inetd problem nach perl-upgrade und lire-installation

2003-10-29 Thread Finn Dorby

nachdem ich heute ein perl-update durchgeführt habe, um lire installieren zu
können läuft der inetd
nicht mehr vernünftig:

server1:/# netstat -ap
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address State
PID/Program name
tcp0  0 localhost:10024 *:* LISTEN
16656/amavisd (mast
tcp0  0 localhost:10025 *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:mysql *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:41388 *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:pop3  *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:www   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:ftp   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:ssh   *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:41432 *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:smtp  *:* LISTEN
tcp0  0 *:32924 *:* LISTEN

Active UNIX domain sockets (servers and established)
Proto RefCnt Flags   Type   State I-Node PID/Program name
unix  9  [ ] DGRAM140148/syslogd
unix  2  [ ACC ] STREAM LISTENING 78051  19169/mysqld
unix  2  [ ] DGRAM819561 19451/inetd
unix  2  [ ] DGRAM815529 19280/inetd
unix  2  [ ] DGRAM811624 18727/inetd
unix  3  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 806089 18033/sshd
unix  3  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 806088 18035/-bash
unix  3  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 806087 18033/sshd
unix  3  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 806086 18035/-bash
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 737946 16893/httpd
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 737862 16892/httpd
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 736942 16829/httpd
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 736882 16826/httpd
unix  2  [ ] STREAM CONNECTED 736622 16825/httpd
unix  2  [ ] DGRAM97469  25394/inetd
unix  2  [ ] DGRAM93271  24145/inetd
unix  2  [ ] DGRAM77071  19019/inetd
unix  2  [ ] DGRAM175151/klogd

syslog vor dem Update :

Oct 29 12:30:09 server1 vm-pop3d[18524]: Connect from
Oct 29 12:30:09 server1 vm-pop3d[18524]: User 'malgrim' of '' logged
Oct 29 12:30:09 server1 vm-pop3d[18524]: Session ended for user: malgrim

danach :

Oct 29 12:31:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:36:21 server1 inetd[18727]: pop/tcp: unknown service
Oct 29 12:36:21 server1 inetd[18727]: pop3/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:36:21 server1 inetd[18727]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use

daemon.log vor dem Update :
Oct 29 11:21:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 11:31:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 11:41:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 11:51:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:01:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:11:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:21:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use

Oct 29 12:36:21 server1 inetd[18727]: pop/tcp: unknown service
Oct 29 12:36:21 server1 inetd[18727]: pop3/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:36:21 server1 inetd[18727]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:36:25 server1 init: Trying to re-exec init
Oct 29 12:41:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:46:21 server1 inetd[18727]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:46:21 server1 inetd[18727]: pop3/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:51:47 server1 inetd[24145]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use
Oct 29 12:56:21 server1 inetd[18727]: ftp/tcp: bind: Address already in use

lire installation :

Name Service Switch has changed in the C Library: pre-installation question.

Running programs may not be able to do NSS lookups until they are restarted.
Some services can not accept all authentication after extracting glibc
package into your system.  This script automatically restarts some packages
for example ssh or telnetd, but other packages for example xdm
cannot restart because if it restarts automatically, then your X11 session
is disconnected.  So you have to logout and stop xdm; you have to
restart all such services after 

Re: inetd problem nach perl-upgrade und lire-installation

2003-10-29 Thread Finn Dorby

Das Problem hat sich erledigt, reboot hat 
Gruss Finn