Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Jesse Phillips

This statement kind of worries me:

It seems like every minor release of D works different than 
previous ones.

Why would you release a version if it wasn't different from the 

It would be nice if one could give the oldest known working 
compiler, but there are still changes to old behavior which means 
some code would have more specific compiler versions needed.

Work is being done, but the issue will exist for some time so 
process to make it less painful is being put in place.

Re: DConf 2013 Day 3 Talk 5: Effective SIMD for modern architectures by Manu Evans

2013-07-12 Thread bearophile


This is interesting. I didn't know about this.

I have taken a look at this page:

There is a free compiler binary for various operating systems:

I have tried the Windows compiler on some of the given examples 
of code, and it works! And the resulting asm is excellent. Normal 
compilers for the usual languages aren't able to do produce not 
even nearly as good asm.

To try the code of the examples I compile like this:

ispc.exe --emit-asm stencil.ispc -o stencil.s

Or even like this to see the AVX2 asm instructions:

ispc.exe --target=avx2 --emit-asm stencil.ispc -o stencil.s

As example it compiles a function like this:

static void
stencil_step(uniform int x0, uniform int x1,
 uniform int y0, uniform int y1,
 uniform int z0, uniform int z1,
 uniform int Nx, uniform int Ny, uniform int Nz,
 uniform const float coef[4], uniform const float 

 uniform const float Ain[], uniform float Aout[]) {
const uniform int Nxy = Nx * Ny;

foreach (z = z0 ... z1, y = y0 ... y1, x = x0 ... x1) {
int index = (z * Nxy) + (y * Nx) + x;
#define A_cur(x, y, z) Ain[index + (x) + ((y) * Nx) + ((z) * Nxy)]
#define A_next(x, y, z) Aout[index + (x) + ((y) * Nx) + ((z) * 

float div = coef[0] * A_cur(0, 0, 0) +
coef[1] * (A_cur(+1, 0, 0) + A_cur(-1, 0, 0) +
   A_cur(0, +1, 0) + A_cur(0, -1, 0) +
   A_cur(0, 0, +1) + A_cur(0, 0, -1)) +
coef[2] * (A_cur(+2, 0, 0) + A_cur(-2, 0, 0) +
   A_cur(0, +2, 0) + A_cur(0, -2, 0) +
   A_cur(0, 0, +2) + A_cur(0, 0, -2)) +
coef[3] * (A_cur(+3, 0, 0) + A_cur(-3, 0, 0) +
   A_cur(0, +3, 0) + A_cur(0, -3, 0) +
   A_cur(0, 0, +3) + A_cur(0, 0, -3));

A_next(0, 0, 0) = 2 * A_cur(0, 0, 0) - A_next(0, 0, 0) +
vsq[index] * div;

To asm like (using SSE4):

pshufd  $0, %xmm7, %xmm9# xmm9 = xmm7[0,0,0,0]
cmpl156(%rsp), %r8d # 4-byte Folded Reload
movups  (%r14,%rdi), %xmm0
mulps   %xmm6, %xmm5
pshufd  $0, %xmm2, %xmm2# xmm2 = xmm2[0,0,0,0]
movq424(%rsp), %rdx
movups  (%rdx,%r15), %xmm6
mulps   %xmm3, %xmm2
pshufd  $0, %xmm10, %xmm3   # xmm3 = xmm10[0,0,0,0]
mulps   %xmm11, %xmm3
addps   %xmm2, %xmm3
addps   %xmm5, %xmm3
addps   %xmm4, %xmm0
movslq  %eax, %rax
movups  (%r14,%rax), %xmm2
addps   %xmm0, %xmm2
movslq  %ebp, %rax
movups  (%r14,%rax), %xmm0
addps   %xmm2, %xmm0
mulps   %xmm9, %xmm0
addps   %xmm3, %xmm0
mulps   %xmm6, %xmm0
addps   %xmm1, %xmm0
movups  %xmm0, (%r11,%r15)
jl  .LBB0_5
.LBB0_6:# %partial_inner_all_outer
#   in Loop: Header=BB0_4 

movq%r13, %rbp
movl156(%rsp), %r13d# 4-byte Reload
movq424(%rsp), %r9
cmpl64(%rsp), %r8d  # 4-byte Folded Reload
movq%r11, %rbx
jge .LBB0_257
# BB#7: # %partial_inner_only
#   in Loop: Header=BB0_4 

movd%r8d, %xmm0
movl84(%rsp), %r15d # 4-byte Reload
imull   400(%rsp), %r15d
pshufd  $0, %xmm0, %xmm0# xmm0 = xmm0[0,0,0,0]
paddd   .LCPI0_1(%rip), %xmm0
movdqa  %xmm8, %xmm1
pcmpgtd %xmm0, %xmm1
movmskps%xmm1, %edi
addl68(%rsp), %r15d # 4-byte Folded Reload
leal(%r8,%r15), %r10d

Or using AVX2 (this not exactly the equievalent piece of code) 
(The asm generates with AVX2 is usually significant shorter):

movslq  %edx, %rdx
vaddps  (%rax,%rdx), %ymm5, %ymm5
movl52(%rsp), %edx  # 4-byte Reload
leal(%rdx,%r15), %edx
movslq  %edx, %rdx
vaddps  (%rax,%rdx), %ymm5, %ymm5
vaddps  %ymm11, %ymm6, %ymm9
vaddps  %ymm10, %ymm8, %ymm10
vmovups (%rax,%rdi), %ymm12
addl$32, %r15d
vmovups (%r11,%rcx), %ymm6
movq400(%rsp), %rdx
vbroadcastss12(%rdx), %ymm7
vbroadcastss8(%rdx), %ymm8
vbroadcastss(%rdx), %ymm11
vaddps  %ymm12, %ymm10, %ymm10
cmpl48(%rsp), %r14d # 4-byte Folded Reload
vbroadcastss4(%rdx), %ymm12
vmulps  %ymm9, %ymm12, %ymm9
vfmadd213ps %ymm9, %ymm3, %ymm11
vfmadd213ps %ymm11, %ymm8, %ymm10
vfmadd213ps %ymm10, %ymm5, %ymm7
vfmadd213ps %ymm4, %ymm6, %ymm7
vmovups %ymm7, (%r8,%rcx)
jl  .LBB0_8
# BB#4: #

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Walter Bright

On 7/12/2013 12:22 PM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

Am 12.07.2013 21:00, schrieb Walter Bright:

On 7/12/2013 2:42 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

"D strives to prevent implicit conversion between user defined types at
all costs."

Ok - but I think it would be clearer if the statement added "for user
defined types".

For me there is already a "between user defined types" in the following 

"D strives to prevent implicit conversions between user defined types at all

Is that not clear enough?

It is. I was commenting from memory rather than re-reading it. My mistake.

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Benjamin Thaut

Am 12.07.2013 21:00, schrieb Walter Bright:

On 7/12/2013 2:42 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

"D strives to prevent implicit conversion between user defined types at
all costs."

Ok - but I think it would be clearer if the statement added "for user
defined types".

For me there is already a "between user defined types" in the following 

"D strives to prevent implicit conversions between user defined types at 
all costs."

Is that not clear enough?

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Walter Bright

On 7/12/2013 2:42 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

"D strives to prevent implict conversion between user defined types at
all costs."

I don't think this is true. Implicit conversions are very useful. What D
prevents are implicit conversions that can result in data loss, such as
integer truncation.

I did talk about implict conversions between user defined types. D does not have
implict construction, or implict casting like C++ does.

"alias this" is used for implicit casting. BTW, it's implicit. There's an 'i' 

I did not talk about builtin types.

Ok - but I think it would be clearer if the statement added "for user defined 

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Benjamin Thaut

Am 12.07.2013 15:26, schrieb Ary Borenszweig:

On 7/12/13 3:53 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

I started a small article series on D specific patterns & idioms on my
blog. I'm going to add more over time and hope that there are at least
some in there which are not already known to everyone.

You can find them here:

Currently there are two:

1) D implict conversion idiom:
2) D templated interface idiom:

Feedback is welcome.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

This sentence worries me a bit:

"The code shown above has been tested with dmd 2.063.2"

It seems like every minor release of D works different than previous
ones. Is that true? Isn't it enough to say "D2"? Can something be done
to prevent this?

The shown code should work all versions of D 2.0 since 2.053 (I'm using 
it since then). I only mentioned the version of the dmd compiler, 
because I previously had issues with some of my articles where someone 
would say "but that statement is not true, it works with the current 
version of dmd".

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Peter Alexander

On Friday, 12 July 2013 at 13:26:21 UTC, Ary Borenszweig wrote:

This sentence worries me a bit:

"The code shown above has been tested with dmd 2.063.2"

It seems like every minor release of D works different than 
previous ones. Is that true? Isn't it enough to say "D2"? Can 
something be done to prevent this?

D is still in the alpha phase of development, so things are still 
likely to change and break regularly. There's not much that can 
be done other than what's already being done, i.e. just try to 
implement everything and fix the major bugs as fast as possible. 
There's no silver bullet.

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Benjamin Thaut

Am 12.07.2013 17:12, schrieb Tobias Pankrath:

On Friday, 12 July 2013 at 09:42:28 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

"D strives to prevent implict conversion between user defined types at
all costs."

I don't think this is true. Implicit conversions are very useful. What D
prevents are implicit conversions that can result in data loss, such as
integer truncation.

I did talk about implict conversions between user defined types. D
does not have implict construction, or implict casting like C++ does.
I did not talk about builtin types.

What's about alias this?

Did you even read the article?

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Tobias Pankrath

On Friday, 12 July 2013 at 09:42:28 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

"D strives to prevent implict conversion between user defined 
types at

all costs."

I don't think this is true. Implicit conversions are very 
useful. What D
prevents are implicit conversions that can result in data 
loss, such as

integer truncation.

I did talk about implict conversions between user defined 
types. D does not have implict construction, or implict casting 
like C++ does. I did not talk about builtin types.

What's about alias this?

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Ary Borenszweig

On 7/12/13 3:53 AM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

I started a small article series on D specific patterns & idioms on my
blog. I'm going to add more over time and hope that there are at least
some in there which are not already known to everyone.

You can find them here:

Currently there are two:

1) D implict conversion idiom:
2) D templated interface idiom:

Feedback is welcome.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

This sentence worries me a bit:

"The code shown above has been tested with dmd 2.063.2"

It seems like every minor release of D works different than previous 
ones. Is that true? Isn't it enough to say "D2"? Can something be done 
to prevent this?

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Benjamin Thaut

"D strives to prevent implict conversion between user defined types at
all costs."

I don't think this is true. Implicit conversions are very useful. What D
prevents are implicit conversions that can result in data loss, such as
integer truncation.

I did talk about implict conversions between user defined types. D does 
not have implict construction, or implict casting like C++ does. I did 
not talk about builtin types.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Walter Bright

I think it's a nice blog and encourage you to do more!

On 7/12/2013 12:34 AM, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

1) D implict conversion idiom:

Well you have a typo in the first title...

The same misspelling occurs repeatedly in the article, so it's not a typo.



buildin => builtin

"D strives to prevent implict conversion between user defined types at all 

I don't think this is true. Implicit conversions are very useful. What D 
prevents are implicit conversions that can result in data loss, such as integer 

Re: Article series about patterns & idioms in D

2013-07-12 Thread Andrei Alexandrescu

On 7/11/13 11:53 PM, Benjamin Thaut wrote:

I started a small article series on D specific patterns & idioms on my
blog. I'm going to add more over time and hope that there are at least
some in there which are not already known to everyone.

You can find them here:

Currently there are two:

1) D implict conversion idiom:
2) D templated interface idiom:

Feedback is welcome.

Kind Regards
Benjamin Thaut

Well you have a typo in the first title...
