Automatizing installation on several machines

1998-11-19 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Dear all,

I want to install Debian on a couple of brand new workstations (15)
and servers -- is there a convenient way to automatize the
installation procedure in some way?

The workstations should get their home directories from one of the
servers. Would it be advantageous to install the different user
programs (we need TeX, xemacs, WordPerfect and/or StarWriter, the gimp
and other graphics progs, netscape, maybe a database, a MUA and so on)
on the server too? (Unfortunately, I've not much experience in the
field of networking.)

At last: it's unwanted that the different users can see (read, write,
delete ...) each others data files -- is there a way to do that
without any action on the users' side?

Any hints and tips appreciated,

Re: Automatizing installation on several machines

1998-11-25 Thread Martin Bialasinski

>> "JT" == Joachim Trinkwitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

JT> At last: it's unwanted that the different users can see (read,
JT> write, delete ...) each others data files -- is there a way to do
JT> that without any action on the users' side?

Set umask 002 in /etc/profile. You can also block access to the
homedirs with chmod o-rwx /home/*

Beware, that you will also block user homepages for a httpd. If you
want homepages, the make the chmod weaker. chmod o=x /home/*



Re: Automatizing installation on several machines

1998-11-27 Thread Jiri Baum

Martin wrote:
> Beware, that you will also block user homepages for a httpd. If you
> want homepages, the make the chmod weaker. chmod o=x /home/*

Or get the users to put the homepages in a different directory (but that'd
require more work, as you'd have to set that directory up).

Actually, chmod o=x is probably sensible anyway because then when users do a
chmod +r some-file, it *will* be readable, which is probably what people
expect when they do a chmod +r.


Re: Automatizing installation on several machines

1998-11-28 Thread Joachim Trinkwitz
Jiri Baum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Actually, chmod o=x is probably sensible anyway because then when users do a
> chmod +r some-file, it *will* be readable, which is probably what people
> expect when they do a chmod +r.
Most of my users will not have any Unix knowledge at all, so this
won't be a serious problem (but it could bring other problems of
course). I don't think I will allow them to have personal web pages in 
the near future anyway.

But since I'm not very experienced with networking my problem is: how
to install the /home directories on the server (any user should be
able to work on every machine which is available, so I think it
would be the best way to export the user directories with NFS).


RE: Automatizing installation on several machines

1998-11-29 Thread Leandro Dutra
> But since I'm not very experienced with networking my problem is: how
> to install the /home directories on the server (any user should be
> able to work on every machine which is available, so I think it
> would be the best way to export the user directories with NFS).

Besides exporting the user directories with NFS, you need to define
your users in NIS, NIS+ or something similar.  The same service (NIS,
etc.) will have to define also the mounts that contain the user

Never done that (there weren't many users nor machines enough to
justify taking the time from more urgent things), so for the details
ask someone more experient than me.

Leandro Guimaraens Faria Corcete Dutra
Amdocs Brasil Ltda