Re: [Development] Redesigning QML value types

2022-09-21 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Generally I feel that all the gritty details in what to do and what
not do in qml to have efficient, compiled code, are more and more
confusing. There is so much to consider and basically all the
documentation about this is hidden in Qt blog posts.

Anyway I'd just like to note that, as far as I can remember, type
annotation are currently not supported in lambdas (=> syntax).

Please correct if I'm wrong.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] [Releasing] [Interest] is down

2021-01-22 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development
Hi there,

On Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 7:59 AM Tuukka Turunen  wrote:

> Hi,
> Status update of the problem with open-source downloads: Last night we
> finally got a disk big enough for the packages from the service provider.
> Most of the data has been transferred throughout the night with a few last
> things still being uploaded to the new virtual server. After the data
> transfer is complete we start testing and validation of the data and the
> system. Target is to enable first the online installer, then the offline
> packages and finally the achieve of old releases.

just a little "Thank You" from my side.

I try to imagine being of those spending hour after hour to get things
running again and then reading all those nasty comments on the blog post.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Volunteer wanted: update use of CUPS API

2020-05-03 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development


Am 02.05.2020 um 18:35 hat Thiago Macieira geschrieben:

We have plenty of warnings when building the CUPS plugin to QtPrintSupport
about deprecated methods. See attached.

Sorry for not really replying to the original request but...

Any volunteers to go fix this?

...motivation for fixing stuff or improving things in Qt has slightly
suffered in recent days due to the Qt Company's disastrous
communication strategy (or whatever that is).

I suppose other contributors might have similar feelings towards this
miserable situation.

Just posted to let Qt upper management know, in case they actually want


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Development mailing list

[Development] Session notes for "Code Review: Sharing the load" and follow-up session

2019-11-20 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Hi list,

these are my notes for "Code Review: Sharing the load" session, extended
by "Improve the contributor experience of the Qt project"


* Situation: Many reviews in queue for long time (forever?)
 * Android: They have a button: Find "Maintainers" (Plugin for Gerrit)
 * Thiago: Would solve the first 15 Minutes for Contributors, not enough
 * Improve the culture, appreciate the effort ("Thank you!")
 * Get more people on-board as reviewers (not as approvers yet)
 * Idea: Should not be +1 and +1, should be "Thumbs up" and "Tick!"
   * Some reviewers don't understand the implication of "+1" (two "+1" != "+2")

* What does a good patch looks like?
* breaking patch up into multiple patches
* Is the documentation really good enough (opinions vary)

* Ask contributors whose changes have just been review to review others 
(sometimes happens)

* Gerrit
 * Sanity bot is good
 * Revive early warning bot!
   * Should changes only be approved after tests has run on CI?
   * Can we get a "small CI" run (just Linux, "does it build?")
   * Should the bot automatically run tests if tests have been changed?
   * Should the bot automatically give a warning if tests have not been added 
(excluding doc only changes)?
 * "Auto defer" bot is currently not active, would be useful to automatically
   defer patches where contributor did not response to requests.
 * Automatically stage when change is approved? Faster turnaround time.
 * Mail (monthly?) reports to maintainers (or others?) (based on gerrit dashboard config?): "N Changes approved, but not staged? Link to staging page", List per module? 
 * Let's try it and see how it works out

* Gerrit Features unused right now
 * Attach labels
 * Bot could apply hashtags ("wants adoption", "stage-me")
 * Has a feature to make clazy automatically appply improvements to the change 
("contributor has to click a button")
* Public Community Feedback does not exist

 * Alex: Use Thiago's script to highlight new contributions (Grafana?)? "Welcome new 
contributor!" for blog post (Like KDE does)?


Follow-up session extensions (lots of overlapping topics)

* Give contributor feedback
 * Bot should say: "Welcome, Thanks for your first contribution"
 * Monthly blog post advertising external contributors?
 * Send out physical awards? T-Shirts, "Thank you" letter, ...?

* Make contributing easier
 * Put contributor documentation into Qt's documentation ("Gettings started")?
 * Link freenode IRC Web-Backend to simplify access to IRC for new contributors
 * Use Qt account profile to setup everything needed for contributing (ssh 
keys, CLA check, ...)
 * Adapt github workflow (Checklist "Auto test done", "Documentation done", ...)

* Triage bugs
 * Add Jira label ("for juniors")?

* Community
 * Missing Community manager (Consent: Yes, it's needed)
 * Missing "qt-project" entity, kind of a foundation? Funding?
 * Redefine: What is the qt-project?

* Activating new contributors
 * Communication of Qt (company) targets companies, not community ( => 
=> sales)
 * Microsoft pushes its stuff to universities, why not Qt (or qt-project?)
 * Qt project needs a proper homepage. With nice, contemporary Howtos, ...



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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Updated high-DPI support for Qt 5.14

2019-09-25 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development


Am 25.09.2019 um 12:33 hat Matthew Woehlke geschrieben:

As a user, I don't want to have to know/measure/compute the DPI of my
display device. I just want to make "stuff" bigger or smaller.

Exactly! As a (Windows) *user* I want Qt based applications (which a
user is probably not aware of because he doesn't care about toolkits) to
behave like any other application on my computer. So when Firefox,
Chrome, Word, Explorer etc. look good with that 125%, 150% or 175%
setting in the display preferences, I expect any other application to do
so as well.

And when I move a window from a low DPI screen to a high DPI screen it
has to be adjusted accordingly.

With the work done in 5.14 (PassThrough) it is the first time that
we seem to catch up with other toolkits in this regard. I hope this
will finally be mature enough to replace all the nasty workarounds we
have to apply today to make user experience somewhat acceptable on
non-100% scaling screens.

I actually consider this to be the most important feature of 5.14.


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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] HEADS-UP: Branching '5.14' from 'dev' complete, Qt 5.14 Feature Freeze in effect & '5.15' created

2019-08-27 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Am 27.08.2019 um 08:34 hat Jani Heikkinen geschrieben:

This issue should be fixed now

Now it says "Your edit was aborted by an ArticleSave hook".


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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support

2019-06-25 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Am 25.06.2019 um 16:11 hat Giuseppe D'Angelo via Development geschrieben:
Saying that we want to move to a full blown browser for that makes me 
think that this is a case of Qt not eating its own dogfood. Is it 
impossible to fix QTextDocument to support them properly? could be a start.

Still needs some work though.


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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] CSS styling, XML, HTML etc. (was Re: Assistant WebKit/WebEngine support)

2019-05-21 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Am 21.05.2019 um 14:06 hat Shawn Rutledge geschrieben:

I wish that were true for me. We need colours in table cell borders
and SVG images (and better CSS support would be real nice). This
might help, but is stalled:

I was just putting some thought into CSS over the last few days, but
wasn’t aware of that patch.

Yes, I was always hoping to get it into the next Qt release (so I don't
always have to patch Qt for my projects where this code is in use for
years now). But it looks like there's not too much interest.

I really wouldn't mind getting more reviewers for this so please feel
invited ;-)


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Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Building Qt documentation with developer-build

2018-10-05 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Am 05.10.2018 um 05:46 hat Jaroslaw Kobus geschrieben:
> You may also want to check the
> - if you think the issue
> is still not solved, you may reopen / report new bug report.

After rebuilding Qt it works now. On macOS is is sufficient to install
clang with brew. The qmake stuff looks at the brew default location with
5.12 so setting LLVM_INSTALL_DIR is not necessary.

Thanks for your help!

However building the documentation with "make docs" in one of the
submodules is rather slow. Pretty annoying when you only want to check
whether your changes look ok when compiled to HTML.

Development mailing list

[Development] Building Qt documentation with developer-build

2018-10-04 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

While trying improve the documentations to fix QTBUG-32064 I've stumbled
over problems invoking qdoc.

I'd like to use my developer-build to check the result of my changes but
qdoc seems to have been skipped when building with --developer-build.

"make docs" from within my shadow build directory fails:

 line 12: /Users/njeiseck/projects/qt/build/5.12.0-alpha1/qtbase/bin/qdoc: No 
such file or directory
 line 12: exec: 
/Users/njeiseck/projects/qt/build/5.12.0-alpha1/qtbase/bin/qdoc: cannot 
execute: No such file or directory
make[6]: *** [prepare_docs] Error 126
make[5]: *** [debug-prepare_docs] Error 2
make[4]: *** [sub-corelib-prepare_docs] Error 2
make[3]: *** [sub-src-prepare_docs] Error 2
make[2]: *** [module-qtbase-prepare_docs] Error 2
make[1]: *** [html_docs] Error 2
make: *** [docs] Error 2

Seems that qdoc was not build at all. Building qdoc as described on does not work.

I've not found any special qdoc configure options so what am I doing

This is my configure line:

../../qt512/configure -developer-build -opensource -nomake examples -nomake 
tests -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtscript -skip qt3d -skip qtdatavis3d -skip 
qtremoteobjects -skip qtserialport -skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtwebengine 
-opensource -confirm-license

Any help is appreciated!

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] production update

2018-10-04 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Am 04.10.2018 um 12:15 hat Robert Loehning geschrieben:
> is there a bugreport about this, already?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] 5.12 alpha: Uppercase text input broken on Mac?

2018-09-21 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development
Seems that "Shift" acts like "Ctrl+Shift".

Am 21.09.2018 um 15:22 hat Nils Jeisecke via Development geschrieben:
> not sure if this a mac only problem but I've just noticed that with 5.12
> alpha uppercase letters can no longer be typed in LineEdit etc. 
> I can easily reproduce this with the stock applications like Designer.
> macOS 10.13.16
> Can anybody confirm this?
> Nils
Development mailing list

[Development] 5.12 alpha: Uppercase text input broken on Mac?

2018-09-21 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

not sure if this a mac only problem but I've just noticed that with 5.12
alpha uppercase letters can no longer be typed in LineEdit etc. 

I can easily reproduce this with the stock applications like Designer.

macOS 10.13.16

Can anybody confirm this?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Best practices for hacking Qt in QtCreator?

2018-09-21 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Am 21.09.2018 um 09:16 hat Sean Harmer geschrieben:
> Works fine here as long as you open the project using a kit set up from that
> particular build of Qt. I tend to just build qtbase etc on the command line,
> setup a kit in creator for it, then open qt3d/ and it just works.
Ok, I've used a kit based on a pre-built Qt versions. Probably not a good

So this is what I'm going to try:

* do a developer build for the Qt version worked on
* setup a kit for this build
* see how to setup a build configuration that reuses the developer
  build the kit is based on

I'd appreciate any advice on the latter!

I'll share my experiences so this could become wiki content as Eddy

Development mailing list

[Development] Best practices for hacking Qt in QtCreator?

2018-09-21 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development
Hi there,

although I'm usually using vim as my primary environment when hacking
Qt itself it can be tempting to use QtCreator instead for better code
navigation etc.

Simply opening the .pro file of some Qt submodule does not really work
out of the box. Lots of complaints about Qt includes not found etc.
(with clang code model).

Maybe someone is willing to share the secrets on how to configure
QtCreator for a nice Qt developing experience?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] production update

2018-09-13 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

using the Jira login form does not work but the "Login" button (on top
right) does.


Am 13.09.2018 um 11:15 hat Nils Jeisecke via Development geschrieben:
> Hi Alex,
> Am 11.09.2018 um 06:32 hat Alex Blasche geschrieben:
> > The update was done and everything seems to work out.
> > 
> > If there are any issues please report them to:
> > 
> >
> My issue is: I cannot login. Until recently this used work with my
> Qt account credentials.
> Nils
Development mailing list

Re: [Development] production update

2018-09-13 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development
Hi Alex,

Am 11.09.2018 um 06:32 hat Alex Blasche geschrieben:
> The update was done and everything seems to work out.
> If there are any issues please report them to:
My issue is: I cannot login. Until recently this used work with my
Qt account credentials.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Unable to edit the Qt WIKI pages

2017-10-04 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development

Am 03.10.2017 um 08:21 hat Denis Shienkov geschrieben:
> now, for me, it it impossible to edit the Qt WIKI pages.. I always got an
> errors like: "Your edit was aborted by an ArticleSave hook" and so on. What
> happens?
I've had the same problem. But somehow the change was applied contrary
to what the error message said.

Did you to try to reload the page?

Quite irritating nevertheless.

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Qt Contributors' Summit in Berlin October 9-10

2017-09-21 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development
Hi list,

Am 21.09.2017 um 07:38 hat Tero Kojo geschrieben:
> Anyone following this mailing list is welcome to attend the Qt
> Contributors' Summit. The content is normally fairly technical, but
> also topics of general interest to the community are there and can be
> added to the program.
would a session regarding "Deployment Situation of QtQuick /
QtQuickControls based applications on Windows/Mac" would fit the agenda?

Development mailing list

[Development] QtQuick transparent toplevel window broken in dev?

2017-07-11 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development
Hi list,

while playing around with a recent build of dev
(82bdc55bc36f8a785e2637b01cb91d361b01fc29), I've noticed that toplevel
window transparency for QQuickWindow seems to have stopped working (at
least on macOS, haven't tried Windows so far).

Any "ApplicationWindow" with color: "transparent" should illustrate the
problem but I simply tried the "pure qml" example from this
stackoverflow entry:

Window is transparent with 5.9 but opaque with dev.

Setting QQuickWindow::setDefaultAlphaBuffer(true) before creating any
window does not help and is not necessary on 5.9 anyway.

Did some regression creep in?

Development mailing list

Re: [Development] Scalable UIs in QtQuick (take 2)

2016-02-18 Thread Nils Jeisecke via Development
On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:50 AM, Hausmann Simon
>I recall was that this would seem like a nice feature on paper but in practice
>people create their resolution independent interfaces using the current
>"pixels" and a scale factor that they introduce in a qml file or as a context 

This is the approach I'm using. However this adds lots and lots of
property bindings, is tedious to write and looks ugly.
So some alternative mechanism would be splendid. It should however be
possible to change that scaling value on the fly - I think this would
be necessary in multi-screen / multi-dpi environments.

Development mailing list