Distribution Urgency Maintainer Date Closes
   qw(low medium high critical emergency));
 $expect='first heading';
+# Set the default Origin.
+$f{'Origin'} = 'debian';
+my $current_origin;
+my @closes;
 while () {
 #printf(STDERR "%-39.39s %-39.39s\n",$expect,$_);
@@ -86,6 +92,10 @@
 } else {
 &clerror(sprintf(_g("found start of entry where expected %s"), 
+# Set the default value in case the optional origin is missing.
+$current_origin = 'debian';
 $rhs= $'; $rhs =~ s/^\s+//;
 undef %kvdone;
 for $kv (split(/\s*,\s*/,$rhs)) {
@@ -113,6 +123,11 @@
 (($newurgn > $oldurgn ? $newurg : $oldurg).
+} elsif ($k eq 'Origin') {
+if ($expect eq 'first heading') {
+ $f{'Origin'} = $v;
+$current_origin = $v;
 } elsif (defined($mapkv{$k})) {
 $f{$mapkv{$k}}= $v;
 } elsif ($k =~ m/^X[BCS]+-/i) {
@@ -142,6 +157,14 @@
 $expect eq 'start of change data' || $expect eq 'more change data or 
trailer' ||
 &clerror(sprintf(_g("found change data where expected %s"), 
 $f{'Changes'}.= (" .\n"x$blanklines)." $_\n"; $blanklines=0;
+# Add only bug closures if we are on an entry with the same origin as
+# the first one.
+if ($f{'Origin'} eq $current_origin and
+$_ =~ /closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+(?:,\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+)*/ig) {
+push(@closes, $& =~ /\#?\s?(\d+)/g);
 $expect= 'more change data or trailer';
 } elsif (!m/\S/) {
 next if $expect eq 'start of change data' || $expect eq 'next heading 
or eof';
@@ -158,9 +181,6 @@
 $f{'Changes'} =~ s/\n$//;
 $f{'Changes'} =~ s/^/\n/;
-while ($f{'Changes'} =~ 
/closes:\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+(?:,\s*(?:bug)?\#?\s?\d+)*/ig) {
-  push(@closes, $& =~ /\#?\s?(\d+)/g);
 $f{'Closes'} = join(' ',sort { $a <=> $b} @closes);
Index: scripts/
--- scripts/  (revision 596)
+++ scripts/  (working copy)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
-  qw(Format Date Source Binary Architecture Version
+  qw(Format Date Source Binary Architecture Version Origin
  Distribution Urgency Maintainer Changed-By Description 
 Closes Changes Files));
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
 } elsif (m/^Maintainer$/i) {
-} elsif (m/^(Version|Changes|Urgency|Distribution|Date|Closes)$/i) {
+} elsif 
(m/^(Version|Changes|Urgency|Origin|Distribution|Date|Closes)$/i) {
 $f{$_}= $v;
 } elsif (s/^X[BS]*C[BS]*-//i) {
 $f{$_}= $v;
Index: scripts/
--- scripts/  (revision 596)
+++ scripts/  (working copy)
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
 } elsif (m/^Version$/) {
 $sourceversion= $v;
 $f{$_}= $v unless length($forceversion);
-} elsif (m/^(Maintainer|Changes|Urgency|Distribution|Date|Closes)$/) {
+} elsif 
(m/^(Maintainer|Changes|Urgency|Origin|Distribution|Date|Closes)$/) {
 } elsif (s/^X[CS]*B[CS]*-//i) {
 $f{$_}= $v;
 } elsif (!m/^X[CS]+-/i) {

Proposal: Handling of changelog bug closures in Debian derived distros

2006-11-13 Thread Guillem Jover

Right now there's no clean way for a Debian derivative to close bugs
specific to their distro in a changelog entry and then distinguish
those from Debian bugs.

I'd like that developers from derivatives would get involved in this
discussion so that we can get a general solution for everyone, as I
think Debian should be responsible for providing the infrastructure
to do that.

As an example, say package foo_1.0-2 is in Debian, then distro Naibed
takes it and modifies some stuff and gets versions foo_1.0-2naibed1
and foo_1.0-2naibed2. If this distro wants to automatically parse
the changelog for version tracking or when including a mix of changelog
entries from Debian and Naibed at upload time, then it needs a way to
distinguish the bugs from versions <= 1.0-2 (Debian specific) to the
ones from versions >= 1.0-2naibed1 (Naibed specific). We cannot assume
that Naibed will not use 'unstable' as the target suite, though.

Currently we have in place the Origin and Bugs fields[0] for the
debian/control file, but those only allow overriding the entire origin
or bts for a package, and not for a specific version. The current
workarounds I've seen to this problem have been:

 * Prepending an "Origin" code into each bug number. (Example: Maemo
   prepends NB to the bug number, like "Fixes: NB#12345" [1]).

 * Appending an "Origin" code into each bug number. (Eample: a different
   practice in Maemo, appending @Nokia, like "Closes: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" [2]).

 * Using an URL to qualify the bug number. (Example: I think I've seen
   that in some Ubuntu changelogs, but cannot find any example now).

 * Using a different "Closes:" name, which just sidetracks the issue
   if every derivative have to use a different name, this does not
   scale. (Example: Maemo uses "Fixes:" instead of "Closes:" [1],
   and there's a proposal in Ubuntu to do something similar with
   a different name[3]).

 * Appending the "Origin" to the "Closes". (Example: "Closes Ubuntu: #123"
   and "Closes: Malone #123").

which are wrong, ugly or may need a central registration place to avoid
collisions either in the mnemonic or the "alternative" closure syntax.
Probably the cleanest one is the "Closes Ubuntu:" approach.

So I'd propose to extend the changelog format to add an optional origin
field in the header, then that information will be preserved after the
upload. Something like this:

foo (1.0-2naibed2) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed

  * Fixed c. (Closes: #322)

 -- Naibed Devel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue,  3 Oct 2006 05:15:10 +0300

foo (1.0-2naibed1) quux; urgency=low, origin=naibed

  * Fixed b. (Closes: #321)

 -- Naibed Devel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Tue, 02 May 2006 03:11:39 +0300

foo (1.0-2) unstable; urgency=high

  * Fixed a. (Closes: #12345)

 -- Debian Devel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thu, 27 Oct 2005 07:12:47 +0300

That origin could be matched against /etc/dpkg/origins. I'm attaching
a PoC patch with those change to dpkg. Probably we'd not want to
output the Origin field in the default mode (assuming Debian or local),
instead of the current implementation which outputs "Origin: debian".
So comments and other proposals welcome!


[0] [4]
[4] It was curious to see the different PoV related to derived distros
and bug hoarding at that time.

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