[slim] Re: pops between tracks

2005-09-21 Thread jwgraves

I have all wma files that are converted to mp3 files (via Lame) when
streamed and I get a pop/click in between each song also.  My
slimserver runs on linux, so the only way to play the wma files is to
have them  converted to ffmpeg first and have the output piped to lame
so that the stream is played as mp3.   I just got used to it, although
I'd love to figure out how to get rid of it.

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[slim] Thumbnail Artwork not displaying

2005-07-05 Thread jwgraves

I have all my artwork in a separate directoty, with a naming convention
of Artist_Album.jpg.  When Browsing Albums, the cover art is displayed
fine for each album.  However, when Browsing Artwork, no artwork is
displayed at all.  

My interface settings are as follows - 

Artwork Folder:
C:/My Music/Artwork


Artwork Thumbnail:

If I copy a specific jpg to the directory where the album resides and
rename it to folder.jpg, then the thumbnail will display for that
album.  But if I use the variable filename feature for thumbnails, the
thumbnails do not display when Browsing Artwork.

Also, I'm running Linux SlimServer Version: 6.0.2 - trunk.

Any ideas out there?


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[slim] Re: Duplicate albums titles from tags

2005-05-30 Thread jwgraves


Bingo!  The files in question all had the "Composer" tag valued and
that was causing them to appear in the artists list of albums and also
the composers list of albums.  I tried changing the setting under
"Behavior" to not include "composer, band and orchestra" but that had
no affect (even after clearing the cache).  Only way to fix the problem
was to clear out the "Composer" tag in all the files and clear the cache
out and rescan the library.

Everything is working fine nowthanks for the help.

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[slim] Re: Duplicate albums titles from tags

2005-05-28 Thread jwgraves

cdfreak Wrote: 
> It's not a bug per se, more of the way Slimserver does the albums. It
> already knows to look for "Greatest Hits" and "Best of" as an album
> name and split the albums out...but others (ie, "Footprints" in your
> case) will show up in the same list when browse by album is chosen.
> In slimserver.. server settings...behavior there is a section called
> "Common Album Titles". You'll see Greatest Hits, Best of, and Live
> already listed there. Add "Footprints" (and any other duped album
> names) to the list, click change, and then do a cache wipe and re-scan.
> It should hopefully put them in seperate folders now. I'd add Best Of,
> The Best of, The Best Of as well...
> hope it helps!

Thanks for the response, but I don't think that's what is happening
here.  The album is not duplicated, the song title is.  In my example,
Footprints is on Miles Davis' album "Miles Smiles" and is also on Wayne
Shorter's album "Adams Apple", so I can't add an album called Footprints
to the 'Common Album Titles' section.   
Is Slimserver truly reading the MP3 tags or does it create it's music
database from the directory structure?
It is definitely a bug (IMHO) because when I view an artist, Slimserver
will show an album that is not by that artist, all because in that album
is a song title that also happens to be by the original artist. This is
wrong and does not happen on any other music software I use (including
portable music players).

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[slim] Duplicate albums titles from tags

2005-05-26 Thread jwgraves

I have 4000 songs by 120 artists on 500 albums, all MP3 files and all
tags are in perfect shape.

Here's the problem.  When 'browsing artists' a number of albums that
are not by that artist appear in the list.  If I click on the album
title, I then see a few songs (not all of them) with the other artists
name displayed.  I have finally seen the pattern here.  The "duplicate"
albums or songs are always titles that just happen to exist on an album
by BOTH artists.  For example:  Footprints by Wayne Shorter and also by
Miles Davis, on different albums.  When viewing albums by Wayne Shorter
I see all of his albums PLUS the one additional album by Miles Davis
that also has a track called Footprints.

I've checked all tags and am certain they are correct which I can also
verify because other software I use reads the tags fine.  I've also
wiped  the cache and rescanned the library and still have the problem.

Anyone else have this bug?

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[slim] Streaming playlists

2005-05-24 Thread jwgraves

Is there a way to have anyone who plays my stream (for example: using
Winamp) to stream whatever  playlist is currently streaming?  It seems
that it is always necessary to first connect into the web interface,
create a playlist and start playing it, then play the stream.mp3
through winamp.  I'd like to  be able to give out my address to friends
and have them be able to play the stream that I am listening to and not
have to create their own (plus it would be nice to be able to password
protect the web interface, but not the stream).

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[slim] Re: Slim Server 6.0.2 not "playing"

2005-05-10 Thread jwgraves

I downloaded both lame.exe and lame_enc.dll and placed them in the bin
directory and everything then worked perfect:


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[slim] Re: Slimserver for Win98 and SB2

2005-05-10 Thread jwgraves

Deaf cat,
I'm using SlimServer on a Windows ME machine with no problems at all.
Only catch is I can't run it as a service, I have to start the app up,
close it and leave server running.


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[slim] Re: Slim Server 6.0.2 not "playing"

2005-05-10 Thread jwgraves

What kind of music files are you trying to play (wma, mp3, etc.)?

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[slim] Re: Running as a server in Windows 98/ME

2005-05-05 Thread jwgraves

Both ways seem to work, but annoyingly it leaves a "slim" MS-DOS window
active.  I can set the properties to run the window minimized, but the
"slim" MS-DOS window is left in the task bar.  My fear is someone will
close up the window which exits slim.exe and shuts down the server. 
Any way to get the slim server to startup in the background and stay
running without ANY windows from appearing?

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[slim] Running as a server in Windows 98/ME

2005-05-05 Thread jwgraves

Anyone know how to start the slimserver as a server and not have to
start the entire slimserver program/interface in Windows 98/ME?  I know
it's possible to start it as a service in XP, but want to do something
similar in 98/ME.  It seems to be possible in some way because if I
start the slimserver program and then close it up, it asks me if I also
want to stop the server - I just say NO and the program exits, but the 
server keeps running in the background.

One reason to do this is because if I turn on password protection for
the slimserver web interface, it also password protects the slimserver
program, which prevents it from starting up automatically at bootup (it
waits for a userid/password to be entered).

Thanks for any help.

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[slim] Re: Windows Media Files

2005-05-04 Thread jwgraves

Problem solved!

Found a copy of "lame.exe" out on the web and just copied it to the
/bin directory and my wma files are now working just fine.

Thanks for the help.


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[slim] Re: Windows Media Files

2005-05-04 Thread jwgraves

Please excuse my ignorance here:  I have lame_enc.dll (needed it for
some of my ripping software), do I need to have a lame.exe?  Never
needed that before - not even sure where to find it. Thanks for the

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[slim] Re: Windows Media Files

2005-05-04 Thread jwgraves

Nope, double-checked, my files are definitely NOT copy protected in any
way.  Thanks for the idea though.

I'm thinking this has something to do with WMADEC or LAME...any other
ideas out there?


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[slim] Re: Windows Media Files

2005-05-04 Thread jwgraves

No, they were all ripped from my own CD's and are 64kbps.

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[slim] Windows Media Files

2005-05-04 Thread jwgraves

A little help here please. I'm able to get MP3 files to stream no
problem, but I have over 5000 tracks in WMA format and none of them
will play in SlimServer.

I see the WMADEC.EXE file in the
SlimServer/server/Bin/MSWin32-x86-multi-thread/ directory and my
convert.conf file has the following default entry:

"wma mp3 * *
[wmadec] -r 44100 -b 16 -n 2 $FILE$ | [lame] -x --resample 44100 
--silent -q $QUALITY$ -b $BITRATE$ - -"

so I look all set to go, but when I access the FileTypes page in
SlimServer and turn on the "Windows Media...MP3...wmadec/lame" entry
and click on Change, I get the following error message:

"File Format Conversions 27:

Required binary was not found: [wmadec] -r 44100 -b 16 -n 2 $FILE$ |
[lame] -x --resample 44100 --silent -q $QUALITY$ -b $BITRATE$ - -"

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for any help!  It's greatly appreciated!


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