Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 05:01, Stefano Zacchiroli  wrote:
> Some DDs are able to pursue specific Debian projects due to bounties
> they put on the projects (both AJ and Raphael have similar initiatives
> on their homepages, even though I don't know how much they are
> successful in terms of "customers").

Unless you mean some other AJ, that's not right. I mean, technically I
guess I haven't removed the page for that I had back in 2005, but I
don't think it's linked from anywhere anymore except maybe old blog
posts; Google doesn't see any links anyway. I think I got about $100
out of bounties all up.

For anyone who cares, I blogged about the concept at:

And the stuff that got done with that was:
(BTS usertags, usercategories)
(apt pdiffs)
(debootstrap miscellania)
(testing scripts memory management)

It was fun and educational, but covered about a month's worth of
broadband. OTOH, I was lucky enough to be able to get a couple of
ideas directly funded at a more useful level (about $2000 AUD from
Andrew Pollock and about $3000 USD from HP iirc).
  -- support for "unembargoed" uploads
  -- support for the mirror split and inclusion of amd64

I did get flamed for accepting money to work on the latter project
while at the same time being an ftpmaster. But then I also got flamed
for the AJ market thing.

> A bit of history. IIRC, the Dunc-Tank affair has gone through two
> consequent problems. The first one was the proposal to use Debian money
> to pay DDs. That proposal was taken back, since it was obvious that most
> DDs were against.

For the record, it was taken back because /some/ DDs were /strongly/
against it. At that point there hadn't been a formal poll, and far
more people had posted in support than against. It's been the
appropriate number of years, so the thread could even be declassified
now if someone wanted to go to the effort...

The eventual dunc-tank implementation had a few ballots on it; there
was the "we recall the DPL (in order to disassociate ourselves with
it)" one [0], which failed by 277 votes to 48; there was the
"reaffirms support for the DPL; dunc-tank isn't a Debian project; wish
success to projects funding Debian or helping the release of etch" one
[1] which succeeded by 227 votes to 93 (and was preferred to the
proposed amendment "reaffirm support for the DPL; but not endorse or
support his other projects" by 177 to 128 voters). Another set of
resolutions were proposed to explicitly endorse dunc-tank or to tell
the RMs to decline payment and donors not to donate [2] didn't receive
sufficient seconds to be voted on.

Personally, I guess I'm more surprised people are still inclined to
raise the issue -- there never used to be that many people looking
into funding DDs, and unlike back then, it's now obvious that there's
not an insignificant amount of opposition to deal with if you are
interested in trying something out.

> (For full disclosure and as an additional note: back then in Dunc-Tank I
>  was not against external founding. However, the fact that it was
>  _still_ that much controversial and flame-prone is enough of a reason,
>  for me as potential DPL, to discourage any DDs/DMs for attempting it
>  again. The benefits of the founding can be totally overtaken by the
>  disadvantages of troubles created in the community.)

One of the challenges of being DPL is working out when to let a few
violently opposed people block projects and ideas being worked on, and
when (and how) to put up with the flack, deal with their concerns and
objections and continue anyway. Anything the leader tries to do will
fall into one of two camps: no one 

Question to all the candidates: communication

2010-03-13 Thread Paul Wise
Dear candidates,

Debian has a lot of project communications media; lists, forums, IRC,
planet, bts, RT. There are also a lot of external communications media
covering Debian; news media, , social networks, blogs, microblogging
sites & non-IRC chat, video sites and so on.

Which project and external Debian-related communications media do you
follow? and contribute to? As well as a general list I'm interested in
specific lists (for eg #debian, #debian-devel, debian-de...@l.d.o,
debian-proj...@l.d.o, the Hardware forum on forums.d.n etc).

How do you see those two lists changing if you become DPL?

Which of these communications media do you feel is important for the
DPL to read?

Please breifly comment on how you see Debian's relationship with some
of these media.

Do you feel any of these media have been misused by Debian people
(DDs/non-DDs alike)? If so, what action would you take if you become

Do you feel the general tone and perception of Debian is positive on
the media that you follow? What action would you take to improve these
if you become DPL?


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Question to all Candidates: Heated discussions

2010-03-13 Thread Dmitrijs Ledkovs
Hello =)

Sometimes technical Debian discussions (mailing lists, bug reports,
blog posts, etc.) become personal flame-wars.

Do you think current frequency/amount of heated discussions is
acceptable for the Debian project?
What would you do to reduce those?


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Question to all Candidate: In ten years...

2010-03-13 Thread Dmitrijs Ledkovs
Hello =)

Please finish "In ten years I'd like Debian"


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Re: Question to all Candidates: 2IC

2010-03-13 Thread Don Armstrong
On Sat, 13 Mar 2010, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> There are a bunch listed in my yet-to-be-published platform. But
> just to give an example from the previous mail, I'd like to have a
> page with rankings of people reporting and fixing bugs, in order to
> give some nice Debian merchandise to the ones that help the most,
> but I don't think I'd have the time to organize the whole thing
> myself.

This is actually something that I've been meaning to get to for quite
a while; if there is someone who is interested in working on this
and/or helping me to get it whipped up into shape, I'd appreciate the

[I had asked Steve about this in Argentina, and he was supportive, but
unfortunatly I haven't done anything more about it since then.]

Don Armstrong

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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Anthony Towns
On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 05:11, Mike Hommey  wrote:
> Note that GSoc is supposed to sponsor students to do some development
> work, preferably with the purpose of getting these people involved in a
> project they weren't involved in to begin with.

That's not, per se, accurate. From the GSoC FAQ:

Many of our past participants had never participated in an open-source
project before GSoC; others used the GSoC stipend as an opportunity to
concentrate fully on their existing open source coding activities over
the summer. Many of our 'graduates' have later become program mentors.

Google only funds students, and only funds development work, but apart
from that, exactly what's worked on and what the aim is is left up to
the project.

> Considering this, I think there are good reasons GSoC didn't get the
> flames that DuncTank had.

Probably the major reason is just that Google remain much more
interested in avoiding flame wars than I was with dunc-tank. For
instance when someone criticises Google for GSoC, people will come to
its defence, even when the criticism's legitimate; nobody's made much
effort to do that for dunc-tank, including me, including when it was

There's a number of features in that vein in general: the money is
fixed as are the overall terms so there's simply no room for debate, a
lot of it's done in forum that are only open to people who are already
participating, people who do generate controversy and arguments about
it tend to not be invited to participate again next year, and there
are plenty of free and open source projects involved so there's a fair
bit of social proof that it doesn't screw up projects. Similar things
apply in Debian -- the people who get to judge the applications are
the ones who've signed up to be potential mentors, and hence have
already indicated they approve of the overall idea at least in

A major factor in avoiding the arguments, in my opinion, is also that
GSoC is restricted to students. That means a bunch of Debian
contributors naturally can't apply, which in some sense avoids the
sense of unfairness that many people who are doing good work aren't
getting funded equivalently -- "of course they aren't, they're not
students". It also avoids the concern that some people will end up
getting "jobs" via GSoC -- people generally only get to be students
for a few years, after which they can't keep being part of GSoC. To
some extent it also avoids the problem of differentiating the people
who decide who should get paid and who gets paid (you don't want
people deciding to pay themselves, generally) -- if you're a student
you apply for funding, if you're not, you're a mentor; and Google adds
a specific rule that you can't be a mentor and apply for funding to do
away with the occassional edge case.

But all that aside, GSoC still gets some "flames" on Debian lists; see
the thread on -devel from about this time last year, eg:

Out of free and open source projects, Debian isn't the most amenable
to funding and corporate sponsorship. There are (demonstrably)  ways
to manage that though, and if you're interested in stress-testing
funding ideas, well, it's a particularly good supplier of stress in
this area. ;)

As far as DPLness is concerned, I (as DPL) was an GSoC admin in the
first year Debian participated in GSoC, and I think it would've been
difficult for Debian to join without at least the DPL's support via a
prompt delegation so that someone was authorised to register the
project with Google and setup mentors and so forth. (I'm pretty sure
the lack of a quick response was what meant we missed out in
participating in the first year Google ran GSoC; that both would've
required a very quick response though, and it's possible letting other
projects try these things first and only adopting things proven to
work is a good idea anyway)


Anthony Towns 

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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Julien Cristau

On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 17:52:33 +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Mar 2010, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> > However, if it's seen as a "Debian" thing, instead of an external
> > thing like GSoC is, then it might lead to some resentment from the
> > side of the people that don't get any money for their work.
> How can you avoid this? If you request donations for a specific purpose
> (projects improving Debian), how can you avoid being seen as a Debian
> thing?
Compare "Random Joe Developer is soliciting funding for his debian work"
vs "Debian is soliciting funding for Random Joe Developer's debian
work".  The former is fine IMO, has no risk of being seen as a "Debian"
thing, and can be done without involving the DPL or anyone besides
Random Joe.

Why do you think Debian as a project, or the DPL, should be involved in


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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Mike Hommey
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 07:01:21PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> So, given that my main perplexities come from the fact that a DD is
> involved in organizing all this, you can imagine I wouldn't mind: a
> company doing that (which is already the case for Google with GSoC), a
> non-DD/DM doing that, or even a DD/DM retiring from the project *to* do
> that.

Replying here, but that could well have gone in another sub-thread:

Note that GSoc is supposed to sponsor students to do some development
work, preferably with the purpose of getting these people involved in a
project they weren't involved in to begin with.

Considering this, I think there are good reasons GSoC didn't get the
flames that DuncTank had.


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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 08:18:00AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Imagine a DD contacts you, she wants to setup an infrastructure to finance
> Debian related projects (i.e. paying people to enable them to work on the
> projects that they'd like to do for Debian) but she wants to avoid the
> main mistakes made during Dunc-Tank; in her project:

First a few general thoughts of mine on the topic "DDs/DMs getting paid
to do Debian work", then some answers to your more specific questions.

The fact that not all DDs are equal in terms of how/if they get paid for
their Debian work is, well, a fact.  Personally, my work contract does
not mention Debian at all, but I'm nevertheless doing some Debian
activities during my work time and that is accepted, if not encouraged.
Some DDs are able to pursue specific Debian projects due to bounties
they put on the projects (both AJ and Raphael have similar initiatives
on their homepages, even though I don't know how much they are
successful in terms of "customers"). Some others work for companies
which heavily use specific packages and they are therefore paid to
maintain such packages in Debian.

There is nothing wrong with that.  While all the above scenarios create
disparities, that's just life: as more and more the IT market gets
interested in FOSS, the more and more we will have people paid to work
on FOSS, and Debian is part of that.  We cannot stop that.

Still, Debian is a peculiar distribution also because it is a volunteer
project, not explicitly run or supported (e.g. in its infrastructure) by
any single/specific company.  That is a value: we should protect it, we
should *advertise* it (i.e. state clearly that in Debian money do not
drive decisions!), and we should never become *dependent* on specific
founding schemes.

According to this view of mine, the scenario created by the DD
contacting the DPL about such a proposition is dangerous, mainly because
it is a DD which is proposing it, leading to a potential conflict of

> What advice would you give her?

I would advice her, as a DD, to refrain from organizing that.

A bit of history. IIRC, the Dunc-Tank affair has gone through two
consequent problems. The first one was the proposal to use Debian money
to pay DDs. That proposal was taken back, since it was obvious that most
DDs were against. Then, the proposal was still pursued, now by
externalizing fund raising. Still, on the board of the organizers of the
(now) external activity, there were several DDs, including the DPL
himself. That was enough of a reason for unhappiness shared by a lot of
project members.

I've personally learned a lesson from the experience: explicit founding
of Debian activity should be *disjoint* from the project, both in terms
of where the money come from, and in terms of who are the people
organizing the machinery.

(For full disclosure and as an additional note: back then in Dunc-Tank I
 was not against external founding. However, the fact that it was
 _still_ that much controversial and flame-prone is enough of a reason,
 for me as potential DPL, to discourage any DDs/DMs for attempting it
 again. The benefits of the founding can be totally overtaken by the
 disadvantages of troubles created in the community.)

So, given that my main perplexities come from the fact that a DD is
involved in organizing all this, you can imagine I wouldn't mind: a
company doing that (which is already the case for Google with GSoC), a
non-DD/DM doing that, or even a DD/DM retiring from the project *to* do

> What other pitfalls from Dunc-Tank must she pay attention to?

She should pay attention to the fact that she is a DD. According to my
vision, that would then become a blocker to go forward.

> Do you have concrete suggestions for her on how it should be working?
> Would you encourage her to go forward or would you try to convince her to
> forget this idea?

In the end, it turns out I've already answered to these above :-)


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
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Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all Candidates: 2IC

2010-03-13 Thread Kurt Roeckx
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 05:45:33PM +0100, Stefano Zacchiroli wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:55:38PM +0700, Paul Wise wrote:
> > I wonder if the questions period of the DPL elections would be more
> > productive if platforms were published beforehand?
> FWIW, my platform is ready, if someone want to have a look before the
> official publishing just ask me me, otherwise I believe the secretary
> will publish all of them on Monday.

You're still the only one that send me something.  I hope to
receive something from all the candidates soon.


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Re: Question to all Candidates: 2IC

2010-03-13 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 05:10:25PM +0100, Michael Banck wrote:
> FWIW, I think a 2IC is much more effective for outside-leaning
> communication, i.e. filtering and/or answering leader@ mail (which
> apparently can be overwhelming) and such, not for communication with
> other project members or teams.

So, in fact, that's not that clear to me. I mean, the last of "2IC" has
been Luk with Steve in the current term. In his platform Steve called
Luk "an assistant DPL" without detailing how tasks were split. To my
reading that means that tasks are effectively shared with no specific
partitioning. Accordingly, AJ when he first created the 2IC role [1],
established it as sharing the responsibilities of the DPL.

Your vision of the 2IC is much more reasonable, but I believe I will not
personally need it, if elected. For mail triaging I'm using since a
couple of years a work-flow GTD-like/inbox-zero and mails usually don't
linger that much in my INBOX, at least they do not linger there because
I don't have time to triage them. I'm confident I could triage way more
mail than what I receive now (but please don't play the game of trying
that on purpose :-))

Dealing with them is of course a different matter, but if you were
thinking about the overwhelming amount time of writing responses once a
decision has been taken, well, that can be either done by the DPL alone
or delegated on a case-by-case basis to appropriate teams like
-publicity, -press, or to new blood willing to help in that respect.



Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{,,} -<>-
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all the candidates: time

2010-03-13 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:56:17PM +0700, Paul Wise wrote:
> #include 

Eh :-)

> How much time do you currently devote to Debian? How will that amount
> of time change for the DPL term? How will you balance your DPL time
> and time for other Debian activities.

In the last few years, I've been able to devote quite some time to
Debian (as I believe it's evident from how much I've bothered planet.d.o
readers with my RCBW posts and the like). I'm not really sure I can
quantify it, but gun-pointed I'd say it is something like from 1 to 2
hours a day + 2 to 4 hours a week-end. Such time is currently scattered
among my various Debian activities (RCBW, OCaml package maintenance,
routine PTS maintenance and other QA tasks, python-debian/devscripts
hacking, ... in decreasing order of relevance +, of course, following
several mailing lists, including -devel).

I'm currently able to devote such (much) time to Debian mainly because
of luck: I work as a researched in a research project on FOSS
distributions [1] and inside the project contributing to Debian is a
respected activity. Soon I'll join a research center specifically
targeted at research on and round FOSS topics [2] and I don't see that
changing. Additionally, my boss is quite FOSS-sensitive and I've
discussed with him the potential scenario of my election. In that case,
I'll be allowed to take extra time for DPL tasks. Again, it is hard to
evaluate, but it can be something like 1 day/week for DPL tasks + trips
to conferences and the like.
Additionally, if elected, I will divert all my current Debian activity
to DPL activities. I've carefully evaluated the impact of my temporary
"departure" from my current Debian tasks, and I'm not worried they will
remain significantly unattended. I won't bother you with details (unless
you really want), but in most cases I'm part of active teams, what
remains out are just a handful of packages which will get orphaned or at
least RFH-ed.



Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{,,} -<>-
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Raphael Hertzog

thanks for your answers!

On Sat, 13 Mar 2010, Margarita Manterola wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Raphael Hertzog  wrote:
> > Imagine a DD contacts you, she wants to setup an infrastructure to finance
> > Debian related projects (i.e. paying people to enable them to work on the
> > projects that they'd like to do for Debian) but she wants to avoid the
> > main mistakes made during Dunc-Tank; in her project:
> > - everybody can propose projects to be financed
> > - the projects to be financed are selected by the Debian developers and
> >  by the donors
> > - eligible projects can only concern new developements and not recurring
> >  tasks
> This sounds quite similar to how the GSoC is done.  The main problem
> in this scenario is actually finding the sponsors to pay for the
> developers, and then control that the projects get done as expected.

Indeed, in GSoC, there's a mentor that takes a preliminary decision
about the outcome (successful or not) of the project and reports are produced.
Google then decides alone if he follows or not the decision of the mentor.

How could that be transposed in the Debian case? Would a DD acting as
external supervisor be enough? Or de we need a second layer review like
Google does in the GSoC?

> However, if it's seen as a "Debian" thing, instead of an external
> thing like GSoC is, then it might lead to some resentment from the
> side of the people that don't get any money for their work.

How can you avoid this? If you request donations for a specific purpose
(projects improving Debian), how can you avoid being seen as a Debian

Raphaël Hertzog

Like what I do? Sponsor me:
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Re: Question to all Candidates: 2IC

2010-03-13 Thread Stefano Zacchiroli
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 12:55:38PM +0700, Paul Wise wrote:
> I wonder if the questions period of the DPL elections would be more
> productive if platforms were published beforehand?

FWIW, my platform is ready, if someone want to have a look before the
official publishing just ask me me, otherwise I believe the secretary
will publish all of them on Monday.

As a suggestion for future elections, this problem is easily solvable:
it is enough to request that platforms get sent to the secretary within
the candidacy time frame, to "validate" the self-nomination. That way we
would be able to use at best the campaigning period (even though I don't
think a couple of days of delay make _such_ a difference ...).


Stefano Zacchiroli -o- PhD in Computer Science \ PostDoc @ Univ. Paris 7
z...@{,,} -<>-
Dietro un grande uomo c'è ..|  .  |. Et ne m'en veux pas si je te tutoie
sempre uno zaino ...| ..: | Je dis tu à tous ceux que j'aime

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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Margarita Manterola
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 4:18 AM, Raphael Hertzog  wrote:
> Imagine a DD contacts you, she wants to setup an infrastructure to finance
> Debian related projects (i.e. paying people to enable them to work on the
> projects that they'd like to do for Debian) but she wants to avoid the
> main mistakes made during Dunc-Tank; in her project:
> - everybody can propose projects to be financed
> - the projects to be financed are selected by the Debian developers and
>  by the donors
> - eligible projects can only concern new developements and not recurring
>  tasks

This sounds quite similar to how the GSoC is done.  The main problem
in this scenario is actually finding the sponsors to pay for the
developers, and then control that the projects get done as expected.

> What advice would you give her?
> What other pitfalls from Dunc-Tank must she pay attention to?

We have already participated in a number of GSoCs (four, if I'm not
mistaken), and it hasn't issued any social problems like Dunc Tank
did.  So, if there were to be other sponsors willing to pay for a
similar thing, it's not likely that there would be a bad reaction
towards it.

However, if it's seen as a "Debian" thing, instead of an external
thing like GSoC is, then it might lead to some resentment from the
side of the people that don't get any money for their work.

> Do you have concrete suggestions for her on how it should be working?

The main issue would be that the whole process should be very
transparent.  When money plays a role, it's very important that
everybody knows what kind of money we are talking about, what the
responsibilities of the people receiving the money are, and how the
whole thing actually benefits Debian.

> Would you encourage her to go forward or would you try to convince her to
> forget this idea?

I don't like it too much, so I would definitely not encourage it.  I'd
tell them to discuss this idea (with more details) on debian-project
and see what the general opinion of the project is, and only decide to
go forward with it or not after that.


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Re: Question to all the candidates: time

2010-03-13 Thread Margarita Manterola
On Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 2:56 AM, Paul Wise  wrote:
> #include 
> How much time do you currently devote to Debian? How will that amount
> of time change for the DPL term? How will you balance your DPL time
> and time for other Debian activities.

Currently, I'm devoting only a small portion of my free time to
Debian, a daily hour keeping updated with mailing-lists, news, and the
like and some bug fixing here and there,  also a little mentoring
towards local contributors.  All in all, it doesn't amount to too many

This is because after the organization of DebConf8 I needed to reduce
the hours spent on Debian in order to keep sanity, so I haven't been
as active or involved as I was before.  However, I'm ready now to
start devoting much more time towards Debian, regardless of the result
of the election.

If I'm not elected, I'll be working hard during the next months
towards bug finding/fixing for squeeze.  If I'm elected I guess that I
won't have time for that, since practically all my free time would
have to go to being DPL. At least, that's what I hear from former
DPLs: just replying to lea...@d.o eats up most of the DPL's time.


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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 10:46:23AM +0100, Luk Claes a écrit :
> If the money is used to pay people and the donor is paying for a
> specific project where it can know who will get paid, this could be seen
> as a work relationship and open a whole other can of worms than we have
> dealt with before (outside SPI probably). Just telling you so you are aware.

Just to clarify misunderstanding: in this thread, when I wrote “donations” I
meant direct money transfer from the sponsor to the developer.

I think that money donated to Debian should not be used to pay people. But if
Debian developers seek financial support for their activities, we can help them
by confirming that their proposal is sound and potentially useful to the

And you are right that it is very important to remind to the developpers and
the sponsors that receiving money in exchange for a work is usually very
regulated, and that we can not do the legal homework for them, nor be libable
if they forget to pay their taxes, etc…


Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Luk Claes
Charles Plessy wrote:
> Le Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 08:18:00AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog a écrit :

> What I like in your proposal is that the projects will need a donor, as 
> opposed
> to directly use Debian money. I think that showing the capacity of finding a
> donor is an important filter before engaging a contractual relationship with
> people to deliver software developments. Also it is important to decide the
> person and the price at the same time as proposing the project, and leave to
> the donor the decision whether the price is reasonable. For an global project
> like Debian, it is a very difficult problem to solve, as one hour of
> development has radically different costs around the world…

If the money is used to pay people and the donor is paying for a
specific project where it can know who will get paid, this could be seen
as a work relationship and open a whole other can of worms than we have
dealt with before (outside SPI probably). Just telling you so you are aware.



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Re: Question to all candidates: financing of development

2010-03-13 Thread Charles Plessy
Le Sat, Mar 13, 2010 at 08:18:00AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog a écrit :
> Imagine a DD contacts you, she wants to setup an infrastructure to finance
> Debian related projects (i.e. paying people to enable them to work on the
> projects that they'd like to do for Debian) but she wants to avoid the
> main mistakes made during Dunc-Tank; in her project:
> - everybody can propose projects to be financed
> - the projects to be financed are selected by the Debian developers and
>   by the donors
> - eligible projects can only concern new developements and not recurring
>   tasks

Hi Raphaël,

I see two separate processes in the infrastructure that you describe above:

 - A meeting point where project proposers can find potential sponsors.
 - An endorsment system where the Debian project supports project that
   meet some criteria.

I wonder if there are already existing platforms where projects can be proposed
for funding. The Google Summer of Code is a very special example, but there may
be more generalist ones. Why not simply use them instead of setting up a new
infrastructure? Then for the endorsement, I would propose to nominate delegates
after discussion on debian-project, if we find volunteers to deal with the
requests for official blessings.

What I like in your proposal is that the projects will need a donor, as opposed
to directly use Debian money. I think that showing the capacity of finding a
donor is an important filter before engaging a contractual relationship with
people to deliver software developments. Also it is important to decide the
person and the price at the same time as proposing the project, and leave to
the donor the decision whether the price is reasonable. For an global project
like Debian, it is a very difficult problem to solve, as one hour of
development has radically different costs around the world…

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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