Re: SparkSQL 1.3.0 (RC3) failed to read parquet file generated by 1.1.1

2015-03-12 Thread giive chen
Hi all

My team has the same issue. It looks like Spark 1.3's sparkSQL cannot read
parquet file generated by Spark 1.1. It will cost a lot of migration work
when we wanna to upgrade Spark 1.3.

Is there  anyone can help me?


Wisely Chen

On Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 5:06 PM, Pei-Lun Lee wrote:


 I found that if I try to read parquet file generated by spark 1.1.1 using
 1.3.0-rc3 by default settings, I got this error:

 com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unrecognized token
 'StructType': was expecting ('true', 'false' or 'null')
  at [Source: StructType(List(StructField(a,IntegerType,false))); line: 1,
 column: 11]







 at org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods$class.parse(JsonMethods.scala:19)
 at org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods$.parse(JsonMethods.scala:44)



 this is how I save parquet file with 1.1.1:

 sql(select 1 as a).saveAsParquetFile(/tmp/foo)

 and this is the meta data of the 1.1.1 parquet file:

 creator: parquet-mr version 1.4.3
 extra:   org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.row.metadata =

 by comparison, this is 1.3.0 meta:

 creator: parquet-mr version 1.6.0rc3
 extra:   org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.row.metadata =

 It looks like now ParquetRelation2 is used to load parquet file by default
 and it only recognizes JSON format schema but 1.1.1 schema was case class
 string format.

 Setting spark.sql.parquet.useDataSourceApi to false will fix it, but I
 don't know the differences.
 Is this considered a bug? We have a lot of parquet files from 1.1.1, should
 we disable data source api in order to read them if we want to upgrade to


Profiling Spark: MemoryStore

2015-03-12 Thread Ulanov, Alexander

I am working on artificial neural networks for Spark. It is solved with 
Gradient Descent, so each step the data is read, sum of gradients is calculated 
for each data partition (on each worker), aggregated (on the driver) and 
broadcasted back. I noticed that the gradient computation time is few times 
less than the total time needed for each step. To narrow down my observation, I 
run the gradient on a single machine with single partition of data of site 
100MB that I persist (data.persist). This should minimize the overhead for 
aggregation at least, but the gradient computation still takes much less time 
than the whole step. Just in case, data is loaded by MLUtil. loadLibSVMFile in 
RDD[LabeledPoint], this is my code:

val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(myApp).setMaster(local[2])
val train = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(new SparkContext(conf), 
val model = ANN2Classifier.train(train, 1000, Array[Int](32), 10, 1e-4) 
//training data, batch size, hidden layer size, iterations, LBFGS tolerance

Profiler shows that there are two threads, one is doing Gradient and the other 
I don't know what. The Gradient takes 10% of this thread. Almost all other time 
is spent by MemoryStore. Below is the screenshot (first thread):
Second thread:

Could Spark developers please elaborate what's going on in MemoryStore? It 
seems that it does some string operations (parsing libsvm file? Why every 
step?) and a lot of InputStream reading. It seems that the overall time depends 
on the size of the data batch (or size of vector) I am processing. However it 
does not seems linear to me.

Also, I would like to know how to speedup these operations.

Best regards, Alexander

Spilling when not expected

2015-03-12 Thread Tom Hubregtsen
Hi all,

I'm running the teraSort benchmark with a relative small input set: 5GB.
During profiling, I can see I am using a total of 68GB. I've got a terabyte
of memory in my system, and set
spark.executor.memory 900g
spark.driver.memory 900g
I use the default for 
I believe that I now have 0.2*900=180GB for shuffle and 0.6*900=540GB for

I noticed a lot of variation in runtime (under the same load), and tracked
this down to this function in 
  private def spillToPartitionFiles(collection:
SizeTrackingPairCollection[(Int, K), C]): Unit = {
In a slow run, it would loop through this function 12000 times, in a fast
run only 700 times, even though the settings in both runs are the same and
there are no other users on the system. When I look at the function calling
this (insertAll, also in ExternalSorter), I see that spillToPartitionFiles
is only called 700 times in both fast and slow runs, meaning that the
function recursively calls itself very often. Because of the function name,
I assume the system is spilling to disk. As I have sufficient memory, I
assume that I forgot to set a certain memory setting. Anybody any idea which
other setting I have to set, in order to not spill data in this scenario?



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Re: Is this a bug in MLlib.stat.test ? About the mapPartitions API used in Chi-Squared test

2015-03-12 Thread Joseph Bradley
The checks against maxCategories are not for statistical purposes; they are
to make sure communication does not blow up.  There currently are not
checks to make sure that there are enough entries for statistically
significant results.  That is up to the user.

I do like the idea of adding a warning.  A reasonable fix for now might be
to print a logWarning message and add a note to the documentation.  On the
JIRA, we could also discuss whether the result should be set to some value
to indicate a meaningless test (e.g., a very bad fixed pValue).

I made a JIRA to track this issue: SPARK-6312


On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:13 AM, Chunnan Yao wrote:

 Hi everyone!
 I am digging into MLlib of Spark 1.2.1 currently. When reading codes of
 MLlib.stat.test, in the file ChiSqTest.scala under
 /spark/mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/stat/test, I am confused
 by the usage of mapPartitions API in the function
 def chiSquaredFeatures(data: RDD[LabeledPoint],
   methodName: String = Array[ChiSqTestResult]

 According to my statistical testing knowledge, Chi-Square test requires
 large numbers (5 for 80% entries) in its contingency matrix in order to
 satisfy good approximation
 ( Thus the
 of feature  label categories cannot be too large because if otherwise,
 there would be too few items in each categories, which fails to meet  the
 constraint in usage of Chi-square test.

 I do see in the function above, Spark will throw exceptions when
 distinctLabels.size and distinctFeatures.size exceed maxCategories defined
 as 1, but the  two HashSets distinctLabels and distinctFeatures are
 initialized inside mapPartition, which means Spark will only be sensitive
 the number of feature  label categories in one partition. This will make
 the reduced result---contingency matrix still have exceeded number of
 categories and thus small matrix entries which makes Chi-Square inaccurate.
 I've made a unit test on this function, which proves the case.

 Maybe I am just being trapped by a misunderstanding. Could any one please
 give me a hint on this issue?

 Feel the sparking Spark!
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