Re: [Dev] Nullpointer print intermittently when the C5 product start

2017-02-20 Thread Niranjan Karunanandham
Hi Harsha,

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 11:23 PM, Harsha Thirimanna 

> I changed the mvn version, but still i am getting this issue. This is the
> complete log. I am using *Kenral 5.1.0*

> JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_102
> CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to /home/product-is/product/
> target/wso2is-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT
> Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
> [2017-02-20 23:18:57,183]  INFO 
> {org.wso2.carbon.launcher.extensions.DropinsBundleDeployerUtils
> updateDropins} - Successfully updated the OSGi bundle information of Carbon
> Profile: default
> osgi> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,338]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core.
> config.model.JmxReporterConfig} - Creating JMX reporter for Metrics with
> domain 'org.wso2.carbon.metrics'
> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,356]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core.
> reporter.impl.AbstractReporter} - Started JMX reporter for Metrics
> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,371]  INFO 
> {}
> - Metrics Component is activated
> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,424]  WARN {org.wso2.carbon.kernel.
> internal.startupresolver.StartupComponentManager} - Adding a
> RequiredCapabilityListener from bundle(,
> but specified startup component is not available, component-name: wso2-caas
> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,513]  INFO 
> {org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MicroservicesRegistryImpl}
> - Added microservice: org.wso2.msf4j.swagger.SwaggerDefinitionService@
> 35c12c7a
> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,527]  INFO 
> {org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MicroservicesRegistryImpl}
> - Added microservice: org.wso2.carbon.identity.gateway.resource.
> GatewayResource@1e58512c
> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,576]  INFO {com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource} -
> HikariPool-0 - is starting.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,897]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uuf.internal.UUFServer}
> - RenderableCreator 
> 'org.wso2.carbon.uuf.renderablecreator.hbs.internal.HbsRenderableCreator'
> registered for [hbs] extensions.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,910]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uuf.internal.UUFServer}
> - RenderableCreator 
> 'org.wso2.carbon.uuf.renderablecreator.html.internal.HtmlRenderableCreator'
> registered for [html] extensions.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:11,437]  INFO {com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource} -
> HikariPool-1 - is starting.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:13,906]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.identity.mgt.
> store.connector.jdbc.internal.ConnectorComponent} - JDBC user store
> bundle successfully activated.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:13,993]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.metrics.jdbc.
> core.config.model.JdbcReporterConfig} - Creating JDBC reporter for
> Metrics with source 'carbon-kernel', data source 
> 'java:comp/env/jdbc/WSO2MetricsDB'
> and 60 seconds polling period
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,020]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core.
> reporter.impl.AbstractReporter} - Started JDBC reporter for Metrics
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,368]  WARN {org.wso2.carbon.kernel.
> internal.startupresolver.StartupComponentManager} - You are trying to add
> an available capability org.wso2.carbon.deployment.engine.Deployer from
> bundle(org.wso2.carbon.identity.gateway:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT) to an already
> activated startup listener component carbon-deployment-service in
> bundle(org.wso2.carbon.deployment.engine:5.0.0). Refer the Startup Order
> Resolver documentation and validated your configuration
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,379]  WARN {org.wso2.carbon.kernel.
> internal.startupresolver.StartupComponentManager} - You are trying to add
> an available capability org.wso2.carbon.deployment.engine.Deployer from
> bundle(org.wso2.carbon.identity.gateway:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT) to an already
> activated startup listener component carbon-deployment-service in
> bundle(org.wso2.carbon.deployment.engine:5.0.0). Refer the Startup Order
> Resolver documentation and validated your configuration
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,556]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.identity.mgt.
> impl.internal.IdentityMgtComponent} - Realm service registered
> successfully.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,556]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.identity.mgt.
> impl.internal.IdentityMgtComponent} - Carbon-Identity-Mgt bundle
> activated successfully.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,632]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uuf.internal.UUFServer}
> - 'org.wso2.carbon.uuf.internal.UUFServer' registered as a Server.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,633]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.transport.
> http.netty.internal.NettyTransportServiceComponent} - All
> CarbonNettyServerInitializers are available
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,691]  INFO 
> {org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MicroservicesRegistryImpl}
> - Added microservice: org.wso2.carbon.uuf.httpconnector.msf4j.
> UUFMicroservice@302c4471
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,692]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uuf.
> httpconnector.msf4j.internal.MSF4JHttpConnector} - UUF app
> 'org.wso2.carbon.iam.user-portal' is available at '/user-portal'.
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,692]  INFO 
> {org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MicroservicesServerSC}
> - All microservices are available
> [2017-02-20 23:19:14,693]  INFO 

Re: [Dev] Nullpointer print intermittently when the C5 product start

2017-02-20 Thread Harsha Thirimanna
I changed the mvn version, but still i am getting this issue. This is the
complete log. I am using *Kenral 5.1.0*

JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_102
CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
[2017-02-20 23:18:57,183]  INFO
updateDropins} - Successfully updated the OSGi bundle information of Carbon
Profile: default
osgi> [2017-02-20 23:19:10,338]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core.config.model.JmxReporterConfig} - Creating
JMX reporter for Metrics with domain 'org.wso2.carbon.metrics'
[2017-02-20 23:19:10,356]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core.reporter.impl.AbstractReporter} - Started JMX
reporter for Metrics
[2017-02-20 23:19:10,371]  INFO
{} - Metrics Component is
[2017-02-20 23:19:10,424]  WARN
{org.wso2.carbon.kernel.internal.startupresolver.StartupComponentManager} -
Adding a RequiredCapabilityListener from
bundle(, but specified startup
component is not available, component-name: wso2-caas
[2017-02-20 23:19:10,513]  INFO
{org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MicroservicesRegistryImpl} - Added microservice:
[2017-02-20 23:19:10,527]  INFO
{org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MicroservicesRegistryImpl} - Added microservice:
[2017-02-20 23:19:10,576]  INFO {com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource} -
HikariPool-0 - is starting.
[2017-02-20 23:19:10,897]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uuf.internal.UUFServer} -
registered for [hbs] extensions.
[2017-02-20 23:19:10,910]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uuf.internal.UUFServer} -
registered for [html] extensions.
[2017-02-20 23:19:11,437]  INFO {com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource} -
HikariPool-1 - is starting.
[2017-02-20 23:19:13,906]  INFO
- JDBC user store bundle successfully activated.
[2017-02-20 23:19:13,993]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.metrics.jdbc.core.config.model.JdbcReporterConfig} -
Creating JDBC reporter for Metrics with source 'carbon-kernel', data source
'java:comp/env/jdbc/WSO2MetricsDB' and 60 seconds polling period
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,020]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.metrics.core.reporter.impl.AbstractReporter} - Started
JDBC reporter for Metrics
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,368]  WARN
{org.wso2.carbon.kernel.internal.startupresolver.StartupComponentManager} -
You are trying to add an available capability
org.wso2.carbon.deployment.engine.Deployer from
bundle(org.wso2.carbon.identity.gateway:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT) to an already
activated startup listener component carbon-deployment-service in
bundle(org.wso2.carbon.deployment.engine:5.0.0). Refer the Startup Order
Resolver documentation and validated your configuration
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,379]  WARN
{org.wso2.carbon.kernel.internal.startupresolver.StartupComponentManager} -
You are trying to add an available capability
org.wso2.carbon.deployment.engine.Deployer from
bundle(org.wso2.carbon.identity.gateway:1.0.0.SNAPSHOT) to an already
activated startup listener component carbon-deployment-service in
bundle(org.wso2.carbon.deployment.engine:5.0.0). Refer the Startup Order
Resolver documentation and validated your configuration
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,556]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.identity.mgt.impl.internal.IdentityMgtComponent} - Realm
service registered successfully.
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,556]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.identity.mgt.impl.internal.IdentityMgtComponent} -
Carbon-Identity-Mgt bundle activated successfully.
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,632]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.uuf.internal.UUFServer} -
'org.wso2.carbon.uuf.internal.UUFServer' registered as a Server.
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,633]  INFO
- All CarbonNettyServerInitializers are available
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,691]  INFO
{org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MicroservicesRegistryImpl} - Added microservice:
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,692]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.uuf.httpconnector.msf4j.internal.MSF4JHttpConnector} - UUF
app 'org.wso2.carbon.iam.user-portal' is available at '/user-portal'.
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,692]  INFO
{org.wso2.msf4j.internal.MicroservicesServerSC} - All microservices are
[2017-02-20 23:19:14,693]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.transport.http.netty.listener.NettyListener} - Starting
Netty Http Transport Listener
[2017-02-20 23:19:15,137]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.transport.http.netty.listener.NettyListener} - Netty
Listener starting on port 9292
Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.NullPointerException

Re: [Dev] Nullpointer print intermittently when the C5 product start

2017-02-19 Thread Niranjan Karunanandham
Hi Harsha,

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Harsha Thirimanna 

> What do you mean by properly ? Is that possible to happen these issues
> intermittently if it is not defined properly ? ​
This is happening intermittently since the order in which components are
resolved in OSGi varies. AFAIR this issue was there in Kernel 5.1.0, but
this was fixed in the startup order resolver to catch this issue (if the
component such as number of expected and actual being registered vary [2]).
In order to identify this issue, you need to narrow down which component is
causing this issue.

> Yes I am using maven 3.0.5 and you are saying still it can be happened
> intermittently because of this ?​ Because of some others using same maven
> but never seen this issue.
For C5, the maven should be 3.3.x and JDK should be 1.8.x (Oracle /
OpenJDK). This is mentioned in the [1]. We need to added in the Github
Readme as well. If your components are compiled using maven 3.0.5 then it
is not compatible with C5.

> And I have seen another issue that OSGi services not register
> intermittently. Is that the same issue as you suggested ?
> *Harsha Thirimanna*
> *Associate Tech Lead | WSO2*
> Email:
> Mob: +94715186770 <+94%2071%20518%206770>
> Blog:
> Twitter:
> Linked-In: linked-in:
> harsha-thirimanna/10/ab8/122
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Niranjan Karunanandham <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Harsha,
>> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:23 AM, Harsha Thirimanna 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When the IS server get start, we can see this error log intermittently.
>>> Any idea about this ?
>>> Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at org.wso2.carbon.kernel.internal.startupresolver.StartupOrder
>>> Resolver$
>>> at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
>>> at
>> This issue happens when you have not defined your components properly. In
>> C5, we have introduced startup order resolver. This is introduced when a
>> components need to wait till other components are initialized (refer [1]).
>> Btw I have noticed that for C5 components some are using Java 1.8 and
>> maven 3.0.5. Please note for C5, you need to have maven 3.3.x.
>>> thanks
>>> *Harsha Thirimanna*
>>> *Associate Tech Lead | WSO2*
>>> Email:
>>> Mob: +94715186770 <+94%2071%20518%206770>
>>> Blog:
>>> Twitter:
>>> Linked-In: linked-in:
>>> rsha-thirimanna/10/ab8/122
>>> ___
>>> Dev mailing list
>> [1] -
>> KernelFeatures/
>> Regards,
>> Nira
>> --
>> *Niranjan Karunanandham*
>> Associate Technical Lead - WSO2 Inc.
>> WSO2 Inc.:
[1] -
[2] -



*Niranjan Karunanandham*
Associate Technical Lead - WSO2 Inc.
WSO2 Inc.:
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Nullpointer print intermittently when the C5 product start

2017-02-19 Thread Harsha Thirimanna
What do you mean by properly ? Is that possible to happen these issues
intermittently if it is not defined properly ? ​

Yes I am using maven 3.0.5 and you are saying still it can be happened
intermittently because of this ?​ Because of some others using same maven
but never seen this issue.

And I have seen another issue that OSGi services not register
intermittently. Is that the same issue as you suggested ?

*Harsha Thirimanna*
*Associate Tech Lead | WSO2*

Mob: +94715186770
Linked-In: linked-in:

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Niranjan Karunanandham 

> Hi Harsha,
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:23 AM, Harsha Thirimanna 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When the IS server get start, we can see this error log intermittently.
>> Any idea about this ?
>> Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at org.wso2.carbon.kernel.internal.startupresolver.StartupOrder
>> Resolver$
>> at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
>> at
> This issue happens when you have not defined your components properly. In
> C5, we have introduced startup order resolver. This is introduced when a
> components need to wait till other components are initialized (refer [1]).
> Btw I have noticed that for C5 components some are using Java 1.8 and
> maven 3.0.5. Please note for C5, you need to have maven 3.3.x.
>> thanks
>> *Harsha Thirimanna*
>> *Associate Tech Lead | WSO2*
>> Email:
>> Mob: +94715186770 <+94%2071%20518%206770>
>> Blog:
>> Twitter:
>> Linked-In: linked-in:
>> rsha-thirimanna/10/ab8/122
>> ___
>> Dev mailing list
> [1] -
> docs/KernelFeatures/
> Regards,
> Nira
> --
> *Niranjan Karunanandham*
> Associate Technical Lead - WSO2 Inc.
> WSO2 Inc.:
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Nullpointer print intermittently when the C5 product start

2017-02-19 Thread Niranjan Karunanandham
Hi Harsha,

On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:23 AM, Harsha Thirimanna  wrote:

> Hi,
> When the IS server get start, we can see this error log intermittently.
> Any idea about this ?
> Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
> at org.wso2.carbon.kernel.internal.startupresolver.
> StartupOrderResolver$
> at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
> at
This issue happens when you have not defined your components properly. In
C5, we have introduced startup order resolver. This is introduced when a
components need to wait till other components are initialized (refer [1]).

Btw I have noticed that for C5 components some are using Java 1.8 and maven
3.0.5. Please note for C5, you need to have maven 3.3.x.

> thanks
> *Harsha Thirimanna*
> *Associate Tech Lead | WSO2*
> Email:
> Mob: +94715186770 <+94%2071%20518%206770>
> Blog:
> Twitter:
> Linked-In: linked-in:
> harsha-thirimanna/10/ab8/122
> ___
> Dev mailing list
[1] -



*Niranjan Karunanandham*
Associate Technical Lead - WSO2 Inc.
WSO2 Inc.:
Dev mailing list

Re: [Dev] Nullpointer print intermittently when the C5 product start

2017-02-19 Thread Rajith Roshan
Hi all,

We have also witnessed this intermittently in C5 APIM server recently.
Could not found any exact steps to reproduce.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 9:23 AM, Harsha Thirimanna  wrote:

> Hi,
> When the IS server get start, we can see this error log intermittently.
> Any idea about this ?
> Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
> at org.wso2.carbon.kernel.internal.startupresolver.
> StartupOrderResolver$
> at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
> at
> thanks
> *Harsha Thirimanna*
> *Associate Tech Lead | WSO2*
> Email:
> Mob: +94715186770 <+94%2071%20518%206770>
> Blog:
> Twitter:
> Linked-In: linked-in:
> harsha-thirimanna/10/ab8/122
> ___
> Dev mailing list

Rajith Roshan
Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
Mobile: +94-72-642-8350 <%2B94-71-554-8430>
Dev mailing list