[discuss] Re: Short list with Pro's & Cons

2006-01-19 Thread Paul Mirowsky

Chad Smith wrote:

* Cross platform. Run it on Windows or Linux.

Thanks for not putting Mac on your list.  Unless you count NeoOffice,
I wouldn't tell people OOo runs on Mac.

While I've used a Mac Mouse about three times in my life, Tiger desktop 
and server have consistently kicked MS operating systems down to No.2.

Ref: InfoWorld and others

The Intel/Mac connection may make OOo interoperability on Tiger the most
important yet.

It's one thing to make it run faster, but another not to say anything at 


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[discuss] Line types for page border

2006-01-13 Thread Paul Mirowsky
Are page border line types used in Writer stored in a file type that can 
be modified or edited?

The ability to do this with 'Drawing' would a very nice touch.

Thank you in advance

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[discuss] Re: Sooner or Later

2006-01-12 Thread Paul Mirowsky
1) There are times in the history of America (with a capital A) that 
forced public domain on patent holders. It is a question of business 
interest.  I believe the case may be RCA and some sort of television patent.

2) The other possibility, of which some might hope, is that while 
Microsoft may hold the patent and the key to the city (capitol with a W) 
there just might be enough sanity in the Supreme Court to

put this to rest.

3) Who knows, maybe a politician might find it harmful to the security 
of our nation that the prime storage means for almost all data (read 
financial stability) is controlled by a non-government institution is 
enough to generate "appropriate" change.  Lately, if you mention 
security,  you can get away with anything.  This just might be the 
appropriate moment.


Roger Markus wrote:

Microsoft continues to acquire patents for things which have no business
being patented.  The article below from John Oates at the Register mentions
Linux and open source, without specifically naming OpenOffice, but - make no
mistake - we are in the same boat as Linux.  If Linux is destroyed, so to
will be OpenOffice.

Re:  The US Patent Office has upheld Microsoft's claim of patent rights over
its File Allocation Table.
 The decision reverses two earlier judgements and potentially allows
Microsoft to go after open-source developers who use the technology. FAT
controls how computers store information to hard drives and other storage
devices such as Flash cards.
 The US Patent and Trademark Office ruled that the file system is "novel
and non-obvious" and, therefore, deserving of a patent.
 The decision is important because it could mean Microsoft could force
open-source distributors to pay it a royalty or remove the software from
their products. Open-source software must, by definition, be patent-free.
Concerns over patents within some Linux distributions have been blamed for
hindering wider adoption of the operating system.
 Florian Mueller, founder of nosoftwarepatents.com, said the decision
gave Microsoft the weapons to attack Linux. Mueller said: "This is now a
situation in which Microsoft could cause major problems to Linux vendors and
users. Microsoft may not want to do that yet for other considerations, but
the USPTO's decision gives Microsoft the strategic option to do so at a time
of its choosing. Also, the USPTO and even the European Patent Office
continue to grant new patents to Microsoft daily, and some of them may be
equally dangerous to open source as the FAT patents.
 "The example of the FAT patents shows that all those patent quality
initiatives and patent pledges have no significant value to open-source
developers, vendors and users if Microsoft ever wants to go for Linux's

The US patent agency is either corrupt and/or imbecilic.  Unfortunately the
rot at the top is spreading.  Either we stop the rot or it will rot us.  The
irony of course is that even if the rot "wins", it will lose, because -
being a parasite - it cannot live without something to feed upon.  Let's put
it out of its misery sooner rather than later.  We could live with or
without Microsoft, but they can't live with us - or so they think, correctly
perhaps.  They have built up their mighty empire through theft of others'
ideas and through regularly breaking the law.  They are an illegal bunch of
scoundrels.  Apparently they realize that they cannot win a fair and open
fight and so ever more dirty do they become.

To save open source, only the force of honest law and people with backbone
and courage can... must... force them to stop ravaging and destroying the
computer industry and the freedom of the Internet.

I'm ranting and raving?  You bet.  The stakes are high and ranting after
your dreams and livelihood have been destroyed is too bloody late!  Now is
the time to have some backbone and stand up.  While I'm on the subject,
here's a call for the Microsoft supporters to get off of this list.  You
cannot support both Microsoft and OpenOffice.  If you support Microsoft, you
are for the destruction of OpenOffice and do not belong in this group.  Many
of us are stuck using Microsoft's illegal software through having no choice
- but that is no excuse to raise your voices in support of an illegal


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[discuss] Re: Idea for document switching

2006-01-09 Thread Paul Mirowsky

Edward Buck wrote:

Dave Barton wrote:

Mine is one of the 100+ votes for this issue. Unfortunately, I think it
will be some time (if ever) before we see a MDI version of OOo, because
the code rewrite to do this is not a simple task and the developers have
many other pressing issues to work on.

There are few enhancement requests that meet the following criteria:

* consensus - everyone wants it
* useful - you know it would be
* innovative - competing solutions don't offer it
* doable - it can be done
* marketable - it can bring new users

Tabbed document viewing happens to be one of those feature requests that 
meet all of the above criteria.  It should be a high priority feature 
for OOo 3.x.


Lotus WordPro does offer this. I wonder if the guys at IBM would be 
willing to share a liitle more code.


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[discuss] Re: Upper case problem in OO Calc

2005-12-30 Thread Paul Mirowsky

Tracey Ambrose wrote:

Hi, I've just discovered that I can't start a cell with a lower case letter,
I am being forced to have upper case and this can not even be over come in
formating, if there is a way to do it that I have missed please let me know,
otherwise I would REALLY appreciate having the ability to choose my own


I have noticed this common theme amongst these e-mails.

Perhaps the First Letter Uppercase function should be switchable via 
'styles'. When you don't want it, it will not be there. When you do, you 
will not care.


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[discuss] Re: Publisher

2005-12-30 Thread Paul Mirowsky

Zebri Shaari wrote:


Congrats on your overall success.
Is there plans to include a software similar to that of *microsoft 
publisher* or is there already a feature or  software with open office 
that you could easily create  vouchers/brochures etc.


While Publisher is interesting from an ease-of-use view, it has been 
horrendous as a none universal format.  Even from version to version.


What is lacking that you don't see in OOo Presentation before going that 


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[discuss] Re: Gates memo warns of 'disruptive' changes theory

2005-11-10 Thread Paul Mirowsky

Shawn K. Quinn wrote:

On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 11:31 -0500, Chad Smith wrote:


That's not a slam against OOo, merely a suggestion that a online version of
OOo (like, perhaps, the one Google is developing) would be a good idea right
about now.

Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't want everything I do with a word processor
to be routed through Google.

A little theory.

Suppose you make software that uses XML with numerous templates already 
to go.

Millions of users use these templates.

Billions of template documents are available.

A network software access point is made that allows all these documents
to be accessed and used as a resource based on security encryption.

What a database, man, what a database.

Am I talking about Microsoft or Google or OOo.

What do you think?


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[discuss] Re: a more complete office suite (Process Management)

2005-11-08 Thread Paul Mirowsky

Robbie Darrell Graham wrote:

Daniel Kasak wrote:

Robbie Darrell Graham wrote:

Let me first said I love what is happen in Open office.org. It about
time  some one took on Microsoft the right way. But there needs to be
some more work done. I think for some one who works in an office you
need complete office suite with out have the following. Word Processing,
Spreadsheets,Drawing,Database,Sideshows,Address book,Email,Scheduling
all these program and data need to be easy to go between them.

All these applications already exist. I am posting this message from
Thunderbird - an open-source email client.
If you know about Thunderbird but choose not to use it, how about
helping out write an email client for OpenOffice? There are a lot of
people like yourself who keep asking for it - get all of them together
and it should be child's play :)

Yes, I also use Thunderbird. But I would like to use something that was
integrated into open office like Outlook is in Microsoft Office.

It sounds like all the base packages are there already.

The unifying software between them might be called Process Management.

The ability to use  from OOWriter to Thunderbird from the Print 
Menu while selecting the attached file format. OO or PDF or whatever.

This is already being done by some software.

The heavy duty cog is the part where all outbound/inbound is controlled 
and tabled in history format.

When did you access something last, how many times, did you print a 
version and mail it as well as fax it.

This version of Big Brother is quite helpful as long as the user remains 
in control privately and already is a requirement for certain large 
government/corporations. H, Sarbanes-Oxeley anyone.

Organizer software is usually designed for the minimum of these 
processes and wouldn't complain if was available.

Anyway, what 'is' is a pretty amazing.


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[discuss] Re: Writer 2.0 suggestion (on the side)

2005-11-08 Thread Paul Mirowsky

B Terramorse wrote:

I have been trying to use 2.0, and there is a really big hurdle or missing
feature for me (or is it a bug?):

When using the sliders to change paragraph indents or margins, they do not
snap to a grid or increment and are therefore impossible to use accurately.
The only accurate way is to enter values into the dialog boxes. I have
turned on Grid and Align to Grid in options to no avail.

This is just awful, and I can't imaging committing to the product with the
ability to snap to some logical increment, such as 1/4 inch, 1/8 inch, 0.1
inch. Ideally the snap increment would be user-definable, like a CAD
program. Doing layout, setting up paragraph styles and arranging documents
is just not possible without it IMHO.

MS Word 2000, where we stopped, does snap to 1/8" increments, and when you
hold down the ALT key it disables the snap function, the slider moves freely
and the dimension is graphically shown (like 1.38") - Very nice.

I keep thinking this must be a bug - how could you design a graphics program
(which most APP's is) without this ability. Can you tell that I am an

Please add in! I'd love to switch, but this is a deal-breaker.


I have been using Lotus WordPro for quite a few years and have learned 
that a well developed paragraph style, either modifying the default or 
adding a new one, gets rid of this problem.

The hard part for me was un-training what I used to click on.

This brings me to something that I am much interested in, and am not 
sure is available in OOo.

As I understand it, sometimes 'tabs' are multiple spaces which is 
different then entering an increment in a style (x,y-axis coordinant 

On When changing ruler functions on a ruler such as tabs stops, a pop-up 
asks "Do you want to change your style?".

Yes -
Would you Like to make a new style?
Yes - Copies this style with change and asks for new
No - changes all paragraphs of that style definition
No - just change highlighted text.

If you ask this question, users will quickly understand what is 
consistent for making less work for themselves.

If you are consitant in your writing form you will just about always say 
"Yes" and reuse the defined/new style. While I haven't done a study on 
this, I have done a few 60 page documents.

Default setting:
Ask pop-up question "Do you want to change your style?"
No - Default setting: "Override style in ruler"
Yes - always changes paragraph style in entire document
No - always just change highlighted text.

WYSIWYG paragraph by paragraph editing does get the job done, but styles 
do better if you persevere.

Thank you for doing what you do.


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[discuss] Re: PDF file handling

2005-09-13 Thread Paul Mirowsky

Theodore Raphan wrote:


Is there any way to read PDF files directly with OpenOffice 2.0. Since 
it has such nice PDF writing capability, should it not have reading 
capabilities as well.


I may be slipping a little here, but what we really need is good small 
OOo viewer for documents created in same. Let Adobe do what it wants.

Is this so?


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