[dev] Re: Implementation of Row Exchange Button in Calc

2011-06-17 Thread Martin Hediger
Its true, i havent thought of the implications of what it means to 
switch rows. Should references pointing to cell A1 remain pointing to 
A1, when the content of A1 is "traded" for the content of B1? What 
should the references follow?

But apart from that, the way to exchange two rows is I believe indeed 
achieved most easily by a combination of the insert_row(), move_row(), 
delete_row() methods.

Doing this in Python would be a nice exercise.
Thanks again for the feedback.

On 16.06.11 14:16, tora - Takamichi Akiyama wrote:
Here is what I wrote a few years ago to move column "C" to the 
location of "A", as Niklas suggests. :-)

Sub Main
oSheet = ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet()
Move_Column(oSheet, "C", "A")
End Sub

Sub Move_Column(oSheet, sFrom, sTo)
cFrom = oSheet.getColumns().getByName(sFrom)
cTo   = oSheet.getColumns().getByName(sTo)
oSheet.getColumns.insertByIndex(cTo.getRangeAddress().StartColumn, 1)
iToBeRemoved = cFrom.getRangeAddress().StartColumn
cTo   = oSheet.getColumns().getByName(sTo)
oSheet.moveRange(cTo.getCellByPosition(0, 0).getCellAddress(), 

oSheet.getColumns.removeByIndex(iToBeRemoved, 1)
End Sub

That is for a single column, but could be enhanced to deal with 
multiple columns and rows.

Anyone who are interested in writing code for the following behavior?

1. choose a certain cell or cells.
2. Ctrl-Alt-Arrow Key (up, down, left, or right)
3. the the column(s) or row(s) that accommodates the selected cells 
goes around as directed by the arrow key.

That could be similar behavior as Writer does with Ctrl-Alt-Up or Down 
arrow key to move the paragraph up or down as if the paragraph is 
freely swimming on the document.

Thanks in advance,

On 2011/06/16 17:55, Martin Hediger wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, indeed it makes intuitively sense to check 
out that part of the API.
The simplest way of defining the rows to exchange (that I can think 
of right now) would be to just to select two rows in the spreadsheet. 
If more or less than two rows are selected, this would cause an 


On 16.06.11 10:42, Niklas Nebel wrote:

On 15.06.2011 23:19, Martin Hediger wrote:

I was thinking, would it be possible to implement some kind of row-row
exchange button in Calc? Of course, the same could apply to
column-column exchange.

It depends on the desired behavior of that button. Probably it can 
be a combination of "insert rows", "move cells" and "delete rows". 
These are all available via API, so it can be implemented as an 
extension. How do you want to select the rows to exchange?

Anyway, would be cool if someone could point me out to some part of 

code where one might start looking at this.

See http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions_development 
for general information about extension development.


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[dev] Re: Implementation of Row Exchange Button in Calc

2011-06-16 Thread Martin Hediger
Thanks for the feedback, indeed it makes intuitively sense to check out 
that part of the API.
The simplest way of defining the rows to exchange (that I can think of 
right now) would be to just to select two rows in the spreadsheet. If 
more or less than two rows are selected, this would cause an exception.


On 16.06.11 10:42, Niklas Nebel wrote:

On 15.06.2011 23:19, Martin Hediger wrote:

I was thinking, would it be possible to implement some kind of row-row
exchange button in Calc? Of course, the same could apply to
column-column exchange.

It depends on the desired behavior of that button. Probably it can be 
a combination of "insert rows", "move cells" and "delete rows". These 
are all available via API, so it can be implemented as an extension. 
How do you want to select the rows to exchange?

Anyway, would be cool if someone could point me out to some part of the
code where one might start looking at this.

See http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions_development 
for general information about extension development.


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[dev] Implementation of Row Exchange Button in Calc

2011-06-15 Thread Martin Hediger

Dear OpenOffice Dev List
I'm new in the list and I'm looking forward to nice discussions.

I was thinking, would it be possible to implement some kind of row-row 
exchange button in Calc? Of course, the same could apply to 
column-column exchange.

Anyway, would be cool if someone could point me out to some part of the 
code where one might start looking at this.

Thanks for hints.
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