Re: [Declude.JunkMail] Relaying configuration WAS HELP: I justgot listed on ORDB

2002-03-31 Thread Scott MacLean

I got around the SMTP filtering issue by setting up a small
daemon on my server that accepted connections on port 125 (could be any
port, I just picked 125) and redirects the connection to port 25. It's
multi-threaded and lets people connect directly to your server to send
mail even if their port 25 is blocked by their ISP.
At 05:06 PM 03/31/2002, Eje Gustafsson wrote:
A little netiq please.. Trim your
posts. The original message was
11.2k for less then 1k worth of comment...
Just want to chimn in and say that MSN also blocks outbound smtp 
you have to use their mailservers. But on top of that you HAVE to
SPA smtp authentication which is something evil that microsoft have
come up with. I use a mail client called The Bat! and it would NOT
function with MSNs mailservers. Only app I managed to find that
was Outlook  Outlook Express. Now talk about cornering your
Sunday, March 31, 2002, 10:27:34 AM, you wrote:
DB Auth should work, then, unless there was some change in 7.xx. To
DB sure, setup a test virtual server and try it from a dial-up. Have
DB Imail logs set to debug, so you can see what's happening during
DB test.
DB What we do here is use relay for addresses and
Auth. However, since
DB we use an external database with Imail 6.xx, we have to assign an
DB to every mail host that needs Auth. That may be fixed in
7.xx, but I
DB haven't heard for sure.
DB Moreover, we really encourage our users to use the SMTP of
DB dial-up provider, since many (like Earthlink) block port 25
traffic to
DB IP's which are not on their net.

DB Sunday, March 31, 2002, 9:16:42 AM, Jim Rooth
JR I am using the Imail Database on v7.06
JR Family, God, and Corps...all else are mere details
JR Jim Rooth

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Scott MacLean
ICQ: 9184011

RE: [Declude.JunkMail] Relaying configuration WAS HELP: I justgot listed on ORDB

2002-03-31 Thread Scott MacLean

I used FPipe - it's free:
As far as I know, it should be able to do it for port 80 as well. I've
had it running for several months with no problems at all, with a fair
amount of traffic across it.
At 07:56 PM 03/31/2002, Timm Jasper wrote:
MacLean Writes:

 I got around the SMTP filtering issue by setting up a small
daemon on my server that accepted connections on port 125 (could be any
port, I 
 just picked 125) and redirects the connection to port 25. It's
multi-threaded and lets people connect directly to your server to send
mail even 
 if their port 25 is blocked by their ISP.

What was the program, and will it do the same for port 80? ie: web

-- Timm Jasper
-- Systems Administrator
-- TQCi Internet
-- 301-863-6121 

Scott MacLean
ICQ: 9184011