[dev] Re: [www-dev] Re: building svl failed
Yes, it caused by the spaces in the temp path "C:\Documents and Settings\". I applied the patch rsc_tempfiles.patch, but it got the same error. The TMPDIR in my winenv.set.sh is "C:/cygwin/tmp". After setting environment viable TEMP and TMP to "C:/cygwin/tmp", building svl succeeded. Thanks all for your help. Regards, Yan -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.org For additional commands, e-mail: sy...@openoffice.org with Subject: help
[dev] Custom built OOo
Hi, I have a custom built OpenOffice.org, and I want to give it a name so that I know when a user uses the custom built version. What would I need to do to add an entry in instsetoo_native/util/openoffice.lst and make the build system select my entry? -- Knut Olav Bøhmer -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.org For additional commands, e-mail: sy...@openoffice.org with Subject: help
[dev] Re: [www-dev] Re: building svl failed
hi! more below... Yan Wu wrote: hmm, still have no idea, the call to cpp/rscpp is not shown... please try the following: first apply the attached patch (to give -verbose flag to rsc) then rebuild rsc: (cd rsc&& rm -r wntmsci*&& build debug=t&& deliver) then try again, it should now print the arguments that don't work The call to cpp/rsccpp is still not shown after applying the patch and rebuilding rsc. The error log is: $ make -r [ build DEP ] SRS:svl/res R=/cygdrive/f&& S=$R/DEV300_m100&& O=$S/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro&& W=$O/workd ir&& mkdir -p $W/Dep/SrsTarget/svl/&& cat $W/Dep/SrsPartTarget/svl/source/mis c/mediatyp.src.d $W/Dep/SrsPartTarget/svl/source/items/cstitem.src.d> $W/Dep/Sr sTarget/svl/res.d R=f:/&& O=f:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro&& W=f:/DEV300_m100/solver/30 0/wntmsci12.pro/workdir&& S=f:/DEV300_m100&& $O/bin/makedepend.exe -I. -I$O/i nc/stl -I$O/inc/external -I$O/inc -I$S/solenv/wntmsci12/inc -I$S/solenv/inc -I$S /res -I$O/inc/stl -Id:/OOoEnv/JDK16~1.0_1/include/win32 -Id:/OOoEnv/JDK16~1.0_1/ include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MI2578~1/Windows/v6.1/include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/ include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0SD/include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0SD/include - I$W/inc -I$S/svl/source/inc -I$S/svl/inc/ -I$S/svl/inc/svl -DBOOST_MEM_FN_ENABL E_CDECL -DCPPU_ENV=msci -DCUI -DENABLE_GRAPHITE -DENABLE_GTK -DENABLE_LAYOUT=0 - DENABLE_LAYOUT_EXPERIMENTAL=0 -DFULL_DESK -DINTEL -DM1500 -DMSC -DNDEBUG -DNT351 -DOPTIMIZE -DOSL_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DPRODUCT -DPRODUCT_FULL -DSOLAR_JAVA -DSTLPORT_ VERSION=400 -DSUPD=300 -DVCL -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0500 -DWNT -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEP RECATE -D_CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_MT -D_REENT RANT -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -D_X86_=1 $S/svl/source/misc/mediatyp.src -f - | awk -f $S/solenv/gbuild/processdeps.awk -v OBJECTFILE=$W/SrsPartTarget/svl/source/misc/ mediatyp.src -v OUTDIR=$O/ -v WORKDIR=$W/ -v SRCDIR=$S/ -v REPODIR=$R/> $W/Dep/ SrsPartTarget/svl/source/misc/mediatyp.src.d R=f:/&& O=f:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro&& W=f:/DEV300_m100/solver/30 0/wntmsci12.pro/workdir&& S=f:/DEV300_m100&& mkdir -p $W/SrsPartTarget/svl/so urce/misc/&& RESPONSEFILE=`mktemp --tmpdir=C:/cygwin/tmp -t gbuild.XX`&& e cho "-s -verbose -I. -I$O/inc/stl -I$O/inc/external -I$O/inc -I$S/solenv/wntmsci 12/inc -I$S/solenv/inc -I$S/res -I$O/inc/stl -Id:/OOoEnv/JDK16~1.0_1/include/win 32 -Id:/OOoEnv/JDK16~1.0_1/include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MI2578~1/Windows/v6.1/include - Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0SD/include -Ic:/PROGR A~1/MICROS~1.0SD/include -I$W/inc -I$S/svl/source/inc -I$S/svl/inc/ -I$S/svl/in c/svl -I$S/svl/source/misc/ -DBOOST_MEM_FN_ENABLE_CDECL -DCPPU_ENV=msci -DCUI - DENABLE_GRAPHITE -DENABLE_GTK -DENABLE_LAYOUT=0 -DENABLE_LAYOUT_EXPERIMENTAL=0 - DFULL_DESK -DINTEL -DM1500 -DMSC -DNDEBUG -DNT351 -DOPTIMIZE -DOSL_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DPRODUCT -DPRODUCT_FULL -DSOLAR_JAVA -DSTLPORT_VERSION=400 -DSUPD=300 -DVCL -D WIN32 -DWINVER=0x0500 -DWNT -D_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SW PRINTFS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_MT -D_REENTRANT -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -D_X86_ =1 -fp=$W/SrsPartTarget/svl/source/misc/mediatyp.src $S/svl/source/misc/mediatyp .src"> ${RESPONSEFILE}&& SOLARBINDIR=$O/bin $O/bin/rsc.exe -presponse @${RESPO NSEFILE}&& rm -rf ${RESPONSEFILE} Preprocessor commandline: -I. -If:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/inc/stl -If:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/inc/external -If:/DEV300_m100/solver/ 300/wntmsci12.pro/inc -If:/DEV300_m100/solenv/wntmsci12/inc -If:/DEV300_m100/sol env/inc -If:/DEV300_m100/res -If:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/inc/stl - Id:/OOoEnv/JDK16~1.0_1/include/win32 -Id:/OOoEnv/JDK16~1.0_1/include -Ic:/PROGRA ~1/MI2578~1/Windows/v6.1/include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/include -Ic:/PROGRA ~1/MICROS~1.0SD/include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0SD/include -If:/DEV300_m100/solv er/300/wntmsci12.pro/workdir/inc -If:/DEV300_m100/svl/source/inc -If:/DEV300_m10 0/svl/inc/ -If:/DEV300_m100/svl/inc/svl -If:/DEV300_m100/svl/source/misc/ -DBOOS T_MEM_FN_ENABLE_CDECL -DCPPU_ENV=msci -DCUI -DENABLE_GRAPHITE -DENABLE_GTK -DENA BLE_LAYOUT=0 -DENABLE_LAYOUT_EXPERIMENTAL=0 -DFULL_DESK -DINTEL -DM1500 -DMSC -D NDEBUG -DNT351 -DOPTIMIZE -DOSL_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DPRODUCT -DPRODUCT_FULL -DSOLAR_J AVA -DSTLPORT_VERSION=400 -DSUPD=300 -DVCL -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0500 -DWNT -D_CRT_ NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE -D_MT -D_REENTRANT -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -D_X86_=1 f:/DEV300_m100/svl/source/misc/m ediatyp.src C:\Documents and Settings\wuyan\174.tmp i bet it's breaking because of $T(E)MP containing a path with blanks. Preprocessor startline: f:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/bin/rscpp @C:\D ocuments and Settings\wuyan\175.tmp cpp: line 0, Error: Too many file arguments. Usage: cpp [input [output]] @C:\Documents: Invalid argument cpp: line 0, Error: Can't open input file "@C:\Documents" would explain this for example... Error start
[dev] Re: [www-dev] Re: building svl failed
Hi Yan, Am 02.03.2011 04:45, schrieb Yan Wu: hmm, still have no idea, the call to cpp/rscpp is not shown... please try the following: first apply the attached patch (to give -verbose flag to rsc) then rebuild rsc: (cd rsc&& rm -r wntmsci*&& build debug=t&& deliver) then try again, it should now print the arguments that don't work The call to cpp/rsccpp is still not shown after applying the patch and rebuilding rsc. The error log is: $ make -r [..] Preprocessor startline: f:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/bin/rscpp @C:\D ocuments and Settings\wuyan\175.tmp cpp: line 0, Error: Too many file arguments. Usage: cpp [input [output]] @C:\Documents: Invalid argument cpp: line 0, Error: Can't open input file "@C:\Documents" Error starting preprocessor make: *** [/cygdrive/f/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/workdir/SrsPartTarge t/svl/source/misc/mediatyp.src] error 1 For me this looks like the spaces in "C:\Documents and Settings\wuyan\174.tmp" is causing the trouble. Just a gues but try setting your TEMP and TMP environment variables to something without a space. And it should be short. I recomend you create a f:/temp directory and set TEMP and TMP to f:/temp Regards, Christian -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.org For additional commands, e-mail: sy...@openoffice.org with Subject: help
[dev] no office executable found error
Hi, running the first UNO client program, got 'no office executable found' error. does this have some to do with the system variable setting? I actually set up the pths to the Office installation, as well as the path of bin files. if this is not the cause, wahtelse can I do in order to connect to an office process? appreciate your instructions! BR zongbo zhang -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.org For additional commands, e-mail: sy...@openoffice.org with Subject: help
[dev] Re: [www-dev] Re: building svl failed
On 02/03/2011 04:45, Yan Wu wrote: >> hmm, still have no idea, the call to cpp/rscpp is not shown... >> please try the following: >> first apply the attached patch (to give -verbose flag to rsc) >> then rebuild rsc: >> (cd rsc && rm -r wntmsci* && build debug=t && deliver) >> then try again, it should now print the arguments that don't work >> > The call to cpp/rsccpp is still not shown after applying the patch and > rebuilding rsc. The error log is: but it is shown :) > Preprocessor commandline: -I. > -If:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/inc/stl > -If:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/inc/external > -If:/DEV300_m100/solver/ > 300/wntmsci12.pro/inc -If:/DEV300_m100/solenv/wntmsci12/inc > -If:/DEV300_m100/sol > env/inc -If:/DEV300_m100/res > -If:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/inc/stl - > Id:/OOoEnv/JDK16~1.0_1/include/win32 -Id:/OOoEnv/JDK16~1.0_1/include > -Ic:/PROGRA > ~1/MI2578~1/Windows/v6.1/include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0/VC/include > -Ic:/PROGRA > ~1/MICROS~1.0SD/include -Ic:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1.0SD/include > -If:/DEV300_m100/solv > er/300/wntmsci12.pro/workdir/inc -If:/DEV300_m100/svl/source/inc > -If:/DEV300_m10 > 0/svl/inc/ -If:/DEV300_m100/svl/inc/svl -If:/DEV300_m100/svl/source/misc/ > -DBOOS > T_MEM_FN_ENABLE_CDECL -DCPPU_ENV=msci -DCUI -DENABLE_GRAPHITE -DENABLE_GTK > -DENA > BLE_LAYOUT=0 -DENABLE_LAYOUT_EXPERIMENTAL=0 -DFULL_DESK -DINTEL -DM1500 -DMSC > -D > NDEBUG -DNT351 -DOPTIMIZE -DOSL_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 -DPRODUCT -DPRODUCT_FULL > -DSOLAR_J > AVA -DSTLPORT_VERSION=400 -DSUPD=300 -DVCL -DWIN32 -DWINVER=0x0500 -DWNT > -D_CRT_ > NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE -D_CRT_NON_CONFORMING_SWPRINTFS > -D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE > -D_MT -D_REENTRANT -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500 -D_X86_=1 > f:/DEV300_m100/svl/source/misc/m > ediatyp.src C:\Documents and Settings\wuyan\174.tmp here it is. i'd guess the problem is this: C:\Documents and Settings\wuyan\174.tmp this path contains spaces, and probably the rscpp parses it as 3 paths insead of 1. it seems when using response files the paths need to be quoted. please try out the attached patch. btw, in another part of the rsc call there was this: > --tmpdir=C:/cygwin/tmp so it seems you have 2 different temp directories set; the build system uses $TMPDIR (fallback to /tmp), while the rscpp apparently uses some other non-standard environment variable, like $TMP or $TEMP or something. > Preprocessor startline: f:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/bin/rscpp > @C:\D > ocuments and Settings\wuyan\175.tmp > cpp: line 0, Error: Too many file arguments. Usage: cpp [input [output]] > @C:\Documents: Invalid argument > cpp: line 0, Error: Can't open input file "@C:\Documents" > Error starting preprocessor > make: *** > [/cygdrive/f/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/workdir/SrsPartTarge > t/svl/source/misc/mediatyp.src] error 1 > > > > Yan -- "The dependency management (or lack thereof) in C and C++ results in far too much code going through the compiler. You might say that Go was conceived while waiting for a big compilation." -- Rob Pike -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.org For additional commands, e-mail: sy...@openoffice.org with Subject: help # HG changeset patch # Parent e154b7f823a4e9f17cac6401d7d1d8b642b92005 diff --git a/rsc/source/prj/start.cxx b/rsc/source/prj/start.cxx --- a/rsc/source/prj/start.cxx +++ b/rsc/source/prj/start.cxx @@ -52,10 +52,15 @@ #endif #endif // UNX + +#include +#include + +#include + #include #include -#include -#include + /*** C O D E / // @@ -128,8 +133,29 @@ static BOOL CallPrePro( const ByteString } } - aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( rInput.GetBuffer() ) ); - aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( rOutput.GetBuffer() ) ); +::rtl::OStringBuffer input(rInput.Len()+3); +if (fRspFile) +{ +input.append('"'); +} +input.append(rInput); +if (fRspFile) +{ +input.append('"'); +} +::rtl::OStringBuffer output(rOutput.Len()+3); +if (fRspFile) +{ +output.append('"'); +} +output.append(rOutput); +if (fRspFile) +{ +output.append('"'); +} + +aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( input.getStr() ) ); +aNewCmdL.Append( rsc_strdup( output.getStr() ) ); aNewCmdL.Append( (void *)0 ); if ( bVerbose ) @@ -258,7 +284,7 @@ static BOOL CallRsc2( ByteString aRsc2Na #ifdef OS2 fprintf( fRspFile, "%s\n", aSrsName.GetBuffer() ); #else - fprintf( fRspFile, aSrsName.GetBuffer() ); +fprintf( fRspFile, "%s", aSrsName.GetBuffer() ); #endif pString = pInputList->First(); diff --git a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp3.c b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp3.c --- a/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp3.c +++ b/rsc/source/rscpp/cpp3.c @@ -410,10 +410,19 @@ readoptions(char* filename, char*** pfar else {
[dev] Re: [www-dev] Re: building svl failed
On 3/2/11, Yan Wu wrote: >> >> hmm, still have no idea, the call to cpp/rscpp is not shown... >> please try the following: >> first apply the attached patch (to give -verbose flag to rsc) >> then rebuild rsc: >> (cd rsc && rm -r wntmsci* && build debug=t && deliver) >> then try again, it should now print the arguments that don't work >> > The call to cpp/rsccpp is still not shown after applying the patch and > rebuilding rsc. The error log is: > > > $ make -r > [ build DEP ] SRS:svl/res > f:/DEV300_m100/svl/source/misc/m > ediatyp.src C:\Documents and Settings\wuyan\174.tmp > Preprocessor startline: f:/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/bin/rscpp > @C:\D > ocuments and Settings\wuyan\175.tmp > cpp: line 0, Error: Too many file arguments. Usage: cpp [input [output]] > @C:\Documents: Invalid argument > cpp: line 0, Error: Can't open input file "@C:\Documents" > Error starting preprocessor > make: *** > [/cygdrive/f/DEV300_m100/solver/300/wntmsci12.pro/workdir/SrsPartTarge > t/svl/source/misc/mediatyp.src] error 1 > It caused by the blanks in the temp path "C:\Documents and Settings\". As the idea from Carsten suggested, I set environment viable TEMP and TMP to "C:/cygwin/tmp" and building svl succeeded. Thanks a lot for your help, Michael and Carsten. Regards, Yan -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscr...@openoffice.org For additional commands, e-mail: sy...@openoffice.org with Subject: help