RE: AddHandler scope

2003-06-30 Thread Marc M. Adkins
  I've been working on a module and quite unexpectedly I found that my
  AddHandler directive was taking affect at a global level even
 though it was
  defined within a virtual host block.  So it was affecting Apache manual
  pages that weren't in the virtual host for which I had created the
  AddHandler directive.  Am I misunderstanding the scope of AddHandler?
  I am using named virtual host.  For testing I have all of the
 named hosts
  defined in my HOSTS file to point to  So in a sense
 it all goes
  to the same place.  I wouldn't have thought that would have made a

 Hmm, considering AddHandler is implemented by mod_mime, I would
 find it very
 suspicious that this is behaving this way.  Can you please post a
 configuration snippet that demonstrates this behavior?  -- justin

OK, I think I got it down to the bare minimum.  The attached files live in
C:\Apache2\foobar on my Windows 2000 system.  I run Apache 2.0.46.

The attached httpd.conf is intended to be Included at the end of the normal
httpd.conf.  I keep my httpd.conf (mostly) 'stock' so there shouldn't be any
real issues there.

My HOSTS file defines:   localhost   Scope.Doorways.home

which may be some or all of the issue.  This is how I do testing (obviously,
since I'm using a non-standard domain name).

The mod_foobar.c file is a trivial module that just prints the handler name
and filename and DECLINEs.  I've included a Makefile that works with my
version of Microsoft's C compiler, which is whatever comes with Visual
Studio 6.

When I run Apache and hit it with:


my error log contains:

[Mon Jun 30 13:23:35 2003] [info] [client]
  foobar_handler(foobar, localhost, C:/Apache2/manual/index.html.en)
[Mon Jun 30 13:23:35 2003] [info] [client]
  foobar_handler(text/css, localhost,
referer: http://localhost/manual/
[Mon Jun 30 13:23:35 2003] [info] [client]
  foobar_handler(text/css, localhost,
referer: http://localhost/manual/
[Mon Jun 30 13:23:35 2003] [info] [client]
  foobar_handler(image/gif, localhost,
referer: http://localhost/manual/
[Mon Jun 30 13:23:35 2003] [info] [client]
  foobar_handler(image/gif, localhost,
referer: http://localhost/manual/
[Mon Jun 30 13:23:35 2003] [info] [client]
  foobar_handler(text/css, localhost,
referer: http://localhost/manual/

Hitting it with:


gives me the appropriate index file (also supplied but irrelevant) and my
error log contains:

[Mon Jun 30 13:24:00 2003] [info] [client]
  foobar_handler(foobar, scope.doorways.home,

So the module is being invoked for the Apache manual pages even though they
are not defined in the virtual server block in which I added the handler.
This is what confuses me.  I wouldn't think that this would happen.

I keep thinking that perhaps the fact that both domain names resolve to via my HOSTS file could be confusing Apache.  But they're named
virtual servers, so I feel like that _shouldn't_ be an issue since I'm
asking for different hosts via the browser.  And the request record is
showing different hostnames in the log.

Anyway, I'm probably missing something simple in the configuration file.


Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data

Description: Binary data
Title: Some Title

Some stuff

RE: ap_max_requests_per_child isn't part of the API, is it?

2003-06-29 Thread Marc M. Adkins
A FAQ Wiki might be useful.  Then we could copy chunks of emails into the
wiki and later reference the wiki pages by URL.  This would be a temporary
collecting point for the data pending formal documentation, and as such
might help to organize it.


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Trawick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 5:52 AM
 Subject: Re: ap_max_requests_per_child isn't part of the API, is it?

 Bennett, Tony - CNF wrote:
  You referred to formal definition of our API
  Is it documented somewhere?

 not that I know of, but I think it would be good to start writing down
 some conclusions to questions like this

AddHandler scope

2003-06-29 Thread Marc M. Adkins
Apache 2.0.46, W2K

I've been working on a module and quite unexpectedly I found that my
AddHandler directive was taking affect at a global level even though it was
defined within a virtual host block.  So it was affecting Apache manual
pages that weren't in the virtual host for which I had created the
AddHandler directive.  Am I misunderstanding the scope of AddHandler?

I am using named virtual host.  For testing I have all of the named hosts
defined in my HOSTS file to point to  So in a sense it all goes
to the same place.  I wouldn't have thought that would have made a


RE: response handlers get all requests

2003-06-23 Thread Marc M. Adkins
  ... The ap_hook_handler() call
  does not specify the handler key from the corresponding AddHandler
  configuration directive.  As a consequence, the specified handler
  must look at and accept or decline each request

   I'm looking at trace
  statements and my handler must reject PNG files and so forth...

 your handler needs to look at r-handler and decline stuff that you're
 not supposed to handle

Yeah, that's what I'm doing.  It just seems odd that this step is necessary
with response handlers but not with filters.  It also seems inefficient, as
now each handler in a particular directory is calling strcmp() against
r-handler for a lot of files that don't apply (albeit there will only be a
few handlers registered for any given directory).  So my handler has to
reject PNG files and so forth, which are obviously not matches as specified
by directivies in httpd.conf.  Seems like whatever mechanism is in place for
filters could be used for response handlers.  Symmetry, neh?

But there's probably some rationale for this that hasn't surfaced yet.  Some
particular usage case that wouldn't be properly supported any other way.


response handlers get all requests

2003-06-21 Thread Marc M. Adkins
The syntax for ap_register_output_filter() specifies the handler 'key' used
in the AddOutputFilter configuration directive.  The ap_hook_handler() call
does not specify the handler key from the corresponding AddHandler
configuration directive.  As a consequence, the specified handler function
must look at and accept or decline each request.  By contrast, output
filters only see requests in which they have interest.

Is there a rationale for this?  Am I missing a register_hook function that
would allow me to set a key for a response handler?  I'm looking at trace
statements and my handler must reject PNG files and so forth...seems like
this is less efficient than it could be.  I'm probably missing something.


Config blocks

2003-06-10 Thread Marc M. Adkins
Is adding 'blocks' (e.g. Perl.../Perl) in configuration files encouraged
or discouraged?  I've been considering one such in a module of mine, and
looking at example code in mod_macro and mod_perl that does this type of
thing.  The code to add a block isn't nearly as clean as code to add a
single-line directive.  I was thinking that perhaps adding blocks was
discouraged (perhaps because of apps like webgui).  Or perhaps it is just
rare enough that it hasn't been codified in the API yet.


RE: Config blocks

2003-06-10 Thread Marc M. Adkins
 Encouraged, although if we do overhaul the parser from two to three passes
 you might have a bit of porting work, and your module probably
 won't remain compatible with most apache 'configurators'.

So it goes.

 If you are doing your own thing, look at macro or perl modules.
 If you are
 implementing a scoped apache block, look at mod_proxy instead, which
 processes proxy 'location' directives.  It's a good example of
 adding new
 Apache directive contexts.

The mod_macro and mod_perl code both seem to read from the configuration
file via ap_cfg_getline until they find the terminating tag for the block.
I'm unable to find a corresponding loop in mod_proxy.  It looks, instead, as
if ap_walk_config is used instead.  Does this mean that at the time of the
call to process the open tag of the block the configuration file has already
been processed into a tree structure?  'Cause that certainly makes life a
_lot_ easier.


merge_dir_config calls

2003-06-09 Thread Marc M. Adkins
Apache 2.0.46, W2K, working on a module...

I'm tracing calls to the module's dir/svr create/merge calls (the ones
specified in the module data object along with a pointer to the command
array and the hook register function).  I'm not clear on when Apache should
be calling the merge functions.

If I have in httpd.conf:

Location /TEMP
  directive alpha

Location /alpha/xfer
  directive bravo


Directory C:/TEMP
  directive alpha

Directory C:/TEMP/xfer
  directive bravo

should I be getting calls to merge the two directories in one or both of
these examples?

Currently the only dir merge call I get is from one unnamed directory to
another.  I do, however, get appropriate server and directory creation calls
and calls to command handlers for directives I have defined in these

Hopefully the following trace will clarify more than obfuscate (I trace the
directory or server hostnames on the create calls, then copy them into the
allocated config areas so I can trace them again on the merge calls):

[T] gate_register_hook
[T] gate_cfg_svr_create((null))
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create((null))
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(/TEMP)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(alpha)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(/TEMP/xfer)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(bravo)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create((null))
[T] gate_cfg_svr_create(GATE.Doorways.home)
[T] gate_cmd_baseDir(C:\GATE/doc/htdocs)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(macro)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(/tools)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(backrub)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(/tools/info)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(mofo)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(/tools/info)
[T] gate_cmd_baseDir(C:\GATE/doc/htdocs)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(C:/TEMP/)
[T] gate_cmd_baseDir(C:\GATE/doc/htdocs)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(C:/TEMP/xfer/)
[T] gate_cmd_baseDir(C:\GATE/doc/htdocs)
[T] gate_cfg_svr_merge((null), GATE.Doorways.home)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_merge((null), (null))

And that's it.  Numerous directories created both inside of and outside of
virtual server blocks.  A single server merge call that looks as I expect
and a single directory merge call that leaves me perplexed.

I'm probably misunderstanding how these calls are supposed to be used...any
clarification would be helpful.

[T] gate_register_hook
[T] gate_cfg_svr_create(23a698, (null))
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, (null))
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, /TEMP)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(alpha)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 77f4c8)
[T] engine:  0
[T] engine:  77f4d8
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, /TEMP/xfer)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(bravo)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 77f710)
[T] engine:  0
[T] engine:  77f720
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, (null))
[T] gate_cfg_svr_create(23a698, GATE.Doorways.home)
[T] gate_cmd_baseDir(C:\GATE/doc/htdocs)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 780378)
[T] engine:  0
[T] engine:  7803a0
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(macro)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 780378)
[T] engine:  7803a0
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, /tools)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(backrub)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 780638)
[T] engine:  0
[T] engine:  780650
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, /tools/info)
[T] gate_cmd_syntax(mofo)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 77e4e8)
[T] engine:  0
[T] engine:  77e4f8
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, /tools/info)
[T] gate_cmd_baseDir(C:\GATE/doc/htdocs)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 7809e0)
[T] engine:  0
[T] engine:  780a00
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, C:/TEMP/)
[T] gate_cmd_baseDir(C:\GATE/doc/htdocs)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 780c60)
[T] engine:  0
[T] engine:  780c80
[T] gate_cfg_dir_create(23a698, C:/TEMP/xfer/)
[T] gate_cmd_baseDir(C:\GATE/doc/htdocs)
[T]   gate_cmd_acquire_engine(23a698, 780ee8)
[T] engine:  0
[T] engine:  780f08
[T] gate_cfg_svr_merge(23a698, (null):0, GATE.Doorways.home:0)
[T] gate_cfg_dir_merge(23a698, (null):0, (null):7803a0)

RE: merge_dir_config calls

2003-06-09 Thread Marc M. Adkins
Sorry...I intended to put this on 'modules'...which I have now done...mea

 -Original Message-
 From: Marc M. Adkins [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, June 09, 2003 12:21 PM
 Subject: merge_dir_config calls