[Commons Wiki] Update of UsingNexus by GaryGregory

2014-07-12 Thread Apache Wiki
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The UsingNexus page has been changed by GaryGregory:

Update section Publish the website with link to SCM publishing docs.

  This will create the binary, source and javadoc jars and hashes and upload 
- The {{{-Prelease}}} flag ensures that the source and javadoc jars are created.
- The {{{-Dgpg.skip}}} flag skips the signing phase; do not omit this as it 
might mislead users if a signed jar was deployed as a snapshot
+ The {{{-Prelease}}} flag ensures that the source and javadoc jars are 
created. The {{{-Dgpg.skip}}} flag skips the signing phase; do not omit this as 
it might mislead users if a signed jar was deployed as a snapshot
  The resulting snapshot will appear in the Nexus repository under:
@@ -253, +252 @@

  The site should appear on the specified folder. Alternatively, you can stage 
the site in your ''public_html'' folder in your home directory on 
''people.apache.org''. This can be done with the following command:
  mvn site:stage-deploy
   Send Out The Vote 
  Below you find a vote template to save you some time ...
@@ -313, +312 @@

   * -e robots=off ignore robots.txt
   * --wait 10 wait between retrievals
- Check the MD5/SHA hashes! This can be done for instance with the 
''verify_sigs.sh'' script available under 
[[https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/committers/tools/releases]] (just check 
out from SVN and place the shell scripts in the ''bin'' folder below your home 
+ Check the MD5/SHA hashes! This can be done for instance with the 
''verify_sigs.sh'' script available under 
https://svn.apache.org/repos/private/committers/tools/releases (just check out 
from SVN and place the shell scripts in the ''bin'' folder below your home 
  Also, change the group to commons and ensure that the files can be written by 
the group:
  chgrp commons *
  chmod g+w *
@@ -368, +368 @@

   1. Follow the links to the binaries and source directories. Check them in a 
similar manner.
  = Publish the website =
+ See https://commons.apache.org/site-publish.html
- Run the following to deploy the new component website:
- {{{
- mvn site:deploy
- }}}
- On people.apache.org, verify that the directory has been updated, and that 
the file and directory permissions are correct (readable by all, not writeable 
by world, but group writeable). Also, ensure that the group is set to 
'commons'. For example:
- {{{
- pwd commons.apache.org : ls -l compress
- total 1366
- drwxrwsr-x  5 niallp commons  20 Aug 19 07:22 apidocs
- -rw-rw-r--  1 grobmeier  commons   21050 Aug 19 09:19 changes-report.html
- drwxrwsr-x  5 niallp commons  98 Aug 19 07:22 cobertura
- -rw-rw-r--  1 grobmeier  commons7555 Aug 19 09:19 conventions.html
- }}}
- Note that the files are transferred to the real web site only every few 
hours, so it may be a while before you see your changes appear. However if you 
set your webbrowser's HTTP proxy to port 80 and access 
http://commons.apache.org/ you should be able to see the changes immediately.
  = Send announcement =
  Announce the availability of the new release. Please check that the mirrors 
have been updated with the new release before sending the announce. There is no 
need to check all mirrors, but it's worthwhile checking a few of them.
@@ -404, +389 @@

  The actual release task is now complete, however there are some remaining 
steps to do some cleanup and to prepare the next development iteration.
   * '''Remove Obsolete Releases''': Unless old versions are especially 
required, remove them from the dist directory. This will cause the files to 
also be deleted from the mirrors and save them some diskspace as well as 
simplifying things for users. Note that the contents of the 
/www/www.apache.org/dist directory is regularly copied to 
/www/archive.apache.org/dist and from there transferred to host 
archive.apache.org. Deleting files from the standard distribution directories 
does ''not'' delete them from the archive dist directories so users will still 
be able to access old files even when they are not available from the mirrors.
-  * '''Update JIRA''': Mark the release as released in the JIRA project admin 
and CLOSE all issues RESOLVED in this release. Make sure the FIX VERSION for 
all issues closed with this release is set correctly to this version. If this 
has not already been done, create a JIRA version for the next release. 
+  * '''Update JIRA''': Mark the release as released in the JIRA project admin 
and CLOSE all issues RESOLVED in this release. Make sure the FIX VERSION for 

[Commons Wiki] Update of UsingNexus by GaryGregory

2011-10-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Commons Wiki for 
change notification.

The UsingNexus page has been changed by GaryGregory:

Document a wget command that actually works today.

  wget -np -r 
+ Here is a specific example (used for commons-io 2.1 on 7 October 2011), where 
you must turn off robots.txt and accept a self-signed certificate:
+ {{{
+ wget -r -l 1 -np -nH -nd -nv -e robots=off --wait 10 --no-check-certificate 
+ }}}
+ For the curious: 
+  * -r recursive
+  * -l 1 1 level
+  * -np no parent
+  * -nH don't create host directories
+  * -nd don't create directories
+  * -nv quiet
+  * -e robots=off ignore robots.txt
+  * --wait 10 wait between retrievals
  Check the MD5/SHA hashes!
  Also, change the group to commons.

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[Commons Wiki] Update of UsingNexus by GaryGregory

2011-10-07 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Commons Wiki for 
change notification.

The UsingNexus page has been changed by GaryGregory:

Document the UNIX command for changing the group to commons.

  wget -np -r 
  Here is a specific example (used for commons-io 2.1 on 7 October 2011), where 
you must turn off robots.txt and accept a self-signed certificate:
  wget -r -l 1 -np -nH -nd -nv -e robots=off --wait 10 --no-check-certificate 
- For the curious: 
+ For the curious:
   * -r recursive
   * -l 1 1 level
   * -np no parent
@@ -299, +301 @@

  Check the MD5/SHA hashes!
- Also, change the group to commons.
+ Also, change the group to commons:
+ {{{
+ chown :commons *
+ }}}
  = Copy to dist =
  On people.apache.org, change directory to the distribution directory for your 

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[Commons Wiki] Update of UsingNexus by GaryGregory

2011-03-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Commons Wiki for 
change notification.

The UsingNexus page has been changed by GaryGregory.
The comment on this change is: Add example you can cut and paste..


  = Using Nexus for Commons Maven releases =
  Notes on using Nexus
@@ -9, +8 @@

  NOTE - much of this content can be replaced simply by referencing the new 
unified docs: 
[[http://www.apache.org/dev/publishing-maven-artifacts.html|Publishing Maven 
  == What is Nexus? ==
  Nexus is a repository manager, and acts as a staging repository which 
intercepts artifacts uploaded by '''mvn deploy'''.
+ Thus artifacts can be safely deployed to Nexus as part of voting on a 
release. The vote takes place on the staged artifacts. If the vote succeeds, 
the artifacts can be promoted to the live repository. If it fails, the 
artifacts can be deleted, and the process can restart.
- Thus artifacts can be safely deployed to Nexus as part of voting on a release.
- The vote takes place on the staged artifacts.
- If the vote succeeds, the artifacts can be promoted to the live repository.
- If it fails, the artifacts can be deleted, and the process can restart.
  It also allows redundant files (such as .asc.md5 and .asc.sha1 hashes) to be 
deleted before deployment.
  == Preparations for using Nexus ==
-  * All Commons components that use the ''org.apache.commons'' groupId are 
already set up to use Nexus. 
+  * All Commons components that use the ''org.apache.commons'' groupId are 
already set up to use Nexus.
  However, components that use different groupIds may need to be set up. See 
the instructions in 
[[http://www.apache.org/dev/publishing-maven-artifacts.html|Publishing Maven 
Artifacts]] to request adjustments to the Nexus configuration to support 
additional groupIds.
   * If you have not done so already, create a master password.
- See http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html
- The master password should be stored on a USB stick if your host system is 
not secure.
- Create the ~/.m2/settings-security.xml file, for example: {{{
+ See http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-encryption.html The master 
password should be stored on a USB stick if your host system is not secure. 
Create the ~/.m2/settings-security.xml file, for example:
+ {{{
- /settingsSecurity}}}
+ /settingsSecurity
+ }}}
- This should point to the file containing the master password:{{{
+ This should point to the file containing the master password:
+ {{{
  masterMaster password goes here/master
- /settingsSecurity}}}
+ /settingsSecurity
+ }}}
  If you are sure that your system is secure, then the master password can be 
stored directly in the ~/.m2/settings-security.xml file.
   * Ensure that you have set up your Apache username and password in your 
settings.xml file.
  There are two sections that need to be defined:
   * apache.snapshots.https
   * apache.releases.https
  These correspond with Nexus repository definitions in the Apache parent pom 
@@ -60, +60 @@

  == How to use deploy using Nexus ==
- As noted above, there are two different repositories, one for snapshots and 
the other for releases.
- If the version contains the suffix '''-SNAPSHOT''', then the snapshot repo 
will be chosen by '''mvn deploy''' otherwise deploy will use the release repo.
+ As noted above, there are two different repositories, one for snapshots and 
the other for releases. If the version contains the suffix '''-SNAPSHOT''', 
then the snapshot repo will be chosen by '''mvn deploy''' otherwise deploy will 
use the release repo.
  === Creating a Nexus snapshot ===
+ In the run-up to a release, it is worth-while creating a snapshot. This will 
allow checking of the artifacts, as well as checking that the settings are 
- In the run-up to a release, it is worth-while creating a snapshot.
- This will allow checking of the artifacts, as well as checking that the 
settings are correct.
  To create the snapshot, make sure that the current pom.xml is for a SNAPSHOT 
version. Perform the following command:
@@ -77, +72 @@

  This will create the binary, source and javadoc jars and hashes and upload 
- The {{{-Prelease}}} flag is necessary to ensure that the source and javadoc 
jars are created.
+ The {{{-Prelease}}} flag is necessary to ensure that the source and javadoc 
jars are created. The {{{-Dgpg.skip}}} flag skips the signing phase.
- The {{{-Dgpg.skip}}} flag skips the signing phase.
  The resulting snapshot will appear in the Nexus repository under:
@@ -87, +81 @@

  If the upload fails with {{{Error deploying 

[Commons Wiki] Update of UsingNexus by GaryGregory

2011-03-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Commons Wiki for 
change notification.

The UsingNexus page has been changed by GaryGregory.
The comment on this change is: Uupdate Update Your Download Page with the 
name of the generated XML file..


   Update Your Download Page 
- The commons-build plugin generates a download page in {{{./src/site/xdoc/}}} 
based on {{{commons.release.version}}}
+ The commons-build plugin generates the download page in 
{{{./src/site/xdoc/download_[commons-foo].xml}}} based on 
  mvn commons:download-page

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[Commons Wiki] Update of UsingNexus by GaryGregory

2011-03-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Commons Wiki for 
change notification.

The UsingNexus page has been changed by GaryGregory.
The comment on this change is: Specify the generated file for Update the 
release notes.


  mvn changes:changes-report changes:announcement-generate
+ The file generated is {{{target/announcement/announcement.vm}}}
   Prepare Your Assembly Descriptors 
  If you are declaring/using your own assembly descriptors make sure that they 
are not using ${version} but ${commons.release.version} - there seems to be an 
odd bug which results in an incorrectly expanded version string, e.g. 
{{{commons-exec-2.4.1-src}}}. If in doubt look at {{{./src/assembly/src.xml}}}

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[Commons Wiki] Update of UsingNexus by GaryGregory

2011-03-11 Thread Apache Wiki
Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on Commons Wiki for 
change notification.

The UsingNexus page has been changed by GaryGregory.
The comment on this change is: Fix wording in Create the SVN tags (using Maven 
Release plugin).


   * If everything is ok, run: mvn release:prepare
- After this step the necessary SVN tags should have been created. You probably 
have problems running this command. Sometimes a profile in the settings help, 
like this:
+ After this step the necessary SVN tags should have been created.
+ If you have problems running this command, the following profile in 
settings.xml may help:

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