Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GRC's graphical sinks performance issues

2010-09-03 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 09/04/2010 12:01 AM, Eric Blossom wrote:
> FWIW, independent of GNU Radio, I've found that OpenGL support in
> Linux still leaves a lot to be desired in the performance and
> reliability departments.  (Spoken as someone who's recently tried high
> performance cards from both Nvidia and ATI, trying both the
> proprietary and open source drivers for each one...  on Fedora 13)
> Eric
I have a system upon which *none* of the Gnu Radio apps that include
OpenGL "stuff" will work at all, producing
  an almighty core dump from inside some Python gtk2 module.  Even when
  That's for identical F12 installations, Gnu Radio installations, etc,
etc.  Only difference is the video card.  And if I
  turn off OpenGL, things work.  But curiously enough the little OpenGL
test app, glxgears, works flawlessly (of course!).

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Flowgraph running in "fits and starts"

2010-09-03 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 09/03/2010 11:52 PM, Eric Blossom wrote:
> The throttle block was written so that the GUI elements could be
> tested without an inherently rate limiting source being in the graph.
> It is not designed to precisely rate limit anything.  For any use
> other than that, you're asking for trouble.  Think about it:  what
> definitely of time to you use?  Over what period of time do you
> average, etc, etc.
I understand that.  See below.

> It will do the right thing, assuming that all blocks "do the right
> thing" and compute as much output as they are asked to.
> You don't send it at the right rate, you let the sink (or source)
> handle the timing issues.
> Note that NONE of GNU Radio has any idea of the actual sample rate.
> There are some places where sample rates are used (e.g.,
> gr.sig_source), but they are there as a convenience so that people
> don't have to continually puzzle over normalized frequencies.
> However, this may give the impression that "sample_rate" actually
> means something in the real world, and it doesn't --- with the exception
> of i/o devices connected to a sample clock.
Yes, I "get" that.

> The display may appear to run in "fits and starts" because the
> internal decimation rate of the sink may be too high for the throttled
> data rate that you're sending.  It may take a long time to get enough
> data for the FFT sink to display anything.  Or there could be bugs in
> the sink...
> E.g., the GL fft sink has at least a bug or two related to the
> mis-specification of python's '/' operator.  If you use integers,
> 1/3 == 0, but 1.0/3 = .   The bug I'm thinking of shows up as a divide
> by zero in the persistence code when the ftt sink is invoked with its
> default parameters (sample_rate = 1, fft_rate = 15).  There may also
> be problems with mapping the user provided fft_rate into the
> decimation factor of the keep_one_in_n block.  Not sure about that
> one, but this is a place where it's possible to ask for ill-specified
> behavior.  E.g., if I say that the fft_rate is 15, and my sample rate
> is 1, do I expect interpolation by 15???
> See Python PEP-238 for background on the divide issue and the use of
>   from __future__ import division
> to debork the behavior of '/', and possibly help fix the sinks.
Thought about that, as well.  So replaced the graphical FFT sink with a
file sink, and set the
  "unbuffered" flag.  That file fills up in "fits and starts'--that is,
it spends quite a while with
  zero bytes in it, then really a lot of bytes, then no more bytes for
quite some time, then
  another lump of bytes, etc.  I confirmred that the "producer" end of
the FIFO was producing
  bytes at the correct rate.

So when I'm sending "real" data to an actual USRP (f'rexample), the
symbols will get clocked out at the right rate, provided
  that I issue those bits in sufficiently large lumps to prevent the
USRP from underrun on transmit.

But what about situations where you might have a source of bits that's
running in "real time" (like my little test case with the
  external FIFO), and you'd like the resulting symbols to be "clocked
out" at something resembling "real time"?  My test case
  was just a test case, but I can certainly imagine situations where it
actually matters.

> If you want to see the details of what the scheduler is doing,
> change
>   #define ENABLE_LOGGING 0
> to
>   #define ENABLE_LOGGING 1
> at the top of  It will then create a separate ASCII
> log file for each block.  They're named "sst-NNN.log".  The first line
> of each log identifies the block.
> Hope this helps!
> Eric

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GRC's graphical sinks performance issues

2010-09-03 Thread Eric Blossom
On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 04:21:53PM -0700, Jack Ott wrote:
> Matt Ettus wrote:
> > 
> > On 09/02/2010 07:09 AM, Jack Ott wrote:
> >>
> >> The strange thing is that when the fft's sample rate is at 25Msps which
> >> equals the USRP's bandwidth at a decimation of 4 everything works fine
> >> with
> >> the regular fft sink yet not with the OpenGL one. However when I increase
> >> the fft's sample rate to 50Msps which is 2x the USRP's bandwidth both
> >> sinks
> >> work fine. What does this mean?
> >>
> >> I'm really convinced all this is because graphics are rendered strictly
> >> through software. Does GRC even support graphics hardware acceleration?
> >> how
> >> do I configure it?
> > 
> > Jack,
> > 
> > I think you are missing the point here.  There is no need to lie to the 
> > program.  If you are sending the FFT sink 25 MS/s, then tell it you are 
> > sending it 25 MS/s.  If you give it a different rate you will have all 
> > sorts of other issues, like incorrect frequency scales on the display. 
> > If you want to decrease the processor load then reduce the display 
> > update rate.
> > 
> > If you have unaccelerated OpenGL, then the OpenGL version will be 
> > unacceptably slow.
> > 
> > Matt
> > 
> Thanks for pointing that out, I was wondering why the scales were acting up.
> Anyway, am setting up a fresh OS in a couple of days on a different machine,
> hopefully then I'll be able to pinpoint where I've gone wrong.
> Thanks everyone.

FWIW, independent of GNU Radio, I've found that OpenGL support in
Linux still leaves a lot to be desired in the performance and
reliability departments.  (Spoken as someone who's recently tried high
performance cards from both Nvidia and ATI, trying both the
proprietary and open source drivers for each one...  on Fedora 13)


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Flowgraph running in "fits and starts"

2010-09-03 Thread Eric Blossom
On Fri, Sep 03, 2010 at 10:09:01PM -0400, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
> I've got a flow-graph with a throttled random byte source, which is a
> test input for a modulator:
> The source is throttled to the byte rate required to produce the correct
> number of symbols/second (4800).

The throttle block was written so that the GUI elements could be
tested without an inherently rate limiting source being in the graph.
It is not designed to precisely rate limit anything.  For any use
other than that, you're asking for trouble.  Think about it:  what
definitely of time to you use?  Over what period of time do you
average, etc, etc.

 * \brief throttle flow of samples such that the average rate does not exceed 
 * \ingroup misc_blk
 * input: one stream of itemsize; output: one stream of itemsize
 * N.B. this should only be used in GUI apps where there is no other
 * rate limiting block.  It is not intended nor effective at precisely
 * controlling the rate of samples.  That should be controlled by a
 * source or sink tied to sample clock.  E.g., a USRP or audio card.

> What I've noticed is that this graph only runs in "fits and starts",
> rather than continuously.  I assume this has something to
>   do with the Gnu Radio buffering and internal scheduler.

> In the case of a "real" flow-graph, taking real data in at
> 4800symbols/second, going to a real USRP transmitter, will it still
>   run in "fits and starts" or will it "do the right thing"??

It will do the right thing, assuming that all blocks "do the right
thing" and compute as much output as they are asked to.

> I realize that buffering is an important part of Gnu Radio, but how do
> you actually send low-rate data in something approaching
>   correct real-time?

You don't send it at the right rate, you let the sink (or source)
handle the timing issues.

Note that NONE of GNU Radio has any idea of the actual sample rate.

There are some places where sample rates are used (e.g.,
gr.sig_source), but they are there as a convenience so that people
don't have to continually puzzle over normalized frequencies.
However, this may give the impression that "sample_rate" actually
means something in the real world, and it doesn't --- with the exception
of i/o devices connected to a sample clock.

> I at first thought this was due to the throttle block, so I replaced it
> with an external (via a FIFO) source that produced random bytes
>   at a 1200-bytes/second rate (2 bits/symbol), and it behaves exactly
> the same as a a throttled random source--the graph seems to run in
>   "fits and starts".

The display may appear to run in "fits and starts" because the
internal decimation rate of the sink may be too high for the throttled
data rate that you're sending.  It may take a long time to get enough
data for the FFT sink to display anything.  Or there could be bugs in
the sink...

E.g., the GL fft sink has at least a bug or two related to the
mis-specification of python's '/' operator.  If you use integers,
1/3 == 0, but 1.0/3 = .   The bug I'm thinking of shows up as a divide
by zero in the persistence code when the ftt sink is invoked with its
default parameters (sample_rate = 1, fft_rate = 15).  There may also
be problems with mapping the user provided fft_rate into the
decimation factor of the keep_one_in_n block.  Not sure about that
one, but this is a place where it's possible to ask for ill-specified
behavior.  E.g., if I say that the fft_rate is 15, and my sample rate
is 1, do I expect interpolation by 15???

See Python PEP-238 for background on the divide issue and the use of

  from __future__ import division

to debork the behavior of '/', and possibly help fix the sinks.

If you want to see the details of what the scheduler is doing,

  #define ENABLE_LOGGING 0


  #define ENABLE_LOGGING 1

at the top of  It will then create a separate ASCII
log file for each block.  They're named "sst-NNN.log".  The first line
of each log identifies the block.

Hope this helps!


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Flowgraph running in "fits and starts"

2010-09-03 Thread Marcus D. Leech
I've got a flow-graph with a throttled random byte source, which is a
test input for a modulator:

The source is throttled to the byte rate required to produce the correct
number of symbols/second (4800).

What I've noticed is that this graph only runs in "fits and starts",
rather than continuously.  I assume this has something to
  do with the Gnu Radio buffering and internal scheduler.

In the case of a "real" flow-graph, taking real data in at
4800symbols/second, going to a real USRP transmitter, will it still
  run in "fits and starts" or will it "do the right thing"??

I realize that buffering is an important part of Gnu Radio, but how do
you actually send low-rate data in something approaching
  correct real-time?

I at first thought this was due to the throttle block, so I replaced it
with an external (via a FIFO) source that produced random bytes
  at a 1200-bytes/second rate (2 bits/symbol), and it behaves exactly
the same as a a throttled random source--the graph seems to run in
  "fits and starts".

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Getting my feet wet on the Tx side of the world

2010-09-03 Thread Marcus D. Leech
OK, so I'm wetting my collective feet (all two of them) in the Tx side
of the world, with a comms/telecom application, no less.

I'm playing with the OP25 project, which is an open-source initiative to
produce tools to deal with the so-called
  "Project 25" digital radio standard that is emerging as the way lots
of public-service people talk to each other
  on their radios.

The TX side of the project is still fairly primitive--they have a
hand-coded flow-graph that implements an APCO-25 4-level
  FSK modulator, using an *audio* sink, and then carefully plugging the
audio into the guts of a physical radio, right at the
  FM modulator (for those of you who were around in the old amateur
packet radio days, that's the way we used to do 9600BPS
  packet--bypass the usual FM audio filtering, and plug directly into
the FM modulator).

So, I decided to adapt what they'd done on the audio side to driving a
USRP directly (with an appropriate RF card, naturally).

The audio version of their modulator is fairly straightforward.  It
takes two-bit sequences from a packed-byte stream, and uses them
  to produce symbols from a simple [1.0, 3.0, -1.0, -3.0]
chunks-to-simples conversion.  From there, the symbols are run through
  an RRC filter, then an FM preemphasis filter, then a gain multiplier
block, and thence to the audio sink.

I have constructed a flow-graph in GRC that I think does pretty-much the
same thing, only instead of dumping to the audio port, it
  has an FM modulator block, and then goes to a USRP sink, with
appropriate interpolation specified.

My GRC flow-graph is here:

APCO-25 runs at a nominal symbol rate of 4800sps, to give 9600BPS, and
occupies a nominal 12.5KHz of bandwidth. The rest of it
  involves the usual suspects of FEC coding, packetizing, etc, etc.  I'm
just interested in getting the modulator correct at this stage, since
  the rest of the "goo" is already partially addressed in the existing
OP25 work.

I'm not sure that my parameters for the RRC are correct, for one, and
exactly what to set the "sensitivity" parameter to in the
  the FM modulator (I imagine it's similar to setting the deviation
control on an analog FM modulator).

Also, I've copied the signal processing chain almost directly from the
version of the modulator that dumps to the audio port, so perhaps
  there are shortcuts I can take to produce a nice APCO-25 4-level FSK
signal that are "cheaper".

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] GRC's graphical sinks performance issues

2010-09-03 Thread Jack Ott

Matt Ettus wrote:
> On 09/02/2010 07:09 AM, Jack Ott wrote:
>> The strange thing is that when the fft's sample rate is at 25Msps which
>> equals the USRP's bandwidth at a decimation of 4 everything works fine
>> with
>> the regular fft sink yet not with the OpenGL one. However when I increase
>> the fft's sample rate to 50Msps which is 2x the USRP's bandwidth both
>> sinks
>> work fine. What does this mean?
>> I'm really convinced all this is because graphics are rendered strictly
>> through software. Does GRC even support graphics hardware acceleration?
>> how
>> do I configure it?
> Jack,
> I think you are missing the point here.  There is no need to lie to the 
> program.  If you are sending the FFT sink 25 MS/s, then tell it you are 
> sending it 25 MS/s.  If you give it a different rate you will have all 
> sorts of other issues, like incorrect frequency scales on the display. 
> If you want to decrease the processor load then reduce the display 
> update rate.
> If you have unaccelerated OpenGL, then the OpenGL version will be 
> unacceptably slow.
> Matt
> ___
> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Thanks for pointing that out, I was wondering why the scales were acting up.
Anyway, am setting up a fresh OS in a couple of days on a different machine,
hopefully then I'll be able to pinpoint where I've gone wrong.

Thanks everyone.

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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD host resources and system suggestions

2010-09-03 Thread Marcus D. Leech
On 09/03/2010 04:52 PM, Marc Epard wrote:
> Sorry to reply to myself, but we just got the new Ethernet NIC so both USRP2s 
> report WE_TX flow control. Nothing changed.
> And I have a correction for the types of ethernet cards. The onboard NIC is 
> the Broadcom. Ethernet 2 (and now 3) appear to be Realtek RTL8111/8168B.
> On Sep 3, 2010, at 3:10 PM, Marc Epard wrote:
I'll comment that a 1.6GHz machine that's getting close to 4 years old
isn't particularly "beefy" by todays standards.  Certainly not
  beefy enough to sustain two 25Msps threads without "problems".

Just the interrupt load alone is rather frightening.  The packets used
by the USRP2 aren't terribly big, something like 300-500 bytes
  I think.  So, 25e6 / 3e2 = 83Kpackets/second--depending on your NIC,
each of those packets could be creating an interrupt!

Then you have to actually process the darn things -- copy up to user
space, "do stuff", and present the result of that "stuff" either back out
  to the network, or into your software (FFT display, whatever).

To give some perspective.  I run my radio astronomy Rx-only "stack" on a
6-core machine doing "stuff" that's  of the same order of
  complexity as modern telecom-type signal processing.  At 5 or 6MHz
bandwidth, the machine is working *really* hard.  That's a machine
  with an AMD Phenom II X6 1090t, running at 3.2GHz/core with 6GB of
*fast* memory.  [And I suspect a flaky power supply, but that's
  a topic for another day :-) ].

Marcus Leech
Principal Investigator
Shirleys Bay Radio Astronomy Consortium

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] UHD host resources and system suggestions

2010-09-03 Thread Marc Epard
Sorry to reply to myself, but we just got the new Ethernet NIC so both USRP2s 
report WE_TX flow control. Nothing changed.

And I have a correction for the types of ethernet cards. The onboard NIC is the 
Broadcom. Ethernet 2 (and now 3) appear to be Realtek RTL8111/8168B.

On Sep 3, 2010, at 3:10 PM, Marc Epard wrote:

> I'm a puzzled by some UHD behavior and wondering if I need a new host system. 
> I'm not doing any signal processing in the host -- just transmitting from a 
> buffer and/or receiving from a buffer. Later, we'll be wanting to do more 
> processing with two USRP2s both transmitting and receiving at the same time 
> and may want 25 Msps in some cases.
> I've managed to get simultaneous receive threads going for each of two 
> USRP2s, both at 25 Msps (big buffers are good). The GUI still updates, but is 
> a little sluggish. It's fragile, though. If I do much at all with the GUI 
> (sometimes just moving the mouse), recv's start timing out. System Monitor 
> shows no memory pressure and both CPUs at 50-60%. FWIW, I'm running my C++ 
> app via SSH from another machine.
> Transmitting is worse. Even a solo transmit thread at 25 Msps (plus a thread 
> calling recv_async_msg) causes the GUI to be unusable and I get frequent Us 
> on both the host and the USRP2's serial port, as well as tons of 
> recv_async_msg. I can't tell what the CPU utilization is because System 
> Monitor stops updating. 6.25 Msps is better, but I still get a few Us and a 
> System Monitor manages to update and shows CPU utilization of 80% and 55%. 
> Again, I'm only transmitting from a buffer that I fill once up front and send 
> over and over again  with no signal processing.
> I'm specifying recv_buff_size=100e6 and send_buff_size=100e6; 
> net.core.rmem_max and net.core.wmem_max are set to 1. I'm calling 
> uhd::set_thread_priority_safe from each of my threads. I'm using the latest 
> gnuradio and UHD software/firmware/FPGA (the recent release with USRP1 
> support). I have Ubuntu 10.4 with stock ethernet drivers. 
> I've itemized a few details of the hardware setup below. What systems are you 
> all using for MIMO-like work with USRP2s and UHD? What systems do you 
> recommend or wish you had? Are there other changes I should make to my 
> current system?
> -Marc
> Dell DCDO tower manufactured in 2007
> Dual-core Xeon 5110 @ 1.60 GHz
> 2 GB RAM
> Lots of slots - mix of PCI, PCIe, PCI-X
> Ethernet 0:  USRP2 with DBSRX
> Onboard 10/100/1000 Ethernet. 
> USRP2 says no flow control and we're getting another PCI Express card.
> Ethernet 1: network connection
> D-Link PCI NIC
> No flow control
> Ethernet 2:  USRP2 with XCVR2450
> PCI Express 10/100/1000 Ethernet NIC 
> Ubuntu identifies it as Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5752
> USRP2 says it gets WE_TX flow control
> ___
> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] UHD host resources and system suggestions

2010-09-03 Thread Marc Epard
I'm a puzzled by some UHD behavior and wondering if I need a new host system. 
I'm not doing any signal processing in the host -- just transmitting from a 
buffer and/or receiving from a buffer. Later, we'll be wanting to do more 
processing with two USRP2s both transmitting and receiving at the same time and 
may want 25 Msps in some cases.

I've managed to get simultaneous receive threads going for each of two USRP2s, 
both at 25 Msps (big buffers are good). The GUI still updates, but is a little 
sluggish. It's fragile, though. If I do much at all with the GUI (sometimes 
just moving the mouse), recv's start timing out. System Monitor shows no memory 
pressure and both CPUs at 50-60%. FWIW, I'm running my C++ app via SSH from 
another machine.

Transmitting is worse. Even a solo transmit thread at 25 Msps (plus a thread 
calling recv_async_msg) causes the GUI to be unusable and I get frequent Us on 
both the host and the USRP2's serial port, as well as tons of 
recv_async_msg. I can't tell what the CPU utilization is because System Monitor 
stops updating. 6.25 Msps is better, but I still get a few Us and a bunch of 
manages to update and shows CPU utilization of 80% and 55%. Again, I'm only 
transmitting from a buffer that I fill once up front and send over and over 
again  with no signal processing.
I'm specifying recv_buff_size=100e6 and send_buff_size=100e6; net.core.rmem_max 
and net.core.wmem_max are set to 1. I'm calling 
uhd::set_thread_priority_safe from each of my threads. I'm using the latest 
gnuradio and UHD software/firmware/FPGA (the recent release with USRP1 
support). I have Ubuntu 10.4 with stock ethernet drivers. 

I've itemized a few details of the hardware setup below. What systems are you 
all using for MIMO-like work with USRP2s and UHD? What systems do you recommend 
or wish you had? Are there other changes I should make to my current system?



Dell DCDO tower manufactured in 2007
Dual-core Xeon 5110 @ 1.60 GHz
Lots of slots - mix of PCI, PCIe, PCI-X

Ethernet 0:  USRP2 with DBSRX
Onboard 10/100/1000 Ethernet. 
USRP2 says no flow control and we're getting another PCI Express card.

Ethernet 1: network connection
No flow control

Ethernet 2:  USRP2 with XCVR2450 PCI Express 10/100/1000 Ethernet NIC 
Ubuntu identifies it as Broadcom NetXtreme BCM5752
USRP2 says it gets WE_TX flow control

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 and external RF tuner

2010-09-03 Thread Jeffrey Lambert
Well, you haven't really provided enough information here.  Assuming 
that your "RF Tuner" consists of some sort of frequency conversion and 
an LO, you should know that you will always have leakage between the LO 
input into the mixer and the IF output.  Perhaps that is what you are 
seeing?  Does your RF Tuner have any sort of filtering?  If the spurious 
signal is on the IF, amplifying it will also amplify the spurious products.


On 9/3/2010 11:45 AM, Luca Pascale wrote:

Hi Matt,

I have connected the RF tuner that provides (nominal) a gain of 30 dB.
So the chain is (SIGGEN)--->(TUNER)--->(USRP2).
The tuner itself introduces spurious signal (below -70dBm).
The output spectrum is:

a) without tuner (description is above the picture)

b) with tuner

Do I need more amplification on the IF signal ?
Or does exist another way to obtain a clear spectrum with the injected
tone only ?

Is it possible that some spurious are due to the downconvertion process ?


~Jeffrey Lambert, K1VZX

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Dimension of the y axis using

2010-09-03 Thread William Cox
You'll need to read the datasheet for the ADC. It's a AD9862.  From there
you'll know the full range. I suspect is south of 3.3v as that's the boards
power supply.
An easier solution is to use a precision function generator and calibrate.
Send in a known signal and see what the graph displays. Change the known
signal, rinse and repeat.

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Fabian Steiner  wrote:

> Hello -
> > It will be completely dependent on your receiver chain. My understanding
> > is
> > that the values you are seeing are the output of the ADC, so you'll need
> > to
> > figure out what the voltages at that point are. Perhaps someone else can
> > be
> > more helpful, but you'll need to do the legwork.
> > What receiver are you using?
> > -William
> I am using a LFRX board. I know that the usrp's ADC has a resolution of
> 12bit, but what is the maximum value it can deal with? Unfortunately, I
> haven't found any information on this issue yet.
> Looking forward to further pieces of advice.
> Cheers, Fabian
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

RE: [Discuss-gnuradio] Help needed to understand scopesink2

2010-09-03 Thread Suleja, Lukasz
Thanks to Alex for pointing out a mistake in the code snippet, it should

self.interface_rate = 1e6 # i.e. 1 MS/s
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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Help needed to understand scopesink2

2010-09-03 Thread Alexandru Csete
On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Suleja, Lukasz  wrote:
> I am using the following code snippet to view a 100kHz sinewave on a virtual
> oscilloscope:
> self.interface_rate = 1e9
> self.src = gr.sig_source_c(self.interface_rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 1e3, 1)
> self.scope = scopesink2.scope_sink_c(panel, sample_rate=self.interface_rate)
> self.connect(self.src, self.scope)
> As I increase the frequency of the sine wave to 100kHz, the resolution of
> the plotted points deteriorates.
> With a sampling rate of 1MHz and a sine wave frequency of 100kHz, I would
> expect the time interval between plotted point to always be 1us. However, if
> I reduce the time-base and select the marker to be "Dot Larg" I can clearly
> see that the time-period is not the expected 1us.
> Please could some one shed some light on why there appears to be a
> discrepancy; or are my expectation just incorrect.

You use sample rate 1e9 = 1 Gsps - I think that's slightly above what
is possible on standard PC. Maybe that's just a typo?


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] USRP2 and external RF tuner

2010-09-03 Thread Luca Pascale
Hi Matt,

I have connected the RF tuner that provides (nominal) a gain of 30 dB. So
the chain is (SIGGEN)--->(TUNER)--->(USRP2).
The tuner itself introduces spurious signal (below -70dBm).
The output spectrum is:

a) without tuner (description is above the picture)

b) with tuner

Do I need more amplification on the IF signal ?
Or does exist another way to obtain a clear spectrum with the injected tone
only ?

Is it possible that some spurious are due to the downconvertion process ?


2010/9/2 Matt Ettus 

> The BasicRX has no amplification.  Its full scale amplitude is +10dBm. The
> ADC in the USRP2 has a rated SFDR of 88dBFS.  That means you may see spurs
> at levels high as -78dBm equivalent when using a BasicRX.  In the plots you
> sent me, your signal is -50 dBm and the spur is more than 40 dB lower,
> putting it at better than -90dBm, or more than 12dB better than the spec.
>  That is what you need to expect from a real-world ADC.
> Normally, if you want to look at a -60dBm signal, you will amplify it a lot
> before you put it into the ADC.  That will make it much stronger than the
> spurs.  This is why boards like the RFX, DBSRX, and WBX all have amplifiers.
>  I suggest amplifying your signal by at least 30dB.
> Matt
> On 09/01/2010 06:10 AM, Luca Pascale wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am working with a usrp2+BasicRx and an external tuner with a 21.4 MHz
>> IF output and a bandwidth of about 20 MHz.
>> The same setup but with usrp1 (instead of usrp2) it's working well.
>> Now I am injecting a tone at 21.45 MHz (-60 dBm) at the input of the
>> BasicRX and set the usrp2 freq at 21.4MHz (with "set_rx_freq()" UHD API).
>> The problem is that:
>> a) with sample rate > of about 3.125M I have 2 strong spuriouses. The
>> first in the middle of the FFT (FFTDIM/2) and the second one at about
>> the middle of the second half of the FFT
>> b) with a sample rate <=3.125 the second spurious disappear but the
>> first at FFTDIM/2 is still present.
>> In both case I can also see the tone at 21.45MHz.
>> To compute the spectrum I use matlab
>> [10*log10(|fftshift(fft(signal*window))|^2)].
>> Am I doing mistakes or someone have the same problem ?
>> Suggestions ?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Luca
>> ___
>> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] Help needed to understand scopesink2

2010-09-03 Thread Suleja, Lukasz
> I am using the following code snippet to view a 100kHz sinewave on a
> virtual oscilloscope:
> self.interface_rate = 1e9
> self.src = gr.sig_source_c(self.interface_rate, gr.GR_SIN_WAVE, 1e3,
> 1)
> self.scope = scopesink2.scope_sink_c(panel,
> sample_rate=self.interface_rate)
> self.connect(self.src, self.scope)
> As I increase the frequency of the sine wave to 100kHz, the resolution
> of the plotted points deteriorates.
> With a sampling rate of 1MHz and a sine wave frequency of 100kHz, I
> would expect the time interval between plotted point to always be 1us.
> However, if I reduce the time-base and select the marker to be "Dot
> Larg" I can clearly see that the time-period is not the expected 1us.
> Please could some one shed some light on why there appears to be a
> discrepancy; or are my expectation just incorrect.
> I noticed that the scope base class makes references to message
> queues; is the discrepancy simply an OS timing issue.
> Regards,
> Lukasz
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Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] Adding a FFT to USRP2 design.

2010-09-03 Thread SteveChrepta

Hi Matteo,

It sounds like you are using one of the BLOCK I/O xilinx FFT cores.  As you
said, the core loads the
input i & q values, performs computation, then outputs the i & q FFT
results.  And yes, during the load
and computation latency periods, there will be the lack of useable output
samples.  The problem with this,
is there may be no way of determining when the first actual fft output
sample exists in the sample stream.
Unless you put in logic to force some recognizable pattern prior to the fft
output.  I'm not sure if your
blocks of 0's will be easy enough for you to find the first fft output
sample, but if it works for you, excellent.

Also, due to the non-streaming operation of the block i/o fft core, you will
most likely miss blocks of 
input samples from the ADC.

Xilinx has a nice app note on the FFT LogicCores, and in there is timing for
all the ffts, including streaming
ffts if you require them.

Sorry, I am not familiar with the fpga design well enough to advise as to
the placement of the fft, or its timimg.


Matteo Carucci wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm traying to add an FFT module to the the "base" design of the usrp2.
> I've found, in my opinion, where is the best place to add it. Between
> the module dsp_core_rx_old and the module rx_control.
> If i am right, the dsp_core_rx_old takes the input from the adc and
> takes out (doing decimation and other stuff) i & q in 16 bit, placed
> together in the output signal sample[31:0].
> This the goes in the rx_control module which is , in a semplified way
> to say it, a rx buffer with some fifos, before all goes in the big
> buffer pool to be sent with eth.
> Now, my idea is to place a FFT pipelined module cloked with dsp_clock,
> between this two modules, so as soon as i have i & q i can transform
> them in "ffti" & "fftq", keeping the same dimension of 16 bit (it's a
> scaled fft, for space & design reason).
> The fft module is a xilinx ip core module, that can, after a
> calculation latency, stream the result to ouput and in the same time
> do calculation and get other input sample.
> So, with this kind of module, i get some 0's in the sample wire during
> the calculation latency, then the data streams out normally without
> "damaging" the whole structure. So i have, in the first simple design,
> i & q that are sent to host as usual, but they are implicity "packed"
> in N fft result, [0--0],   0...N-1, 0...N-1, with the numbers of
> 0's that are placed before the the first good fft result.
> The first (easy) application is only to send this modified data to
> host, then if this works i will see how to do some selection on the
> samples.
> Is this possible? From simulation, it's easy to see the results, but i
> can't simulate the whole design of course, so i'm asking if, knowing
> the
> flow of data, this is a feasible structure.
> Another thing i want to ask is, when the usrp2 send data to host, the
> dsp_rst (a reset) is not activated during the stream, right? It's a
> continuous flow of sample until it is stopped, if i have understood
> well.
> Thank you
> -- 
> Matteo
> ___
> Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

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[Discuss-gnuradio] Adding a FFT to USRP2 design.

2010-09-03 Thread Matteo Carucci

i'm traying to add an FFT module to the the "base" design of the usrp2.

I've found, in my opinion, where is the best place to add it. Between
the module dsp_core_rx_old and the module rx_control.
If i am right, the dsp_core_rx_old takes the input from the adc and
takes out (doing decimation and other stuff) i & q in 16 bit, placed
together in the output signal sample[31:0].
This the goes in the rx_control module which is , in a semplified way
to say it, a rx buffer with some fifos, before all goes in the big
buffer pool to be sent with eth.

Now, my idea is to place a FFT pipelined module cloked with dsp_clock,
between this two modules, so as soon as i have i & q i can transform
them in "ffti" & "fftq", keeping the same dimension of 16 bit (it's a
scaled fft, for space & design reason).
The fft module is a xilinx ip core module, that can, after a
calculation latency, stream the result to ouput and in the same time
do calculation and get other input sample.

So, with this kind of module, i get some 0's in the sample wire during
the calculation latency, then the data streams out normally without
"damaging" the whole structure. So i have, in the first simple design,
i & q that are sent to host as usual, but they are implicity "packed"
in N fft result, [0--0],   0...N-1, 0...N-1, with the numbers of
0's that are placed before the the first good fft result.

The first (easy) application is only to send this modified data to
host, then if this works i will see how to do some selection on the

Is this possible? From simulation, it's easy to see the results, but i
can't simulate the whole design of course, so i'm asking if, knowing
flow of data, this is a feasible structure.
Another thing i want to ask is, when the usrp2 send data to host, the
dsp_rst (a reset) is not activated during the stream, right? It's a
continuous flow of sample until it is stopped, if i have understood

Thank you


Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] use of a "bulletin board" system in lieu of a mailing-list discussion

2010-09-03 Thread Douglas Geiger
On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Matt Ettus  wrote:
> On 09/02/2010 10:47 AM, Dan Harasty wrote:
>>  Hello, all.
>> OK, I know I'm just the "new guy" here, and it may be poor form to
>> suggest that a well established forum should change its ways
>> But I find the email-based discussion list VERY inefficient.
> A lot of people on here seem to use Nabble which provides the bulletin board
> interface.  The mailing list already has search and archive features, as do
> Nabble and Google.
> On a more philosophical note, I think a mailing list better encourages
> participation and community.  For example, if everyone only looked at the
> forum when they had a question that they were hoping to have answered, then
> there would never be anybody there to answer them.
> Matt

I generally agree with Matt's comments, but I'll add two things:
 1.) The Wiki is there to be a more permanent repository of knowledge
(i.e. something that's easy to reference vs. the 'conversational'
style of the mailing list)

 2.) I do see the value of some of the more recent Q&A type websites.
In particular I'll point to stackoverflow (and the related
stackexchange set of websites) as an excellent repository of knowledge
that excels at building a community. Although, while there are a few
questions tagged [gnuradio] on stackoverflow, I don't think it has
caught on as a place to ask DSP/comms/gnuradio related programming

In any event, I personally still see lots of value in participating
the mailing list, but figured I'd throw out the fact that there are
already some other options to look for information.

Doug Geiger

Discuss-gnuradio mailing list

[Discuss-gnuradio] run two usrp app on two usrp meet: usrp_standard_common: failed to read FPGA cap register.

2010-09-03 Thread John Wu
Hi all, I run two usrp apps on two usrp, each set the which usrp correctly,
but meet usrp_standard_common: failed to read FPGA cap register when I run
the second app.
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