2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-21 Thread Andre Pany via Digitalmars-d-learn


I have a 2D double array and I want to subtract from the first 
column a value,

is this possible with matrix operation in D?

void main()
double[][] data = [[0.0, 1.4], [1.0, 5.2], [2.0, 0.8]];

// subtract -2.0 from the first column for every value

// Expected output
// data = [[-2.0, 1.4], [-1.0, 5.2], [0.0, 0.8]];


Kind regards

Re: 2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-21 Thread Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d-learn

On 2/21/20 12:51 AM, Andre Pany wrote:


I have a 2D double array and I want to subtract from the first column a 

is this possible with matrix operation in D?

void main()
     double[][] data = [[0.0, 1.4], [1.0, 5.2], [2.0, 0.8]];

     // subtract -2.0 from the first column for every value

     // Expected output
     // data = [[-2.0, 1.4], [-1.0, 5.2], [0.0, 0.8]];


Kind regards

I don't have experience with it but mir's ndslice is designed for this:


Although it feels like something similar is probably already in Phobos, 
I've come up with the following solution just now for fun:

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;

// At least something similar to this exists in Phobos?
struct ElementReference(R) {
  ElementType!(ElementType!R) * p;

  ref reference() {
return *p;

  alias reference this;

struct Column(R) {
  R range;
  size_t n;

  auto empty() {
return range.empty;

  auto front() {
return ElementReference!R(&(range.front[n]));

  auto popFront() {
return range.popFront();

auto byColumn(R)(R range, size_t n) {
  return Column!R(range, n);

void main() {
  double[][] data = [[0.0, 1.4], [1.0, 5.2], [2.0, 0.8]];

  data.byColumn(0).each!(a => a -= 2.0);


Re: 2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-21 Thread Andre Pany via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 February 2020 at 11:53:02 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

On 2/21/20 12:51 AM, Andre Pany wrote:


I have a 2D double array and I want to subtract from the first 
column a value,

is this possible with matrix operation in D?

void main()
     double[][] data = [[0.0, 1.4], [1.0, 5.2], [2.0, 0.8]];

     // subtract -2.0 from the first column for every value

     // Expected output
     // data = [[-2.0, 1.4], [-1.0, 5.2], [0.0, 0.8]];


Kind regards

I don't have experience with it but mir's ndslice is designed 
for this:


Although it feels like something similar is probably already in 
Phobos, I've come up with the following solution just now for 

import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;

// At least something similar to this exists in Phobos?
struct ElementReference(R) {
  ElementType!(ElementType!R) * p;

  ref reference() {
return *p;

  alias reference this;

struct Column(R) {
  R range;
  size_t n;

  auto empty() {
return range.empty;

  auto front() {
return ElementReference!R(&(range.front[n]));

  auto popFront() {
return range.popFront();

auto byColumn(R)(R range, size_t n) {
  return Column!R(range, n);

void main() {
  double[][] data = [[0.0, 1.4], [1.0, 5.2], [2.0, 0.8]];

  data.byColumn(0).each!(a => a -= 2.0);


Thanks a lot. Mir is great and actually I try to rewrite some 
Pandas Dataframe index logic. For my current project any 
dependency less
is a little headache less, therefore I try to avoid Mir at the 

but will definitely will have a look whether I can use it.

Thanks for the example, I will use it.

Kind regards

Re: 2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 February 2020 at 11:53:02 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

auto byColumn(R)(R range, size_t n) {
  return Column!R(range, n);

mir has byDim for something similar (numir also has alongDim).

This is how you would do it:

import mir.ndslice;

void main() {
auto x = [0.0, 1.4, 1.0, 5.2, 2.0, 0.8].sliced(3, 2);
x.byDim!1.front.each!"a -= 2";

My recollection is that it is a little bit trickier if you want 
to subtract a vector from each column of a matrix (the sweep 
function in R).

Re: 2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-21 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 February 2020 at 14:43:37 UTC, jmh530 wrote:


Actually, I kind of prefer the relevant line as
x.byDim!1[0].each!"a -= 2";
which makes it a little clearer that you can easily change [0] to 
[1] to apply each to the second column instead.

Re: 2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-21 Thread septc via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 February 2020 at 08:51:49 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:


I have a 2D double array and I want to subtract from the first 
column a value,

is this possible with matrix operation in D?

void main()
double[][] data = [[0.0, 1.4], [1.0, 5.2], [2.0, 0.8]];

// subtract -2.0 from the first column for every value

// Expected output
// data = [[-2.0, 1.4], [-1.0, 5.2], [0.0, 0.8]];


Kind regards

I've recently learning Mir and so interested in
this topic. For the above purpose, I am wondering if
this Numpy-like approach is also valid:

y[ 0..$, 0 ] *= 100;

The online editor (https://run.dlang.io/) seems to give
the expected result.

// (the below code is based on the post by jmh530)

import std.stdio;
import mir.ndslice;

void main()
auto x = [0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0].sliced(3, 2);
auto y = x.dup;

writeln( x );   // [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]
writeln( y );   // [[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]]

x.byDim!1.front.each!"a *= 100";

y[ 0..$, 0 ] *= 100;

writeln( x );   // [[0, 1], [200, 3], [400, 5]]
writeln( y );   // [[0, 1], [200, 3], [400, 5]]

Re: 2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-22 Thread 9il via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Friday, 21 February 2020 at 13:42:24 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
Mir is great and actually I try to rewrite some Python Pandas 
Dataframe index logic.

Maybe mir.series [1] can work for you.

Series!(Key*, Value*) - is a pair of two 1D ndslices, they can be 
sorted according to the first one ndslice (keys). Series has 
`get` methods.

Series!(Key*, Value*, 2) is a pair of 1D ndslice (keys) and 2D 
ndslice (values matrix).

Series has slicing primitives.

Keys corresponds to the first dimension.


Re: 2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-22 Thread Andre Pany via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 22 February 2020 at 08:29:32 UTC, 9il wrote:

On Friday, 21 February 2020 at 13:42:24 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
Mir is great and actually I try to rewrite some Python Pandas 
Dataframe index logic.

Maybe mir.series [1] can work for you.

Series!(Key*, Value*) - is a pair of two 1D ndslices, they can 
be sorted according to the first one ndslice (keys). Series has 
`get` methods.

Series!(Key*, Value*, 2) is a pair of 1D ndslice (keys) and 2D 
ndslice (values matrix).

Series has slicing primitives.

Keys corresponds to the first dimension.


Thanks a lot for all the answers.

Kind regards

Re: 2D matrix operation (subtraction)

2020-02-25 Thread jmh530 via Digitalmars-d-learn

On Saturday, 22 February 2020 at 08:29:32 UTC, 9il wrote:


Maybe mir.series [1] can work for you.

I had a few other thoughts after looking at septc's solution of 

y[0..$, 0] *= 100;
to do the calculation.

1) There is probably scope for an additional select function to 
handle the use case of choosing a specific row/column. For 
instance, what if instead of

y[0..$, 0]
you want
y[0..$, b, 0..$]
for some arbitrary b. I think you would need to do something like
y.select!1(b, b + 1);
which doesn't have the best API, IMO, because you have to repeat 
b. Maybe just an overload for select that only takes one input 
instead of two?

2) The select series of functions does not seem to work as easily 
as array indexing does. When I tried to use the 
select/selectFront functions to do what he is doing, I had to 
something like

auto z = y.selectFront!1(1);
z[] *= 100;
This would adjust y as expected (not z). However, I couldn't 
figure out how to combine these together to one line. For 
instance, I couldn't do

y.selectFront!1(1) *= 100;
auto y = x.selectFront!1(1).each!(a => a * 100);
though something like
y[0..$, 0].each!"a *= 100";
works without issue.

It got a little frustrating to combine those with any kind of 
iteration. TBH, I think more than the select functions, the 
functionality I would probably be looking for is more what I was 
doing with byDim!1[0] in the prior post.

I could imagine some very simple version looking like below
auto selectDim(size_t dim, T)(T x, size_t a, size_t b) {
return byDim!dim[a .. b];
with a corresponding version
auto selectDim(size_t dim, T)(T x, size_t a) {
return byDim!dim[a .. (a + 1)];
This simple version would only work with one dimension, even 
though byDim can handle multiple.