Hi, As announced on Berlin Buzzwords we (that is Isabel Drost-Fromm, Stefan Rudnitzki as well as the eventing team over at newthinking communications GmbH) are working on a new conference in summer in Berlin. The name of this new conference will be "FOSS Backstage". Backstage comprises all things FOSS governance, open collaboration and how to build and manage communities within the open source space.
Submission URL: https://foss-backstage.de/call-papers The event will comprise presentations on all things FOSS governance, decentralised decision making, open collaboration. We invite you to submit talks on the topics: FOSS project governance, collaboration, community management. Asynchronous/ decentralised decision making. Vendor neutrality in FOSS, sustainable FOSS, cross team collaboration. Dealing with poisonous people. Project growth and hand-over. Trademarks. Strategic licensing. While it's primarily targeted at contributions from FOSS people, we would love to also learn more on how typical FOSS collaboration models work well within enterprises. Closely related topics not explicitly listed above are welcome. Important Dates (all dates in GMT +2) Submission deadline: February 18th, 2018. Conference: June, 13th/14th, 2018 High quality talks are called for, ranging from principles to practice. We are looking for real world case studies, background on the social architecture of specific projects and a deep dive into cross community collaboration. Acceptance notifications will be sent out soon after the submission deadline. Please include your name, bio and email, the title of the talk, a brief abstract in English language. We have drafted the submission form to allow for regular talks, each 45 min in length. However you are free to submit your own ideas on how to support the event: If you would like to take our attendees out to show them your favourite bar in Berlin, please submit this offer through the CfP form. If you are interested in sponsoring the event (e.g. we would be happy to provide videos after the event, free drinks for attendees as well as an after-show party), please contact us. Schedule and further updates on the event will be published soon on the event web page. Please re-distribute this CfP to people who might be interested. Contact us at: newthinking communications GmbH Schoenhauser Allee 6/7 10119 Berlin, Germany i...@foss-backstage.de Looking forward to meeting you all in person in summer :) I would love to see all those tracks filled with lots of valuable talks on the Apache Way, on how we work, on how the incubator works, on how being a 501(c3) influences how people get involved and projects are being run, on how being a member run organisation is different, on merit for life, on growing communities, on things gone great - and things gone entirely wrong in the ASF's history, on how to interact with Apache projects as a corporation and everything else you can think of. Isabel -- Sorry for any typos: Mail was typed in vim, written in mutt, via ssh (most likely involving some kind of mobile connection only.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@lucene.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: dev-h...@lucene.apache.org