Bug#1064929: RFP: elixir-cowlib -- Support library for manipulating Web protocols.

2024-02-27 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:  elixir-cowlib
  Upstream Author :ericmj
* URL : https://hex.pm/packages/cowlib
* License : ISC
  Programming Lang: elixir
  Description :  Support library for manipulating Web protocols

Cowlib provides libraries for parsing and building messages for
various Web protocols, including HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and Websocket.

It is optimized for completeness rather than speed. No value is
ignored, they are all returned.

it is a dependency of elixir-evacuated-phoenix ( #1023300 )

Bug#1040016: discord

2023-11-21 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
1) isn't it electron based ? ie shouldn't this request depend on
https://bugs.debian.org/842420 ?
2) as others have mentioned before, isn't this proprietary?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discord claims as such

Jeff Cliff

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#1002996: maturin

2023-09-06 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
maturin ITP is finished fyi

Jeff Cliff

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#885426: typo?

2023-09-06 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
is this a typo?  Shouldn't this be electrum-cash ?

Jeff Cliff

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#1032475: RFP: python3-aiologger -- Asynchronous non-blocking logging for python and asyncio

2023-03-07 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:  python3-aiologger
  Upstream Author :
* URL : https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/aiologger
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: python
  Description :  synchronous non-blocking logging for python and

Note this version ( git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1 ) has some
changes from the version on pypi which is upstream of it

it is a dependency of aspublic

Bug#1023435: RFP: node-animate-css -- A cross-browser library of CSS animations

2022-11-03 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:  node-animate-css
  Upstream Author :   Daniel Eden
* URL :
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: javascript
  Description :  As easy to use as an easy thing.

"Just-add-water CSS animation"
animate.css is a bunch of cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for
you to use in your projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders,
and general just-add-water-awesomeness.

This package has been evacuated from NSA/Microsoft github.

it is a bower dependency of ethereum-harmony ( #926370 )

Bug#1023300: RFP: elixir-evacuated-phoenix -- Peace of mind from prototype to production (evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github)

2022-11-01 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:  elixir-evacuated-phoenix
  Upstream Author :   Chris McCord
* URL :
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: elixir
  Description :  Elixir Web Framework targeting full-featured,
fault tolerant applications with realtime functionality

elixir-evacuated-phoenix is a dependency of pleroma/based ( #895050 )

Bug#1021937: more detail

2022-10-31 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
looks like meliae used to be in debian
is the bug report that removed it, claiming some 3.9 FTBFS bug
is it https://bugs.launchpad.net/meliae/+bug/1899379 ?

it also does seem to be still falling to others to maintain also

copying the debian directory from oldstable into the new trunk from
launchpad ( most recently updated earlier this year )
doesn't quite build, runs into some kind of problem with pip/cython
where it looks for python 2.7 (perhaps it's in the cython code hard
coded somewhere? )

hopefully this helps

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#1023199: RFP: node-evacuated-tslint-config-prettier -- Use TSLint with Prettier without any conflict

2022-10-31 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:  node-evacuated-tslint-config-prettier
  Upstream Author :   Alex Jover Morales 
* URL :
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: javascript
  Description :  Use TSLint with Prettier without any conflict

tslint-config-prettier disables all conflicting rules that may cause
such problems. Prettier takes care of the formatting whereas tslint
takes care of all the other things.
This package has been evacuated from NSA/Microsoft github.

 is a dev-dependency of node-threads (not yet RFPd)

Bug#1022836: RFP: python3-gensafeprime -- generate primes with openssl

2022-10-26 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:  python3-gensafeprime
  Upstream Author :   Erik Tews
* URL : https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/gensafeprime
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: python
  Description :  This module generates safe prime numbers using
the OpenSSL library

A number p is a safe prime number, if p is a prime number, and p =
2*q+1, and q is a prime number too. These numbers are sometimes used
in cryptography.

python3-gensafeprime is a dependency of py_ipv8 ( #1019898 )

Bug#1022798: duplication of library vs updating dependencies

2022-10-26 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
"duplicate the source."

it is one thing that could be done

the other way is for the packages that are staled by this upgrade of
golang-goprotobuf-dev (which is what this appears to be, in a separate
package) to be updated

would that not be the way these kinds of upgrades would normally
occur, insated of just accepting the go ecosystem's needless
duplication of libraries?

was there any discussion that lead to this duplication of this library
as a way out of this particular dependency hell somewhere?

Jeff Cliff

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#1021940: RFP: golang-openprivacy-libcwtch-go-dev -- libcwtch-go / C-bindings for the Go Cwtch Library

2022-10-17 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:  golang-openprivacy-libcwtch-go-dev
  Upstream Author :   Open Privacy Research Society
* URL : https://git.openprivacy.ca/cwtch.im/libcwtch-go
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: go
  Description : C-bindings for the Go Cwtch Library

For use in UI implementations. The goal is to bridge the gap between
the backend cwtch library and any front end systems which may be
written in a different language.   Packages up several calls to Cwtch
and is also responsible for managing UI settings and experimental

golang-openprivacy-libcwtch-go-dev is a dependency of cwtch ( #922887)

Bug#1021937: RFP: python3-meliae -- a library meant to help people understand how their memory is being used in Python.

2022-10-17 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:   python3-meliae
  Upstream Author :   Meliae Development Team
* URL : https://launchpad.net/meliae
* License : GNU GPL v3
  Programming Lang: python
  Description : a library meant to help people understand how
their memory is being used in Python.

Meliae is similar to heapy (in the 'guppy' project), in its attempt to
understand how memory has been allocated.

Meliae is a currently a dependency of tribler ( #836852 )

Bug#1021333: RFP: node-is-ci -- Detect if the current environment is a CI server (Evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github)

2022-10-05 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:   node-is-ci
  Upstream Author :   Thomas Watson Steen
* URL : https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/is-ci
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: javascript
  Description : Returns true if the current environment is a
Continuous Integration server.

Officially supported CI servers:
Travis CI
Jenkins CI
Team Foundation Server
GitLab CI
Magnum CI
Bitbucket Pipelines

node-ci is a prerequisite for node-husky ( #910393 )

Bug#1021332: RFP: libjs-jquery-terminal -- A library for creating command line interpreters in your applications.

2022-10-05 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name:   libjs-jquery-terminal
  Upstream Author :  Jakub Jankiewicz 
* URL :
* License : GPLv3+MIT+3-BSD+WTFPL
  Programming Lang: javascript
  Description : You can use this JavaScript Terminal library to create
interactive web-based terminal application on your website. Where
commands are defined by you. You can define them on the server or in
browser's JavaScript.

This is a vendored prerequisite to ethereum-harmony #926370

Bug#1021328: RFP: libspring-boot-java -- a radically faster getting started experience for all Spring development

2022-10-05 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: libspring-boot-java
  Upstream Author :spring.io crontributors
* URL : https://gitgud.io/themusicgod1/spring-boot
* License : Apache
  Programming Lang: java
  Description : A radically faster 'getting started' experience
for all Spring development

Spring Boot makes it easy to create Spring-powered, production-grade
applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. It takes an
opinionated view of the Spring platform so that new and existing users
can quickly get to the bits they need.
You can use Spring Boot to create stand-alone Java applications that
can be started using java -jar or more traditional WAR deployments. We
also provide a command line tool that runs spring scripts.

Bug#890550: parity situation

2022-10-05 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
so whereas
1) older versions of parity were subject to an ethereum-stealing bug
2) development got stuck, there was, for a time, a fork of parity
called 'feather'  but even that is no longer listed as one of the main
ethereum clients on
3) there's no particular reason to prefer old-as-balls parity
especially considering (1)
4) the source code to parity is stored on a gitlab which doesn't even
allow the public access(!) unless they have a github account
5) at one point, some of the ethereum codebase (not sure if including
parity???) relicensed away from GPL3 and so now it's unclear if this
is even FLOSS anymore
6) i was the one who requested it in the first place, so that debian
could have an ethereum client
7) i've requested enough things

I'm closing this rfp and if someone else wants parity or one of its
forks they can file a new frp

Jeff Cliff

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#1020454: RFP: golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-memsize -- computes the size of your object graph

2022-09-21 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
* Package name: golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-memsize
  Upstream Author :   Felix Lange
* URL : https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/memsize
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: go
  Description : computes the size of your object graph

For any Go object, it can compute the amount of memory referenced by the
object.  Almost all Go types are supported, except for function pointers.
If your program provides an HTTP server for debugging you can also add an
interactive memsize tool there and use it from a web browser.

Bug#910389: cloudfoundry probably works for geth

2022-09-21 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
This package was requested as part of the dependency tree for geth but
since that time, golang-github-cloudfoundry-gosigar-dev seems to be the
standard API for this purpose and already in debian.  As such this can be
probably closed, and geth use that instead during packaging efforts

Jeff Cliff

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#1019932: RFP: briar -- Briar Instant Messenger

2022-09-16 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: briar
  Upstream Author : Sublime Software Ltd
* URL : https://code.briarproject.org/briar/briar/tree/master
* License : GPLv3
  Programming Lang: java
  Description : Secure messaging, anywhere

Briar is a privacy-preserving, metadata-resistant instant messenger
platform, competitor to Signal ( #842943 ), Telegram/WhatsApp/Meta
Messenger/Slack ( #928708 ), and Cwtch ( #922887 ).  It is primarily
designed for Android but work is well under way to support Debian by
default ( https://code.briarproject.org/briar/briar/-/merge_requests/1252 ).

Bug#1019898: RFP: python-ipv8 -- Python implementation of Tribler's IPv8 p2p-networking layer

2022-09-15 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: python-ipv8
  Version : 0.1
  Upstream Author :   Technical University Delft contributors
* URL : https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/py_ipv8
* License : LGPLv3
  Programming Lang: python
  Description : IPv8 aims to provide authenticated communication with

The IPv8 library allows you to interface with the existing Dispersy network
( #1019895)  to build your own applications.  This project has been
evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github.

It is a hard prerequisite for tribler ( #836852 )

Bug#1019895: RFP: dispersy -- A database designed for P2P-like scenarios

2022-09-15 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: dispersy
  Version : 21
  Upstream Author :   Technical University Delft contributors including
Boudewijn Schoon
* URL : https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/dispersy
* License : LGPLv3
  Programming Lang: python
  Description : A database designed for P2P-like scenarios
The elastic database system. A database designed for P2P-like scenarios,
where potentially millions of computers send database updates around.
(Evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github)

It is a hard prerequisite for tribler ( #836852 )

Bug#795495: new upstream non-microsoft github version available

2022-09-14 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/ex_doc is a non-NSA/Microsoft
github repo/fork for this project

Jeff Cliff

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#1019756: RFP: elixir-gettext -- Internationalization and localization support for Elixir

2022-09-14 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: elixir-gettext
  Version :
  Upstream Author : Plataformatec
* URL : https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/gettext/
* License : Apache
  Programming Lang: Elixir
  Description : Internationalization and localization support for Elixir

Gettext is a internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) system
commonly used for writing multilingual programs, originally from the GNU
Translation Project. Gettext is a standard for i18n in different
communities, meaning there is a great set of tooling for developers and

This project is an implementation of the Gettext system in Elixir.
This project has also been evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github.

It is currently a prerequisite for pleroma / rebased ( #895050 )

Bug#895050: 'rebased' fork

2022-09-14 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
there are now two main forks of this project, one of which is the 'pleroma'
gitlab link above the other which is 'rebased'

Jeff Cliff

End the campaign to Cancel Richard Stallman - go to stallmansupport.org !

Bug#1019524: RFP: golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-xhandler-dev

2022-09-10 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: golang-freecumextremist-themusicgod1-xhandler-dev
  Version : 0.0
  Upstream Author : Olivier Poitrey 
* URL : https://git.freecumextremist.com/themusicgod1/xhandler/
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description : XHandler is a bridge between net/context and

( It has been evacuated from NSA/Microsoft Github )
It lets you enforce net/context in your handlers without sacrificing
compatibility with existing http.Handlers nor imposing a specific router.
Thanks to net/context deadline management, xhandler is able to enforce a
per request deadline and will cancel the context when the client closes the
connection unexpectedly.
You may create your own net/context aware handler pretty much the same way
as you would do with http.Handler.

It is currently a prerequisite for geth ( #890541 )

Bug#895050: update

2020-03-08 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
on the one hand they are still actively developed and have reached the 2.0
on the other they have dropped ostatus support (i'll probably have to
retitle this rfp when i figure out how to do this)

Bug#940111: RFP: evacuated-flow -- static typechecker for javascript

2019-09-12 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: evacuated-flow
  Version : 57cb28687f
  Upstream Author :  Facebook
* URL : https://codeberg.org/themusicgod1/evacuated-flow/
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: OCaml
  Description : Flow is a static typechecker for JavaScript.
 It was originally from flow.org, but has been evacuated from NSA/Microsoft

Flow is a static type checker for your JavaScript code. It does a lot of
work to make you more productive. Making you code faster, smarter, more
confidently, and to a bigger scale.

Flow checks your code for errors through static type annotations. These
types allow you to tell Flow how you want your code to work, and Flow will
make sure it does work that way.

Bug#433270: processing

2019-09-08 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
it's been 4 years since there's been any activity on this oneis anyone
still actually working on it?

Bug#862751: updated repository link

2019-09-08 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
https://codeberg.org/themusicgod1/evacuated-babelify is available as a
non-NSA/Microsoft walled garden link.

Bug#827314: note for future readers

2019-09-07 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
that 'feather' client they are recommending instead appears to be a
fork/branch of parity ( #890550 )

Bug#910381: non-NSA/Microsoft upstream available

2019-05-07 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
an alternative upstream is available at

Hopefully this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#910389: preliminary building debian package

2019-04-16 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
a preliminary building debian package is available at the above link
Hopefully this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#780357: non-nsa/microsoft upstream repo link

2019-04-15 Thread Jeffrey Cliff

is available as a non-NSA/Microsoft upstream repo.

Bug#842420: non nsa/microsoft upstream link

2019-04-08 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
there is a non-NSA/Microsoft upstream repo available for this project at

Bug#887042: updated repo link

2019-04-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
looks like the work in making a buildable branch was lost when github was

the new link is at :


Bug#884796: update repo link

2019-04-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
looks like the work in making a debian packaging branch was lost when
github was lost.

https://salsa.debian.org/themusicgod1-guest/py-evm is what remains

Bug#890550: new upstream repo:

2019-04-03 Thread Jeffrey Cliff

Bug#860431: post NSA/Microsoft upstream change

2019-04-03 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Control: retitle -1 RFP: golang-notabug-themusicgod1-cp-dev -- File Copying
for Go

Bug#860431: building preliminary package

2019-04-03 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
at the notabug upstream repo, there is a directory for building a package
that successfully builds.
hopefully this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#926340: preliminary building package

2019-04-03 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
at the above repo, there is now a preliminary building package directory
(that also passes all the mocha tests)

Hope this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#908765: seems like this already exists

2019-04-01 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
in package ~/node-babel-6.26.0+dfsg/packages/
there's already a node-babel-preset-es2016
node5 seems to be specifically for nodejs v5 which is a few versions ago
i'm thinking this may not be necessary after all

Bug#924951: buildable debian directory

2019-03-30 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
on the upside...the above link has a branch that successfully builds an
installable package...

on the down side this package turns out to be one of those 'one-function'
ones, so it probably just makes more sense to fold it into mist.

Hopefully this helps,

Jeff Cliff

Bug#890567: buildable preliminary debian package

2019-03-24 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
available at https://notabug.org/themusicgod1/termui
Its 'example' code seems to work (if you resolve GOPATH issues).
hopefully this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#862294: non-NSA/Microsoft repository link

2019-03-22 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
https://salsa.debian.org/themusicgod1-guest/standard is a non-NSA/Microsoft
git 'upstream' repository available for this project.

Hopefully this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#923616: in the meanwhile

2019-03-13 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
the above link ( https://salsa.debian.org/themusicgod1-guest/os-timesync )
now has a preliminary building package

Hopefully this helps, and makes the GSoC students' job a little easier

Jeff Cliff

Bug#923616: Re : GSoC

2019-03-13 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Please do.

Bug#910035: disregard

2019-03-02 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
ah disregard that, I'm not set up for that by the looks (I'll work on
getting access to a sid box in the meanwhile), sorry for getting all
your hopes up


2019-02-25 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
I'd like to get my feet wet in maintaining a package, and this seems like
the perfect package to start with, since it's small & I've been using it
for years.  While I'm not really sure where to start I took a look at the
source code and it seemed to mostly make sense.  I made a patch that fixes
the outstanding bug using the contribution of the person who reported it.
I'm not a DD but I am interested in helping out here.
Jeff Cliff

Bug#887841: followup

2019-02-21 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
A year ago you expressed interest in packaging node-smart-buffer.  Are you
still interested in doing so?  Is there anything in particular that is
getting in your way?

Bug#827314: non-NSA/Microsoft link

2019-02-19 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
a non NSA/Microsoft upstream link is available at

Bug#922483: duplicate?

2019-02-17 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
a pretty close to duplicate RFP was just filed at #922476 .

Bug#922159: RFP: node-rework -- Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js

2019-02-12 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: node-rework
  Version : 1.0.1
  Upstream Author : Conrad Zimmerman
* URL : https://notabug.org/makenotabuggreatagain/rework/
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: javascript
  Description : Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js

CSS manipulations built on css, allowing you to automate vendor prefixing,
create your own properties & inline images.

Bug#921493: why?

2019-02-12 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Oh I see now,  #889058 not sure how I missed that

On Tue, 12 Feb 2019 at 12:47, Jeffrey Cliff  wrote:

> Why was this closed?  Did I miss this somewhere in debian?

GENERATION 26: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any
forum and add 1 to the generation

Bug#921493: why?

2019-02-12 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Why was this closed?  Did I miss this somewhere in debian?

Bug#922151: RFP: node-php-date-formatter -- datetime formatting and manipulation library using PHP date-time formats

2019-02-12 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: node-php-date-formatter
  Version : 1.3.4
  Upstream Author : Kartik Visweswaran
* URL :
* License : BSD-3-Clause
  Programming Lang: javascript
  Description : datetime formatting library using PHP formats

A Javascript datetime library that allows you to manipulate date/times using
PHP date-time formats in javascript. This library was built with an
to read and write date/timestamps to the database easily when working with
server code. Use cases for this library would involve reading and saving a
timestamp to database in one format, but displaying it on client or html
in another format. Maintaining a consistent PHP Date time format for both
side and client side validation should help in building extensible
with various PHP frameworks easily.

Bug#921920: RFP: libjs-jquery-datetimepicker -- jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin

2019-02-10 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: libjs-jquery-datetimepicker
  Version : 2.5.20
  Upstream Author : Valeriy Chupurnov
* URL :
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Javascript
  Description : jQuery Date and Time Picker Plugin

Similar to libjs-eonasdan-bootstrap-datetimepicker, a way to input
date/time for jQuery.

this is what gogs ( #911419 ) uses.

Bug#921493: RFP: node-ava -- ava helps with testing

2019-02-05 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: node-ava
  Version : 1.2.1
  Upstream Author : Mark Wubben (novemberborn.net)
* URL : https://notabug.org/makenotabuggreatagain/ava
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: javascript
  Description : ava helps with testing

AVA is a test runner for Node.js with a concise API, detailed error
output, embrace of new language features and process isolation that
let you write tests more effectively.

AVA is a prerequisite for node-gulp-debug ( #915067 )

Bug#921485: RFP: python-srht-git -- sr.ht git services

2019-02-05 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name : python-srht-git
Version : 0.22.2
Upstream Author : Drew DeVault (@s...@cmpwn.com)
* URL : https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/git.sr.ht
* License : Affero GPLv3
Programming Lang: python
Description : sr.ht git services

This is the git component of sr.ht

git is a distributed source version control system, and the
client is available in debian already. What this is, is
a web server that allows for git collaboration in large
groups - ie free software development using the web and
git together

This along with the core sr.ht module ( #920873 ), and the
scm sr.ht module ( #921407 ) form the back end code for the
website sr.ht; called "a github replacement for hackers by

Bug#921407: RFP: python-srht-scm -- Shared support code for sr.ht source control services

2019-02-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: python-srht-scm
  Version : 0.3.3
  Upstream Author : Drew DeVault ( @s...@cmpwn.com )
* URL : https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/scm.sr.ht
* License : Affero GPL
  Programming Lang: python
  Description : Shared support code for sr.ht source control services

Source code support for sr.ht repositories, including webhook support.

Support for users, authorization, and more.

Bug#884834: non-github repository

2019-02-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
now that Hilko isn't working on packaging this anymore, an
non-NSA/Microsoft controlled upstream repository is also available at

Bug#886640: followup

2019-02-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
As with #884834, over a year ago you expressed interest in packaging
node-accord - are you also no longer packing this as well?
Jeff Cliff

Bug#884834: followup

2019-02-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
over a year ago you expressed interest in packaging node-gulp-less -
are you still working on packaging this?  Are you stuck on anything?
Jeff Cliff

Bug#921286: duplicate?

2019-02-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
For what it's worth there is a RFP for this at #890567


Bug#921388: RFP: node-taffydb -- JavaScript Database for your browser

2019-02-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

* Package name: node-taffydb
  Version : 2.7.3
  Upstream Author : @biastoact@birdsite 
* URL : https://notabug.org/makenotabuggreatagain/taffydb
* License : MIT
  Programming Lang: Javascript
  Description : Database for your browser

"Have you ever noticed how JavaScript object literals look a lot like
records? And that if you wrap a group of them up in an array you have
something that looks a lot like a database table? We did too. We
created TaffyDB easily and efficiently manipulate these 'tables'
with a uniform and familiar SQL-like interface.

We use TaffyDB instead of ad-hoc data manipulation routines throughout
our applications. This reduces development time, improves performance,
simplifies maintenance, and increases quality."

TaffyDB is a prerequisite to jsdoc ( #774565 ).

Bug#910533: preliminary building package

2019-01-27 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
the above link now can build a preliminary debian package

hopefully this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#836852: updated link

2019-01-17 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
here's an official non NSA/Microsoft link :


( tribler has continued to be under active development all this time,
and has grown considerably as a project since 6.5 release )

Bug#912063: preliminary building package

2018-12-09 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
the abovementioned repository has a preliminary building package now
hopefully this helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#912065: preliminary debian package

2018-12-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
a building preliminary debian package is available at the above link.

( eg  https://notabug.org/makenotabuggreatagain/git-module/ )
Hopefully this helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#915498: preliminary debian package working

2018-12-04 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
see the above link for a working debian packaging directory
hopefully this helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#872625: dead in the water

2018-12-03 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
sure seems like upstream is dead - they are recommending geth and
parity on their github...

Bug#745040: preliminary packaging

2018-12-03 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
A building preliminary package is available at (what should be
considered upstream, now) at https://notabug.org/themusicgod1/libcpuid
Hope this helps.
Jeff Cliff

Bug#903375: preliminary building package

2018-11-29 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
http://qhtn4w2q36dojls2.onion/node-path-parse contains a building
preliminary package directory.
hope that helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#890541: launchpad newer versions

2018-11-29 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
there are newer source versions available on launchpad / PPA now:


Bug#913988: preliminary packaging

2018-11-17 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
at the above link there is a preliminary debian package that is buildable.
Hopefully this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#911803: preliminary building package

2018-11-16 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
a building preliminary package is available at the above link, under a
slightly renamed package name.

It is giving a lintian warning still (see issue #3 -
https://notabug.org/makenotabuggreatagain/clog/issues/3 ), but it is

Bug#913833: preliminary packaging

2018-11-15 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
A preliminary building package is now available in the link above.

Hopefully this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#911895: preliminary building package

2018-10-31 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
A preliminary building package is available at

Hope this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#908829: preliminary packaging work

2018-10-31 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
I have successfully built a preliminary package using the code at

Hopefully this helps.
Jeff Cliff

Bug#890538: updated repo URL

2018-08-07 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
An alternative, post-Microsoft Github takeover repository in question is
available at:

Bug#859371: updated repo

2018-08-07 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
https://notabug.org/themusicgod1/evmjit is the updated link for my repo of
a building package, now that Microsoft pulled the carpet from under the
other one.

Bug#859371: progress

2018-03-10 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
I now have a building preliminary package at my github at:


pro: it does build, which involved a bunch of gotchas and a 2+ hour build

con: it uses cmake to download(!) and compile with a specific version of
LLVM (this is where most of the 2 hours is spent)

con: source code of evmjit uses __TIME__ and is "probably" not reproducible
because of this

con: for some reason their cmake setup only compiles to amd64

Open for ideas on how to assess this.

Bug#872625: trinity & pyethapp

2018-02-17 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
from : @car...@github.com :

"Just FYI, trinity is being designed as a node on top of py-evm, and should
(I believe) completely replace pyethapp functionality. Because of that,
there may not be much momentum for doing maintenance work on pyethapp."


Bug#884796: preliminary packaging

2018-01-20 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
haven't got very far, but made it as far as the alpha release 0.0.1 in
terms of getting an installing package together. alpha release 0.0.1 really
doesn't look like it's the whole project, but it's a start - -


hopefully that helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#887341: pull request upstream

2018-01-20 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Though I have my doubts that it will be merged ( due to their requiring tox
2.6 ), I have created a preliminary debian package directory in pull request

from 'debian2'  branch in
which successfully builds an installable(if you've got the prerequisites,
which you'll find I've been slowly chipping away at) package like (obv
don't install this, it's an http link)

Hope this helps

Jeff Cliff

Bug#887042: preliminary packaging work

2018-01-14 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Although it's an outdated version (0.0.1-1) rather than (0.1.0b) my git
repository has a building package for python3-async-lru on the 'buildable'


Hope this helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#887115: pull requests upstream

2018-01-13 Thread Jeffrey Cliff


there's a preliminary debian package directory that successfully builds a

Hope this helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#887105: new pull request upstream

2018-01-13 Thread Jeffrey Cliff

has a preliminary debian package directory that successfully builds a
(assuming you've got all the prerequisites, see blocking bugs )

Hope this helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#886338: pull request upstream

2018-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
I've put together a pull request to package pytest-asyncio :


( which successfully builds

Hope this is helpful
Jeff Cliff

Bug#863704: duplicate

2018-01-12 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
since this is clearly a duplicate, is it OK if we close this one and leave
the other one open?

Bug#886338: missing url

2018-01-05 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
URL should be

 https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio not  https://github.com/Tinche

Bug#866167: py-evm

2017-12-19 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Since py-evm seems to be an entirely different package, even if it's the
successor of pyethereum, I've created another RFP for it
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=884796 just in case

Bug#882695: preliminary debian packaging pull request upstream

2017-12-16 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
https://github.com/ethereum/eth-utils/pull/33 contains a first attempt at
making a building package for eth-utils. It comes from my github repository
at https://github.com/themusicgod1/eth-utils

Hope this helps,
Jeff Cliff

Bug#882725: pull request w. debian package

2017-12-15 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
I created a preliminary debian package directory

and sent upstream a pull request

Hopefully this helps
-Jeff Cliff

Bug#882713: upstream offers debian package

2017-11-28 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
upstream merged my patch, so now they even have a buildable debian

Bug#882713: upstream is pretty on the ball

2017-11-28 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
they are ready to jump on this, but upstream has a few questions.

> How does this package end up in debian / ubuntu / mint after merging
[sample PR to make a debian package] ? Is there an automated process
somewhere that scrapes pytest packages and automatically add them (assuming
the files in this PR exist in the code base)?

> What is my role [ie upstream] going forward after merging this? Will this
code need to be updated? Will someone else on another project need write
access to this repository?

Bug#882713: preliminary debian package

2017-11-25 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
At github I have submitted a pull request
https://github.com/bigsassy/pytest-pythonpath/pull/9 with a debian
directory that allows for building to a package for me. Code at my
repository at https://github.com/themusicgod1/pytest-pythonpath/

Hopefully this helps
Jeff Cliff

Bug#882704: preliminary package on github

2017-11-25 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
I now have a preliminary, building package available.  It has my name on it
as maintainer and since I don't really know how to do that, it'll have to
be changed.  Hopefully this helps
which comes from https://github.com/themusicogd1/setuptools-markdown/

Bug#882288: RFP : ruby-pghero -- A performance dashboard for Postgres

2017-11-21 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Upstream Author : Andrew "ankane" Kane ( and...@chartkick.com )
URL : https://github.com/ankane/pghero
License : MIT ( https://github.com/ankane/pghero/blob/master/LICENSE.txt )
Language : ruby
Description : A performance dashboard for Postgres - health checks,
suggested indexes, and more

Bug#882290: RFP: reactjs-textarea-autosize -- textarea component for React which grows with content

2017-11-21 Thread Jeffrey Cliff
yeah, it's getting late, that email address should have been
8may...@gmail.com not someb...@example.org
enough rfps for one night.

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