Debian WWW CVS commit by jipege1-guest: webwml swedish/consultants/t_kurek.wml swedish ...

2017-11-05 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: jipege1-guest   17/11/05 10:36:33

Added files:
swedish/consultants: t_kurek.wml tegtmeier.wml 
 tiger_computing.wml togaware.wml 

Log message:
Swedish translations of another batch of consultants

Added files:
french/security/2017: dsa-4017.wml dsa-4018.wml 

Log message:
(fr) initial translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by jipege1-guest: webwml/french/security 2010/dsa-2100.wml 2011/ ...

2017-11-05 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: jipege1-guest   17/11/05 10:41:21

Added files:
french/security/2010: dsa-2100.wml 
french/security/2011: dsa-2181.wml 

Log message:
(fr) Initial translation

Modified files:
french/security/2017: dsa-4016.wml 

Log message:
(fr) proofread Jean-Paul Guillonneau

Debian WWW CVS commit by dogsleg: webwml/english/security/2017 dsa ...

2017-11-05 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: dogsleg 17/11/05 18:43:03

Added files:
english/security/2017: dsa-4019.wml 

Log message:
[SECURITY] [DSA 4019-1] imagemagick security update

Debian WWW CVS commit by dogsleg: webwml english/mirror/Mirrors.masterlist russi ...

2017-11-05 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: dogsleg 17/11/05 18:46:35

Modified files:
english/mirror : Mirrors.masterlist 

Log message:
Add a restricted-to: country to

Added files:
russian/security/2017: dsa-4019.wml 

Log message:
(Russian) Initial translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by gusnan: webwml/swedish/security/2017 dsa-4016.wml dsa- ...

2017-11-05 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: gusnan  17/11/05 19:47:18

Added files:
swedish/security/2017: dsa-4016.wml dsa-4017.wml dsa-4018.wml 

Log message:
Initial Swedish translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by hosiet-guest: webwml/chinese/Bugs Reporting.wml

2017-11-05 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: hosiet-guest17/11/06 03:41:57

Modified files:
chinese/Bugs   : Reporting.wml 

Log message:
chinese: Bugs/Reporting.wml: Fix typos, more translation

Debian WWW CVS commit by kaare: webwml swedish/MailingLists/desc/devel/transla ...

2017-11-05 Thread Debian WWW CVS
Module name:webwml
Changes by: kaare   17/11/06 07:19:27

Modified files:
swedish/MailingLists/desc/devel: translation-check 
Added files:
swedish/MailingLists/desc/devel: debian-security-tracker 

Log message:
Add translation of debian-security-tracker

Added files:
swedish/News/2015: 20150108.wml Makefile 

Log message:
Initial Swedish translation

Modified files:
english/devel/debian-installer: errata.wml 

Log message:
Update errata for Stretch Alpha 2.

Added files:
danish/security/2017: dsa-4016.wml dsa-4017.wml dsa-4018.wml 

Log message:
Initial translations