Re: Abwesenheit

2005-09-16 Thread Peer Janssen

*** wrote:

Ich bin in der Zeit vom 09.09.2005 - 16.09.2005 nicht im Büro und werde keinen 
Zugang zu meinen E-Mails haben.
Wenden Sie sich bitte in dringenden Fällen an  

Isn't sending such mails a security risk?

Badhearts (why should a black hat as such be a bad thing?) might take 
advantage of a sysadmin's absence to break into systems, houses, 
relationships, ...

Have fun

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Re: Bad press again...

2005-08-25 Thread Peer Janssen

On Thu, 25 Aug 2005, Jan Luehr wrote:

again the debian security infrastructure has proofed to be accident sensitive. 

Sometimes it's just bothers me to read this news on first.
Nothing on deb-ann dev-ann or sec-ann.
What's wrong here?

Maybe you can plug into the same sensors as

Do they have some monitoring script? Or some monitoring people? (Might 
be interesting to know who: [disgruntled users? the competition?])

It could be that calling/mailing[/visiting...] will yield the 
necessary information, and you can learn more, quicker and directly, 
about what you care to know.


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Re: On Mozilla-* updates

2005-07-30 Thread Peer Janssen

Florian Weimer wrote:

 * Some upstream authors do not provide specific security fixes (PHP,
   Mozilla, GNU libc).  Sometimes, no backports for the version in
   stable are available, and the packages are too complex that we can
   prepare them in a reasonable timeframe.

 * Some fixes are very invasive (because they address design issues)
   and thus impossible to backport.

 * is a single point of ownership.  If we push
   out a malicious security update, really interesting things might

That's why it might be good to have a second, distinct security path 
("security essentially managed by upstream") (or whichever other path 
will be available). Integrated in the packet management system, but 
maybe with non-automatic upgrades ("New upgrades available -- do you 
want package X ?"), or automatic at the discretion of the trusting user.

From a user point of view, I'd appreciate if the debian team could 
ensure that no data is lost while doing such upgrades. E.g., I'm not 
sure that while upgrading from one mozilla version to the next, every 
user data (profile, mail, plugins etc.) is always correctly imported. In 
such a case, perhaps the team could provide the necessary conversion 
scripts, urge such improvements from upstream, or both.


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Re: Security fixes for mozilla and firefox in Sarge?

2005-07-28 Thread Peer Janssen

Sam Morris wrote:

Michael Stone wrote:

IMO, if people really intend for the package to have no security support
in the long term then it should exist only in volatile. I think it is
dangerously irresponsible to ship software we do not intend to support.

But back to Debian. The system we have at the moment is not working:
users are installing packages from the stable release, in the assumption
that the packages are supported; in reality these packages are not 
getting updated. From a user's point of view, this assumption is 
perfectly reasonable, especially given statements such as:

 "Debian takes security very seriously. Most security problems brought
  to our attention are corrected within 48 hours." [1]

It was easy to make such a promise back in 1997, but today Debian is
much larger. If the security team is unable to function[2] such that the
above statement still holds true, then either the statement, or the job
that the team does, must be changed.

- It seems to me that the active security team DOES take security very 

- "Most" is not all.
- Who is "debian"? Can one identifiy "debian" of the above statement 
with "the security team", as your statement implies?
- Isn't "debian" the whole thing, e.g. including the individual 
maintainers -- who can support the "security update supplier team"?
- Isn't "debian" also it's user community? Couldn't it collectively 
organize to supply ressources for a security team (manpower, money 
(salaries), ...)? Ok, it seems to me that this was already diskussed 
from a technical-organisational point of view. But what I mean here is 
making the users more aware if it.

Maybe instead of letting people understand the above in a (somewhat) 
godlike manner, e.g. "We" (whoever this is exactly) "supply everything 
for everybody for free", the statement should be explicited to something 
somewhat different, like "We/the security team/... supply everything for 
everybody for free as long as we can and as long as there is a 
reasonable support, which the community of debian and it's users supply".

Maybe this real-life reality of things is not obvious to everybody if it 
is not worded exactly as reality is.

Making unsustainable promises always arouses suspicions and generally 

What if the person(s) having taking the responsibly on himself become 
sick, have an accident, want to found a family, whatever? Let's not 
forget all this is done by human beings, and maybe certain users with 
unduly high expectations should be told (or reminded of) the facts of life.

In a certain way, the whole thing only depends on the free but active 
goodwill which everybody can forge in himself/herself.
Debian is not a system. It's an agreement of people how to organize work 
collectively. Based on active, freely supplied (but supplied!) goodwill. 
That's what makes it profoundly human.

When people don't supply that resource, the whole thing will stop.

That's what differentiates it from many other models. In many of these, 
"free" was taken out. And that's what makes them (at least somewhat) 
robotic, producing disgruntling and many distortions, since not acting 
freely by one's own conscience of responsibilities is not really being 
human, it can't work as well.

One way to solve the problem would be to partition the archive into
supported and unsupported packages:

deb http://mirror/debian sarge main contrib non-free
deb http://mirror/debian sarge/unsupported main contrib non-free

Maybe there should be an "security managed externally" package.
Meaning that it is explicited that one may choose using some package and 
not updating it, or using another package, or using a package and 
trusting upstream to supply security. The debian maintainers would then 
assure that the upstream packages are compiled and available in the 
package system.

In a certain way, this would mean there is kind of a "pick your 
stability requirement" option for individual packages which lets user 
choose between available options.

Maybe a donation system (à la SourceForge) might help, too. Surely 
certain people might be able to help more if there were some way for 
them to get some funding in return (on voluntary basis).
Or some kind of "auction" system, enabling people to express a 
willingness to fund certain features or specific works or people.


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Re: Missing debsums and mismatches

2005-06-24 Thread Peer Janssen

And finally:  Shouldn't packages like 'make' and 'sed' have checksums generated?

Yes.  ;-)

This could be included in the famaus automatic build and/or packaging 
system, coundn't it?

And/or there could be an automatic email warning to a developer 
uploading a package without the appropriate md5sum (or a false one).

Or so.


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Re: Hash database

2005-04-09 Thread Peer Janssen
Raffaele D'Elia schrieb:
Unfortunatly not. I want to verify each file installed using .deb's  
against the md5sum written inside the .deb itself.
Debsum does this storing the hashes locally. I want the same control 
over a central db, independent from the machine I'm running debsums on.
There used to be a page (it seems 
to be down, at least from my non-us place), but it's in the google 

There you can/could download the NIST NSRL (NIST National Software 
Reference Library). These are hash databases which are used in 
forensics. They get/buy a lot of software and establish a big hash 
database of all these software. So if police takes your computer, they 
use these hashes to put aside all the known good files (standard 
software) and then check the rest for allowed/bad content. This cuts 
down 50-95% of their work.

debian is probably in there, so this might be what you need.
There is another sites called with a similar 
purpose. I'm not sure if you can get the hashdb, maybe somewhere on 
their site it is. There are other similar projects.

It would indeed be good if there were a debian database with all the 
hashes of all published programs (all files: the .debs AND all their 
contents, of simply everything). This would help to spot problems. You 
could have a disk to boot from which collects all the hashes, and then 
check these on another known good system with all the hashes. If then 
"ls" or any other program had a bad hash, you know what you need to replace.

The disk could be a standalone mini-linux, which writes the hashes as 
.gz on a (or more) disk(s), or send them over the network.

A complete hash database could also be put on a CD used to analyze the 
system and tell all known OS files which don't have the expected hash.

For creating the hash database, it's only some script which looks at all 
the debs and their content, checks ths md5s/sha1s, and compiles the info 
at a single place. No rocket science.

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