Re: Help needed: Bug #8480 still present in 1.3.23

2002-02-11 Thread Martin Kraemer

On Sun, Feb 10, 2002 at 10:54:38AM +0100, Thomas Jarosch wrote:
> To me it seems like a problem in the request body parser of Apache, 
> but I'm not an Apache guru, so I could be wrong...

I tried to reproduce your problem, but to no avail.
Some questions (in oder to nail down the problem):

a) does your Apache-1.3.23 run on a unix platform, or on some
   CRLF-platform (e.g., windoze)?
   On unix, I had no problem whatsoever to do a
   "netcat localhost 80  | Fujitsu Siemens
Fon: +49-89-636-46021, FAX: +49-89-636-47655 | 81730  Munich,  Germany

POST /~martin/php/test.php HTTP/1.0
Referer: http://intradev.local/arnie?form=hauptseite
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.6 [en-gb] (WinNT; I)
Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept-Language: en-GB,en,en-*
Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8
Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-length: 9


GET / HTTP/1.0

Re: Help needed: Bug #8480 still present in 1.3.23

2002-02-11 Thread Thomas Jarosch

I tried it with your testfile and it failed.
Then I tried it again on another machine using exactly the
same binaries and there it worked.

I found out that this problem only occurs when I load a special custom module.
The module itself is doing authentication and some content serving.
It installs a "handler" via the "set handler" directive.

The interesting thing is that if I comment out all the references to the
module and just load it via the "LoadModule" directive,
the strange behavior starts to occur.

> d) if actually *nothing* is returned, there *MUST* be a line in the
>error_log. What does it say? If none is there, try to increase
>the LogLevel.

It was your hint that there -must- be a line in the error_log.

I've identified the problem: The custom module uses a flag to indicate
if an error has occurred ("errorOccured"). The module checks the flag
in the "[#9] log a transaction" phase of the module and exits
Apache via exit() if it's true.

And now the funny thing: The "errorOccured" boolean
was always initialized with "true". DOH!

Right now I'm wondering why the module ever worked :-)

I apologize for wasting your time and a big THANK YOU!
Tell me which CD you want :-) hehe
