[freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #1

2012-04-28 Thread Zlatin Balevsky
On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Steve Dougherty  
> Hash: SHA1
> Here's an update on my progress on the statistics project for the
> first week:
> The current probes are biased towards better-connected nodes: at each
> hop they choose a random peer to pass the request to - this is a random
> walk. However, because better-connected nodes by definition have more
> connections, the requests will be passed to them more often and they
> will be over-represented in results. To address this, the new probes I
> will implement will use Metropolis-Hastings correction: unlike the
> uniform random walk which always uses the random peer it picks, it is
> less likely to pick a well-connected node, and more likely to pick a
> poorly-connected node. As there are more chances to pick a
> well-connected node than a poorly-connected one, this balances out to
> a uniform probability to pick any given node.

In Gnutella we observed that long-lived nodes tend to be better
connected and that they also cluster with other high-uptime nodes.  If
the same is true for Freenet it's a good idea to keep an eye for side
effects as you tweak the behavior.

Re: [freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #1

2012-04-28 Thread Zlatin Balevsky
On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Steve Dougherty  wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Here's an update on my progress on the statistics project for the
> first week:
> The current probes are biased towards better-connected nodes: at each
> hop they choose a random peer to pass the request to - this is a random
> walk. However, because better-connected nodes by definition have more
> connections, the requests will be passed to them more often and they
> will be over-represented in results. To address this, the new probes I
> will implement will use Metropolis-Hastings correction: unlike the
> uniform random walk which always uses the random peer it picks, it is
> less likely to pick a well-connected node, and more likely to pick a
> poorly-connected node. As there are more chances to pick a
> well-connected node than a poorly-connected one, this balances out to
> a uniform probability to pick any given node.

In Gnutella we observed that long-lived nodes tend to be better
connected and that they also cluster with other high-uptime nodes.  If
the same is true for Freenet it's a good idea to keep an eye for side
effects as you tweak the behavior.
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #1

2012-04-28 Thread Michael Grube
Are you assuming opennet, darknet, a mix?

On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Steve Dougherty wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Here's an update on my progress on the statistics project for the
> first week:
> The current probes are biased towards better-connected nodes: at each
> hop they choose a random peer to pass the request to - this is a random
> walk. However, because better-connected nodes by definition have more
> connections, the requests will be passed to them more often and they
> will be over-represented in results. To address this, the new probes I
> will implement will use Metropolis-Hastings correction: unlike the
> uniform random walk which always uses the random peer it picks, it is
> less likely to pick a well-connected node, and more likely to pick a
> poorly-connected node. As there are more chances to pick a
> well-connected node than a poorly-connected one, this balances out to
> a uniform probability to pick any given node.
> I'm starting from evanbd's network simulator,[1] which is able to
> generate networks based off theoretical models and perform some routing
> simulations. It can now also reproduce a given degree (number of peers)
> distribution which allows simulating the network as it is measured to be
> in addition to purely theoretical models.
> Currently I'm working on plotting the distribution of this routing
> strategy with different limits on hops before returning information -
> Hops To Live - HTL. This is to get a good number to start with in the
> implementation of these probes. I will also refactor the simulator and
> make it easier to configure: currently values are hard-coded and
> changing the simulation parameters means recompiling.

> My goal is to have this area of simulation done and have begun planning
> if not implementing the new probe requests by the end of next week.
> Thanks,
> operhiem1
> [1]
> USK at gjw6StjZOZ4OAG-pqOxIp5Nk11udQZOrozD4jld42Ac
> ,BYyqgAtc9p0JGbJ~18XU6mtO9ChnBZdf~ttCn48FV7s,AQACAAE/flog/29/200911.xhtml
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> +FmJg/lPwBltn/gDXMRB0+vY1Msdbd/ydXx4JEqtJzeHUC/bqreLxMov2EqzYZAl
> 0kLmuNUp7Cn9h7PlhAVpQ5t7BMLbJF5UikDLHz3vUfAE4bKgDuNwiy9Z0Uf+zqr/
> esRD0qWn24dACBOA4rRAkb0b+14UgIKgMj3ohMRkpK2NgHuB4OUmGMOQIf/9h/Vb
> /FwruM6RdiUUd0g+ldKhzpfflqahKt30xjHCQeNvMZRx7N0OMJfnBUTbCP+ogaD5
> aM/BoXoKo1WUCjMKUN8vFvby1BF+4zolywyIhxUqrQv76yjoGvpI/K3qdsH5YWUG
> AZJeVbbQdV959S1waAU4gji2iEKVzhretZNBMQApY421WG1c0C8MUtNOY37zZ3iO
> q/Nxlck9vVDTNgXAs3vzm7VbuKeeyEfqHe+imIYhiqYjfqUQteSgO70T2gpMrw6f
> ojbs2ohtM7sXLPp8P6Lf57VcHEsmSUJkWTua7ycdPXGHmdo/MLqFLW3UVYsWzy5P
> c67y6yjvxVVqJfbu38FQ/mTqgOGTduU1568BYApBO9bp6/b+2jkZcfcIsL8apGM2
> vvjtxxxCfoESHobwH59NoSezslGxHBddEpWcDl2ggY6NgkzH72iAtjF4a4GRkGJM
> ju5xKSZ40OCpLNUCA/M0
> =cnM8
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl at freenetproject.org
> https://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devl
-- next part --
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...

[freenet-dev] Yet Another GSoC Greetings

2012-04-28 Thread Steve Dougherty
Hash: SHA1

On 04/28/2012 05:25 AM, Pouyan Zaxar wrote:
> Since a complete make-over is going to be done, this would also be
> a good chance new features/functionalities to improve UI
> functionality: suggestions more than welcome.

Excellent! I'm glad to see this project being undertaken. Some changes
which occur to me:

* Collapse the wizard to a single page of choices. [1]
* Display a release announcement / changelog upon upgrade. [2]
* Stay on the same page after interacting with an alert instead of
  the current behavior of redirecting to the messages page.
* Change the language link on the status bar to an auto-refreshing
  dropdown like in the setup. [3]
* Add a select-all checkbox for each section in the queue pages. This
  would let us change the current confusing behavior: if the user
  clicks remove and nothing is selected all items are removed. [4]
* Add an option to select items on the queue pages based on priority.
* Display more information about starting plugins. [5]
* Display where files received over N2NTM are stored, [6] as well as
  an indication of transfer progress.
* Display an indication of progress when downloading an update. [7]


[1] https://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2012-March/036054.html
[2] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4322
[3] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=3672
[4] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=5270
[5] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4998
[6] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4424
[7] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4940
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [freenet-dev] Statistics Project Update #1

2012-04-28 Thread Michael Grube
Are you assuming opennet, darknet, a mix?

On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 10:34 PM, Steve Dougherty wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Here's an update on my progress on the statistics project for the
> first week:
> The current probes are biased towards better-connected nodes: at each
> hop they choose a random peer to pass the request to - this is a random
> walk. However, because better-connected nodes by definition have more
> connections, the requests will be passed to them more often and they
> will be over-represented in results. To address this, the new probes I
> will implement will use Metropolis-Hastings correction: unlike the
> uniform random walk which always uses the random peer it picks, it is
> less likely to pick a well-connected node, and more likely to pick a
> poorly-connected node. As there are more chances to pick a
> well-connected node than a poorly-connected one, this balances out to
> a uniform probability to pick any given node.
> I'm starting from evanbd's network simulator,[1] which is able to
> generate networks based off theoretical models and perform some routing
> simulations. It can now also reproduce a given degree (number of peers)
> distribution which allows simulating the network as it is measured to be
> in addition to purely theoretical models.
> Currently I'm working on plotting the distribution of this routing
> strategy with different limits on hops before returning information -
> Hops To Live - HTL. This is to get a good number to start with in the
> implementation of these probes. I will also refactor the simulator and
> make it easier to configure: currently values are hard-coded and
> changing the simulation parameters means recompiling.

> My goal is to have this area of simulation done and have begun planning
> if not implementing the new probe requests by the end of next week.
> Thanks,
> operhiem1
> [1]
> USK@gjw6StjZOZ4OAG-pqOxIp5Nk11udQZOrozD4jld42Ac
> ,BYyqgAtc9p0JGbJ~18XU6mtO9ChnBZdf~ttCn48FV7s,AQACAAE/flog/29/200911.xhtml
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
> +FmJg/lPwBltn/gDXMRB0+vY1Msdbd/ydXx4JEqtJzeHUC/bqreLxMov2EqzYZAl
> 0kLmuNUp7Cn9h7PlhAVpQ5t7BMLbJF5UikDLHz3vUfAE4bKgDuNwiy9Z0Uf+zqr/
> esRD0qWn24dACBOA4rRAkb0b+14UgIKgMj3ohMRkpK2NgHuB4OUmGMOQIf/9h/Vb
> /FwruM6RdiUUd0g+ldKhzpfflqahKt30xjHCQeNvMZRx7N0OMJfnBUTbCP+ogaD5
> aM/BoXoKo1WUCjMKUN8vFvby1BF+4zolywyIhxUqrQv76yjoGvpI/K3qdsH5YWUG
> AZJeVbbQdV959S1waAU4gji2iEKVzhretZNBMQApY421WG1c0C8MUtNOY37zZ3iO
> q/Nxlck9vVDTNgXAs3vzm7VbuKeeyEfqHe+imIYhiqYjfqUQteSgO70T2gpMrw6f
> ojbs2ohtM7sXLPp8P6Lf57VcHEsmSUJkWTua7ycdPXGHmdo/MLqFLW3UVYsWzy5P
> c67y6yjvxVVqJfbu38FQ/mTqgOGTduU1568BYApBO9bp6/b+2jkZcfcIsL8apGM2
> vvjtxxxCfoESHobwH59NoSezslGxHBddEpWcDl2ggY6NgkzH72iAtjF4a4GRkGJM
> ju5xKSZ40OCpLNUCA/M0
> =cnM8
> ___
> Devl mailing list
> Devl@freenetproject.org
> https://emu.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devl
Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Yet Another GSoC Greetings

2012-04-28 Thread Pouyan Zaxar
Hi everyone!

I have been accepted for GSoC 2012 and I'm going to work on
reimplementation of FProxy using Apache Wicket. The main objective is to
separate structure (HTML) and design (CSS) of the web interface. Finally
it makes it possible for anyone even without prior Java knowledge to
write their own themes for Freenet.

Since a complete make-over is going to be done, this would also be a
good chance new features/functionalities to improve UI functionality:
suggestions more than welcome.

infinity0 is mentoring this project.

-- next part --
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Re: [freenet-dev] Yet Another GSoC Greetings

2012-04-28 Thread Steve Dougherty
Hash: SHA1

On 04/28/2012 05:25 AM, Pouyan Zaxar wrote:
> Since a complete make-over is going to be done, this would also be
> a good chance new features/functionalities to improve UI
> functionality: suggestions more than welcome.

Excellent! I'm glad to see this project being undertaken. Some changes
which occur to me:

* Collapse the wizard to a single page of choices. [1]
* Display a release announcement / changelog upon upgrade. [2]
* Stay on the same page after interacting with an alert instead of
  the current behavior of redirecting to the messages page.
* Change the language link on the status bar to an auto-refreshing
  dropdown like in the setup. [3]
* Add a select-all checkbox for each section in the queue pages. This
  would let us change the current confusing behavior: if the user
  clicks remove and nothing is selected all items are removed. [4]
* Add an option to select items on the queue pages based on priority.
* Display more information about starting plugins. [5]
* Display where files received over N2NTM are stored, [6] as well as
  an indication of transfer progress.
* Display an indication of progress when downloading an update. [7]


[1] https://emu.freenetproject.org/pipermail/devl/2012-March/036054.html
[2] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4322
[3] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=3672
[4] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=5270
[5] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4998
[6] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4424
[7] https://bugs.freenetproject.org/view.php?id=4940
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)

Devl mailing list

[freenet-dev] Yet Another GSoC Greetings

2012-04-28 Thread Pouyan Zaxar
Hi everyone!

I have been accepted for GSoC 2012 and I'm going to work on
reimplementation of FProxy using Apache Wicket. The main objective is to
separate structure (HTML) and design (CSS) of the web interface. Finally
it makes it possible for anyone even without prior Java knowledge to
write their own themes for Freenet.

Since a complete make-over is going to be done, this would also be a
good chance new features/functionalities to improve UI functionality:
suggestions more than welcome.

infinity0 is mentoring this project.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Devl mailing list